1 . .11 m HOT OUll Warren counly was formed fa HIS out tid Bute county, which was what la mow known as Franklin and TVarren. couiUiea end that portion of Vance coiin ly cut off from Warren. Ite present area is about SJO square taiJes. ' . Population in 1S0O, 19,131. - Chtef Products-Tobacco, Cotton, Corn, MTheat, Oats. Grasses, Gold and Granite. . . ... -1 v. JVUXtlgi Soil-Loam and clay. No waste land, all eH watered by streams. OFFICERS. Jiidgs of the Superior Court, Second District, It. B. Peebles. ' Solicitor of Courts, Hon. W. E. Daniel, Weldon. Cccffressirsaa of Second District, Hon. Ciau'Ja Kltchisi, . Scotland Neck.. TIME OF COURTS. Supsrior Courts Third Monday in February, Third Monday in June and third Monday in September of each year. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of Court, W. A. White, Warren. Ion. Sheriff U. E. Davis, Warrenton. Hegrister of Deeds, J. A. Dowtin, War e?ito'i. Treasurer, J. L. Coleman, Macon. Coroner, S. P. Fleming-, Warrenton. Road Supervisor, G. G. Egerton, War renton, N. C. Surveyor, A. F. Brame, Macon, N. C. County Commissioners, M. J. Hawkins, chairman; P. M. Stallings, J. J. Myrick, John Powell and Walter Allen. Board of Education, W. E. Davis, W. G. Colemari and A. S. Webb, chairman. County Superintendent, Nat Allen. Public examination ilavs w wvvwiivi a UUI days in July and October. Fee on those days, nothing, all other days, $1." PORT AM! FILLS Moras General Stoessel Hoists White Flag and Kepests Terms of General Nogi. TERRIBLE SUFFERING OF RUSSIAN TROOPS Aft.r Kleveu MontUs of FlehtiS tUe "Gibraltar of ti.e Est Ha. . Sh,ps ,a tfc, Harbor BWn VV Before SarreaderlXr wh, E 1 " Land, the Brave lefende and GlTe8 Order, ,o Show Them All Military Honors-Brief Summary of lhe nK EnSEeent-Japan-8 Terms Accepted by General Stoessel. of 203-Metre Hill by the Japanese was rha vaii.lcAvit. . n.i . hii uiJ 6 ores viiai wuuna Then came the capture of Kigluog, eral Stoessel had announced that he uu me last Wairrentoa Directory. Situated on high rolling lands, three miles from the great S. A. L. system of ,,,Iiudus i"w connected -with the said railroad by the Warrenton R. R. Communications with all the world bv the Postal Telegraph and Western Union telegraph companies, and telephone sys tems. Good water and a health record second to no otfccr iov;n in America, Population, OFFICERS. ' Mayor, W. A. Eurwell. Treasurer, R. J. Jones. Chief of Police, J. W. Alien. Commissioners. Dr. J. G. Kirg H T Macon, W. G. Rogers, Dr. C. A. Thomas &sker Polk?61"' Jr" Wl T- Jckhnsoii ar; Tukio, Japan. After a 'slec- r.f .,av ly eleven months Port Arthur has fall- en at last. After blowing up all his ships, bis. and little, General Stoessel at o o clock m the everans sent a sage to General Xoeri offering to give up tho fortress to save further useless saennee. of life, and the following day at j o cioek (Port Arthur timp) Wnm sentatives of the commanders were Gi.cussmg terms outside the town Two or three Itussian toi-.t, h-.tc wt-apea to ciietoo, and the captain of one oi tnein described Port Arthur as "a living Hell' Another report from Ch-foo stated that the Russian com batant force had dwindled to 5000 men. and that there were 15,000 sick and wounded men in what was left of the towi. It was 9 o'clock at night when Gen eral yogy commanding the Japanese army of investment, received from the Russian general the note saying that he found further resistance useless and askiug for a meeting to arrange wiil please .unnolnf i.nmmi ..s conditions;;- miumiauou ana also appoint a Place for such commissioners to St v. omuc "ppuimea oy me. f.'v tak ths, PPortnIty to convev respect. ""' "durances of my '(Signed) ; STOESSEL.' "horiJv afiw Mnn.,, t . , fo.lowmg icplj- addressed tn st..L,. i have the iimmi- moToi . V1: 7"-v lo your - W J-''W l W XI I I I I 1 I I J C tl ! T" .1 t-m - 1 S the conditions and nrdo,. nf . 