'i i i 1:1 fa ILIj fc. J f bd 1 V 1 j --- ' f " : 7 ') f'"e W ARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 11)02. NO. 25. IOT! c k. I Capt. V. J. White lias returned the : hospital in Durham, muck improved. :.:c lias tlie S:d S lrk 0 ir.f:rm yC'J. lAat y:"r , to Philadelphia, softer ft pleasant vaca- ;icn is cut? ar.d unless re- j tlon vvitl1 be people here. Misses May Vaughan and Bessie jcr.por vrill be stsrpca .V. Z.Iilo:- Ir.itcsl Dailianillus ;'. Eawkh'S, of Charlotte, is eosooro, visited d.rs. ! 11a rues : t Mr 31eC, and Mrs. Yangkan, of Mur- lip-fiRtrnTR .irui Jnrifffis fit j-ilertoirn. Tlie County Board of Elections for Miss &au. Eatzenstem has returned J Warren county, composed of J. H. Ken, chairman, E. C. Price, secretary, and N. M. Jones, have appointed the following persons reistrars and judges of election the first named in each this'' l!iet'1IllJt oeing ine registrar: Elver A. L, Pope, B. L. Alston. T. B. Fleming. Sixpouud F. P.. Newell, W. G. Coleman. R. L. Bell. ti.lO Ul lAStoU TT.. .,. !...,. r TV -.!. T Til sen, Thos. H. Pfrhmson. Smith Creek E. B. Stallings, J. A Eoiley, . O. JleCraa, son of Judge and v; presenti: the eluiiu I opt. ci cne c. J-j "i v As wo go to press ho pad news comes What You Want AND ' Where to Find it. AT fcrti ft ? y4 2 C.rccn went to Piiilegh ihut 2-.uK YY. T. Jehr.yoa is in a dying; iieeder, J. H. M.iyrield. H. .ell, of Dunn, was in otc Laa returuod to '. u. condition. The svuiwiiy of tiie com- X ntbiisli S. G. Champion. C, i inu:r..v. as 01 azie aizcoup. is with tlio i LapM, . ii. i'usenau. nnily. j tSaudy CreeliT. B. Plachnall, Grant .-ardslej, S. J. Pritelzard. Shocco 0. L. Ilowlaiid, Jaa. Mont- bereaved Mr. E. W. Jeftiess brought a bag of ies'itn. has. returned lkie, larg'j X'ars to T y enters i;-:y inonua LncmiTi itine - ornery, I oster Jones. , . . , . -oil; Jj. i,. Ihoinpson ... . ! v JIMsis. .!".( XneiT WiHiiifus. Wl : :.! l In rn I i'lsliiiig Creeii i . 1. Uuvis, l eter Air. tii-uivso . .Liiinerv. C. tircen) of Vt'eldoi ..: , s ill i week. omi cviuit! uue i;i c n j oy iz Ci'pt. O. P. Shell Wednesday for Dunn whcio they will reside. We are very sorry to lose sueii pood citizens but glad to know s-hat lunu will gs t tlze beueilt of having such a woithy family in her midst. B 0 Vi-ter Aviivgton vetuviied to hor hi i.;ui'i.aui last Saturday. Mrs. Jno. S. Eads have re , to th ir heme in Tampieo, Ales. . s. N ttie W. Giirdnei and Elle-i ' -.zVlrcd Pancoea Springs, this :ui!y retnvi.iL! ; to Ualeili on Waller B. TU ming and ehil- Eomco zM. Biul the Independents and Bexrab- lieans heard t !: e .';pee. blue Democrats ut ehes of the true- Yaughan on Wed tui-ned last Suiuvday Litth-tvm. irem si . f i .VI ui.