VOL. XIII. ii WAREENTON, N. C, FKID AY, DECEMBER 1907. NO. 40. NOW THE CENTRE Highest Market Prices at all times. Bring us Your next Load and be Convinced PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHAS. E. FOSTER, LITTLETON, N. C. Civil Engineer nd Surveyor. R. R. Road, Park, Timber, Town, Citj and Farm Work quickly done and accurately planned, mapped and platted. Farm work solicited. Dr. EC. INT. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Warrenton, North Carolina. Offiee oppsite court house in Fleming arrii Building. Phine: Office. No. 59: Rience. So. fifi Dr. Hob. S. Booth, 3Dexvbs"e, Warrentou, North Carolina. Office Phone 6. Residence Phone 66-4 SS-12m Dr. W. W. Taylor, Surgeon IDentist,, Benders any services included in the practice of Dentistry. Crown and bndga work, porcelain inlay, and cast fillingB according to the methods of to-day. Office 'Phone ; 2. 27 6m Residence " 34. Dr. P. J. Macon, Physician & Surgeon, Warrentcn, Ncrth Carolina, Calls promptly attended to. Office opposite court house. DR CHARLES H. PEETE. Office in flyman Building. Consultation by Appointment. Ttiephone Connection. B. B. WILLIAMS, Attorney - at - Law, Warrenton, N. 0. S. G- DANIEL Attorney at Law, LITTLETON, N. C. Practices in all the courts of the State. Money to loan on real estate. Reference Bank of Littleton. Will be in Warrenton every first Monday. M. J. Hawkiks, T. W. lilCJTCTT, Ridgeway, N. C. Louisburg, N. C. HAWKINS & BICKETT. Attorneys at Law. B. G. Greek. H. A. Boyd. GREEN & BOYD, Attorneys at Law, Warrenton, North Carolina. Eggs for Hatching. My Barred Rocks, White, Golden and Buff Wyandottes were among the winners at the State Fair, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 1906 and at Monroe Jan. 1907. My matings this season are better than ever. Jno. H. Fleming. Warren Plains, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1. IS THE to sell your tobacco. TO TAKE PEOPLE 07 v.. nTM euiTra Htamci Rogers & B I wSsr A 1 Look at your last winter's overcoat and see if the cloth about the seams in the back and around the cuffs is not badly worn. If yuo tuck your sleeves you will make them too short. If you length en them or leave them as they are, you cannot get away from hav ing people know that you cannot afford a new overcoat. Then is there any reason why you should not buy a new one, especially when you can do so for such a small price. Our men's ovorcoats are styish, being especially made for us. And the little men; to be sure we have a splendid line of overcoats for little men. L. W. Barnes Clothing Store, Henderson, North Carolina. Eclipse Engines Eclipse Engines, Saw Mills; Separators, Etc., shipped in car load lots. Repair parts kept in stock. Apply to J. L. TATE, LITTLETON, N. C. Poultry Sale. We are offering for immediate delivery TwohundredS. C. White ! Leghorn pullets and cockerels at $1.00 each. One hundred b. C. White Leghorn hens at $1.00; each. A few choice 2 year-oia; cocks at $2.50 each. These, are! all from our improved strain of. heavy laying Leghorns and price j for immediate delivery only. Statheden Poultry Farm,, John A. Cree, Propietor, Embro, N. U. 55 " " ..fn Bond model. ! PBOCU RED A NDtafreerepott copyngnte, eve, m all wunimw Business direct with Washington saveM time, money and often the patent. Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. Writo or come to us at . . 623 ninth Street, opp. United State Went timet WAS I N GTO Ti, U. O. F TIME urwei 9 Proprietors. RESOLVED .' THAT AS You WEAR YOUR. OVER. COAT OH TUB OOTSl DE IT IS THE FIRST THING THAT OTHER PEOPLE SEE WHEM YoO MEET THEM. YOC CAHTAFFoRi CHANCES ON DODGING gySTCR BR(jfi2 DONT DODGE- comm. Catarr To prove unquestionably, andbeyond any dou that Catarrh of the nosp and thront can be cur I am furnishing patients through druggists, sm free Trial Boxes of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cu I do this because I am so certain, that Dr. Shoo Catarrh Cure will bring actual substantial he Nothing certainly, is so convincing as a physk test of any article of real, genuine merit. Butth article must possess true merit, else the test t condemn, rather than advance it. Dr. Shoop Catarrh Cure is a snow white, healing antisepti balm, put up in beautiful nickel capped glass jari at 50c. Such soothing agents ns Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., are incorporated into velvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr. Shoop from Europe. If Catarrh of the nose ana throat has extended to the stomach, then by all means also use internally. Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Stomach distress, a lack of general strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, etc surely call for Dr. Shoop's Restorative. For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and throat nothing else; however, need be used bat SllOOp'S V . ALL UtALLnb and TRADE-MARKS promptly obtained all countries, or no lee. We obtain PATENTS THAT PAY. advertise them thoroughly, a our expense, and help you to success. Send model, photo or sketch lor FREE report on patentability. 