IP VOL. 10. WAKRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. NO. 4. NOTICE. If this space has the Hed X Mark ton it, it is to inform you that your subscription is out, and unless re newed the paper will he stepped. X)r. Hob. S. Booth, IDOiQ.'tiS-C, Warrenton, North Carolina. Office Phone 69. Residence Phone 56-4 83-12m, LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Jno. G. White was here Satur day and Sunday. un iuiuer, -witn ins enure iroupe will be here on the 29th. See local adv. in this issue by R. A. HawtinB, about money to loan. Mrs. W. W-. WigRins, of Weldon, is visiting Mrs. T. M. Ca'seiley. - See executors notice in this issue by J. J. and Josiah Stallmgs. Mr. B. W.' Williams, of Petersburg, was here a day or two this week. MRS CASERLEY'S SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT...; By the time this announcement reaches you we will have in .almost all of our Spring and Summer stock, which we intend to make second to none. We have a beautiful line and some bargains. Come in and be convinced. A Full Line of Millinery. Head Ps. 34:22. Has the fruit been killed? Farmers are planting coru. Mrs. Jno, Graham visited in Rocky IVIt. last week. See bank statement of Gardner & Jeffress in this issue. Mrs. JR. E. King returned to her home in Beaufort Monday, Miss Lucie Allen, trom Ax tell, was in the city a day or so this week, Miss Mattie Jenkins returned to her home iu Littleton last Wednesday. Mrs. J. G, King wLl entertain the Van Djke Book Club Thursday; April 14th. from four until six p. m. Misses Mollie Tunstall and Minnie Louglilin, of Durham, visited fiiends in town Sunday and Monday. Very appropriate Easter services were held by the young people in the Episcopal church Sunday afternoon. Misses Bettie and Maria Parker left yesterday for Franklinton, where they will visit their sister, Mrs. B. W, Bal lard. Misses Sarah Gardner, Mamie Gard ner and Kettie Hod well, from the Bap tist Female University spent Easter at home. Those who attended the "Bell Ringers" Monday night pronounce it a "fisst class entertainment. A good crowd was present. The fire felt as comfortabe Monday as it did three months ago, a good frost was on hand early in the morning, but soon disappeared. We are glad to see Mrs. Jno. G, White at home, j3he has been iu Geor "gia since Dec. and returns much im proved iu health. Miss Annie S. Twitty, of Buffalo, K Y., is at home with her sister, Mis. Uarrie ralmer, wno la sick, we are Jg'ad to report Mrs. Palmer improving. A large number of the W. H. S. "students spent Easter at home with "loved ones, returning to school Tues day and are again hard down at work We invite your attention to the huge adveitisement of W. A. Milis & CIo,, hardware merchants. They have great ly increased their stock recently and aie now prepared to supply your wants in anything carried m their line. Mrs. Rebecca Hennon, Mr. and Mrs Brown and little daughter, after their visit to Mr. and Mis. i. K. Myers, left last Sunday for their home in Phila delphia. They expressed the'm&elves 'as pleased with their first visit South. The official board of Shiloh Baptist church, colored, at Areola, N. C, re quests us through The Kecosd, to publicly thank Mr. Geo. W. Davis for his kindness and liberality ic donating one acre of land for cemetery purposes, . Prof. E. W. Sikes, of Wake Forest College, wiil deliver a lecture iu the Warrenton High School Auditorium to night. The lecture is especially for the students, but the public is cordially 'invited to attendand our people should not fail to avail themselves of th3 op portunity to hear this learned man lectare. The little folks of the M. E. Sunday 'School held a pretty littlo Easter Service in the church Sunday after noon. The church was beautifully decorated in nowers and evergreens and the children all acted their part well. We cannot report amount of collection, but feel safe in saying it Was a good one, Mr. Robt. T. Watson has given up iris position as book-keeper for W. B Boyd & Go,', and will open au insurance office hero at an early date. Mr. Wateon will run both fire and life in surance, and being a nice clever gentle man with good business qualities we predict much success for him in his hew business. The County Commissioners were in session Monday, all the members pre ent, except Chairman M. J. Hawkins, who