VOL. 10. WAREENTON, N; O., ERIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904. NO. 7. 1STOTIOE. If this space has the Eed X Mark tin it, it is to inform you that your subscription is out, and unless re newed the paper will he stopped. Dr. Rob.fe. Booth, WarreWton, North Carolina. Office Phone 69. Residence Pbd?ie 5G-4 33-12m. LOCAL ITEMS Adieu April. Polk Miller to-night. Mr. O. P. SheH was here this week. See administratrix notice by Mary J. Hayes. County Commissioners will meet Monday. See notice of land sale by Tasker Polk, trustee?. . Miss Lou Brown, of Axtell, is visiting in town this week. Dr. A. S. Pendleton, of Henderson, was m town Wednesday. Mr. B. G. Green went to Baleigh Monday, returning Tuesday. See notices of "summons by W. A. White, clerk tif'the Superior court. Farmers have inde good headway with their work the past few weeks. Mrs. Chns. Lewis, of Stovall, is visit ing at Mr. and Mis. C, E. Jackson's. Miss Annie Frazier, of Hilliardston, is visiting JMr. and Mrs. E. P. Frazier. Polk Miller's entertainment to-night will begin promptly at 8;15. Be ou Vime. Mrs. J. W. Allen is spending this week in Granville county, on a visit to leJntives. Dr. S. P. Green left last week for St. Louis, Mo., where he wili make his home with his son. Until further notice night services in all the churches will commence at half past eight o'clock. Remember the Farmer's Meeting in the court house to-morrow. Come and bring your neighbor. Miss Virginia Thomas, of Memphis, Ten n., is here on a visit to her uncle, Dr. C. A. Thomas. "Mrs. J. M. Gardner istfent several - days in Raleigh this week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Rowlaud. Rev. C N. Wharton will occupy his pnlpit in the Presbyterian church here iiext Sunday moiniug pnd night. Rev. T. J. Taylor left Monday night for Spring Hope, where he is assisting Rev. A. G. Wilcox in a protracted ineetiug. Notice for the red S this week. II your paper is marked it is a request that you let us have a little money right away. Mr. Geo. W. Alston, of Inrz, was in town Monday and called at Ihe Reooed office and remembered the editoi in a substantial way. Polk Miller ana his "Old South'' quartette at the Auditorium to-night. Admission 50 cents. You had better get your ticket before night. Catherine Edwards, one of our oldest colored citizens, died Tuesday morn iug. She was theiiotfcer of our well kuowu coach maker, James M. Ransom Mr. W, H. Dameron left last week for Goldsboro to accept a position with the State agent of the life insurance company he has been working for the past few years. This change comes as a promotion and we all are glad he has been given a higher place. Dr. Marion M. King, son of Dr. and Mrs. Joel G. King, of this place has been elected city phypician of Tex arkana, Ark., at which place he located last fall to practice medicine. This is a high honor paid our young friend, but we know he is well worthy the po sition and will fill it with credit to him self and his native town and state. Mrs. Mtry A. Collins, widow of the late Louis B. Collins, died at the home 'ol her son -in law, Mr. B. T. Wartman, in South Hill, Va., Friday evening, April 22nd. 1904. She had been in de clining health for several years, and suffered a great deal the past year, and death came as a relief. Mrs. Collins was a good women, nnd had been a faithful member of the M. E. Church, South, for many years, and we feel sure her soul is at rest. "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Mrs.. F. L. Phelps, Houston, Texas, For indigestion, bilioufnets and constipation these tab lets are most excellent. Sold by All Druggists. The Russo-Japanese War makes es pecially timely Hudson Maxim's article bn "The Wonders of Modern Warfare, which appears iu the May Woman's Home Companion. It is accompanied by many curious and valuable photo giaphs of big guns and new war-engines. The attention of our readers is called to the large adv.'of W. B. Boyd & Co. Our town people should get their premises in a good condition before the inspector comes around. Col. Jho. S. Cunningham, J. Bryant Grimes and J. O, W. Gravely are among those who will btf here to address the farmers Saturday, April 30th. Don't forget about this meeting. Come and briug your neighbor. Remember the health notice y the Supt. of Health' Dr. P. J. Macon, of two issues ago, and act accordingly. The inspector will proceed to condemn all nuisances on the first of May, with out an exception. The Cable Co. wishes to announce that they have one of their factory tuners here, and those desiring to have their piano3 tuned will please