VOL.. WARRENTON; N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER'S, 190 pr. BoK S. 33ootli, Warren tou, North Carolina. ... Phone 50-4 .jdeiiL-f ' 33- 12m. LOCAL ITEMS a crow (is attended court Mou ud Tuesday. jj,s Susan Eads is ou a visit iorela i. w;u !i' Mills. jjni Viss Pell Uleiueuts visited m town i .,...1 ftn n.lflV. ataraa Hjrs J. T. Rowland and son, are here f(,r'8 visit to her relations. Lnev Scoggiu is located in liev Vrs. ' (fbome, the C. A. Cook .place, (fa wore giad to bav; Judge V. A. jloutgomery among us this week. Editors Vulkerai;d Baithcoeli, of Jjjjiotou- sti-eudel,30ui t this week. jjrs. Sue B. White and daughter, j!5S XuJinit , visited Washington City jliijweek. jis. W. H. Burwell and daughter, hum Wood worth, visited Sirs. M. P. jOnrwt.ll recently. Pr. R. S. Booth has moved into his Bf(r residence recently purchased of jit. J. L. Rod well. Dr. II.. N. Walters . returned from fluiida Wednesday and is ready for jusnifS3 again. Miss Nannie Graham, f rom Va , visi eJiuthe city Monday and Tuesday, ie cut'st of Miss Henrietta Booth. Miss Aunie Lewis Moseley, nd fr brotl e Srrom Va., vihited'Mr. H. A. iis ir-y, Tneday and Wednesday. tu-re baa been no less than 1500.00 ctiii of fruit tiees delivered in War litou during the past thtee Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kearney Williams, i Grand Rapids, Mich., , are in the tv sit his mother's, Mrs. Van Wii anis. The Warreiiloa Tobacco market will Friday evemug the 2"2:id. and 5. NO. 40. ill open lor the sale of ToLacco on ubi.ary 2nd. 1306. Mrs. Mary Green has been re nppoin 'd nof-t master for Warrenton. Auas pi trade Abevntthy is asshtant poit i!itter and Mrs. jolin Pender is clerk. The ladies of the Pr-sbyteviii uvch held their bazaar thin we-k and e hear they realized about a sufii-:i'Ui i;ou;:t of money to make the additions, the Manse. We art thankful for tneny renewal subscriptions to The R:6osa this j aek. A number of ite.w subcuribeis iVe also been added to out- kst. They ; ive our thanks. The pension warrants for rFurrr-u mly -Confederate soldiers -and idows of soldiers are in the hands of irk J. R. Rod well, audtihe request; nit all pensions come at once and get eir checks. The United Daughters of the Con ileracy are requested to meet at the or wood House on Friday, Dec. 15th. : 3:30 o'clock. The ladies will please ing their applications. Our people regret very much to loose ev. C. W. Robinson and family. They ive been among us threw years find e had begun to look upon the in as be gging to ub. We will always remem er them with the kindest feelings. The members of the ;M. E. Church t Macon will have a Christmas tree id entertainment in the church on Wednesday the 27th. The exercises ill begin at 11 o'clock a. m. All are ordially invited to attend. An entertaiumeut will be given at the ligh School Auditorium to night by 20 f the school boys. It is going to be a ood entertainment. The admission fill be, Fohool children, 25 cnts, chil dren under 12 years. 20 cents and dults, 35 cents. The proceeds will be sed for the Athletic Association of the chool. Go and give the boys . a good udieuce. Miss Amanda Egerton died at the loine of Mr. Jerry Draper Monday uorning. She had been in poor health or a long time and death was not nu sxperted, Her remains were taken to he Methodist church in Macon Tues lay where a short service was conduc ed by Rev. C. W. Robinson aud the uter ment took place in the Thorn ton Jurying ground. Miss Amanda was in ier 84th. year. She was a good woman iud lived the christian life as near as she knew how. An obituary notice Mil appear later. Superior C:nrt in Session.1 The special term of Warren Superior Comt convened Monday morning with Judge B. P. Long presiding ;aud So licitor Walter E. Da uielj present aud ready to prosecute in behalf of the ; State. " Clerk of the Court. J. 11. Rod well and Sheriff R. E.. Davis had every thing in good shapo and the Court ma chiuery was put m ' motion without a hitch. The following grand jury was drawn; 11.