was kept away. Oh account of the extreme illness of his daughter, Mrs. JoelD. Whitaker, of Raleigh. The Board only transacted routine busiuess with the exception of the appointment of the tax listers for the county, which ni uppears in anouier column. "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Jrs. F. L. Phelps; Houston, Texas, For "indigestion, biliousness and constipation these tab, lets are most excellent. Sold by All Two thousand yards Hamburg, Nansook and Swiss Edgings and Inaertings to match from 5 to 50 cents per yard. Some of theee half yard wide; these surpass anything in this line that has over been on this market; Twd thousand yards Lawns, Batiste, Dimities, Organdies, Persiaus and India Liuons, solid and figured, from 5 to 50 cents per yard. French and Wash "Organdie. Miss Maude Rigean spent Eoster Beautiful new mereerized waistings, iu white champagne, stripes and dots, also ginghams, voiils cliambreys, white and brown linens also linen lawns. Two hundred yards striped white good at 5 cents per yard. Two iliuudred yards of white goods 37 inches wide tor b cents. J hese are bargains when they aie gone we'll get no more of them. New Embroidered front for 6tirE waist New lot farcy collars, belts, handkerehiefs, gloves and hosiery, ready made skirts and shirt waist. New lot val. cluny and imitation torchon laces, bleach cottons, long cloth, and lonsdale, Coats cotton, sewing and embroidery silk, corsets, girdles, extended hip and French shapes most comfortable ever worn, also summer corsets irom 25 cts. to 1.1)0. Give me a call, Miss Brady will be with me this season, Thanking my friends for theii liberol patronage, I am . I - Very respectfully, .... MBS. T. .M. CASEkLET. "Country produce taken. "' - With relatives around Wake Fore&t. The attention of our readers is called to the statement of the Citizens Bank, of Henderson. Col. and Mrs. Francis A. Macon, of Henderson, with their two bright littlo boys, spent Eauter here with relatives. Mr. Harry Prescott and Miss Jennie Hayes," both of this county, were mar ried, at the Baptist parsonage Monday, Rev. T, J., Taylor, officiating1. Mies Sallie M. Loach, ' of Littleton, is delighting her many friends here this week by visit. She is the guest of Misses Elizabeth and Lucy Jones. The County Commissioners have ap pointed J. J. Stallmgs, road commis siouer fox Judkins township to fill out the unexpired term of the late A. D. Stallings. Notice. Divine servioe, with Holy Communion, Tn Emmanuel Church on Sunday next, April 10th at 11 a. m. Services again 8 p. m. J. E. Poindexteb, Rector. Mr. J. A. Dameron and son Willie, are on a pleasure trip to iiiclimona, Va., this week and also attending a banquet given by the General Maua- J- I THE f t IlllinnBtiil1 UilliMSALHrS BREAD MAKER, Flows and Castings of All kinds, Stoves and Repairs, Farm and Garden Tools, Agents for Louisville Lead and Color Works'; -Floor Stains, Wagon and Carriage Paints, MureBCO - - Wall Tints. . Roofing, Guttering and Roof Painting. " ' TV. A. MILES and CO., WARRENTON, N.' C. Agents for piano Harvestms' Machines. Hlxet and Kneads Bread thorugty I IN 3 MINUTES. Hands do not touch tbe doashj Does mway with Haad Kneading and Makes Better Bread. I Simple, Buy, Sanitary j A ""sOLtnSY"1 Beard of Educatia in Session, The County Board of Education met in regular session on Mouday 4th inst. The examination of the Treasurer's books, vouchers and accounts showed theni neatly and correctly kept.. Betide the usual routine business. the Board accepted the propositton of tlie '-Summer School," at the A. & M. College, at Raleigh N. C, whereby all the whitfe t ja hers of the county can avail themselves of the advantage offered by that Institution, daring the month of July, next. This summer sohool will take the place of our county Institute, and will be of a great deal more benefit no doubt. We hope every teacher in the county will avail them selves oT this opportunity. We expect to write more ou this subject in the near future. In the main tim the FITTING GLASSES. Storng Endorsrment. Louisburg, N. 07, Nov. 24, 1902. The Cable Co., Riohmond, Va. If you are unable to visit our "optical office and consult our specialist, we will send you free a simple method for Gentlemen : It affords me great testing your eyes at home on receipt pleasure to state that