1 latioii. For ihis nm.iM.. t nT-h- , ?om8ioner Major-Gener-ai Jnchi. clnpf of Kifr- , win - ; V1 VU1 tie .!V:l offidab' Thoy will meet V nr.- . . ""uJi- ties will be Omnnwl . 1 ventjon for ih ,.aruK,: aitmg lot- ratihVfltin,, ,i,i "Ul ii.,.c . ""cuiiiie eueirr. AU- shnl ?o1U t0 ,S"Ch 1,Ieaary PO snail be situel hv tiw i,s, r k.,h. xi. ..' omcers i; 1r5"aV!1 Ptlea and the c-xcuangea by the re- "HiS Dlifirht- la of ilo.h-. o!r1 Konfnnr. fv... .1 f : - . vwuiuiauuer ot me torpedo destroyer Viastni-. "innVpd Him .ti. last. ' " "TJjere xvas no stopping the Japanese Who lived in droves nnrl fniirh with ... II JIU tne last instinctive twitch f nerves, wifh j to "- UU X4lUUim Mountain: Sfnoccol had Irillnl 1 - '-'vwOfJVfc uu niiir;u J cl U anese. army and exhausted his ainniuni- iiv" i aaaea uapiam ivartow, "they became more furious, ferocious and fateful than ever. eu me-wnite flag went up." The fOlOWlnp- nvo in hWaf -tl eipan incidents of the siee-o f u,.. -0 v a. a. VI Arthur: 4 . - . h'ebruar.v . iuna K'wvt.vr UUUlld HllCUPH I MM KlICClQtl Oil itN rTTJ I A ..xi i voaicuiiuj eivizan ana jf ananas reuruary -Bombardment by the Japanese during which the Poltava; Askolrt rin j auu ivwa Jill. February 11 Russian mining shiD xenisei sunk !icHdont- d vuitcto uuu men losr. . February 11-Torpedo boats sink the "Kovn rwi sinks -with Admiral Makaroff; the art ist Verestchagin, the chief of staff and J it nffi unnn . . 1 ' r a . I .... viiiicia ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ri I '.ii n.-fi .1 disabled and one Russion destrover . -Hay O Jannnpsp ti-iinsnm-ts ilicm. oarK troops at Pitsevo. JlflV IS .Linanocn hiitlocliin irn.-..,n. and cruiser Yoshino of Admiral Togo's - - IHU.U Vt CXUU 4ansnan mil. atay o'J jananeso Mntm-B u iJainy. June 14-10-tJenera! Staekelberg, ad vancing to the relief of Port Arthur, driven back by General Oku, at the omues or warangkau and TelLsu. ' JulV 22 Fourth itiintinnco ed at Port Dalnv. July yo Japanese capture Wolf Hills, " iiiiis uuiiu oi fort Arthur. August r .Tsi "h'iuii; uuiei ue- tonses Of Wolf. (Jrpen o,i I. . . 1 . A 1 . ' jj'jiiu ana ensi oi iae city, August 7 Japanese land troops Louisa Bar. west of Pm-t -fh,,,. AUSniSt 10 Sovtio mwl .is uispersai Russian squadron by Admiral Tosro August 14 Ueteat r.f vu,i;. , iuu,i I'.Mlv ovxuitulUU. August 14-13 Cantui-n .f 13.. . . . -v.. IUC X ItBUU Bay positions. AUgUSt 2d The Jjlnanr.c i ...m 4,. n- T, - iu iuii wju lioi nr RicitKin Kin n.-ti! -i a- . J i11.1!?. capture of one of the inner defenses August 2S-Japaiiese capture 1'aridf. Grounds and Etssshan. ae JAP-RUSSIAN AGREEMENT of CHURCHES. Ptm- SluKcfc- Rev" C- Robinson, iMoi. fceiMces every second and fourth S?''S at, "o'clock a. m. and 8 p m l-iaptiit. Rev. T. J. Taylor, Pastor. Ser- iS5' Rev' C- Wharton, S-anfc liovfoT7 Crst and tw' -ciiui.. ai ii o clock a. m. and R i SK-tlpi' :!0 - 5- POSTOFF1CES. N.vSr.rlnton-.Mon, Manson. Oafcviit. Chu nfV. !?. Greenback Areola u-flP' "? Embr HBJr? Pal nd XcVIm??; S! occo' Dewberrje, Glenn MASONIC. P., Ed. PetrBf'j. D , fj Jerrell, t, 1 T - - ; MILES PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - - Wawentoa, - Nortk 0aroIi, Wil! fttUnd to bmiatii. THE KWAN-fUNG PENINSULA. . : - '" Artnur -wero fought. Green, Attorney - - JLatv, Warrenton, N. 0. Conrtt. M M. J. HATTKINS, Rldjewiy, N. O. nawkms 01 R rtr. .III1WII Attorney -at -Lata. Tr. V. J. Macon. Physician & Suroon, Wimaton, North Oareli,. Callg proaptly ttUaded t. 0fl. oppoIU court bonu. H.A.Boyd. B. B. Williams, BOYD & WILLIAMS, Attorncysa.Maw, Warrenton