call and leave their orders, as his time here is limited. W. L. Royster, Manager. The Record office has been supplied with a long distance phone which the Home Telephone aud Telegraph Co., is giving its subscribers in Warrenton. Mr. Hugh Allen is doing the work of replacing the old phones with new ones, and he seems to thoroughly understand his work and is doing it well. He has had several years ex perience m the business, aud we wish to congratulate this compauy upon se curing his services. The Cable Co. wishes us to announce that they have received their last ship-, ment of pianos for this place and that their sale her will close on Monday, May 9th. If you are going to buy a piano or organ you had better visit their store, "make your selection and ask for prices and terms. They have some nice instruments and are going to offer them at greatly reduced prices, rather than reship them. Now is your chance if jou ever intend to buy a piano. The editor spent last Saturday and Sunday at South Hill, Va.. attending the burial of Mrs. Mary Collins. The town is improving as ia evidenced on every hand. Preparations are being made for the building of another large tobacco waiehouse, which will make the fifth for the place, a large prize house for the American Tobacco Co., the bank of South Hill has increased its capital to twenty thousand dollars, and new dwellings are going up on nearly every street. The business men are a unit for the upbuilding and pro gress of the town and a stranger is made to feel at home within their gates." FOR SALE. 25 or 30 bushels of Russell's BigBoil prolific cotton seed. Joel G. King. Notice. On Sunday May 1st. Bishop Cues hire will visit Em manual Parish, War renton. Oedek of Service. At 11 A. M.. Holy communion and confirmation, with sermon by the Bishop, iu Emmanuel church. At 8 P. M., service for colored peo pie in All Saints chapel, . Offerings at both services for Dio cesan Missions. J. E. Poivdextee, Rector. -"Tuesday Afternoon Book Club. At the IovhIj liome of Mrs. John L. Heuderson the Tuesday Afternoon Book Clab was entertained April 23., from five to six o'clock P. M. The regular routine of business being completed, the literary exercises were taken up Miss Virginia Graham read an essay on "The Southern Poets." This reading was thoroughly enjoyed by all present, and made one feel proud of the talent bur Softt-laud has produced. And not the least by far, among these poets is our townsman, Mr. Tasker Polk, one of whose poems, "A Storm at Dawn ing," was delightfully rendered by Mrs. Jno. H. Kerr. The program reached the height of its enjoyment in tb.B reading of a selection from George Preutice, "The Closing Year," by Miss Ethel Allen whose perfect grace and ease of manner always holds the atten tion of the ClUb. The beet usually comes last, and this occasion was found to be no exceptiou to the rule wjien the guests were ushered into the dining room so ex quisitely decorated withjpalms, ferns, and cut flowers, The color scheme was red, and underneath the crimson canopy of crepsi papier, with'which the room was festooned, the daintiest re freshments were served by Mrs. Hen derson and her sister, Miss Williams. The room being darkened, the ruddy glow from crimson globes cast a feeling of clieer and happiness on all around. We would hot fail to mention Mr. Jno, L. Henderson, that king of yood fellows, who by his easy manners and ready wit, made this occasion one never to be forgotten. The Club will meet next with Miss Alice T. Jones. Dr. EL 1ST. "Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Offiee onuosite court house in Fleming Harris Building, 'f'lionee i Office', No. 59 ; Reidence; No. 66', American Bible Scciety. There will be a popular meeting of the Warren County Auxiliaiy, of the American Bible Society, held at the Baptist ohurch Friday evening, M".y 13th. 1904, at 8:45 P. M. Short talks will be made by the - Rev. C. W. Robinson, Rev. 3, E. Polhdexter, Rev. T. J. Taylor, Rev. B. C. Allied, Rev. C. N. Wharton, W. G. Rogers, H. J. White, J. R. Bod well, ' John Graham. Help this cause to spread the "Only Book," by your presence and let those who are in. darkness have the light. J. L. Henderson, Pres. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do iu the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of etomach and liver trouble, physiciai.s could Lot help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King a New Lile Pills and she got relief and was neatly cured. Only 25c, at U. A. lhoma3 Drug Store. The Temperance Meeting. Owing to a concatenation of consur- rent circumstances the temperance meeting advertised to be held here last Saturday was not largely attended; but these who were present expressed very decided convictions in favor of total prohibition. Some however were of opinion it would not be wise just now to hold an election; for while they were sure of being able to carry the town iu favor of prohibition, they were of opiu ion victory would not be perruaueut owing to defects in the "Watts Bill." These it is hoped will be amended by the next Legislature sufficiently to pie vent the enemies of prohibition, from changing our hard won victories lLto defeat. Able addresses were made by Messrs, Tasker Polk and J. H. Kerr, aud re marks all iu favor of the great cause tint brought us together were made by ;others. The meeting udjourued subject to the Call of the president. The purpose of the temperance peo pie is to secure prohibition as soon as possible. Agitate, educate and legis late. The speedy end to be attained is prohibition. Dr. 77. "W. Taylor, Surgeon Dentist, Renders any services included in the practice of Dentistry Crown . aud hridga work, porcelain inlay ; and cast filiinqs according to the methods of to day. Office 'Phone 2. 27 fm Residence :' 29. osryuo We have surpassed ourselves in the are showing. Fancy Mercerized signs feUK mulis, uotion voiles, Pongees, Nlms Veilings in black Urepe-de clime, lauetan ana reau-ae ever offered with an endless variety iinghams tV:c with traces, Ji, in broideries, al'overs, Collars and Cuff Sets, Belts, Gloves, &c, in the newest things of the season. Big line men's CLOTHING, HATS etc. Use your brains and have the tireless arm of machinery to labor for you. Bur a Planter to plant your corn with.- It plants it ex actly right distance and right quantity and right depth. It comes up better, grows olt quicker, is easier best patterns made at close prices . Another fine implement is DISC We sell both and the host made: Plows, Cotton Planters,Fertilizer Sowers, Acme Pulverizing Harrow &c. We also otTer you Lime and Cement by the car load or less. Shingles, Laths, Windows and Doors, Barbed Wire and Iron lloofiing. Come and see us.. Fancy Grocery Department and the line of Choice Goods - Handled. Washington Bread, Ice Cream, Vanilla Cream and Florida Fruit Cakes, Ha vener Crackers, Creani Cheese, Hominy Flake and Grits, Heintz's Pickle, Fancy Potted Battel, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Sardines,' Milk, Peaches, Oysters, Salmon, Irish Potatoes, Beans; Syrup, Pine Apple, Sour Kroufc PoBtum, Grape Nuts, Malts-Vila, Foice, Royal Salad Dressing, Gdetine, Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, Olives and Olive Oil, Prumes, Pigs Feet, Butter Beans, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas, Salt Fish, Patent Flour, Buck Wheat, SmoTied Meat and Hams, Shipstuff, Meal, Corn, Oats, Fancy Molasses and Syrup, Apple Vinegar, Puie Laid, Roasted Coffee, Toilet and Laundry Soap &c, &c. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and SHOES Coal Tar for Corn . Kespeetfully , D. H R1GGAN, We are right here with the goods all the time. and Yours truly, T. V. Allen & Co. gPSr-At night call over the store. magnificent line Spring goods we White Dress Goods, exquisite de- i? lecKeu voiios, iMonair serges and colors, Natural Habutai Silks soi suks in tne greatest values we of Wash Goods, Percales, Lawns,! to work. We orier you the very une ot tne oest im plements for cultiva ting the jToung crop is a Hallock or Keystone Weeder. You should by all means have one. the Disc Cultivate', also the PLOW, We have Chattanooga Chilled i i - oy o&ys Warrlntoaf N. S; PloWs and Castings of all IHnrls Stoves and Repairs, Farm and Garden Tools, Agents for Louisville Lead anl Color Works, Floor Stains, Wagon and Carriage Paints, Muresco N Wall Tints. Roofing, Guttering and Roof Painting. . W. A MILES and CO., WARRENTON, if. C. Agents for piano Harvesting Machinery. LOCAL .A.DS. Agents wanted a once to can vies Warren County. Apply to W. W. Co. I Inez, N. C. GOOD PASTURE. A good pasture near town and am prepared to accom- modute any number of cattle. For further information apply to T. T. Palmes. Money to loan by R. A. Hawkins. Atty. Office, Hyman Brick Store. WANTED A TRCSWORTHY GUNTLEM ATT or ladyin each county to manage business for an old established house of solid financial standing. A straight, bonafide weekly salary of $18.00 paid by check each Monday With all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Enclose addressed envelope. Manage , 360 Caxton Building Chicago. WANTED. Special Representative In this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established business house j ol -firwinViai . standing. . Salary $21 weekly, with Expenses advancer! each Monday hv check direct from headquarters. ETorse and Duggy .iurnisnea when necessary; position permanent, a aaress mew .Bros. & Co , Koom 610 Monon Bldg., Chicago, ill. 6-6t .WASTE D F.A 1THFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established house In a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $20.00 Der week with expenses additional, all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Posi tion permanent. Busines.ssuccessful and rushing. Standard House fiOO Dearborn. St.. Chicago. 