--;Tat. Thv'y would havbeeu Inght eiitd at th-ir own pictures word pk-tnrp, to be more explicit, which were udihir.lly poi'tayed by sueii men Powell, G. W. Davis. Judkius J. J. Bhearin, J. B. Harris, E. E. Woiiett. West Warrenton Ed. Petar, G. G. Egerton, J. W. Scott. East Warrenton Clyde Fleming, J C. Hard , Alex. Katzenstein. Roanoke T. W. Walker, Sjdney Tiloseley, H. B. Moseley. OF COURSE. i Tie keep busy all the time. This proves that our customers know where to come. lev roods arrive daiiy . Our stocl a "cod variety of lions. Shoes ecc Our iiii mm EM. 3N". O. Aeff goons arrive j r n is complete with ' Dry Goods, No- gj S mill i' (- T ' You Histi P log lie a Load at Once. noes, li a I ' a Ban Department wns never better. We men tion a few goods, wo have others; Smoked Meats, Meal, Flour, Ship f tn If. Sugar, Coffee, Choose, Cakes, and Crackers, White Fish, Mack erel and Herrings, Canned Ileef, Chip Ileef, Bananas, Plain and French Candy, Potatoes and Cabbage. Try 11IGGAN. ROGERS & BUR WELL, JT'Str. ?taii3Uiu has chr.i.c'i ,f our rtriping room1?. ti Hjj :a Jf J W Y? -7 ai High GS1LY 2 WEEKS LOMGER. Polk and Ci-.-uJe Judd, of lleucleisoii, :.' :i t'.iy vr two with ilr. G. cCruw, the p-est week. Cav -lea Drake, w'izo .li-vs beeu Sue WilMuuiK, retuvued to i in l.a. Alum. (IV'1'. as Claude ICiteki f;.lin if. Kerr. The oeeasiou was a barbecue, given by the Dciimerats of Judr.iua and liiver to wuihipsuf .Tarren county. Th-.; first si'aker was Tasker Polk, E4'.ii"e, of V.'iirrentou. He was iu troci.ieed by J. A. Dowthi and traced thv iiibirv of Nevf'i Carolina pelitie.s 1 M.-1 :i i' b ho iv,.'-,t. wee .v, Ov-ioi'e .::!- iiz Georgia. Aninetou and Alasters Pid'Aier lift for tlieit- i- . a., ..AOla.aJ . lie iof : . t ei o. tn i' ' '1 t M. ! E ?4f PHOHf Photographer, -u--- :!'., or a i .ft ;. sp--:Kti:.g tlt.- . 1 ' me - L' :: lav. f P! 1 v ..i ihiys I'm m"- i out -tnuiea auouc me iit.ie c;or.l I :'.depe'd. ntkui that for a time ateued to ovtrcast tuo political i-ky m Jiieii i:h now been dispelled by l'a:t DeniociMiie sun. lie gave ut-im-t! t i ,e.i'-vt tvm?i vh?n he f-;ii 1 L "nleuis end Ilm? ubliear.s 1 i ae li under Ul - i il 1 I V. t ":-U;U'y . mi'?!, t " a, i:!'i -.i. T.'nivmni'.y, or that Hen. B. F ,mim E. Dar.i. 1 t T-:.-.bty. Ik save L (Ira 1 . i i i , Cimvol Dmom.v.id i I" iilV ey ui't. : -1; i iTm i 's iounei euliur .1 turn Ccziier: nc .b.v. i:k;. Ir. J. ,. V, ren Cir . at darcp iz..-t. Aii .u"' hiv-bz.i to J. A. 1a:i:::.ox. Prt-s '. Bi.l-.vL of Ya., and A l. r. of WfiT'-i ,;a ,.f Mv. G. M. WadLi-r. n 2nd., 11H12, liev. E. eiat lie'. . Eur. lev. .Tt ,. II. Ken-, l.s'p. of War- oc'lvi ri! a .--.trir-f.T sp,-; on -.ire, .7eif-a -- miau Dooi-cra-1 by the l:-as--.a of lude- At fee - i--li a most to v.irn Mr. m. i. -v. some. ten, nm'-tmn-a i'a,it e-ur 1:"- bad led a v. ay whereby we might stay :em' s.vuii. Six bandied nun, l :.sia An "Old Sclieor' Eeresentative. Captain William J. vVhite.an ex-Con- A federate, from Warieutou, is at the Watts' But-pital, a patu-nt of Dr. A. 5. Pendleton, ins former family jnvysieian. Captain White is a !ay-n ader iu E maimel P. E. Ohureh, Warreub.n. Uo is ,an erudite and cliarmiug gentleman of the -'old school" a class once so no ted and now fast disappearing from the South not to the advantage of society or good morals. Iu ante-bellum days, Wa;renton was consxiewms for tbe wealth and refinement of its people. Much of this wealth consisted m phuita-t tions and iu groes; the value ot the form I or was greatly lessened and that of the latter annihilated, as the result of the war. But the innate courageous and valiant spirit of honor and refinement .