V t i VOL. 8. WARRENTON, N. , C, FRIDAY, JUKE 20, 1902. NO. 13 ID TF? OTIOE. If this Etace has the Red S Hark it "i: is to infcm yen that your c-tscn-ticn is out, and unless re cd the paper will ho stepped. LOCAL ITEMS f ip colons. lAoai-i.'ii not Friday. Tiu' vlays suv ut their longest, buj-iiu s local wanting to liiro ft j.. ;ulv. of tht State University in oe: by N, M. Talme Mr. ami 'Airs. Ivey Alleu and their j Mr. E. W. Jefiress, of Palmer's little baby, of Louislmrg, came in Springs, Ya,, was in town Yesterday. Messrs. James Brodie and Edmund yesterday and are stopping at S. Allen's, their sister. Mrs. E The good people of Gardner's cliurch will have on all day service next Sun day. Children's Day exercises in the morning ami tho pastor, Rev. A. Cree will preach iu the afternoon. This congregation have just gotten in a handsome new organ. Taylor, of Henderson, are the gue&ts of; Mrs. C. E. Jackson. Mrs. Walter Egerton &m dar.htcr, iiliss lizzie, of Macou, were callers ia our town this week. Tho Eost Proscription for Halaria-, Chills and Tever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron aud quiuine iu a tasteless form. No care no pay. Price DOc, Mi s. Sallio Rod well is at home again after a stay cf sometime in the country. Public examination of applicants to! Her hVning tours tanned her. about as teach public schools will be held iu the j much as a stay at the beech. S.'P hUMl'.l Mioses St Inv.i rr.'l Josie Kntzenstein lr K".vr Wat --oil, of ITeudersou, H-ut'sevtM-ai ihiys i town this week. Pr. J. Cliiiou, of Louisburs, visit -f,l Mi'- W, 1. i'oyd tho tiist of this TV-. Mis.v? Mary and Myrlice Gardner, .,! (" v.-.-iii'It vi-itod relatives iu town this v.v.'! . M.'. 1) H -vis is on" on a hip in tin1 ii.'.'i'e-t of the WaireutonFaruituro CYmpinj. Miss Maiuio Canliier is on ?. visit to r.-biivo in the Churchill neighborhood t ii: week. Mr. IVrcy Carroll, of Raleigh, is Mii-.au''. Attention is ca'.le 1 to the adv. of the ftuU' Normal and Iuduaaial College at GlYl'U'-l'Ol'O, Miss Mattie StainbacTc, of Smith. Creek is in town cu a visit to her auut M;s. Susau Ead" r;. H. Tn. Wallers and R. S. Rooth atieiuVd the Dental Assoe?atiou in H;;U'i.h tins week. court house on Weduesday and Thurs duy. July Cth and 10th 1002, for white applicants Friday and Saturday, July lllh and 12th 1902 for colored appli cants. J. 11. Rodv,-TjIj, Co. Supt. Our County Supt. of Health, Dr. A. S. Fendieton, had the liu-h honor con ferred upon him by the .Medical Con volition last week at Wnuhisviile of Conductor of Debates at the next meet ing of the convouton. This is quite a compliment to our townsman. Four beautiful ladies are guests of Miss Fannie Gregory, forming a house party at Mrs. G. E Javksou'a hand some residence. The ladies are Misses Lena and Lizzie Taylor, of Towuesville, May Mercer, of Eirn City, and Kate Phiranur, of Middleburg. Mr. John Early Walker, of Colorado, brother of Editor Walker of the Little ton News Reporter, is on a visit to the scenes of his boyhood around Warren Plain?. Mr. Walker, we understand, left here ye-irs npo and this is his first visit here since then. Mr. Allirt Hawks died at tho County Llome last i lutay. ihis young man w-is overtaken by disease and was re duced to the necessity of accepting the county's care of himself, wife and babe. ilis body