VOL. XI. varrenton;n. cu Friday, NoyEMBER 10, 1905. NO. 35. NOTICE WANTED. lOOO pounds of shucks. Apply at Thk Record offloe. Tf this Space Has tne ea A. mars We invite tbe attentiou of oar readers n it it IS tO inform you tHat yOUr to tho adveitisemeuU Of The J. R. is out. and unleSS re- Paschall Co., or Wise. They have the A V A naner will be StotTJed. goods and are selling them. newou wv Dr. Hob. S. Bootli, Dentist, Warrenton, Narth Carolina. Oflice Phone 69. Residence Phone 50-4 83- 12m. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. B. P. Tercll returned from Phtlaielphia last Saturday, where he went for lha purpose of looking after a new engine for the Warreutou Rail road. The County Commissioners will meet in special session next Monday to draw a jury for the special terhi ot Warren Superior Court, which will convene Deo. Uth. Mr. John town. White speut Sunday in Mr. Cary A. Williams, of Ringwood, had auother large lot of tobacco ou sole at Hovd'n Wnt-plinnsH Wif1neHliiV- Mr Mr. Hubert Alston has been at home Wi,ham8 kuows wbere to 8ell for this week. ' - i a ? 3 See W. VY. i'arKer s mieresiingauv. in this issue. Read the advertisements that yon find in The Record. Mr. L. B. Ettloa, of Washington, D. C., was here Monday. . About six weeks and then Christmas. Would you believe it? The Bank of Warren 'opened for business Monday morniug. Hon. G.Daniel, of Littleton, was here yesterday on business. highest prioos. The B"oard of Education was in special session Monday, but no busi ness of public interest was transacted. There was some little wrangling over the changing of several school districts. Married. Nov. 5th., at the Court tibuse, Mr. Robt. A. Walker and Miss Linn a B. Thompson, A. S. Webb, J. P., officiating. Both of the contracting parties were from Lunenburg county, Ya. Mr. J. J. Tarwnter has returned from Norfolk withganother calf load of mce Par Bridal and in DWARE Mrs. Peter Arringtonis her visiting horses and mules. Tirwatea Bros, iu her mother, Mrs. Pendleton. Sheriff J. R. Patterson, of Halifax county, was here Wednesday. Don't fail to hear the Boston Orches tral Company on Nov. 20th. Mr TV FT. Moss SDent Sunday with s - his. family at Clurksville, Va. Mrs. A. B. Spencer Is here from Oi ford, at Mr. S. P. Fleming's. Miss Pattie Boyd from Littleton, visited relatives in the city this week. Mr. A. A. Williams. Of New York City, was at home a few days last week. Send your job work to The Rfcord jo'o office. We are prepared to do your Work. Mies Ida Allen, after epfcuding some lime, returned to Rideeway lust Sunday. Miss Mumh. Alston is visiting in Edgf combe county, the guer.t of Mrs. EliuR Carr. Mrs. C. N. Williams and litth daughter, joined Mr. Williams hen last Friday. The well on the Warrenton -Nothing given so much satisfaction as Jewelry, Watches, Sliver ware, Cut glass &a., and we have the largest stock in NORFOLK. Call if convenient. If .not, we will give yon satisfaction by mail. Goods sent on approval to responsible people. 190 Mam Street, PA LtL'S, NORFOLK, VA Norfolk's- Leading' Jewelry Store. CCyWrite for Catalogue. Just received one car of Cooking and Heating Stoves; nice line of Ilardwarej Guns and Shells, at lowest prices. Screen Boors, Windows and Wire Cloth' at cost; Can save you money on Roofing of any kiud. Send in your old heaters to be relined, before th6 rush . - L- W. A. MILES and CO PHONE 72. REMEMBER h THE NAME REMEMBER THE PLACE: EOGERS & BURWELL. C B . High Krdiool eronnds will be ready for use " r - in a short time. Mrs. Kate Peete is spending the week ill Philadelphia with her son, Dr. Chaa. H. Peete. V. at Dr. Win. Fleming anl Mrs. A. Flvmiiig speut part of this week Palmer's Springs. Tobacco breaks have been light this week. Prices are about the same if anything a little higher. Mr. Byron Ford from Dunn is in the city this week. He is representing the Washington Lifo Iusurauce Co. Mrs. V. L. Pendleton had for her guest this week, Mrs. S. 1. Twitty from Oxford Female Seminary. Mrs. J. C. McCrtiw with her little daughter, left last Friday lor Bristol, Teun.. for a couple of months visit to Irer mother. The meetings tfe M. E. Church have good crowds every night, and if .von have not heard the Rev, Mr. Hall go to night. Our people, m any of them, are sell- iDc their tobacco with Wanenton's t,old warhoise," Walter Boyd, at very Batisfactory priceB. Hurrah for "Head Quarters. " Ringwood ccrresdoudent to Enfield Ledger. Mr. Ed. Ferar has accepted a po sition as salesman tor Mr. D. H. Rig gau, one' of our leading merchants Ed. says he is with Riggan to sell goods and would be glad to see his friends, whether they expect to buy or not. The