RjLilrod. HAIL SCHEDULE yjg T. O. RfeDWELt AftsfBcy and CcenselW at Uw, ert capitlati- The Japanese sit 'fi1 mediately named eomiins- thin? nfer vith Presenlatives or the Russian commander. The terms fSSrJ00' accwIto 'dlwatcb.es choL'J the i , , . , "pcnai sian-, lias-aiveh oet'e,111? ? &reSSi0U 'ra! tll lt. -amendable rtlfflVnUlM i:"U"lry m lUG midSt Of "ThnV , Tliat u Ilis wish that military honors be shown him " isPatehes fiom Japan have lwu that the gallant defense of stoessel and hts men has nowhere Sniog'ViGU,a appreciation than in embraced the opportunity to show her niagnaminity and admiration of th gallantry of Port Arthur's defenders by allowing them all the honors which war permits a vitnrtrtna 4. , stow upon, the yanquisheti General Nogi reported as follows: At o in the afternoon the enemv's bearer of a flag of truce came into the "fV vi our position south of Shu shiying and handed a letter to our offi cers. The same reached me at 9 o'clock at night. : The letter is as follows: " 'Judeinff hftVin of the whole line of hostile positions held by you I find further resistance at Port Arthur useless, and for the purpose of preventing needless sacri hee of hves I propose to hold negotia tions with reference to capitulation. Should you consent to the same you BOSTON TRAIN IN ACCIDENT. Passengers For New York Obliged to Change Cars Near New Haven. New Havcz', Coj.Tbe locomotive Oi the train from Boston and Soring toeld arriving here at S o'clock at night jumped a switch at Cedar Hill, five miles from. here. The passengers were transferred to the Shore lln,e limited express from toston to iNew York, which passed WentT-flTP 'mSmitoa 1 .. vi.j jjUrt ;7r 4re. iwuuuyiTas SPe'tive COniinismnaii! ' 'I Avail mvseif rf n.;- ,-.,.,.4...i.. to convey to 'Vour Exce Hecy a"s ' (.Signed) "Vnrr The Russian &rA t.. . 7 nijauti commis- rt fh ??V?I"e 10 n-ange the terms Ot tflP ran nlotiV.,, we AJT ;-""uii uj, ia Kussian 7.S W tu compact of surrender u ciocn at night. Chefoo. The Russian ,tv...t. . ned here from Port Arthur on th SflV, 'at,desll?5ei-s whi escaped ?7. T411 ict;. ave n iSle word S-A?" V16 frts Has been lor the pnPl nve nays, llnvmg j)icll th j 11 ri noT4-t Vvi1ui. - - 1 .x.u uumuaruea and assaulted .w5eicsiy mgitt and- aay; I lint IIISII 1lrnl.' 1 convincingly, declaring that the hor- Ir-.r,' 1 ere oeyond any de- ? S?0?' f f ot a singlepot "":tx ..was safe from hiVXA ;. iUUfly,w tne hospitals were hit and the wounded refused to stay in them some lay in the streets on bJaps ot debris, exposed to the bitterly cold weather and some staggered back to the front, hurling stones and defying the Japanese till taken prisoners or sufferings f1 t0 end their 'fffff; we;e "v dayg and nights of uiuj 01 anairs. The stock of am nmnition. which had been carefully ionenf-01' m snSS gone, and xt was all too evident that ShEh ,Waf about to giasp the prize which had cost her an army of men and countless treasure. The capture For City Lighting Plant. The New York City Mayor's annual message recommended legislation for a S7 1?$ fdnt and for incasing Itt Water PP'J- He placed the city s present debt incurring ca pacity at 580,000,000. ' culiiU a ' Steamer Held Here. The German steamer Adria with wo submarine , boats on board was -eWs. no Vw-ioc. x-.-. . . j fo-' Russet upposea to ne September l'J-21-Japanese capture 1-oi t Kuropatkiu. September 27-Russian water suipJv cut oft by the Japanese. November 8-Japanese offer terms of surrender! ?iembe.r -The Japanese' eaptuw tienches m front of Rihlung and iSnungShU forts Jjnrl mnoi. torts ot eastern fortified ridge November M'litticaime. , noi-th fort at Tungkikwan. . onK Tr 32apanese besin attack OU UiS-iletJ'O Hill nsn ,u . . , ' men m an horn, but eventually capture the hill. December 80-Rlhlnng fort captured WlUl a tliniisnnrl .T.inn,. t "-"" uinurae casualties tSL? v JaPafiese also cap- December -.iiinan eight big guns in commanding posi tions north nf iho. T?fe f . 