1R F n n n 111 ;i JL W JJ Ji Nik. lLs O VGIi. XI. WARRENTON. N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 6. 1906. NO. 40. ft tliis space taStfte-Bea 2 Mark U5iH.it is to inform you that your subscription is but, and unless re r!3fcwed ths yaper ttiH be stopped. jDi-. Hob. S. Booth, Warren too, N3rth Carolina. Office Phone 69. Residence Phfe 66-4 8S-12m. LOCAL ITEMS DeVoe aays stormy weather. Mr. J. C. McCraw, Jr., ft t borne litis week. Miss Petonia Brown is here tbis week from Henderson. Misa Lacy Alien wb a visitor iu the city last Suuduy. fiev. B. G, A!lred spent several, days lit lUckmond tbis week. A light fall of nun Tuesday night gave us a little cooler weather. r Mr. Jeffreys Rodweil', trAVeting eAles man was iu the city Tuesday. .-firs. F. O. Vafcfffran, from Axtell, was a visitor iu toWa last week. Mr. Wm. Burfctel, from Wood worth, was ott otrr streets a few days ago. .The game law for this county will be out ttn tie fesfc lay of Feby. MJss Mary Ridout, frdra Littleton, was a guest in tOwfi Monday and Tnes Hy. - - .. We hear a series of meetings will be held iu the Presbyterian church iu the near future. Game Wardeu, W. C. Ellington, made a bi&tee&a trip to Halifax couuty lust week. Get jour tickets early for the enter tainnteut to be given at the Auditorium on the 19 th. of Feby. IfUii SALE. A new sewing ma chine with a full set of attachments. Apply at The IIkcokd office. Bo v. W. W. Iloso went to Roanoke Rapids Tuesday and preached in the Methodist chnrch of tlint place at night. Mr. j. 8. Farmer, representing the Biblical Recorder, wus Lore Mouda.y, looking after the iuteieet of his f)aper. Peter Arriugtou left Wedues dy for Washiugton, N. C, to be present at the marriage wf her cousin. Mr. and II r 8. G. Mansou Foote and little sou from Rhode Istaud. visited at Mrs. C. A. Thomas a day or so this week, Mr.-W. C. Duke bus moved from ifrankliuton to Warren county and is farming on Mr, Juo. Serfs' laud ueai town. Mr. Prioe T. Jones and wife, of Henderson, spent Sunday at the Nor wood House, visiting his brother Mr. H. J. Jones. Misses Maria and Bettie Parker are visiting Mrs. Elias Carr iu Kdgeoombe ttuunty, where they will remain till spring. Oar people enjoyed their front porches as much fust Sunday afternoon as they do in May. Strange weather for January The Cotton Growers Association will meet on the first Saturday in Feby. It iB important that there should be a full meeting. The Alkahest Male Quartette and Bell Ringers will give a concert in the High School Auditorium Feby. 12th. Don't miss it. Mr, Louis Shearin and Miss bill Pearce, both of Aro4a were mariied on Deo. 26th. 1905, R. Edgar Robert'. &on, J. P., officiating. See new adv. of W. A. Miles & Co. in this issue. They are nameing a few of the tilings they have in their Btore-. ..Bead the adv. and then go to see them. Judge Charles Alston Cook left for his home at Muskogee, Indian Terri tory, Sunday night. Judge Cook said he did not think he could visit this section again before 1907. Mr. J. W. King, of Macon, N. G., R. F. D. No. 1, killed three pigs last week that weighed respectfully 242, 2Z5 and 272. This is a pretty good start to commence house keeping. Mr. T. R. Tharringion has moved from Virginia to the Bobbitt place be tween town aud Embro, and will engage in farming. We welcome him and his family to out county. In another column will be found an advertisement by Judge C. A. Cook Offering a tract of land for sale m Judkins township, this county. He is offering this Und at a very low figure. Miss Lena James Hawks, member of the faculty of Littleton Female Gollege, spent several days last week huutiug with Mr. aud Mrs. Stephen WilUain Rose, at Norlina. We understand Miss - Hawks is qnite a fine shot, having been veiy successful at several shootiug'con tests at her home in