n py ir TO -v x' a TSvr- J j V JL JL VOL. 8. Old Series "Vol. lO. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902. NO. 28. NOTICE. If this space has the Sed X Hark fatscrirtion Is out, and unless re tewed the paper will he stepped. LOCAL ITEMS Look Out for Fever. Biliousness and liver disorders at this ..... 7 . - ,1. ,owuuuinj uo iJieveuieu uy cieausmg n It, It IS tO inform you that your ; tbe system with De Witt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, copiously, and by reason of the tonic piopeities, give tone and strength to the glands. Mrs. Li22ie Briggs returned home Saturday Soe local adv. by Mrs. Ilolley offer ing furniture for sale. Cpt. John N. McDowell, of Balti more, is visiting iu town. Miss Delia Clark, of Wilmington, is Visiting Mi3 Sallie W. Scott. Mies Sara Myrick, of Littleton visit ed Miss Nettie Gardner this week Mr. W. A. Miles left for Durham this week. fle uas A large tinning contract there-. 11. G. Green, Esq., returned Friday from aa extended trip to Weldtm and Norfolk, Mr. Holley M. Bell, of Chapel Hill, spent Sunday and Monday in town be hind a dashing horse. Mi", and Mrs, John Early Boyd, and Miss Lucy Boyd are visiting their brother, Mr. R. B. Boyd. Read the examination notice in this Issue. Supt Rodwell is anxious that all interested Bhall be governed ac cordingly. The Rev. A. Cree, of Embro, pass ed through town Monday on his way to assist Mr. Taylor in the meeting at brown's Chapel. A DELIGHTFUL OCCASION. Interesting Information or the Public! fore, B. G. Green, Esq. went to Hender son the first of the week to assist m the trial of the negros charged with the killing of Roadmaster Fred Stevers. The Eev. Arch. C. Cree, of Gaffuey, S. C, was in town last Monday. Mr. Cree is pastor of the first Baptist church in Gaffuey and a scholarly, ear- Nine choice spirits .(not, however liquid) gathered iu the studio of Mr.. J. W. Buck, Friday evening to enjoy each other's company and a sumptuous repast. Our host called it a "camp supper" but he underrated its epicu rean value. It was the climax of cul inary art. Covers were laid for the following: J. W. Buck, J. C. Hardy, Geo. Ei Pennington, of Taiboro, W.I K. Barbara, Rob. Watson, Dr. W. W. Taylor. B. P. Terrell, R. E. Davis and Alan Pressley Wilson; who did full jus tice to the spread. Every dog has his day and Charles r Alston our quondam waiter had hi. Sitting at the head of the table with rich viands before him and niua white men serving him, he reached the po sition Of power which, he has long coveted. For dessert peaches and cream welt served, but Charles could not enjoy them as some recreant mixed a mass of pepper in the delicious, syrup and a hot, choking throat resulted. Note Is this a prophecy that if Charles is ever permitted to assume the responsibility of government his high est ambition will be crushed; and the same nine men be instrumental in its consummation" The scene changes and the former lord of all is quickly placed iu the piisoners' box befor that august judge Geo. E. Pennington, for trial. The attorneys for the prosecution and de feuse were respectively, Messrs. J. W. Buck and Alan Pressley Wilson. Com petent witnesses proved that the priso ner was justly accused of stealing elephant After the case had been given to the jury (B. P. Terrell and Dr. W. W. layior) the verdict of "guilty was quickly brought in. Judge Pennington gave the prisoner tweuty-uve years in the penitentiary at the expiration of which sentmce ho should "hang by the neck until dead." Mr. J. C. Hardy asked to be allowed to go on the priso tier's bond. This was refused nut he was fiveu rermissiou to take I'harh-s aside and give him some eontis'.I. In nu'uuguarded moment, however, the piisoiier "lnt the grit" and is still run ning it lie liasu t stopped. The eight choice spirits warmly con gratulated