- li. Davis, foreman, 8. G. Wilson, S, W. Pitohfor 1, J. H. Wright, A. L. Capps, B. C. Atotou, lh A. Moseley, J. E. Prazier, J. li. Wiggins. J H, Fleiu iLg, J. B. Davis, J. W. Stewart, Mike Seaman, J. M. Uurroaghi, J. M." Cole man, Frank Serls. J. E. Shaw, Lewis Mustiau. Mr. 8. R. Duke was sworn in as officer to the grand Jury. Judge Lo.ig did not deliver a regular Bet charge to the grand Jury, biiLuiade some very strong aud earnest rem uks regardiug their duty aud responsibility. ihe oases dip'ised of by the Comt' areas follows: . . E l. Davis, larceny, two years on the public roads of Halifax cfuy W. Tla is the man that stole a lot of personal property from the school boys of tiie Wr?ipBto'u High School. Robt. Jones, larceny of a pint of o"il, six mouths in the county jail with leave to hire out. Edgar Johnson and Chas. M. Spagne, two white hoboes, . wore sent to the reads of rii,llf:lX county for one year inch for breaking "open a box car at Norliua and spelling to pair of shoes.. - A true bill for murder was turned pagaiust Sum Kttiks, a fifteeu year old colored boy fn killing a small cj!ohu1 boy in R"anokn township some weeks ago Sti'iks ha.il not employed counsel and the court appointed Messrs Tasker Fi lk and 15. Ji. Wiljiarm? to defend him. Alter consultation and the private exan?iirttiin of .itiiesses the attorneys agreed to submit to the plea of careless handling of a gin: ,.Jroio which the homicide occured Stacks was sent to jiiil foi six miiiths. . ' The gr and j iry on Monday ev ning i turned a, .ru bill against Garfle.ld Hiclis and Bui ton Jaireil for the mur der of W. G. King. near. Littleton on the Atn. of November. A special ve uire of 100 men was summoiifted for Tuesday and fr.m ihm venire the fo!J'in2 jury was selected and both Ticks aud Jaive'l were put on trial for their Kves. J. H. Harrison, Jno. T rtvi-kinsou, E. H Davis, A. H. Walker, Aiis-tin AHeii, N. B. Weid.ni, E, L. Powi l!, P. Fi Peikinson, Jik. P.j-.vt'l!. P. fi. Allen, S. D. Tucker, and L. C PiM-fcisison, .1 1". I'he Stale, waa r uprose nted ty So REMEMBER THE NAHE: REMEMBER ( THE PLCE: ) SOGERS & BURWELL. - .' - I .. :i Also Remember: That it requires years of Experience, Ample Capital, the bet Possible Lights, and every accommodation for man and beast, to mwt the re quirement for a first-class warehouse. Th-se wo have and more. : It is our wish to release our customers and we do it. ' i BU mm TASKER POLK, President. M. J. HAWKINS, Vice President; LLL. STOVES. Excelsior and Fitz Lee Cook Stoves, Coal Stoves and Coal Grates. SHEET IRON STOVES, Excelsiors, Coles. Flash, Bell, Wilsons and Hagcs $1.50 to $10.00. Black Hawk Corn SheUers Sl.75 td $3 00. GUNS. Single and double hh. 3 75 to $30.00.' . W'incheteis and N M. C. Loaded Shells Wholesale and retail, 10, 12 aud 16 guage. iraukegai, nnd Pittsburg Barbed .Wiie. Pittsburg perfect IVuv iug. H. Boker Razors and Knives Aents for Majestic Wa-nin-f Machines. That does the work. Bigest Line of Uardware iu Town.- If we havn't what you want, will get it, and not only promise. - Yours for business,' .- . .. W. A. MILES and CO PHONE 72. GARTER TV. WILLIAMS, Jr., Ua&hkr. . II H D new laf n & FJ" 11 ft , a - licitor Wa'ter E Du?e. S. G. Daniel. Jaskti- Poik ;i!il J. H. Kerr, while the det-i:da.iJt Hicks v.a r--presented by Judge. V , A. .M'frtiigorj'M-y and B G (Jrec-u, and Jarreil bv Mr C. TJ. Harris eafse was given to th 2 o'clock Thursday, but up to ; tl; tiiue of going to preH thn moruiug no erdict had been renuered. Per tlia Smas. Trada. We are uow ready with a splendid lissurtinent of nice things for the Christ mas tiiide. We mention below a few of them. 15 barreils of apples. loOO lbs. ot candy. 12 boxes of oruiges. 800 lbs. of nuts. 500 cocoannts. 1500 nice yellow bananas. Yours to serve, Daniel HalIi Riggan. W.A.EK.-E33STTOjT, 3ST. O. j Opened for Business Nov. 6th,1905. We solicit youraccount "whHtlu r large or small. Evry courtesy fjxte'ndd consistei t w th conservative banking. Four per cent interest paid on time deposls.' V Spociul attention to collections.