. - r -.r - v - f VOL. 10.- WARRENTON, Nv C, BID AYyTAHU ARY 2 7 , 1905. NO. 46. ft " ----- - - -- ' - ... V V 1 I NOTIGE If this space lias" the Eecl 'S Kark 'OH it, it is to inform 7PU '.tKat;:yqnrwero in Norfolk this week .buying Rii isscriu Liuii is oui. ana ..H7i less rs-J "newedthe paper wi be steppe ; .'"."' -r- 7 - Dr. Ilob. S. Bpo'tH, ' Warrentou, North Cal'oliria. - "Office Phone- 69. . Residence Phone 66-4 &M2m. LOCAL ITEMS . Gold, Colder, Coldest. Mr. Geo. Scoggin was ftt lrcrild this "w eek. Farmers meeting on Saturday the 4th, of Feb. It was 12 degrrees above zero yester day morning. ' Mr. A. D. Harris went off on a busi ness trip Monday. Mr. T. O.'Rodwell, Bpent a few days Ja L?.ttVeton this week. Mr. 15. J. Freeman spent Sunday at home with his family. Miss Sarah Macon spent a few days iu Hendt rjon last week. Miss Esther Jerman, of Ridgeway, is visiting Mis. W. A. Barwell. A good man is kinder to his enemy that a bad man Is to his friend. Mr. J. H. Kerr was iu Henderson this week on professional business. Miss Edna Allen has returned home after spendiug several days at Ridge- Mrs. Jennie Connell and daughter, of Inez section, were in the city Mon day. Miss Estelle Davis is visiting the family of Rev. J. O. Gurthrie, of Ral eigh. . We rejoice at the departure of Jan. and hail with delight the advent of February." , Major Price T. Jones, of Henderson, visited his brother, Mr. R. J. Jones, last Sunday. - Miss Myrtiee Gardner, from NVrlimi, visited at Mr. J. M. Gardner's Satur day and Sunday. , Mi. and Mrs. Julius Judd, of Hamp ion, visited the family of Mr. J. C. SlcUraw this week. ?ils Eva Dow in returned to her lioine at Boyd ton titter a visit to the family of Mrs. Luuy Bell. There will be an important meeting to every farmer and business man iu the county, held iii the court house on Saturday, Feb. 4th. Senator Chas. A. Webb spent Sunday with hi? parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Webb at Warren Plains. ; Miss Ella Riggan, daughter of Mr. Armstead Riggau, of Vaughan, died Saturday, aged 23,years, Some of u have tried the remedy, .inolasses and h e to destroy rats and mice and find it effective. Try it. The Aurora Borealis appeared one night last week. It was so blight that one of our town ladies jumped out of bed thinking her house wis on fire. We are thankful to those of our f?ieuds who have responded to the red X. There are a few that we would like to hear fiom during the next few days. Mr. Charles A. Cook, Jr., returned 'to his home at Muskogee. Ind. Ter., last Friday, after spending several weeks here with relatives and friends. Ir. Hugh E. White left Monday to accept a position witb the A. T. Co., at Durham. Hugh is a clever boy and The Record wishes him well in his hew home. We underetand that quite an enjoy able oyster supper and x cake sale was given at Vaughan Thursday night of last week. Proceeds were for the bene fit of the Methodist church. The cake bronght $23 and Miss Dora Pittman carried off the prize; The Star Grocery, W. H. Riggan, proprietor, has opened up a niee stock 'of heavy and fancy groceries, confeo tlonaries, c, in the store room for merly occupied by D. II. Riggan. Look mit for announcement next week. Tiki Record is very anxious to see a large attendance at the farmers meet ing io be held Lere on Saturday, Feb. '4th, Let everybody come and talk over the matter and see what steps can be taken to benefit the farmer and those who are holding cotton We are requested to announce that Elder W. A. Simpkiiis, Primitive Bap tint minister will preach at th6 home of Mr. W. J. Stevenson, in Wise, next Saturday the 28th, iust. at 3 o'clock p. m. and on Sunday at 11 a. ' in. and at Bl-acey, Ya., fct 3 p. m. of the same day. Our informant says Mr. Simp kins is an excellent preacher. All are invited to heai him. Constipation and piles are twins. They kill