H J it VOL. 8. Olci Series "Vol. lO. WARRENTON, N. O. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1002. NO. 38. NOTICE. If this srStce'has ts Eed X lark en it, it is to inform you that your subscription is out, and unless re newed the paper will he stepped. LOCAL ITEMS Fewer Gallons, Wears Longer. Fewer Gallon?; War3 Longer. Mr. Geo. E. Pennington, of Tarboro, was here this week on business. Cunt. aud Mrs. W. J. White went to IYU rt-burg, Va., yesterday on a visit. Mr. N. M. Norwood, of Henderson, is visiting bis son, Mr. V. J. Norwood. Mrs. lr. li. E. King, of Louisburg, i3 here on a visit to her father Mr. II. B. Hunter, Sr. Miss Carrie Katzenstein left yester day for riiiladelnhi. Sh will make mi extended visit there Mr. O. P. Shell, Jr., of Henderson Spent two or three days this week bunting in this neighborhood. Misses Elhertu Petar and Annie Jo) n r, of llidgewavj were Miss pile Williams this week. Mr. J. Edwin Boyd, who has been in the tobacco business in Dunn retained tj his homo iu Warren tou last week. Dr. P. J. Macon killed 5 pigs 5 months and 22 days old that weighed vheu dressed fioin 152 to 175 pounds. The Rev. Ti J. Taylor left on Wed nesday ior Durham to attend the Shite !n ptist Convention now in session iu tliateity. Miss P.ettie M. Turnbnll left Mom day for her home in Littleton, aceom paiiied by her friend, Alisu Estelle Davis. Get c"n the Honor E:ll. Ve thankful to the following kind friends for contributing to our support iu subscriptions and renewals during the past week: B. I. Egerton, Perla, Ark.; Mrs. Mary W. Harrison, Durham; Miss Mary Egerton. Thornton, Lasker; W. G. Egerton, M-.con; J. P.. Harris, Embro; O. Li. Rowland, Brodie; 17. A. Overby, Mocou; Rafns E. Hardy,' Cavite, P. I.; Fletehei Bobbitt, Oakville, D. M. She-irin, "Areola; IP. H. Russell, Pal mer's Springs. Va., R. L. Pinnell, IFar re u ton; G. 17. Bennett, 17arreuton; Miss Terupy Shillings, Embro; Chas. Petar, Ji- Ridgoway; O. P. Shellj Henderson, John Green, Warrenton j Rev.'G. W. Harvey Wise. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer A Million Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of U'est Poiut. Ia. Listen why: A severe cold had Settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physician" said he had con sumption, but could not help iiim. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for (7ousampti 3ii and writes ''it com pletely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Lung houblea. Price 50c and 1.00. For sale by V. A. Thomas, druggist. LOOAL ADS. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallousj Wears Lpnger. Mr. Samuel Harper. The cotton uiarki t is reported a& be- ing a little stronger. . Receipts ae liyht Slid gnideS a little ofl. The spot market vebterdav was 7 3 4. The school desks have arrived and the publie schools of the county want itig them will please call ou Supt. Rodw ell at once and get them. We call especial attention to the public sale at the residence of the bite W. G. Pluuuuer. This is u splendid opportunity to secure fanning iuiplo ineiits cheap. Haywood Sheann, a colored tenant on Mr. W. J. Boyd's plaet, brought- us B turnip this week weighing 7 12 lbs. it measured 2 12 feet aionud and had thiee to 8. Hen. Falkener says that, he killed four hi'gs tills wei k which when drt-ss fed weighed 1200 pounds. He hits .'iotuised us a chauuj of sans iga for iii.seiting this item. Oar other friend lire requested to follow suit. Give your friend a year's subscrip tion to" The IIeodld as a ('hnbtuis.s present. He will rvmeiiber ybi for u whole year and you will sneak to him n tei t'lin ingly for lifty-Hvo weeks. To iinproe the appetite and strength Mi the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab hts. My. J. II Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feci in g and caused a pleasant and satisfac tory movement of the bowels." There uie people in this community who need ir.st such a medicine. For sale by all Druggists. Every box warranted. Mr. M. E. Felt, of Grove Hill, brought a fine deer in