VOLu lO. WAREENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1904. NO. 8. i ( ' i. . - 1STOTICE. If thlS Spate lias the lied X Mark Oil it, it is tO inform yOTl that yCTir Subscription is tat, and Unless re- towedthe;pa?Erwmte topped. Dr. Hob. S. Booth, NVav'fe'nton, North Carolina. "Office Plume r,9. Residence Fh-one 56-4 3:M2m. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. J. G. White was at home Sunday . Col. N. "F. Alston is at home this week. Miss Rie Parker is visiting at Frank -lintou. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rogers are visit ing in Petersburg. Va. Miss Lillian Rose, of Norlina, is 'visiting Mrs. B. C. Billiard. Mrs. Lucy Tunstall "is visiting her 'danghter, Mrs.-W. D. Shaw. Miss Annie B. Boyd, of Brinkley ville, is visiting relatives in town. If jou have "anything io sell, place an advertisement in The Record. Look up the adv. of the Citizen Bank, of Henderson, in this issue. Send in your subscription to The Reookd if you wish to keep posted this j ear. Miss Bessie Blacknall, of Brodie, spent Sunday in town with. Miss Willie Maoon. All the stores of the town close at 7 o'clock every night in the week, ex cept Saturday night. Mr. G. Li. Knight and daughter, Miss Lela, 'of Terrapin, visited Mrs. J. C. Hardy this week. Tarwater Bros, have just received a "car of nice hay they are selling at 80 cts. JSee their local adds. M. F. Thornton has been elected 'chairman of the county Republican executive commettee. Mr. J. G. "Corley, General manager of The Cabls Co.. was here this week on a visit to Mr. W. L. Royster. Our town was just full of visitors Friday night, who came from all parts of the county to attend the Polk Miller entertainment. Rev. A.t3ree, of Embro, filled Rev. T. J. Taylor's appointment at the Bap tist church Sunday morning, preaching very interesting sermon. Miss Loa Hall, assistant P. M. at Wake Foreat, came m M'ouday to spend the week with her home people. Her mauy friends are glad to see her. The County Commissioners were iu tegular session Monday. Ail the mem bers were present. Nothiug more than routine business was transacted. The attention of the voters of War ren County is called to the card of B. S. Field, announcing himself a candi "date for the office of county treasurer. Nathcn M. Jones, chairman of the 'Lilly Whites" for Warren county, has issued a call for a county convention to be held in Wacreuton on Monday, May 16th. j 3 Polk Mfller and his "Old South Quar tette" drew a large audience at the Auditorium Friday night. Everbody seemed to thoroughly enjoy the enter ttumnetet. Mr. A. D. Harris has resigned As secretary and treasurer of the Warren -ton Furniture Factory and Mr. W. A. Burwell suoceeds him. Mr. Burwell entered upon his duties Monday. Mr. H. E. Biggs, of Raleigh, was here this week. He is State superin tendent of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York. Mr. H. T. Macon has accepted the 1ocal agency of this 'excellent company. For lack of interest on the part of the town people, the Warren Guards have been forced to disband. The town and county caunot afford to be without the company, and we hope soon to see the boys reorganized again. Bish'cp J. B. Cheshire was here last Sunday and conducted services in Em manuel church Sunday morning at 11 o'clook. A large congiegation greeted the Bihop and he preached as usual, a very strong sermon. He confirmed a class of five. ' The town commissioners held their monthly meeting, which was also their jtinual meeting, Tuesday evening. Mr. R. J. Jones wasre eleetedsecretary and treasurer, as was also chief of police Jno. W. Allen. Our people should remember the meeting of the Warrenton County Auxiliary of the American Bible Society to be he held at the Baptist church next Friday night. May 13th. Don't let us forget this meeting. Sick headache result from a dis ordered stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by All Druggists. Money to loan by R. A. Hawkins, Atty. Office, Hyman Brick Store. The demand for the celebrated line of Tlie Cable pianos and organs in WaTtentoa have been so great that thls Bale Wl11 continue until further ntice during wbicl1 time the wiU , :2JZ let pass. This will be jour last oppor tunity. W. L. Roister, Manager. The Republican County Convention called by Albert Spiuill, chairman, olef in