III .' I - 1 I VOL. lO. WARRENTON, N. C, FBIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. NO. 5. i ) i cord.: ... T NOTICE. If tliis space lias the Hed 2 Mark oa it, it is to inform you that, your subscription is cut, and unless re newed the paper will be stopped. Dr. Hob. S. Booth, JDexvbls-e, Warrenton, North Carolina. Office Phone 9. Residence PhoB 66-4 33-12m, LOCAL ITEMS Gardens are backward. It keeps rather cool for gardening. Farmers are catching up with their work. See local adv. by T. T, Palmer in this issue, Mr. Thoa. J. Daiky is Tinting Mb sis ter, Mrs. A. G. Egertou. Polk Miller with his negro quartette will be hereon April 29th. - Miss Doftie Daniel, of Littleton, is visiting the Misses Graham. Mr. B. G. Green made a business trip to Washington, D. C, this week. Mr. O. P. Shell, of Henderson, was .here this week looking waiter his trade. Mr. W. T. Johnson left Tuesday for Edenton, where we will take in the fisheries. Little Miss Minnie Mangum has re turned from a visit to relatives in Ral eigh. Miss Nannie B. White has returned from a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. H. W. Palmer, of McGoll, S. C. Have you paid your poll tax? If you 'lave not you had better look after this matter before the Urst day of May. Mr. Herbert Jones is night operator at the central telephone office. Herbert is a good one to get out crosses along the line. The Warrenlon public school, taught by Mrs. M. C. Aycock, will close Wed nesday. She is getting up a nice little 'entertainment. It is a very rare thing to hear f farmer talking abost planting tobacco The acreacre in this section will be .greatly reduced this year. Carjt. and Mrs. B. P. Terrell went to Kaleigh Sunday. Capt. Terrell re tamed Monday and Mrs. Terrell spent the week in Raleigh and Oxford. Miss Mary Rodwell, who has been visiting relativea m town the past week, 'returned to her home in Cnurchill last Sunday. takiuK with her Master John Rodwell Gardner. Rev. C. N. Wharton requests us to announce that he will not fill his ap powtment here next cmuday, out m stead will preach at Young Memorial 'church, near Natbueh. Miss Lmla Allen has accepted a po sition with the Cable Co.. and will e glad to have her friends call, aDd be -sides showing them th pianos aDd organs, will entertain them with some moe music. Forest fires have been plentiful th .past week. We hear that right much cord wood, that liad been cut and penned, was destroyed. Among the lieavy loses was Mr. J. L. Burchett, of -Norlina. Quarterly conference tor the Warren ton Circuit will bo held with the okuroh -at Warren Plains to morrow and cou tinue through to Sunday, Rev. G. F. Smith, the presiding elder, will be "present and preach. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rodwell and three of their smallest children, Messrs. H. A. Moseley, B. G, Rod well, and V. B. Gardner, were among thoee of onr 'town who spent Sunday in the Churchill neighborhood. Warrenton High School and Wise 'will play a match game of ball Satur day, April 16th., at 3 o'clock, on the base ball grounds at Wise. This will be the second game between these teams and it is likely to be interesting, Tta the Wise boys defeated the W. H 13, boys in the ilrst game. The Commencement Exercise of Littleton Female. College will -begin on Sunday, May the 22d, with a sermon before the Faculty and students of the College, by Rev. G. F. Smith, Presid ing Elder of the Warrenton District On Wednesday, the 25th. Dr. C. W Byrd of Atlanta, will preach the An Jiunl Sermon in the College ohapel. The Commenctment Address will be delivered on Thursday, the 26th. by Rev. R. D. Smart, D. D., of Norfolk, Va. In place of the usual Annual Address on Missions befoio the Y. W. O. A., there will be, this year, a series of three addresses on Missions. These 'will be delivered by Bishop A. W. Wilson of Baltimore, Md. on the even Sng of April 12tb, 13th, and Wth. "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says irs. F. L. Phelps, Houston, Texas, For indigestion, biliounnefes and constipation these tabj lets are most