- , W4a ,l.,r- fl. 1 ' ' ! Ueadnnartcrs for all kinds and sizes survivors and descendants of this his-! tcM-hs people are marked for these vii- oi pilot-gi apljS at moderate prices, iu tnes; and among them all, is not to be j d imlitg Portraits, Family Groups and f-v..l !'.. -t .- v.iaru wr.vtliv rirre. t " t . vrri i. Yiev,-s. Also, Life-eize Portraits in yenbdivi than Caxtaiu White. J With the view to making h;s star t Crayon and Pastelle at all prices, 21 tf. among us as pleasant as possib'e, wi-1 vt-nt'o-o'tu suggest that his Church and j Co; i i'i .1 c rit a .so us rades espscmli". , f- v j Warrenton, N. O. 1 . fy f OS l iSi cut; aehisioi! of llx. im.ofrtant au- 1' " .1 St -AND- MONUaEENTS. t the Warren Circ-.v.t net ul.iv- i man ifd , i (dlt r ;w eolh womer ai;d b: e:-s :i;'.;c"l'iy demoiisiieu tiie trayN ut ilarbeaue ;i:id Bruusiwick :v and felieicr was in e-iidenee. hi order that the au.Uenee xahmt be brought togi-thiT and quiefad for the admiruble ad dress that followed, the r.dzb".r ot 'V:-:-: Pa:r-o.:Z) was pat up for a si-.eucb. Pr--testing his inabibty to iuake a public sor-eeh did no good. He Lad ; rue;:, di'irer and must pay for it om to s-nd to o.ue etloi;. idamp icr j l'e, who is mumeg 1-i couie vn;i will ei.e'e.s-.. : etuiu X" tago-. akt::o:--A reliable persrui at .each t' :-i Cuhee m Warren county to act as j'.ricsnondont and agent. To eueh j . i.aj.s a lib-ral remuneration will be :dd. Adun ss, Tun Eeookd, Warren tu., X, 0. Mr. Henry B. Hunt:;:-, Sr., quietly icbrated his 80th. birthday last lues day. M. Hunter is a well preserved, bide, and eei.ial type of Southern o.h. al. i'.a y eviet ii-dn't ' paak an fa, ly 'earned that vrtli deserved eeiiq iiments to Captaui Whit;..- by visit. :ig him at Watts' Hos pit.ih Thrift, lJurham, N. C. a . C'ff t-13 wiu. I We can sell you a marble, granite, or Laxative Bromo Ouinine Tablets euro ' crucreto tombstone, or monument. , V f - ,,,. : Prmes range from smnJ! to large hgures a "old i:i one dav. zvo Cure, .oiu. , . r . , e " A- ' a-, cord; ng r s;z ; ot work, bqnares or Price 25 cents. J mounds curbed" all kinds of cemetery j tkdurcs cleaned and roxaired. Bring Us your xnctiires to enlarge and frame. If we keejj talking about our good v ork it is because it is worth talking about. b'e are in business to stay and will treat you right. Edvards & RGi33ris, 24 3m. 7arrciit:zi, IT. C. AUGUST BARGAINS! We prdpose td sell every pie cd of Colored Lawiii every pair ot aiipi perSj every suit oi Summer Clothing in the istore M a H0T7 ready for the sacrifice to close iant tobacco com- them out as wd I - h t. i T JJjJ A. J-A-Vi. CJUVL UXAV AI.A UUV4 States are hot ibr the weed. if w I Our buyers are pvYr r-'"r'!- LOCAL ADS. COU.VI1 o.eil tl 1 if ,ll,l:,'t f:1 m. The il.b.t. U'i'.-lu f 1 iii'ia vi-r r .innr irom tue ji :i to .aie i!.:t ent time silel 1101 umg m uj ucami. However, it gave the lu-ople a chance to see him and know who he was. The cbniax of the day was reached when the Hon. Claude zvitcb.iu was in troduced by the 1L!. S. G. Daniel, ! s .