was interred by his father, Mr. Fred Hawks, on Saturday. ..The wife and child are still at the County Hone. This is a sad er.se indeed. Died. At her residence, 1500 Main street, Puffa!o, N. Y., on the 4th of May 1002. Mrs. Louisa T. Felt, aged S3 years. Mrs. Felt sp.rrt two years with her son, Mr. M. E. Felt, of Grove Hill, iu tins county, but on account of LOCAL .AJDS. Rev. R. A. Willis, P. E., passed ; dustiious, inteliigpf.t young roan A niae lot of field pease for snlc by N. M. Palmeiy irarrenton, N. C. CLERK WAXTED. Abrrnnoes man iiii Warren Countv wants a sober, in to iji '1 ii 4 ;i t lues through town this week to and from Sarepra church where he held Quarter ly meeting last Saturday and Suudar. The home base ball team is sohedul ed to r.b.v the Littleton team this even ing ut 4:15 o'clock on the hitter's j ' C grounds. It doubtless will bo au in teresting game. clerk in a store and keep a post ofScr. Apply to Rox No. 20, TT'tuteutoii, N. C', A good second hand buggy and har ness for sale real cheap for cash. Call ; on or address The Record, Warren ton, Having bought our Iron direct from th mills in car-load lot? before the recent advance in the Iron and Steel market, wo an better prepared than ever before to Make and Sep air Your Tobacco Flues. Send us your orders at once and avoid the ruh as v.-e only make them to order, and will label and store them away, ready for U- M livery any moment you want them. We also defy competition tif- to quality, workmanship and prices. Fifteen years experience. MEAL. Fresh water ground meal on hand at all times. IVirrv.-rnv l!nT.T.r". 'tt.t.h Mr. J. IN. unite, ot Atlanta, Ga., who :s oh a visit to his parents, Mr. j 1 am prepared to f nn;ish ico to nl1. and Mrs. J. B. White, of Macon, this ' 3 ct. per pound 1C0 pound ticke t county, was in town Tuesday and paid ' for 1.00. Ico-house opou at all Lours Thr Recokd a pleasant ealj, iu the day except Sundays on Sunday from C till 9 a. m. and from 5 till 7 p. m. . Jxo. S. PLrinrER. Rev. S. B. Wilson, who has been conducting the Churchill High School the past term has decided not to re turn ; therefore those good people are without a principal to their excellent school, but they are not going to be without one long. vThev are on the old stand, next week, wliero will h lookout for the riirht mn and a com-' found a nice stock of buggies, wagons BuGGTES. just received two cr.r loads ef beanliful buggies and harness, all styles, will be on exhibition in our show room on Main street, lliggnu'a petent lady it ant, and harness. TAIiWATEP. Br.os. LARGE STOCK. Buggies, Carriages, Phactonn. anr 'OhUIickory," "lish Bros.," "Pied t es it- i - . ii aj i nil it n r ? jne i.iinure ougii ure nnats au ; moni anu --ivusseii vagous. oi;igc Loads Thorn All. linute Cough Cur other medicines I ever tried for coughs, . and double buggy and wagon Harness n is q m Pi tri k tit- E f U d U w V B fl . it Lf, ii-- 1 1 ml- .i i imm i w Kl I U, 1 A i - H H H M-.... r-i iJlr I; - ' fc-- - ' " 1,;. -r 'i W I, a & f r "". ; 7 t n n r P. n Ir ; 5 fl f: I A b Hot weilher is b-TC and are making it hot for our competitors iu uUi To Sir Fatmsl A colds, croup and throat and lung troub les," says D. Scott Cnvrin of Lgiiuton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the on lv absolutely safe cough remedy which acts immediately, "thers everv where testify to the good it has done Mr. C. E. Jackson left last week for Fk-rtnce, S. C, to engage in the to ;:Kvo bi'i'-'css for the season. Oiir tvpes mmle us soy last week that X. J. whvn they should have said LI. 1. Mr. W.' Dov.tin, of P-ardana, Miti-lit U county, whs here this week on a isit tu his bioth.er. Mr. J. A. Dow tin. Mrs. ,1. G. Ti.rwr.tc-r and son J. G. Jr.. and Mi.