1 . wc xui is, ana latpv captured Sungshu Mountain west of Rihlung; ..H Fort, a fort S SSa Mountain, tho c. 4.,. 1UU yantao; and WantTi Hi5. ' Tr' Academy of Design Exhibits. &0me 400 naintiTiffc- ,.'';. . .. , r. . 0 euown at the annual exhibition of the National "csigu in ew York City. rr, Comfc Demands Inquiry. lhe Colorado SunremA r-,'f. a sweeping inquiry into the alleged Denver election frauds. - ; J,iegea Storms Do Damage. th wWesPread damage on the Atlantic and in Europe 1 AH Russians Taken Prisoners, the Of- fleers Being ParoledAi Forts and War, Materials to be Turned Over to tne Japanese Afmyt okiOi By Cable; A telegram from General gogi givhig the .text of the captuiationi convention was received Tuesday afternooii. It is as follows: 'Article 1. All Russian soldiers, marines; volunteers, also ? government officials; fit' the garrison and harbor of Port Arthur, are takeri prisoners; " "Article 2. All fnrta Hoffi f ships, other ships and? boats, arms ammunition, horses, all materials for hostile use, government buildings and all objects belonging to the Russian government shall be transferred to the JaDanesn m-tnv in their evicHnn ditiofl, ' -.w-. wur "Article hri tiia HiretHtAU A , . t-. v.vuiug twu .v.x.v.ua uuj5 aaacuicu iu, as a guar antee for the fulfillment thereof the men garrisoning the forts and the batteries on this mountain, Sungshu nuwc muuunm aoa me line cuuiicm.es suumeasi tnereirom Shall be removed by noon of January 5, and the name, shall Vo Japanese army. .,; uuuuiu nuasiau military or naval men be deemed - to have de stroyed objects named in 'article 2 or to havfe caused alteratioiifi ariy way in tholi 4-.nt$4-: 1 i - . ; " ai me existing time the signing of this compact and the ne?Otia.f.iOne Khnll ho onnnll 3 ik. " uuuuficu auu tut; Japanese army will take free action. "Article 5. The Rusian military and naval n 11 f v nntu n tuuuuea suan prepare and transfer, to the Japanese army a table , iui uv.ouuua ui run Ar- thnr and their respective positions. On1 wi nM t 11 . .. xu maps cuu wing tne vocation of mines nnrlarirrMinJ 1 , ?"v.ibivuuU aim auu-marine, and all other dangerous objects; also a tables Rhnivirnr ffA nnnt4: , v ' -. mo IXluaiLiUll auu system of. the army and naval ser vices at. Port Arthur, a list of army and naVv fifflwro with and fllirv nf caM r.K r , a jisl ui army steamers, warships " and other - t--, " "c auuiuw ui uieir re spective crews; a list of dviiiaiw, men, their races and occupations Article 6. Arms, including those carnprl rn . ... .7 , ." vivuii, ammunition, war inateflalg; government buildings, objects " nwnpl iirf tiiK ii , j- -"c euTciiiiiiui, horses, warshina nn,l'iVi.. i..- : -x"J uiuu oiiiyts, ill- eluding their contents, excepting pri- VnfA niriAi4... r. T 11 1 t. . . . I'.i'i'ciij', ftimii oo- iert in their present positions and the commission ers of ihe Ri!Kd:i shall decide upon the method of their transferences "Article 7 the Japanese armv, cofl-1 sidenng the gallant resistance offered by the Russian army as being honor- yeiuiu tne onicers of the Russian army and navy as well as of flGiaia belonging thereto, to carry awbrds ana tt.tak with them private property directly" necessarv for the maintenance of life. The previously mentioned officers, officials and volun teers who will sign a written parole Pledging that they will not take up arms and in . nowise take action con trary td the itttferestS of the Japanese army until the close of the war will