VOL. XI. W ARB EN TON, N. C FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1905, NO. 9. ISTOTICE. If tins space has the Eed X Mark on it, it is to inform ycu that year ctikscriBtion is out, and unless re newed the paper will "be stopped, Dr. 3rvob. S. J ootli, Dentist, . "Warrenton, North Carolina. )aicc Phone f.9. lenideuoe I'hone DG-J 83-12m. LOCAL ITEMS f-5oe new adv. of the Warren Supply vo. Mr. A. D. Harris whs at borne Sun day. Tins has been a good week for farm work. Miss Edua Allen visited in Etdgeway last Sunday. Mr; J. O. Kuiglit visited in Halifax county this week. ?tlr. J. H. Kerr went to Littleton Monday on a busiuess trip. Mr. J. Boyd Masseu burg was here horn Durham last Tuesday. Dr. II. N. Walters visited in Wake Forest Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Edwyn J. Freeman spent Sun. day at home with his family. Messrs. J, P. and Geo. Suoggin were at home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Fred Prescott is impioviug his residence ut Folly Springs, Messrs. N. F. and Herbert Alston were at home a day uV two this week. Mrs. Frank Allen, from Axtell, spent Sunday here with Mis., J. G. Tar water. Mr. Charles Ford from South Bos ton, i3 in town visitiug his sister, Mrs. Henry Riggan. - Mr. J. C. McCraw, Jr., left last week for a drumming tour through the Southern States. Miss Mary Louise Allen went to Louibburg Wednesday to make a visit to her grandparents. We invite the attention of cur readers to thi adv. of Mrs. Caaeriey. She is ofi'eiiug some bargains. There wili be an excursion from Xor hna to Norfolk next Thursday, See notice in another column. The town commissioners have re elected Jno. S. Plummer chief of the fire department for the town. Mr. Arehie Davis, after a few weeks n st at home, returned to his business in Wellington City last Friday. The town cemetery is in a sadly no lected condition and thoe whoso busi ness it is should havo it attended to. Good news comes from Onkviile. The election for a special school tax whs Lekl Tuesday and carried by a vote of lb to 24. Mr. J. Willie White was in Raleigh several days this week attandiug the session of the Grand Lodge of Odd fellows. Mrs. R, G. Thomas and daughter, of Mobile, Ala., are visiting-la the city. The guests of Dr. and Mrs C. A. Thomas. Master Graham Rod well had a hen a few days ago to hatch out a chicken that was a curiosity. It had two bealis, thiee eyes, and four feet. The game of ball here last Friday b( 'tween Trinity Park School and W. II. S,, resulted in a victory for the visitors. The score stood 7 to 1. LOST At Fairviow cemetery Wed nesday evening, a white wooleen shawl. A suitable reward will be paid lor iws return if left at The Recoud office. The D. Ameru.ua Band, composed oi three Italians, gave an enjoyable enter tainment in the High School Audi torium Friday night of last week. . The music was splendid. There i!l be au important meeting, in the inteisst of the ootton seed oil mill, held in ihe court house to morrow t 2 o'clock. We urge upon every body that is interested in the building of this mill to attend the meeting. The business men of Warrenton are urged to attend the meeting to be held in the court house tomorrow by those interested in the building of the cotton seed oil mill. As to where the mill is" to be located depends much on the in terest our business men take in this mutter. The farmers meeting last Saturday was not largely attended, owing to the good weather for farm work. Those present took right much interest in tht discussion of building the cotton seed oil mill. Messrs. P. J. Macon, Jno. Graham, and J, A. Dameron were added to the committee to solicit stock and especially to see the people of Warrenton and to fee what interest they would take in the establishment of the mill. There will be another meeting to-moirow.evening at 2 o'clock at which time some final action will be taken. We urge everybody to be pres ent. TriE Recokd is very anxious to see this mill built. There has already been about SHOO. 00 in stock subscribed by our citizens and a gentleman