it:... cr-P 5 - --s VOL. XI. L WARRBNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1905. NO. 41. CORD:. E Dr. Hob. S Booth, TDxtSt, Warrentou, NDrth Carolina. Offlc Phone 69. Residence Phon. 86-t S3-12nu LOCAL ITEMS Christmas gift. Mr. Juo. O. White was here Sunday, There will be no Rbooro published tjext week. Mr. Yati Alston is at home for the Xmas. holidays. Mr. Ernest Jones is At home for Christmas. Mr. Gid H. Macon is at home from Chapel Hill. Mr. Herbert Scoggin is at J home for th Xmae. holidays. Mrs. Y. Ij jPeudleton has returned from her visit to Greenville. ' Miss Edna Allen leaves to-morrow for a visit to Kings tree, 3. C. Mi. Edmoud White is here from New York to spend the holidays. Mr. A. A. Williams is here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Van Williams. The Christmas tree at Macou will be held on Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. Mr. O. P. Shell, of Henderson, was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. The Warrentou High School closed Tuesday to be resumed early in Jan. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. RodwelJ, of llieh tnoud, were guests in the cit) this week. Miss Mamie Aycock, from Oxford Female Seminary, is at home for Chris teaas. Tkw pension warrants for this countj are in the hands of clerk of tlt court, J. R. RodwU. Mr. J. G. Tarwater was in Norfolk several days tins week buyiug Horses for Tarwater Bros. Mr. S. W. Bell, of Vaughau, killed at 14 mouths old hog this wuek that weighed 480 pounds. Mr. J. O. McCraw, Jr., is at home for Ymas. Mrs. McCraw will strive in a few days from Brostol, Teun. The tobacco utai-kurt will clse for Ims. to-day. liear in wind tbwy will be ready for busiuess again on Jauttary Sui. Mr. aud Mrs. Jonas Williams and Wins Anna Whitakwr, from Phila delphia, are gursU at Mr. fc. Ii. Wil liamn. Miss Mattie Clark, cf Heudfrsou, pasiMd through town this wet-k ni her way to Creek, where she will visit her parents. Mr. Frank Mabrj' and Miss Maggie Fhipps were married at the home of Mr. S. P. Phipps, uear Vieksboro Wednesday evening, Rev. T. J, Taylor officiating. A we see the many bright faces amongst the little onen next Monday, don't let us forget that there are others who will need something to make them happy too. Mrs. S. fl. Limer and Mrs. R. L. Pinuell have returned from Richmond, Va., where they have been to see their wiater, Mrs. Wilson, who ws quite sick. Mrs. Wilson is improving now. Mr. Edward Gupton and Miss Anuie Riggan were married at the residents, of Mr J B. Biggau, near Macon, Wednesday, Deo. 20th. 1905, Rsv. T. J. Taylor, officiating. Tks Rkoobd ex tends best wishes. Messrs. Spam & Williams, of Nut bash township, killed three 12 months old hogs that weighed respectively 273, 285, anvi 388 pounds. Also four eight months old, that averaged 140 pounds each. Mr. H. T.Haitbcock and Miss Kate Gilliland, were married at the home ol the bride's mother in River, township on Dec. 13th. at 4:30 p. in., Bev. D. A. Fisbei officiated. Only a few invited friends were present to witness the "ceremony. Mrs. Sate J. Peete returned from Philadelphia Tuesday, Where she has been visiting her son, Dr. Chas. fi. Peete. Mrs. Peete bad a severe spoil of pneumonia while in Philadelphia, but has entirely recovered. Her friends are glad to have her with them again. Bev, W. W, Rose and familj arrived Wednesday and are conifoi tably quar tered at the parsonage. Tax liso jbd extends a cordial greeting to Mr. Rose and wish him much success in his new work on the Warrentou circuit the corning year. He will till his appoint ments at the Methodist church Sunday morning and night. Mrs. Matilda Hicks, widow of vthe iaU David Hicks, died on Thursday of last week, aged 85 years. Her remains Were buried in the family grave yard at the old homestead in Haw tree town ship on Saturday the 15th. ins. She left the following children, eurviving her: JflS. H., Koht. Lee, Mrs. Fred Hawks, Mrs. Ann Hioks, Miss ifltbea Hicks and Mrs. W. H. S. White. Sue Was long a member of the Methodist church wid waa a good woman. . A New Bank