Baltimore, Maryland, COMMITTED SUICIDE. Mr, Jofin G. Tarwater Tafces His Own Life. PROMINENT CITIZEN. dur town was thrown into great; ex citement last, Wednesday morning, viWti it w resorted that Mr. John G. Tarwater had fatally shot himself through the head with a pistol. This rash act was indoubtedly, committed during1 an aftJ&ck of temporary mental aberration, resulting from overwork ,nd the excessive burdens growing out of his extensive business. For some time Mr. Tarwater had been , greetly depressed, and was Nervous and gloomy: but no one imagined that his condition .. was serious. On Tuesday night he seemed more cneeriui, out on weanesaay morning te was greatly depressed and quite nervous. "Secretly securing his pistol he hurriedly left the house, and weSt into a field adjoining the town, where hiding himself in a. gully, he committed 'ftfe fatal act that usKert'd him into eternity. As soon as it was tnown that he had left the house, taking his teistol with efforts were made to ascertain whereabouts, but the report of the pistol that ended his life guided the people to him. Kind friends tenderly carried him ni& Viome, where Drs. Macon and King did all that could be dAne to save him; but their efforts were in vain. He remained uncon scious until about one o'clock, when his tired spirit iefVbereA into the great beyond " Under any cirfcurt stances the death oi Mr. Tarwater would have been a ciuse of sincere regret throughout the entire community: but the startling tragedy which ided his career has greatly intensified the sorrow of his friends, and ca-st a gloom over the en tire community. Mr. arwater came tft W&rfiVon about thirty years ago, and engaged in business. During his residence here lie has engaged in various enterprises, and has shown himself an energetic, public-spiriied fcitisen. For the last fifteen Veiifs fte and his brother have c6nduicte& Ifteir present business with marked ability and success, and deemed to be entering upon a period ftf unusual prosperity. In early life Mr. Tarwater "made "a profession of religion and uriiWd witli ths Baptist charch ih Clarfoville, Va., where he ltjiifiM his membership un til his death. lie was a kind-hearted man and a public-spirited citizen. He was devoted to meml)ers of his family and his mother and sisters and brotheTi (liis father tlied before he came hr'e) were the objects tender and lrtTiii' devotion. On the ith. of June 1800, Mr. Tar water was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Macon. ?To them God ifave one son wl6 Ve'a'rs khe naihe of his father. His ife and ianiily Hre prostrated on account of his death, and the whole community joins them in sOrrow, an";J extends to them heartfelt sympathy. The funeral service took place from the Baptist church yesterday at 3 o'clock and the interment took place in Fairview cemetery. &Lfs ThadR. Manning, from Hen derson, was the guest of MrS. W. A. Burwell Wednesday and Thursday. Fine Leghorn Roostets for sale. Ap ply to Miss Georgia G. LaCoste at Bap tist Parsonage. It invigorates, strengthens and builds hp-. It keeps yon in condition physi cully, mentally aud morally, That's what Hollister's Rocky Jonnt&in Tea will do. 35 jents, Tea or Tablets. The Huuter Drug Co. Religious Notice. Divine service in Emmanuel chnrch on Sunday next, Jan. 28th. at 11 a. m. also at 750 p. m. James E. PotvDExtfim .Rector. ...... LOCAL ADS. Money to lend. B. G. Gbken, Atty. WANTED. A married man to work on farm. Gftod wages to the right man. John K Mteks, Warrenton, O. . Money to lend, B. GGbeen, Atty. Want to buy a farm near Warrenton. See Mb. Henrt BoYp. J. Harper AiibBaniJeR) Cbase City Va. v FOR SALE. Some more young thoroughbred Poland China and Berk shire hogs, Male or female. B. 8; FIELD, Elberon, N. O. Money to lend. Tin aud sheet B. G. GBExar, Atty. metal workers: 20 years experience, truancy, woiKmiiu ship aud prices guaranteed. Buying direct from mills, in large ijuauities for cteb, we can and will defy competition. We live here, spend our money here and will appreciate a part of your bhsim ss. W. A. MILES & CO. Dr. BE. 1ST. Waiters. Surgeon Dentist, WarrentoB, North Carolina. Office opposite court bouse IB Flemittg Harris building. Phones i Office i NotS9; Reldeoc M0 68 . 