- Stools."h.olca.ois OF - Wuren Farmers' Wareliouse Comnauy, . WARRENTON, N. C. OFFICERS: President J. R. Parscball. Secty. and Treas. E. I. Bngg. Manager R. H. Moss. - 6TOCKHOIiDERS: M. J. Hawkins, J. R. Paschall, J. G. Tiirwnter, P, R, Perkiuson, Tliomas Gresham, VV. T. Johnson, Lucas K. Hawks, H. C. Weaver, J. J. Tarwater. Large Hogs The following weights of hogs have been reported to us since our last issue: Mr. Heniy L. Falkeuer two that weighed respectively 273 and 397 pounds. - Mr. W. S. Terrell, of Warren Plains, two at 302 and 308 pounds. Mr. Wiley G. Coleman, of Chuichill, tells us that he killed one hog that weighed 451 pounds and foui that weighed 1235 pounds. Mr. D. . Lawrence Robertson, of Marmaduke, killed wo that pulled the beam at 470 aud 560 pounds. These hogs were thorough bred Duroc Jersey anil were 2 years und 3 months old. He also killed 9 shouts that were eight mouths old, of the same stock, that averaged 180 pounds each. Mr. J. L. Mustian. of Smith Creek township; reports that he killed three 17 mouths old boas that weighed re spectfully 333, 336, 354 pounds. These were one half O. I. C. stock. Mr. Jno. Hal1, reports one hog that weighed 325 pounds. Mr. Ed. Blalook one hog that was 12 months old and weighed 385 pounds. Stephen Rnnsome, a worthy old colored ruau, killed two hogs that netted 449 pounds. There was hosr killing at the editors home Tuesday, but since the weights of po many large hogs have been given, we will only eive our total uumber of pounds for three shoats, which was 526 pounds. THE STAB GROCERY is ready for Christmas with 2500 pounds Plain and fine candies, 1000 pounds new fresh nuts, 800 pounds London Layer Raisins, 800 large fresh Cocoanuts, 200 pounds Finest Laver Figs, with large quanities of extra Fancy Apples and Oraugss, Grapes, &c. If you want the best buy of us. Dr. H. N. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Offiro ovpoite court house in Plemiuc: Harris Huiianis;. Phones: Office, Xo, 59; Ee'uence. No. 6i B35SSs R. B DAVIS, M. J. 11 A WKINS, DR. P. J. MACOV. P. R. rERXIJSSOW, DIRECTORS: TITOS. GRESHAM, J. R. P ASCII A I1L, J. A. DAMEHOX, G. Ar. WILLIAMS, Jr. hi CD crt O CD O O The Empire Variety Store. BUSINESS RUSfe The rush is on and Warrenton it moving to the fron. You can already see the life the new enterpises briLg, -STOP AT- J. 31. CtiimiAF, W. S TfiPRELL, TASKER POLK,. lid lion -; 2 CD That Shouts the Loudest, Nor the one who uses the LARGEST amount of advertising space, that gives the best values. Judicious Economy Reduces Cbst, . Thereby pei milling to IMPROVE quality and BENEFITING the CON SUMER. My long and careful study of tins question with practical exper ience and ability enables me. to produce aud offer RELIABLE merchandise. MORE MEROHANDiS 9 9 Administrator's: Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Miss rfineis Fflta. deeeaspd. late of rrp i. c n-iiaia ti nolifv nil rprson3 hnvinc pxhibit them to the nndprai sued on or before the Sth. day of Knv. 19or, or this notice wil! be plead in oar or tlieir recovery, ah persons indebted to aid estate will oleae make im mediate payment. This? 0th. ditv of Nov. 1905. W. P. RODWELIi, Admr. Pittman & Kerr, Attys. . N D. H. RIGGAN' 3 and see the life aud energy that is going on in every department. LOW PRICES AND GOOD QUALITY- are the drawing cards for our store. We handle Dry Goods, Shoes, Hat?, Hfavy and Fancy Groceries, Fruits,, Vegetables, Corn, Oats, Sbipstnff, Flour, Seed wheat and Rye, Va. Gray Oats rust proof? Anythig in this hue not in stock will be furniehed ou short notice. Will make it to your interest to stop here with us. . . Satisfaction guaranteed. : - D. H. RIGGAN. . Dr. W. 11. Taylor, Surgeon ID sntist, Renders any services included in the practice i Dentistry Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay ; and cast fillings according to the. methods of to day. Office 'Phone T2. 27 fim Resideuce 5 34. MB ROM A VDSE AT THE RRIGB Wi carry a complete line .f FANCY GilOCEKIES and nmiie u specialty of Fraein and Domestic Fruits, High giade Confections, Cigarcs and Tobaaco of 'whiv-i Im-.'tvat tks season oftho jear the Acme of Perfection. WE ALSO HANDLE- ' Staple Dry Goods and Notions. Vorlds Chr.mpion Flour, Stransbuig. Acme Flour, Ship Stuff, (all grades.) Meat, Meal, Oats, Corn. Salt, Syrup and-Molasses and other goods iu this line to numerous to mention. Prompt delivrey aud satisfaction guaranteed. Yours to serye, 3T TOBACCO is s: ING HIGHER Constantly on hand. Also Farm ies. Don't make your ; arrangements until you see us. Y ur friendp, Warren Supply Co. J. W. FERRY CO.,. 