exoellent. Sold by All Druggists. Don't forget the Musical at the Audi torium to-night. The man and his bear attracted a large tsrowd for a while Monday even ing. Hon. P. A. Davis, of Franklin coun ty, was in town a short while Monday, greeting old and new friends. Oureadera inWarienton should not ail to read the sanitary notice, in this issue by Supt. oi Health, Dr. P. J. Macon. The Musical at the Auditorium to night will be given by home talent. Give them a full house, and encourage them in this way, Mrs, I. O. Walters and daughter, Mrs. F. W. DickBon, and little Miss Lois Dickson, of Wake Forest, are isiting Dr. H. N. Walters. There will be a Musical 'at the High School Auditorium to nicht. Fridav. 1 April 15th. Doors open at 7:30; enter- j taiument begins at 8:15. promptly. Ad-, mission 25 cents. Let -everybody co.' Notice. Divine service on Sunday next, April 17th. at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Service on Thursday next, -April 21st. at 8 P. M. JV E. Poindexteb, Rector oi Emmanuel Church. Messrs. S. T. Green and William Baskerville Jones made a short visit to Townesville Tuesday. They tell us now that this is the second time Buck Jones has been out of hearing distance of Warrenton in twenty-fiva years. We heai he was disappointed m some re spects on this trip. Capt. F. 0. Toepleman, was here several days this week, looking after the rebuilding of our telephone ex change. Capt. Toepleman tells us that we will have one of the most complete systems in the State when the work is completed. The old phones will be replaced with long distance connec tions. Mr. W. L. RoysteT, manager of the Cable Co's.. sale now going on heie tells us that he is selling pianos right along. Those of our people who con template buying a piano or organ, had better see him at once, as his stay here is finaited. See strong endorsement from tne Louisburg Female College, of these instruments, in another column. We must again insist that our corres pondents send in their items on Tues day. No louger thaa last week we had three communications that came in two late for publication. Another thing, always sign your name, not that we want to publish it, but that we must know who writes the items. The Record is not going to publiah items or communications of any kind unless the writer signs his or her name. Ob serve th9Be requests kind friends. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Sue Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Fleming, of Vaughan, to Mr. Fnrmau N. Bridgers, of Raleigh, on Wednesday morning, April 20th. Miss Fleming is a graduate of the -Greensboro Female College and is a talented and cultured youug lady, while the groom elect is secretary of the Caroleigh Phosphate and Fertilize worke aud is one of Raleigh's success ful young business men. Mrs. V. L. Pendleton went to Ral eigh last Friday to attend the fuueral and burial of Ms. Jeel D. Whitaker, who died in that city on Thursday. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hawkins, of Ridgeway, and leaves besides a mother and father, a young husband, two brothers and ope sister to mourn their loss, The Record oine their many friends m expressing deepest sympaty to the bereaved ones. The farmer that is wise will not let the f ancv nrices paid tor cotton the past season, caase him to over do the thing the coming season. If your to baco barns are built and fitted, and you have no expense in saving and cur lug your crop of tobacco, it will be de cidedly the wise plan to cultivate both tobacco and cotton, The farmer who cultivates both will surely have good prices with one or the other crop. The prices of cotton are as uncertain as the weather. Louisburg Times. These are our sentiments exactly and we publish the above with the hopes that they may do good. MRS CASERLEY'S SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. By the time this announcement reaches you we will have in almost all of our Spring and Summer stock, which we intend to make second to none. We have a beautiful line and some bargains. Come in and be convinced. .,; A