VOL. 8. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902. NO. 20. jSTOTIOE. If this space has the Seel X Mark cn it, it is to inform you that your E'atecription is out, and unless re acwei the paper will he stepped. LOCAL ITEMS Mioses Xena and Marin Parker are "visiting relatives nd friends iu town. Miss M.uaie Gardner is visiting lela tivr in the Churchill neighorhood this week. Ir, W. A. Igraru arid daughter, Miss Mny, of Vaughau, were in town Wedin'MUy, Seethe new adv. of The Allen & I'lemiug Co., offering rare bargains to the public. 3fr. Simon P. Green, of Now York, is lu'io jU a visit to bis niothei Mis. Hi. A. 13. tiieen. Mr. I'!. G. Green went to Weldon liU week to see his brother. Dr. I. E. Green, who is ill. Mr. 13. W. Williams, of the A. C. L. Vi, in Petersburg, Va., visited bia in ther here this week. Mif Lucy Earnhardt, of Durham, is hero on u visit to her parents, Key. and Mrs. D. L. Earnhardt. Mr. II. T. Macon left last Monday for Eastern N. C. where he is adjust iug some losses by lire. Mr. J. A. Dowtin attended the meet ing of the State democratic executive vouiinittee in Raleigh this week. Mrs. V. J. Doyd, of Churchill, after a visit of some length here to relatives, Teturued to her home last Tuesday, iliss Auiiie C. Aberuethy fa attend g a teachers' Institute iu iialeigh this ; ID week, she beiuga Wake county teacher. Misses Sarah Gardner and Nettie Eodwell left last Monday on a two weeks vifctt to relatives m Littleton and Halifax eouuty. The best physic Ciharnbeilaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Eitsy to take. Pleasant lu effect. For sale by all Druggists. Mrs. Annie liond and daughter, Mrs. Anuie Woodard. of Edentou, are visit ing relatives ia town. Ihey are guests of Mrs. Dr. Thomas. Mr. S. 13. Williams, with his wife and little sou, of Philadelphia, are here -ou a visit to Mr. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Williams. j Mr. Daniel Diggs, who has been ' 'spending a mouth or more with his nephew, Mr. Ed Hudgius m Marion, came back home last Tuesday. Mr, Archie Duniel was in to see his mother, Mis. Laura Daniel, last Satur day aud Sunday. Archie is doiug well iu th service of the A, C. L. By. at Wilmington. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy has a world wide reputation lor its cures. It never fails cud n pleaeant and safe to take. For F,ale by all Druggists. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Miss Lucy Hawkius' school for Kills and little boys 111 this WANTED Oak logs at the Furni ture Factory, at once. Mr. A, A. Williams, of Dallas, Tex., is bore on a visit. Mr. O. P. Shell, of Henderson, ?as here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fleming, of Eidgeway, were here yesterday. Miss Mary Owen White, of Silvei ton, Va., is visiting at Mrs. Kate J Peete's. Miss Lucy Pugh, of Baltimore, Md., is guest of Miss Mary B. Williams. Miss Mary Beekwith, of Petersburg, Va., is visiting Capt, W J. White's family. Rev. E. II. Davis is at Va. Beach resting and recreating. All our people wish hita a pleasant vacation. Mm. E. 8. Crosiandand two children, of Winston-Salem, are here on a visit to hev sister, Mrs. A. A. Weesner. Our deepest sympathies go out to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. J. Milam, of Oak ville, in the loss of their little baby last Tuesday. Mrs. H. W. Palmer and two children, of Greensboro, are here on & visit to relatives. She is stopping with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Falkener, Jr. Mis. A. B. Spencer and little 6on, of Oxford, have joined her husband here and are stopping with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Fleming. Report of commissioner's oonit crowded out of this issue. No business of importance was transacted. All members were present save Mr, M. J. Hawkins, who is sick. See notice of a real nice place for rent near town by W. G. Plummer. This is a good place for a good farmer who wants to be near our good schools. Miss Abbie Pearce came down town last Wednesday to have her picture taken and it turned out that she was taken by Mr. Titus Frazier and they were manied. IFe wish them joy. Shatters all Hecords. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gnlledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc tors to cure a severe case of piles, caus ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Buck len's Arnica Salve soon cured. Sub dues inflamation, conquers aches, kills pains. Best salves in the world. 25o at C. A, Thomas' drug store. Youi attention is called to the adv. of Boyd's Warehouse in this issue. "The Old Reliable" Walter B. Boyd's name at the back or any business is sufficient guarantee to all that the right, honest, clean thing will be done Try him with a load. Our good friend, Mr. R. C. Twitty is happy this week. He has with him his four daughters and ten grand-el.il a Mrs. Carrie Palmer, who stays with j him, Mrs. Hattio Fitts, of Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. Mary Palmer and Miss j Annie Twitty. of Buffalo, N. Y., are the four with him. Dr. W. T. Twitty, wife and little son, of Buffalo, are ex pected to-day or to-morrow. The colored Teacheis' Institute is in progress here this week, conducted by Rev. T. S. Bruce, priucipal of Shiloh Institute. He was assisted by his brother, Prof. N. C. Bruce, of Shaw University, Raleigh. Interesting and instructive educational addresses were delivered by J. H. Kerr, Esq., Pref. N. C. Bruce. Editor W. F. Young, of Littleton True Reformer, and others We feel confident that much ffood has been done. The attendance was good One Charlotte, by name, now of S. C, at one time an unsuccessful editor issue. This is a school that Warreuton of a paper in Littleton, had an article in last Sunday's News & Observer about some Warren oounty people in which he sncke very unbecomingly of ceveral of our noted citizens. We are sorry he wrote thus of our dead and slandered them, but he connofc hurt them; of the living, Rev. E. P. Green, we refer him to the gentleman in ques lion, who is able to protect himself, mentally, morally and physically, . Confederate Reunion and Educa tional Sally in Warrenton on August 27th. lu compliance with the request of the Confederate Veterans, and also of the Board of Education of Warren county, I have appointed the following committees who will have charge of the Reunion and Educational Rally: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. P, H. Allen, chairman, Jerre Draper, Capt. J. A. Goodwyn, G. W. Alston, L. N. Watson, R. H. M. Paschall, Dr. G. King, M. J. Hawkins, W. B. Bojd, Dr. P. J, Macon, John Graham, J, R. Rod well. COMMITTEE AT LARGE. R, B. Boyd, J. A. Hudgins, H. B. Hunter. Sr.. J. A. Dowtin. M. B. Alston, Walter P. Rod well, W. B. Fleming, J. L. Coleman. R. B. Thorn ton, H. Palmer Sr., Dr. M. P. Perry, T. W. Walker, J. P. Leach, Dr. L. J Picot, J. B. Harris, John Powell, Geo W. Alston, R. B. Davis, W. E. Davis J. A. Dameron, R. E. Williams, Jr., T. B. Fleming, Whit Johnston, F. O B, Egerton, O. L. Rowland, R. C Twitty, Austin Allen, T. B. Watson, J. G. Bullock, B. M. Collins, Jno. W. Allen, Capt. W. G. Coleman, W. G. Egerton, R. F. Rose, R. B. Newmau, W. A. Burwell, A. S. Webb. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTED. S. G. Rogers, C. W. Cole, Jas. M Burroughs, J. W. Clements, E. P Nicholson, R. B. Buchanan. John C. Gardner, R. F. Rose, W. D. Rose, M. T. Duke. H. B. Hunter, Sr., H. B. Moseley. The Executive Committee will have general charge and management of the whole affair, and the appointment of such sub-committees as they deem fit. The Committee at large and Educa tional Committee are requested to aid the Executive Committee in soliciting subscriptions ot money and provisions in their respective neighborhoods. Prominent speakers have been in vited but up to now have not been heard from. They will ba announced iu due time. W. J. White, Com. Jno. White Camp, U. C. V, In summ'er can by taking be prevented 1W FBmmcs li in. Scott's Emulsion Its as beneficial in summer as In winter. If you are weak or run down, it will build you up. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, lOO-dii; Pearl Street. New Vnrt 'iS 50c. aud Si. to; nil druggists. ARRINGTON WAREHOUSE, LOCAL ADS. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. One oi the most p fosperous schools iu the South.. Room for 200 boarding pupils. . Twenty-first Annual Session begins Sept, 17th. Lr.rsc illustrated catalogue on application to Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A. M., Pres., Littleton, N. C. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from Warren County at once to prepare fo Positions in the Government Service Railway Mail Clerks, Letter Carriers, Custom House and Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply to Inter-State Corres. Inst., Cedar Rapids, Lu Piano for Sale : A real good 7 oc tave piino for sile very cheap. Apply to Tns Record, IFarrenlon, N, C. I am prepared to furnish ice to r! cts. per pound 100 pound ticket for 1.00. Ice house opeu at all hours in the day except Sundays on Sunday from G till 9 a. m. and from 5 till 7 p. m. Jno. S. Plcmmeb. The Johnson store for rent. Apply to H. T. Macon. We will Get You Bring us a Load at Once. rices. ROGERS & BURWELL. fiT"Mr. Mangum has charge of our stripping rooms. Tobacco Very -AT- oyd' is proud of aud one that every patron invariably speaks well of, and it de serves every good word said of it. Miss Edna Allen is off on a vacation trip. This week she is with Miss Luey Allcu, oi Afctell, where a house party is ?u progress; next week she will spend with her parents in liidgeway. Dr, Wm. Flemiug, oi Richmond, Va, paid us a pleasant visit last Tuesday, Tho Dr. came in fiom Palmer's Quite a large crowd of white and Spiiugs, Va., where he is spending colored people witnessed the marriage of Robt. J, Plummer, of Littleton, son of our townsman Jno. S. Flunimer, colored, and Miss Birdie Green, daughter of Cyrus Green, colored, of our town, in the white Episcopal church here at 11 o'clock a. m., Wed nesday, Augest 6th 1902. Rev. B. S Bronson, officiated, using the beautiful TCniso.onal service. The marriage was i ' i A YcvLng Lady's Life Saved. At Panama, Colombia, Iv Cfuzmbcrlain't Colic, ChoUra and Diarrlwea Remedy. Dr. Chas. II. Utter, a prominent physician, of Panama, Colombia, in recent letter states: "Last -Viirch I ha as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who had a very bad attack of dysentery. Everything I prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. Sfce had be come so weak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this criti cal moment was a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain's Colij, Chole ra and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort prescribed it. The most wonder ful result was effected. Within eight hours she was feeling much better ; iu side of three. days she was upon he feet and at the end of one week was en tirely well." For sale by all Druggists o CD M J3- P Q o o CD CD Ul o o m ct- ct I I CD d O CD Ul O Hi CD hi XJl S3 CD in O erg o CD Q o o Ul Ul CD ct-O erg Ul p o Our buyers are now ready for the ITI 1 1 1 new crop- rne gianu tooacco com panies of England and the United States are hot for the weed. P o p P Pi Come along to the o p p p p p p p Ul CD crt- lj P O Pi If J II I MP If m Ls II rtl Sin I In tn Tours for business. D. H. RIG G AN. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AUD LITTLE BOYS, "Warreuton, N. C. mm I Ml some days with his wite, who is stop ping with Mrs. J. H. Jeffress. Mrs. A. V. Fleming was in town last Tuesday, she has been with her uauffhter, Mrs. J. II. Jeffress, at Palmer's Springs, Va., for a long time. but says she expects to come home how soon, and this is good news to all ua" a beautiful one. The bridal couple and Mr. J. E. Rodwell, tho very efficient friends partook of a sumptuous dinner railroad agent at Macon, this county, at the groom's father's and left on the Las bp.tn rrrmrifWl to tb.n nfiRfifl at 1 9 '.