36-26. , . MANAGER WAITED. Trustworthy Lady or Gentleman tomahaer business in this county and adjoining terri tory for well and favorably knowh house of solid financial standing. S20.00 straight cash salary and expenses, yald each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced. Address Manager, SlOComo Bid., Chicago, 111. 1-lat. WANTED SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PER aons in each state to travel for a house es tablished, eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for snccessf ull and profitable line. Perma nent eneagement. Weekly cash salary of 124 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week Experience not essential. Mention refereuce and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL, Si!2 Dearborn St., Chicago. 60-13t Wagons, j 'iSSS i ' n - H - " ir'"n"t"1""1 1 i - r--i We Garry the Largest Stock, Most Stylish, Best Quality, h 0 - Coins to Headquarters. Walter b. bo yd & co. Executor's Notics. nHSqUay fied as executors of Anthone D Stalhngs. deceased, late of Warren Co.. N. C , this isto notify all persons hatw ell fh? tM&mSl th.f e8taie of 9aid deceased to rh aM em to,th.e u.ndersigned on or before wifl Wr!da .of APrV- "OS, or this notice win be plead in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the ,4th day .of April", 1904'. i. 3. STALLINGS, - vr JOSIAH STALLINGS, j ExecutOrs. Executor's .Notice. -Having qaulified as executor of Henry B. Hunter, decease , late of Warren county, N. C,, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of T. Hoik. Atty., in Warrenton. N the 25th day of Anril lftna. nr t.-hia rt.w. V. 1 1 ' . , i . . ' v-J ""V-C be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons will w ooiu esiaie win piease make im mediate payment. This April 22nd 1901. L F. P. HUNTER, Executcr. T. Polk, Atty. Commissioner's Land Sale. . By virtue of authority conferred upon me by a judgement and decree of the Superior court of Warren county, N. C, rendered on the 18th day of April A. D. 1904", in an action pending therein in which C. W. Fleming and (.tliers were plaintiffs and John S. Andrews was. defendant, I will sell at the court house door in Warrenton . N C ., on the 32rd day of May A. D. 1904, at 12 o'clock M. to highest bidder for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land, situated ia Nutbush townshiph afore said county and State, and bounded, as follows, viz: Beginning at a white "oak on South side of the road leading from Warrenton to WilliatfLSDorough, Thos. Rainey's corner, thence S. 1 W, 50 C. to a stake; thence S. 48 W. to a pine and hictory near John Watkins' corner ; thence N. 21 E. 104 O. to a pine stump, William Paschall's corner; thence S. 83 E. 11 to a stake in path leading from the roa'd to Mrs. Fleming's; thence N. .6 E. 8 to said roaa; thence along said roafi to the first station containing 64 acres and being the dower lands of Klifcabeth Andrews, deceased. This April 18th 1904. SOL FLEMING, Commissioner. Pittman & Kerr, Attys, ikid find no trouble to undersell our competitors Harness. THE BREAD MAKEIT Mixes and KnVarjs "Bread thoroughly ii J MINUTES. Hands do not touch the dough J Uoes away with Hand Kneading and Makes Bettor Bread. LSimpIe, Easy, Sanitary , SOLD BY W. A. MILES' & CO. Notice.' Having qualified as administratrix of Jag. H. Hayes, deceased, late of Watrea county N C, this is to notify oil persons having claims against the estate of a!d deceased to exhibit th-m to the undersigned on or before the 29th of April 1905, or this notice will be plead in bar of their, recovery . All persons, indebted to said esUt will please make im mediate payment. This April 2otli. 1904. MARY H. HAYlCs, Admrx. Jas. H Hayes. Norlina, N. C, R. F. D. No, 1.