outside ft' the county says that he will take $5000.00. This only loaves $8000.00 to be raised and the mill is assured. This liust be done. . - Tragic Death of Mr.: Bcyd. Our town and community was thrown into deep sorrow late Wednesday even ing by the announcement of the tragic and untimely death of Mr. Willie L. Boyd, at Scotts, about ten miles from here, where ho was engaged in loading cars with logs. From the best informa tion that can be obtained, .it seems that Mr. Boyd was standing near a flat car, loaded with loya, when -the arms that holds them in place, gave away, and buried Mr. Boyd beneath a bod of logs His body was soon recovered, but death reBultetl iu few minutes. His remaina were brougut to his home iu Warrenton where they remained until this morn ing when they will be taken to Taber nacle church, in Tance county, near the horne of Tiis birth, and there laid to rest, Mr. Boyd was about 48 years old. He had engaged in the lumber and timber business nearly all his life. Ha leaves a wife and two children, a mother and several brothers and sis ters, among them our townsman, , Mr. R. B, Boyd. Mr. Boyd was a kind and agreeable corcpauioo and mada mends wherever he went. - v Tlte death of Mr. Boyd has aet a ,loom over our entire ocmnianity and the deepest sympathy goes out to the sorely bereaved family. k -B SEN 3 M a S1 f-S i-p-t & f, A, i3 S a 1 1 3 Xky p H myraTBBS (fa EL fe-'i- M s Ml? SL g B R&8 K y. r? tr 5 m iri d H -1 ii v ,i oo "n moi' "i t East Bargains!! Memorial Day. A goodly mimber of citizens, under the leadership of Mrs. Lucy Polk- and Mrs. V. L. Pendleton, assembled at Fairview cemetery t half past four o'clock on the 10th. inst., for the pur pose of decorating with flowers, the graves of Confederals soidiers. The Confederate llag and the Confederate battle flag waved from the monument. Not only the graves of Confederate soldiers were decorated, but loving hands placed floral oiferiugs on the graves of all the dead. The services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Taylor, who made n few" "brief re marks with reference to the object of the meeting, and Rev. C. W. Robinson led m prayer. Mr. Tusker Polk de livered an appropriate poem cf hL own composition, entitled, '-The Soldier of the World and the Soldier of the Cross." The audience greatly appreci ated the poem, which was indeed . rare good one and gives us additional reason to be proud of our gifted townsman. Ret. J. E. Poindexter delivered a brief but interesting address. Mr, J. A. Domeron led the audience iu service of song. After the benediction h few of those present repaired to ihe old ceme tery and decorated come of th graves. I have just .bought a big lot of Hats -and Flowpra, Laces, Allovere, and Collars at greatly reduced prices. .; Summer Corsets, Lawns, Belts, hand-bags and Fans, Curtain and Drapery Goods. New tot of Pique, Madras, Chambray , Ginghams and Voiles, also new lot of large flowered Organdy and Linings to match. Pretty lot of White Organdy and Persians, 46 and 72 inches wide. Insertings and Edgiugsto match' in Swiss and Nainsook. English Nainsooks soft finish and Dimities for infants clothes . " Belts 5 cts. and up, Lawns 4 cts. and up, trimmed Hats 25 cts. and up, Pretty Dress Goods C 1-2 cts.per yard . Come in now is the time. a ws S a ii 'a S a ; - International Gasoline Engines, portable and stationary, International Portable Ealing1 Press 73 1, TP or on T" "T its, f" S2 1 "UT-ViV-i-ir tisfaction Guaranteed ; A. MILES and GO. ITS.' 1 . Gaserley. .NEW STORE. I-I03STEI No. 76. jHEtST-RY RIGGAN, Proprietor, Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Corn, "" Oats and Shipstuff. We make a sx3ecialty of Fine Candies, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. Your -:- Patronage -:- Solicited. rn 0 -CD Q o w 1 C S3 ft n & a sr. e M f w if m w 1 Sa A nice line of Collars, Shirts3 Ties and Underware. Als a nice assortment of other seasonable goods. Will be glad to show you. Heavy and Fancy Groceries Confectioneries &c. B. O. MILLIARD. Jno.Beanch.se. Davt-t, Alston BRANCH '& ALSTON, Contractors and Builders, OU, BEAUTIFUL XPHING TIME. It is now that beautiful Spring has oome,nnd the economizing house keeper has managed to set before the land lord and family the best the markets affords. But that anxious look bespeaks the puz zling attitude she assumes that she has now reached the time when she must look to . D. H. RIGGAN, Proprietor ot w 11 111 fl 'A One Champion Water Elevator ' Pump complete for half prioft been used onlj a little. ! Pump! Oxfords. Oxfords Every low out Shoe in onr etook cut to prime cost to oldis out . this speoial line, Store, who sells just the goods that go to make up a mid-summer dinner. Canned Snaps,' Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cfanued Corn, Asparagus, Potato Chips, Dried Peaches, Prunes, English' Peas, Butter Beans, New Cabbage Smoked Hams,Chipped Beef, Minao Meat, Pure Wheat Flour and many other things not mentioned. Nice quarters and polite, clerks. Yours truly, D. H. RIGGAN. Hamburgh. We have put the knife into then! and have cutthem deep. ats. - Hats Large stock and good assortment at great reduced prices. WARRENTON, N. C Phone No. 51. Our promptness shall be second to none! and satisfaction guaranteed Con tt acts solicited in town Estimates furnished for both wood and brick work. y-lyr. Sr. W. Tayl Surgeon XDoiatist, Benders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge vf ork, porcelain inlay ; and cast d at all times, fillings according to the methods of 0ZaJI- f to-day. Office 'Phone 52. 27 6m Pvesidence " 29. sp3 a t- H B fi n't: U S S S 3 a . a fi e B S E a & b2 Mr. W. II. Kail, one of . Charlotte's all-around good nitiaens, who far eight years served the city as streot commis sioner, will leave, the latter part of this week, for Warreatwn, War re o county, to accept a job as street com missioner of Warrenton. Mr. Hall is thoroughly poatod on all up to date methods of raacadimiziug roads and streets, aul is c mover v.hea it comes to the matter of work. ' The worst we can By of Air. Haii is that this city will lose one of h-er beisi citizens and Warrentiu will be ahead a good cihsen. We regror to see Mr.' Hall and his family leave here. As he is going we itiikt yieurture in recoic oaenuing mem to the good people of Warrenton as a high-tonod lankly. The People's Paper of Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Uall arrived in r7arrenton Tues day and vill enter upon his work Mon day. The Record eztendd a hearty wel come to Mr. Hall. ' Tho Pastors' Oonfererics." The Pastors' Conference met at the the Methodist parsonage last Tuesday morning. Rev's. J. E. Poindexter, O. W. Robertson and T. J, Taylor were present. ; " The pastors present reported pleas ant and profitable services last Sunday; Matthew 5, 21, 22 was critically t ex amined and ably discussed by Revs. Robinson and Poindexter. The Conference will meet at 10 o'olock a. m. on Tuesday after the third Sunday in May, at the Episcopal leo ton'. Subjocl for discussion The Pi'ii-iriinliJs hv wl)7i-r!j we mnv dftf.nvminA the character of &inusuieat, and decide as to whether christians may indulge iu them or not. . . Ail pastors in the county are con, eideied members of the conference, and are earnestly urged to attend. Special Offerings this Week. Vfa pSK SS MA Urooms Cheaper than you can buy elsewhere STxROH Best Starch 5 ote. !b. Varren-Supply Co. larred Py imouth Rocks, White, Golden and Buf IVyandottes; Di I r 4 lu Hum i 5.fr5 5-3N H - w ti S I r !i n in is liiU'K : N ' '' S ' The breed that lays when eggs aria high, . . Is the breed that pays both yoti and t. For meat or eggs it matters not, You will Snd thehi both itt Rdoks and Dottes. My matt jijgs this "season " are " liner than ever. Try a seltirig of eggs and see how blood tells. Prices are low. JOHN II. FLEMING, "Warren Plains, N, C, R.P.D.No.i No trouble to answer letters. Nctics of Summons. In Superior Cour ; June Term 1905. Biggest values we ever showed in Dress Bilks and our sales are ahead of any previous suasou4u white, biack, and colors. Black and .Colored Mohairs audj Aeoiioiis, Silk