ladies of the Tuesday Afternoon and Van Dyke Book . Clubs are es pecially invited to hear Dr. Hume's lecture Friday night. The lecture, while not practically addressed to the members of these clubs, will be of interest to them. Iu another column will be found art announcement of W. D. Rodger's. He has recently moved back to his old (new) stand and will be glad to see his friends. Mr. Rodgers has a nice stock of goods and some raie bargains for he bought his goods early in the fall. The Riots in Russia are attracting world wide attention and seem to be growing eveiy day. On low prices are attractine the attention ot the public We can convince the most skeptical that our urices are right. Cotne and inspect our stock. The J. R. Paschall Co. Wise, N. 0. 3any children inherit constitutions Weak ank feeble, others due to child nood troubles. Hollister's Rocky jbuii tain Tea will positively cure children nntl trmlrA them stronc. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. The Hunter Drug Co. form us that they have sold the entire car load of horses and' mules they re ceived last week. ? See local adv. A series of meetings began iu the M. E. Clurch Monday night. The pastor is assisted of by Rev. Juo. H. Hall, of Rockingham. Two sermons a day are preached at i o'clock iu the afternoon uud aeam at 7:30. Mr. Hall is preach ing some good sermons. We take the following item from Riuarwood Correspondence to Ihh Enfield Ledger of last week. The item was wntten by "Clud Hopper is us fo'.lows: ''This week we sold to ... bacco iu Warrenton with that same Old Warhoi'se." Walter Boyd. It is worth the while with any man to see and hear "Old Man Walter run a to bacco fcalei Hon. John Phillips Sousa, the great b.ud master, is ou Ins annual limiting vacation to Warren couuty, aud is stop ping with Mr. W. A. Couueh in tort township. Mr. -ousa is aojonip&oiod by his wife aud two daughters, hU sou d his wife, ami hlS valet. Mr. Sousa olfc.i lma with him some imported bird dogs aud his fine riding horses. A big real estate de.d envolving a larger amount of land ami ft givater sum of money than usual in tho cmrd of such transactions was effectod here yesterday. It was the lamous ''Largo" place in Warren County that changed hauds, Mr. Thomas H. Wliituker, of Franklin County, beiug the purchaser. The property which is situated 9 miles from Hondersou aud 8 miles from War renton was advertised to be sold at public auction by Mr. Harry S. Jen kins, of Baltimoro. But before , tbe hour of sale it was sold privately to Mi. Whitaker. Mr. Jenkins was here to look after the matttr iu person, lbe tract contains 3,100 acres and much of if. ia wt.ll timbered. It ' waft sold for 18,000 and competent judges say Mr. Whitaker got a bargain, xieuuersou Gold Leaf, Chief of Police E. L. Green was vry ounxBsiifnl last week m workiusr up a OUVWW"J" " strong case agaiust Ed. Davis for steal - iur a lot of personal property from the students of the Warrenton .. High School. For quite a while the young men have been missiug things from their rooms and this had gone ou until it was unbearable. Just before Ed. Davis was - arrested . a pearch of his house was made and eleven pocket Also .Remember: That it requires years of Experiencf , Ample Capital, the best Possible Lights and very accommodation for mau and beast, to meet the re-, qnirement for a "first class warehouse. These we have and more. It is our wish to please our customers and we do it. P CD e-r- o to I I 5: CO TO O o CD NEW STORE. The Star r o c e f y PHOISTE No. 76 EEIDlSriY HIGGN, Proprietor, Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Cnrn, Oats and ShipsLuff. We make a specialty cf Fine Candied, Fruits, Cigar's ana Tobacco. Your -:- Patronage -:- Solicited. Are you a Constitution agent. Is there a good Ohe at your Post Office? Did he ever solicit your subscription? If your field is not fully occupied write to-day for an agency. The best propo sition ever rnade to canvassers. Live agents wanted oil over Carolina. Sub soriptions easy to take, money in your pocket foi every order. Write to-Vtay. The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ob The Empire Variety Stofe. BUSINESS RtJSHV ' The rush is Oil and Warrenton; it moving to the froii. ion can already see the life the new enterpises bring. " STOP AT-4- D. H. RIGGAN'S . and see the life, and energy tLat is going on in every department. i LOW MittiFS AND GOOD QUALITY; are the drawing cards for our store... We haudle Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Hpavy and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Flour, Seed wheat and Rye, Va. Gray Oats rust proof? Anythig iu this lino hot in stock will be furnished on short notice. Will make it to your interest to stop here with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. H. RIGGAN. :.;. ; Dr. W. Baylor, , Surgeon . IDentist, Renders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay; and cast fillings according to the methods of to-day. Office 'Phone f 2. 