THE RECORD. PUBLISHED - EVERY FRIDAY. J. C. HARDY, Editor and Proprietor. One Year, - $1-00 Six Months, - .5 Throe Months, - .23 Entered Deceirfber 5th. 1892, at War- rent-on, N. C, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of Men. 3, 1879. FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1900. Hon. William Jennings Bryan, the great commoner of the people, spoke in Raleigh Monday. From Raleigh Mr. Bryan made a tour of the Central and Western part of the State. He was greeted by large crowds at every place he spoke. Mr. Bryan is growing in popularity every day. We have received a copy of the State Democratic Hand-book, which has just been issued. This book is larger than heretofore and contains much valuable dato concerning the political and ma terial history and progress of the State. This book ought to be in the hands of every voter. A copy can be secured by applying to J. A, Dowtin, County Chair man. Dr. Charles D. Mclver, Presi dent of the Normal and Indus trial College, at Greensboro, died suddenly Monday evening. He was traveling with the Bryan party through the State when he was suddenly seized with an attact of acute indigestion and died of appoplexy in a few mom ents. In thadeath of Dr. Mclver the State loses one of its greatest and most useful citizens. He leaves the Normal and Industrial College as a monument to his memory. Lumber, steel and other build ing materials are abnormally high at San Francisco, so much so that it is seriously retarding the rebuilding of that city. The Republicans at the last session of Congress refused to allow building material to come in free of duty for a limited time and thus prevent the trnsts that con trol lumber, steel, etc., from raising prices to the unfortunate Friscms. No doubt the trusts and combines are reciprocating by liberal subscriptions to the Republican Congressional cam paign fund. There are some legal obstacles in the way of carrying out Roose velt's new spelling scheme in official papers. The names of many post offices would have to be changed by law; for instance, New York, New Orleans, New ark, Seattle, and others of that class. These would have to be come Nu York, Nu Orleans, Nuwark, Seattel, etc. Then, again, the name of all school boards, and schools would have to be changed, by substituting "skule" for "school" in the names. , Executive orders cannot make these changes". Neither can fule nlosofers. 'The fule and his falislmess have no place in law. : Judge Walter II. Neal, of Laur inburg, is presiding at our court this week. In his charge to the grand jury Judge Neal dwelt at length upon the crime of perjury and tampering with jurors and witnesses. He said that it was his rule to give such persons, guilty of these charges, the full penalty of the law. Judge Neal has made a very favorable im pression upon these who came in contact with him during the sessions of court as well as socially. In his rulings upon the bench and judgments passed he impresses one as especially kind and considerate trying at all 1 times to do his full duty. With 1 fcueh men as Judge Neal upon the bench reflects honor and credit to the judiciary. Religious Notice. j - Divine service on Sunday next, September 23, in St. John's church, Williamsboro. J. E. Poindexter, Rector. A Card of Thanks. . We take this method of ex pressing our appreciation and gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their kind con sideration and sympathy to Mrs. E. M. Goodwyn during her pro tracted illness and death. Her Husband and Parents. Afton, N. C, Sept. 19, 1906. The Charm of a Clear Complexion. Nothing lends more to personal at tractiveness than the clear Blriu and fresh rosy complexion that eomes to those who use Laxakola tableto, trial size 5 cents, a guaranteed cure lor sal lowness and constipation. G. A.. Thorn is. The Old Corn Mill. An Attractive and Picturesque Survival of the Days that . are no more. (By Charles Frederick Stansbury.) One of the most quaint, sooth ing and pleasant of the remini scences of the old South will take practical form at the Jamestown Exposition in the old fashioned water mill that grinds the corn from the meal of which delicious corn cakes are made on the spot The mill