- "I"- IT- JHp ' s3 "1- lT ' r '" -.i. , ... "' Hp VOL. 8. WARBENTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1902. NO. 18 NOTICE. If this space lias the Esd 2 Hark cn it, it is to inform you that your subscription is out, and unless re newed the paper will be stepped. LOCAL ITEMS S'0 local adv. nbout a '.ost pocket book. Sc administrator's notice Viy Leonard Wilier. Mips rruden, ol Edeutou, is visiting frieiub in town. Miss Laiua Ayors, of Washington, ; 7C. C, i' visiting Miss Maiy Williamw. Mr. W. O. Piiim, of Littleton, was a plc.isaut v-itor to our town last Tues day. Hr. A. S. CoSeld, of Kittvell, was a visitor to our atlraelive town last Sun day. Miss Mamie Alien, of Dunn, is visit ing relatives and friends iu town and county. Work is piogressing finely on the tew bru-li ttore for The Hose-llilliard Onipuuy. Miss Myra Towell, of IJtltiaiore, is here on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Jerro rniKT. Mrs. Eliza Lewis, of Tavboro, is here on a visit to her cousia, Miss Eliz Tuunabiil. Mrs. John G, White, of New York v ity, came iu last Tuesday to spebd the mi miner. Mr. C. K. Eodwell took in Ya. Beach mid surrounding points last Saturday, Sunday aud Monday. What nbont moving cur Comity Home ? Head the com luuuieatiou on that subject iu this ifi-uei Mrs. Dr. B. B. Williams and children, ot (iieens-boro, are here on a visit to here mother, Mrs. Polly Alston. Miss ftosa Hod well, of Cnurchill, came up hut Sunday aud is spending sometime iu town with relatives. Miss E'.len Cmlup, of Kittrell, aj- eomrmnied by Master Mal v)'m McNeil, f f Chicago, visited Miss Xettii Gardner a day or two this week. The Republican County Executive Committee met here last Saturday aud issued a call for a county convention on Arifriut 15th ILK -2, See business h;cal by J. W. Bnek. the photographer, Re his splendid work and call on him over the Flyman U-.oU store und let Lira tak-j your picture. Cut '-'r.y. out and take it to any drug Ptore and g t a box of Chamberlain's .Stomach k Liver Tablets. The best rliysic. Ihey also correct disorders of the stomach. Fi ice 25 cents. Misses Lnla and .Tauettn- Hawkins diid Mr. Weldon Hawkins, of Iiidgi way, were isitors in town last Tues day, guests of Miiis Mary Hunter. Miss Carrie Freeman, of Couan's Well, Ya., accompanied by her friend, MisH Mabel L"e, of Stony Creek, Ya.. are guests of Mr. E. J. Freeman's family. By order of the Board of Education the county Supt. of Schools' address delivered lire on the 14th inst. i3 pub lished iu full. It is on the inside of this paper aud we hope every body will read it. Died on June 29th. 1902, at Chiygate, Surry, England, after a long and lin goring illness, Mrs. E. S. Withendge, fumeily Miss Kate Limer, of this county, a daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. John Limer. There will be a meeting of the citi zens around Wise on Saturday evening to consider the matter of arranging for a high school in connection with th6 public school. Wo hope them success. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Watson, of Goldsboro, who have been in the county on a visit to relatives, paid Warrenton a flying visit last Monday. Mr. Walsou will buy tobacco this season ou the Darlington, S. C. market, and will go there August 1st. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. White came back homo last Monday. Mrs. White has been in the Howard Hospital iu Phila- i delphia for several weeks past for special treatment. Mi. White was with her all the time. Thr Rkooud joins their many friends in the joy that Mrs. White comes back completely restored to health. Summer complaint is unusually prev alent among children this season. A well developed case in the writer's family was cured last week by the. timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy one of the best patent medicines manufac tured aud which is always kept