-id train for their future horde in liendereon, N. C. While we regret to Littloton, carrying with them the best lose Mr. Rodwpll and his excellent wishes of their host of fiiends both family, yet we congratulate him on his white and colored. promotion and commend him and family to the good people of Hender fion. lour attention, farmer friends, is called to the adv. of Rogers & Burwell, the gentlemanly warehousemen of the "Arlington Warehou89." We'll stake our reputation upon the statement that he who sells tobacco with these gentle men will get all that fairness, honesty and correct dealings will bring him for bis tobacco. Try them, aud if you are not eatisned With your treatment, call on The Record. Yoti Know' What You are Taking when you take Glove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula- is plainly piinted on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay, 50c. The Fall Term of Miss Lucv Hawkins School will begin Tuesday, Aug. 26th, i902. Pupils will be charged from time of entrance. No deduction for absence or withdrawal unless caused by protracted sickness. Fur particulars address Principal. tl you want a fcuggy, Carriage, Wagon or Harness call at Boyd's Warehouse ; AUGUST BARGAINS! We propose to sell every piece of Colored Lawn, every pair of Slip pers, every suit of Summer Clothing in the store at a sacrifice to close them out as we must have the room for Fall Goods. Do not miss tnese oar gains. A few COIlSEtS at aWit half price, best make but odd pair?. The Allen and Fleming Co. Warrentou, N. C, Acg. 1st X)2. m ml FOR RENT Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellsburg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble ith whichhe he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets. He had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physioians without re lief, For Bale by all Druggists. Death of Miss Bettie Davis. Miss Bettie Davis, a bright young lady about 20 years old died here yesterday after a long illness at her parents', Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis' residence. Her interment took place yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. Funeral services were conducted by Kev. C JN Wharton. Services in the Baptist church and burial in the town ceme tery. Our deepest sympatmes go out to the bereaved family. A moie ex landed notice will be Kiven in next issue..' This signature ia on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromoyuinme Tablet the remedy that cureu a oltl la one day Hot weather ia here aud we are making it hot for our competitors in - v.' - --Tvi; "- V77 A farm one mile frotn Warreit laina, N. C about -30 rctpr, good pasture and farm land in ood condition, suitable for va- nous crops . w ill n nt tor l year ot a nunibeJ of years. Applicants tnuEt be prepared to tumUli l-t of references, no other ned apply. W. G. PLUMMKR. Warren rUlnf.N.C.Arg.h.l5r!. ood Goods Straw Hats. Clothing. and Prices. A full line. All bizes and Styles going at bargains. The very best on the market. Will suit all comers in style, nt and. prices. isow is your chance to get a suit tor yourself or the boys. There is something about blue blood that will always tix-nk for itself. A crlance at my Berkshire herd ill undoubtly convince the most fastidious that England has been robbed of its noblest aristocracy. Yes, we are hero nt tlie front, and there to stay. These loner bodied, broad backed, dern cbstod blacks. having been judiciously crossed vith America's best strains of Beikibires, has enabled rne to oner to the public a line oi STOCK TKLA.T CMISTOT BE EQUALED. You can always find here what you want, with prices to match, from trie Dams and experienced Sires to a "Squeak, squeak can't trt over ruass.Vs door sill." Kindly thanking you for past favor, aud patiently awaiting your future LADIES' DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS. Beautiful, durable and patronage, I remain, Very truly yours, at prices that dene competition. WALTER B. FLEMING, Proprietor of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. NOTIONS a complete line. THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrcnlon, N. C. GROCERIES Splendid line of meats home cured and FLOUR and MEAL the unsurpassed DUNLOP. We are ready to serve you and prov our assertions. Call and see us, ot phons us. best SUBSCIUUE FOR Phone No. 5. TH1 HOSE-HII,X,IA.IlI3 CO. (IXCOBPOBAXED. ) he cord. m s o g si .-r? ha P3 i 1 U o 9 3 t-l mm a.. - - n . . . W mm mm 5 5 I 0 -

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