EUOOHTY DIRECnsr. Warren county" was formed In 1778 out of old Bute, county, which wa what is now known as Franklin and Warren counties and that portion of Vance coun ty cut oil from Warren. - 5 Its present area is about' 600 square miles. Population in 1900, 19,151. : Chief Products Tobacco, Cotton, Corn, " Wheat, Oats, Gratses, Gold and Granite. Surface Hilly and rolling. , Soil Loam and clay. No wast land, all well watered by streams. OFFICERS. Court, Second Judge of the Superior District, R. B. Peebles. Solicitor of Courts, Hon. W. B. Daniel, Weldon. Congressman of Second District, Ho a. Claude Kitchln, Scotland Neck. WARSHIP BLOWN UP M,NE worth, millions j jg DIE IN CHURCH congremtpr Hundreds of Lives Lost On a Barzil Vessel Wild Panic Caused By a Small fire -- - 212 DIE, INCLUDING 4 ADMIRALS Turret Ship Aquidaban is Sunk at a Port South of Rio Janeiro by ah Explosion in Her Powder Magazine and Great Loss of Life Results. TIME OF COURTS. f Superior Courts Second Monday la February, Third Monday in June and third Monday in September of each year. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of Court J. R. Rodwell, Warrenton. Sheriff R. E. Davis, Warrenton. Register of Deeds, J. A. Dowtin, War renton. - . ----- Treasurer, J. L. Coleman, Macon. Coroner, S. P. Fleming, Warrenton. Road Supervisors, Q. G. Egerton, W. A. Overby, Macon, N. C. Surveyor. J. D. Palmer. Macon. N. C County Supt. of Health, Dr. P. J. Macon,, Warrenton, N: C. : -v " County commissioners, H. j. ' White, chairman; P. M. Stallings, J. J. Myrlck, R. B. Davis and Walter Allen. . Board of Education, W. G. Coleman, Chairman; M. B. Alston and W. T. Car ter. .. . . r . ., County Superintendent, Nat Allen. Public examination days, second Thurs tlays in July and October. Fee on those days, nothing, all other days, $1. Warrenton Directory. Situated on high rolling lands,- three miles from the great S. A. I. system of" railroads ana connected with the said railroad by the Warrenton R. R. Communications with ail the world by the Postal Telegraph and Western Union Telegraph companies, and telephone eys tems. , Good water and a health record second to no other town In America, Populations Rio Janeiro, Brazil, By Cable. Brazilian turret ship Aquidaban has been sunk at Port Jacarepagua, south of Rio Janeiro, as the result of an ex plosion on board, and the dead num ber 2J2. The cruiser Baroso has ar rived here from Port Jaearepagua with those iujured,'nuniberin; 36V The Aquidaban blew up at 10.45 Mondaj night. Nearly all the officer were killed or injured. . . Four, rear admirals perished on board the Aquidaban, which had been used for the accomodation of a num ber of supernumerary officers' and men attached to the flotilla escorting the cruiser Baroso. The Baroso had on board the Minister of Marine and his staff, who were 4 inspecting- the sites proposed for a new arsenal. The explosion on the Aquidaban oc curred in the powder magazine. The vessel sank in three minutes. The following members of the com mission which left the arsenal on hoard the Aquidaban, accompanying the Minister of Marine, were drowned Rear Admiral Rodigo Jose Da Ro cha, Rear Admiral Francisco Calhei ros Da Graca, Rear Admiral Joao, Captain Alves De Larrigo. - Two commanders, two German pho tographers and one reporter aiso were drowned. Later advices show that 98 of those aboard were saved. The bodies will be brought to Rio Janei ro and given natural funeral. OFFICERS. s Mayor, W. A. Burwell. "!! Treasurer. R. J. Jones. Chief of Police, E. L. Green. Commissioners, Dr. J. G. King, H. Tt Macon, W. G. Rosrers. Dr. C. A. Thorn Frank Rose, W. T. Johnson and Taske Polk. CHURCHES. M. E. Church. Rev. C. W. Robinson, Pastor: Services every second and fourth Sundays at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 o'clock a. m, H. A. Boyd, Supt. Baptist, Rev. T. J. Taylor, Pastor. Ser vices every first, third and fourth Sun days at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8:80 p. m. Sunday school