Full Line of Millinery. - Two thousand yards Hamburg, Nansook and Swiss Edgings and Ineertings to match from 5 to 50 cents per yard. Some of these half yard -wide; these surpass anything in this line that has over been on this market. Two thousand yards Lawns, Batiste, Dimities, Organdies, Persiaus and India Linons, solid and fiffin-ed. from 5 to 50 cents rer yard. French and Wash Organdie. Beautiful new mereerized waistings, iu white champagne, stripes and dots, also ginghams, voills chambreys, white and brown linens also linen lawns. Two hundred yards striped white good at 5 cents per yard. Two hundred yards of white goods 37 inches wide for 8i cents. J hese are bargains when they aie gone we'll get no more of them. New Embroidered front for shirt waist New lot faccv collars, belts, handkeiehiefs, gloves and hosiery, ready made skirts and hhirt waist. New lot val. cluny and imitation torchon laces, bleach cottons, lone cloth, and lonsdale. Coats cotton, sewing and embroidery silk, corsets. girdles, extended hip and French shapes most comfortable ever worn, also summer corsets trom 25 cts. to $1.1)1). Uive me a call, Miss Brady will be with me this season, Thauking my friends for theii liberol patronage, I am - Very respectfully, ' : MRS. T. 21. ClSE2Lr, -iSTCountry produce taken. ' - . ; U I jflLjE?l I! SD Hardware, THE BREAD MAKER, Plows and Castings of all kinds, Stoves and Repairs, Farm and Garden Tools, Agents for Louisville Lead and Color Works, Floor Stains, Wagon aud Carriage Paints, Muresco - Wall Tints. - Roofing, Guttering and Roof Painting. W. A. MILES and CO., WARRENTON, N.C Agents for piano Harvesting Machinery. , Wx and Kneads Bread thoroughly IIN 3 MINUTES. Hands do not touch the dough j Does away with Hand Kneading and Makes Better Bread. (Simple, Easy, Sanitary SOLD BY W. A. MILES & CO. Notieo. . The Warron County Anti-Saloon League will meet in the Court House in Warrenton on Saturday April 23, at 11 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of advancing the cause of Temperance in Warren County. Mr. J. H. Kerr and others will add res s the meeting. All friends of temperance are cordially in vited to meet with us. FITTING GLASSES. H. N. T. J. Taylor. Pres. Waltebs, Sec. & Treas. Dr. Sites' Lectura. Dr. E. W. Sikes, Professor of Politi cal Econemy and History in Wake Forest College, delivered a highly en tertaining and instructive lecture to a large audience in the Auditorium of the High School building last Friday night. His subject. 'Ttre Presidential Office and The Presidents," was ably discussed. The people greatly enjoyed the lec ture. All hope that Dr. Sikes will come again. The community is indebted to Prof. Graham for providing frequent intellectual feasts. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Complaints in Children. "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy m our family for years," says Mrs. J. B. Cooke.of Nederlands.Texas. tlWe have given it to all of our childron. We have used ether medicines fci the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Chamberlain's. If yon will uso it as directed it will always oure." For sale by All Druggists. If you are nnabie to visit our optical office and consult onr specialist, we will send you free a simple method for testing your eyes at home on receipt of a postal card. THE EAPPOET OPTICAL CO., Durham. N, C. We are right here with the goods air the time. R GGAN S LOCAL ADS. Honor Roll The following pupils of the Warren ton Public School were on the Honor Koll for the month of March : Graham Rodwell, Marvin Hardy, Russell Farrar, Edwin Davis, Helen Gardner, Lola Harris, Myra Green, Belaud Davis, Susie Davis, John Harris and Joe Powell. GOOD PASTURE. A good pasture near town and am prepared to accom modate any number of cattle. For further information apply to T. T. Paimeb. NOTICE. Any one hiring or har boring my son, James A. Nicholson, 18 years old, will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. A good re ward to notify me where he is. . T. A. Nicholson, Embro, N. C. Money to loan by