VOL. 8. Ola. Series "Vol. lO. WARRENTON, N. a, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1902. NO- 35. NOTICE. If this spat's nas tne Hei X Hark en it, it is to inform you that your subscription is out; and unless . re: newed the paper will he stopped. LOCAL ITEMS Mr'. T. V. Allen has returned from Sou til Carolina Tils Recoup ahi Home and Farm year for 31.23. Mrs. Fred Wblfendeu is here visiting her sistur, Mib. W. J. White. Mrs. S. N, Mitchell, of Chdrhe Hope, Ya.. was in town Wednesday. Mr. Koineo M. Williams, of Iuoz, is 'spending this week in town. See the local adv. of W. T. Johnson, ouvring a nice carriage for sale. Head the advertisement of W. G. EJjfrro'u iii the local adv. column. All tlio stores and business houses will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. . Mis. Ex-Gov. Carrj of Old Sparta; Eilgooombe county in visiting in town. Mies Lucy Sydnor Williams of ilulgeway', is visiting Miss Sue Wil liams. Mr. G'e'r. G. Allen, of New York; is visiting his parents, Mr. und Mrs. P. H. Allen. Ah. P. G. Alston, of Fi nnklin County; was in town one day this week bh pro Ichbiuutil business. Capt. Terrell requests us to say that no freight will be handled on Thanks giving Day. bur readers will be interested to know of the following marriages which 'are to lie consummated shortly. Dr. J. Rufns Rogers will wed Miss Ellen M'eshew Crudup and Mr. E. S-. Battle will wed Miss D'ella Clar&. Dr. H. N. Walters ha? been appoint ed liy the N. C. Dental Society to read a paper on tiehtal Education at the next meeting of the State Association; The meeting will be held in Winston; N. C. June 17-20, 1903. Mr. Kearney .Williams, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Mr. Harry Williams, of Providence R. I., u-e here on a visit to their mother. MrS; Henry Willianis." The former has recently recovered from a spell of typhoid fever biit is rapiily convalescing. I'North Carolina Day" "North Carolina Day" will be dele- brateu at the Ptiblio School House, District No. 5., Warreutoii township, on thci 2$ih of November; speecli by Mr. John H. Kerr, of Warren tdii subject "The Importance of an Educa tion." The public, and patrons of the school are invited to attend and all who wish to join with' usiu this cele biation, will please bring a basket of refreshments. Mbs. Bettie M. DovFttN, Teacher: LOCAL ADS. Startling, But.True. . "If every one knew what a grsmd medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills l&" writes D. H. Turner, Dempsey town, Pa , "you'd sell nil yon hav iii a day. Two weeks' use has made -a new ihau of me." Infallible for cou stipjttiou, stomach and liver troubles: 2o cts. at C A. Thomas drug store. Kidney and Bladder Siseases . Are generally caused by an excess of uric, lactic and lithic acids iu the sys tem. URICSOL, the great California Rheumatic Remedy, corrects this dia thesis and thus oures Rheumatism Sciatica. Lumbago, Neuralgia ami many forms of Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles. Sea advertising else where and send for book ol particulars, o the Liimiir & Rankin Drug 'Co., At lanta. Ga , or URICSOL Chemical Co. Los Angelas, Cal. Fhuggists sell it at 1.00 ptr bottle, Or six buttles for $5.00. sou o We call attention to the idv. of .1. H. Thodie in this issue'. The tract is well known und valliubi i. . If you are thinking of subscribing to the Home iiiid Farui c'uil at this office und get a sample copy. Col. T. H. Baiu, Inspector General of the 1?. tl. State Guard, will inspect the arreii Guards thia afternoon. One of thb bloodhound pups which the County. 1 Commissioners bought recently died of distemper this Week 'II. U. Haiti j, the geniul traveling representative bt the News & Observer Was in town Thursday and Friday ol last week. Dr. Marioii Norwuod King, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. King has matricu lated at th's University of Berlin, Germany. We cull upWial attention to tile adv. of Mr. H. 15. Hunter, Sr. This is a n;'J.