rlF TT Tf IH Jf J H VOL. XI. WAREENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1905. NO. 31. J. n. PASCilALL, t-rt.sident. K.-H. MOSS, Man agar. E. I. BUGG, Sec . und Tress. AT THE TWO With ample capital, a thorough e want the tobacco and intend Dr. Hob. S. Booth, Warrenton, North Carolina. Ofliee Phone 69. Be sidence Phone 56-4 83-12m. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Jno. C. Bur well is here for a virile. Mr. Elliotte Shaw is clerkiag for The Stui Grocery. The Watson Transfer Co. have a dray on the streets. Don't forget the dates. Weldou Fair Oct. 21, 25, 26. 27. Mr, A. W. .Hall has returned froui Darlington, S. 0. . Everj day will be a big day. Weldon Fuir, Oct. 21th. to 27th. Dul you hrar Gov. GlenD's speech Saturday? It was fine. Mrs. Pattie Wainwrighfc, of KaleigU, is in the city visiting friends. Mrs. G. L. Knight, of Terrapin, is visiting at the homo of J. 0. Hardy. Pleasdie aud prolit tell th story of a few days spent at tho Fair at Waldou. Mr. W. D. Kodgers expeGts to move back to his old stand early nest week. Dr, Isaac Green, from Weldon, visi ted his mother, Mrs. Marv Uteeu Mou dny. Rev. 0. W. Robinson has just closed a very interesting inerting at Varren Plains. Miw? Bessie Green, of Weldou, is here with her grauduaother at tha post office. Dr. F. A. Macon and Mr. E. G. Davis, from Henderson, spent Sunday m the city. Mr. W. W. Parker, onr Optometerist and Eve Specialist, spent this week in. Richmond. Mrs. A. S. Pendleton and sou, from Henderson spent Sunday with Mrs. V. Ii. Pendleton. Mrs. McDonald, from Wilmington, is here visiting her nephew, Master Eugene Bonner. Mrs. Taylor has a now shipment of hats every few days. Come in and make youi selection, Mr. and Mis. W. W. Caserley, of Roanoke, Va., visited Mrs. T. M. Caserley this week. Mr. Draper's new brick building is going up very fast and promises to be quite iin attraction to Main street. The ladies of the Episcopal Church have recently purchased and placed in their church a beautiful iww carpet. Mr. E. L. Green is giving the side walks of the town some attention now, and is . greatly improving their con dition. , Mrs. Vau Williams and Miss Lena returned from Grand Rapids, Michi gau, Monday, where they have been eince July. lira. J. H. Jeffress, of Palmer's Springs, returned from Marion Satur day where she spent several weeks with ' uer sister, airs. J. v. Jjiauton. Editor T. R. Walker, of Littleton, was here last Saturday looking after the interests of his paper and to hear the Governor speak. Mr. J. W. Haitncock, of Littleton, visited his mother here last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Haithcock tells us that he will begin the publication of a paper in Littleton this week. We earry a full and complete line of buggy and wagou Harness, Bought a large lot of horse collars at old prices. Our prices will save you money. Every thing for everybody. The J. R. Paschall Company, Wise, N. C. No questionable games, and every thing is held to strict rules, to the end that no single patron of the Fair can have a single reason to complain. We never iorget you are our guests, and we refuse offers for privileges that we think mitrht not be to your interest. Weldon Fair. It makes no difference how long you have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, Hollister's Rocky fountain Tea will make you well. 35 ceuts. The Hunter Drug Co. - - WAEEENTON, N. C. knowledge of the business, the largest, best lighted and best equipped Warehouse in the State, to have it . Assuring our patrons the highest market prices, we are yours to srve . WREjNT FARMERS' WAREHOUSE COMPANY) R. H. MOSS, Manager. Mr. S. G. Daniel, of Littleton, wa3 here Tuesday. See new adv. of The J. R, Paschall Company iu another column. Mr. T. M. A?ittman, of Henderson, was he re on business Tuesday. Miss Nettie Kbdwell is it home this week to Bee her father who is confined to the house. Since the decline iu the price of cot ton very little is being offered for Bale on our market. Deputy Clerk, R. T. Watson, will have charge of the office during the sickness of Clerk Rodwell. Tobacco lias advanced all along the line from $1.00 per hundred to 5.00 per hundred dming the past week. Mr. J. J. Tar water returned from Norfolk, Va., yesterday, bringing with him a load of nice horses and mules for Tar water Bros. On account of the increased business at the Furniture Factory, Miss Sue White has been employed as steno grapher and typewriter. The little five mouths old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson, of Haw trt? died last Sunday morning. The Record extends svmpathy to the be leaved parents. Mr, Peter Arlington who left here Ip.st Satin day for New York City to work for the American Tobacco Co. in that city, ha3 been assigned to Iudia and will leave for that post in a short w hiie. Jnst received one car-load of Acme and Oid Gn!d Flour, bought on lowest market for cash. See us befoie buying Can save