on liaud at the home cf ye scribe. This rs cot intended as a free puff for the company, who do uot advertise with us, but to benefit little sufferers who raav not be within easv access of a physician. No family should be with out a bottle of this medicine in the house, especially in summer-time. Lansing, Iowa. Journal. For salo by 11 druggibta. air. A. S. Webb is back home from a visit to his son in Asheville. Mr. Mclver, the Ealeigli Pet man, was iu to see us this week. He is a hustling newspaper man. Mr. S. II. Weldon, of Spencer, is here for a mouth's stay with fcisparentg, Mr. and Mis. W. D. Weldon. Mr. F. II. Bnsbee, of Raleigh, was in our town last Wednesday night on legal business before Judfje Cook. We are requested by Capt. WTm. J. White, Commander of John White Camp Confederate Yeteraus. and a member also of the Board of Education of Warren onmitv. to Rtta tiiat. fii daU foi. the Reunion antl ElwMon al llally to be held m Warrenton in Aug., will be published in our nest issue. "I am using a box of Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets and fisj thtm the best thine for my. stomach I ever used,"niysT. W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loomis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct disorders of the stomach but regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. Sis On the evening of July the 22nd at ten o'clock, A1 Sunder, infant son of John A. aud Mary Boutin, died at the home of hir. parents. With no knowledge of sorrow, no cloud of sin, no stain on . its spotless purity, this little life was ended here, and another life begun beyond the gates of Death. However deeply the sorrowing hearts may be touched, however teuderly those who held him dear may mourn, there must be comfott in the thought that He, who carries the lambs in His bosom, has this httie one folded safe forevermore. S. W. S. Dsath cf Mr, Longhlin. Mr. J. J. Loughlin, who for a long number of years was a resident cf our town but recently of Greensboro, X. C, died here last Sat unlay eveuiui, July 12th 1002, at 8:33 o'clock. He had been in feeble health for sometime. After. taking his Led here he gradually Sauk till death enme. He came here from Greensboro about a week before his death to j un his wife who was on n visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. flairhcook. Mr. Lough Ha wag hvioo married. His first wife was a daughter of Mr. J. II. Johnson, deceased, a prominent business man of our town. By this union he hud four children who survive him;or.o son Capt. J. J. Loughlin, of Durham, and three daughters; Mrs. Tnnstall. of this county, Mrs. Mahry aud Miss Minnie Loughlin, of Greens -bf:o. His second wife, Mi?s Moilia Haith coek survives him with no children. Mr. Loughiiu was a brave Confeder ate soldier and kind hearted man. He was 65 years old. Ke was buried from from the Episcopal Church here and interred in Faiiwiew Cemetery Sunday evening. Our sympathies aro extended the bereaved children. wife, children aud grand To Crs a Cold in One Say Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists reluud the money if it fail? to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. "Watermelon Contest. The season is now on for watermelons. The IIecoitd (in order to get water melons to eat our patch this year is a total fuilura) offers tho foll owing prizes to the people of Warren county: 1st. Prize. For the largest waiter melon delivered at The Eecokd office; one year's subscription to The Eecobd and nome aud Farmer. 2nd. Prise. Foi the second largest watermelon; one year's subscription to The Eecokd, 3rd. Prize. For the third largest watermelou; six month's subscription to The Ekcokc. 