the Kingsbury of a postal card. teachers and those contemplating at ger of the life insurance company they 1 tending can get any information de represent" sired by addressing a postal card to C. Miss Josie Leah Dameron. dauehter Raleieh. N. C and in regard to the of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. JJameron, wou the prize at the State Normal College, of Cireensboro, N. J. given for pro ficiency in vocal music, lhe prize is said to be worth forty five dollars. The Record congratulates Miss Josie. Mr. Joseph H. Hunt, of Richmond. Ya.", and Miss Suo H. Northcott, of Norliua, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Northcott, on Tuesday, April 5th. 1904, Rev. C. vV. Robinson officiating. It was a quiet home maniage only a few invited relatives and fiiends being c'resent. The Eecoiu) extends best wishes. amount of expeues the Board of Edu cation will defiay, the desired infor mation can be gotten from Mr. A at A.llen, County bupt, Tax Lilters. The countv commissioners on Mon day appointed the following tax hsers for thB vanous townships: Biver A. Li. Pope. Sixpouud Fletcher Bobbitt. Hawtiee E. Fitts. Smith Creek E. B. Stallings. Nutbush X. EL Bullock. Sandy Creek B. S. Field. Shocco James Montgcnlery. Fishiug Creek M. T. Duke. Judkins J. J. Shearin. . Wairenton H. B. Hunter. Fork L. F. Thompson. Roanoke T. V". Walker. Pianos used in the Louisburg Femile College for several years have proven eminently satisfactory in every respect. The piauos are magnificently made and improve in richness and sweetness ol tone with use. The nne wearing quality of the Kingsbury in use in the College for several years influenced me in selecting this make a few weeks ago, which is now in use in the college, and we .are all highly delighted with the instrument. Wishing you c3ulinued success in the sale of Kiugsburys, we beg to re main, Yours truly, The Louisbuko Femaie College, I, Allen, Soc'y. LOCAL ADS. THE RAPPOST OPTICAL CO., Durham. N. C. Another lot of horsea just come to day, April 7th, Wakken Supply Co. Money to loan by R. A. Hawkins, Atty. Office, Hyman Brick Store. POTATO PLANTINGS. I have one hundred bushels of sweet potato plant- lings tor sale at to cents per bushel, Guaranteed to be sound and all light. J. J. Hakkis, 2 miles South of Macon, N. C. COTTON GIN open for buying- "and gining seed cotton until may 1st. Hu&ter's Gin, Afton, N. C. The Brieht Jewel Society of the . - Methodist church gave au Easter egg hunt at the home Of Prof. Jno. Gra ham Monday evening. A large number of children ol the town were present and enjoyed the hunt for tho eggs Francis MacOn won the prize for find inrr tUu lai-iTMKt. mimlmr of ecra'a and Hnnt Shelfon Macon wou a prize for We have surpassed ourselves in the magnificent line Spring goods we the second largest Little Miss Laura are 8bovinp, Fancy Mercerized White Dress Goods, exquisite de 1 n I o. hnnhv" ill! UX1U v ci c unai.-4vu tww j :verybody Says Fancy Grocery Department and the line of Choice Goods. Handled. Washington Bread, Ice Cream, Vanilla Cream and Florida Fruit Cakes, Ha vener Crackers, Cream Cheese, Hominy Flake and Grits, Heiutz's Pickle, Fancy Potted Buttei, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Sardines, Milk, Peaches, Oysters, Salmon, Irish Potatoes, Beans, Syrup, Pine Apple, Sour Krout Postum, Grape Nuts, Malts-Vita, Foice, Royal Salad Dressing, Geleine, Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, Olives and Olive Oil. Prumes. Pigs Feet, Butter Beans, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas, Salt Fish, Patent Flour, Buck Wheat, Smolied Meat and Hams, Shipstuff, Meal, Corn, Oats, Fancy Molasses and Syrup, Apple Vinegar, Puie Lard, Roasted Coffee, Toilet and Laundry Soap &c, &c. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and SHOES. Coal Tar for Corn . Respectfully, D. H. RIGGAN, We are right here with the goods all the time. FURNITURE, CO FFINS and CASKETS. Yours truly, T. V. Allen & Go. afjCF'AX night call over the store. jbr.W.'W. Taylor, Sureeon TDeiitiat. Renders any services included in lhe practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay : and cast fillings according td the methods of i to-day. Office 'Phone 12. 