Organized. TheCitizen Bank, of Warrentou, has been chartered by the Secretary of State, to do a general banking busi ness uuder the laws of North Carolina. The authorised capital stock is $50,000. with a paid np capital of 20 000. The subscribers are R. B. Boyd, M. P. Burwell, W. G. Bogers, W. B. Boyd, R. T. Watson, B. G. Green and others We ana informed that the officers will be W. B. Btyd, piesideut, M. P. Burwell, vice president, and R. T. Watson, cashier. The names of the stookhohWn nml officers us given above are enough to ussure success to tbis enterprise from me uegmumg. ruey are busiu88 meu well known to the people lhroughout the couuty. This bank will succeed the old r Habit private baukinir firm of C,nr,,r & Jeffress on the first day of January. Will Build. The Bauk of Warreu has bought from Dr. J. G. Kiug and Mr. J. L. Bod well the two stores ou Main street, now occupied by J. B. Harris aud E. B. Cooper & Son, and will.iu the early spuug tear out these wooden buildings and replace theni with an np tod ate bank buildiug. Thb Record has advo cated for a long time the tearing out of these old fire traps aud puttiug np brick buildings. We considei thi good news. This will be a nice location for the bauk of Wanen, The frout door of the bauk will be right opposite the front door of the Comt House We congratulate the bank on gettiug this location. - Beligisus Notice. Divine servic in Emmanuel Church on Sunday next, at 11 a. m. Un ChristmnH day, December 25th. divine service, with Holy Communion, at 11 a. m. OfrerinKH for relief of disabled clergy. James E. Poin-dextkr ,Bector. All millineiy, children's wraps, ladies cnpes and skirts, boys pants and other odds ucd ends at aud below cost. We are determined to clean up at once. The J. B. Paschal 1 Co.. Wise, N. C. Csnrt Adjourned Saturday. The special term of Warren Superior Court, which whs in session lte-e the whole of last week, adjourned at noon on Saturday. Judge Ii. F. LoiiR presided over the ourt, and won golden opinions, from our oltitPiiB. He is a, and jiiHl judge; and the people of our county would be glad to have hbu pre side ovc-r our courts during the re mainder of his life. The uiwt important case tried was that of Hicks and June!!, colored, for killing Gilbert King, white... Solicitor Daniel was assisted by Messrs. .?, H. Kerr, S. G. Daniel, uiid Tasker Polk, in the prosecution, aud the side of the State was most ably presented by these gentlemen. The defendants were most ably defended by B. G. Green, Etiq., .ndpe W. A. MoutgomeTy, and CI. U Hnrtis, E.uq. One of the host juries Warren Couuty could produce tried th case and were un ible to decide whether Hicks was guilty of murder iu the first or second degree; but found Jarrell guilty of murder in the secoud degree. The judge withdrew a juror, and entered a mistrial in the case of Hicks and sentenced Jarrell to the Penitentiary for tweuty-five years. Thb Record will not publish its im pressions with reference to this case, and the good citizens of the couuty ought to refrain from discussing it, as the defendant Hicks will have to stand befoie another jury and be tried for his life in Fe bruary. County Home. While celebrating the Christmastide we will not forget our poor whom the blessed Savior has said "ye have always with you," and we will sendcoufeotion aries and cakes, &o. to our Couuty Home to till the stockings of its inmates, every one, even to the oldest hang up a stocking ou Xmas. eve. Please send to Mr. Johnson's store edibles of any description, particularly confection aries, we will eee that they are carried safely on Saturday afternoon to their destination. A Member of the Board of Charities. Deab Children: I was in a bad fix. I started out and my cart wheel broke and while I was gone to the shop to get it mended one of my steers fell in the ditch and broke his leg. But I got another and am now on my way, but it is snowing mighty fast. I think I will get there in time, so be very good. SANTA CliATJS. OF Wirni Farmers' Warehouse Zmnu, WAK.RENTON, C. OFFICEBS: President J. R. Parscball. Secty. and Treas. E. I. Bugg. Manager R. H. Moss. BTOCKHOlDEBS: M. J. Hawkins, J. R. Paschall, J. G. Tarwater, P B, Perkinaon, Thomas bresham, W. T. Johnson, Lucas H. Hawks, H. C. Weaver, J. J. Tarwater. Dr. H. N. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Office opposite court house ta Fleming Harris Building. . Phones: Office, Ko. 59; Re'tUnee, No. 64 ::SS! . R0GEKS & BURWELL. REMEMBER THE PLA.CE : Also Remember: That it requires years of Experience, mple Capital, the best Possible Lights and every accommodation for man and benst, to meet the re quirement for a first class warehouse These we have and more. It is our wish to please our customers and we do it. . TASKER POLK, Pretident. M. J. BA WKIATS, Vice President. BANK OF WARREN, WK.K.EISrT03Sr, IT. o. Opened for Business Nov. 6th,1905. We solicit your account whether large or small. Every courtesy extended consistent with conservative banking. Four per cent, interest paid on time deposits. Special attention to collections. DIRECTORS: TH0S. ORESHAM, J. R. PASCHALL, J. A. DAME RON, C. N. WILLIAMS, Jr. B. B. DAVIS, M. J. HA WKINS, DR. I J. MACON. P. R. PERKINtSON, T'SNT T That Shouts the Loudest, Nor the one who uses the LARGEST amount of advertising space, that gives the best values. Judicious Economy Reduces Cost, Thereby permitting to IMPROVE quality and BENEFITING the CON SUMER. My long and careful study of this question with practical exper- , ieuce and ability enables me to produce and offer RELIABLE merchandise. MORE MERCHANDISE, BETTER MERCHANDISE AT THE PRICE THAN ELSEWHERE. We carry a complete line of FANCY GROCERIES aud make specialty of Foteign and Domestic Fruit, High glade Confections, Cigarcs aud Tobacoo of which we have at this senson of the year the Aciue of Perfection. WE ALSO HANDLE Staple Dry Goods and Notions. Worlds Champion Flonr, Stransburg, Acme Flnur, Ship Stuff, (nil grades.) Meat, Meal, Oats, Corn. Salt, Syrup and Molasses and other goods iu tbis line to numerous to mention. Prompt delivrey and satisfaction guaranteed. Yours to serve, The Star Grocery, W. HE2STHY EIGGAN, Proprietor. New Skirts this week Beal MAN TAILORED Garments lovely patterns; also This seasons beet greations. Full Tailor-made aud perfeo fitting new &A1N CO ATS vary cheap. Men and boy's suits in new and nobby patterns. A very large voriety of sepeiate pants very attractive prices. LIlTE OF Xj-AJDIES DUESSGOODS in the seasons most desirable fabrics and the prices are very reasonable. Another shipment of new Bhapes iu men's hats direc' from, factory. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. CTNw Goods in every Department . . - The Allen & Fleming Go. CARTER N. WILLIAMS, Jr., Cashier. J. M. COIEMAN, W. S. TERRELL, TASKER POLK, DEALER 0 in Em its STOVES. Excelsior and Fitz Lee Cook Stoves, Coal Stoves and Coal Orates. SHEET IRON STOVES. Excelsiors, Colee. Flaeh, Bell, Wilsons and. Hagers $1.50 to 10.00. Black Hawk Corn Snellers SI. 75 to $3 00. GUNS. Single and double bin. $3.75 to $30.00. : Winchester and N. M. C. Loaded Shells. Wholesale and retail, 10, 12 and 16 guage.' Waukegan and.Pittsbnrg Barbed Wiie. " Pittsburg perfect Fencing. H. Boker Razors and Knives Agents for Majestic Warning Machines. That does the work. Bigest Line of Hardware iu Town. If we havn't what you want, will get it, aud not only promise. , ...... " '' ' ' ' f - - Yours for business, c3 s bd 0Q B 1 CO 03 4 P tn O a CD CD Administratis Uctice. nRTing qunnnru ah umuDKn ShTron deaeafd. late of N arren County. N. C. this is to notify nil persons havlngciaims Airnlnflt the estate nl 8m aeceasea r,o finiun to T Polk, her attoMipy. at Warrentm. t. C , on or befoYet the 3 st. day of Dc-ember 1A06. or this notice will M pieaa in Dr m meir reeovery.. This 2-2iid. day of December 1906. CARRIE SHEKKON, Admlnlstratlx. 