(-"---- h)r:ii-e from Warren vitohin is the xifsont wish film many birthdays. no raoer r- rl lepreseutative roi ressional district and has been norm il" LV7";V Ten young men to learn ... ....! .... ) ,;:.t(.v Ul:y. 1'OsltlollS giiarnaiuBu ..o : ',:L l-.iv.hcient. Tor terms, length ot time required, etc., address J. W. Jh.ick, Photographer, Warieutou, N. C. A recent Greensboro dispatch to the P.ahugh 'paxiers mentioned that a former colored citizen, Eugene Plummet-, had ac.e pteu a good iti.-:i in a ; i w ii.g ruac-iuue fnctory in Massaclin httts. The negro referred to is the sou of John b. Plumm.-u-, a respectable . t i- l ... re..,,, ..-.. cUlZen OI v iu rtmL'-Hl. j.ntgenu born and raised here but was educated ;u Greemboro. fiis father tells us that Eugcue gets a salary of 5.00 -v d:.y unci is allowed f?2.00 per day for ex penses. J'--: following iiave lundlj contribu te,! fo -,.,r fci'.pport in fc-ubserixtions and . ir . h. A. Martin, IMton, Mo.; E. I). Paseliill. Jewbeirie; Bolomun '-loi.u-iviile, Amtell. J. T. Cteon, Creek, .1. Hawkins, Eidgway; Miss Itetsie this Con en norui- leited to succeed jumseif, and will purely b elected. For two hours Mr. Xitchhi denouueed trusts and monopo lies, exposed th Independents, and whipped out the Republicans. We werogbid to hear sne.h forcible utter ances that fell like hot. shot. We were only sorry we could not see the Ite pubdicans squirm and writhe under the denunciation. Warren county is solidly democratic! I w:sh to heartily thank the people of Warrenton for their kindness to me and my family during my recent &ad bertavements. Eespeetfuliy, W. E. Davis. As a special inducement to get logs at once we will pa higher X'tics. Waiutezntox runxrrcnH Co. H AXTED: An exxerienced man to si ll tomb stones etc., in barren Co. liTite or apply to II. E. T.OWAI-.PS, b arrenton, X. C. i LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. ! Olio nf the mst prospomus soliools iu the South. Eoom for 200 boarding pupils. Twenty-first Annual Session begins 5ext, 17th. Largo illustrated catalogue on arrplication to Eev. J. M. flhodes, A. M., Pres., Littleton, N. C. Piaxo ron Sale : A real good 7 oc tave x)i..no for sale very cheap. Al?ply to Tiizz XIecokd, irarrenloUi IN. C. The Johnson store for rent. Apply to H. T. Macox. Q0 "Giie i -;" ! '4 ' 1 m t r ' i - rr u ?n h a tl . . :.T :- t-- . r j - room foi? Fall Goods. Do nofi mios these bar gains. A few CORSETS at Sbo'tit half price, best make but odd pair. The Alien and FOil SALE. Tlie best tobacco farm in the count known as the Walter G. PI u miner place, about :.no mile Irom Warren Plains and about thr -e mil"sfrom Warrenton. Contain- about acres. Plenty of wood, 'good pasture and grain land, nice 7 room dwelling, stables, pack, house and barns. Apply to W. G. ROGERS or Y. B. 1JOYD. W I - i 1 F' ii H mm - a It von wr.ut a llisy, Carri?sp, Wngcn or Harnes3 call at Royd:3 Yv'nreh(;use . Renting Go Warrentou, N. Anz. lit X)2. 1 Store" Hdiisi for Rerii A A. , ft. A. A ail 15 ... 