-.t excellent farui and tiht'uld be I e'ite'J at oiice. There will, at itn early diite; be an up to dato liuuituits store opened iu the Shaw buildi'ig recently occupied by The ilose-llilliard Co. , Dr. A. S. Pendleton, foimerly of Warrenton, but recently of Durham, has located in Henderson for the practice of his proiestiob. Dr. Rob. S. Booth will prepare a ' paei bii Pathology and. Therapeutics tt read before the next meeting of the N C. Cental Association, Mr. W. H: Bob'oitt. a former Vv"ar- ienite, had the misfortnue to loe iiearly all of his property in a big lire 'at East Spencer. Sunday, Nov. 9th. Cotton brought from 7 3 8 to 7 1-2 cents yesterday. Market was a little stronger liud receipts were lighter. The crop iii this section is becoming, exhausted. . Mr. A. W. Falkener and little son, Kepple, arrived Sunday. Mr. Falke iier left for his home in Goldsboro on Monday, and little Kepple will leihaiii with Mrs. Wl G. Rogers. We gladly give space to the excellent article by Sapt. Rodwell iu this issue. Old Warren has a reputation of did for its culture "let us of the younger gen elation sustain it. i . . Cut this out and take it to any drug store and gut a free sample of Cham iierla'm's Stbtnach and Liver Tablets, the beht physic. They cleanse dud iu- j vigorato the stohlaoh, improve the ap petite add regulate tlie bowels. Regu lar si?e, 25c. per box; Ou acoou&i of a misplaced switch the engine of tin. Wanenton R. R. left the truck at the Furniture Factory on Tuesday. It was put back on the rails without auy damage to it or the tracks. Mr. and Mis. F. E: WTilsou, of Balti more, parents of the Editor, are visiting here. Tliey are on a trip to the old home in South Carolina anil while liere are the ghefits of Mrs. J. G. King. At bbtli warehouses tobacco brought satisfactory prices this week. They had good breaks and tlie farmers 'are all pleased. A Broker Bays that all the tobacco iu the county will be sold by Christinas li you are bilrbfas ahd seeking advisers, Take be Witt's Little Early Risers, Just before "bag to bed, You will fin3 oh the moiro'w, You are rid ol your sbrtow--That'e all; just enough said; , These famous pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, bleansiug the liver. Their tonic effect gives streugth to the glands, prevent ing a return of the disorder Help the Worthy; For thb benefit of those wnd fire iu (institute ciVcn instances Mrs. -Jeuima Suaierville will give a receptlou at the High School Auditorium, Friday eveu- A Card' of IhasksV X)r; lob: : BootH; ID out: is 13, Warreritbii, North Carolina. j . , Office Phone CD. Residence Phone 3o4 S3-l5m. FOR SALE. A good Elkhart Car ridge has been used very little, W. T. JolnisBu. o5-tf. A (300D FARM FOR RE5?T. I wish to rent my Eilgewdod farm, large lioiiSe with 9 room; open land for A. or 5 horses. Ail extrar chance to get a good place on reasonable termsi 35 4t. H. R, Hunter, Sr. DWELLING FOR RENT. I have a nice dwelling in Maoou for . ! ...... .' X rent. Sixteen acres of land attache!. W. G. EGERTON; Macon, N. C. 35 4t. FOR SALE. 3C2 acres of improved pa mm mi KB! FricQB Dealings, farm laud: most of it heavily timbered. My daughters and I take this means 0rie mile from TTanentou. For further information apply to J.' H. Brodie, Henderson, N. C. 35 it. to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness aud assistance iu our sad bereavement, and also for the ex pressions of sympathy that ,we have received from the whole community, which have been a great comfort to us, and botind us closer to our friends. GRiiffT Beardsley. Mausou, N. C, Nov. 19, 1902. mg, Nov. 28th, Mrs. Somerville will take advantage 1 of this occasion to llyst" her di.ug i h;, Mits Lilly Wliite, into "sersiety." ' The following ladies and gentlemen will " be present aud assist ih the ,,hysting"i Misses Beliiidy Flotilla Scubb. Chloe TauLandiughtim, Buni padilla Jefiers, . Mahay Wiuterberry, Melissa. Smith, Mary aue Townes, and MiS Turveydiop Coiarrt; Messrs. Chariley 'Beavrdam, Beauty Beaver dam, Shorty Blivkins, Eaton Chicken, tJonuth-.n Slabsides, Captain 1 error Kidd, Lord Fweddie Gepliart, Deacon Belmout Snivels, the Rev. Samps.ai Coant. Hunter Gideon, ,1. Laf Tobu'-co, and G. A. D. Smith. The interesting witticiMDs, bright Kp;rlitiu" music and elaborate costumes Will add to the pleasure of the ocoasion We hope all will help thhi worthy cause by their presence. iick in Thirteen. By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey, of Walton Furnae.e, Tt., .got a bos of Buckleu's Arnica Salve, that whollvi cured a horrible fever soie ou his Jog. Nothiug else could. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcers, eruptions, boil. burns, corus ahd piles. Only 25 cents. Guaranteed by (7- A Thomns, druggist. I am prepared to1 submit estimates . . i i i i . i ..... on plastering, nncn-ia viug, aim auj kind of stone wu-k. References: Mr. A. D. Harris, aud Tasker Polk. Esq. W. N. Hawkins, Contractor & Builder. 27 3m Littleton, A. C The Johnson Ftore for rent. Apply to H. T. Maoos. What You Want -ASD- Whre to Find it; Hemsmher the Orphans. As customary, the Oxford Orphan As Jum makes its plea for the obser vance of Orphans' Day. Thauksgiving Day has for many years been a time for making glad the hearts of those who iu the providence of God hate been bereft of parents. Let us re member the fatherless this year and snfl.v vour gratitude lor tlie merciesi that have bueii showered upon us. AT- ell your tobacco NGTOM-WAREHOUSE, Willi - ROGERS & BURWELL; E?Mr. Mahgum has charge of our ethppih'g rocnis. Tobacco Very High -AT- U'C this shoe? This is one' of many STYLISH shoes we ar showing. If you wtnt good shoes cheap we liivo them., . OF COURSE. Wareh ouse. Yon Kno "What Yon af 9 Taking when you take Glove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plaiulv p intej on livery bottle showing thatit i simply Iron and Quinine iu a tasteless toim. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. The Besi Eemfeiy f:r Crqnp. , From the 'Atchison, Kan , Daily Gtobe. lnis l the season wlien the womau who knows tlie best remedies for croup is iu demand ,ih every neighborhood One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakeued in the middle i t the night iy a wLoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as shre to be lost, iu case of croup, lis a .revolver is sure to be lost in case ot burglars. There used to be an oldfashioned remedy' for croup, kiiown as hive syrup and told, but some mod eru mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, 'and does not cost so innoh. It causes the patient to "throw hp the p lib gin" quicker, aud gives relief iu a shorter time. Give this remedy as soou as the croupy cough appears aud it will prevent the attask. It never fails and is pleasaut and safe to take. For sale by all Druggist. When the cashier of a Innli becomes nnsteady, the depositors aie ih danger of losing their balance. A Literal Offer. Any Druggist will give a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable ivmedy" for disorders of the stomach. biliousness or constipation. This is a ew remedy and a good one. U'e keep busy all the time. This proves that our customers know where to coma. JNew good? arrive) daily . Our stock is complete with a gcod variety of Dry Goods;.. No tions Shoes &c. Our Grocery Depart inent was never byttsr. We men tion a feU' goods, we have others Smoked Meats. Mea Flour, Ship stuff, tfuffar, Coffee, Ch ese. Cakes, and Crackers, White Fish, Mack erel and Herrings, Canned Beef, Chip Beif, Bananas, Plain and French Candy, Potatoes and Cabbage. Try RIG.GAN. 1 . - Our buyers ard now ready for the new crop- The giant tobacco com- banies of England and the United J. . r States are hot for the Weed. f 3 Mi fi Come along to the No one has yet found ouS ni )llege the thei-rilometers get degrees. Fcr a Bad Cold: If ybu have a bad cold you heed a good reliable medicine hkti Chamber Iain's Cough Renbjdv to loosen aud re- leve it. and to allay the irritation aud inrlamatiou ol the throat aud lunt'tf. For sale by all Druggists. Get on ths Honor Jbll: We thankful to the following kind friends for contributing td our support in subscriptions and renewals during the past vveek Felix Somerville, Warrentonj J. R Paschall, Wise; H. B. Hunter, Sr. Warrenton; W. H. Davis,. Wise; A. G. Perkinson, Wise; J. R. Rigguri, Macon; R. B. Boyd; Warreutoiii Fred Somer ville, Axtell; W. J. White, Warrentod; J. B. Wiggins, Aitell. CnreSl cf Hhenmatism after Spending $3r0CD in Vain. Jtfrs. G. L. Thaxter.of A.shland, (7al. writes: "I had been long afflicted with mflammatdrv Rheumatism and . wds couriued to the bed six months. 