will be an exact repro duction of the alluring old time overshot water wheel mill, with its cool dam and picturesque and pleasant surroundings so dear to the heart of childhood and not without great attraction for chil dren of an older growth. The Old Corn Mill at the Expo sition will present to the visitor a very natural and attractive ap- -r-rr i l Ji nearance. w earner worn ana covered with cool looking moss, it will be a suitable setting for the great wheel with its green dripping blades. Within the mill the visitor will see the corn ground in the old primitive way and the sweet and fragrant meal resulting is ready for consumption. Passing into a homelike apartment adjoining the mill, the visitor will be invited to sit down and- partake of old fashioned southern corn cakes. A wholesome looking black "Mammy" of the quant and goodly type that existed "befo de wall," in spotless apron and cap will cook and serve the appetizing cakes with pure country butter and syrup to make the combi nation perfect. This delightful old mill with its pleasant surroundings and the fond memeries it will recall, is sure to prove to be one of the most popular of the simple features of the Exposition where there will be many" such old time attractions to recall to the visitor the sweet reminiscences of the days that are nomore. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Sicunce has proven catarrh to be a consti tutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken iuternally in doses from 1 drops, to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectlcn the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one nuudiert dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for uiiculais and testi monials. Address; F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take II ill's Family Pills for. consti pation. : .- We wish to call attention to our friends and patrons that we have gotten our mill straight and in first class condition since the heavy rains and can do custom grinding and fill all orders for meal promptly. Yours very truly, Warrenton Roller Mills, Frank EoSe, Manager. Notice of Removal I Beginning Monday, Sept. 17, I will occupy up stair rooms in the brick building known as the Hyman building. This suite of rooms designed and built for dental office purposes, enables me not only to equip thoroughly a modern office for the practice of dentistry, but to add to the comfort and convenience of my patients as well. W. W, Taylor, D. D. S. CENTRE Sell KOGE WE will get YOU the HIGHEST Market Price at all Times. Rogers " To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. IF. Grove's signature is on each box. MT. VIEW ITEMS. The farmers around here are about through saving their fod der arid some are picking cotton. Mrs. Ida Wenryss and daugh ter, Miss Myrtle, spent the past week in Henderson, returning Saturday. . Mrs. J. J Pitchford is on an extended visit to Henderson. Several of our neighborhood gents will take in the show at Henderson this week. Miss Annie Blanche Cheek spent last week with relatives near Creek. Mr. F. B. Neal, of the Odell section, was here one day last week on business. Mr.- F. B. Neal will move near here. We will gladly welcome him. W. T. Hardy spent last Sunday with his parents. C. N. Hardy stopped at J. S. Stallings last Sunday a short while and enjoyed his nice grapes. Mr. S. W. Neal, of Macon, passed through here one day last week. Mrs. W. W. Neal who has been quite sick, we are glad to say is much better. Mr. C. N. Riggan went to Lit tleton one day last week. Mr. J. T. Wemyss has been keeping batch for several days. Da Not be Imp:sed np:n. Foley & Co., Chicapo, oripiuntcd Qoiuw and Tar as :V tin oat and lung renedy, and on neeontit cf Uih reiil merit aud populaiity of Foley's Honey and Tar many linitntioiiF are offered for tlm g inline. Ask for Foley's floney and Tar aud refute any substitute offered ns no other preparation wilt give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxatixc It contains no opiates aud it safest for children and delicutt persons. For salo by The Hunter Drug Co. HANSON ITEMS. Again we hear the hum of the cotton gin. . Li. W. Holloman, of Henderson, spent Monday night with S. G. Champion. Miss Isabel Graham was in town a short time last veek. Misses Gussie Smith and Kate Beardsley visited Mrs. W. A. Connell, at Inez last week. Miss Josephine Miller and brother Sammie spent Monday in Henderson. . 