R. A. Hawkins, Atty. Office, Hyman Brick Store. POTATO PLANTINGS. I have one hundred bushels of sweet potato plant lings for sale at to cents per ousnei. Guaranteed to be sound and all light. J. J. Qabbib, 2i miles South of Macon, N. C. COTTON GIN open for buving and gming seed cotton until may 1st. Hunter's GrN,.Afton, N. C. Everybody Says Fancy Grocery Department and the line of Choice Goods Handled. - ' ' ' " Washington Bread, Ice Cream.Vanilla Cream and Florida Fruit Cakes, Ha vener Crackers, Cream Cheese, Hominy Flake and Grits, Hemtz's Pickle, Fancy Potted Buttei, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Sardines, Milk, Peaches, Oysters, Salmon, Irish Potatoes, Beans, Syrup, Pine Apple, Sour Krout Postum, Grape Nuts, Malts-Vila, Foice, Royal Salad Dressing, Geletine, Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla," Olives and Olive Oil, Prumes, Pigs Feet, Butter Beans, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas, Salt Fish, Patent Flour, Buck Wheat, Smoked Meat and Hams, Shipstuff, Meal, Corn, Oats, Fancy Molasses and Syrup, Apple Vinegar, Puxe Lard, Roasted Coffee, Toilet and Laundry Soap &c, &c. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and SHOES. Coal Tar for Corn . Respectfully , D. H. RIGGAN, FURNITURE, COFFINS and GASKETS. Yours truly, T. V. Allen & Co. iS'At night call over the store. Dr. W. . Taylor, Surgeon Dentist, Renders any services included in the practice of - Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay: and cast fillings according to the methods of f to-day. Office 'Phone 1 2. 27 6m Residence" 29. We have surpassed ourselves in the magnificent line Spring goods we are showing. Jbancy Mercerized White Dress Goods, exquisite de signs Silk Mulls, Cotton Voiles, Flecked Voiles, Mohair Serges Pongees, Min9 v einngs in DiacK ana colors, .natural Mabutai Silks, Crepe-de chiue,Taffetan and Peau-de soi Silks in the greatest values we ever offered with an endless variety of Wash Goods, Percales, Lawns, Ginghams &c, with Laces, Lm broideries, allovers, Collars and Cuff Sets, Belts, Gloves, &c, in the newe3t things of the season. Big line men's CLOTHING, HATS &c. Use your brains and have the tireless arm of machinery to labor for you. Buy a Planter to plant your corn with. It plants it ex actly right distance and right quantity and right depth. It comes up better, grows on quicker, is easier to worK. We oner you the very best patterns made at close prices . Fight with mm Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff and Golden Wyandottes I offer eggs for hatching from finest matings of above varieties I ever owned. Sixteen prizes won at two shows the past season. If interested write me. JOHN. H. FLEMING, Fitts, N, C. Can also furnish a few settings of white Wyandotte Eggs. WANTED Special Repkesentattvb in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and adver tise an- old established business house or solid financial standing. Salary 2l wekly, with exDenses. naid eap.h Mrvnlmr h, direct from headquarters. Expenses advan ced ; position permanent. We furnish tvery- ining. Aaaress. The Columbia, 630 Monon Bldg,. 50-6t Chicago, IU. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Warren County, In the euperior Court, J. Before Cierk. Sol Fleming, C W.Fleming. W.C.Ellington an1 rt-kl.n1t T TMS l cwiu w iic vAfiuciiit o . aii i ii ii ji on , ueore w Belvin and wife Mollv Ta1v in nil si H'mmit R. Watklns, . V8. Jno. b. Andrews. The Defendant ahnvc nameri will fsVarntin. that an action entitled as - above h.is heon commenced in the Superior Court of Wrren vouniy, . v., to sen a certain tract of land for division, the defendant being tenants in common with the said nla.int.iffa TVi h. fen dan t will further take notice that hc ia requited to aooear before the cierk of the Superior Court of Watren County, N. C. at his office in Warrenton, N, C, on the 18th day of April A D. 1904, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the leiief demanded therein. This March 5th. 1901. Wm. A. WHITE, Clerk Superior Coart. Pittman & Kerr, Attya. . . Piiblic