town for ship nient ou Tuesday. It weighed 160 pounds and was 8 yeiu& old. He had one here last week that wu3 half tis old Ini t weighed 1U8 Bounds. Mr. Fell is the etornu deer hunter of this section of the State having n record of 327 deer since 1888. Mr. T. G. Cob!), Publisher of the News Herald j Morgautou, N. C, an' u ounces liia candidacy for the position of Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives We hope lie will have his desires granted. By the way; we would be delighted if some of our friends ould ins'mt that we run for au office. Anything will do. Now brethren, please come but not all at once. If you feel and need a pill Why hot puieh se the best? De Witt's Early Risers Are little suipiiseis Take one they do the rest. W. H. Howell, Houston Tex., writes I hae used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick head nche, etc. To their use I am indebted for the health of my family. In the rush cf other matter we near lected to chronicle thd "departure of our friends, Mr. E. H. Plummer and sisters. We regret this and are there fore pleased to insert the followiug: "Ou last Tuesday moruing, Dec. the 2nd., to the great sorrow of their many friends, the family of the late Mr, W. G. Plummer, of Warren Plains, left 'the Old North State' for Newport News, Virginia, which ' will be their home in the fufuie. This is truly a great loss to Old Warren and all who knew them will feel it very deeply. All wish them every success and mauy happy years in their new home. "AEriehb."" Mr. Samuel Harper was a native of visiting I Warren Comity and spent his entire life as a citizen of this county, and was for many years a well known And highly esteemed lesideut of the town if Warrenton. j He was aii industrious and prudent ! man. provided well for his own house hold and had something to spare to the needy. He was a good citizen, genial and companionable iu the social re lations, just and honest in business, loyal to his friends, true to his church, nhd faithful to his God. Ho loved children and childien loved him. He aud his devoted wife lived many happy' years together aud were not long separated by death. The Warrenton B iptist Chjureli of whL-h he was oue of the oldest irienl hers deeply syinpathiz s with liis many friends iu thir bereavement. But we rejoice in the belief that with him it is forever well. After more than seventy six years spent amid the joys and sorrows of earth be eutered into rest. T. J. Tavlok. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallons; Wears Linger. Dr. Rob. S. Booth, IDeivtiet;, -Warreotorii North' Carolina. ' Office Phone fid. ' ! Residence Phone 56-4 33-12U1. Just received 1000 feet molding for making picture fiames for the holidays. Cheaper than ever before. .R. E. Edwauds. PUBLIC SALE. At the residence of the hite W. G. Plummer, on Wed nesday, Dttc. 17th 1902 at 12;30 p. m. will dispose of the balance of agri cultural Implements tormeriy iu use on the farm. Edward H. Plummer. Another large lot of Heates nud Cook Stoves just received. Call and inspect our stock before they are picked over. W. A. MILES CO. Wanted: One thousand pounds of shucks. J. C. McCkAw. 37 it Monet to Lehd. I have $3500.00 to end on tirst mortgage real e6tate security. T. Polk, Atty. 37 4t Mrs. Taylor's Toy Department is now in full blast--yes and Hats at any old price HSW YCBK 'mZZLt WITNESS lhe best all around tamily nws paper. An exponent of -ftpplie Christianity. Independent in politics Hus something oi interest tor everv member of the household. Farm and Garden Department; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Press, tc . etc. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. A YEAR. NEW nifure Store! On Dec. lst.i in the store re. cently occupied by The Rose-IliU Hard Co.j we will open an up-to- new Furniture Store. We invite you to inspect our etoJk and knotf that you will be pleased. fl mm MABIET Friw ell your tobacco willi and hi Dealings, ARRINGTON WAREHOUSE, AVAHBENTON, . r. c. ROGERS & BURWELL X5llr. Muhgum ha? charge Df our stripping iooms. If we haven't got it, we'll order it? T. V. ALLEN & CO. Tobacco Very High Tombstones AND MONUMENTS. -AT- talking FOR SALE A grtod Elkhart Car riage has beeu used very little, W; T. Johnson. 