the court house Tuesday. Ex-Congressman H. P. Cheatham was made chairman and B. Thornton, secretary. The principal business transacted was the election of delegates to the Con gressional Convention. The appoint ment of delegates to the other conven tions and the putting out of a county ticket was left with the executive committee. Very strong resolutions against the ''Lilly Whites'4 and endors ing President Roosevelt, were intro duced by H. H. Taylor and unanimous ly adoped. The convention was very harmonious and showed a better ule meut of colored people in attendance as delegates than we have ever seeD at a like convention. - . . GoccL Attendance at the Farmers' Meeting. The farmer's meeting last Saturday was fairly well attended, considering the circumstances. Mr. J. O. W. Gravely, of Rocky Mt., State organizer of the Farmer's Protective Association, of North Caiolina, was present and de livered a short talk to the farmers. He urged upon them the importance of organizing, and above all that , they ought to raise their own meat, meal, corn, hay etc,, at home and not depend Upon the supply stores and merchants for these things. We wish every far mer in the county could have heard his talk. After Mr. Gravely's speech Dr. P. J. Maoon was called upon and made a few appropriate remarks. Mr. Taster Polk, who was billed to address the meeting, said he was too unwell to speak. It was decided again to try and organize the county, and Saturday, Mty 21st. was fixed as the day for the town ships to meet and organize and elect delegates to the county convention to be held in Warren ton on Saturday. June 4th., at which time, Mr. Gravely promised to come back and other speakers are going to be invited. Mr. J. B. Davis was asked to select a committee for each township with the request that they go to work and notify their people to meet on the above date aud organize. Mr. Davis has handed us the following list: River S. E. Rogers, W. T. Carter, ,T. R. Boyd. Sixpound J. A. Nicholson, J. C. Gardner, T. W. Shearin. Haw tree P. R. Perkinson, E. P. Fitts, Will Colemfli, S. D. Tucker. Smith Creek L. H. Hawks. W. J. Cole. Lee Rooker. Nr. tbusli J. M Burroughs, Macon "Ciipps, S. G. Champion. Sandy Creek F. M. Allen, Walter Smithwiek. J. C. Piitcliard. Shocco O. L. Rowland, J. W. Bur roughs. Fishing Creek M. T. Duke, E. H. Davis, W. T. Robertson. Jmlldns--F. B. Neal, Joe Stallings, J. R. Loyd. Warren ton Dr. P. j. Macon. J. E. Frazier, H. P. Reams, J. A. Dowtin, W. A. Overby. Fork R. E. Williams, G. W. Alston, W. E. Davis. Rofikok T. W. Walker, H. B. Moseley, R. E. Bradley. Van Dyke Book Club. Ou the afternoon of April 28th. tli6 ladies of the Warren ton Van Dyke Book Club were delightfully enter tained by Mrs. Eugene Allen, in her hospitable home, assisted by Miss Edna Earle Alleu. The president, Mrs. Rob ert J. Jones, presided most acceptably and added to the enjoyment of all present. Books were discussed, Happy selections of music were beautifully rendered by Mbs Sal lie Allen, vocal solo by Mrs. J. G. King. From the writings of Marietta Holly an amusing paper was read by Mrs. Edward Free man. In the dining room the color scheme, red aDd white, was very effective. Broad red satin ribbon was gracefully festoned from the chandelier over the center to the four corners of the table. The flowers, tastily arranged, aided much to the beautv of the scene. Dainty and delicious refreshments were served fresh strawberries, ice-cream, and cakes. The souvenirs, book-marcs of hsavy red and white satin ribbon, on which were printed pretty and appropriate quotations, suggested the cultured taste of the hostess. The club adjourned, regretting that so pleasant an entertainment must be a memory of the past aud not a future anticipation. The next meeting of the Club will be held at the residence of Dr. J. G. King, May 12th. Dr. EE. 1ST. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warren ton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house In Fleming Harris Building, 'Phones : Office- No. 59 ; Reidence. No. 66. FOIEYSHONETTAR for children; safe, sure No opiates Jurors for June Court. The following names have been drawn as jurors for June term of War ren Superior Court: L. Vinson, J. T. Delbridge, W. J. Bolton, R. J. White, P. R. Davis, W. A. Harris, E, W. Conn. P. K. Williams, W. G. Wall, 0. R. Kodwell, D. R. Mustain, D. H. Martin, S. W. Hamlet, J. A. Nicholson, J. L. Watson, (col.), T. R. Blackuall, W. T. Bolton, J. M. Coleman, T. A. Riggan, James B. Overby, J. B. Harris, H. T. Walker, D L. Robertson, J. A. Hudgins, J. D. Newell, W. A. Watson, B. C. Alston, J. T. Mills, J. R King, J. C. Hudson, O. L. Rowland, J. F. J. Milam, F. B. Newell, Sol Fleming-, Jr., B. O. Riggan, and John A, Hilliard. LOCAL, ADS. HAY! HAY! HAY! Just received a Car load of nice hay. This May 4th. Tabwater Bros. FOR SALE. 500 bushels good sound cotton seed for planting. : - '- Wabren Supply Co. We have just received a car of nice bright No. 1 hay to be sold at 80 cts. Tarwater Bros. Corn for sale at Richmond price freight added. Tarwater BrOs. Car load wagons just arrived. Tarwater Bros. Corn and oats just received. Warren Supply Co. Buggies and harness bottom prices. Tarwater Bros. Just received a car load of strictly No. 1 Western hay, which will be sold cheap for cash or on time. Warren Supply Co. Just received 2 car loads of buggies and wagous and they will be sold at bottom prices. Tarwater Bros. GOOD PASTURE, A good pasture uear town and am prepared to accom modate auy number of cattle. For further information apply to T. T. Talmer. Notice. I hereby announcemyself a candi date for the office of Tieasnrer of War ren County, N. C. I most respectfully solicit the suffrage s of my fellow citi zens. If elected will serve my people and my county faithfully, honestly and impartially. My candidacy is subject to the nomination of my fellow Demo crats at their County Convention. B. S. Field, Elberon, N. C. in very fine plain lifl ili liilllfl stylish Suits or Skirts. Serges, Broad-cloth, Mohairs from 50 cents to $1.50 per yard for Skirts Extraordinary good values in silks of meritorious quality. Great variety of patterns in the newest things in Laces. Eibbons cheap and good. Big values and new patterns in refill Beautiful styles, well made. New Hats Best ladies Shoe the price. We also offer you Lme and. Cement by the car load or less. Shingles, Laths, Windows and Doors, Barbed Wire and Iron Kooning. Come and see us. . '. ... : : Fancy Grocery Department and the line of Choice Goods Handled. Washington Bread.Ice Cream, Vanilla Cream and Florida Fruit Cakes, Ha vener Crackers, Cream Cheese, Hominy Flake and Grits, Heintz's Pickle, Fancy Potted Buttei, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Sardines, Milk, Peaches, Oysters, Salmon, Irish Potatoes, Beaus, Syrup, Pine Apple, Sour Krout Postum, Grape Nuts, Malts-Vila, Foice, Royal Salad Dressing, Gelatine, Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, Olives and Olive Oil, Prumes, Pigs Feet, Butter Beans, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas, Salt Fish, Patent Flour, Buck Wheat, Smoked Meat and Hams, Shipstuff, Meal, Corn, Oats, Fancy Molasses and Syrup, Apple Vinegar, Pure Lard, Roasted Coffee, Toilet and Laundry Soap &c, &c. , DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and SIXOEfr...-.- Coal Tar for Corn . Respectfully, D. H. RIGGAN, We are right here with the goods all the time. and Yours truly, m TT All . o r 23? At night call over the store. and nub voiles for in the country at One of the best im plements for cultiva ting the young crop is a Hallock or Keystone Weeder. You should by ail means have one. and Shoes. Plows and Castings Stoves and Eepairs, Garden Tools, Agents for Louisville Lead and Color Works Floor Stains, Wagon and Carriage Paints, Muresco Wall Tints. Roofing, Guttering and Roof Painting. W. A. MILES and CO., WARRENTON, N. C. Agents Piano Harvesting Machinery Dr. W. W. (Taylor, . .. Surgeon ID en tist, Renders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay; and cast fillings according to the methods of to-day. Ofiice 'Phone f 2. 27 fim Residence " 29. Barred Plymouth hocks, ?nU Wyandoites I offer eggs Tor hatching from finest matings of above varieties I ever owned. Sixteen prizes won at two shows the past season. If interested write me. JOHN H. FLEMING, Fitts, N, C. Can also furnish a few settings of white Wyandotte Eggs. are the most fatal of all dis eases. KIDNEY CURE Is a Busrasts Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 50c and $1.00. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy Lady or Gentleman tomanag business in this county and adjoining terri tory for well and favorably known, house of soiia nnanoai standing. S20.00 straight o.aah salary and expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced. Address Manager, 810 Conio Bid., Chicago, 111. 1-J2t. Wagons, We Carry the Largest Stock, Most Stylish, Best Quality, Colne to Headquarters. WALTER B BOYD & CO. 5 of all kinds, Farm and Executor's Notice. ' Having qualified as executors of Ahthone B. tailings, deceased.' late of Warren Co . N. O , this js to notify all persons having claims against the estate of siid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of April. 1905. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. 4.11 persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of April, 1904. J. J. STAILINGS-, . JOSIAH STALUNGS, Eecutors. Executor's Notice. Having qaulified as execntor of Henry B. Hunter, deceased, late of Warren county. N. C, this is to notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of T. Polk. Atty.. in Warrenton. N C. on or before the 25th day of April 1905, or this notice will oe plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indepted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This April 22nd 1904. F. P. HUNTER. Executor. T. Polk, Atty. Commissioner's Land Sale. . By Virtue of authority conferred upon me by a judgement and decree of the Superior court of Warren county, N. C, rendered on the 18th day of April A. T. 1904, In an action pending therein in which f!. W Fl .ethers were plaintiffs and John S. Andrews was aeienaant. I will sell at the court house door in Warrenton. N C, on the 23rd day of May A. D. 1904, at 12 o'clock M. to highest bidder for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land, situated in Nutbush townshiph afore said county and State, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a white oak on South side of the road leading from Warrenton to Williamsborough, Thos. Rainey's corner, thence S. 1 W. 50 C. to a stake; thence S. 48 W. to a pine and hictory near John Watkins' corner; thence N. 21 E. 104 O. to a pine stump. William Paschall's corner ; thence S. 83 E. 11 to a stake in path leading from the road to Mrs. Flemings ; thence N. 6 E. 8 to said roaa; thence along said roan to the first station, containing 64 acres and being the dower lands of Elizabeth Andrews, deceased. This April 18th 1904. SOL FLEMING, Commissioner. Pittman & Kerr, Attys. WANTED. Special Representative ih this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established business house of finanfial standing. Salary $21 weekly. with Expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. A ddress Blew Bros. & Co , Room 610 Monon Bldg., Chicago, ill. 5-6t Harness. and find no trouble h to undersell our competitors. THE mmim BREAD MAKER. Mixes and Kneads Bread thoroughly i rN c MINUTES. , Hands do not touch the dough J mm uoe! away with Hand 3 Kneading and Makes Better Bread. pimple, Easy, Sanitary. SOLCM3Y1 W. A. MILES & CO; Sale of Land Under Execution. North Carolina, t . . Warren County. In the Superior Court Sol J Stallings vs. W. W. Long. By virtue of an execution directed to me from the aforesaid court in the aforesaid action, I will on Monday, the 6th day of June A. D. 1904, at the court house door in Warren ton. N. C, sell to the highest bidder for c ash to satisfy said execufioa, AU the right title and interest of said defendent w. W. Long, in and to the following described tract of land situated in Judkins township, aforesoid county and State, adjoining the lands of Owen Davis aud others and bounned as follows : Begining at a stob on N. side of Warrenton and Halifax road, Brown's corner, tuning N.35JE 5'. c to a clack gum on S. bank of Little Fishing Creek, a little below Burrows old ford oposite the old Baker corner, thence down said creek 20 c to corner Lot No. 2, thence S. 25 W. to a rock pile witli pointers on Warrenton and Halifax Road, thence along said road to th beginning, con taining 10s acres. This May 4th 1904. R; E; DAvIS. Shff . of Warren Co. N. C. Pittman & Kerr, Attys, Notice. Having qualified as administratrix of Jas. H.Hayes, deceased, late of Wairen county N C. this is to notify all persons haVln g claims against the estate of said deceased id exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2th of April 19i5, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All personsj indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This April atitli. 