3 I -J fa I 1 t- G VOL. 8. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST I, 1002. NO. 11). Ci1 S1 "' JL - JL ;A1j Pi in XOTIOE. 'z has the Red X Marls k to infem you that ycra --.Icr. is cat, and unless rc pjcr will to stepped. LOCAL ITEMS IV ooiuuust'.iouers' court next teaehcra Institute begins of sale of laud by II. A. v. .v. y : ? i'.i'V: reunion and educational ..-t 27th. nice farms for rent by 1, of Inez. iviluor, of Churchill, , iu town, Vi- Xeh'-o Jenkins, of Littleton, is . , it: i ....1 - I I tii? -UISSCS VJUUI.lUl. is called to tho business ns Littleton Female College. i f r;u- vouna; people hail a da ,;1 "il:iy-iide" Inst Monday night. J. II. Kerr went over to Royd- tru, V.i.. last AU'iutiiy on legal onsiueHS, My Hiil Davis, o! Raleigh, is j ,. "V.u stopping at tho Norwood j li ! '.Irs. Lizzie Briggs is here with her m, t:.. r, Mis. M. A. B. Green, at Dr. Path's. Ks-r.. A. S. Webb i3 in tho Court, v t; is week helping the Register i-,ds. Mamie Ay cock spent several ,j,,v i.; the Axtell neighborhood visit r.vnVul will he glad to know that Mr. II. A. Boyd is on the high road to Bieket and littlo son, of ry. :. T. W, 1.;. . Ur )l. i Mr. uve visitors at Dr. J. O. Uv-ational Kalsy and Confederate i :i hue on August 27th remtm- date, . , Tii-heit Brown, of Pioidence, , i- her" on a viit to las bisters at i jl. Allen's. ;f. MMtis M!h'k, of Halifax Co,, . Dr. A. S. Tendleton, of Durham, spent a lew hours in town last Sunday with his mother, stopping over ou his way from Weldou to Durham. Mr. Eohert Watson, of Axtell, lias accepted a-position with Mr, W. B. Boyd in the tobacco warehouse. We aro ghid to have hiisi iu town witli us. Mr-3. re tor Arlington, of Durham, is hero .on a viwit to her mother, Mrs. V. L. lendlentou. Last Sunday Mr. Teter Arriugtou dropped in here to . see his wife. Miss Nrttio Gardner, 'of Churchill, spent several days the past week iu town with relatives returning to he-r home, last Tuesday accmpaaied by Miss Myrtls Myriek. Mr. G. L. Knight and daughter, Miss Lola, of Terrapin, spent several days here the past week with Mrs, J. C. Hardy, returning home Monday, ac companied by little' Jiar Yin Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Allen and chil dren left yesterday on a visit to rela tives in Louipbnrg. Mr. Allen will return to day or to-morrow, Mrs. Allen and the children will spend several days. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a wcrld wide reputation for its ernes. It never f;uls and is ylea?ant and sale to take. For sale by ail Druggists. Mr. Chas. M. Ford left ns last Sat urday for Darlington, S. C, to engage m trie tobacco bubiiioss there. The tobacco business is taking cany tf our young men away iroiU us and they are among our very best joung'meu too. The July number of the Charlotte Medical Journal prints our townsman's, Dr. P. J. Macon's paper on the "Man agement of Smallpox Outbraak," in full. It is a good address and we visit we had space to publish it in full iu The IIecokd. Mr. Ilemz, of Norfolk, Ta., thogreat pickling man, will pay good prices for all pickhr.g products, such as cucum bers, small cantaloupes, tomatoes ft a. Our readers can, if thev will write t Mr. Heinz, dispose of their surplus in such tLmgs at good prices, Last Wednesday ,night at the pvayer raeeting at the M. K. Church, Mr. U. Watermelon Contest. The season is now on for watermelons. The Hecokt (in order to get water melons to eat our patch this year is a total fail ni' 3) offers the following prizes to the people of Warren county: 1st. Prize. For the largest water melon delivered at The Record office; one year's subscription to The Record ' and Home and Farmer. 2nd. Prize. Foi the second largest watermelon; one year's subscription to Tile Record, 3rd. Prizo. For the third largest watermelon; six month's subscription to The Record. ith. Prize. For the fourth largest watermelon -v three month's subscription to The Record. The prizes are open to all. No per son will be allowed to drvv but one prize, therefore all will have a chance. Tho melons are all to be weighed here m Warren ton. Contest closes Oct. 1st. 1302. '. Let them roll, gentlemen. 