35 tf' A tiOOD FARM FOR RENT. SABBATH READING. ' A sixteen-page weekly paper. Solely r'ligious in character. No News; No Polities. Stor.es; Poetry ; Sunday-School Lesson Christian En deavor and Epwoith League Topics; Mothers' Siibbath Afternoon with the Children, Mistielliueoas Religioiis Matter. ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR. Not one woman in a thousand knows the difference between loviug and be ing loved. Fewei Gallons; Wears Longer. I wish to lent ray EdgeTood farm, large house with 9 room; open land for 4 or 5 horses. An extra chance to get a good place ou reasonable terms. 35 4t. H. B. Huuter, Sr. DWELLING FOR RllNT. I have a nice dwelliug in Macou for rent. Sixteen iteres of hind attache !. W. Q. EGERTONj Macon, N. O. 35-4t. FOR SALE. 362 acres of improved farm land; most of it hertvily timbered One mile from iraiienton. For further information apply to J. II. Brodie, Henderson, 3. C. 35 4t. I am prepared Id Submit estimates ou plastering, biick-layingj and any kind of stone wrk. References: Mr. A. D. Harris, nud Tasker Polk. Esq. W. N. Hawkins, Contractor & Builder. 27 3m LtrriiETOs, N. C. The Johnson store for rent. Apply td 1 H. T; Macon. We can feelt you rt marble, granite, oi concrete tombstone, or monnmttnt. Prices range from sm.ll to large figures according to size of work. Squares or mounds curbed nil kinds of cemetery fixtures cleaned aud repaired. Rriiig us your pictures to enlarge and frame. If we keep talking about our good work it is because it is worth about. H are in business to stay and will treat you right. Edwards & Roberts 21 3m. Warrenton, N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified 3 Administrator of K. E. Johnson. deceased, late df Warren County. Vortli Carolina, this is to notify ail perona havinp claims ngainst the estate of said de "se' to exhibit them to the undersigned b (r before the 14. h day of November lflo3 or iiis imiice will be pla1 in bar of their r covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Hth day of November 1902 W. T. JOHNSON, Administrator r. Polk, Atty. 31-6 Bovd s UC tkis shoe? I J Ttii i ooa cf tn&oj STYLISH shoe we art If jou fctLQt pood tboc ehrp va lure Ibeta. ware nou se Notice. j In the Superior Court, Our buyers are now ready foi the new crop- rne giant tooacco com- -p&nids of England and the UnitedlLriDsoME xl..kmj irftriely oi ciotuuag Terj cuep. btates are not ior tne weea. y looks no bet t e r dressed North Carolina Warren Co. Lucind Williams, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse Williams. TJefeiidaiit. The defendant above ria'med will take notice that an action ehtltled as above has ben eoinhienced in the Superior Court of said tarreii Coonty fortHe p'urpYiseof having the bonds of niatriniony between the said Plaintiff and Defendant dissolved; alid the' said De f ndant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court ot said barren County to be held on the 2nd Monday in February J903, lit theCourt House of said county, in Warren t3ii. J. C. and answer or demur to the Coin- plaint fn said action, of the Plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 8tli"dny of Dec. WILLIAM A. WHITE, Clerk Superlbr Court. Tteker Polk, Atty. for Plaintiff SS-Ct; Come aldiig to the It makes a womau heartsick every time she has to cut a valuable piece if 1 ice. K:cbl Dyspepsia Giirs Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures dyspepsia, indigestion vtomach troubles, and make's rich red blood, health aud strength. Kodol re builds woruout tissues, purities, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, df IK. Va., says: I lntve used a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be veiy effective lud; indeed, a powerful reme dy for stotaach ailmeuts. I recommend it to my friends. Let me have your" clothes t el an and press; Special attention giveu to ladies' skirts. Work called for aud delivered. Give me a call. All work guaranteed. Respectfully, ltichard C. Hawkins. 