receive the consent of the Japanese army to return to their countrv. Each army and navy officer will be allowed one servant, and such servant will be specially released on signing the par ol?. "Article 8. Non-coinmissiond Offi cers and privates of both armv and navy and volunteers shall wear" their uniforms ami tti v tu.ub uiu icuia and neceagary private property, and commanded by their respective offl- nek re? Vi h 1 1 - 4L. 1 . . a v.v4a ci.au asEeaiDie at sucu places as may bcr indicated by the Japanese ar my. The Japanese commissioners will decide the necessary details therefor. "Article 9. The sanitary corps and the accountants belonging to the Rus sian army and navy shall be retained by the Japanese while their services are deemed necessary for the caring for the sick and wounded soldiers. During such time such corps shall be required to render gervjee under di rection of the military corps afld ac countants of the Japanese army. "Article 10. The treatment to be ac- books and documents retating to mun icipal administration an4 finance and also detailed files necessary for the enforcement of this compact shall be embodied in a supplementary com pact. The supplementary:compact shall have force as this compact. "Article 11 Hnr. n'nrr' .L r vvrJ', CtH.ll UI llllS compact shall be prepared for the Jap anese and Russian armies, and it shall have immediate effect upon signature thereof." III 1 1 Iffl $11 Occurrences of Interest in Various Parts of the State. I Geneal Cotton Market. 1.,- . New Orleans, easy 6 Mobile, firm 1 1. 44 6, Savannah quiet 6 Charleston,, quiet . : 66 Baltimorej. nominal .7.00 mia, ijum . . 4 i ............. .0.50 Boston, quiet ....... 4.. 444,4...... 6.85 Philadelphia, quiet ...444. .7.10 Charlotte Cotton Market, Middling;.......... ,.7 6& to 7 Stains ...... ...6 to 6 7-16 - Tragedy in fialeigh. Raleigh, Special. -A little before noon Thursday one of the. most be loved men in Raleish. .Tamea vr ai. ford, ainiOsT seventy years old, was shot down and fatally Injured in his printing establishment by R. D. By num, a man of 35 years, one of his partners in the job printing business. Alford died Thursday nieht- Tho er partner of the firm of Alford, By num & Christophers, namely, Charles D. Christophers, was present and wit nessed the shootiner. Th? fmnt a AA1 of the establishment is closed, and the terrible affair occurred in the printing room, which Is separated from the front office by a door. Bynum is a hard drinker, and has been on a debauch for some days. It la stated that he went into the ni and began to curse Mr. Alford, and then made a motion as if to pull a pistol from a hip pocket. At this Al ford moved towards him, and then, according to Alfords statement, By num rapidly shot three times. The pistol must have been held very close to the body. Powder burns show where two bullets entered the right breast, one bullet remaining in iho J U V4UV body and the other going upward and smashing a shoulder blade. The oth er bullet seems to have missed its mam. ine old men fell between the casee, Christophers failing to stop Bynum from leaving the place, evi dently fearing that the drunken man would shoot him; also. It seems that only one or two persons heard the noise of the shot, but did not locate it. Bynum walked out of the front door and along East Hargett street. His dishevelled appearance led one or two persons who passed him to ask him what w&3 the matter. He re plied in a drunken voice that he did hot knovvjDr something to that effect, and went on to the corner, turning' down South Blount street a few blocks, from the capitol building. The first man who got into the inside of tho place was led to enter by the ap pearance, of