you money. The J. R. Paschall Companv, Wise, N. C. Last Saturday the W. H. S. foot ball teaui defeated the Rocky Mount eleven by score of eleven to nothing. The home team played a fast game while the ball was iu their posessiou, but the visitors were too slow for anything. William Terry anJ Torian Lea played the best game for VY. H. S. Mr. Frank Evarts Wilcox, of Norfolk, Va,, is expected here on Sunday next Li attend the marriage ceremonies of his sister, Miss Helen Leckie Wilcox to Mr. Frank R. Hawkins, ol Winouft, Miss., which will take place the even ing of October 18th 1905 at nine o'clock in Emmanuel Church. No cards in Warren county, Mr. Anthony Dowtin Harris, a promi nent -and hustling business man of Warrenton, N. C, was in the city a part of last week buying goods. Speak lug of improved conditions in his town and county, Mr. Harris said yoa can jadge a community's moral and busi ness conditions bj' its schools. Judging by that token you must pnfc Warrenton down as one of the best towns in the State and Warren couuty as one of the best counties. Of course, I know they are that, and have known it all the time, but I am just explaining how you cau find it out. There are splendid up-to date public schools all over the county and the graded school iu War rentou cannot be beaten auj where in the State. The old Warrenton Male Academy building, erected away back yonder in the days of old Bob Ezell, has been remodeled, practically re built, and made strictly up to date for this school. Warrenton ' private schools are considered umoug the best in the State." "Business: why certainly there is business aplenty there. It's one of the livest business towns going. We will sell over two million pounds of tobacco there this season. Most of our merchants buy their goods in Richmond and we regard this city as the best wholesale market we can hit. and then it is so convenient." Mr. Harris spent several days at the Lexington. Richmond Times Dispatch. . Hicks-Sgerton. The following invitations have been sent to friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Nicholas Egerton request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Minnie Weldon to Mr. Brantley Hicks on Wednesday evening, October the twenty fifth nineteen hundred and five at nine o'clock. , Methodist Episcopal Church Louisburg. North Carolina. Dr. II. !NV Walters, Surgeon Dentist, . " Warrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house in Fleming Harris Building. Phones: Cilice, No. 59; Re'dence, No. 66. a viii Sv ?en ROGUES & BUEWELL. REMEMBER f THE PLACE:) Also Remember: That it requires years of Experience, Ample Capital, the best Possible Lights and every accommodation for man and beast, to meet the re quirement for a first class warehouse, These we have and more. It is our wish to please our customers and we do it. .NEW Star HKNBY EIGGAN, Proprietor, Deal r in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Corn, Oiits and Shipsiufi". We make a specialty cf Fine Candied, Fruits, Cigars ana Tobacco. Your -:- Patronage -: Solicited. A few pieces of Lawn and summer goods, also a few pair of children's Tan and Black slippers at half price to close them out. Nice lot of Gimghaus aud Percale just received, also a nice line up-to date Shoes. Prices right. Don't forget that any of the stock bought of Eose-Hilliard Co. 6till at and below cost. ' Phone No. 74 Kenl MAN TAILORED Garments lovely patterns; also This seasons best greatious. Full Tailor made aud perfeo fitting new KAIN COATS vary cheap. Men and boy's suits in new and nobby patterns. A very large voriety of sepeiate pants very attractive prices. j " ' " XjIKTE OF 31iA.DIES DRESS GOODS in the' seasons most desirable fabrics and the prices are very reasonable. uother shipment of new shapes in QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. T"New Goods in every Department HI ly II BURWELL STOKE. a f 0 G g's a ce B. C. HILLIARD. men's hats direo from factory. "Warrenton, IT. C. ery, Just received one car of Cooking and Heating Stoves; nice line lowest prices. Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Cloth at cost; . any kind. Send in your old heaters to be relined, before the rush. 0 err- Pi CD P Q o rn 0 5 0 Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Jerry Kearney, deceased, late of Warren County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the JSth. day of Sept. I90f.or this notice-will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will nlease make im mediate payment. This the lfith. day of Sept. 1905. J Nil. rAttlva. AumiHistraior. PITTMAN &K.ERR andT. POLK, Attys. ATTENTION --AT- You find the BEST light, the MOST tobacco, the HIGHEST prices, Brag Yours Headquarters." P. S. The most complete stoek of Buggies and Wagons in Warren C unty, has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Salss over as and a Half Mfflfen bottles. Does this reccrd of merit appeal to you? Uo Cure, ho Pay. 5UC trico.