31r. Louis Evans spent a few days with relatives here recently. We are glad to say that Mr. Idolph Hanselman, who has been quite sick with fever is improv ing." - V. ' . Walter Brack expects to leave this week for Georgia, where he will attend school. Misses Bertha Dill, Ethel and Myrtle Hayes spent Tuesday of last-week in Henderson. Mr. Nat. Weldon and daughter, of Wise, attended services here Sunday before last. We are serry to say ,that Mrs. N. H. Hunt is quite sick. Mr. J. D. Champion and "son Robert, visited friends at Oine Sunday. The large store house is nearly completed. We are glad to know that Manson is steadily growing. . Starving tc Dsath. - Bpcause Ler stomach was so weakened by useless drnggiug th-it she conld not eat, Mis. Mary; H. Walters, of St. Clair St., Columbus, O.. was literally starving to death. She writes' "My storaaeh was so weak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves po wrreked that I could' not sleep; and not befoie I was givon up to die was I . induced to try EWetmi Bitters; with the wond-iful ivsult that improvement lfi?an at once, and n complete cured followed." Best health Tome on eaitu. 5Do. Guarantead by 0. A, Thomas druggist, ; :- WA Your Tobacco With Ask any ,,JAP" that youjnay see, "Why the Czar, with Bear behind," had to climb a tree. The Yanks, God bless the Yanks, says he, - ' They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea, For sale by, The Hunter Drug Co. "-. , iNEz.5GtuiBs. '"..;' Misses Pattie Williams and Pearle Harris left Tuesday for Littleton College, We will miss the girls and wish them a suc cessful year. . Dr. L. W. Alston who has been spending several days at Mr. G. W. Alston's, left Wednesday for South Carolina , enroute to At lanta, Go., where he will com plete his course in dentistry the coming spring. Mrs. G. W. Alston and her two charming little girls, of Texar kana, passed through our town Saturday. Mr. Robert Williams, of Texas, is visiting his grand mother, Mrs. Virginia Williams. . : Mrs. Kellogg, of Gates County, is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. A. Williams. Miss Sydnor Wiliiams, of Ridgeway, was a pleasant visitor at Mr. J. C. Williams '.last week. Two private schools are being taught in the neighbornood by Misses Jennie Alston and Edna Williams. - Mr. G. W. Alston attended the Democratic picnic at Vaughans. Cotton pickin's all the go, The cotton gins'are humming, The railroad men are in the land, Now don't you think we're com ing. COUNELIxA. Dr Davis' Prescription f;r Headaches When wo recommend and qnarantee ke In The II ad tablets for headaches and neuralgia it is because we know .you must obtain relief or wontatid ready to pay your tu cents back. Sufn, sine, aud always cure. C A. Thomas. To a Smart Property Owner. Painting' is practical work. Skill wins, it's the same with paint making1. Yoi km; 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with gallons Linseed Oil makes enough paint for a moderate sized house the best paint money can buy because the L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes the L, & M. Paint wear like iron. Buy L. & M. and don't pay $1.50 a 'gallon for Linseed Oil, as you do in ready-for-use paint, but buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents, and mix with the L. & M. Actual cost L. & M. about $1.20 per gallon. Sold bv W: A. MILES & CO. arrenton R. B. BOYD, B. G. GREKtf, Real W. G. ROGERS, W. B. BOYD, Directors: . Buy or sell farming and timber land or other Real Estate. We will be very glad to communicate with persons wishing to buy or sell Real Estate of any kind. . ' This Company is composed of men thoroughly identified with the business interest of the community. ... : , We are prepared to make sales and negotiate loans under the ; most favorable condition and can handle your business whether large or small. ' If you have property for sale list it with us and we feel sure we can please you with the service we give you. Call on or address the Sect 