THE record. A Wreck at Norlina; PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. J. C. HARDY, Editor and Proprietor. One Year, Six Months, Three Months, $1.00 .50 .25 Entered December 5th. 1892, at War renton, N. C, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of Mch. 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1907. It was a high compliment paid our present Mayor and Town Commissioners when they were r3-nominated unanimously for aiother term. There is no better Mayor in the. State than John W. Allen and our Commissioners are doing a good work for the im provement of the town. The tax listers and assessors for the county are requested to meet with the County Commis sioners next Monday. The mat ters to be talked over at this meeting are very important and we desire to urge every one to be present. We are indebted to Represen tative T. O. Rodwell for a copy -cf the captions cf the acts and reso lutions passed by the recent General Assembly of North Cai-o-lina. It will be several weeks yet before the laws are issued and the captions are very helpful to those who want to know what acts were passed by the legislature. TtFiZ school tax election for Yv'arrenton and a territory around the town will be held tomorrow, "(Saturday). V.'e urge every regis tered voter to go to the polls and vote for. the tax. To carry this election it is necessary for those thai arc in favor of it to vote and if you are in favor of the tax and do not vote why your failing to do so will be counted against it. Attend to this matter early in the mornincr. The following notes of the wreck at Norlina, are taken from an account of the same, appearing in the Raleigh Evening Times: A disastrous wreck occured Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock on the yards at Norlina when a north-bound through freight, col lided head-on with a shifting en gine. Engineer N. S. Epperson and fireman B. F. Johnson, of the freight were instantly killed. The accident occured just in the edge of the yards on the South side of Norlina, both en gines beiDg badly smashed, and some eight or- ten cars were wrecked. The wreckage was piled on the track in such a con fused mass that it was after 10 o'clock before the main line had been cleared and all baggage and passengers were transferred. Engineer Epperson was only twenty-seven years old and had been running as an engineer but a few months. He. was singlo and his home was in Petersburg, Va. Fireman Johnson was from Gray, Va., and he was twenty- four years old. The remains wei-e carried to Raleigh to be pre pared for "burial and were later sent to their homes in the State of Virginia. This was the second wreck at Norlina during the past two days, a slight wreck having occured there Monday, but no damage to speak of was done in that acci dent. The engineer and fireman on the yard engine jumped and es caped injury. It is said that the freight train was running through the yard at a prohibitive rate of speed. Engineer' Epperson had only made a few trips on this end of the line. I. . .Mo :120 A Narrow Escapo. Glojd.'a meicbunt, of Pluuk, lux a u narrow -n?npe four years tt-ffi 1 1 n r.i :-. n. iimsim linr llifn his thumb. IIo says: -'The loctoi vnn U'(l to amputate it but I aonM not const lit. I bought a box of Backlon's Aruiit:i Salve and that cured tbe laisyeroiif wouud." 25c at C. A. I'hoinus Druggist, Sixce it is a fact that the depot is to be moved farther to the Northern end of town, we would like to suggest to the authorities that they move away the present warehouse and old shed and erect a waiting room ancTjust have the train to come in town to get the passengers and mail and to bring m passengers ana mail. Keep the engine, coach, all box cars and deliver freight at the new depot. We can't see why this ar rangement would bo objectionable a:il ib woui .l be very convenient to the traveling public generally. What say the authorities" to this proposition? Let me mail yo i free, to piove merit, samples of my Dr. Hliwp's Kehtoiative. mid my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart, or The A l.Irms me, Dr. Hlioop, Uac-iae, Wis. Troubles of the fitomucit, Ilc.nt r Kidneys, fire merely Hjuiptojus of a deeper ailment. Don't :nnk tiie eo:n;no:i error of tru;it- lug Fjmptoius only. .Symptom treat