at 9 o'clock a. m. J. R. Rodwell, Superintendent. Presbyterian, Rev. Carr Moore, Pastor. Services every first and third Sundays at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock a, m. Jno. Graham, Supt. Episcopal, Rev. J. E. Polndexter, Rec tor. Services first and third Sundays at 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 945 a. m. W. Q. Rogers, Supt. - POSTOFFICES. . Warrenton, Macon, Manson, Oak rille, Nutbush, Elams, Odell, Mt. View, Wise Embro, Areola, Warren Plains, Merry Mt., Ridgeway, Newman's, Inez, Creek, Marmaduke, Grove Hill; Vau ghn, Afton, Brodie, Vicksboro, Axtel, Elberon, Shocco, Dewberrle, Glenn and Norlina. sylvania, that $5,000,000 migh not. be too much lor the property. - -' Brooklyn "L" Oar Derailed. New York, Special. The, middle coach of -a three-car elevated train on the Cypress Hills branch of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company was derailed at an "uncontrolled" switch and plunged 30 feet from the overhead structure to a vacant lot. The forward end of the ear struck a heavy boulder and was split from end to end, collapsing into a mass of wreckage. Of the 12 passengers Avho went down with the car, one was kill ed and the others seriously iniured. A guard was standing on the front platform was so badly iniured by be ing hurled to the ground that he is nol expected to live. ' Fell in Whiskey Vat. Greenville, S.. ., Special. OUie Smith, 12 years of age, fell into a steaming. vat of mush at a government distillery, seven miles from this city Saturday afternoon and was literally cooked. He cannot live through the night, physicians say. The boy was reeding cows from a cool vat arid, as he watched them eat the boiled "corn mnol Via lAnnn nL - ' A. . hnmr. 7i.i T V - ii posed t0 Protect the beaming vat. The In home at that place and it is alleg- nKt . . , ,f . - , I t ' . ami 11c It 11 i 11, U11I his head and one shoulder bcinr held Discovery of Very Valuable Deposits of Iron Ore Near Southern Town. Crreenvilie, Si C, Special Iron ore was exhibited In the city Which was found in the mountains above Green ville, and analysis show that it con tains not less than 63 per cent. The ore was exhibited by R. E. Johnston, of this city who has options on the property. He says the iron vein ex tends across an entire ridge and is 14 miies in length. Mr. Johnston while jverlooking a section of prest noticed the ore. He paid little attention to it at first but, when he found that it was so extensive, he selected a num ber of samples from different parts of the ridge. These samples were recently analysed in Philadelphia, with the results mentioned. This is saia to De as mgn grade ore . as is. to be found in the world with the single exception of a pocket mine in Spain. It has' been hinted to Mr. and Girard avenue. The terrible rush Johnston, by a steel company in Penn- to gain the street Avas of brief dura- VICTIMS WOMEN AND CHILDREN Smell of Smoke in Philadelphia Cal- ored Baptist Church Gives Rise to Shrieks of "Fire 1" and 18 Are Killed and Nearly 4CLOthers Injur ed in Terrible Rush for" Exits. "-. What Our National Law Makers Are , . Doing Day by Day. . . .. . I r . i : ' I f , t -.' Tillman Gets Warm. . Senator Tillman raad-j a passionate? speech upon the ftrecent?' ojectment from the JVhite House v6f Mrs MinOr Morris. 0"jf Thursday he introduced a resolution to appoint a committee of investigation, which ic-sciution failed to pass. . A.LOt of , Discussion. Abiise TiTlthe expenditureTof appro priations was the text of the discuss ion in"the Huse' dunng 'the vconsider' tion Of the urgent deflciecy app'rdpria tion bill. But little ..progress was made ill consideration of the bill, which will be . the continuing topic for Monday. iM.k - The portrait of ex-Attorney General rvnox for -which Jthe : Department of Justice has asked $2,615 was again the topic of comment. The mos. ani mated discussion of J the 'day took place on an amendment by Mr. Keif er Ohio, to increase the amount for the transportation of silver coin. Mr.. Smith (Iowa) declared that the practice of transporting silver coin from and to sub-treasuries was graft pure and simple and in the interest of express companies. Mr. Hill (Conn.) said it was "un adulterated graft." Every Secretary son the 8torvof.