'y. & Treas., " E. S. ALLEN, - X;. ', . - Warrenton, N. C. "To C-arc a Felcn" says Siim Ki-ndull, x.f Phillipsburg. Iviin , "just " cover it with Buckleu's Arnii-a Halve iiMd tte Salve will-do the r-st. . (,)'st i;nr for Huriis ' Ttii re; Hon s, Hi-aids Wniids. Piles, Eczemi Salt liii.c.Mi, Chsipnod Ilamds. Hot feet a nd 3ui Een. Only 25o at C.J V. Thomas drug btore. Guaranteed, REHOUSE. UHWELL Bur we ELBEEON GLEANINGS. Mr. D. Y. Reavis and sister, Miss Bettie, went to Henderson Saturday, . where they visited their cousin, Miss Jose Reavis. Miss Fannie Duke spent several days recently in Warren ton with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Miles. Miss Bettie Goodwyn left Fri day for Thomasville, where she will resume her duties as teacher in the Graded school. Miss Jessie Lou Ay cock is spending some time in Whita ker 's, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. L. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Goodwyn and Miss Fannie Goodwyn re turned from Norfolk of the 12th., after a delightful stay of two weeks, having also visited all the different places of resort around the city.-.- We are sorry to say that Mrs. H. W. Jones has been confined to the house recently on account of sicknees. We wish for her a speedy recovery. The holy rite of immersion was administered on last Sunday by Rev. O. R. Manga m to twelve persons, who were added to Sul phur Springs church. They were converts at a meeting held recently by Mr. Mangum at the Cross Roads. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Goodwyn left Sunday for Raleigh, to hear Bryan's speech on Monday. From there they returned to their home in S. C. We miss the bright and cheery voice and social companionship of our dear friend, Mrs. E. M. Goodwyn, who for so many years passed in and out among us, dis pensing kindness and instruction to the children committed to her care. Her influence is not lost, but will go on and on, till the vibrations of time are lost in the ocean of eternity. Kind and faithful friend and teacher, we would gladly have her back, but no, it would be selfish to recall her to this world of sorrow, from that fair land where there is no more pain and no more sorrow, only joy and endless bliss forever. Announcement. s We call- yoni utteution to the fact that Dermakola ointment is a positive cure for Eczema, ulcers, wounds, pi'es, aud every kiud of skiu or scalp tiouble It costs 25 cents if it cures. If it don't, we return your money; C. A. Thomas. state Co. M. P. BUWELL, E. S. ALLEN, Tdto Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven MICion boxes soM in past 12 months. This Signature, W Report of the The Citizen? WARRENTON, N. O., AT THE CLOSE OP RUSIIESS SEPT. 4th. 1900. . RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, 444.38 Furniture and Fixtures, V. 582.22! Due from Banks and Bankers, 15,340.95 Cash Items, Gold Coin, -Silver. coin, including all minor coin currency, National Bank Notes and other U. S. Notes, Total, . 243.77 1,000.00 535.16 3,600.00 $122,832.47 State of North Carolina, County of Warren. I, R. T. Watson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement. is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. : " R. T. WATSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12, day of Sept. 1906. J. M. GARDNER, Notary Public. Correct Attest: E. W. Jeffress, M. P. Burwell, W. G. Rogers, Directors. You are cordially invited to come and inspect our new . . , - .. -. stock of C LOTH ING and SHOES Everything for Everybody. The J; R. Paschall Co., LOCAL Good paper discounted when secured by real estate. Apply to JOHN K. MYERS. Warrenton, N. C. FOR SALE. One heavy yoke of oxen, 6 and 7 years old. Also one log cart. Hunt Bros., Macon, N. C. LOST between Warrenton and Embro, a ladies small hand bag, containing some money and two pair of spectacles. Finder ? will be rewarded by returning same to Mrs. M. E. Gooch, Embro, N. Cv , : Mill, and Farm For Rent. . The wheat and corn mill situ ated on Sixpound Creek known as Milam's mill and the farm of about 20 acres of land attached is for rent next year. Apply to either W. G. Egerton or J.J.Nicholson, Macon, N. C. A Cold Settled in His Kidneys. -A. J. Jrunesoe, 