ment i.s treating t'.io result of your ailment, and n t llr; cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves means Stomach weakness, always. AuJ the Heart, and Kidneys as well, liave their controlling or 'iasi(e nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's restorative has made ils fame. Nj other remedy even cluing fo t:eat the -inside nerves." Also for bloating, bilious ness, bad biea'.h or c mi lixfeu, use Dr. Shoop's llfbtmativu. Write for my free Uook ur.v. Dr. h hoop's liesto rutive sold by All Dealers. The rate of fatal accidents in balloon assents is less than 3 per 1,000. Wcr&erful Eaema Cars. "Our little boy hud eczema for fivo years," writes N. A. AduiT AHenrietta, Ta. '"Two of our homo, doctors said the case was hopeless, h'u lui gs being uIV-cted. A'e then employed other doctors, but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electlio Uitteis; bought a bottle and eooh noticed im provement. We continued Una inedi eine until se bottles were used, when on:-boy was' completely cured." Jiefct of ai bhjol medicines and body buii.iinir luaHh tonics. Gunrauteed at C A. Thorn s Dm; Store. COo. HANSON ITEMS. Miss Laura Mills, of Liousburg. was a pleasant visitor in the home of her brother, Mr- jf. T- Mills, - Sunday. We are glad te report that Mr, J. 1). Champion, who was very ill last week, is some better. - Mrs. M. V. Fleming and daughter, Miss Pearle, spent Saturday in Henderson shopping -Master Clifton Hayes visited relatives near Nutbush last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Alston, of Ridgeway, were pleasant visitors in our town Sunday morning. We are sorry to say that Mrs M. K. Miller has been quite sick for the past two weeks. Misses Mollie Paschall and Rhc-da Evans, of Dewberi'y, were visitors here a few days ago. Mr. T. J. Watkins made his people a short visit last week. The condition of Mrs. Callie Whiteside seems to be about the same. Miss Bertha Dill visited Mrs. Mike Saemann at Poplar Mount Sunday. Master Sammie- Miller spent a day in Henderson recently. We are glad to say that Mr. S. J. Bartlet, who had been at home sick with "Grip" for several days, was able to return to his business at Nutbush Monday; Misses Nena and Lollie Flem ing, of York, were in town Tues day. One of our young men told us a few days ago to say the wedding bells would ring for him soon. Dr. W. R. Cullom, of Wake Forest, will preaxdi at the school house next Saturday night, May 4th. Jle wishes for as many of his friends to be . present as possible, as he expects to go to Europe soon and will be gone for sjveral months. , Warrenton Takes Reven. Defeats Trinity Park Team in a Good Game. Horner's Military School to Play Here' Friday. Walters-Fleming. Ridgeway, April 25. A very sweet and pretty marriage was celebrated this morning at the home of Major W. B. Fleming, one of the most prominent citizens of this place, when his charming daughter, Miss Minnie, became the bride of Rev. W. T. Walters, pastor of the Christian church, of Harrisonburg, Va. Owing to recent affliction in the family, the marriage was very quiet,' and only the most intimate friends and relatives were pres ent. , Promptly- at 7:30 o'clock the bride and groom entered the par lor and took their positions be fore the officiating clergyman, Rev. T. H. Fleming, pastor of the Christian church, of JBurlington, N. C, cousin of the bride, who, with the impressive ceremony of the Christian church, pronounced the solemn words which united the two livesin one. He was as- ? sisted in the ceremony by Rev. ; home team. L? M. Chaffin, pastor of the bride. The game began inauspicously During he ceremony . The i for the local team when Hanes, Paroles du Coeur" (Words from the reliable left fielder, dropped Semi-annually . now for three years the Warrenton High School has tried conclusions with the Trinity Park School on the dia mond, with results always against them, until last Friday, when the tables turned. The first game, was played hr Durham a week earlier, and went to T. P. S. by a score of eight to three. For some reason, jperhaps their having gone trough a wreck just a few hours before the game, the Warrenton team was unable to put up their usual game, and proved easy marks for the Trinity slabman, but to the last game the victory. It was an