27 6m Residence " 29. ' REPORT To the North Carolina Corporation Commission of the ooudition of the Banking House. of Gardner & Jeffres at Warrenton, N. C, at the close of business on the 28th. of Maroh, 1904, RES0UECE8. Loans and Discounts. Overdrafts; '. - Furniture and Fixtures. All Other Real Estate owned. Due from Banks and Bankers, Checks and other Cash Items. Gold Coin, 8 liver Coin, including all - minor currency. . - National Bank Notes and other U. S. Notes, 5,252.00 1,003.00 672.40 100,063.49 1.61J.84 000.00 W4.it 44.seu.3i 8.345.43 6.9Q0.4S Total, LIABILITIES. CapitalStoekpaid in, 46,000.00 unaiviaea rronis, less expenses, 8.oa Individual deposits subject to check. 127.868.01 Cashier's checks outstanding, 124.00 loiai, . 1147.874.6? I,f James M. Gardner CashieT, of the Banking House of Gardner & Jeffress, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl edge and beliel. James IT. GiRDitat, Cashier, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i County of Wabren. , Sworn to and subscribed before nta this 5th. day of April, 1904. . . . . W. A. VHira, C. S. C, Warren Co., N. Q XJiize. On last Sunday, April 3rd. 1904, in thiF place, a large number ol colored people met in tbe old town hall ani perfected tho organization of a Chris tian Church, Rev. B. Youug, a promi nent minister of tho church, was pres ent and assisted in the organization The name of the church is St. James 'and it Rtarta out with a mpmbership of twentv three. Rev. A. J. Holloway was installed as paster. Mavor W. A. Bui-well and Miss Mamie Watson, were married at tne linm of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. li. N. Watson, at Axtell, Wednes Pv.rn"n:r. ADiil 6th. 190d, at four o'clock, Rev. L. M. Cbaffin officiating Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party came to VVarrentou ana went to the home of Mr; M. P. Bur well where ab elegant reception was ten dered them. The Record ioius tne numerous friends of both the bride and eroom throughout the county and state in wishing them much happiness and a long life. A car loid of Horses and Mules ar rived to-da, April 7th. They lire nice. Tar water Bros. signs cilK Muns, uotion vones, r ie':KLeu voues, iwonair Kerees , Nuns Veilings in black and colors, JNatural Mabutai Silks Pouffees, Crene-de chinfi.Taffetan and Peau-de soi Siiks in the greatest values we ever otfeivd with an endless. variety of Wash Goods, Percales, Lawns, Ginghams &c, with Laces, Embroideries, al'over3, Collars and Cuff Sets, Belts, Glovea, fec, in the newest things ot the season. Big line meirs CLOTHING, HATS &c. Use your brains and have the tireless arm of machinery to labor fur vou. Buy a Planter to plant your corn with. It plants it ex actly right distance and right quantity and right depth. It comes up ... sm -" " j TIT rv I . better, grows oil quicker, is easier to worK. vve oner yoa the very best patterns made at close prices . Mt with hm Barred Plymouth Rocks, -V Wyandottes Golden J I offer eggs for hatching from finest matings of above varieties I ever owned. Sixteen prizes won at two shows .tho past season. If interested write me. JOHN HV FLEMING friTTS, N, C. . Can also furnish a few settings of white Wyandotte Eggs. .. . ... ..wiNicEii. .. ., vr. Special Representative In thl9 county and adjoining territories, to represent and adver- -tise an old established business house of solii-naneial standing. Salary $21 weikly, with expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expenses advan ced ; position perniaAent. We furnish eVery thing. Address; The Columbia, 630 Monon Bldg,. 5U-6t Chicago, 111 )J is bothing compared to the daily fights we are making1 to please our customers and get them highest one of the best im- market prices. jJIV 'ill U O 1 VJ. UU1 LI U" ting the young crop is a Hallock or Keystone V eeder. You should : by iall means have one. Cheap Tickets to tHo Pacific (Joast, Beginning March 1st and continuing until April 30th the Frisco System will sell daily one ,way Colonist tickets fron Atlanta, Ga. to Cahfornia points for $39.25 to Portland,-Ore., Seattle and Tacone, Wash, for $18.25, and to inter mediate points at relatively low rates. . .. Write or oall on S. Ii. Parrott, Dis? trict passenger Agent, Cor Dacatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta for ful' infor mation. . if oti'cQ of Summons. Another fine implement is the Disc Cultiyater, also the DISC PLOW, i ALL GRADES HIGHER. North Carolina, Warren County, j In the Superior Court, i Before Clerk. . The Book Ezchange. 