-s Sarah Mat:on are vi.-iting lels.tives and friends in Uender&cu this bt ilam's Stomach Liver Tablets after week. Mrs. llcnrv V, failing health she native home where sympathies ar son and his family, Of what does a b mouth remind jou J vour htomacii is i:i o retrrued to her rhe died. Our bereaved .d taste m youi It iiidij'-'.tes th:d Cash or on time. Haltkr B. Boti. The Johnson f-tore for rent. Apply to II. T. Ma-os. xMieieu-sui v uie guou il iu.s u,i, . j , r( n .s their little ones. Croup ir, so sudden m ' i !- 3 5 " f p. 3 y "i its attacks that the doctor oftn arrives j l jj LtjMl J O too late. It yields at nv.ee to One Min ute Cough Cure. Pleasant, to take. Children like it. " Sure cure for grip, brouuhitid, coughs. Straw Hatr. Clothing. 'U" O 'Li 'O - M n M 1 i D nice J9 A full lino. All kz:s a::d Hty'-ts ?yh::: at barai?:-. Tin: very b vn il.i. market. comers in f'v c!uu:ee t' 'V t Wir. niit nil! O Inv is vouri 1 X. Men" aud children f; . ... . -i j w .4 .... -it and Volcanic Lava Overflows Piit:is5 Ituin and Destruction, but Nice Line of Kiggan eo:io!.,;oii aij.j will remind you that there ir, iv 'thing so good for such a disorder as Ciiam io, of R.deigh, with are here on a visit tu aud Mrs. John ie.ey Uc-.:i!3v ...-h and regu side at 2oc pe; A ladv friend read Dr. Booth's list of names given some children by n fond P'-l parent in GrauMlie eomdy an t gees him one better this week by famishing the nanus of a family oi children iroui vVake oiouutv. Here they are: Pi II her puiciis, m; Cii'-iham. Miss Lucv Jones, who has been oa a visit of some len :ii to her aunt. Mrs I'r. M-r ,f Pirn City, returned li. uy, Agr i uied by his j r on an ex ast Sata" nay. ii'.uie Miss Helen Vileox and little nice Mis Ih-ieu Hunt.-r, r. turued last Tues j .hiy t.ftt-r a visit of peicral days to Richmond and South Gaston. Mr. Peter Arlington, cf Durham, was iu town a d-.y or two this week taking back home with him Tues hiy, his wifi, who had been on a visit a ere for sevcr?.l weeks. For biliousness use Ciiaraberliin's Stomaeli k Liver Tablets. Thcj cleanse tee fctoianch and regulate the liver and Lowtls, ifi'.'cting a quick and rjerma uciit cure. Por sale by all Druggists. Excursion to Portsmouth Friday, Juue 27th 1902: Train leaves Norlina C a. ro., Warren Plains G:05, Macon C:13, Vnughans, G:23, Littleton 6;33 &o. hound trip $1.23. Let'a all go and Lave a good time. Miss Lena Watson, of AxtelJ, was a visitor in town this past week. Last 'jii'jduy she sang two beautiful solos, in the Baptist church hero which were tcuchingly rendered and well received. Our townsman Mi-. E. M. Gayle passed the examination before the Medical Board at Wrightsvilie last week with credit to himself, etanuiug, as we informed, among the very best. We congratulate Dr. Gayle. Mrs. II. J. White left last Monday for 1'hiladeiphia for special medical at t' l.tiou in a hospital. Mr. H. J. White and Dr. A. S. Pendleton