Christophers, who in his w-wwt uuu UlC OUUU1UV1 UUV ered with bloody ran out the front uvui. xne man wno entered aided ounstopners and some others who ' r. O m av h aii - . .o.uiC m 1U leuiuviiig iuiora to the or flee. MAKE FINE SHOWING Corporation Commission Gives Out Usual Statement. The Corporation Commission this evening gave out its resort t a.. ernor Aycock, for the 'present vDa.. The report says that during the year there were 380,310 miles of main line of railroad in The gross earnings were sm .wto,. operating expenses, $12,848,929. nJf w come from operations, $7,539,011; net increase, $1,065,173 over last year's "operations. .The railroads emnirmJi 15,205 persons and 120 nersors killed in the movement of .trains. Of I these two were passengers, and ?a employes; 4,930,095 passengers were transported: 335 comnlalnts J- "i 1 XJ made to the commission, nearlv an Mil of which were disposed of. North Carolina is the onlv sa(a ; - - All mit first and Konnri - rioca -f vW14U icti cb ior passengers, and the -laws were so amended -as to require only one fare that could certainly be made lower than the present first-class fare of 3 1-2 cents. The average rate per pas senger mile on the leading roads in the State was about 23 cents. The num ber of banks has increased from 155 to 192. Four banks were put in re ceivers' hands. EARNINGS AND EXPRNSRS The Corporation Commission's re? port says the earnings of railways dur- ing the yea? were: Atlantic Coast Line, ?5,234,86d; Seaboard Air Line, 13,721,713; Southern Railway, ?9,594, 053; miscellaneous roads, ?1,837 305. Total, ?20,387,940. The capital stock of all the roads is- $63,390,350. Taxes paid were: Atlantic Coast Line, $219 897; Seaboard Air Line, $127,940; Southern Railway, $278,446. Total, $626,283, and by miscellaneous roads. t"1". xuaaiug a tuiai or an roads, $677,775. The number of emploves is Atlantic Ooast Line, 4.909; Seaboard Air Line, 2,207; Southern Railwav, 5,038; miscellaneous roads, 3.051. Val uation for taxation is as follows: At lantic Coast Line, $24,454,014; Sea board Air Line, $12,500,000; Southern Railway, $26,310,589; .miscellaneous roads, $6,216,370; telegraph, telephone, street railway and express companies, $5,061,052; total, $74,542,026. No Action Taken. Memphis, Special. A special to The vuiuuioiUtti-Ayveai rrom Newport, Ark., says that no action will be taken Vkfr 4-Kn i...4VMMl.l -A . u.r .uc ttuiuuinies 01 tne town in con nection With tho limntiir.. 14. Vuv,uiu6 iasi oaiur- day of Louis Allwhite for the murder - .u,ci. me foroners jury holding an inquest over the body of ..t,444IC luirnu mat tne deceased -axxic iu nis aeatn at the hands of an unknown mob." North State News. The State has granted charters to we lar neei Company, Greensboro, a social club of which Spencer Black- ourn, a. E. Holton and other promi nent Republicans are members. The capital stock being $5,000. To the In dependent ' African Methodist-Episcopal denomination, head-quarters at Winston-Salem, the purpose of which is to establish churches, missions, schools, etc., and push the work of that denomination generally; to the p -i'-PV1 MaEfacturing Company, of Wilmington, which will manufac ture sash, doors, blinds, etc., capital stock $25,000; to the Gray Manufac turing Comnsnv noetnnin , stock $150,000, tQ manufacture fabrics of cotton and pther textile. Geo. A. Gray, Joseph A. Separkf and C. J. Muoil aie Lae stockholders. State Superintendent of Schools Joy uer has issued a .cireular letter to the county superifttehdents calling their attention to the unsafe condition of the -school house's in regard to their liability to fire. He says many of the new houses are fitted with terra cotta Pipe which causa, twenty per