4- fa f Only 50 Cents , IQ maKO yevr cssy szrer ana a & well A ilfiy cent boiiie of I Scott's .Elision I -I will change a sickly baby to a pivmp, rcTSping cnnu. t 0, unly one cent a cay, thirtk fcf it. Its ss nice es cream.' Send for a free sample, and try it. if SCOTT ,t EOWIs'E, Chemiits, $ . 50c. and $ixo all draggist3 tt I UN A o r lues LOCAL ADS. It Needs a Tonic. There are times wheu your liver needs a tonic.. Dcn't give purgatives that gripe and weaken. DeWitt's Littlo Eaily Risers expel all poison from the system raid net ns tonic to the liver. TV. Scott, 531 Highland ave., Milton, Pa., says: "I have carried Da Witt's Little Early Risers with me for several years and would not be without them." Htualhaud easy to take. Purely, vege table. They never gripe or distress. B. Iluntrr i'or tho church. 1 -X h'-veial d.'Vb the past Ui.!'.y, week with i'.tivcS iu u. S'.- .v t '.-.aero is cming iu almost ai.il pond piict-a uro Uc'.g paivi 1 l.'.'W Can. 1'. M. I'.'.ts und two beautiful 'h.s-i.t, '.s ' '' M.eou, Visited relatives iu tiivvn ir.i Wei ii. Mies Wii.i.io Bobbilt, of Spencer, vif.ited her hr titer, Mr. S. P. Fleming, In iv tii'- lht of this week. Mi-H ll.ith M:.son, of Garysbnrg, is I. !; 1 :i a vi' loved past-: The Warren Circuit Sunday School Conference' vill be held at Sarepta Church on Saturday, Sept. 6th 1902. All the schools are expected to bring linner and superintendents to have written reports. Each school will bo -1 . j n 1 rr- 1 1 1 eniilloil to -i delegates. , 0 win nave Dr. T. N. Ivcy, t-ditqr of Raleigh Ad vocate and Rev. P. N."Stainback, from Weldon, with us. All lovers of Suudaj school work are cordially invited to come. J. A. Damef.ox, rres. W. C. S. S. C. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. One of the most p rosperona sehof'Is in the South. Room for'' 200 boarding pupils. Twenty-first Annual kc?s!on begins Sept, 17th. Lar-o V.!::sr.'afccd catalogue on application to Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A. M., Pres., Littleton, N. C. We respectfully announce to tho citizens and visitors of Warrenton and vicinity that we have opened a photo graphic studio iu tho biick building opposite the drug stores, and for a few weeks will be glad to servo them iu either high grade or low priced photo graphs. We cater for all kinds of photo work, tnoh as Portraits, groups, views, fhish-.ig'.its and life size work, and believe that our experience will enable us to please tho most of our patrons. Notice our display of puotoq at the entrance, and if interested, kindly call up to our studio for pr.ccs or other information. Yours to serve, J. W. BUCK. All work will bo finished right in the building hero and as quickly ns possi ble to insure the best results. A so-vl second hand buggy. and har ness for s .le real cheap for cash. Call on or address The Record, Warrenton, Having lionet our Iron uirccf from tho mills in car-load lots before the recont r.dvnnco in t;( -Iron and b't'.-el market, wo aro bett?r prepared than ever before to Make and SepairsTouf Tobacco Flues. Send us your orders nt nucp und avoid tho ruh as we only make them to order, and will label and storo them away, ready for de livery any moment you want thetn. We also defy competition as to quality, workmanship and nricc3. Fifteen years experience. L a J Li i.d lJ Jgi 3 V1 Varrcnton, 13. C. mtiuiM Is i S ij urn RST1 G1S3 8 a n E3FS v . w r 5 n A t, ? 5 f. U 3 Hot wcillior is here and wo are making it hot for oi:r competitors in v $ i i s b k 1 v' h 2 . 3 r- r . . . p it 5. M It .ana rnces. It to friea ls. . W. G. Rogers. She is a l; is. Walter lb Boyd and W, G. i-, M:,it.d the tobacco market -t ii, i. C, this wetK h and .'.lis 1. JiaueT. or A'.uic,b.., A!,,. IVlei-iek Ib.'ob and littlo girl, of Va are visiting at Mrs. Peudh-ton's. ?.ji.-.s Mary Austu:, of'-Taiboro, and Mi-- !'a;ine Boyd, of Henderson, are .i.-U.i Miss Mary Bell Williams. '.! T T: "'-.In .," am accompanied her tj J. II. Mr iT-.umr, Mr. Carroll, to his home in buU j 'Si M-i-terday, on a visit of several 1 .'