1 had tried evert known rem'edy. spehdiug 83.000 to no effect. I used three bottles of URICSOL, and found permanen i-elief." URICSOL never fails to cure diseases incident -to disorders of the Kidney and Bladder when caused by ury3 acnl. Druggists sen it at itfi.uu per bofctle, or six bottles lot what their Tomb stones AND - MONUMENTS. llijIJ 111 11 Let me have yonr clothes to clean and press; bpecial attention giveu to ladies' skirts. Work called for and delivered. Give me a call. All work guaranteed. Respectfully, Richard C. Hawkius. 34 6t. The Tailor; We can Roll you li marble, granite, or concrete tonlbstone, or monument. Prices range froni smll tolarge figures according t siz- of work Squares, or mounds curbed; all kinds of cemetery fixtures cleaned aud repaired. Brine: us vour pictures to enlarge and frame. If we keep talldrie: about bur good work it is because it is worth talking about. ! IFe are in. business to stay and will treat you right. Edwards & Roberts, mm BIB. Xt you want a Buggy, Carriajjr, Wagon or IIarn'es9 call at Boyd's Warehouse. taiital Stock 'far Sab! 218m. Warrenton, N. C. The dseHiliiard Co s. Vr fir',;:- V';"; 4 -v' Fall stock is now complete. We are sh LiadWs' Dress Goods aud Triniriingd to be There is Ronirthinc about bine blood that will ilwnys M-w-nk for itself. A OWlli'' the handsomest line of glance a my Berkshire herd ill nndoubtly crmvincu the most fatidion that ' t ,.i j Ji'lin England has been robbed of its noblest antocncy. Yen, we nr here al the ie touud 111 tills action. fron and theru to stay. Tliese long Urhl:ed, broad backed, dei p cliesUnl blacks, loots ho bet- t e r dressed than you may ifjoii bny one of oar HANDSOME KEW SUITS. Lrg8 variety of clothing very cheap. New styles liow open. See Our Mi Line Of Dress Goods and Trimmings. We aNava fchow the things tlt r new and pilty. Our line -ia larger than evei. Priced are reasonable tool KPF.rrrnT; orrrpj , . . 1 50 doz. pair Lose. woiiU ll 1-2 c per pair, itliOc. per dozen. ' Our line in now complete and wi will be glad to show jou bw fct)le ia Ladies' Cloaks now opei Salt sod lime by car load. rr less. Empire Grain Drill and Chattanooga. Chilled Plows for aale Lest In the country. Tbe Allen and Fleming Go. Waffentoii, K. 9-1902 fr. 17. 7ayl, 1 lender au MTviccs included in th practice of Deiilitry. Crown aud bridge work; porcelain inlay; and ct fillings according tn the methods of to day. Of2o 'Phone Z2. 2? Cui Residence " 23. ;J. W. PERRY CO.; Cotton, lactors. r. Now as'td I believe thcit every nian, if possible. should have some trade, or at least know something about some trade, and t am an advocate of the doctrine that it should be taught him wb'ile young. &upt. J. G. Wooteu, Of Pans, Texas. dASTOHBA ai Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the -Signature oZ Men's; Youth's and,Boy's Clothing; we have the L4R8EST line to select froni. Gents' 'Furnishing goods-' Ladies' fc Gents' Shoes we have them! A full stcci of General iVlerchanaMse.-prices bheap; qual ity considered. ).-,.,.. cTome to see us and we will be glf.d tb show ybti bur complete stock, it is yotir privilege tb eiamine arid be convinced that we are head qukrtri fbf iiriy thing you want: Phone No. 5. hiivina been iudiciousl v. crossed uith America's best stiaius of Jleikshires. has eulibled me to offer to the public a line of Sroxjisra- stock that oisrcsroT BE EQUALED: ,Tou can aisvnys find here what you want, with prices lo match, from tried , Damn and experienced Sirer. to a '-Squeak, sqneiik mu' K-t over id:ihi' door ,sill." Kindlv thunkiiig you for past favors, and patiently awaitiug your future I patrbiiage, I remaiu'j Very truly yours, WALTER B. FLEMING, rrop'ritbr nf . THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrenton, X. C. S rrolk, Va. Not. 19, 1932. Cotton Steady. Stiict middling Middling Strict low mid Uin'g IJow tntddkng 77S 73 4 7 12 -HILLIARD CO. (INCOBPOBATED. ) sunscninE for he R Tingt-s Stains IMuos Pes u u In Sle ad J. Fancy Strictlj prime Prime Low grades i Machine picLed Spani 70c per baVtel D. E Peas $2 75 per lg. Peanut Bag", ia bnl-a G8 in. 718 I'aggia and Tit-t and Teanai Tg 23 I 2 12 to 2 5-8 21-4 2 2 to 2 1 i , i fur ale. 4. Cttu

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