AT THE Wa 'we RA & fcl 1 - ' vim Farmers mammum - - - -v fcs a ch WARREN T 0 3tf, N. 0. th ateplo 'capital, a iWrftigli knowledge of the business, the largest, best lighted and best-equipped Warehouse I'm Stale, want the tobacco and intend to have it. Assuring our patrons tha highest markeVprices, we are yours to srve. . , ' W.K,IEaST FARMERS' WAREHOUSE OOlilPAINTir, RJH.-MOSS, Manager." T ISTOTICE. If this space lias tlie Hed S Hark cii "it, it is to inform you that" your rabcristioii is out,, and unless re fowsd the paper will he stopped. Dr. :Rob. S. feotli, IDeiitist;, - , Warrenton, North -Carolina. (?3ice Thone 69. Residence Phone od-:i S3-12m. LOCAL ITEMS Court adjourned Tuesday. Count CoYauifsSioners meet Mon day. Mis. A. V. Ferning visited ia Rieli UiOLd fills week. r . , Mr. B. K. Collins and wife fere hero 'cm a visit to relatives. The big i aimers rally here dn Satur-' ilay. Sept 7th. ; " Hiss Tf':rpe Bachelor visited friends hTand about town last week. Miss Helen Wilcox is at home again aftt-r a visit to relatives iu JJatTs. ; Miss G. C. LaCoste returned from iier visit to S. C. last Thursday. Miss Lizzie Xicho'Bou was a gnest at fit; Baptist parsonage last week. Waircutoa was very well lepresohted ;at the rfretts last Thursday. Mrs C. Tbds. P.ttilcy, of Ra!eig!), vifited Mrs. Pendleton thu week. The walking skirt is wcrrn shorter than ever this season-. Mr. n. A. Hawkins spent a day in Li'tleton this week on business. Tiio cotton crop ia net a good as it va.s thought at one time it would be. frof. G-4stou S. Toote passed through lure Tiu-hday eYrr-'iite for Rome, Ga. Di. P. J. Silicon and Mr. II. T. j Macon spent W duesduy in Littleton. Mrs. Nellie Holt,' from Sinithfield, N. 'C, was a guest of Mrs. Miles lust week. Kov. T. J. Taylor is assisting in a re- viva! meeting ia Nash Coanty this week. Miss Mary Bowers, from Halifax County, is visiting relatives -here this T'e;k. Mr. E J. Freemauhad for his guest tlni w- ek, Mr. E. L. Lee, from Sussex, Ta. ... M;'ss Ida Katzons'ein left Tuesday for Philadelphia, where she will be for 'some time. Tho History Association will meet at Mrs. Pendleton's next Wednwsday at 4 o'clock. Miss Mary Speed Massenburg has ac cepted a position with W. H May & Co., of Littleton. Miss Mary Norman, of Brinkley ville. is visitiug relatives here this Week. The County Boaid of Education will meet in regular cession Monday. This is no mistake. Ladies are especially invited to hear Gov. Glenn and Col. Cunningham speak on Dot. 7tb. Capt. F. C. Toepl'eman, of the Hen derson Telephone and Telegraph Co., was heie a shoit while Tuesday. Mrs. E. W. Cates, from Thomasville, spent Tuesday iu onr city with her toother, Mrs. V. L. Pendleton. For the best style, best weai and lowest prices go at once to The J. R. Paschall, Wise, N. 0, and select your all hat. Big stock of up to date goods select from. Come early to avoid the rush. The J. R. PASCHALL CO. Miss Lizzie P. Jones was here with her home people a short while this eek. She was on her way to Raleigh to attend the marriage of her . cousin, Miss Frances Caroas Jones, Which took place Wednesday evening, the 27th. at 9 o'clock. Miss Lizzie was one ot the Waiters. Rheumatism, gout backache, acid poison, are resultB of kidney trouble. Hollistcr's Rocky -ilouataiu Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and tines when all else fails. 35 cents. A'he Hunter Drug Cj. Mrs. J. E. Rooker and Miss Ruth Weldou fspent Tuesday in-Henderson. Master Vance Ellington is Working for the Wairenton Railroad Company. D. II. Riggan has a new ndv. in 'It hie issue. Look it op and then visit his sto:o. - Miss Lucy Lufsey, of Smith Creek township, visited Miss Clara Davis last week. - . " FOR SALE. A new sewing machine. Call at The KeCokS afSce and "see the machine. . . . Miss Nan Jones returned to Greens boro on Wednesday the 20th. to resume her studies at the State 'Normal, Gov. R. B. Glenn, Col. Cuuuingham and others distinguished speakers will be here to address the farmers on 0;t. 7th. Warienton is building again. A brick rstore house on Main street, next to L,4The Hunter Drug Co." is being 'erec ted by Mr. Jerry Draper. - - . Mr. W. D. Rodgeis visited the Northern markets this week to bay fall goods. He will open up in his new store about the middle of Ojt. Then were more peop'o here last Thuisday to see the (show) street ia rade 'midthe auimals thau wo ever re member to have seen here before. W. B. Boyd & Co. have a View ware honse adv. this week. Read the adv. and then remember the "Old Reliable" when ye'a bring .3 oar tobacco to market. 