pebpl'e inch by inch, sap life feway every day.' Holhster s Rocky fountain Tea will positively cure you. j No cure no pav. .35 cents, Tea or Tab- j lute, The Huiitei Drug -Go. The farmers meeting Will be held on SatbVtlayebl ith. ' Messrs. J. G. and. J. J. Tar water unse&. Mrs; Ernest Goodwin and . Miss Emma .Hunter, from Alftou were in the city lastjwie.k,.,;, . .. .. MrJ-iO. E. Jackson was in Norfolk this week buying horSfeft for the Warren Supply Co. . . . . ' Rev. B. C. Allied will preach , at Providence chuich next Sunday morn: ing at 11 o'clock." Mr. T. A Baxter, of Ridgeway, - feft Monday fur Loa Augelas, CaL, where he takes a place with a hotel. Mr. W. S. Battle and mother, Mrs. J. S. Battle, arrived hele yesterday in a special Hi: of the N. 16 W. By. We are using the red X again this week and for;, some it . will be the Libt time unless they send us a remittance before another issue. Billy Arlington gave an enjoyable entertainment in the High School Audi torium Wednesday night. .Owing to the extreme cold weather the audience was small. ; , Mrs. Haywood Clarke, of Wilming ton, has been here several days this week. We understand that Mrs. Clarke contemplates rebuilding on her vacant lot near the Baptist chureh. We understand that Messrs W., D. Weldon and J. E. Rooker. have rented the house recently vacated by Mr. S. B. Williams ou the corner of Main and Chureh streets, and will move their families there in a few days. Mr, N. C. Rowland, of Spring Hope, has accepted a positiou as horse shoer and blacksmith for Mr. ,W. E. Davis. Mr. Rowland has worked at the trade about 15 yeais and is s;iid to be a capi tal fine shoer. See local adv. iu auother column. In another bolumn can be found the advertisement of H. J. Cordle, Jeweler and Optician, of Littleton, N. C. Mr. Cordle is a graduated optician and has the very finest instruments for testing your eyes. His prices are reasonable and work guaranteed. He ie also a jewelei of many years experience and oan repair your watch and clock or mend your jewelry. We take pleasuie in recommending ,.Mr. Cordle to our readers atid h'ope that when they go to Littletou that they will give hini a call The attention of our readers is called to the . announcement of Mr. B. C. iliiiiard wiiicu appears in tins issue. H'e has recently bought the entire stock of merchandise of the Rose-Hillind Co. and will sell these goods at and be low cost to close them out and make iciom for his sprine goods. This is a nice clean stock and if you fail t visit his store'yon will miss some rare bar gains. Mr. HiUiaid has had many years experience in the mercantile business and knows well how to look after the interest of his customers. Go to seo him oil the corner, next to Mrs Caser ley's. . I'll brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, I'll cross the plains of frozen glass, I'd leave my wife and eioss the sea, Rather than be without Rocky Joun- tain lea. The Hunter Drug Co. Greatly in Demand. Nothing is more m demand than medicine which meets modem require ments for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's . New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and live- troubles. Try them. At G, A. Thomas drug store, 25c, guaranteed. - American Negroes. There are 9.204,531 negroes in. til United States, including Pjrto Rico and Hawaii- Nine tenths of them live in the South oue third of its popula tion. Seventy seven per cent, work on 746,000 farms, of which twenty-one per cent, are absolutely, and four per cent partr.lly owned by negroes. There are 21,000 negro carpenters, 20,000 barbers and nearly as many doctors, 16 000 ministers, 15v000 masons, 12,000 dress makers, 10,000 engineers and firemen, 5,000 shoemaker 4,000 musicians, 2,- 000 actors and showmen, 1,000 lawyers Which seem toos many). Siuce 1890 negro illiteracy has sunk from 57 to 44.5 per cent. Statistics are rather stupid fellows but these look bright au( full of hope "With the Procession," Everybody s Magazine for February. Spoiled Her Baauty. Harriet Howaid, of 209 IF. 34th, St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes 'I had Sail Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure it, UDti I used Buoklen's Arnica Salve." 