9201 Butler St., Chicago, writes: "I am ft switohman nud am out in all kinds of ether. I took a cotd which settled in my kidneys aud I was in bad hape. I tried sevral advertised remedies with, no benefit, until I was recommended to tiy Foley's Kidney Cure. Two thirds of a bottle cured me." For sal8 by The . Hunter Drug Co. . Notice, State of North Carolina, Warren County, In the Superior Court, ' Before the Clerk. J. M. Gardner, Admr. of Robert Builock, deceased, . vs. .r . Mary Jane Bullock, widow of Robert Bullock, deceased, Richard Bullock, Robert Bullock, John Bullock," George H. W. Bullock, Willie S. Harris and Jacob Harris, her husband, Bettie Rosrers and Georsre Rosrers, her hus band, Nannie M. . Saunders aiid George Saunders, her husband, and Cora P. Bullock. - The Defendants above named will take notice that a Special Proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of said Warren County before J. R.' Rodwell,1 Clerk, for the purpose of subjecting "certain real estate belonging to the estate of Robert Bullock, deceased, to sale to make assets to pay the debts of. said estate and the costs of administration; and said Defendants will further take notice that they are required tq appear before.the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court for the said ; County of Warren, at his office in Warrenton, N. C, on the 23rd. day of October 1U06, and answer or demur to the Petition in said Special, Proceeding, or the Petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. This the 15th. day of September 1906. - J. R. Rodwell, Clerk Superior Court. T. POL'C, jVttorney. To Cure a CpM in ?One Day Condition of Bank, LIABILITIES. .SlOMnQ.iWiCapital Stock, $20,000.C0 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid, 1,826.42 Notes and bills re-discounted, 8,018.21 Time Certificates of Deposit, 47,741.74 Deposits Subject to Check, 45,218.86 Cashier's Checks outstanding, 27 24 Total, $122,8:32.47 First Aid to Bsasty. Nothing is more certain to benefit your complexion than a 5 cent box of Laxukoht tablets. They freshen the skin, give col-r to the cheeks, cure constipation, and give you clear, rosy, healthy complexion. 0.. A. Thomas. "CREEK ITEMS. Mrs. Gary Davis and Miss Lucy Pridgen spent several days last week at Axtell. The new bridge here is com pleted and lo6ks to be a very good one. Miss Annie Blanche ' Cheek visited at Mr. J. A. Cheek's last week. Miss Sydnor Williams, of Ridgeway, recently spent a few days at Sheriff Davis. Miss Helen Cheek left this week to attend the Littleton Fe male College. Ruth. . DIGESTION DECIDES IT. , . Good Digestion More than Half . the Battle. Life is a ceaseless fctruggle for buo cess because. success is supposed to iu sure happiuess. . Ambition and ability make for suc cess, but without health too, failure in more than probable. 5 If the digestion is poor, the nerves unsteady, the blood thin", tho weight less thau it should be, and ambitiou aud energy at low tide because of stomach trouble,, failure is almost a certainty. Whether yon make much or little of life, whether you fail or succeed, your digestion largely decides it. So confi dent is C. A. Thomas that Pepsikolu Tablets will rtuow your energy, steady your neres, drive away that tired lecl ing, give tone to the digestion, improve your appetite, bring up your weight to where it should be, put new color into your cheeks aud new life iuto your btomnch, that they continue to sell this graud-'dyppepsiii remedy ou the money back plan. Have confidence. The guarantee absolutely protects yoa. Mr. Thomas will gladly pay back your quarter if at tho end of ten days' treatment you have not beeu cured or decidedly benefitted. J - Look out for the red X this week. If you see it on your paper it means that we need a little money. . ' - ECZEMA and PILE CURE pppp Knowing what it was to : V suffer, I will give FxasB. OF Charge, to any afllicted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Khcum, . Ery sipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. In stant relief. -Don't suffer longtr, Write F. W, WILLIAMS, 400 Man hattan Avenue,. New York. Enclose Stamp. -'. v , ' Cares Crip fcx Two Days. r Jy oa every yyw?t0 cos. 25c J 1 it