1 mh Dr. C. Laux, of L03 Angeles, Cab, who has been a druggist and chemist, for forty -one years, says: "I can hon ck'Ivj -,!! v flint T have never made or sold j a Ilhcumatic remedy that gives such a i k.r;zc !j(-rceuj;age of cures asUKIOSOLi. I It also pleasantly builds up the general p I !I ill liU 3 3 rl ran Will move in their new brick store next to N. E. Johnson about Sept. 1st. From now until then they will make it to your interest to visit their store. Some rare bargains in STRAW HATS are offered, in fact a large stock of General Merchandise to Tick from and prices to please quality con sidered. Not the cheapest goods but good goods cheap. Will try to please our customers. Call and see our stock. system. Every sufferer should try it; and not be deluded into trying other Jh..!-i, Tkomasviiio; MKs Mjitiee jjj.j,, ..j to be "just as good." Drug- i. ; Phone No. 5. THE EOSE-HILLIAED CO. (IXCOEPOKATED. ) binba r, Loubbiirg; ii. A. Lads, Cipe Town, Africa; Judge CI. as. A. CooK, b..iei;. ; M. E. Cook, Chapel Hill; W. A. Gn.kaui, Chup.T Hill; W. C. El liiigbui, V, "airenton . J. II. Fleming, Vo h, Eoia.-.e S. itich.. Oino, J. A. Th i.:i;.g, MithUuburg; T. A. Earns, 'tbove iiill; o. II. Mavheld, Oiue, -,V. ists sell it at 81 .00 xer bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. . 3 s try bo.; oi tho fiaulcc All Bemnants at a Bargain . a V A A. Ov j-i. ,f Me! V-:--:--' - ;y-i.:-.- V- J "f- -, ',!;.'.: .' --A--. 1 "V. - , ,,U-' '.4 '"A Larct cicely mmgfd IdM. twA i rtoHes. centrAllj locatml oocner of Mtd and Jail Street, WARRENTON, N. C. The tnrt popular mercantile ilin in the town. Frotil pit of np aUirt fit to up fr ctfdeei c-r ImhI mom a. Tor particuUia cU oj J M. (Jardacr, WarppuloDj, X. C. br nte itcsiia:: L, SHAW, ?rr. Drakes lirandli, Ya, .i" .', V -U U. V- v:;- V-' '.-'-: -l. '. - v 4 There is sometl.iiiT about bin" !.hvil t!mt will nlways fjx-ak for itwlf. A clanee at mv Jrl.-d:ire h rd a i 11 u:i.!-u'.tlv convince- the most lAhtiduma tiint linglaud b is In en roobc I or lis uohl.-.-t u t.es ..ey. los. we me i4t ai uie front, and there to sbiv. lhe.,;. 1 Mg il, tr ad i:ic tZ-i-p clMhi't macks. bavins been unbo.ouslr crossed sr.h America a bett btraiii3 oi ieriu.iiires, nab enabled me to oiler to the public a line of YOUNG STCCK TIHLA.T OTISrOT You can rdwnyf? Ibid lire. v.!iat you w;:nt, with prices to rnafcli, frm tried Dams and : u-peYiei.eed .Sin-s to a ' S.; leak, Mjuoak ca?it get out !nasa' ducr sill." Kindly th.mking you f'.r i':t fav.rf-, :iud p.itticiitly auaitiug your future riatroizage, 1 lemaiu, V.-ry truly yours, WALTER P. FLEMING, I'roprietor of THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrent'jn, N. C. J. W. PERR; CO.. Cotton lactbt. Norfolk, Ta., &?pt 1902. Cotton Steady, fcuict middling 8 5S MidJliug , 812 Strict low midd blig 8 8 8 Low nuddUifg Sit Tingei SUius Blues Pean n tfrUi d V. Fancy 8 12 Strictly primo 3 1-i Pfimb 3 Low grades 2 1 d Machine pickrd 2 I 2 to 3 SjmnihU 8V. jrr baibel B. E. Pels 3 00 p-r tag. Peanut Bugs, fa I ales 03 In. 7 1 & SUBSCK1BE POP. '. 'a i t h (T f, 1 X WANTED 5 YOUNO MEN froni Warreu County at one to prrpare tat Pwitions in ll (Wet-jrnjf nt brTtc -lldlwiiy JId CVtlii, Letter Camera: CuKtom Uoniw and DVparttaeutaX Ck-rks tc Apply to Iuter-bUle Corn-. IctL,