4th. Prize. For the fourth largest watermelon ; three month's subscription to The Record. The prizes are open to all. No per son will be allowed to driw but one p' ize, therefore all will have a chance. The melons are all to ba weighad here in Warren toil. Let them roll, gentlemen. How it is !Don3. The first object m life with the Amer ican people is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving: the recoud, (good health) by ushur Green's August Flower. Should you be a 'despondent sufferer from any ot the oltects ol ayspepsia, aver com plaint, appendicitis, Iudigestion, etc., such as sick .headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos tiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well known August Flower will re lieve you at once. Go to Thomas' drug store and get a .sample bottle free. Regular size, 75 ats. Get Green's Special Almanac. i'- & r u a u a i ,r, g ; ofinyfiitsai - Big reduction in Millinery, White Goods, Organdies, Lawns, Baby Caps and Mull Hats for children. Just received a big lot of Hats and Ribbons bought at reduced price. A few nice Hats left at $5, selling now for 2. $2. GO and 83.00 Hats for $1.00 and $1.50, Lawns reduced from 15 and 10 ets. to 10 and 7 ct3. Ifow is the Time to Buy, Don't Wait, they are Going Fast. Galaiea Cloth, colored Piques, and Linen for good scTvieeablo Skirts, all 10 and 7 cts. per yard. Pretty Madras for 10 cts per yard. Lots of other summer goods reduced. Come early and get the pick. MRS, T. M. CASE ELY, Warrenton, N. C, June 27th. 1902. Prisoning the System. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Con stipation keeps these poisons in the system, causing headache, dullness and melancholia at first, then unsight ly ernptions an. I finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt's Littld Early Rispis prevent this trou ble by stimulating the liver and pro mote easy, healthy action of the bow els. These little pills do uot act vio ieutly but by strengthening the bowels enable them to perform their owu work. Never gripe or distress. Shall VrO T"1'"-. flia rK TT,o2 This is a quest-'on that deeply inter ests every. man and woman iu Warren county. "To do the greatest good to the great est number," is the recognized rule of action in every civilized country. Can we do more good by keeping tin County Home where it is, or by re moving it nearer to our county s-ut ? It is live miles from town, and the road uot a very good one, and thTO is no telephone connection. Eveiy time an inmate is sick, the Superintendent must go or Heml five miles for a physician, in. i often much suGermg has to bo endured before e n reach on Th-.m, it it-i;apos?i!)!e for a physician to ee tiie pa.tifiit9 as often, or study the cases as careful iy as could bo donij if he lived, nearer to them. It would add much to the pleasure of these poor people if they cordd fn 1 that they had the sympathy of their fellow citizf ns. Mr. Miiis used to toll an affecting incident at the orphanage of which he had charge. Ho fo.iml a little boy weeping bitterly, and upon, inquiry he said: "No one has kissed me siuce I have been here." The hu man heart craves sympathy and affec tion. Shall we give them food and clothing, and deprive thera ol the higher pleasures of rational human beings ? The most of them are rc-dueed to a life of inactivity by disease, m n-al de ficiency, or old age; and few are able to read; so life becomes a sad routine broken only by the visits of the Supt. j and f smily, and occasional vis'iors. If near tbe county seat, not only people from town, but all parts of th;3 cjiiu ty would cheer them by visiting them and taking an interest in their welfare. Ministers of the. gospel would preach for them. Youug ladies and gentle men would drive out and eing for them and talk to them cheerfully, thus giving them a gl impse of the outside world, and making their life happier. The place owned by Mr. Prescotthas) been spoken of as a suitable locatiou. It is within walking distance of town has a good house, and attractive giounds and could be made a "Home" which would