Novelties and a beautiful assortment of wash-goods Wo are also showing a lino of high gi ado figured Pique at special bargain prices which you should not miss. Laces, Allovers, Fancy Collars, R. & G. Coisets and special values in Embroideries, Clothing. Weare showing this week our new spring styles in men's and boys clothing, They are beauties and the price very reasonable. Tho odd pauts are all right too. IT ! North Carolina, f Warren County. ( lice A. Carter vs. Walter Carter. The defendant above named will take notice that an .action entitled as above has lir-eii commenced iii tlie Superior Court of Warren County to have the bands of matri? mnny row subsisting betwedn plaintiff anrj defendant absolutely diasolved. And the said defendant will further take notice that he is rejirea to appear at the next term of the Siipt-rior Court of said bounty to be held on the. sid. Monday m June 1905 at the court' house of gaid county in Warrenton, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in saiJ action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint; Thid May 12th. 1006 - . ' J. R. RODWELL, Clerk of the Superior Court; B.G. GREEN; AUyt Shoes an uppers. 1r a A tt ri Ei? r,h Wi t,i n . is"ft fr 5-? . J E 3 K 5 -1 JJ fr-i'. B P H fi !3 frfi stS k fir tlJa K S 5 ? H B We are showing a large line in Black, Vici and Patent Leather, Tan Gibson Ties and Oxfords. White Canvas Oxfords for ladies and children. TT we are at your service. most com-piete stock oi iJabcock, Tyson & Jones, Hackney and Wrenn buggies ever eskibited lere We slidous ITotisa. Diviue service on Sun'day next, May 14th. in St. John's church,- Williams boro. James E. Poindesteb, Rector. To Chre a Cold in One Day Take Laxative BiteMO Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if -it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. A splendid line ol fur Hats soft and stiff of our own special manufacture in the new shapes. We will show our new Bhapea in btraw Hats in a day ox two. Carpet Department. w Ri,nw iiti entirelv new line of StraW Mattinss. Oil Cloth and Linoleum. kllOW tliat VOll Will D6 ' IlltOrOStjeCl IjQ. : .. . our stvles. wmcn we ttta n icr, rf?cv t,rm flnm Pifinlnrs. Fertilizer Howers. JJiSO 'Cultivators. iUC- U ,. . ' t L. OilD.W Jtv i j vl 1 ' ' - ' J J ' r, ii Tl--c r!hilla1 T1nvaa C.ii nf. Plnrprt' Ponlf.rV " Nflt.H?i9'. Rarb , ,!, r'ivo Klnw1s. Trnn itoofins. Li me Cerricint t;o. and if we hnvent O Ad)liIlkt? WHO) kJtoi i, ju'-'wi.j wi"wQ u - what you want we wili take pleasure m getting it for you and name you lowest that' prices for cash; Call on or write us; The Alien & Fleming Co. Warrenton, N. C. H s SI s n i 1 - FT" 4 - B m Dr. BE.. 'N. Walters, ' Surgeon Dentist,- Warrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house in Fleming Harris Building. . Phones: OJIlce, No. 50 : Ke'dence, No. 06. s! 2 o " 2 o s n tr cc k, h-i a A Vrt r w ; j p . i ' O 3 1 t-i ft CD a cc 5 ! 3 "v tr 3 ft o (I rjj " CO -- O ' B O s 5 g. j". J to acl ! - g. 3. (B P 1-"" -s c-- O -i, o" 53 o o tS rj & ST". & o c Err g- Q CD r-i . 1 rn 03 S WB" rs n, CD 173 P - c-S . - s?'3" o O Id 2-4 o "Sf 1-1 o s CS 3 Ed CO. Co o 3 CD ", TT 3 m ..5: p o eg ... -.g . f H CD 1 BOYD'S; VAREHOUSE. Mil P m h w U 0 k U U 21 V IS w . S. Prices .-will suityou, HCLLISTCR'S iesfcy.feniain Tea Nuggets A Susy Modloiao for Busy Fsople. , Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. ; A Rnecifle for Constirmtlon, Indigestion, Live! oad ii:tney Troubles, Hmpies, Eczema, Impura, B1k1, Bad Breath, KlKgish Bowels, Headaclia, and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab Jet form, 35 c;nta a box. Genuine made by IlQT,usTEit 15 rug Compasy, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN n'JGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE a .-' ' I! f-Tsiofid'thd test 25 vsgrs. " Avrasb, Asanal Sales, over ns es a KalfMShon oes tfeis recora i mem spueal to yon f ,, : no curs, ray. Endssoi Vvitb every fcottIS is t Tea Cat. r.-cfci cf Grove's Black Root, liver PSEs. 50c.

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