VOL. lO. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1905. NO. A -a NOTICE. If this spacs has the ed Z2lark:iMeilts' ''on it, it is to inform you that your "subscription is out, and unless re kewed the paper will stopped. JJr. nob. S. Bofctki, Warrenton, Harth tjarolina. Office Phone 60. Realdeitce PlKiWe 56-4 LOCAL. ITEMS 'A. Happy New Year to otoe and all. The tobacco market re opened Tues day. . Mrs. A. M. Pittman, of Dunn, is here a a visit. Come to the Farmers Institute Mon day, Jan. 9th. Col. F A. ilaoon, of Henderson, was liere last week. Oxft schools took up their text books "earlf this week. , Mr. Geo. C. 'Greenj of Weldon, was Siere last week. Miss Lizzie Jonee Bperft "imas here Vith hoi mother. Boltoa W. Williams, 'was here Xnias, of Petersburg, Miss "Edua Alleu spent Xmas. at liome in Eidgew'ay. Miu8 Kate Johnson visited in Oxford "a few days this week. Mrs. Sallie D. Twitty, of Oxford, visited here this week. Mr. J. B. Powell spent a day or two 'in Henderson last week. No Christmas trees this year except among our colored friends. Miss Nena Parker, of Raleigh, spent Xmas week with her sisters. Tarwater Bros have some nioe horses and muled. See local ad v. : Archie D. Daniel, oi Wilmington, Visited his mother last week. Mrs. C. W. Robinson visited her ister in Louisburg this weck Miss Dome Daniel, of Lattleton, is Vifeiting at Mr. Jno. Graham's. - "Miss Lulie Dixon, Wake Forest, Visited Dr. Walters thi3 week. Miss E. H. Eererton. from Palmer's Spring, spent this week in town. Mr. J. Boyd Massenburg, of Durham, 'epent Xmas. here with loved ones. Mr. J. E. Boyd, of South Hill, Va., sbeut Xmas. here with relatives, . We invite the attention of our readers "to the card of Rogers k Burwell. Messis. Lewis and Herbert Scoggin were at home during the Xmas. Dr. Charles H. Peete, of Philadel phia, visited his mother this week. Let ua all turu over a new leaf this -year aud keep it free from blotH. : Misses Jnfia. Tempo knd Joeie Dnmeron, spent last week at home. Messrs. J. H. Ktrrand J. A. Dowtin were in Raleigh several days this week Miss Eva Dowling, of Boydton, Va. is visiting the family of Mrs. Lucy Bell. -Mr. Joe Stone, of The lScoBD foic .visited in Halifax county during the liolidays. Miss Marina Williams, from Grcens- Ioro, visited Miss Helen Hunter during the holidays. Miss Josie Katienstein, of Phila 'delohia. spent Xmas. here with loved 'ones and friend's. - - - j - Mr. A. A. Williams, of Grand Rapids, Mieh., was here several days during the holidays. At a public sale last Monday, Mr. C E. Jackson bbnglit wie Ford property on Bragg street. Mrs. Revis and Miss Eugenia Satter- .Tvhite, from Henderson, visited Mrs, Frank Rose last week. Mr Yan 3'ey Kerr, editor of the Cas Veil Democrat, spent Christmas with his brother, Mr. J. H. Kerr.. , Mr. Sim mon 3 Trantham, from Wake Forest College, Visited in the home Mr. E. S. Allen last week. . Miss Mattie D. Williams, one of the ;lady principals, of the, Monroe High Bchool, spent Xmas. here with her Smother. "Mr. Charles A. Cook, Jr , spent last 'week with relatives here. He says his new home is all O. K. but old Warren ton is the place; Christmas passed away Very 'quietly. The children all siy that this Xmas. Jjhs been best of all and of coarse the igrowii up children enjoyed seeing the little ones having such a good time. The Trinity College Glee Club gave a most excellent entertainment in" the High School Auditorium on Thursday night, Deo. 22nd. The Club is com posed of -twenty young men, and they all ttoted their parts well, and especially did the audience seem to enjoy "the Inusio and reading, I'll brave the storms of Cnilkoofc Pass, I'll cross the plains of frozen glass, I'd leave my wife aud cioss the sea, Rather than be without Rocky Joun tain Tea. he Hunter Drug Ce Our Editor aud 4iis family spent the holidays at Terrapia with Mrs. Hardy's Dr . V. J. Barham spent Am as. in fcown. Everybody was glad to see his jovial face again. j Miss Nora King returned from Texas last Friday