-thj.d.nri,; Fho. said had disapproved of the practice, tried m vain io allay, the tears 01 the TT , n r stance where an express company was position expects to- realize a profit of about $300,000 on the difference .be tween the cost of the silver -and the circulating value of the coins. Rep resentative Maynard believes there will be a great demand for $2 silver pieces especially coined for the ex position -and bearing scenes typical of Jamestown,., as the coin will be of such unusual : size that ' it fwill "be prized as a souvenir. Philadelphia, Special. A wild pan' ic followed a loud shriekrf -"Firel' brought death to 18 colored persons and injuries to nearly two score of others Sunday night at- St.? Paul's Baptist church, on, the west side of Eighth street between Popular street tion, and that more were not killed in the stampede was probably due to the fact that the church was not crowded. Not more than 300 persons were on the second floor of the building which with the gallery, was" capable of hold ing 600 to 700. The fire was a trifling one and was extinguished before the firemen arrived. The smell of smoke added to the panic and despite the heroic work of the Rev.E.,W. John- frightened worshippers, the terror- stricken people made a desparate rush to leave the church, only to be choked up on the narrow stairway. , Those in the rear leaped over the prostrate forms of those who fell, and . when the rush was over, 18 lay dead on the first floor and stairs of the building. Death in nearly every case , was due'to suffocation or trampling. BLOODY DAY IN ECUADOR. IVo Killed in Mexican Wrack. Mexico City, Special Two men, a locomotive engineer and expess mes senger, were .killed outright, in a col lision between a passenger' train and a freight train on the Inter- Oceanic Railway, Two others were severely injured. The baggage car contained half a million silver dollars, but none were lost. Augusta-Columbia Trolley. Augusta, Ga Special. James -U. Jackson, vice president of the Augusta- Aiken Railway ' Company, and others, filed with the Secretary of State at Columbia, S. C, application for charter of company to be known j as the Augusta and Columbia Rail road Company Jt is their purpose to extend the Aiken trolley line, now 22 miles long, on to Columbia, shorten ing the distance between Augusta and the South Carolina capital nearly 20 miles'. SEABOARD' AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule Effective'Jaoa&ry 8, 1905. DIRECT LINE To Principal Cities North andSuuth V From Death From Alleged Hazing. Natchez, Miss., Special. Telegra phic advices received here from Greensburg, La., state that Joseph bitman, a sub-freshman who left Jef- ed that his death was due to injuries received at the hands of a crowd of hazers at the college. The boy's fath er, Dr. C. W. Sitman. will demand an investigation. Lieutenant Gus Morris who was day officer at the college denies that there has been any hazing at the college and said that" Sitman was suffering from a carbuncle and took French leave of the institution. above the boiling mass of meal, four feet deep. When pulled out he dash ed himself m a cool mountain stream m the hope of easing the pain. When his clothing was removed most of the skin came with it. . MASONIC. Johnston-Caswell Lodge No. 10, A. F. A A. M. Regular communications first and third Monday nights in each month. M. J. Hawkins. W. M.; W. C. Parker, Jr., 8. w.; B. P. Terrell. J. W.; Ed. Peter, S. D.J W. S. Terrell, J. r.; Sol. B. Wllliama, Treasurer; A. S. Webb, Secretary; Alex. 'pristein. Tiler. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PITTMAN m. KERR, WMrenton, - North Oarolfna, f&WilI attend to bnainaa. Assaulted Aged Negro. Winston-Salem, Special. Loo Thaeker, colored, was arrested Satur day n'ght and committed to jail on th charge of assaulting, with intent to rob, Jim Watlington. According to Watlington's story, Thaeker came to his home on Chestnut street and borrowed a lantern for the all eged purpose of finding a quarter. The lantern went out and Watlington was called out to light it. WIiiIe"stoorin down, Thaeker grabbed the lantern and struck Watlingtoc several blows. The old negro called for heln and Thaeker skipped out. In an hour or two thereafter he was arrested aud locked up. 17 Washouts Near Roanoke. Roanoke, Ya., Special. The trains on the .Norfolk & Western Railwav west of Roanoke are badly delayed as the result of washouts along the line. It ws reported that there were 17 washouts between Roanoke and Bluefield. Of this number, 15 or tnem are said to be between Blue- A J T 1 . , ... ijuricn on tne iew nver division, and two others are near Mar ion. Westbound passenger train No. A, which left Roanoke was cansht in an onrush near Lurich and stood for two hours "m five feet of water. Two New Governments in an Hour Makes Notable Record Even for South America, People of Guaya quil Revolting Against Assumption of Power by Vice President Moreno Guayaquil, Ecuador, By Cable- General Alforo occupied Quito, the capital, at 3 p. Thursday. A juanta of notible persons met in the govern ment palace here at 4 p. m. and form ed a new government. Vice President Baquerize Moreno assumed the execu tive power, establishing a new Minis try. Rioting followed. The people dur ing the afternoon attacted the prisons, liberating the political prisoners and paid- by the government $16,000 for transporting its own money from San Fransiseo to; New York. . ?-j Mr. Williams (Miss.) stated that of the movement of silver was stopped or restricted it would work hardship in agricultural districts. The amend ment was lost. 'KI ; ; 1U M Want License Record. Mr. Humphreys (Miss.) discussed a measure he has pending to make the government records of Federal liquor taxpayers and license-holders . availa ble as evidence. In prohibition and local option sections of the country, he said, the present practice of with holding this information really placed the Federal government in the posi tion of aiding the violators; of local laws. Persons operating ''blind ti gers," said Mr. Humphreys,- obtain Federal license and thus avoid pursuit by government agent, but the govern ment records were withheld by the rules of the Internal Revenue .Bureau from being availableby State officials in making prosecutions. The rule of the Internal Revenue Bureau, he said, contravened the well-established rules of evidence of our jurisprudence. Stating that there had been con- afterwards capturing the police bar racks, where the rioters obtained poss-J siderable criticism of Southern cotton ession of a number of rifles and some I planters in their efforts to decrease Cracksmen Get $2,050 Gold, Oklahoma Bank. Oklahoma City, Special. After four attempts, robbers blew the safe of the Bank of Dale, near this city, and secured $2,050 in gold and made their escape. It is thought that the thieves belong to the same gang that has been robbing banks near here for the past three months. : rrains leave Warren Plains for Ports mouth, Norfolk at 3:45 a, m., ana x.o p. m. - connects at Weldon with A. C. L. at Portsmouth l6f BteamerBi for Washington, Baltimore, New7 York, Providence and Boston. trains leave Warren Plains for Italeighi at 1:13 a. m. , und 1:13 p. m. Con- , necta at Norlioa for the North via. Richmond, at Henderson fjr Dnr-" ham and Oxford at Norliua wit& , through trains for all points South, and Southwest. Shoo-Fly leave Warren Plains Sout& bonnd 7:55 a. m., North odad 7:20 p. m. All Trough Trains composed of .vesti bule, day coaches and Pullman draw ing room, Bleeping cars. For time table, rates and general i& formation, address C. H. GATTIS, T..P. A. , Raleigh, N. C. TELEPHONE SERVICE Half Baltimore Block