accompanied Iier. All our people wish Mrs. White a Rpccdy recovery and safe return Lome. Tho Johnson CaswelT Lodge of F. & A. Masons held a meeting lost Friday Tjight June Rtb. 1902' and. elected ')flicer8 foi the ensuing year. The following officers elected: M. J. Haw Whs. W. M., A. S. Pendleton, S. W., J. H. Kerr, Jr., J. W., J. S. Andrews, Vreas., J. A. Dowtin, Secty. The officers who arc appointed have not been selected yet. The lodge meets to night to install the newly elected officers. having once useu l:i:M and invigorate tho str iate the bowels. For box by all Druggists. Mr. W. R. Terrell, S at Warren Plains, aeco entire familv. are off S temh-d visit to relatives and friends. Mr. Terrell is one of our best citizen and a most exc-Uenfc railroad man. For thirty years or nvore, without inter-' misr-toii, !ie has been v.i his post. and. this is the Uiet v.-seiition and recreation he lias taken during tin.t time. Ife has well rained it and deserves it. The Record joins his fiiends in wishing him and fau-ily a safe return. Ann E'li-i Helen Lowciy, Matilda Frances Davis Lower?, Jesv-ie llihiry Grt-en L every, TabitUa Cliloe Lucy Ava Arabr-tti "3 n , u a:nt piiC . suit lor y-uri--if or tlio b-n-3. LADIES' DPTSS COOP? and 'JT.IMMISCiS. Ih autifa!, durable mil at prices tliat 0c Me c li;i :n. cncxKi:;;v ana glaswaiu:. NOTIONS a coTrrkto Unr-. GROCERIES Spl.:-..-!'ul line ( moits b.orn curl and best TLOUR and MEAL Uio unsurprs.d Dl'NLOP . We are n ady tn crvc you a:ui prcv? our a?fcrtio;is. Call and h e Ut. or p!'. ue u?. T3;iE nosii:-iiii.T.Tnx co. (in- vtu-on vrr-u, ) Phone No. 5. biU S W C M M ' Luhchi Hawkins Candaco Mc kinsj )Yn lnnpine3 and a good r.ppetite when o.uce yon have tried Lowery, j Ilardy Kcriven Terrell Lowery, Manasar v A vara do Washington Lowery. 'nsv. Sacred rows often defile Indian tem ples, but worse yet is u body that's pol luted by eenstipatio1!. Don't permit it. i Cleanse your system with Dr. King's J New Lite Pills raid avoid untold mi'.ery. J They give lively livers, active bowels, pleasant trip and" I good digestion, Que. appetite. Only 25c at C. A. Thomas' drug store. them. i j Try or Ch,'J. Uaf, Country Jmt, U-ce, :? Ufi( Jii.--'tf, Mul'i-w-s aifi ."''?'?-. pvrc Y-iunnr. live and C'it Ihrrirt', yice Ccintrt DuiUr, CuV.-it'JC, Irish A letter this week fro n Lizzie P.. Davis, daughter aVSlv. and Mrs. G. W. Davis, of Areola, this county, in forms us that she is loeated in Dallas. TexasT Miss Davis graduated this spring with honors from the Seamtt Bible k Training School iocated in Kansas City, Mo., and has been as signed to work in the "A. B. 0. Rescue Home" for unfortunate guls in Dallas, Thxsis. This is one of the noblest works that christian ladies can engage in, aud Tite Record, with Miss Davis's numer ous friends here at home, wish her abundant success in her grand work of trying to uplift and save the f alien. "I see you have a new cashier," re marked the depositor, meetiug the bank president. "Yes; the old one seemed to think he needed a little change," remarked the president sadly. -My little son had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with j pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It vdso saved him from several severe attacks of croup II J Stiickfaden, editor IFcrld-Herold, Pair naven, IVa&h. For sale by