VOL. 8. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1902. NO. 22. NOTICE. If this space has the Eed X Mark C3 it, it is to inform yOU that yOTir Miss Lizzie Jones, rr-VscriTJtion is out. and unless re newed the paper will he stopped. Mr. Richard Arrington io hre cn visit to relatives. Miss Leach, of Littleton, ia visiting LOCAL ITEMS Miss Bessie Bobbitt, of Axtell, was ;n town this wtek, Pr. II. X. Walters is back from a tnp to Eastern N. O. Mr. J. M. Colomau, of Rlacon, was ii town hist Monday. Willie E. Webb lias retmiled to Bo 1 Hackle, Ten., to school. Mr. B. Hunter visited his father Tinil relatives in town this week. Large lner.ko of tobactro in town every day this week and prices high. q. A. S. Webb's new grand daugh ter :u rived in Kalejgh last Sunday p. m. Mr. Bobt. A. Jackson, of Palmer's Srri1'. Va., was in town last monday. Miss Lucy Allen, of Axtell, was a visitor in town last Sunday and Mon th' Keo rji'tiec of sale of town properly by V. K. Talker, trustee, by his Atty., f. Polk. Mrs. L. X. Wntson and daughter, Miss Lucy, spent last Sunday in town with relatives. Miss Bettio Xicholson and Mr. T. R. Peikinsou, of Oakville, were in town last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S Allen are visiting the northern markets buying their Fall S.iul Winter goods. Mr. Alex Terrow, Jr., of New York City, whs a visitor to our town a day or two the past week. Mr, John Sells returned last Satur day from a long visit to Canada and other northern points. Mr. J. L. Henderson went to Rich mond, lust Saturday on business, re turning home Monday. Miss Eliza Egeiton delighted her host of friends in town by a visit of several days the past week. Mrs. A. V. Fleming spent several lavs at home this week, but has gone buck at Palmer's Springs again. L'euniou and Educational Rally to morrow. Come and bring a basket Well tilled with good things. The best pbysic Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant la efl'ect. For sale by till Druggists. Miss Lucie Webb is visiting near Townsville, Vance county, before re luming to Littleton Female College. Misses Maggie Mercer, of Elm City, and Susie Diuightry, Rocky Mt., are Visiting Judge C. A. Cook's family. Mr. C. E. Jackson came up from Florence, S. C, last Saturday and speit Sunday here with his family. Mr. W. F. Williams and wife, of Baltimore were in town last week bhakiug hands with their old friends. The County Commissioners will hold their annual meeting at the County Home on the 27th lust., next Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rod well, of Raleigh, spent several days in town and county this week visisiting rela tives. Mr. M. P. Burwell spent last Sunday here with his family returned to his business in Darlington, S. C, on Mon day . Mrs. flu v wood Clark and beautiful tittle daughter, Edith, of Norfolk, Va.k art; visiting their aunt, Mrs. V. L. Pendleton. Messrs, Claude and Julius Judd, of Henderson, were here this week stop ping with their cousin, Mr. J. C. Mo Craw, Jr. Miss Dozier Scott and her uncle, Mr. Walter P. Rodwell, of Oakville, Were iu town a short while laBt Tues day, shopping. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a wcrld wide reputation for its cures. It never fails aud is plearaut and safe to take. For bale by all Druggists. Mr. R. B, Boyd visited his brother, Mr. Geo. V. Boyd, of Enfield, last Sunday, who has been quite ill, but we are glad to report is better. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, of Knoxville, Tenn., are here. They came to see their mother, Mrs. D. K.. Harrison, who is very ill. Miss Estella Davis, accompanied by her cousiu, Miss Lottie D. Harris, who .s on a visit uere to relatives, are spending this week with relatives in the Fork. Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellsburg Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with whichhe he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. He had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians without re uel. 11 or buIo by all Druggists. Miss Cariolee Drake, of Raleigh, is visiting Miss Sue Williams. Miss Mabel Harper, of Kingsfciee, S C is visiting Miss Edna Allen. Mr. David Bronsdn, of Atlanta, is here on a visit to his father. Mrs. (Jreo. W. Alston, Jr , and chil- dien went to Ceuterville Wednesday. Miss Fannie Pender, of Asheville, visited Mrs. B. B- Hilhard this week. Mr. J. H. Kerr and sou went to Yanceyville to visit Mr. Kerr's parents Mrs. Virginia Williams, of Hender son, is here on a visit to Mrs. Lucy E. Polk. Miss Nettie Gardner returned yes terday fioin a two veeks visit in the Churchill neighborhood. Capt. W. J. White left Tuesday to go to Durham for treatment. Wo sincerely hope he will benefited. Members of the John White Camp are requested to meet at court house 9 a. m. Saturday morning. Episcopal S. S. gave a basket picnic ab Watson's grove yesterday. About 75 folks enjoyed the outing. Judge W. A. Montgomery, came down from Raleigh Wednesday to spend a few days with friends here. Miss Virdie Robards, of Henderson, and Lieut. J. S. E. Young, U. S. Army and wife, of Henderson, are visiting Mr W. B. Boyd. Misses Josie and Eliza Plummer, of Warren