Burns. , : Baltimore, Special. Fire occurred in the plant of the Baltimore Chrome Works. Probably one-half of the ex tensive plant, covering about a citv block, has been destroyed. The loss well be very heavy as mach stock ready for shipment . was destrojred. The fire was still burning at 1:30 a. m., but is believed to be under control It is impossible to estimate the money loss. . ; 3. C. Green, Attorney - at - Lata, Warrenton, N. O. Practices im all Stat and federal Uourti. M. J. HAWKINS, Bidgeway, N. O. T. W. BICKETT, Louisburg, N. (X Hawkins a Bickeit. Attorneys -at - Lata. Dr. 7 J. Macon. Physician a Surgeon, Warraaton, North. Carolina. Calla promptly attended to. opposite court boas. H. A. Boyd. B. B. Williams. BOYD & WILLIAMS, Attorneys-ai-Law, v7a-renton. N.'O. T. a RODWELL: Hi Atforaey and CcinseHor af Law, WARRENTON. N. C. ,, , All business placed la bts bands will r )v prompt attention. Oflkajiautto LacJ Texas Texas hallways. ., fJ is buildins "or nlVnntn many new railroads that it Is nexl to impossible to keep track of therp all. " When they- are ?all -completed Texas will not fall far short of hav ing 5Q per cent more main trach than Illinois, which was the ' statt of greatest ioiieage until recently, whsfti the Iron horse took a frgsh gpuri ATir tht boimi5!fig areas 'oi the lm r News Notes. Baron Boris Korif, who was ordered to Livonia, Russia, to help crush the uprising, committed suicide rather, he said, than kill Helpless persons. Because Saturday was the Mo hammedan Sunday there was no ses sion of the Moroeean conference. Governor Glenn, of North Carolina, visited the Virginia Legislature. China proposes in ihe future 'to have a voice in the management of foreign settlements within her borders. West Belfast, for many years a Unionist stronghold, elected " Joseph Devlin, Irish Nationalist, to the Brit ish Parlimeut. In Santo Domingo it is said the ati tude of the United, States during the late revolution has strengthened the proposed treaty. Speaker Cannon and the House leaders decided to bring , the Joiut Statehood bHI toa test in the House early next week. The Senate committee iiivpstio-af ;o- Panama Canal affairs decided not to punish Poultney Bjglow for not dis closing his SOlireeS of infnrTnatJnr, .- Phares May was sentenced " to b hanged and Berl Lamb sent to the penitentiary for life for the murder of . bynan ; peddler , in s Pocahontas county, West Virginia. ' " 5 ; ' ' The Walter Wellman-Chicaeo Re cord-Herald North Pole Expedition was incorporated in Augusta, Maine, r Secretary Root announced " that Gen. Luke E. Wri-rht. of Tennesson. lias been selected as Ambassador to Japan; Judge Henry C. lde to succeed him as Gevernor-General of the Phil ippines. President John Mitchell, ' of the Unied Mine Workers, in the course of a debate on ' the . motion to' accent transfer cards from. the the Western Federation of Miners, accused that organization of trying to disrupt -the United Mine Workers. Hung to City Scales. nopmnsviile, Ky., Special. A mob ol 600 men, early Sundav morning took Ernest Baker, a negro, from the county ,ail and hanged him from a beam of the city scak-s in the center of the city. Baker ttternDted. Sat. urday night, a criminal assault on i miss Alary Gentry,-aged 18, whoni ne knocked down and dragged by the heels into an alle3 " Her .screams at tracted neighbors and the n?TO fled Out later was,captured bv oHcers. The mob's work was so secretlv done that the prosiners in the jail next to Bak er did not know of the lynching un til morning. cannons, nine snots later were beard in all parts of the city and the rioters became so bold that they attacked a bat tall km of artillery. Many persons were killed and wounded durinsr the fighting. The new ministry, however, only lasted one hour. The people rejected the administration of Baquerizo Mo reno and proclaimed as President General Elroy Alfaro, the former President of Ecuador, and leader of the revolution, and in his absence Dr. Emile Arrevalo assumed the civil and