'Mr. Jaa. T. Twitty and wife, of Buf falo, N. Y., arrived l ere last week 6j ppend the winter. Mr. Twitty brought j 17 o I his fiuu lidiii" horsea and ho anI i Mrs. Twitty will tist Jthem in fox huut j ii'g. ; , Mr. O. P. Shell, cf Heudf rson, was here this week calling upon onr raer chnhls. Mr. Sbell now represents th6 Sturgess fe Shell Co., of which he is a member. The linn has an authorised capital cf 30, 000. If you havn't seen The J. R. Pas schalls Co's. . stock of furniture von should see it at once. Everything " in firuitnro from 'Tile cradla to the grave". Over three hundred dollars worth sold in 10 days is a good record. The J. rpASCEALL CO. Mr. R. H. Sontherlaud, of Vance County, and Mrs. Sue Parharn, of Texas, were married. at the residence of Mr. R E. Williams, 'in Warren County, on Thursday, Sept. 21st. 1905, Rev. L. M, Cbaffiu officiating. The bride is a grand daughter of the late Dr. R. E. Williams. The Record ex tends best wishes. .The gieat V an Amburg Show gave a very clean performance i'li Warrentou on Thursday of last week. The large tent was full to its utmost capacity. The show people were above the aver age in many respects. Good order pre vailed in" town that day, and everybody seemed to be out for a good time. Mr. Van Arnburg is an expeueuced show man and he knows how -to please the people. : A Chapter of the daughters 6f the Confederacy was organized here Tues day. The name adopted was the William White Chapter. About 40 names were enrolled and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. V. L. Pendleton; vice-presfdent,; Mrs. A. E. Jones; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. P. J. Macon. Delegates to the State Convention which meets in Morgan ton on Oct. 4th. are, Mrs. A. E. Jones and Miss Sue White, alternates, Mrs. P. J. Macon and Mrs. R. J. Jones. Bargains iu remnants. We And after getting ni our imnieuse fa!l stock of dry goods and notions that we have lots of remnants that we proposo to clean up regardless ot coBt. . Worsteads, Flannels, Pants Cloth, Waistiugs, Out ings, Calicos, etc. They must be sold. Come early to get first pick as they cannot last '.Ong at our cut prices. The J. R. PASCHALL CO, me name" f ROGERS & SUR-ELIn REMEMBER THE PLACE: ) Also Remember: That it requires years of Experience, Ample Capital, the best Possible Lights and every acTeommodatiou for man and beast, to meet the re quirement for a first class warehouse, These we have and more. It is our wish to pfease our customers and wo do it. ; Just received one 6ar of Coo"king and Bleating Stoves ; nice line of Bardware, Gruns and Shells, at lowest prices. Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth at cost: . Can save you money on ' Roofing of any kiiicl. Send in your old heaters to be Yelined, before the Tush. ' . W, MULES and CO. PHONE 72. 3 0 0 , CD O O B xn The Empire Variety Store. JSTEr STORE. Star Grocery-, , PHONE KTO. il-EIJElY EIGGAN, jProprietoi ' Dealf r in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Corn, OiUs and ShipsLriff. . We make a specialty -.T ; cf Fine Candied, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. . Your -:- Patronage Solicitede S-b'rrTe Li ! Pr A few pieces of Lawn and summer goods, also a few pair of children's Tan and Black Slippers, at half price to close them out. Nice lot of Gimghams a id Percale juet received, also u nice line up-to date Shoes. Prices ritit. Don't forget that any of the stock bought of Rose-Hdliard Co-, still at and below cost, v .. B. C. MILLIARD. Phone No. 74. Dr. H. jNV Walters, Surgeon Dentist, 'Warren ton, North Carolina. 