1. "A Self-made merchant to his Son" Nat. Curl, o "Tiio Littlo shpnlicrfl of Kinadom Come" Miss Gertie Abernethy. 3. "Henry vm and-Uatnernie i arr Mrs. OharnbliPS. ; 4. "Sir Morttmer" Mis3 Mary McCraw. 5. "Forest Heaths" Mrs. E.G. Price. 6. "Dr. Lavender and His People" Mrs. J. W. White. 7. "Kim" O. R. Rodwell. 8. "The Stc-y of the 19th Century" ATra 'Fran If Rose. 9. "Little Pilgrimages arapng Women who have become ereaf jira. a., v . riciumg 10. "Roiliantic Palaces and Castles Mrs. V. L. Pendleton. 11. "Grandstark" Miss Bessie Taylor. 1. "Lavendar and Old Lace" Mra O.K. Jaekson la "Daniel Boone" Mrs. S. B. Williams. 14. Napoleon Bonaparte B. G. Green. 15. Creecy's .Tales of a Grandfather" J L. Henderson. 16. "The Hart of Rome" Mrs. Jno. Graham, . 17. "Old Chester Tales" Mrs. Oaserley. 18. "The Fortunes of Oliver Horn . Mrs. J.W. Allen. 19. "Songs that Never Die" Miss Mattie Btob. 22. Church-folks-Mrs.S.D. Twitty, .. 21. "Home Scenes and Heart Studies' Mrs. J. A. Dowtin. Bring1 us a load and we will please you. Sol Fleming, O W. Fleming, W; C. KHirigtoa and wife Cordelia J. Ellington. Georga W -Kelvin and wife Molly E. Belvin and Emm R. Watkins, Jno. b. Andrews. iThe feefendant above named will take notice that an action ientitled as bov.e has beeii commenced in the Superior Court of W rren County, N. C to sell a certain tract Of land for division, the defendant being tenants in commou with the said plaintiffs.; The de fendant will further taki notice that he U required to appear before the Clerk di thft Superior Court of Warren County, N. C. al his office in Warrenton. N. C . on the IRth. day of April A, p. 1904, and. answer or demu to tne complaint filed in this action, or the to the court for tha Boyd s "Dr. H. N Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. .';. v r i 1 1 i Wo sell both and the best made. We have Chattanooga tinned Plows, Cotton Piaiiters,Fertilizer Sowers, Acme Pulverizing Harrow &c. We also offer you L? me and Cement by the car load. or less. Shingles, Laths Windows and Doors, Barbed Wire and Iron Kooning. Come and see lis. Warehouse Headq uarters. Office onnosite court house in Fleming mm Walter b. bo yd & co. "Old Hickory" TFagoD, Tyson & Jones Buggies and and standard inaMcs kept on hand always for bale'. Big stock Harness on hand. plaintiffs will apply leuei aemanaea therein.: ' This MarfcH 5th. J90. - (.. ....... Wm. A. WHITE, Clerk Suprrlot C4rt. Pittman & Kerr, Attys. Public Sale. . . l i. By vinue or tne autnoniy conierrea on raw in a certain deed of trust executed to mo by Burwsll Brodie and Roberta Brodie.blswlfs on the 16th dav of December 1901, and duly j-ecorded in the office of the Regiasex ot Deeds 1 II- si - . WT ' M O 1. c: w. UI U HI If II VUUIII.jr,l. . 111 VWk IWVI1 ymQT 093 et seq.. I -will on Monday ..the. 2nd iday ol May 1U04, sen at puoiic auction, &i ins conn house door in Waaren.N, C-, top th highest bidder for cash, the following real and per sonal property, via: One-halt (1-2) undivided interest in a certain tract of. land In sal Warren county, beginning at a stob In Geo. Williams' line to Ellis.' Nprth East corner, running . 4 E. -to House tract, Ellis' landv thence JN, 89 1-3 W. to the Branch (said jJranch being tb . dividing line .between Oscar Alston and Alfred Alston's land and the tract known as the Burwell Brodie land) Whence down. .said Branch to Bi Us', ltnev thence with KlliiS' line to the point of De tract sq Av.agon.- Said sale will be made to satisfy tn debt secured by the. said deed. of trust, to whieh reference Is liereby made,, This the'lst day of April, i00i. TASKER POLK, Trusteel MANAGER WASTED. Trustworthy Lady or Gentleman toinasiag business'in thi3 county and adjoining terri tory for well and favorably knowh house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses, 'jaid each Monday by check direct froin -..headquarters. Expense money Advanced Address Manager, 811) Uuind Bid., Chicago, 111. . . .,1-1".. - . cinnintr. containing in the entire acres, more or less, ana aisOiOuo fino-not- t! .i F 'A ! f i : M '"I - i ' J J " f -4 t I t- ! f 1 I i V '1 f 5 I ' i j t s .n Jill V i I Mi ! j i : i., i t, i V Is , '.. f 'If! li ', f! -11 IP- S -IS 31 f, Harris Building. , . 'jpEonesi Of&ce', No. 59; Reidence, Ko. 65. truggiats'.