military authoritj-. A great panic prevailed here during the evening and in the midst of the disorder General Leonidas Plaza,-min ister, of Ecuador to. the United States, who arrived here Jan. IS "and assumed chief command of the army in its operations against: the rebels, escaped from the city and embarked on board the Chilean steamer Leora, which leaves here to-morrow for Panama. Later in the evening order was re stored. Two hundred persons were killed or wounded in the lighting here. their cotton acreage Mr. Sims (Tenn.) denied that this would increase Euro pean acreage and placed in The Record an article from the govern ment crop reporter on the subject. Bill in Exposition's Behalf. Washington, Special.- Representa tive Maynard, of Virginia, introduced a bill authorizing the government to participate in the Jamestown Ter centennial Exposition at Hampton Roads in 1907, and providing an ap propriatioir of $1,340,000 for govern mental buildings and exhibits. The bill also provided for the coinage by the government of 1,000,000 $2 silver pieces, the exposition to. pay for the bullion used. By this means the ex- Fatal "Wreck Neaa: Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga. Special. Two men were instantly killed, another is missing, believed to be under the de-; bris, and a fourth fatally scalded as the result of a head-on collision be-' tween a north-bound thiough freight; and a switch engine on the Seaboard 'Air Line Kailroad near Mina, a small, station about eight miles from At Would Kill Negro Schools. Kackson, Miss., Special. Senator Clover introduced into the Mississip pi Senate a concurrent . resolution to amend the constitution' by providing that no children shall be admitted to the public schools of toe State when the parent is liable for the poll tax for the current year .and. the 'same re main unpaid. SAVES TJME TIME IS THE STUFF OF LIFE Have- Telephone Service at Your House, as well as Your Office, and SAVE TIME at Both Ends of the Line IfOR FAT 3 APPLY TO " &OCAL MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, - N. C. fill Warrenton, N. C. Jan. 9, Hi- ' :7 1905. MAIL SCHEDULE. Trains will leave Warrdntoh daily except Sunday to connect with S. A. Ii. train at Warren Plains as follows: " Shooply, Southbound, 7:30 a, m. eMails, North and Southbound, 12:40 P m .... , Shooply, Northbound, 6 ;50 p. m.' 1 1 , W. B. BOYD, J. M. GARDNER, Pre. Secty. & Treas. B. P. TERRELL. Siipt. and Agent. . : 5 Years on the Roads Hades boro, bpecial. Ilery Rich ardson, a negro who claimed to rep resent a New York firm and wlio was arrested some time ago on a warrant sworn out by -three neroes living near n adesboro, on the charge of obtain ing money under false pretence, was sentenced by Judge 'Moore to five years at hard labor on the county voads. Train Kills Two. Greenville, S. C, Special. Carroll Hall, a negro boy, was killed by a ouTnern train here. The boy was on his; way home from school "and was holding an umbrella, .which probably prevented him from seeing the v ap proaching train. Preston Crawford a mill operative from Easley, was run over and killed by: the , Southern 's fast. trainTfrom New York "to" New Orleans.-' The ac cident occurred a. mile north, of the station and his body 'was brought to the city on the pilot of the locomo--tive to which he was fastened. "L; I - Mishaps in Fog at Brunswick. Brunswick, Ga. Special The steam er Hessie, plying between Brunswick and Darlen, was sunk in five feet of water off jSt. Simon pier. Fortunate ly the accident r occurred in shallow water . and the crew and passengers were not in any great danger. The Hessie was returning from Darlen and in feeling her way through the dense fog struck an obscure piling. 