'Office opposite court house- irr Fleming Harris Building. I'hoiier: Cflice; Ko.9j Eedence; Ko.1 . Real MAN TAILORED Garments-lovely patterns; also Administrator's Notice. Ilaving qualified as adminislrator of Jerry Kearney, deceased, late of Warren County, N.C., this is to notify all persons having c laiius against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on pr before the ISth": day of Sept. 1006, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will "lease make im mediate payment. This ' the ' lJrtta. day. of Sept. 1905. XNO. PARKS. Administrator. PITT MAN & KK3R and T. POLK, Attys. BUSINESS jUUSH. The rush is oh and Wiirrenton it moving to the fron. Yon can already see the life the new e'nterpises bring. STOP AT ID. H. RIGGAN' S and see the life and energy that is going on in every department. LOW PRICKS ANt) GOOD QUALITY . are the drawing cards for our store. We handle Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats', Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Corn, Oats, Ship&tuff, Flour, Seed wheat and Rye, Va. Gray Oats rust proof? Anythig in this lino not in stock will be furmdied on short notice. Will make it to your interest to stop here with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. - D. H. RIGGAN. Dr. W. 'W. Taylor, . . Surgeon TDeiitist, Renders anv services included in the u .. ... . practice . of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay; and cast fillings according to the methods of 'to day. Office 'Phone 1 2. 27 6m Residence " 34. CAR NO. 1 SHINGLES. Corn, Corn Meal, Cotton. Seed Hulls, Cotton Seed Meal. Flour nd Meat. 2 or 3 Good Farm HorsaB on Hand. Two Tise well Fixtures Lelft. Yours truly, Warren Supply bo. Tax Notice. ATTENTION FARMERS! -AT- You find the BEST lights the MOST tobacco, the HIGHEST prices. I will be at the following places on, the dates named for the purpose of collecting taxes for the year 1905. Sandy Creek Toicnship, at Axtell, Tuesday, , Oct. 3rd. Shocco TownsJiip, E. Wins. Stbre, Wed nesday, Oct. ith. Fork Township, at Ikes, Thursday, Oct, : . 5fA. 'Ft8liin XJreik TincnsMp, at A .old; Frt . day, Oct, Gt7i. . Warrenton . TowiisJdp, ' at Warrentow, ' Saturday, Oct. "th. Fisldng Creek Township, at Grate Hiil Monday, Oct. 9th, Judkim Township, at Embro, Tuesday-, Oct. 10th. River Township, at Littleton, Wednesday, :: Oct. 11th. Roanoke Township, at Elains, Thursday, Oct. lWt. Sixpoiind Township, at Churchill, Friday . Oct. lUh. Wnrrenion Township, at Warrentdiv, Sattfrdag, Oct. 14:ft. Hawtrce Township, at Wise, Monday, Oct, . 16th. . . Smith Creek Township, at Oike, Tuesday Oct. nth, -NutbusJi Township, at Nutbtish, Wedhei' day, Oct. 18th. The tax bpok will not be in the offioe from Oct. 3rd, to Oct. 19th., except 6 A Saturdays. Very Respectfully, , Fy. E. DA7I3, Sheriff of Warren County INSURANCE. This seasons best greations. Fall Tailor made aud perfeo fitting new RIN COxTS Tary cheap. Men aud boy's suits iu new ami nobby patterns. A very huge voriety of septate pants-very attractive prices. TIITEI OF LADIES DRESS GOODS in the seasons most desirable fabrics and the prices are very reasonable. Another shipment of new shapes in men's hats direc' from factory. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES, !New Goods in every Department Hfi8H Warrenton-, C, is lyour aext mi FIRE and Li Yours truly Headquartefs. P. S. The most complete stcek of Buggies and Wagons iii Warren Ctunty. Having added to my omce a full line of first-class companies I re spectfully solicit a sh'are of you'r patronage . Prompt attention and thorough protection guai anteed; tlespectfully, R.T. WATSON. fjOfflcc in Centre Warehouse. You Can Have Your Eyes Fitted with yeglasses aj?d SPEC TA CLES a H. J. CORDLE'S JEWBLB7 ST6is, Littleton, N. C. Mr. Cordle is a graduated Optician and has the very finest instruments for testing yonr eyes. .'His prices aio moderate and work guaranteed. hss stood the test 25 years. Average Aswiua! Sales over One cad a Half MSion bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. - Kvvr-insea whh every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Black Root, Lsver . , .. ,mMlu. . U W.P..I-U. 1! !! if ft t 1 ! vt It if ii it n i! i I i n

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