.1 :, 'the best rhysio (jhambeilain's St.;!u'K-h and Liver Tablets. E-y to t..;:e. Pleasant iu effect. For sale by t.ii Dniyijihts. Pi of. Sam Arlington, of Petersburg, Va., is hue on a visit to relatives and iiii iids. lie i& ft guest of Cupt. W. J. White. Mr, Clement Rodwell, of Henderson, pent a few days' vacation here this w-i'k visiting Ins mother, Mis.' Sallia Rodwell. Miss Bertha Brown, of Washington, D. C , is visiting her si&tei, Miss Benuie, and is stopping with tho Mieees daw kins. Rev. Joe Cullom, of Aurelian Spi'ings, Halifax county., will till tho pulpit at Baptist Church here next Sunday morning and night. Dr. F. A. Macon, of Heudeison, ac ((,Tymi,,,;.l l.v hii-t two bright littlo boyn, Frauois and Nathaniel, visited relatives iu town thia week. Our truck farmers around Ridgeway are shipping large quantities of canta loup. s daily and realizing g ( d prices on shipments. They pay much better than cotton or tobacco. Mr. J, Eoyd Mnsacnburg left us last Monday for Goldsboro, wliero ho will be iu tho employment of the A. T. Co. We wih Boyd v. ell and commend him to tho people of Goldsboro. Henry L. Shattuck. of Shellaburg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with whichhe ho had been afihetod for vears, by four txjxes of Chamberlain's Liver Tablets. Ho had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians without re lief. For sale by all Druggists. .mn;imc2 tuat the cunreti members iuui cmi- trrbuted a fund and desired that th-ur very efucient ami widl I ilev. Jn. H. JJavis, siiuu.'-i tate a vaca tion and rccreat a ?.'ell from h: HVdiuius lau-frs. lie v. r!r. J.avis war induced to accept the pi offered offer. Miss Jane Brown died at her late residence in tho town of Macon, oa Tiu-sday, July 2lKu. 1902, at tho ripe V.d age. of 87 years. Mish Brown leaves i.n aged brother, W. E.- Brown and an aged afflicted sister, Miss L'a-ie lin wr5 Our sympathies go out, to the bereaved brother and sivtei ami relatives, bat wo doubt not tht Miss Jane i:j bitter off by fur. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. E. If. Daiia at the Brown resi-lence and' tho body interred in the family bnrnal grounds on Wed nesday t-. veiling, a huge crowd attend ing the last sad rights to this good woman. On the 4th. of July 1S47, there was given, in the town of Warrenton, a public reception to Warren county's honored, victorioun soldier and citizen, Gen'l. Bragg, of the Mexican war. People gathered here from everywhere to do honor to our distinguished towns man, riid upon this occasion the citi zens of Warren presented Gen'l. Bragg with a hoiidsome sword. The presen tation speech was made by Dr. R. C Pritchard, who was nn ornnte speaker. Mr. Mathew S. Davis, President of Leuisburg Female College, is anxious to get this speech of Dr. Pritchard's, or j LOST. A plaiE, black, leather pock et book with some money in it, lost some where in town July 13th. 1C02. Tho finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving tho book and contents at Tiie Record office. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN frcm Warren County at once to preparo for tors to cure a severe casa of piles, cans- j Positions in the Government Service mg 2'i tumois. When all failed. Buck- I Railway Mail Clerk?., Letter Carrier::, Custom House and Departmental Shatters all Saccrds. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to d-jc- lon's Arnica Salve scon cured. Sul -dues iiijlamatiou, conquers aches, kiils Straw liats. Clothing. A full lin. AH Hzessiiid Styles roins at bareains. T'io vrv bo-t o'.i ll-.e market. Will suit till com. -rs in My!.?, lit a::d pricc3. ICnv is j'our chuijc.' lf g;;t a cuit i"r youra-df or the boys. LADIES' DEEPS GOODS TRIM MINOS. Beautiful, durable ans at price? that den': cenp 1 1 L I p.. iiWbiijJik i Unci vh.l..' ii .itr, NOTIONS a complete li::;'. GROCERIES Splendid line of meats homi cured and best FLOUR and MEAL the unsurpassed DUN LOP. We are ready to serve you and prov our assertions. Call and see u?, t.r p.h.one u?. THE ROSIS-TrlTX-TjIaVIllD CO. Phone No. 5. (i.n. ouixit.VTr.D.) ams. Best salves iu the world. 