be of untold benefit to our poor, and reflect credit upon our connty. A Subscriber. Saved a Woman's Li -Toliave given up would have meant death for 3is. Lois Cragg, of Dorches ter, Jass. Foj years she had endured untold misery from a severe lung trou ble and obstinate cough. ' -Often." she writes, "I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from coughf, colds, throat and lung trouble need this grand reme dy, for it never disappoints. Cure is gnaianteed by C. A. Thomas. Price 50 c. and $1.00. Stops the Cough and Worfcs off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Table ta cure a cold iu one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. JS ? ? V taxaiive Br P & :3 Acts Immediately. Colds -re pome times more trouble in f'uramer than in winter, it's ao hard to keep from adding to them while eool iog r.ff after exercise. One Miunte Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe. Ats- immediately. Sirro euro for coughs, ;olds, croup, throat and lung troubles. LOCAL ADS. We respectfully announce to tho eitlzeus and visitors of Warrenton and vicinity that wo have opened a photo graphic studio in the biiek building opposite the drug stores, an.l for a few weeks will be glad to serte tlum in either high grade or low priced photo graphs. We cater for all kinds cf photo work, such as Portraits, groups, views, flish-liglits and iif'. size work, and believe that cur esjn rienco vi enable us to please the most of our patrons. Notice our clisp'.ay of photos at the fMitrance, and if interested, kindly call up to oar stadio for prices or other information. I' virs t" serve, J. W. "UCIv. All work will be fimshel right in the building her and as nuiVJv as possi , hy to ininre tin? best resalts LOoT. A r!ak, black, leather pock et book with some mony in it, lo-t s mo where m ton '. e-t Thursday. The frnlor will be libiTally rewarded by h;aving the book and contents at Tim lti:t"or.D oflice. WANTED 5 YOUN'G 3IF,NT from j Warren County at once to preparo for Positions in the G-we-vmetit 'o-Tvieo Iliiiv.ay Mail Clerk?, Letter Carriers, Castom House and Departmental Clerks, etj. Apply to Inter-State Cor res. Inst., C'-dar E-ipids, la. WAXTED im carp-ut-rs. iriigoR, 2.25 to P2 75 prr day. Apply to John H. Pierce, Contract r, Room 18, Low enbnrg Bldg., Norfolk, Ya. Piano foe Sale: A real good 7 oc tave pi-no for sale very cheap. Apply to The Eecord, IVarreutou, N. C. I am piepared to furnish ice to all, 1J cts. per pound 100 pound ticket for vl.00. Ice horse opeu at all hours in the day except Sundays on Sunday from 6 till 9 a. m. and from 5 till 7 p. ta. JXO. S. PliXTMMER. Tho Johnson store for rent. Apply to H. T. Macon. O mm o MS u CD O CD o CD m O 0 Q o o o CD CO rl O P 6J CD Q o o 5 CTQ o m P W P O O P ct- P. C o Hi O P Pi P eh Mi fTn rrry W r V-J CD Q p p f p p p- B. Yours for business. D. II. KIGGAN. col a l m Fobacdo Having bought our Iron direct from tho mills in car-load lot befove the recent advance in the Iron and Kteel market, we are bett?r prepared than ever before to Make and Repair Tour Tobacco Flues. Send us your orders at once and avoid the ruhli as we only makd Ihem to order, and will label raid store them awaj', ready .for de livery any moment you want them. Wo also defy competition as to quality, workmanship and prices. Fifteen years experience. W 3 2 WsiTSr.tcn, U. C. aid Liijc? f73 t; El : : -i tJl XiS jt il Hot weather is here and wa are making it hot for our competitors iu 3 mmz A full ir. Clothing. The vrrv b't comers in sty! chance t pt a cv.it Ivr yourself or tho boys. LADIES' DRESS GOODS and 1 iilM MINGS. B.