'Gotton Factors. Nokfolk, Va., Dec. 13, 1905, -COTTON. Steady. Strict middliug Middling. . .............. Strict low middliug Low middliug Tinges............... .... S'aius Blues PEANUTS. Faucy Strictly prime ........ Prime Low grades .......... -Aiaohine. picked 11 5-8 17 1-2 113-8 11 1-4 Steady. ... .... . 31-? 2 7-8 ...... 2 5-8 13-4 ..... A 7-8-2 1-4 Spanish 95 c per bushel. B. E. PE AS. $2.80 per bag. Black & Speckle Peas $1. 10 per bushel; Clay & Red Peas $1.00 per bushel. r"68 iu. 8 ox. Bags in bales. 10 W. HENEY HIQGlSr, "Proprietor. lJ m 11 JI Real MAN TAILORED Garmeuts-s-lovely patterns; also l j ibasia We have had good sales the past few days and prices are better. QUE CTJSTOMEBS are satisfied. Get in line with your next load and come on to HEADQUARTERS We will get you the highest prices of the season. Polite attention, Prompt sales. . , Yours truly, , This seasons best greatious. Full Tailor made aud perfeo fitting new RAIN COATS vary cheap. Men and. boy's suits- in new and nobby patterns. A very large voriefcy of sepeiate pants very attractive prices. -' - .AJsr : V- LXISTE OF ILj-A-IDIIKS -. DRESS aOODS r in the seasons most desirable fabrics and the prices are very reasonable. Another shipment of new'shapes in men's hats direct from factory. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. ... ' - ' r ""New Goods in every Department ' : - LAND SALE. r ! North Carolina, Warren County. By virtue of a decree of the .Superior Court of Warren County. N. C., rendered on -the tli. day of -"ov. 1905 in a special proceed. ng to sell land for division entitled: Bettie A. Pegram and her busbaad. M. S Pesram. Mary Duncan (widow), William Duncan,. Lizzie vv agner ana her husband. Wagner, fctr.el Dum an and husbana. J. W. D.incan.T. VV. Duncan, Pearson Duncan. nnis fell and her husband, R. L. Bell. Lula Peg:-am and hrr husband, R. B Pegranr. Eiiiar Duncan, Mamie Duncan, Pauline Du'ican and hus ban. Jennie Burrows and Ruth Burrows. The last five being infants and appearing by their next frrend C. h . jJurrows, nx. rarce. I will on the first day of January 1908 at 12 o'clock noon sell to the highest bidder fof . cash at the Court House dooor In Warrenton N. C. at public auction the lands herein after described as follows: Situated at Man son Depot in . the County of Warren and bounded ana described as xoiiows:. uae ios being embraced within and between the rioad Beds or rne Kaieign ana uasion k. n. aud what la how the public road leading fr.mi Mai.son to Cedar Tori and the spur or Y" track that dice connected the K. & U. a id old Roanoke Valley R. R. . being triangu lar shap nnd bounded on the r'ouia by the aid l'a'eigh & Gas roil r glit of way. on the vorth by the said (nblit road lnndiag from M nson to Cedar Fork, o.l the Wsit by the said old Spar or "Y" track, containing by estimation about two acres. One other lot known as the old Terrell Tan Yard lot bounde 1 as follows; On the East by the old spur or ' Y" track connecting the Kaleifih and Gnston and old Roanoke Valley R. Rs.. on the South by the Releigh & U-ston R. R .oli the West by Weldon v atkms, on the North by the public road leading from Mauson lo Cedar Fork, containing about 2 acres more or less. , This the 27th. day of Nov. 1905. J. II. KERR. Commissioner. P.; S. Large etoct of 'BUGGIES and WAGONS. We defy competition and prices. - ; Barred Rocks, White, Golden and Buff Wyandottes. Sustained their past record - by win ning 6 of the prizes at the great N. C. Statu Fair, Oct. 1905. - ' If yon are looking for- the best, in alove varieties, write me. All Pbioes are Low. : - JOHN H. FLEMING, Warren Plains, N, C e F.p. no. Warrenton, N. C. hes stood the test 25 years. Average Asmual Sales over Oaa end a HsIf MnKcn r?.vf Foxi Tiop this record of merit aassaS to vcsi? No Cure. No Pay. 50c Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cest packege of Grovel Eteck Root, Liver Pills.

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