Plains, are spending sometime with Miss Mattie Hunter and Miss Mattie Williams. Misses Mamie and Sue Plummer. of Newport News and Miss Kate Plum mer, of Middleburg, are visiting the Misses Hawkins. The Record wishes to call attention to the adv. of the Henry Williams farms in this issue. This is a fine plantation and would be a good in vestment. We wish to call especial atttention to the new advertisement df The Rose- Hilliard Cd. which appears in this issue. They can save ydu money. Mr. J. W. Buck, the photographer, who has been operating here for a few weeks past, reports a liberal patronage and will continue to make sittings for a few weeks longer. Mrs. D. K. Harrison died at her home near town Wednesday evening after a long illness. Buried yester day afternoon from Methodist ohurch in old cemetery. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family Mr. W. G. Plummer has sold his nice iarm near warren jriains w Messrs. W. G. Rogers and W. B. Boyd, and they are offering this nice farm for sale. See adv. in lllis issue. Confederate Vets and Educators to Meet Together, Saturday August 23rd. The executive committee of this movement met last Wednesday and decided on the following program : Hon. Dan Hugh McLean, of Duttn, and Dr. B. F. l3ixon, State Auditor, will be the orators. Tasker Polk. Esq, will introduce the former and J. H. Kerr, Esq., will introduce the latter. lne meeting will be hell in Dean B Grove, next to Mr. P. H. Allen's residence. Everybody will be expected to bring a well-filled basket of lunch. Mr. M. B. Alston is appointed to receive and checlc baskets. The new editor of The Record will be on hand to get acquainted. Let him suggest that subscribers and others shake hands with him and leave him better off. Note: The "long green and the "silver wheels" are main fac tors in the life of a newspaper. Shatters all Records. Twice in hospital, F. A. Ualledge, Verbena, Ala. paid a vast sum to doe tors to oure a severe case of piles, caus ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Buck- len's Arnica Salve soon cured. Sub dues inflamation, conquers aches, kills pains. Best salves in the world. 25o at C. A, Thomas drug store. LOCAL AD8 Brain-food NonsenM. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent au thorities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind oi food is needed for brain, another for muscles. and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking reg ular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel bouyant aud vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Thomas' drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. FOR SALE OR RENT. Pleasant home. Good schools aud churches. Fork of two roads, C. Carr place, near Dr. Fleming's. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. One tl the most p rosperous schools iu the South. Room for 200 boarding pupils. Twenty-firfet Annual Session begins Sept, 17th. Large illustrated catalogue on application to Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A. M., Pres., Littleton, N. C. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from Warren County at once to prepare for Positions in the Government Service Railway Mail Clerks, Letter Carriers; Custom House and Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply to Inter-State Cor res. Inst., Cedar Rapids Ia. WANTED Oak logs at the Furni ture Factory, at once. Piano for SAiiE: A real good 7 oc tave pLuio for sale very cheap. Apply to The Rec6ed, tParrenlonj N. C. The Johnson store for rent. Apply to H. T. MAcon. FOR SALE. Siot on 0e&board Train. Tuesday afternoon as the Southbound train No. 41 of the S. A. L. passed Middleburg a Email riot occurred, as a result of which Road Master Fred Stevers was instantly killed and negro porter Jim Mitchell mortally wounded. A negro named Cole was the instigator and leader of the fracas. Capt. W. P. Clements, conductor, barely escaped beinar killed owina his escape to the faithfulness of the negro porter. The rioters are now in jail at Hen derson and a T&rv ot fair minded men would losa no time in sentencing them Failing to do their duty, the matter could easily be settled out of the courts. We are glad that Warren couuty will not have to entertain these negroes. The" best tobacco farm in the County, known as the Walter G Plummer place, about one mile from .Warren Plains and about thr?e mites from Warreuton. Con tains about 220 acres. Plenty o wood, good pasture and grain land nice 7 room dwelling, stables, pack house aiid barns. Apply to W. G. ROGERS or W. G. BOYD. Ell mm m 23 !N C. ARRINGTON WAREHOUSE, Bring us a Load at Once. We will Get You High Prices. ROGERS & BURWELL, C?