VOL. XI. WAKRENTOiN, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1905. NO. 32. J. R. PASCHALL, President . R. II . MOSS, Manager. I. BUGG, Sec. and Treas. J r . "'.' :-' r " ,sf")i " Wa rren .tarmen WARREN TON, N. C. With ample capital, a thorough knowledge of the business,' the largest, best lighted and best equipped " Warehouse in the State we want the tobacco and intend to have it. Assuring our patrons tha highest market prices, we are yours to srve. R. H. MOSS, Manager. Just received one car of Cooking and Heating Stoves; nice line of Hardware, Guns and Shells lowest prices. Screen Boors, Windows and Wire Cloth at cost. Can save you money on Roofing -t any kind. Send in your old heaters to be relined, before the rush. v A. MILES and CO PHONE 72. Dr. Bob. S. Booth, Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Office Phone C9. Residence Phone 56-4 S3-12m. LOCAL ITEMS Hold your cotton. The Weldon Fair. Liv6 merchtiuts advertise. Tiie bird law will uot bo out until Nov. 1st. Mies Estelle Davis is visiting in Ral eigh this w-t:k. YYc are compelled to uso the red peiicil some this week. Our merchants tell us that they are enjoying a good fall trade. Mi. B. W. Ballard, of Fraukliuton, is visiting the Misses Parker. Mr. Willis H. Allen, of Cokes, is cleikiug for Mr. B. C. Milliard. The Weldou Fair next week. Wed rehdny and Thursday are the big days. Sir. Willie J. White, of Texas, is here ou a visit to his mother, Mrs. Siu White. There has been very good breaks of tobacco this week. Prioes me holding up well. Mr. J. Wiley Harris will clerk for Mr. W. D. Ri'dgers during the fall wnths. ih'ie was a heavy frost Thursday naoiuiug of ImsC week. Soma littlo tLna:ige was done. Dr. E M. Gayle, of -Philadelphia, v;:s heie this week to attend the Ha'V kiua-Wileox marriage, Mr. L. W. Aston left yesterday for Atlanta. Gu., to resume his stuiiieB iu the Atlanta Dt-utul Cullegt. Mrs. Snc B. White returned Monday frtiu a visit to her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Calmer, in Soath Uaroliun. Mrs. Geo. W. D'ivis, Misses Lizzie Cheek and Belle Davis, of Areola, were iu towu shopping Monday and paid Tbe RacoiiD office a pleasant call. Mr. David Taylor aud Miss Blanche Taylor, both of South Hill, Va., drove over to Wurrenton Sunday evening and were married at the Norwood House fiuiiday night by Rev. T, J. Taylor. Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, Icidney and liver chsoders, and all stomach troubles positixely cured by using Hollieter's Rocky fountain Tea. 35 ceuts, Tea or Tabets The Hunter Drug Co. Presiding Elder, Rey. G. F. Smith. will preach at the M. E. Church heie on the 5th. Sunday night. Quarterly conference for the Warrenton circuit will be held the following Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Our Chief of Police, E. L. Green, had quite an exciting chase Monday evening after a mad dog. He overtook the dog at long bridge, about two miles from town and shot it to death. Several clogs in town were bitten by the mad dog. Big foot ball gams between Warren ton High Sahool and. Franklin, Va., Friday, the 27th. at Weldon Fair Grouuds. Franklin will be a "stiff pioposition" for our boy and we Bhould turn out in full force and "root" for our side. Sheriff R. E. Davis finished his rounds for collecting taxes yesterday aud the tax book can now be found at his ofSoe iu the Court house, where the sheriff oi his deputy. Ed. Petar is ready, uuxions and willing to give a receipt for your taxes. Warrenton vs. Franklinton. Foot ball Friday, Oct. 27th. at Weldon Fair. From information we have received the Franklin people will turn out in f nil force and Warrenton will as she usually floes, bo oi) the spot to look after the interest of their boys'. The