all Dniggifcta. A wreck at Macon this county on the S. A. L. Ry. occurred Friday evening oi last wees. The mail train going north ran into tho rear end of a meteiial train that was taking the side track. Ko one was killed in this altogether uncalled for wreck.' The engineer was badly hurt by jumping and some few others badly shaken up, but no one seriously hurt. The mail train engine was derailed and badly injured, about a half dozen flat ears were torn into kiudling -vood and trains delayed about four hours. The flagman, who was sent up the track to warn the mail tram with a largo number of human beings thereou, was so careless as to stop to talk with an acquaintance, and ia those few seconds the mail train came dash ing around a sharp curve and did not see tho danger until two late to avert it. Had that flagman- gone a few yards further with his flag, there would have been no damage doue. Several parties from Warrenton drove over to Macon to see the wreck. The hurt were cared for at the Egerton hotel by Dr. M. P. j Peny. Beady to Yield. "I used Do Witt's Hazel Salve for piles and found it a certain cure," snys S. R. Jeredith, Willow Grove, Del. ' Operations unnecessary Jo cure piles. Thty always yield to De Witts v.itch Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds cf wound. Acoepa no counterfeits. 7V,'.f.-. iv. , awl I- i.ulrcili ofui.'u r thing loo n:.ttro'x In we : lion htrc. Try cur nice things to eat and s- e what e fleet it will have on you i hen llh . Yours for Groceries and S''!iifi',ti.on. D, H. RIGGAN. 1 j loel k Mel -.-. V want you to pee O tho t-lant new FtyUs V O wo nro feir.vriag in DrtM O Q (irKds, Lawns, Piques, and Lt.ce Curtains. Au fspcc.allv h a n d bo mo display. of the newett O Ihtn-s in Silks lor V Wain?, Fkirts or Suits. -O O Al.o elf caant Yiv ol & Nc-chti. fHrw Hats, o. o o o o o o o o o i P. -ft There ia somrtliing about bl.:e blood that will ilwnys Fpenk for itself. A slan.-.o at my R "ik' hire hTd nr.ihiu'. tly convince me mosi wnLimis inai England has bee robbed of it-, r.obhvt p.'-r-tocraey. I'-s, we pre Iitg nl ine front, and there to stiy- Thee lor 7 l?:'1i.-d, brond bucked, deep chef-t-d blccki, fiavina teen judiciously r.io c.r.i 5Vi Au.eric'.'i best fctraius of RciLihixcs, lias enabled ine to ofTer to the pub'.i.: a lino d o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 11. Q TJSJLiZD id . You can alwavs find Iiere wh?-t 3"o'i wnr.t, with prices to mateli, from tried Dams and experienced Sires to a '-S yieak, squeak ean't c t over raassa' door sill." Kindly thai, king you for paa favors and f :-.liently uwaiting your future patronage, I remain, Very truly yours, WALTER II. FLEMING, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrenton, N. C. a If vej want a pair of A SHOES we can certain- Y 1v 1 r V 11 1 1 rrrirwl iti T1! 1- W ity and price. We have tho wwr t-t O f. ft vies and lowest pric coiiKistnut with god spa he ASlen and To Curs a Cold in Che 2ay Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grovt'e signature is on each box. 25c. 1 111 si s srti f5 i ir 5S VS. M ft1! v--. P (LllOl I of North Carolina. The Head of the State's Educa tional System. ;J ,- ft. to 4 Pat. March 16 and Nov. g, 1S57, Pat. in Canada Nov. a, 1897, and Jan. 25, 1900. It is sure death to bugs on all vegetable olants. Get some at once and thus protect your plants and have earlier vegetables. Good to kill bugs on any thing. Call on or address, IU. H. Hayes, Wise, N. C ACADEMIC! DEPARTMENT, LA W, MEDICINE, PHARMACY You Zncw WJiat You are Taking when you take Glove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly piiiited on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. 