27 6m - Residence 34. Ml mm. CAE NO. 1 SHINGLES. Corn, Corn Meal, Cotton Beed Hulls, Cotton Seed Meal. Flour and Meat. 2 or 3 Good Farm Horses on Hand. Two Tise well Fixtures Left. Yours truly Warren Supply Co. . J. W. PERRY CO., Cotton Factors Some C u t n oe 8. A few pieces of Lawn and summer goods, also a few pair of children's Tan and Black Slippers at half price to close them out. Nice lot Of Gimghams and Percale just received, also a nice line up-to date Shoes. Prices right Don't forget that any of the stock bought of Rose-Hilliird Co. still at and below cost. B. C. MILLIARD. Phone No. 74 ATTENTION FARMERS! AT- 'V" . Norfolk, Va., Nov. 8, 1905. COTTON. Steady.; - Strict middling 11 33 Middling.. ........v... . 111-4 Strict low middling........ 11 1-8 Low middling ........... ll ' Tinges..;... .i.i Steins .......... Blues. . . . .......... ...... i, PEANUTS. Faucy-.....i..i;li...t. . Strictly prime .... "i i..,int Prime ............ i . i . . .. i . i v Low grades Machine picked i Spanish c per bushel. B. E. PEAS. $3.20 per bag. Black & Speckle Peas $1 per busheU Clay & Red Peas $0.90 per bushel. G"68 in. 8 ox. Bags in bales. 10 Boyd s se kniVes, two razors, two pistols, soma table knives and forksj belonging to the boys were found in his poseesion. fjiiui- mi tvsn nice- erold watches Were traced directly to Davis. A mliminarv trial before Justice R. T. Watson was given Davis Friday even- a 1 . . . ,1 nmW yirilivt ltl inn nnrl nfl was uuuuu uvci the sum oi ft nve uuuureu uuimi uwi.w, which he could not give and is now in jail. .., - . . Flour is. 'advancing and may go higher. We expect anotner car oi inai rfilmhle brand "Acme" aud "Old Gold" flour this week. See us before buying. We bougtot it right. ' The J. R. Paschall Co. ' Wise, N. C. ' Real MAN TAILORED Gfitrmentslovely pattorus; alsd arehou You find the BEST light, the MOST tobacco, the HIGHEST prices. FULL This seasons oest greations. Full Tailor-made and perfed fitting hew RAIN CO AT& vary cheap. Men and boy's suits in new aud nobby patterns, A vfeiry large voriety of sepeiate pants-very attractive prices. d load. ... Administrator's ' iJotitid. Having Qualified as adminietraWr of MIfs Frances Drake, deceased, lace of Warren C, N. C, this Is to notify all persons having clai ms aeainst the estate of said deceased ta exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 8th. day of Nov. 1906, or this notice will be.plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will nlease make im mediate payment. This Uth. a ay of Nov. 19um W.P.KODWELL, Admr. Piitnian & Kerr, Attjs. W. W. PARKER, yo Specialist, WARRENTON X.e. Don't ruin your eyes With cheap and unproperly fitted Spectacles Or allow, the peddler and traveling great Doctor: Of eye to. deceive you. If ydnr eyed trduble yoii rriy s5intinc methods of adjusting glasses will give relief and comfort;, Charges reasonable, consul tation freei . WANTED. 400 sheep. H. T..MACC-N. Yburs truly i W. D. RODGERS linn moved in his new stor6 and. says n,nn ;a hniter rn-eDired to serve the trade than ever before. He has en larged his stock itt every department Bought befpi;e the advance share the profits with you. thank you to give him a Call. and He will will Dr. II. 3ST. Wnlter, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house in Fleming Harris Building, Phones: Office, Ko. 69; Evidence, No. 66. DRESS GOODS . in the seasons most desirable fabrics and the prices are very reasonable. Another shipment of new shapes in men's hats diree from factory. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. CrNew Goods ifl Vry Department ... - leoiinf Go. 4Headquarters.5' P. S." Thpjmost (Jompiete stoek of Btlggies and Wagons in Watren Cc unty. INSURANOB FIRE and LI Having added to my office a ful line of first-class companies I re epectfully solicit a share of youf patronage; Prompt attention and thorough protection guaianteed. Resp"Jtfullyv R.T.WATSON. ' Office in Centre VVareUouse. ' Tharv-Allah Grove's Tasteless CMS! tome has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales ever one ana a wan inuuoa fcnttle. IWies this record of merit aoaeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. EndoseJ with every totfle U a Tea Cast, package of Grove's Black Root. Uver Fan. 50c

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