hunting season eoon begins. We have a fall supply of 'ammunition;, also sme nice single .and ,3nble ,ba.rell guns. See our stock before making Jour tall purchase. The J. R. Paschall Company, Wise, N. C. , It makes no difference how long you have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver -and kidney troubles, Uollistei-'a Rocky fountain Tea will make you well. 35 oefct. The Huatei Drug Oo. ; Mr. Buxton W. Hunter is here. See new adv. of W. W. Parker's. See now adv. of The J.. R. Paschall Company iu this issue. Mr. W. B. Boyd is visiting - Mrs. A. u. Andrews in naieign. Mr. J. A. Damermon wut to Will iamstou this week on business. M iss Ethel Allen visited in P.alcigh this week and took in the fair. Mis Jauet. Hawkins, of Ridgeway, was a visitor in town this week. Miss Sydnor Williams, of Ridgeway, visited relative iu town this week. Miss Sal lie Allen, from Ridgeway, visited at Mr. E. S. Allen's this week. Miss Mary Bullock, of Nutbush, was here this week to attend the -Hawkins Wih;ox nuptials. Miss Mattie Brown returned Tuesday from a visit of several days to friends in Halifax county. See Mrs. Caserley'B adv. on the 4u page. She is offering a present to eaoli of her customers. Miss Lula Eitkeus, an experienced milliner, of "Baltimore,. is with Mrs. T. M. Caserley this season. Mr. Judd, from Henderson, with his sister, Misi Mary, were visitoisut Mrs. J. C AloCraw's thisweok. Mr. Win. F. Williams, Jr., an old resident of Warrenton. but now of Baltimore, visited here hisi week. Mr. A. W. Falkener and sister, Mrs. W. K. Parker, of Goldsboro, vre here to attend the Hawkiud- Wiluox marriage. Msdaines. Marion and Roa John ston and Muss Johnston, fioni ljittletou, a ere guests in the city last Thursday. Mrs. D. fl. Riggan has been at NVr- hm this vek ufc the bed side of her brother, Mr. W. H. Hheaiiu, who is critically ill. There will be preaching at the Bap tist church every night next week byj Dr. W. U. Tyree, of Raleigh. All are eordiatly invited to attend. An interesting meeting waa held in Warren Plains Baptist church last week. Rnv. M. A. Adams assisted the pastor. Sixteen were added to the chill ch- RE MEMBER THE NAME: REMEMBER ( THE PLACE i.) EOGEES & BURWELL. y Oil 1 0 'a a a Also Remember: That it requires years of Experience, Ample Capital, the beet Possible Lights and every accommodation for man and beast, to meet the re quirement for a first class warehouse. These we have and more. It is our "wish to please our customers and wo do it. ins Th Empire Variety Store. bixsikess rush.: NEW STORE. Grocery, The danghters of the Confederacy are earnestly requested to meet in the Methodist church uext Tuesday even ing at 4 o'clock for the transaction of important business. Just received a nice line of ladies jackets and wraps. All tha newest Btyles at the right prioes. See them. The J. R. Paschall Company, Wise, N. C. The 4th. quarterly conference oi the Warren Circuit will be held with Shady Grove church on Saturday and Sunday, 28th. and 29th. inst. A full attendance of the ofiicial board is de sired. At the residence of the fcride's mother, near Warrenton, on the after noon of Oct. 18th. Miss Lilly Pearce and Mr. Cleveland Hicks were united in marriage, Revr T. J. Taylor officia ting. We carry a full line of one and two horse wagons; also a heavy - stock of collars, bridles, reins, wagon and buggy harness. Cash or credit. .. The J. R. Paschall Company, Wise, N. C. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisements of T. V. Allen. You will find one on this page and the other on the 4th. page. Mr. Allen lias the largest stock of furniture ever shewn in this town. It is pretty and up-to-date stuff. Read his advertise ments and then go to see him. Our word for it, he will treat you all right. There will be a special train from Franklinton to Weldon. next Thursday, Oct. 26th. on account ot .'the Weldon Fair. The following schedule aud rates will be in effect: Ridgeway. 