-! liith evprv Lottie is a Ten. Cent, Dacka.e of Grove's Elcck Root Lwer Pills. Jr. A. MILES and CO. The Empire Variety Store. BUSINESS RUSH. The rush is on and Warrenton ifc moving to the fron. You can already see the life the new enterpises bring. stop at D. H. RiGGAN'S - and see the life and energy tLat is going on in every department. LOW PRICES AND GOOD QUALITY are the drawing cards for our store. We handle Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Flour, Seed wheat and Rye, Va. ' Gray Oats rust proof? Anythig in this line not in stock will be furnished on short notice. Will make it to your interest to stop here with us.- Satisf action guaranteed. D. H. EIGGAN. Dr. "W. Taylor, Surgeon IDexrtist, lienders anj services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay ; and cast fillings according to th,e methods of to-day. Office 'Phone f 2. 27fim Residence" 34. FARMERS! truly, Oil - .ii.. i 8 a of Hardware., Guns and Shells, a f, Can save you money on Roofing of PHONE 72. CAE NO. 1 SHINGLES. Corn, Com Meal, Cotton Seed Hvills, Cotton Seed Meal. Flour and Meat. 2 or 3 Good Farm Horses : on Hand. Two Tise well . Fixtures Left. Yours truly, Warren Supply Co Sals cf Lands "by Commissioner. r By virtue of the authority conferred on me by a decree of the Superior Court of Warren County. State ot North Carolina, rendered on the 25th day of Sept. 1905, In a Special Pro ceeding pending therein entitled: Mary B. flu pse1!, widow of E. H. Russell, deceased, A.B.Russell. Alice R. Rodwell. and J. H. Rodwell. her husband. Jas. II Russell, Thos. H.Russell. Edwin H. Russell and Marv.-V. Russell (the three last named beinsc minors and represented by R. B. Boyd, their duly appointed next friend) ex. parte, I will, on M onday. the. 6th. day of November 1905, at 13 o'clock M.. It being the first Monday In said month, sell at the Court House door in War renton, N.C.. at public auction, the land hereinafter described, to. the highest bidder, upon the following terms, to wit: One-third (Q rash, one-third (J) in six months from the day of sale, and one-third () la twelve, months from the day of sale, bonds tobJ exe cuted by the purchaser for said deferred pay ments, bearing interest from the day of sale at the rate of six per centum per annum, payabie annually, and secured by Deed of trust on the tract or tracts of land bought by said purchaser at said sale. Under the authority conferred upon me in said decree I reserve the right to sell at private sale, as a whole or in lots, the last one of the tracts hereinafter described before said day of sale hereinbefore mentioned. The tracts or par cels of land to be sold on the above men tioned date are described as follows, viz: ONK TRACT " Being an andivided one-third () interest in and to that certain tract of land contain ing 28 acres, more or less, known as the Six pound Jlills. or the Milam Mill tract, said tract being bounded as follows: On the North by the lauds of W. G. Egartoa. ou the South by the lands belonging to the estate of Horace Palmer, deceased, on the East by the lands belongiiig to the estate of said Horace Palmer, deceased, and the lands of Tom Goode, and on the West by the lands of V7. G. Kgerton. and the land3 of the estate of said Ilorace Palmer, deceased. - ANOTHER TRA.CT - Being nine-twentieths (9-20) undivided in terest in a certain tract of land containing 264 acres, more or less, known "as Cotton fact, which is bounded as follows.: On the North by Roanoke River, ou the South by the lands of J. J . Rodwell and the lands of J. T. Rodwell, on the Base by the lands of said J. J. Rod well, an i on the West by lands belong ing to the estate of Horace Palmer. deceased, lands of Weldon Robinson and lands of Tom CJoode. ANOTHER TRACT Known as the the old Jas.T. Russell place, and bounded as follows: On the East, by the lands of S. P. Read, the lands' ot Clem K. Edwards and the lands of Mrs. M. J. Hayes ; on the South by the lands of John Hilliard, the lands of Dr. T. li Williams and the lands of W. P Russell - on the North by the lands of James Jefliess aud on the West by the lauds of V . D. Newman and the 'and;) of John ii. Bullock, containing 900 acres, more or less. This the 4th day of Octobir 1905. TASKER POLK, Commissioner, INSURANCE. FIRE and LIFE. Having added to my office a full line of first-class companies I re spectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Prompt attention and thorough protection guaianteed. Rpsp'jctfully, R. T. WATSON. fjyOffice in Centre Warehouse. KCLLtSTER'S ffocky Mountain Tea Nuggeis A Busy Kediciae for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Llv . and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab set form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by. TIoLUSTiiB Drug Company, Madison, Wis. uGLDEN 'NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE - . i.m i-ni.piii.. m I in 4 4 1 4 a -If

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