the ninth choice spirit on the pleasure afi.irded, ami adjourned to await the imitation from one of the other choice spirits. lust, Chrirtiau, and withal a jovial everything but a red hot stove and an fellow. Mr. T. A. Williams, of Inez, was iu town Wednesday. Mr. Williams has a rWk. about 160 vears old. that be longed to his paternal gland-mother. He says that it ke"ps good time and that he would not take 300. for it. Miss Belt, a celebrated elocutiouist, .f Richmond. Va , will give an enter anmieiitin Mr. Graham 'a Blall, Friday vveuhig, CM. 3rd. Half the proceeds will go to the orgau fund of the Metho ni.-t church. We hope many will at tend. The IVarrenites who went to Hender son on Monday were not mixed up in auy of the disturbances there. But nobody expected that they would be. Warren county can boast of law-abiding citizens, even on so exhiliarating an oc casiou as a circus in a sister town. When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, go at once to any drug store and get a free sanip'e of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. 1 hey also cure biliousness, sick head ache and constipation. Rosetta Somerville, a foitner uutse in the Somerville family died, this week. Aunt RoBetta was the mother of 18 children and would have been 93 in December. She left four sons and three daughters, besides numerous white frienda, to mourn her death. Interment was in "Possum Quarter" cemetery on Thursday at 3 p. m. Mr. J. A. Clafk, of Macon, sold his crop of tobacco last week for $1,575.00 In the pack house. His crop was raised on 16 acres, and the above price was was secured after Mr. Clark had fold one barn and had one burned up. After paying the expenses on his whole crop Mr. Claik says he cleaied $1:000. Get a free sample of Chamberlain's jStomach and Liver Tablets at any drug store. They are easier to take and more pteasent in effect than pills. Then their use is not followed by constipa tion as is often the case will pills. Regular eifce. 25c per box. MrB. Roberta S. Nicholson, daughter rf Hie late H. T, Jeffiess died last Monday at her home in Grafton, Va. Mre. Nicholson was the wife of the Rev. J. W. Nicholson an honored min ister in the Methodist churchi She had" been sick for some time and was carried to a hospital in Richmond with the hope that the might recover but when it was evidenced that she could not she was brought home. Interment was in Nicholson burying ground at Oak- ville. We are too busy to get up an opening as we have done hereto but extend a heartv and oordial invitation to RvprvhnHr tn j j come in and inspect our Fall goods. MILLINERY, COATS, CAPES, and JACKETS. Coats from $2.50 up. Be sure to look at our 5 & 10 c. handkerchiefs. Long heavy-ribbed hose, 10 & 12 1-2 c. per pair. Drees Trimmings, Belts, gloves and Jewelry all new, pretty, cheap. Children's coats, cap?, and sacques. MANY PRETTY AND USEFUL ARTICLES. Laces and Hamburgs: Bureau and Tablo Scarfs: Beautiful line of Zephyr Shawls, Fascinators, and Sacques. Stamped l:uen and embroidery silks. Miss McAllister will trim your hat in the latest and most becom ing style. Be sure to call before buying. RESPECTFULLY) Mrs. T. M. Caserly. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. m mm mm in. Get on the Honor Roll in time for the Industrial Edition of The Recobd. Ncti&e to Teachers. We, the undersigned school com mittee for Fishina Creek Towushin - will meet at Grove Hill, Tuesday, Oct. 14th at 12 o'clock M. to elect teacher for Areola free School, white. Apph cations from teachers solicited. M. T. Duke, R. B. Davis, S. W. Hamlet, Committee, What You Want AND - Where to Find it. AT S9A& I'his signature ia on. every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQt:inine Tablets he remedy thv -' rs oni'i in one day i LOCAL ADS. HIGGAN S OF . COURSE. NICE FARM FOR SALE. A