24 6t. TbeTailon MllMMPiglSj ft Io. UoV Opfcli. Notice; WALTER By mutual douseut the firm of J. T4 milinoton . (1o.. fYofk. N. G..i is this day dissolved, G. H. Buchauan and H. tt you want' a Buggy, Carriage, Wagon or Harness call at Boyd's T, r.nehanan seKing their interest out Warehouse . to J. T. Ellington who will continue the business and assume all the liabili ties ot J. T. Ellington & Go. J. T. EiiiiiKGTOsr. G. II. Buchanan,' R. L. Buchanan. Oct, 25th. 1G02. 36 3t. Tkeroiifkkd Stock -for W. Religion as a rule flourishes better in connection with adversity than with prosperity. A- Timely Suggestion. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re plenishes her supply of. Chamberlain's 7onoh Remedv. It is certain to be o needed before the wiuter is over, and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and 2-iven as soon as "the cold is cdn- tracted and before it has become set tied iu the system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indication! of the cold ap pears. There is nd danger in giving it to childreu for it contains no hafraf n substance; It is pleasant to take both adults and childFeu like it. Buy it am you will get the best. It always cares jFyr sale by all Druggists, - The Rose-Hilliard C OS. V ' -Vrnt , . ' 1 ee Our m Line Of DresS Goods and Trimmingd We alnnyfe bhow the things that H how and pretty. Out lm i Urgef tbau evei. Tricct aie rensonable tod; KrEC'lAL OFFERl 50 dfZ. pair 1iom, woritx 12 1-2 c pef la.ir, at DO c. per Jo2u. Oar lino i now complete and 4 tull I e glad to feho you uem at) lea id Ladies' Cioaka uc vyiu Salt and lime by car Io4, or leaa. Empire Grain Drill and Challaooogi Chilled Plows for Bale best ia the country. The Allen and Fleming Go, Warrenton, N. C. 9-13-02 Dr. V7. W. Tayls1, Surseon IDentistt Keudera any aerrice included in the practice of Debliftrr. Cron and bndgw work; porcelain inlay; and cat lllinga accord i eg In the tnrthodt of lo day. OHloe Tlione 12. 27 em IWJeuoe " 23. Fall stock is now complete. There is something alout bine blood that will Iwaya tpnk for iUt-If. Wd are showing thd hatidsoniest linS of k,an,ce y nrUhire herd -ill uadonUly convince the inct fastidiona Chat . 7 V - j j i : . Enchind .has been robbed of its noblest tfriHtocmcy. leu, we are here at the front, and there to Btut. These lorif? bodied, broad iMicked, deep cbUd blacks. bavine (eea judiciously crossed ith America's befit ttrnua of llkdhirei, lias to offer to tl Ladios' Dress ooda aud iMmalings to bo found id this 3oction; Now as to enabled toe to offer 'Y'OXJlTGr Men's, Voutlia and Boy's Clothiiig; we have the L4RGE,ST line to fiplppf. from. Gerlts' Furnishing goods, Ladies' fc Gents' Shoes we have them i A full stock of GetieraLMerchantlise.-prices cheap ; qual- Dams and experienced Sires to n -SqsieHk, squeak can't r4 oVer raw' door ity c'b'nsidel-ed. . Come to seft us and we will be gkd to show you our complete stock. It is your privilege to examine and be convinced that we are head quarters for anything you want- Phone No. 3: TMtt iiO se-MilXj! Ai3D CO. (INCOBPOB ATED. ) he public a line of STOCK THAT O-AJSTITO'T You can always find here what you want, with prices to malclf, from tried sill." Kindlv thaukiug ycu for pntt favoi and patiently awaiting your future patroiiagej I remaiu, Very truly yours, WALTER B. FLEMING, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK PARM, Warrenton, N. C. SUDSCRiriE FOR : i tie ecord j. w. iJii:RriY co.) Cotton lactorf. S tfolk, Va., Dec. 10, 1901. Cotton Staly. HU let middling 8 5-14 Middling- 8119 Btrict low middling 8 Ixiw tniddlsng 73 4 Tinges SjtaiuS Blues rVnnl Stead'y. . Fancy Strictly prime Prime 234 212 211 1 3-4t)2 2 to 2 4 Lo gradS Machine pickrd Spanl-Ji 72x per bushel D. E Tets $2 75 per bag. FeanuLiRaga. in bales CS in. 712 B&ginS Qd Ties aud resnoi Hags for asle. .15 6jx.

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