ideal day; there was an enthusiastic crowd; both teams were in fine fettle and eager for the fray, and there was i just enough rooting to lend the necessary encouragement to the the heart) was played very softly by Miss Sally Allen. The bride was handsomely at tired in a tailor-made going-away gown of mixed cloth, tastefully trimmed with garnet velvet and Persian trimming, with hat, gloves and shoes to match. The groom wore a clergyman's suit of conventional black. The bride and groom left on the 8:34 train for Burlington, N. C, to vislji-tlip parents of the groom for a few days, thence to their future home at Harrison burg, Va. The bride is a cultured and charming youpg woman, and has hosts of friends here, who reluc tantly give her up, but wish for her and her talented husband very joy in life. The groom is the popujar pas tor of the Christian church at Harrisonburg, Va. He is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Elon College, but for a few years North Carolina has loaned him and his talents to her sister State, Virginia. . Mr. and Mrs. Walters were the ! the game his first one this season, resutl- ing in a run for the visitors. It is not out of place here to add that Hanes redeemed himself by his good work with the willow and subsequent work in his gar den. The first chance at the bat for the home team evened the run column, and left them one ahead, and so it stood for a "spasm" or two when the visitors tookabrace, assisted by errors of the Warren tonians and left the score four to two in their favor. This, how ever ended their chances, for Bundy, the slab artist of the locals, got himself together and delivered the best article the visitors have received this season There had been some doubt about Bundy's ability as a twirler, but how suddenly and decidedly it disappeared. The kid most cer tianly won his- spurs when he forced fourteen of the visitors to go the strike out way, for his opponets are probably the fastest pren school in the state of course his team is excepted. The most important feature of the was the good team work of the High School team. It shows the effect of coaching, for without the team work they dis played, they could not have won Of all the. fruits there are in the land, That grow ou bush or tree, I would eive u the choicest ones r For Hollister's liocky Mountaiu Tea. The Hunter Drag Co. Arrested for a Crook. A white man was arrested here late Saturday evening undei a warrant charging him with ob taining money under false pre tense and defrauding a number of people in the community, prin cipally colored" people. He claimed to represent a Chicago firm and would sell goods greatly below cost and collect what cash payment he could in advance, the eroods to be sent by freight. He would represent to sell meat for six dollars per hundred. When arrested he gave his name as 4 J. Cook. He was given a hearing Sunday morning before Justice of Peace J. W. - Allen and bound over to court under a bond of $150, and failing to give the bond was committed to jail. The man is evidently, a crook and may be wanted elsewhere. He is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, weighs about 160 pounds, right leg a little- short, clean shaven and round face. Hy Best Friend. ' . Ale-xauder Poutou, who lives on Ruinl Route 1, I'oit Edward, N. Y., says: 'Dr. King's New Discovery is my best earthly fiieud. It cured me ol asf ljuia six jefti-3 8go7 It has also performed wonderful cure of iu eipient coiiHiimptiou for roy hou'h Wife. The-, first bottle ended Ibo terrible cough, -and th's accomplished, the other symptom? left oue by one, until she was perfectly wel'. Dr. KiugV New Disooveiy's power over coughs aud colds is fiiaiply marvelois." No othr remedy has. .ever equalled it. Fuilv ''in rail teed by CJ. A. Thorna- recipients of many handsome and useful presents - from their numerous friends in this and ttill&V States.