farm jn&t on the edge of town, containing G8 acres, with a nice dwelling, kitchen, barn, stables and tenant house. It is a most desirable place. For terms apply to 23 3t. T. Pot.k, Atty. FOR SALE All of my household and kitchen furniture. Will be pleased to show name at my residence to any one wishing to buy. MRS. B. R. HOLLEY. SEED OATS. Virginia gray, winter oats for sale. Price ,75 ceiits per bushel. H. B. Hunter, Jr., 27 2t. Aftou, X. C. Death cf Miss Fleming. News was receivid here one day last week of the death ot AUSS Lula Flem ing, daughter of Jno. A. Fleming, of Middle bur, and niece of Capt. T. M. Fleming, vvitn whom sho lived here several rears. While in Lomsbnrg she made a host of friends who were grieved to learned of her death. She was a young worn at of character and possessed a most lovable disposition. Her sisters, Misses Lucy and Etta Fleming went from here to attend the funeral. Louisburg Times. Sept. 29th. We had iuteded noting the death of Miss Fleming last week but lack of space prevented. Wf extend our syni pathies td the bereaved family. We keep busy all the time. This proves that cur customers know where to come. New goods arrive daily . Our stock is complete with a good Variety of Dry Gooa8 No lions. Shoes &e. Our Grocery Department was never better. We men tion a few goodsj we hate others: Smoked Meats, Meal, flour, Ship. btuir. Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Cakes, and Crackers, White Fish, Mack erel and Herrings, Canned Beef. Chip Beef, Bananas, Plain avu a rencn candy rotatoes am; Wanted at once! niture Factory. A 27 tf. Stops the Oongh and "Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold iu one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Hands at the Fur D. Harris, Sec'y. & Tre.is. I am prepared to submit estimates on plastering, brick-laying, and any kind of Etone wnk. References: Mr. A. D. Harris, and Tasker Polk. Esq. W. X. Ilawkius, 27 3m Contractor & Builder. FOR PRIVATE SALE: Several arti cles of household and kitchen furniture iu good Condition, among them: antique oak hat-rack with beveled mir ror, suleboard, stoves, ciockery, kitch en utensils, etc. Terms moderate. ARRNGTO! i WAREKOUS :n c. Bring us a Load at Once, We will Get You Hisih Prices. ROGERS & BURWELL. 4tE?"Mr. Mnngum has charge of our stripping rooms. Tobacco Very High -AT oyd ar ehouse UC this shoe? This is odo f man j STYLISH shoe wa ar showing. If yon want good boe cheap we hare them. w i 3? tlinn M looks no bet t e dressed yon mar if you buj of onr Cabbage. Try RIGGAN. Tombstones AND MONUMENTS. Our buyers are now ready for the new crop- The giant tobacco com- panies of England and the united haxdsome new suirs. Mjlo cow opctt. See Our Urn Come along to the We can sell you a marble, granite, or concrete tombstone, or monument. Prices range from small to large figures according t size of work. Square a or mounds curbed all kinds of cemetery I fixtures cleaned and repaired. Bring us your pictures to enlarge and frame. If we keep talking about onr good work it is because it is worth talking about. We. are iu business to stay and will III 1 PHI I wish all outstanding claims against j treat you right Edwards & Roberts, 21 3m. Warrenton, IT. C. C. H. Scott to ba presented to me at once. Miss S. W. Scott, 27 2t Warrenton, N. O. Notice. By permission of the County Boatd of Education of Warren County, N. C. the public examination of applicants to teach our public schools is postponed from the scond Thursday iu Oct. 1902, to the third Thulsda of said mouth. On Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 15th and 16th white applicants will bo examined, and on Friday and Satur day, Oct 17th and 18th4 colored ap plicants will be examined. J. R. RODWFjLL, COi Supt. Schools. Rheumatism of 17 Years Cured. People who have been cured sound the praise of URICSOL. Jrs. JZary E. Hartwelh wife of the treasurer of As a special inducement to get logs at once we will pay higher pi ices. Wakeekton Fcbxitxjrh Co. The Johnson store for rent. Apply to H. T. IVlACOX Wauted. 