cent, of the fires in the State, according to .?oererei0rt 0f ttlQ lnsurance commis- Penitentiary Report. The penitentiary directors Monday evening filed their report with Gover nor Aycock, showing a net surplus cf $132,868. Included in this are $60,O0C in penitentiary debt bonds purchased by the directors. Other assets con sisting mainly of cotton, are estimated at the present market value, several crops being left out of the estimate so as to offset any further slump in cot ton. But for the slump the surplus would have been $150,000, the direc snstate. They recommend that th $ oO.OOO aebt bonds thev hold bo de voted to the establishment of a re formatory for young criminals. Th' Governor approves this recommenda tion. The prison and its various branches are in good pbvsical condi tion and the past four years were un marked by any epidemic, small or great. The order was good, generallv speaking, the convicts have behaved exceptionally well, this being due to strict discipline and kind and consider ate treatment. There are now hospi tal wards for white and- negro con sumptives. Many improvements have been made in the convict quarters at the State farm. Tho letter vieldd great harvest. - WARRENTON, N. C. All business placed in m. b. ttnif Sporting Brerlties. Alfred Wilmarth was ejected presi dent of the Long Island Automobile rvu7' n- y- a- c- berateh half-mile skating race at Ve rona Lake. Dr. S. P. Hopkins won the Christmas Dav Gun at tho hHia, 1 Crescent. AtMo nin . JTZinM ooi' of Manhattan, defeat ed Si. Paul's School, of Garden City, at hackey three to nothing. nSv0,!?11 foxhoods arrived in HuniU!uh, of Richmoiid. Va. V Xewsy Gleanings. The dutv nnifi m 4-1.:,. It is said that 4000 families atv the torn Jff5Vese 0fficci tenant I. Tu torn, haa-been received into the Jewish congregation at Shanghai eSS tte-flnres of the jast ejection Oklahoma is ciaimin' - -mV mvm population of 650,6oo " t??tS ewYoi'k Wty there has been started a catnip farm, which is C "J? a profitable -Investment V Austria's New PrpniKw ion Gautch von Frank-Suthuru OA-Piemier and President of the Su ed' AnS-Urt J Acconts, was apooin . ed Austrian Premier, to succeed Ar S'tlx other memferf of the -binet to retain their portfolios. Russia's War Expenses. PKf expenses in thenar amount w'th n?Iem-ber 23 to ?238,000.000, Witn OUtSrflrf1in ju. .j. ...... ; ' -OQQ 1 tXTr icuiLS 01 A-t,UOO,- tite'rLr? XPendies for Feminine i'aets. inland U&y has chosen t- Ses. ing as hser Prtndpal hob- tIS i8i ?h?at h a north of women C entkely """ined" by The EmnVis. nf t.-: .". - Mrs. Lonisfi g s ...- woo ,i v z wvsa momer The Oueen of xr outsifio f V Ya-V aim weden, voftlh,?mi,y Public life, is' Speaker of North Carolina House. Raleieh v. p , J Z ' wi'-o.i. uen tx. Gulon, of Newbern. was named for "i nuuse 01 tne legisla ture by the Democrats, who have 98 ot the 120 members, Guion, was placed in nomination by W.J P. Wood, second ed by A. W. Graham. The nomina- ttS uittue,py a rising vote. The uB1UW,buc caucus, presided . iw cniet cierk and r . rs. Arendpi 1 fnr .1 1. a . lotf, v v 'taum6 cieriv, tne latter having no opposition. The sen- a TO nnniAAAi:A - m ,rv" Lu: caucus cnose A. J. Maxwell for chief clerk, John W Simpson of Rutherfordton, engrossing clerk; Brown Pegram, of Raleigh, fo? sergeant-at-armsjR. w. Stanley, of Wilkes, assisstant door-keeper. Sail fcr Hamburg. Newport News, Va., Special. The German steamship Adria sailed for Hamburg Tuesday with, two f the i.ake sub-marine boats which are said to be consigned to the Rusian govern ment. Thf! flplnv ir. K AJ-V . Tl ff II T-rt Knn W . - I'll . iT , o cu exPtaiued., The ves- .r y sr agent tor the !!:sisted upon the r,! r Tua "more securely fast S 5Se decltsv faring that rough seab might cause damage to the boats by dislocating tKa miv,i.i Japs Entered Tufcsday. ' , vcwiw. iiiB .xext or Gen eral Nogis telegram announcing the canitiilatinn rf 4.V.