-autifal, durable and at prices that delie co'r.n'-tili-in. CROCKETA and GLASSWARE. NOTIONS a corrpleto line. GROCERIES Splendid Iir, of mf-nt hnm.1 curedand best FLOUR and MEAT tho unsurpassed I) UN LOP. Wo aru ready to servr you and provo our assertions. Call and seo u, or phone ua. TIIIU EOSE-I-IIL'LTAJRID CO. hM tU U v.; Vr mJ W -.Kj There is eomothinir about lh:e blool planco at my lierksinr" hrd till undoubtly com iuce tha most fastidious thai England has been robbed f its r.nbht Hnt-raey. Yes. wo tro here at the front, aud there to stay. Th- ?e ! n bodif-d, broa f backed, deep chested blacks, Imvina beeu iu-liciousiv cros'- d v:th America's best straiua of Eerkshires, Las enabled me to oiler to the public a line -z-oxjito stock t:hla.t oisrisroT sia equaled. You can al'-nys find hero what you want, wifh prices to match, from tried Dams and experienced Hires to a "S pica!;, squeak can't pet over masAs door sill." Kindly thanking you for pust favor, and paticiitly awaiting your future patronage, I rcmaiu, Very truly youis, WALTER R. FLEMING, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CHEEK STOCK FARM, Warrenton, N. C. ha h a s 2 -A r To r.:et t tlio prowi-ipr nerds nf ibis cmniuiniy, new features Iiave rcci'titly b..T. :dJ. .! t" ur 13 i: k. Our bi)s-i'j--s has breu cla&biQcd, au.l is no'.v coud.itt i nn.hr threo dis'.inct lu-ad, liainelj: The Commercial Department. The Savings Department. The Safe-Deposit Department. Separate systems of nri'.ounU nr.- l:'p!. f that rnc!i d.-partment is complete iu itself. He iuvito vou to call or writ'j v.ith a view t' Lusinetvs. lliii Hank T10 J. B. OWEN, PfcsiJfnt. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE K0BHAL AMD inBUSTRlAL COLLEGE Literary ChiF.sical Scientific .loimnrcial Industrial Pedagogical Musical 00 b; h m ? a U ! r- s a I 09. i a mn mess. m m line. All f-izes and Styles at bargains. on th market. .Will suit all - , fit and price?. Now ia your (IM OnrOBATEXt.) 1 1 1 ?3 vrt'i. j'yFv that will always pp-ak for itself. . of Henderson, N. C. 1 W. A. HUNT, CftMiirr. i Sue van ft 3 h Si-a-fin oji'!) S. .ttv.' cr j'th. V. 3t ? f e :V to 1110: for nrn-rc-ll-n:-! of 'a- .t t- Si.'.c. TaccUyc! 81 nimirr. I'rsc tio a"J 0" -.TvilrtH c!.i.'l comic -U X trlth lh V,lU-ze. Cor-T-- ' n i-c- invti J from li.t-f .ir:n c-mi-' s-nt l-a-.rrl nr.d :;tn ?r:;j.Titrs. !" '-ciiw ixizr-l in th- lo:jiUru- .Ufr--taitif-n a'iiicat'.:M n":ts 1.1 ? r;.i ! l fur: Jniy lith. For !.!r.loj mul .:'i r i.iforr.it..n J irrn UlLJ.KNHUiit). N. C. r lues Groat Semi-annual Wednesday, July 0th. we beigiri our Spring Remnant Sale. These remnant tales of previous fee aj dub have been sufficiently interesting to make people ask'u3 when we will have- this sale and we ar pleas-" ed to say that wo have decided trt make this silo even moro interests ir.g for you than any previous one, since we ar going to place ia it goods from every department, where there are just a few of A kind. Yon will find ia it not only email pieces of Calico, White Cloth &c, but there will be Slippers ranging? from 35 c. pr. up and High Shoes as well. A lot ot Clothing, clean and fresh. Every Straw Hat in the house. A lot oi Fancy Shirts and many other things which will interest you. Remember to bring your pnr.M m nothing will bo charcec ex- iccpt al regular prices, but yn will have a chance to buy -somd bargains. The Allen and eniinE Go, Warrenton, N. CM July 1, J. M. RANSOM & SONS bare a nic and Ik antif ai ore tis in ktock. ALL Price tut cht-n p an cn be ba l nj wherp, rangins frofn Ibo ci n3il tbo Lij;!M-L TIjoj aro not ubit.g r one to Jit', but wlon joar fi i-ii U !iJ tbrj claim that th( J tl'l Jatl tran.il cxj at tb rn;lit price uti 1 ul tlia lest dfHii aud trimtuiiiga, Ir4. full and crai3-tj lin" tt band all the time, (jive tL. u A til. Firt claM wu wotk of f-rr V:nt ln nt-atlr, cpiicllj aoJ al tb tibt pricta. Call aud ft thrta. TIME IS MONEY oral the crrrrct titn- i cccKbitj to tins buikiucta mm. WA TClin, CLOCK. a i ;ii ;.; r- repaired at a suia'l o-L fllVC MC ATKI.VL. rAM tnjr otk ! l n Ji a Tao ZIZZjI LtlZZZ'LJ. ?' W. Vaif . i.1 .a. .X Rent Sale. COFFINS! t I . r 1 5 1 1 1 1 i ! - I II - f ill ! ' 9