50e, One hundred and eigltt. scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' son3. Loans for the needy. ITctics North Carolina. Warren Co. In the Snrerior Court, bept. Term, li'02. 5S3-Studc-nts. 54: Instrw.j New Dormitories. Water V";': Heating Systs;rr'. r?.l Fall term begins Sept. 8, 10U2. A0 3res, . F. P. VENABLE, President, Chajiel liill, N. C, Rosina Iryin, PbT. vs. Cicero Irvin . Deft. The Defendant Cicero Irvin will taie retire that an action entitled as above ha.? been coinr.ieneed in the Superior Court of Warren County by paid riaintl.T Roiaa Irvin tool) tain an absolute divorce from said d Jendanf The said Deflndert vv'Il further trko n-itier. thert be !s ret.i-ired to appear at next tri'i t said Court to be held Srd Monciay of 'icjit A. I), lf'i'2 at the Cnurt House in Warrenton II . C. and ans. er or demur to the complaint I i,i this nction. or the n-nei therein ucmauuua wiil be jrar.ted. This Jane '.all. 1302 V.'ILi.IAM A. WHITE, Clerk Superior Court Pittniau i Kerr. I'lff. Aity. ry . ... .. Nov' U W ' 'Flaming Co , . To nr-i t thr pvoin-T n' cds of tins rrvmv.in'.iy, now fcntr.rcB havs recently bmi; ada.-d to ur U-.nk. Cur Wiia-s has 1 v-n chibbiiicd, and is now conducted u;.dor iliree distinct head, lianifly: The Commercia,! Department. The Savings Department. The Safe-Deposit Department. Separata Hyeteju of accounts are hpt. ihii rich department is complete sedf. b'e invite von to call or v. ritu us with u view tj bu.-Uchi. CO FF1HS! in itsc II Henderson, 7 J. 15. OWEN. Trcsident. W. A. HUNT, Cashier. THE NORTH CA.KO.LIXA STATE KORLiAL. AUD IKDUSTfJlAL COLLEGE. Li tern ry C'aH-ieul Scientific Coni-uisreiul Ind ustrial rednf;t;ical S.-KSl'.n 'J.OR- ? -'-l l"-C x'. - Doa n-i-ic, n' of .;.'. ' ti'ea"il j-iT'i .; i't", -;.;.! ci i' rvi-vnj; Jr;,v ;: v'.l.-d fr::t !!. ai d . r-. T" s .-:ir- 1. iuiii' ii :.;; ii-.i:i' oi- s.: -.v. l r c.".i! .1:1 ' " l i.jo: f r 'i!:y .-f .v. l.t.-::b. 1'rs.c- !'. n, .j itu iii- .::.?. c.r- "..ru l!! th- ..:i!:t iri 1 ali frtt- 5 :i:.i b' i f 'e Ji;!y !'i:i. r iiif irna': m adjr-. j. Rl. RANSOM & S0HS Lave a nice unl lea if l lio of Cjfnus in Wk. Priers as cheap a can Ih bad tiy where, randies; fro;n. 11 c!ip-t. t' liigli'-sL They nre rot wMiiij Uf n? die, bat b-q J frle'j.ls i Ihey claim that they, t nn fc-ll rn burt.il ease hi tlij riii: pti -w aii-I f tbo best dm;;'1 snd triict-.M:?. A Urce fr.l! and complete f fVC!i; otl h ihd zll t!ie time, (jive liicm a trial. First cbi.y oa-li trtk of rxrrr kiu( c dene ncally, qutcblj f at tbo light prices. Call and e ' in. . TONSORIAL H3TICE. , A I.I. tn tho '.ni-'.-r' 1 t J WaJ.nc'm ':i;r.i:xsr.Oiio. N. c. 1 1CU jrai:t--l to Ik- .tflrllr j l.rv--.. TAl tr.S'huif eui'.tn? ! hn-Thr J will be flvrn--i . Ul alU-oliwu tbl ren. rsyThe new. dailx. Very tfi- : tf;- V -V.rtoa Hirris; 1 l.rt-er. i 'I if I 1 t f ; I ; i li Mi V , ' i 4 ii l! I J M : t .! ; ; ! t i ; s I !'!! I' ! t ! f

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