7:59 a. m.. $1.75; Noilina, 8.05 a. m., 1,70; Warren Plains, 8:10 a. m., $1.65; Macon. 8:19 a. m 01 SO.cVHUghau, 8:3 a. m., $1.25; Littleton ,8:41 a.,m.t 81.15. These rates include one admission to the fair grounds. The train will leave Weldon in the evening of the same day at 6:30 p.m. .- ETKlNTJElY RIGGAN, Proprietor, Dealt r in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Corn, Oats and BhipsiuiT. We make a specialty cf Fine Caudies, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. Your -: Patronage -:- Solicited. Administrator's Notice. . Having qualified as administrator of Jerry Kearney, deceased, late of Warren County. N. C, this is to notify, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the ISth. day of Sept. 100G,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will.nlease make im mediate payment. This the lutli. day or !ept. 1305. JiNU. rAis.. Administrator. PITTMAi ifc KBiR Wnd T. POLK, Attya. rne rnsn is on and warrenton n moving to the fron. Yoji can already see the life the new ehterpises brifig. STor at D. H. RIGGAN' S and see the life and energy that is going on iu every department. L0 W PRICES AND GOOD . QUALITY are the drawing cards for our store. We handle Dry Goods, Shoes, Hatf, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Frnits, Vegetables, Com, Oats, Ship&tuff, Flonr, Seed wheat and Rye, Va. Gray Oats rust proof? Anythig in this hue not in stock will be furnished on short notice. Will make it to your interest to stop here with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. II. HIGGAJT. " ..Dr.W..W.' Taylor, Surgeon IDerLtist. , Benders any services included in the practice of Dentistry., Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay ; aud cast fillings according to ' the methods of. to-day.-'-. Ofhce Phone ; 2. 27 6m Residence ' 34. " in rices. ATTENTION FARMERS! A few pieces of Lawn and summer goods, also a few pair of children's Tan and Black Clippers at half price to close them out. Nice lot of Giuighams-aud Percale just received, also a nice line np-to date Shoes. Prices right. Don't forget that any of the stock bought of Kose-Hilliard Co. still at and below cost. B. C. HILUARD. -AT-- TTOT CAR NO. 1 SHiNGLES. Corn, Corn Meal, Cotton Seed Halls, Cotton Seed Meal. Flour and Meat. 2 or 3 Good Farm Horsis ' on Hand. Two Tise well Fixtures Left -Yours truly, Warr&n Supply Co. Phone No. 7 Dr. H. 1"; AVnltbrs, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton', North Carolina. Office opposite court house .in Fleming Harris Building. , ' . , PJioies: jUiUc;rS65'J ; ils'daaae ,.-ilo. -6a Nbw Shifts 'tiss wb 'Beal M AN TAILORED Ga-mente lovely patterns; also This seasons best greations. Full Tuilor made and perfeo fitting new KIN COATS vary cheap. Men and boy's suits in new and nobby patterns. A very large voriety of sepeiato pants very attractive prices. TIISTES OF 3Li.3DIJE3S in tkefeehons most desirable fabrics and. the prioes are very reasonable. Another shipment of new shapes iu.men's hats direc from, factory. IJISM QUAlilTY SHOES; $m m eVery Department - " " - You find the BEST light, the MOST tobacco, the HIGHEST prices. Salo of Lands by Commissioner. By virtue of the authoritv bv a degree of the Sunerini n.urt; nt -.o.- Couiity. State oi North Carolina, rendered vii me ta-ii uay ui opi. jauo, in a special Fro-.