- T3i:1 . 0 tI r. r-"i "utu iorces at PortArthur is as follower "The pleni potentiaries of both parties concluded their negotiations Monday at 4-30 o'clock. The Russian commissioners accented on the whole the stipulations of the J apanese. The document ha peen prepared and ignatures are now being affixed. Simultaneously with the conclusion of negotiations, both armies suspended hostilities. It is expee l that the Japanese army wilt enttrVlu city of Port Arthur Tuesia-r Tragedy at Thomasville, Ga. Thomasville, Ga.ISnecial.Affo mi. . - " -v4i, am- ing his mother-in-law, Mrs. w. H. Parrish, making .a desperate' attempt to kill hi3 J8-ycarW wife and shoot jng himself twice with a Winchester ...4 ue, . a. parrow is lying in the -. nufcpuai in a precarious condi tion closely guarded by officers. Barrow is an engineer on the Atlantic Coast l.lno tin la fo . . r .-f wra 01a, and had been marrii hut 4,,, ,,. ?f fi lB 3nlor' Dmestic infelicity is said to be thA rai.u 4.1 . 18 verdict of Th. . ''' the killino. n,oo r Ul . s nuij.avtiueuiai. Attempt to Wreck Train. Richmond, Va.. Sriecia! a f . - .- wuipt was made Sunday night to wreck a passenger train at th pounding mill. 12 miles west of Taze well. A fisbguard was laid on the rails. ani the 4. . . .. engjne was thrown from the track While the damage was being renaf S investigation showed .another fish, guard and a large rock on the track jusf ahead. - . CTacic - Southern Educators Meet. Jacksonville, Fla Southern Krt,,;Bl;, ' , ..sPial.The Florida 8UU QSSS of the Southern EduVatTon;!314 tion and chancellor of hl ss0cla' of Georgia, 'cJue'thelnSS1 and" assistnt 'XT? Association East Florid Mn r7l'0t preside. y lnRt,t-, would Creditors Want Receiver. Greensboro, Special. In the United States Court'here Judge Boyd heard a creditors' petition in 'involuntan? bankruptcy filed by Walter Swink of Concord, and S. M. Swink, of Winston, attorneys for the creditors of D P Dayvaulfc & Bro., wholesale and n cail merchants of Concord, Ccoletw and Gold Hill. The petition state the assets cf the firm to be $100,000: liabilities $150,000. Judge Boyd ov dered a subpoena to issue'the pirties ro appear here Jan. 17 to show cans why they should not be declared bank rupt Pending a hearing, T. D. Man 'IE. Of Conrrrrl writs r;on r. 3 filling a bond of $10,000. Chadwick Couple Meet. Cleveland, O., Special. Sheriff Bar ry and Leroy S. Chadwick arrived here Sunday from New York and wers driven at once to the county jail where a bail bond for v.o,000 was furnisheo for Dr. Chadwick's appearance in tne Criminal Court next Tuesday, when he will be given a preliminary hearin?. The bail bond was signed by Virgil P Kline, counsel fQr Dr. Chadwick, and also y P. Dawley," counsel for Mrs. Chadwick. These formalities beins completed, Dr. Chadwick was admitSd h 6 W0I?an,s department of the jail Ss'wife.6 h6ld a inference witb THE T OPERATES Double Daily Trains GUrI!r!!!rr.3PJ,11,n? S'oei"'". Cafe M ,a rte) and Chair Cars (eat8 free). Electric Lighted Throughout BETWEEN Birmingham, Memphis and Kansas City AND TO ALL POINTS IN Texas, Oklahoma and IndianTerritories AN O TH E Far Wast and Northwest TEB0DCH SLEEPING CAR SERVICE FROM TEE SOUTHEAST TO KEKPK1S 0 KANSAS CITY. - ONE-WAY OR ROUND TRIP EB?&cketsm Atlanta, a.. and ElTOlham, Ala., to polnta la Southwest on sale llrst and thinl Tuesdays of each moath. anPtt lUsraiura, tickets tnznged 2oS. rewvati9IJ5 Pon applh F. E. CLARK. Tbav. Pass'r Act.. tUwta. QA. nieTS- L- PARROTT, 0I8TBICT PASSENGER AGENT. ATLANTA, GA.