where stie has been visiting since last Oct. ' ' - His many friends" vreie glad to have Prof. Gaston Foote aiaOnK them a short while 'this week, ' Mrs." J. A. Woodard, of Edenton, spent a few days with lier auut, Mrs. C. A. Thomas this week. Miss A. L. Moseley, of Ya. was here with her brother Mr. H, A. Moseley several .day's last week. J. W. Haithcock of the Newi Repor- ! ter and E. W. Harper of the Public Ledger, were here .Xmas. Mr. Frank R. Hawkins, of Winona, Miss., speut part of Christmas week wih Mr. H. L, Falkener, Mrs. Geo.S. Miles fiiicT Wo little children from Newport News, Va.., spent a few days here last week.; Misses Mariam Boyd, Nannie Jones and Sue Williams, from the State Normal College, spent Xmas. at home. Miss Peyt6na Brown, from Hender son and Miss Lnla Allen, from Wake county, were at hoine during the holi days. Miv W. S. Battle, of Petersburg, Va , and Lieut. M. 3. Battle, of Old Point, scent Xmas. with their mother, Mrs. S. Battle. B. G. Green, Esq.. returned Satur day after a ten days visit to St Louis, Mo., and Indian Territory, lie repoits a pleasant trip. Remember the ootton growers con vention in the court house to-morrow, It is important that every farmer who grows cotton should attend. Miss Margaret Stedman, of Raleigh, Misses Bnrgwyn, of Jackson, and Miss Clarke, of Tarboro. visited the Misses Hunter this week. J. H. Milam, Esq., formerly of this county, but now of Benjamin. Teaxs, visited relatives and friends uere dur ing Xmas week. The Bale of whiskey at the Warrenton dispensary on Christmas eve amounted to S400.00. For the month of Dec. the sales exceed $2,600. Mr went J, R. Rod well and Bon, Arthur, to Weldon last Saturday. Mr. Rodwell returned Monday. Master Arthur will engage in the telegraph business In that place. We have right much due ua on snb scriptions and are compelled to use the red pencil quite often now. Kind friend, please let us have some money right away. The sheeny finin between Weldon and Raleigh will make its first run on Jan. 9th. bee schedule In another column. The Warrenton train will leave here at 7:30 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. to mnlie connection at Warren Piaiun with the shoofly. The County Commissioners did xe proper thing Monday in re-eVctiug Mr G. G. Egerton Supt. and Mr. E. Ii. Green, Asst Supt. of rods for Warren county. Both these officers have done good work on the roads and have given general satisfaction. . Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life away , every day. Hollister'a Rocky .Mountain Tea will positively 'cure you. No cure no pay. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets, The Huntei Drug 7o. Mr. t). H. Rig'gan etpects to move to the bricfe store formerly occupied by the Rose-Hilhard Go. on the 10th, inst. This building will give hio more room and a bettor place to show his goods. He will keep An up to date stock and will be glad to see all his old customeiM and friends at his new quarters. Mrs. V. T. Bailey, of Raleigh, came down last Sunday to have her little daughter, Helen Leigh, christened , by Rev. J. E. Poindexter, rector of Em manuel ctyirch. Mrs. Bailey was ac companied by her friends. Miss May Hill Divis and Dr Joel D. Whitakei', who. .stood as sponsor's for the little girl. . Mr. Thos. Conupll died of pneumonia at his home in Fork township early Sunday morning, Jan. 1st, 1905. Mr. Counell was about 69 years -old. He 'came to this connty from Canada many years apo ud located near the place of his death. He was a man of considerable means The deceased leaves a young widow and one son, Air. ,W. A. Connell to mourn their loss. . THe Record ex tends sympathy. The greatest system renovator. Re stores vitality, regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach. It Hollister's Rocky Jountain Tea fails to cure get your money back.' . .That's fair. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. The Hnuter Drug 6. Cotton! After Jany-. 1st. 1905 my cotton will only be open on Wednesday Saturday of each week. ' '.' H. J. WHITE. and Dr. S. N. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Watrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house, in Flemiag Harria Building. f'ioaes; Office, Not; 59; Reideac6, No65v Jurors for Feb. Court. The following names have been drawn as jurors lor Feb. Court. G. R. Sedggin, J. .'"R. King, J. L. Burohett, G.-W. Hart, F. A. Hawks, S. W. Curl, J. R. Robinson. E. J. Hicks, T. E. Powell, Alex. Crinkley, R. E. Bradley, M. Nelson, G. W. Hester, W. D. Weldon, C. O. Moseley, Bailey Overby, J, H. Carter, A. D. Quails. W. A. Miles, T, L. Fishel, J. T. Wemyess. J. R. Riggan. J. H. Hicks, L. F, Thompson, W..H. Fishel, M. E Newsoin, W. G. Rogers, O. W. Cole, Jr., R. T. tJtewart,- Peter Clary Jbsi W. Stegall, C. J. Vanghao, S. W Bell, W. H. Tharriogton, F. B. Neal. : A Guaranteed Curs for Hies. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protind- ing Piles. Lruggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. J?irst application cives ease and rest. 50o. - If your druetrist hasn't it send 50o in stamps and it will -be orwarded post-paid by Paris iedicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. TTrZAgents to canvass tlm county ou a salary. A. G. Eqkbton, Gleiin, N. 0. HORSES and MtJLES. Just received, Dec. 28tfeM a oar load of nice horses aud mules. ' Tarwater Bros. Just ra'ceVved our second lot of sample i arness. " Tarwater Bros. LOST--A red setter puppie. J. H. Keir, Warrenton, N. C. x A CiLRD OF THANKS. V? th'abk our many friends and customers for their liberal patronage since we have been located at th9 re fmlm o o o o and hope that we mHy be favored with a con tinuance of the same. All grades of tobacco are aelhng high, and wanted on our market. VVe strongly advise our customers to market the balance of their crop as soon possible. Bring us your next load, and we will make ilpay you; With test wishes for the New Year, we are, Your friends, - P0TT!PS Xr, 1 TT R W TT.T T , ies Dress Goods. We are having big sales in Dress ladieB who dtess correctly than usual. cloths. The newest fabrics aud if you we have it." Some big values in new dress goods and some of the prettiest styles wo have had this 'season in strict down to date fabrics they are beauties. New buttons and new trimmings, newest style collars just opened. Ready made skirts well made good fitting garments. . , , ,c New Line of Ladie and children's Cloaks. Brand New Styles. Very Low Prices. w o Srnfcfc and 'W mm! 1 Nf line of Overcoats is great. Bis line of Buggy ttobes, very cheap. Bed Blankets from cheap cotton to the best all wctil. Some hew peices of CaTpets in this week and Bugs to match and a lajge shipment of choice patterns in high quality mattings. Our store is full from botton to top with new and desirable merchandise. T.ime Salt. Shineles. Laths, Disc Plows, Disc Harrows, Adjustable Harrows, Corn Shollers. We are liere to Shoes! If you have any Shoes to buy it will certainly pay you buy them of us. We have them made specially for us by the best manufacturers in this country. Th?tf fit good, they wear good, they are good and they are cheaper than you often have to; pay for poor shoes. Next week we will offer a lot of odds and ends of shoes in sizes 3, 5, at about half prices. , . An immense stpck.of goods to pick from and we will make ydU some low prittes, Nfi styles in Queen Quality Shoes just' tii this week. " " " . - Very respectfully-, . ' : THE ALLEN & FLIMIN8 COMPANY, LOCAL -A.IDS. . FOR S ALE-A fine BerksWe boai about one year old. Price llO.OO. : J. A, Goodwin, Elberon, N. C. WlKTBD :: A situation to furnish logs for a saw mill. Apply .between now and Feby. 1st 1905. Jas. Rkavxs, Warrenton, N. C. FOR SALE! A nice lot of Duroo Jersey pigs (both sex) threeand four months old; one very fine registered Duroo Jersey Boar, two yeai-B qH; one registered Duroc Jersey Sow, due to farrow Mch. 21st; one Duroc Jersey Sow entitled to reg istratf5&. For description and price, address or come and see t D. L. RoBERtaoN, Marmdduke, N. C. FOR