- Notice, Stae of North. Orplina, In thi Superior Court. arren uounty. C. T. Prescott, Jessie B. Dean and Georga B. Dean, her hushnn !, Ifarry Prescott and Frederic G. Piec jtt. RobVrl Henry Faikner. Robert Henry Faikner, the defendant above named will take notice that a Special Pro- ceeding has been commenced in the Superior U ooiiu i) arren i-oupty to sell for di vision among the tenants in common a cer tain house and lot in the town of Warrenton 1p said Warren County. known as the Richard Faikner residence, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for the said County of Warren on the 30th-. day of May 1901. and answer or demur to the petition or complaint of the plaintiffs In said special proceeding, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition or complaint. This WILLIAM A, WHITE, Clerk Superior Court. B. G. GREEN and T. POLK, Attorneys, Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Warren County. ) In Superior '""ovirt. S June Term, Anna Watkins vs, Richard Watkins.' ' Richard Watkins the defendant above nam ed will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior court of Warren county. North Carolina, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing between the parties hereto, upon the ground of abandonment; and the said denfendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of said Superior court to be held in Warrenton, N. C. be ginning on the 20th day of June A. D. 1904 and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action, or the plaintiff will apply, toi said court for the ralief demaded in said cpmplaint. This April 25th 1901. W. A. WHITE, Clerk Superior Court. Pittman Kerr, Attys. Public Sale. By virture of the power and authority con ferred o:i me in a certain deed of trust .exe cuted to me by Ja?k Batjheior and Mary Batchelor, his wife, on the 2nd. day of Oc tober 1901, and which is registered in the office of the P.egister cf Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina in Book G5on page 5G8 et. Seq.. I will, at 12 o'clock M., on Tues day the 81st. day of May- 1901, sell at public auction, at the Court Hons 3 door of said county, t'o the highest bidder for cash, that certain piece or parcel of land situated In the town of Warrenton, in said couuty and State, and bounded as follows: On the North by the land of Mrs. Willie Bryau Jones, wife of R. J. Jones, on the West by the land formerly owned by Mrs. M. S. Norwood, on the South bv the land of Laura S. Taylor, wife of H H. Taylor, and on the Est by Main street, and. being the same lana whereon saia wary Batchelor resided at the time or ner aeata. Said sale wii' be made to satisfy the debt se cured by said deed of trust, default havin.j been made in the payment tnereoi. This 29th. day of April 1901 . TASKER POLK, trustee. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Warren County. ! In the Superior Court, ) June Term 1901. Montgomery Drake vs. Mary Drake. Mary Drake defendant above named will take notice that an action eniitled as above has been commenced in the .Miperior court of Warren court in the State of North Carolina by the plaintiff. Montgomery Drake to secure an absolute divorce fro:u sicl defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required .o appear a'J the n-cxt term of said Superior court to be held in Varrcnt-)n, N. C.j. on the 15th Moniay after the 1st Monday in March 1904 aiid answer or demur to the complaint to be tiled in tht? iction 30 days before the beginning of said erm of court, or the relief therein demanded will be granted. This April 8th 1994. W, A. White. Cierk Superior Court. By JTR. Rodwell.D.C. S. C. Pittman & Kerr, Plff . Attys. Pubiid Sale. By vi'tue of the authority conferred on me :n a certain deed of trust executed to me by Burwsll Brodie and Roberta Brodie.biswife on the Kith day of December 1901. and duly ecorded in the office of the Register of Deeds if Warren County, N. C., in Book 65 oh nw 93 et seq.. I will on Monday, the 2nd day CI ilay 1904. sell at public auction, at the court louse door in Waaren. N. C .to the. highest bidder for cash, the following real and per loiial property, viz: One-half (1-2) undivided interest h, a certain tract of land in said Ararren county, beginning at a stob In Geo. Villiams" line to Ellis' Worth East cornsr, unnirig V. 4 E. to House tract, Ellis' land, hence N, 89 l-S W. to the B;anch (said 3ranch being the dividing line between Osea Alston and Alfred Alston's laud and he tract kno wn as the Burwell Brodie land) hence down said Branch to El'is' line, hence with Ellis' line to the point ot be-: (Inning. containing iu the entire tract 30 xres. more or less, and also one one-horje vagon. Said sale will be m ide to satisfy the lebt secured by the said d -ed of trust, to vhieb reference is hereby male. This the 1st day of April, 1)01, TASKER PJI.K, T.asUj.