2uO s' dvU-r -store. A good name is more to bo prized than great riclies, but it's much the same thing on a check. Clerks, oto. Apply to Inter-Stato Cones. Inst., Cedar Rapid?, Ia. v. Cures EriSuinatisn. TJRICSOL cures Rheumatism and all Bladder and Jii-Iney troubles caused ! y J uric aeid. It has pel formed hundreds of remailsablc cures in Los Angeles, Gal., v. heie it is being manufactured, on account of an urgent demand caused by the remarkable cures it has made, and it is now being introduced in this section. It is highly endorsed and is der-tlned to have a large sale. It cures these diseases easily and permanently. Druggists sell it at $l.C0'per bottle, or six bottles for 3 -.CO !-b Hint In cur style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often inteimbigled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neg lected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. .A hottlo f Bischee's German Svrnp kept about vonr home for immediate use will pre WAFTED. 100 carpenters. IFages, ! 75 per day. Apply to John II. Pierce, Contractor, Room IS, Low enburg BIdg., Norfolk, Va. Pi.vxo foi: SaijK: A real good 7 oc tave phi.no for site very cheap. Apply t Tii3 Recced, lravrenlou, X. C. I am prepared to iuin'sh ice to nl1. 1 cts. per pound 100 pound ticket for 6L CO. Ico house opeu at all hours m the day except Sundays mi Sunday from G till 9 a. ni. and from 5 till 7 p. in. Jno. S. Ptrr-jMrji. Tho Johnson store for rent. Apply to n. T. Maoox. FOR RENT. A nv.r.ilier of furivs loori'.e'l ir Torlc town shij. Warri'ii Ciauity, R.laiiteil to nil cro. I'ublic sohools on i'!ant;iMon,c!iir'hTi aiu? Sun w.i v school convenient, c mfortibl houses, y:ool stahle.s, bct f wator ami all necessary con veniciices. I have in.luec mout3 wortby of coiisilon-.tloa fir tiie ri L;ht moil. Xone nceda.ii.'y vvith-.;it li:t tlas-s irferern-e. c. yyut1 aDi urn. W. A. CON NELL, Inez, an outline of tho speech. If any one j vet prions Jf reading this kf.ows anything of the speech, or outline thereof, they will c -infer a favor by giving such informi -lion to The Record. A Curs for Cholera Infantum. "Last 3ay," says Mvs. Curtis Baker, of Bookwaiter, Ohio, "an infant child of our neighbor's was suffering from cholera infantum, The doctor had given up all hopes cf recovery.- I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholo bill, and perhaps death, by the use ot three or four doses. 1 or curing con sumption, hemorrhages, pneumonia, severe coughs, croup, or any disease of the throat or lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will teJl you. Gut a sample bottle free from Thomas' drug store. Regular size, 75 eta. Get Green's Special Almanac, Sals cf Esal Estate: filling tut ,.. if used according to directions In two days' time the child had fully recovered, and ia now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended this Remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any dugle instance." lor sale by all Druggists. .4 l c There soi iethin abo;it bbu blol th.at will nlways sixnk for ihvlf. A tI.'hco at mv Bc.kMiirc herd iil "ndoubtlv eonwuce tho most fastidious that F.n.-land li:is been ri')! d f it n- bl'-st ;.: ;st v-r-icy.- Y.c, wo are lu-ro at the front, and there to tav. Tht-s.- l"Ug bodied, br.ad backed, deep chestl blactoj Iiaiincj been judieiou :-ly mii-- d '..ith A:n'iicar btst strains ol Bcikftuircs, Las enabled me to oiler to the pubi; ; u liaa cf TOXTICO- STOCK TELA.1? OISTlsTOT Yon ran nlwavH f.nd ii'-ro what v.u w.if, with price to match, from tried )ams and esivrienct'd Sires t" a IS-pif squeak cr.n'l get cvrr massa'a d.or ill." Kindly tliai.king you I r ist favoif, and p:-.tit-utly awaiiing your future )alronagc, I remain, erv tnuy ymirs, y," ALTER R. PLEM1NG, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CHEEIC STOCK FARM, Ycrrenlon, N. C. rea! Semi-annual Sale, Wednesday, July 9th. we bcipiii cur Spring Rotnnaut Sale. 1bci remnant pales of previous ee&s n2 have leen safTcientl interesting to make peciileasfc'uawnen we will have this sale and wear pW- ed to say that we have decided to meVo this silc even more intert ing for you than any previous