SALE 100 acres of laid, mile of Warrenton, $600 residence cash or time. ! Boyd & Williams. . FOR SALE Three purfe bred Barred Plymouth Rock 'Cockrets, (Hawkins strain). Th-y 'are beautieB and can be bought cheap. ".Apply to - Dr. Rob. S. Booth, Wanentdn, N. 0. FOR SALE.'A large bay mare per fectly gentle, works single and double, travels well, a good family horse every where. REV. W. S. DAVIS, Warren? Plalis, N. C. Refer to Wm. J. DAVIS, Warrenton, N. C, J. B. DAVIS, Warren Plains, N. C, and MARVIN M. DAVIS, Wise, N. C. o o o o o o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o Goods have sold more 6tylisli suits to Never showed a more up -to date line ot wlant the correct thing lot ladies wear ml Clothmg. Snmfi oreat bi values m -' Overcoats. Our supply your needs. Come to see us. I1U our friends and p4trdns We wish to thank yom one and all, for the liberal patronage extended us dur ing the year just closed wliibh has been the busiest within our business experience. We wish you all a liberal share of good health kndprb the coming W. A. Mlffl:aild$Gk- W Invite You to visit our store and inspect our Picture Departmentit is cdba- We io not hesitate to say lhat it the prettiest line of such goods ever , shown here. Come and select what you want before they are picked over. Tours very truly, T. V. Allen & Co., rnrture Dealers and Undertakers. Jrr'o. Branch, sia. . Daniel Alston BRANCH & ALSTON, Contractors and. Guilders, WARRENTON, N.fe". Our vomptness -ehall fee seoond W ni6ne and satisfaction guaranteed at all tinles. Con ti acts solicited in town or country. - Estimates furnished lor both wood and brick work. 26-lyr, BOYD'S arBhou OLD "THE We wish our friends & Happy and Prosperous New Year. WE PAT uggies Wagons, and WALTER B. Carrie has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales bottles. Does this record Enclosed with every H. RIGGAf'! expects to move to his new quarters next Tuesday. Dr. W. W. Taylor, ' Benders any services ihclu'ded in the practice of Dentistry." .Crown, and bridge work, porcelain inlay ; and cast fillings according a t&e methods of to-day. Office 'Phone 12. 27 6m Besideuce " 29. RELIABLE ' CASSE f Oft ges Harness competitioai toD & CO, se, Surries, 's Tasteless CmH of merit appeal to you? bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's To Our Customer and Friends : The past season has been very -'satis-factory to us, having sold our cotton aud'bur customers cotton at and above cents, we are now ready to start thii Ne w Tear with bright prospects. JUST RECEIVED-. One car load of HA.Y. One car load of Gotton Seed Hulls. One car load Shingles. (Jotton Seed Meal, Oatfe Co-n, Floiiri Ships tuff, meal and meat. Cheap for Cash or on Tinie. CALJj - ON - US. . Your friendsv Warren Supply INSURANCE: PI -RE arid LIFE. Haying added to my office a full lirie of first-clasa companies I re spectfully solicit-a share of your patronage. Prompt attention and thotough protection guaianteSd. Respectfully, ' 11. T. WATSON. dBP0'ffi'ce In Centre Warehouse. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Whits, Gcldan and Buff Wyandottei are belter than ever. They won 17 prizes at the H: C. State Fair, Oct. 1903-1904. They are going fast, so speak quick. 4. . JOHN II. FLkMlft ' ' FlTTS, N, C- are the most fatal of all dis eases. KIDNEY CORE It a Ooarantesd Remsd; or money refunded. Contains' remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 50c aod $1.00. WAWt ALU INTERESTED IN MACHINERY TO HAVE OUR NAME BEFORE THEM -V DURING 1905 Write us stating what kind of Machinery you use or will install, and we will mail JfSu Free of All Cost a handsome an o useful Pocket Diary and atlas OR A LARGE ' : COMMERCIAL CALENDAR Gibbes Machinery Company, COLUMBIA, & C. A STOOK OF HORSE POWER HAY PRESSES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT , SPECIAL PRICES over One cod a Half Mfflfon No Cure, No Pay. Black R.oct Liver pius. IC80MEY DISEASES

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