3 cd" TOBACCO IS SELLING HIGHER. We have had good sales the past few days and prices are better. OUR CUSTOMERS are satisfied. Get in line with your next load and come oh to "HEADQUARTERS." We will get you the highest prices of the season. Polite attention, Prompt sales. Yours truly, IV. Bi BOYD Boyd s Ware P. S. Large stock of BUGGIES and WAGONS. We defy competition and prices. has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half filUKon bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Ceat package of Grove's Black Root Liver PKIs. TV. A. MILES and CO PHONE 72. The Empire Variety -Store.' BUSINESS RUSH. The rush is on and - Warrenton it moving to the fron." Yon can already see the life the new enter pises bring. STOP AT D. H. RIGGAN'S and see the life and energy that is going on in every department. - - " LOW PRICES AND GOOD QUALITY are the drawing cards for our store. We handle Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Heavy aud Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Corn, Oats, Shipstnff, Flour, Seed wheat and Bye, Va. Gray Oats rust proof? Anythig in this hue not in stock will be furnished on short notice. Will make it to your interest to stop here with us. Satisfaction guaranteed, x D. H. BIGOAN. Dr. W. T. Taylor, Surgeon Dentist, Renders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridqe work, porcelain inlayand east fillings according to. the methods of to-day. Office 'Phone X 2. 27 6m Residence " 34. . mouse ill! & COMPANY, Grove's Tasteless CM!! Tonic We have a big stobk of the well known Hamilton Brown shoes in men's, ladies, and childrens styles. Bought before the big advance. We are selling them at cut pric es from now to i the lb 1st. of J anury. Yours trnly, Warren Supply Co. J. W. PERRY CO , Cott on Fa ctoi s. Norfolk,, Va,, Dec. 20, 1905. .COTTON. ? , Finn. ' Strict midjdliag ..12 Middliug. 117-8 Strict low middling , . 113-4 Low middling 115-8 Tiuges H'aius Blues PEANUrS. Steady. Fancy . 3 1-3 Strictly prime 2 7-8 Prime ; 2 5-8 Low grades 1 3-4 I Machine picked 1 7-8 2 1-4 Spanish 95 o per bushel. B. E. PE VS. $2.80 per bag. Black & Speckle Peas $1.10 per bushel. Clay & Bed Peas $1.00 per bushel. &"68 iu. 8 ox. Bags in bales. 10 LAND SALE. North Carolina, Warren County. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Warren County. N. C. rendered on Hip 27th. day of Sov. 1905 in a spacial pr icpedin? to sell land for division, entitled: iimie A Pegram and her husband. M. S. Pei;ruu Mary Duncan (widowj. William Dune in. Lizzie vafner and her husband. Wagner Ethel Duncan and husbana, J. V. Duncan. T W. Duncan, Pearson Ouncan. Annie Beli and her husband, R. L. Bell. Lula i'eriim and her husband, R. B Peg ram. dgar Duncan, Mamie Duncan, Pauline Duncan and hu-i-ban. Jennie Burrow and Ruth Burrows. The last five being infants and appearing by their next friend C. F. xiurrows, Ex. Parte. I will on the flet day of January 190G at IS o'clock noon sell to the higuest bidder for cash at the Court House dooor in Warrentou M. C., at public auction the lands herein after described as follows: situated at Man sen Depot in the Count of Warren and bounded and described as follows : One lot being embraced within and between the . Koud Beds vt the k&leigh and Gaston R. Ii. and what, is now the public road leading from Mail son to Cedar Fork and the spur or "Y" track that once connected the R. fc G. and old noaiiOKe vaney K. , being triangu lar shap ana boumteu tin the eioutn by the aaid Kaieigu & Gaston right of way. on the Korth by ine saiu public road lading from Manson to Cedar Folk, on the West oy the said old Spur or Y" track, containing by estimation about two acres. One other lot known as the old Terrell Tan ' Yard lot bounded as follows; On the fcuct by the old spur or -Y" track connecting the Raleigh ana Gaston and old Roanoke Valley R. Rs.. on the South by the Ra leigh & Gaston R. R.. on the West by Weldon W'atkins, on the North by the public road leading from Mauson to Cedar Fork, containing about 2 acres more or less. Thia the 27th. day of Nov .1905. J. H. KERR. Commissioner. Barred Rocks, White, Golden and Buff Wyandottes Sustained their past record by .win uiug 6 of the prizee at the great N. C. Statu Fair, Oct. 19U5. If you are looking for the best, in above varieties, write me. Air Pr10E3 ark Low. JOHN H. FLEMING, Warren Plains, N, C, R f V V. V