- Among the guegts present from a distance were: Dr. Charles M- Walters, Baltimore, Md., Rev. P. H. Fleming, Burlington, N. C, Mrs. C. Buchanan and Clyde Gregory, of York, N. 0., Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Mitchell, Middleburg, N. C, Miss Tillie Moss and Mrs. James L. Johnston, Littleton, N. C, and Mrs. Lula Moss and Master Plummer Moss, of Keats, Va. Cull at our store, please, for a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Cof. fee." If " real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart, or your liidueys, then try this Clever Coffee imitatiou. While Dr. Shoop lias very closely matched Old Java uud Moeha Coffee iu flivor aud taste, yet he hus not even a single gruiti of real Coffee m A. Dr. rfheop's Health Coffee Imitatiou ib made from pure toasted graius or cereals, with Ala It, Nuts, elo. Yon will Hiirely like Health Coffee. Sol J by D. U. Riggan. Seymour, Hanes and Turner S., deserve special mention for their work with the bat. Gra ham played star ball at short. The summary of the game is be low. Warrenton 2 0 0 0 10 5 0 0. Trinity Park 13000000 0. R. H, E. Warrenton 8' 10 4 Trinity Park 4 0 4 Batteries Bundy and Moss; Gantt and Moore. Umpire, Dr. Peete. Scorer, M. L. Daniel. The next game and probably the last one is to be played this afternoon, (Friday) with Horner's Military School, of Oxford. Turn out and see the game, for it should be ft good one. " $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least oae dreaded disease that sciense hns been able to cure in all its Etages, and that is Catarrh. Hill's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to Hie medical fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Ca tirrh Cur is taken internally, actihg directly upon the blood and muc us 'surfaces of the pystem, thereby de stroriug the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bailuiug up the coustitutiou and assist iug na(uie in doing its work. The pro piietors have so much faith In its enra live powers that they offer Oue Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addiess - - F. J. Chenf.x & Co., Toledo, O. ."Sp:d by Druggists, 7o. Take Hill's Family Pills for constipation. ii Idle Dollars Earn Nothing. There are Thousands of Dollars in Warren County lying idle i I ' . " !4- tttx.i1I rtAA n i. i tins money was iu nit; uaun m wuuiu. axx a, gieai sumuius to the business of the community, and at the same time bring an inconje to its-owner. Why not convert the $50.00 or $100.00 that you have been savin for a "RAINY DAY" into one of our TIME CERTIFICATES, that will bring you INTEREST? : On money placed with us for SAFE KEEPING we allow you Pour Per Cent if it remains four months or longer. Our facilities are first class and "up-to-date." When you come to town make our. bank "headquarters. " Git tzens WARRENTON, N. C. BanL Special Notices. Sale of Land Under Execution. Persuant to an ejection issued to me by the Clbrk of the SuperiorCourt of Warren county, North Carolina, I will on Monday, the 3rd. day of June, 1907, sell at the Court House door in War renton, N. C., a certain tract of land, the property of Essekiel Brown, situ ated in Sixpound township, the county of Warren and state aferesaid, and bounded as follows, viz: By the lands of T. A. Reeks, F. BobbitJ and A. F. Brame, containing- 12J acres. Said sale will be made to satisfy the judg ment rendered on the 8th. of March 1907, by John W. Allen, a Justice of the Peace, against the said Ezekiel j Brown and in favor of W. P. Rodwell. and docketed in the Superior County. This 1st, day of May 1907, R. EJ. DAVIS, Sheriff of Warren county, North Carolina. Public Saie. MACON ITEMS. Miss Sallie Perry went to Nor folk last week to attend the open ing exercises of the Jamestown Exposition. Mrs. J. M. Coleman has re turned home from an extended visit to Henderson. Prof. H. S. Grant went to the Exposition Friday. Misses Elizabeth Perry and Selma Thornton spent Sunday in Warrenton. They were the guests of Miss Sallie Palmer. Misses Annie and Jessie White spent last week in Warrenton. Miss Annie Russell from Vir- ginia is on a visit to Mrs. Alice Rodwell. v. . . Mrs. W. G. Eger ton left this week for Henderson. Mrs. S. D. Twitty, of Oxford, is on a visit to her brother, ' Maj. W. C, Drake, who has been quite sick. Mrs. J. A. House, of Gaston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. D. Reeks. . By 'viitue of the authority conferred ou me iu a certaiu Deed of Trust exe ented to mo by Charlie H. Branch ami lii 15. Branch, his wife, on the zSlh. day of Dec. 1903 and duly re :oiued in the oHloe of Register Of Deeds of Warren County, in book G8, on page 074, 1 will sell at public auc Hon