Sale. lam Waiting. A correspondent calls on me to call a meeting of men to organize a Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to Ani male. Thi1 work is generally undertaken by ladieb, and 1 hope that our noble women will take hold of the matler. I am waiting for a general request before calling a meeting. T. 3. Tailor. One of the be9t im plements for cultiva ting the young crop is a Hallock or Keystone Weeder. You should by all means have one. is nothing compared to the daily fights we are making to please our customers and get them highest market prices. By virtue of the authority conferred on me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by BurwaH Brodie and Roberta Brodie, bis wife on the 16th day of December HK)1, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, N. C in Book 65 on page 693 et seq.. I will on Monday, the 2nd day oi May 1904, sell at public auction, at the court house door in Waaren. N. C .to the highest bidder for cash, the following real and per sonal property, viz: One-half (1-2) undivided interest in a certain tract of land in said Warren county, beginning at a stob in Geo. Williams' line to Ellis' North East corner, running 4 E. to House tract, Ellis' land, thence N, 89 1-3 W. to the Branch (said Branch being the dividing line between Oscar Alston and Alfred Alston's land and the tract known as the Burwell Brodie land) thence down said Branch to El'is' line, thence with Ellis' line to the point of be ginning, containing in the entire tract 30 acres, more or less, and also one one-horse watron. Said sale will be made to satisfy the debt secured by the said deed of trust, to whieh reference is hereby made. This the 1st day of April, 1901, TASKER POLK, Trustee. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy Lady or Gentleman to manag business in this county and adjoining terri tory for well and favorably knowh house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses , paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced. Address Manager, 810 Itonia Bid., Chicago, 111. " 1-iat. Another fine implement is the Disc Cultivater, also the DISC PLOW. ALL GR ADES GHER. Bring us a load and we will please you. Boyd s Dr. EC. N. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite eourt house in Fleming Harris Building. 'Phones : Office, No, 59; Reidence, No. 66. EWEYSKlDircYCUKB Baku Kidneys and Bladder Riflht We sell both and the best made. We have Chattanooga Chilled Plows, Cotton Planters,Fertilizer Sowers, Acmo Pulverizing Harrow &c. Warehouse We also offer you Lime aud Cement by the car load or less. Shingles, Laths, Windows and Doors, Barbed Wire and Iron Kooning. Come and see us. The Allen & F leming Go, Warrenton, N. 0. "Headquarters." WALTER B. BOYD & CO. "Old Hickory" TTagon, Tyson & Jones Buggies and and standard makes kept on hand always for bale. Big stock Harness on hand. Cheap Tickets to the Pacific Coast. Beginning. March 1st and continuing nntil April 30th the Frisco System will sell daily one way Colonist tickets from Atlanta, Ga. to California points for $39.25 to Portland, Ore., Seattle and Tacone, Wash, for $48.25, and to inter mediate points at relatively low rates. Write or call on S. Ii. Parrott, Dis trict Passenger Agont, Cor Dacatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta for f ul' information. WANTED SEVERAL INDtrSTRIOtTS PER- aons in each state to travel for a house es tablished eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agenta lor Sttccessmil &au liruii muie xu?. x ci 1 1 1 a- nent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced In cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention referfuce and enclose self-ddressed envelope, xa.a, KAiiUNAb, 882 Dearborn St., Chicago. 60-13t INTEREST YOU IN A CAN WE 1 HEQE IMPROVED LOG-BEAM SAW MILL? WITH THE HEACOCK-KlNG VARIABLE FEED WORKS. ' it Cant BE Beat. Write "The Machinery People" for prices W. H. GIBBES Sl CO. COLUMBIA, S. C. ENOINEB. BOILERS. COTTON OINS. k THt OIBBC POBTBl.e SHIHCLC MACHINE I - i i 4 i J 4 t r :i i V i t 1 i V ; i . i IH !