one, eir.ce weare goine to place in it goods from every departmpnt, where there are juct a few of li k'.nd. You will Rnd in it not only Email pieces of Calico WBiie Cloth &c, but there will be Slippers ranging from 35 c. pr. up and High Shoes as well. A lot of Clothing, clean and fresh. Every Straw Hat in the house. A lot ot , Fancy Shirts and many other . things which will interest you; Remember to bring your puree as nothing' will be chnrgi ex cept at regular pric, hut you will have a chance to buy some o m m o K' M ii S CD Bv virtus of the authority ccn'e-rcd on me iu a c-tTtaiii Dee-l cf Tfast exe rated to me hj i OlivVr Ru-eil and Vlnnl Rusiell. his wifa. S ti'' 12ih dav of May. 18118, and duly record- ra and Diarrhea Attsuiedy to the hrmse, i ln the office of Register of Deeds of Warren f T f!fc Kr.i-fi it woukl do county, m ook o- ou ikj wi.i u public auction for cash to the highest bidder sit. the Court House in Warrenton. .. C on the 1st day of September I'jC'2 at 12 o'clock m . the following tract of land, lying and being in Warren county, N. C, arid bounded as follows: Beginning at two Poplars in a gullr, thence Kast. G9 poles 15 lirks to a stone thence South 55 West 2i poles 10 links to the Exchange road. thence along sntd road West ward 58 pols to a stone, thenee Korth 10 2 West 108 poles 26 links to tho beginning. con taining 09 acres, more or less, and being the land (aoiie-half undivided interest) convey ed by R.B. -vewman to Sallie K. Burton, Nov. Cth ItiUG, and to him, It. B. Newman, by T. II. White; May 2oth lSf2. Said sale will be made to satisfy the debt secured in said" Deed of Trust to which special reference is hereby made. Dated this the 1st day of August, 1902. II. A; BOYD. Trustee. $4 o o m U2 o CD It is natural that tho 'Daughters of the Revolution should move iu tha best circles'. Just Look at Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless fiiiu, rieh, rosy complexion, smiSiug face. She looks good, feels good. Here's her eacrot. She uses Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Result, organs active, digeston good, no head aches,. no chance for "bluesTry tjieiu yourself. Only 25o at (J. A. Thonuia . x ti the .!;:-' This signature is on every Crv;. .-.ia Laxative DromoQ'u!sf . tiid jiinioUy that curat a ol iu si Q O C3 O CD U2 O O 0- m 0 S' 5 5 CD p O o o O Q W S3 O CD ct- CD ct- Pj 0 . in P p P. Yours for business. D. H, HIGGAN. bargains. D j:l Y,x -'Hi n.Uii n mi Mil M i mi Fall Session cf 1002 begins Seileruber It. and ends January 17tb. 190o. TOTAL tXi'ENSICS: Ti :uox: t:sco 2i.ii loOO 15.CO Aeadomio, - lnt- ri.n diate " l'r'uv.iiiy. - r ... III. iittriiMcntl. - - - - " Board iin ludins; wAiiiin;'. liji its, iui;!. room-rents, and servant blre).0JHj Insciuent 1 fee. ... - " 1.00 iySend for a catalogue. JOHN GRAHAM, rr.ixcirAL. Ti-i i-ioi f. M;o p-rov. Jnsr needs f this community, new features have recently been od.Vd to i ur Dunk. Our btu-.iiicss has Ueu clafcbiQed, and ia uow conducted under three distinct heivis, namely: The Commercial Department. The Savings Department. he Safe-Deposit Department. Separate systems of aeaonnts are kept, ko that each department is complete iu itself, b e invito you to call or ware us wun a view iu uusiuess. tLehderson, N. O. J. li. OWES, PrcbiJi-i.t. W. Ji. UU'T, Cashier. he Allen and lemiiigCOj Varreuton, N.C., July 4, '02: COFFINS! J. H. RANSOM & SONS Lave a nice en J b antiful luo cf Cod as in stock. -AJLiXi styles; Tricea as cheap as ctn le where, ranging from the, Chepet tl the LigheeL They a: not winhiug au one to die, bat when your friul die they claim that they cat aell.yoit.W burial cane at the riff it pri-te aud of ilia ' leKt drpign and triDiinings. A. large. full and complete lino f r.ffiii(j'U baud all the timo, Uive them a trial.' First-class acli wt k of erery kiai dene neatly, quickly and at the right prices. Cull and thrtn. . . . ... J. M. HANSOM 4 SONS. TIME IS MONEY and ibe co' rect time a necessity to tl:e biif iuess tnAti. WATCUK CLOCKS. . antlJEWKUiT repaired ut a amall cost. GIVE .vC A TRIAL, CjyA:i rcy worl: i doucwiih a i3rnua njiirflQUiiuW.'C.'