-M"r. Mahgum has charge of our stripping rooms. Tobacco Very High Bovd's W arenouse. GO! Cupid has again put in his work. This time it was Miss Minnie Capps, daughter of Mr. Macon Capps, of iudigestion, dyspepsia Warren Plains and Mi. Robt. Williams auy good food you eat, who Riirm-tsed home folks bv being after meals. united as man and wife last Sunday, Rev. E. H. Davis officiated. We wish them joy. To My Friends. It is with joy I tell yon what Kodol 1 did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several montns. Upon be ine advised to use Eddol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything- I told him to use Kodol. Fords of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommeuded it. Geo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great leconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, Kodol digests Take a dose o A Cure for Cno'lera Infantum. "Last May," says Jfrs. Curtis Baker. Of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of our neighbor's was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle Of Chamberlain's Colic, Chole ra and Diarrheea Remedy to the housej telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions; In two days time the child had lully recovered, and is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended this Remedy frequently an d have never knbwh it to fail in any single instance." For sale by all Druggists. Jurors for September Court. The following jurors have been drawn for Warren county Superior court, com mencing Sept. 15th 1902: W. A. Ciinkley, J, H. Davis, col., A. D. Capps, M. B. Alston, J. J. Stalhngg, O. O. Vanlandingham, G. W. Duke, Walter Egerton, R. A. Carroll. Kaspei Killian, 0. B. Yaughan, T. A. Hams, R. Maugum, A. A. Speed, E. P. Fitts, L. C. Perkinson, N. M. Jones; J. J. Tarwater, J. J. Dickerson, J. W, Fleming, C. H. Buchanan, J. T. Haithcock, R. B. Thornton, J. J. Myrick, J. W. Gupton, W.B. Fleming, W. G. Coleman, Sr., Hy. Holtzman, R. D. King, N. J. Harris, J. W. Hudson4 A., D. Harris, J. W. Clements, T. H; Cheek, S. 3. Stallings, J. B. Wiggins. r i To Cure a Cold in One Say Take Laxative Brdmo Quinine Tablets. ! Ail druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c". t n " The bore aiwajs tries to leave a hole in the memory of his victim. . For an hour of mirth pay a month of sorrow. we frequently Cures Rheumatism. URICSOL cures Rheumatism and all Bladder and Kidney troubles caused by uric acid. It has peiformed hundreds of remarkable cures in Los Angeles, Oal.. wheie it is being manufactured, on account of an urgent demand caused bv the remarkable cures it has made, nnrl it is now beiue introduced in this section. It is highly endorsed and is flpstined to have a large sale, it cures these diseases easily and permanently Druggists sell it at &L.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $3.00 8 CD J3- P o a CD H CD in o in W o CD Ul o CD in 5 CD p. o S5 O P m CD CD 0 o g CD P P P P CD W o c-r-O p in p P P- crq CD ct- AUGUST BARGAINS! We propose to sell every piece of Colored Lawn, every pair of Slip pers, every suit of Summer Clothing in the Store at a Our buyers are now ready for the sacrifice to close mi j -i fVom mif r a tttA new crop- xne gianx looacco com- panies of England and the United must have the States are hot for the weed. room for Goods. Do not miss tnese oar gains. A few CORSETS at about hall pricey beet make but odd pain. The Allen and Fleming Co. Warrentou, N. O, Acr; 1st. 02. Come along to the WALTBE B. BID. P U1 hrf P CD P If you want a Buggy, Carriage, Wagon or iiarues9 Call at Boyd's Warehouse . 1?our3 for business. D. H. RIGGAN. Biiwlikd Stool: k Store House for Rent Sals! WARD C Large, sicely amDg"4 !aile. twi etoties. conlr&lly located ojrncr of ilid and Jail Streets, WARRENTON, X. C. The most popular mercantile fcUnd tn the lown. Front pi t of tip fclairi fitted up for oulceS or lieil rbbdJa. For particulata cnll riu Jamc Mt Gardner. Warretiton. N. C, or mnte 1I0E2IA:T L. Prep Drakes Uriinch, Va. There is something about blue blood that will always speak for itself. A n rr.1T T?tr fall 1 TO llf1-1 nndoubtlv convince the most fastidious that ... T T , i u;iiLiioej uw uij w - -i 7ih ri io5r t.pw brif k stnro next to N. Jii- JODDSOD h? nrv1irtl Vina hoon hhd of its noblest aristocracy, les. we are liere al tne IT ii A U.A v i s iii vi- -v i juujianu vwv - - . 1.11 I . Ill 1 u . of i6f. T?rrtT r,w until fripn thpv will make it to front, and there to stay, inese long uoaiea, Drou iiac.eu, uuGuawu uo, about Sept. 1st: rom now Until then tney win mase i ""J , beeu jUjlciously crossed villi America's best strains of Berkshires, has your interest tu visit iuch otuioi u""" .v, o BtRAW HATS are offered, in fact a largfe stock of General Merchandise to pick from and prices to please quality con sidered; Not the cheapest goods but gbod goods cheap. Will try to please oiir customers. Call and see our stock. Phone No. 5. THE HOSE-mIHD CO. (iNCOKfOfiATEbi ) Stops the Cough and "Works off the Cold. ' Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. All Eemnants at a Bargain. enabled me to offer to the public ft Ude Of YOTJlSrO STOCK TH-AJT O-AJLTITOT You can always find here what yop want, with prices to match, from tried r,Ta oi,.l MnpHflnoed Sires to a "Sdueak. squeak can't ret ove"r massa's door ...... t . - sill." Kindly thanking you lor past lavor6, ana pauenuy anaiung your iumro patronage, I remaiflj Very truly yours, WALTER B. FLEMING, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrentoiij N. d SUBSCRIBE FOR The Recor d 2 Sa.33 c i 2 591 c bj TS I 1? I' n .l! rt q s ? j a f-' i: b & g ii 9 a 5" 5 i- 0 s- s 3 0 - ? I S zo2a a I' 4 P