1 quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at G. A. Thomas drug store. Dr. II. ST. Walters, Surgeon Dentist Warrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house in Fleming ; Phone9. office.Wfi: Re Harris Jbsuiiaing, aence. No. fev children s safe, sure !tTo opiates ;. : , '.; 'fesligions Notice. , - Divine service in Emmanuel chureh on Sunday next, January 29th, at 11 a. m., and also at 7:30 p. m. 1 James E. Poixdexter, Reotot. How, to' AVcid Pneumonia, We have never heard Vf a single in stance of a cold resulting iu Pueumbuia or other Itirig trouble ' when Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken. It not only 'stops the .cough, but heal and strengthens the lungs.. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substi tute offeied. Dr. O. J. Bishop, of Ague w ; Mich., writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in thie-3 very Severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case." For sale by the Hunter Drug Co. . . Having bought tho elitire stock- of .'rperchapisoQlirTE.A;';. ROSE-HILLIARD CO., I will sell- the same atd-.beW''' factory cost. Special bargains in Dress Goods, White Goods,-. Lacs and Ham bergs, -also Clothing, Shoes, -Hats, Collars, Shirts fcc. Come and see'thfese big values . . , . I am now located in my new tjuarters, on the corner, next to Mrs. Caserley'?, and will be glad to show you my stock. B. C. HILLARD. N. B. In a few days I will put in a stock of Groceries,.ihclrtdiug Warrenton Roller Mills flour and A. CARD OF W'? thank our many friends and customers for. their liberal patronage since we have been located at the and hope that we may be favorpd with a con, tinnance of the same. All gradfs of tobacco are selling high, and wanted on our market. We strongly advise our customers to market the balance of their crop as soon possible. . Bring lis your next load, and we will make it pay youv With bfst wishes for the New Year, we are, Your friends, ROGERS & BUR WELL. ft! ill & Ladies Dress Goods. We are having lug sales in Dress ladies who dress correctly than usual. cloths. The newest fabrics and if vou we have it. Some big values in new dress goods and some of the prettiest styles we have had this season in strict down to dote fabrics they are beauties. New buttons and new trimmings, newest style collars just opened. Ready made skirts well made good fitting- garments. , New Line of Ladies and children's Cloaks. Brand New Styles. Very Low Prices r ift m Some great big values in Suits and Overcoats. Our I "if line of Overcoats is great. III-'' I V !-. 'f I Bie line of Buggy Kobes, very cheap. Bed Blankets from cheap cotton to the best all wool. Some new peices of and a la.ige shipment'of choice patterns Our store is full from bottou to top Lame. Salt. Shingles, Laths, Disc Plos, Corn Shellcrs. We are here to If yon have any Shoes io buyit witt Certainly pay you buy them of us. We have them made specially for us by the t - best manufacturers in this country. They fit good, they wear good, they are good and they are cheaper than you often have to pay for poor shoes. Next vveek we will offer a lot of odds and ends of shoes iii sizes 3, 4, 5, at about half prices. An immense stock of goods to pick from and we wili make yoU'Sonie low prices; Ne styles in Queen Quality Shoes just in this week; " Very respectfully; - - THE ALLEN & FLfeifNG COMPANY You Can Have Your Eyes - - Fitted with ? sses AND SPECTACLES AT H. J. GIRDLE'S ' ' ; Littleton, N. C. - -;; ; y Mr. Cordle is a graiuated- Optician and has the-very finest instrQme nts for testing your eyes. '..v. His prices are moderate and work guaranteed, ... meal. THANES. 