1904. MARY H. HAYEs, Admrx. Jas. H Hayes; Norlina, N. C, R.F. D. No, 1. Notice. State of North Carolina, J Warren County. ( In the Superior Court. C. T. Prescott, Jessie B. Dean and George B , Dean . her husband , Harry Prescott and Frederic G;Piecott. vs. Robert Henry Falkrier. Robert Henry Falkner, the defendant above named will take notice that a Special Pro ceeding has been commenced in the Superior Court of said Warren County to s.'U for di vision among the tenants in common a cer tain house and lot in the town of Warrenton Id said Warren County. known as the Kichard Falkner residence, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for the said County of Warren on the 30th; day of May 1S04. and answer or demur to the petition or complaint of the plaintiffs in said special proceeding.' or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said petition or complaint. This the 29th. day of April 1901. WILLIAM A, WHITE, Clerk Superior Court. B. G: GREEN and T. POLK. Attorneys. Notice of Summons. Nortli Carolina, In Superior rourt. Warren County. J June Term j la04 Anna Watkins vs. Richard Watkins. Richard Watkins the defendent above nam ed will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Warren county. North Carolina, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing between the parties hereto. upon theground of abandonment ; and the said denfendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of said Superior court to be held in Warrenton. N. V.. be ginning on the 20th. day of June A. D. 19u4 and answer or demur to the complaint filed i comn iff wil in this action, or ihj plaint 1 apply to said court for the relief demaded in said complaiut. This" April 25th 104. W. A. WHITE, Clerk Superior Court. Pittman & Kerr. Attys. Public Sale. By virture of the power and authority con ferred on me in a certain deed of trust exe cuted to me by Jaik Batchpior and Mary Batchelor, his wife, on the 2nd. day of Oc tober 1901, and which is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina in Book 65 on page 5C8 et. Seq.. I will, at 12 o'clock M., on Tues day the 31st. day of May 1904. sell at public auction, at the Court House door of said county . ti the highest bidder for cash, that certain j iece or parcel of land situated in the town of Warrenton. in said county and Stat, and bounded as follows: On the North by the land of Mrs. Willie uryan Jones, wife of R. J. Jones; on the West by the land formerly owned by Mrs. M. S. Norwood, on the Soutli by the land of Lnura S. Taylor, wife of II II. Taylor, and on the East by Main slr -eti and being the same land whereon said Mary Batchelor resided at the time of her death. Said sale wil1 bo made to satisfy the debt se cured by said deed of trust, default having been made in the payment thereof. This '2S?th. day of April 1501. TaSKER POLK ; trustee. Notice of Summons. North Carolina. ; Iu the Superior Court, Warren County. ( June Term loot. Montgomery Drake vs: Mary Drake. Mary Drake defendent above named will take ribtice that an action eniitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Warren court in the State of North Carolina by the plaintiff. Montgomery Drake to secure an absolute divorce from slid defendant; and the. said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear a! J the next term of said Superior court to be he'd in Warrenton. N. C. on the 15th Monday after the 1st Monday in March 1904 and answer or demur to the complaint to be tiled in thl-t action 30 days before the beginning of said term of court, or the relief therein demanded Will be granted. This April 8th 1991. W, A. White. Cierk Superior Court. By J. B. Rod well, D. C. S. C. Pittman & Kerr, Plff. Attys. WANTED SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS P10K sons in each state to travel for a house es tablished eleven yeara and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successf ull and profitable line. Perma nent engagement. Weekly cash salary of (li and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention refereuce aui enclose self-addressed envelope. TUB NATIONAL, 3U Dearboru St., Oiiicago. Lu-lo ' SI: 1'; it.: 11 i it j.r (: i l r i - til i J .;. ! i: 'i-.l i ... '