'All of ROGERS & kh f anVi Sfyti will get the highest market price and the best possible Bervice. Thanking yon for your past liberal patronage aud promising you our best efforts at alt times, we are, Your friefrdV - ; -ROGERS k BUBWELL. TASKS R POLK, President. M. J. HAWKINS, Vice Preiident. BANK OF WARREW, Opened for Business Nov. 6th, 1905. VVe Bolic it your account whether large or small. Every courtesy extended consistent with conservative banking. Four per cent, interest paid on time deposits. Special attention to collections. DIRECTORS: . THOS. GRESHAM, J. It. P ASCII AIL, J. A. DAME RON, C. N. WILLIAMS. Jr. R. B. DAVIS, M. J. HAWKINS. DR. P. J. MACON, P. R. PERKINSON, GREETING FOR 1 9 06! - P Oui4 Patrons and Friends. A Prosperous Hew Year to You. Ve offer ouf appreciatioh ttf your past dealings with r.s and .express the wish for a long continuance of like favors. .Premising the 5aW6 itfict adherence to honest com mercial princeples, a9 governed our past tfab attions. To those who have not" yet tested Ur goods wfe solieit thur patroio8 with a guarantee of best totality of goods and eatisfaotion all round. Yours to serve, The Star Grocery W H R1GGAN. PROPRIETOR. SHOWING New Skirts Real MAN TAILORED Garments-lovely patforns; also LADIES FULL SUITS. This seasons best greations. Full Tailor-made nl perfeo fitting new RAIN COATS vary cheap. Men and boy's1 snifs In new and hobby, patterns. A very large voriety o! sejteiate pants very attractive prices; AJNT IMMENSE linbos'ladieS ' aOODS in the seaSOhS toost desirable fabrics and the prices are Vef jr re'ii80nable. Another Bhipment of new shapes in men's hats direct from factory. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. eW Qddds in every Department, The Allen & - - Tebaeoo feted! BURWE "CARTER WILLIAMS, Jr., J. M. COLEMAN. W. S. TERRILL, TASKER POLK, this week TTarrentoa, N. C. LL Fleming Go. MGARDlESS Pittsburg steel fence, Pittsburg barbed wire, Waukegnn barbed wire, Galvanized plain wire, Poultry Netting, Staples 'and Kails, - Grind stones', ; Axes and wedges, c Hi CCS P H CD O o o CD Admbistratis Felice. Havine Qualified as Admlnistrix of W. H. Shprron deceased, late of W arren County. N. C. tbis is to notify all perenns havingclaims acainst tue estate or saia aeceaea to exiiibit them to the niidersigned at Norlina, N. C, or to T. Polk, her attomev. at Warrenion. N. O., on or before the 3.st day of December 190?,. or this notice will be .plead in bar of their recovery. ThU 22nd. day of December 1905. - CARRIE SHERttON, A'xlinlstratix. T. POLK, Atty-. VtotAUteih Vbtt u JiliilllMJ w 906. FOR lis EmJ NOW IS THE TIME, Boyd s Ware I THE PLACE. Watch the Market We are in the lead and i&tJid to stay there Satisfied Gustorti&f s and highest market always Yours triilyj fwb Car Load Buggies. And Prices fr5 etriAf tKe test 22 vears. Averaee Annus! Sales bottle. Does this record of merit appeal to you? Enclosed with every bottle is a -Ten Cent, package of Grove t)F ADVANCES, WE'Vfi W PRICES, Plows and castings;' Oliver Chilled, Lynchburg, Starke. Hunters 'and Dans, Black hawk corn planters, Bush and briar nooks, Majestic washing machines; the Empire Variety Store. RUSH. The rnslr on and Warrenton it moving to the fron. Yon can already see the life the new enterpises bring. --STOP AT- D. H. Rld&AN'S and see the life and energy tLat is going on in every department. LOW PRICES AND GOOD QUALITY are the drawing cards for our store. We handle Dry Goods', Shoes, Hab, Hfavy and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Gorn, Gats, ShipstafT, Flour, Seed wheat and Eye, Va. Gray Oats rust proof? . Anylhig in this line not in stoek will be f'uruiphed on short notice. Will make it to yonr interest to stop here with ns. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. H. RIGGAN. Dr. 7$, Taylor, Surgeon j3rLtis, Benders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bridge work, porcelain inlay ; and cast nlliheS according to the methods of to-day. Office 'Phone: 2. 27 6m Residence " 31. nous Two Car Load WUgoris. are Right. 1906 e Close. BOYD & CO. Grove's Tfistdess Chili Toms Collars, Traces, Harness ' Strings and Btraps, Back bands, Hooks and webbing Grub hoes and mad'd'oo. We have a big stock the well known Hamilt 6ii Brown shoes in men's, ladies, and chilcirens styles. Bought .before tkg big advance. We are selling them at 8ut priced from now to the 1st. M Januryt Yonrs. truly, Warren Supply Cri; J. W. PERRY CO t Cotton Factors; Nokpolk, Va., Jan. 24; 1906; COTTON. Steady. Strict middling..;..... 117-8 Middling.". 113-4 Striot low niiddhng... 11 -8 Low Middiintr . . : ir'J Tinges...: Stains....;..... Bines FJSANUXS. ; Dull. FauieyTn?. . ; S 1-$ Strictly prime . i ....... . 2 TS trime...... 2-8 Low grades i 3-4 Machine picked 1 7-82 1-4 Spanish 1.00 o per bushel. B. E. PEAS. &2.80 ner har. z o " Black & Speckle Peas $1.10 per btlshel. Clay & Bed Peas $1.00 per bushel. S68 in. 8 ox. Bags in bales. 10 1 lblic Sale. By virtue of the authority conferred on ms in a certain Mortgage Deed executed to in$ by Sarah P. Stewart and Edward Stewart of the County of Warren and State of North Carolina on the 20th. day of March u05 an 4 amy recoraea in tne office or Register of Deeds of Warren County. N. C., in book 70 on pae 520. 1 will ge'l at public auction fr cash '6 the highest bidder at the Court House door in Warrenton. N C. on the 5th. of February 1906. (it being the 1st. Monday, th3 following tract of lanr to wit. known atid tteslsni'ed as follows: In Sixpound town ship the Aiex Nicholson tract And adjoining Jhe lands of J. H Nicholson, J. W. Harrison now deceased and others. For further iriWf matioii lee Book 53, page 444 and Book 60, pane 801 In the Register of Deeds office at the Court House In Warrenton, N.C.. containing one. hundred and twenty acres more or less! Said sale will be made to satisfy the debt se cured In said Mortgage Deed to which special rsierence is nerepy maae. This the 1st day of Jandary 1006. E. W. THOMPSON. Mortgaged. ITctifca of Land Sab. By virtue of the authority conferred on nle in a certain Deed of Trust, executed to me by B rax ten Jones on the 18th. day of .February, 1905 and recorded in the office of Register of Dfeedsxrf-i Warren, County, in. book 70, page 503. 1 will sell at public auction for caah tt) the highest bidder at the, Court House, door in Warrenton, ft. C.,on February the 5th. 19001 following real- property, to. iti 4. certain, .ract or parcel of land.jyjng pne Warrenton township, ailjoinlfj?. tl: L. H. Hawks. Terrell and others. belli g iii : inas 01 egi lining at a stake on South side)', the -R. & O. R. K.l running South 80 poles to a staKe, ul Hawk's line, thetice E. 20 poles to a small- white oaU! thence N, 50 poles fo the R. & i..K. ft.. ftene alona; eftid R. K; to , the beginning; coiltiin ihg teh (10) Ecies; more rir less: Saici sale will He made to datisfy afore ine 11 -tiohect Deed of Trilst, to which special refer enoe is hereby aiade. Place of sale, Warrentotl. Tithe of sale, 12 rH., Ffebrdary 5, '06. TbfUiS i)t safe, Cain. THisDeb: tli. i903; &. A. gb'xDi Trustee; miEltlBIlEYCDIG BakM KMhMy Mf Bladder Right over Ono cad a No Cure. No Pay. Back Rjpot. Liver KSu 50c. ' i i 1 1 -t- ' r"