0 Goods have, sold more stylish suits to Never showed a more up-to date line of want the correct thing for ladies wear Carpets in this week aud Rugs to match In high quality mattings. with new and desirable merchandise Disc Harrows, Adjustable Harrows, supply your needs Come to see us. A. Iwmk ' j 3se ft .WW f he yea,r 19'05i . V ... . Finds us still ;alivdy . , . . . . ... - i ....--..' ' . . . ' Guttering-; and Roofing to beat :the 1?and, And; selling; HAJID A&h'eHaxnd old stand Competition defied in sH We guarantiee ybti more We Invite You to visit our store anil inspect .our Picture Department it is com- ' - 1 - - " t - : - t'. -ij. " . ; - -. 4 -;."- plete. We do not hfsitate to say that it the prettiest line ." of such goods ever shown here. Come and select what you Want; before they are picked ovof. Yours vety trulyj ' T. V. Allen & Co., . : furniture Dealers and Undertakers. jiro. Branch, se. Daniel Alston. BRANCH & ALSTON, Corttraotors and jBnilders, : r WARItENTOM, .'C-. v Our Tirointetness shalJ bie eeoxid to none nd satisfaction guaranteed at all times. Contracts solicited in town or country. - . Estimates furnished lor both wood, and "brick work. . ' 20-1 jt. We wish otir friends a and Prosperous New Tear. WE PAY aprrs, and defy WALTER B y hiss stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Ssles bottles. Does this record or merit appeal to yon c DJaJ mrcMf 1Aff!o fie st Ton 4on. n'alrV70 nf f!t-rUiC V. ' . . - ; ' . ' . Riggan's store on Main, street Can furnish: yon' all. with plenty to eat, While the winter is sold and cotton is j-cheap, ' 4 . ; When the spring opens the price will be steep. Cheer up .friend farmer and with a 'ihighty hit . -J Cut down your crop and the prices, will - git. " Riggan keeps most everything - Dr. W. W. Taylor, . . Surgeon IDeirtisti Renders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge, work, porcelain inlay; and cast fillings according to the methods of to-day. " Office" 'Phone ; 2. 27 fim Residence v 29. CASH FOii Harness competition. BOYD &' CO. Grove's-Tasteless CM1! T . . . Just received 15 nice work and driving horses. . " 1 " ' ' ' ' " " TosD&:; Customers and Friends : The past season has been very eatiS factory to us, having sold . our cottori and out customers cotton at and above d cents, we are now ready to start thd New Tear with bright prospects. . JUST RfiCEltEi): One car load of HAY. Ohe car load of Cotton Seed Haiti. One car load Shingles. Cotton Seed Meal, Oats, Corni if low) Shipstuff, meal ond meat. . Cheap for CasV or on Tims. CALL - ON - US Tour friends, Warren Supply Co : INSURANCE. -: F1HE and LIFE, . Having added to my oflfice a full line of first-class companies I re--epectfully solicit a share of youi? patronage. Prompt attention and thorough protection guaianteed. ' Respftctfally ' ,' R. T. WATSON, r Office in Centre Warehouse. Barred Pylmouth .Rocks.' White, Golden and BufF Vyandottes are better than ever. They won ' i? prizes at the N. C. State Fair, Oct. 1903-1904. They are going fast so speak quick. " : JOHN H. FLEMING, FlTTS, N. C.' Prevents Serious Results From a Cold. Remember the. name , Foley's Honey and Tar. Insist ipon having trie , genuine Three sizes 25c, 50C 91.00 Prepared only by i'' Foley & Company. ChiGasd WE WANT ALL INTERESTED IN MACHINERY ; t TO HAVE OU& NAME BEFOrtS THEM . DURING 1905 . ... Write, us stating what klrtfl of Machinery you use of Will install, and we wilJ mail you Free of All COST A HANDSOME AND USEFUL pocket Diary and AtLas OR A LARGE Commercial calendar Gibbes Machinery Company, COLUMBIA, S. C. A STOCK OF HORSE POWER IAY PRESSES TO BE CLOSED OUT At SPECIAL PRICES ' over Crie end a Half Mflfom tio Cure, wo ray. jwc PlirV ft nnf. IJvf9 PlIT& ' .1 f i Si I. It'