tor cash to the hiyhst bidder at the Com t Honso Door in Warrenton !ou Monday. May 27th. 1907. the fol: I iO mug real estate to wit: A certain lot situated iu Warrenton township, Warivn conuty, North Carolina aud bounded ns follows: Begiuniug at ; stoue corner John Brauch aud Ned Kearney's lauds, thence N. 177 feet to an iion rod in Johu Branch's line, thenoe. W. a distance of 9 a:res to a stone, thenoe Southward 177 feet to a Sycamore tree, tbeuce E a distance of 9 acres to the beciuume. containing Several small tracts of land teu acres. near "Baltimore" Clark's Bridge, . and 00 acres of good land near .ft certaiu U Jte exee.ued h ji, Ridgeway. Also one good Store Branch, Sr., to J. K. Myers, to which house and one dwelling, with 11 1 special referenoe is hereby mdo. rooms, located in Ridgeway, for l Dated this the 23rd. day of April '07. sale or rent. B. B. Williams, I B. a. GREEN. Trustee. D:n't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. Tnere will be no ocoaaion for it if you keep your bowels regular, with Dr, King's New Lifn Pills. Their action is ho geutle that the appendix never han eause to make the lenst complaint. Guaranteed by C. A. 'Ihomas Druggist. arrenton Real Estate Co.i FOR SALE One 30 hprse power engine and boiler, in good running order.' Gash or on rea sonable terms. Apply kr A. G. Hayes, Norlina, N. C. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs. Jno. K. Myers. Warrenton, N. O. Photographs. W: C. Jenkins is in Warrenton again for two weeks to make pictures. Come in at once and have your likeness made. Located on Main street That car bf Hackney buggies are beauties. Come quick before they ire picked over. W.B.Boyd&Co The cheapest buggy is not the best buggy, but the best is the cheapest. We sell the best that you can buy. W- I?- Boyd & Co. "Old Hickory" and "Hackney" wagons are standard. We have all sizes. W. B. Boyd & Co. HAVE. YQLJ TRIED IT The Southern Dentifrice by Archibald Cree. It give health and beauty to the teeth. The drug stores and country stores sell it.- , Pure cream for sale. Apply to JNO. K.MYERS.' SEED CORN. Biggs Seed Corn for sale by Dr. C. A. Thomas. MONEY TO LEND. Ten Thousand Dollars in amounts to suit the borrower. Apply to T. POLK, Atty. Will negotiate loans on short notice. B. B. Williams. TTT A - Tflll 1 rr vviiriij. I'vo young men to do soliciting. Commission or salary. Address R. R. SMITHWICK, ; Manson, N. C. Money to loan. B. G. Green ''. Coming Again. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, will be at the Norwood Hotel in Warrenton on Tuesday May 1th., one day only. The doctor limits his practice to dis eases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and on this visit his fees for testing eyes for glasses will be reduced one half. NOTICE! The tax listers and assessors for the various townships of the county are requested to meet with the Board of County Com missioners' at their next regular meeting, Monday May 6th. 1907, for the purpose of discussing the matter of assessing property, both real and personal, through' out the county. It is our purpose to talk over these matters to gether and have a thorough un derstanding among ourselves re garding the work to be done by the tax listers and assessors for the year 1907. Let there be a full attendance. P. M. Stalungs, Chairman. Sale of Land for Taxes. On the Gth. day of May 1907, itbeimr the first Monday in said month, I will as sheriff ot Warren county, N. C, pursuant to law, sell at the court house door in Warrenton, N. C, at 12 o'clock M4; the following tracts or parcels of land situated in Warren county, and in the township hereafter mentioned, baid sale is made to satis fy taxes due thereon for the vear 190(3. which are unpaid and for costs. A description of said tracts or parcels of land is herein setforth tog-ether with the amount of taxes and costs due thereon. R. B. BOYD, B. G. GREEN, W. G. ROGERS, W. B. BOYD, Directors: M. P. BUWELL, E. S.ALLEN, Druiat. odu aud $1 03. Free Suinples of "Preventics" aud a booklet ou Colds will be gladly mailed you, ou request, by Dr. Shoop, Raciue, Wisa., Kiuoply to prove merit.. Pre ventics are little Candy Cold Cure tublets. No Qainiue, no Laxative, ubtliiug ha'imfur wliatever . Proventics prevent colds as the name " implies when takn early, or at the "Sneeze Stage J' For a seated cold or LaGrippe, break it np safely and quickly with Preventiis, - Sold by All Dealers. " Buy or sell-farming and timber land or other Real Estate. We will be very glad to communicate with persons wishing to buy or sell Real Estate of any kind. This Company is composed of men thorougldy identified with the business interest of the community. We are prepared to make sales and negotiate loans under the most favorable condition and can handle your business whether large or small. If you have property for sale list it with us and we feel sure we can please you with the service we give you. , Call on or address the Sect'y. & Treas;, . E. S ALLEN, Warrenton, N. C. Commissioners Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Warren county, ren dered May 1st. 1907, in a special pro ceeding, entitled Lucy H. Jones, James R. Williams et al, for sale of land for partition, we will on Monday, the 3rd day of June 1907, sell at public auc tion for cash, at the Court House door In Warren county the following1 de scribed tract of land subject to the life estate of Adam Williams and de scribed as follows, it being lot number 2 of a division of a tract of land be tween Ella H. Jones, Adam Williams, Jeff Hawkins and Lucy H. Jones, ac cording to the survey and plat made by J. D. Palmer, surveyor, and duly recorded in the . office of Register -of Deeds of Warren county, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone with pine pointers in said road and in M. T. Duke's line and Ella H. Jones' South-West corner, thence along said Duke's line S 10 J W 12 Cb 90 L to a arge sweet gum ou west side of the road, M. T. Duke's and Mrs. Ml C. Davis' corner, thence along said Davis' line S 64 E 20 Ch to a stake, theace S48E4Ch60Ltoa large dog wood and poplar io said Davis' line and Jeff Hawkins' S W corner, thence along said Hawkins' line N 10 E 20 Ch 75 L to a stone in the low grounds, with willow, elder and poplar pointers, corner with Jeff Hawkins, Lucy H. Jones and Ella H. Jones, thence along Ella H. Jones' line N 71 W 29 Ch 60 L to the beginning, containing "53 acres, more or less. This 1st. day of May 1907." B. G. Grekn, M. J. Hawkins, Commissioners. Genius is smplicity and sincer ity seeking to serve. It's too bad to pee people who go from day to day suffei iug from physi cal weakness when Hollister's Kocky Mouutain Tea would make them well. The greatest touie kuowu. 35 cents. Tea or Tublets. The Huuter Drug Co. R.E. DAVIS, Sheriff of Warren County April, 1, 1907. RIVEI?,. . A L Borrell 33 a, ' M E Newsom 1 town lot, ' SIXPOUND. Flora Jones 30 a, HAWTREE. E P Alexander 7 a, Alfred Brown 1 a, . SANDY CREEK. John H Davis 53 a, E L Weaver 400 a, SMITH CREEK. Rev A W Watkins 1 town lot, William Brown 75 a. Alfred Brown 80 a, J B Davis li a, W ti Holloway m a, Dick Parham 1 a, L J Taylor 93 a, balance Alfred Williams one town lot, Henderson Williams 2 a, ueo tangly a, JUDKINS. M E Newsom 60 a, Mrs N O Squire 12 a, James Rouse's estate 50 a. Miles L Williams estate H a, Isham Williams 3 a, B Thornton Agt 43 a. Patrick & Little 1998 a, WARRENTON. Mrs M L Pearce 204 a, Guy Alston 3 J a, W H Branch 2J a, C H Branch 581 a, Nannie Branch la, W Y Davis 2 a, Marvin Debnam 1 a, Lucy Jones 17 a t Burwell Thornton 4 a, Harriet Thornton 2 a, Laura Thornton 10 a, Granderson Thornton l a. J S Taylor 2 a, Mrs Mahalie Wortham 36 a, ROANOKE. A S Patillo 100 a, balance $ 2,01 3-28 $ 3.15 $ 6.70 1.28 3.27 18.20 $ 1.14 2.90 4.44 5.14 13.90 1.44 4.98 4.06 4.45 1.78 20.54 2.49 3.16 3.55 1.86 2.72 112.07 $10.12 1.29 1,86 10.46 6.45 3.10 3.97 2.0S 8.12 I.67 2.08 3.07 5.78 3.1 1.60 EGGS from heavy laying strain . V . ; of ' S. C. White Leghorns. $1 per 15 or $5 per 100. Five hundred breeding hens for sale. Statheden Poultry Farm, John A. Cree, Propietor, Embro, N. C. HCLLIGTEP.'S Rocky fountain Tea Kuggels A Euiy Keaioiao for Busy People. Brians GoMon Health and Konowed Vigor ttino &r ?,hs"Pation, Indigestion, I.'ive I - ' I t V n T i .-. J, toS R(?ky Moiintai Tea in tub. aV-'iCTrV n a box- Onuino made by ERUO Company. M.arl-srm Wi y GOLDEN Nuggets SALLOW PEOPLE To Cure a Cold in One Day Take L,axauve Bromo juinme Tablets, jb fJ Seven Million boxes scld in past 12 months. ThlS Signature, sjtyy Cures Crip in Two Days. on every rrznrt b03L 25c.