6 cords of good oak wood. Will pay cash for same. The REdoKto Ofeice, Dr. W. W. Baylor, Surgeon XDentidt, Renders auy services included iu the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work; porcelain inlay ; and cast fillings according to the methods of to day. Office 'Phone 52. 27 6m Residence " 29. tt yon want a Bugsv, Carriage, Wagon or Harness call at Bojtr Warehouse. cfe for Sale! Loft Aneeles, Cal.. saysi "I desire to The deceased had many friends eXpreB8 my sincere appreciation of your pathy to husband and relatives. He teamed a Great Truth. l.n imUTdni1 fhir bfiavf fnlt aviti- wm1v After seventeen years ot con uviv ww v avvu v&. ij i - j - v - Stantafflictioni often times lieipiess wim swolleu feet and hands, I used 6 bottles of URICSOL, and now, after years re erntefullv acknowledge a per manentcure." Druggists sell it at $1. It is said of John Wesley that He per bottle, or six bottles for $&.UU. once said to Mistress M'esleyi "Why do you tell that child the same thing OTef and over again?" "John TFesIey, because once telling is not enough." It In fr.v tln'a camn rpriROn that VOU Rl'6 told again and acaiu that Chamberlain's To Cure a Cold ill One Day Cough Remedy cures colds and. grip, Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets that it counteracts any tendency of All druists refuud the money if it Dlr:r.B::U l1-, r,:? ::' faih to cure. E. IF. Grove's signature For 'salo by all Drutrerists. i on each box A liouid road doesut drown the" traveler's sorrows. 25c it Line Of Dress Goods and Trimmings. We always ahow lh thiip Ut ara new and pie'.ly. Out line ia 'arttf than cTrt. Trioct arr ifawtiabl too special orrr.i:j 50 df2. pair Los, wtnth 12 1 2 c ir pair, t W c per dozwi Our line is cow conipl. U and wo will If glad to ho you Lew aljlot ia Ladies' Cloaks now t ptru. Salt and lime by c-r o&, or Ira. Krapire Grain Dri 1 au I Chaltannoa Chilled Plows lor rale best iu th countrj. The Allen and Fleming Co. Warrentou, N. C, 0-10-02 ill Phone No1. 5. A "hfl,rmv combination! It r r u is fitting that we should display new goods now, THE! ROSE-HILLIAEt) CO, (INCOBPOBATED.) . There is fiimethinff about blue blood that will nlwnys rp-ak for itself. A clance ot my Berkshire herd ill nudoubtly convince the most fastidious that England has been fobbed of its noblest aristocraoy. les, we are here at the front, and there to stay. These long bodied, Lr hd backed, dp chested blacks, bavins been judiciously crossed tith America's best btraius of Berksbires, has enabled me to offer to the public a lino of YOUNG STOCK THAT CANNOT EE EQtTALED, Yott can always find here what you waut, with prices to mafch, from tried I Dams and experienced Sires to a 4-Sqneak, squeak can't get over massa'a dor sill." Kindlv thanking ycti for pafct favors and patiently availing your future patronage, I remaiu, Very truly yours, WALTER Ii. FLEMING, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrenton, N. C. Let n8 j.zt d:t i:s to clean and pit fc 8t ial allcnti.rl givrn to ladia' skirt. Woi k cailed for nud delivered, (live mo a call. All work gnaran! d. rfplftillr, Richard U. Ilawlinv 2Glm. TLe Tailor. sunscRirE for I h- -fl L-i r nrn E J. W. lJlRV CO., Cotton lactors. S folk, V . i at 1, 13)2. Cotton Steady. Stiict rr-ulJ.in 8 34 Middling 8 L-6 Strict low riild lling 8 1-2 Low middling 814 Tingis Stains Blues rea n u t--Nom i n r.L Fancy 8 12 Strictly prima 314 Prime 8 Low grades 2 1 1 Machine pici-d 2 I 2 to 3 Spanish 85 rw-r bushel B. ET Teas t &3 40 rxir uaj. r anut tl-tx: i:i b.l. a C ii. 718 t for siio. ii. Cuu

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