7 Deep" Water Tor Bfuaswick.f : - Washington Sjiecial -Tiic Secre tary'o'f '.AVar has traiisitnitied" to the House a letter from, the chief of en gineers'; with'-.reporrs. of a preliminary esamiiiAtion and survey of Brunswick Harbor, Ga. . TUc board of engineers who i-eyieved the reports stated tlia the f Hmprpvement to a depth of 30 feet at inean liigb. throughout thfi harhiiv" suould b undertsken finl receiiiishids Adoption of Um pro- Chairman Shouts Defends Canal Com . ... "mission. ' Cincinnati, Special. Theodore H. Shonts, (chairman f of,, the .? Isthmian Canal commission, was ihn guest of honor. and sole speaker at the January meeting of the Commercial Club. Mr. Shonts defended the work '"of" the canal commission against 'scandle ino'ngers," bis speech taking much the same turn the recent writings of President Roosevelt fsnd Secretary Socialist Rallies in Berlin. Berhn, By Cable. Socialist meet ings held here passed off with com plete quiet. The halls, which were filled to overflowing, j were closed by the police half ir.n hour before', the speaking commenced. Strong resolu tions were passed and protests against the present tripartite suffrage system in Prussia were adopted. Preacher Alleged Poisoner. Gainesville, Ga., Special. Rev. J. AY. Austin, at one time pastor ofM the Methodist church at Belltown, neai Gainesville, was placed in the count j jail herer having been- arrested :..autl brought from Gwynette county; charg ed with attempting to poison Hon. Bob Quilliaii, of Belltown, giving Mr. Quillian a medicated apple. It is al leged that Rev. Mr. Austin while ai camp meeting at Popular Springs last summer, Mr. Austin preaching a ser? mon a few minutes, after giving Mr". Quillian the apple -which made the latter violently ill. ; v; "' ' ' " " " ''' Charged Witli Murder of Sleeping . Brother. Madison, Tex., Special.tRangers arrested and jailed R. D. Defee and J. H. .Defee on affidavits charino ' ' j, r . O O them with the murder of Tom Defee, a son and brother of the accused, who was beaten to death .with an axe as he lay asleep in; hi home at Midway! 1 Folk Addresses Bostonians. Boston,. Special. Five hundred of the leadinsr business men o P Rnsf'nn members of the " Boston; Merchants' Association, attended, the annual din ner of the organization at Hotel Somerset ' andt heard addresses by Governor Joseph A' Polk',"" of Mis souri; Mayor John AYeaver, of Phila delphia; Governor Curtis Guild, and others. Governor Folk v?'a& accorded a -hearty reception, He'dlsoitsd n a mm way reform fo polities. To the Pacific Coast to California Oregon, Washington round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop -oyer privileges.. The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon or Washington, the cost is slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on cert&n dates in months of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points via Chicago, St. Lows or, Memphis gateways. ' The Rock Island System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds of other Middle West pointe and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service. The Rock Island also affods a choice of routes: on. the "Scenic" route you can stop off in Colorado see Salt Lake City visit Yellowstone National Park; oh the "Southern" route you can go via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco and on to Portland or Seattle tf desired. , k In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. ; If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion rates in effect - to that ' section ' and return, all summer long, specially reduced June 30 to July 4," August 12 and 13, and. August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden . or. Salt Lake and return at low cost also. ? From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way tourist or "colonist" tickets will be on sale to California and , the Pacific Northwest about half regular fare. . , M interested, send name and address on this coupon, designating ' which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. Name probable date of start also, so we can advise definitely with respect to ratet, etc - Address ' JOHN SEBASTIAN, f Vm, Traf, MpvRecb Island Syittw, CHICAGO, Send gS. booklet and rW Nam AddreM- (Of EL PASO Wl