-ceedniR pending therein entitled: Mary B Kusse'l, widow of H.. H. Russell.1 rfocwitaA A.B.Russell. Alice R; Rod well, and J. H Rodwell. her husband. Jaa. H Ruqacll tk H.Russell. Edwin H.' Russell and Marv v" and represented by R. B. Bo?d.their rim. appointed next friend) ex. parte.' I i will, on M onday. the 6th. dav of Novemher ions io o'clock M., it being the first Mondav in sniA month, sell at the Court House door In War renton, jn. at puoiic auction, the land hereinafter described, to the hichest hirM.- upon the following terms, to wit: One-third () '"ash, one-third () in six months from the day of sale, and one-third (U) in- t.wiv months from the day of sale, bonds to h exe cuted by the purchaser for said deferred pay ments, bearing interest from the day of sale at the rate of six per centum per annum, payabie . annually, and secured by Deed of trust on the tract or tracts of land boHtrht hi said purchaser at said sale.- Under the authority conferred, upoai me in said decree I reserve the riarht to sell at private sale, as a. whole or in lats, th. last one of the tracts hereinafter described before said day of sala hereinbefore mentioned. The tracts or nar- celd of land to be sold on the- above .men tioned date are deiisabed as follows, viz: ONE TRACT . Being an andivided one -third (VS)interest :n and to that certain tract of landcontain inj! 2S acres, more or less, known as the .Six pound Mills, or the Milam Mill tract, said Tact being bounded a rollows: On tha North by the lands of W. G. Egarton, on the .South bythe lahds,belouging of the estate of Horace Palmer, deceased, on th East by the lands belonging to the estate of said Horace Palmer., deceased, and the lane- of Tom iioode, and on the West by the-- lans, of W. ii. Egerton and the .land of the sitace of said llorace Palnier, deceased. ANOTHER TRACT Being nine-twentieths (9-20) undivided in terest in a certain- tract of land, containing 204 acres, more or less, known as Cotton tract, which is bounded aa follows: On the North by Roanoke River, ou the South by the lands of J. J . Rodwell and the lauds of J. T. Rodwell, on the Ease by the lands of said J. J. Rodwell, ant on the West ty lauds belong ing to the estate of Horace Palmer, deceased, lands of Weldon Robinson and lands of Tom Goode. , ANOTHER. TSACr Known as the the old Jas.T. Russell place, and bounded as follows: On the East bythe lands of S. P. Head, the lands oi Clem R. iidwards and the lands of Mrs. M; J. Hayes on ihe South by the lands of John Hilliard the lands o" Dr. T. B Williams and the ianan of W. P lu sell; on the North by the lands cf James Jel,T--ss and on the West by the lanr'g of V . D. fievvman'and the "and.; of John G, Bullock, containing 90; acres, more or less. This the 4th day of Octobir 1905 T AS KER POLK, Commissioner.. INSURANCE. FIRE and LIFE. ITours truly , vtHeadquartefs," Having added to my office a ful line of tirst-ciasa companies I re spectfully solicit a share of. yonr patronage . Prompt attention and thorough protection guaianteed. Respectfully, . . V: R. T. WATSON. f;S-Office in Centre Warehouse. HOLLISTER'S gocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy MeJioiue tot. fixity People. Brings Ooldoa Seftlth and RMiewed Vigor. A specific Tor Constipation, Indigestion, Live nn.l Kiiinev Troubles. Pimnles. Eczema. Impure Slodd, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache P. S. The'most complete stoek of Buggies and Wagons in Warren Ct unty. . - md Baclcache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea m tab let form,- 95 cents a box. Genuine made by Holmster. Drco CoMWJnr, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS tOfR. SALLOW PEOPLE - jam . wm -- . fw v fOtt n XS lux stood the test 25 years. Avenge Aimfeles over One a Half i,fo Tirae this rscorci ox mem a&E-eai 10 yu r 7 dosed th every bottle is a Tea Ceat. packege of Grove's Blcck Root, i7aiifent6i; IT. C.

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