20 years' practice. SUR PASSING REFERENCES. ForfrceGuido Book on Profitable Patents write to 503-505 Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. 3? PL. .' tea I A. CUT. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrh that cannot - be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & t o., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lasl 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding; Ktxnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cuie is taken inter Utt4ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of he system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by ail druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. You can never make anotner noise with the cracker that has been exploded. A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its lich silver miuep, bonanza farms, -ride ranges and strange natural formations, is a verit able wonderland. At Mound City, m the home of Airs. E. IX Clapp, a '.von -deiful case of healing has Utely occur red, tier son feeoitid near desith i3h lung and throat, trouble. '"Exhausting coughing pt lis occurred every live minutes," wnces dr.s. Clapp, "wlun 1 began giving Dr. King's New Disoovery j the great medicine, that saved Inn lifej autlcoiupletel cured him. "Guarair 'eed j for coughs ami colas, throat aud 'ting! troubles, by C. A. 1 nomas, Drug ?it. 5(Jo. and SI. 00. Trial bottle free. Men who never work are prone i to grow eloquent on the subject of "the dignity of labor." Dadly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Wiuteiton, N Y.. had a very lemarkable experience; he says; "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two exiled it kiduep trouble; the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth stomach and Her trouble; but none of them helped me, so my wife advised trying Electric Bit teis, which are restoring me to ptrfect health. One bottle did me more good than a'l the live doctors prescribed." Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney vm pl tints, by C. A. Thomas, Druggist, oOu. The pies are just as good, as ev f you r " tas ter " i s ou t of whack. er m Here's Good Advice. O. S. VToolever. one of the best known merchants of Le Riiysville, N. Y., says: 'If you are ever troubled with piles, ap ply Buckleu's Arnica Salve. It eurcd me of them for good 20 years ugo." Guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or abrnsions. 25c. at C. A. Thomas Drug Store. This is the season of decay and weak ened vitality; good health is hard to retain. If you'd retain yours, furtify your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the surest way. 35c, Tea or Tabletc. Hunter Drug Company. The pies are just as good as ever your "taster" is out of whack. You know as well as acy one when you need something to regulate your system.- If your bowels are slug gish, your food dif-tressts jou, your kidneys pain, lake Hollisfcer'r Rocky Mountain Tea. It always relieves. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Hunter Drug Company The vacation earned is the va cation enjoyed A Dangerous Deadlock, that sometimes terminates fatally, is the etoppage of liver and bovel f mictions. To quickly end this conditicu without disagreeable sensations, Dr. King's New Liife Pills should-always be your rem edy. Guaranteed absolutely tatisfao tory in every case or money back, at C. A. Thomas Drug Store. 25c. Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tai havo been sold without any rjnson ever baviug experienced any other than beneficial results from its use for roughs, colds and lumr trou bles. 'I his is because the genuine! loley s Honey unit lar in tue eilow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. - Guard your heaitli by refusing nny but tho genuine. The Huutt r Drug Company. The vaca tion we mis is the one . we would have enjoyed the most. : 0 m j Passed Examination Successfully. v James Donahue, New Britian. Conn., ; writes: 'T tried several kidney r me-; dies, and was treated by our best physi-1 ciaus for diabetes, but did not improve j until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Alter , the second bottle I showed improve ; meut, and five bottles cured me com- i pletely. I have since passed a risiid; examination tor life insurance.' Foley's : Kidney Cuie cures back ache a ul all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. The Hunter Drng Company. The richest man is the one who is satisfied with what he has. Politics sometimes makes strange cellmates. . tops tJxm cough and nealstentfl i ODD MISOF MIKES Peculiar Titles Given to Some of the Black Hills Claims. WHIMS OF PIONEER MINERS. Many of the Early Prospectors Select- ed the Names of Wives or Sweet hearts, Which Stand Now as Remind ers of Romances of Bygone Days. 'Behind the names of many of the dining claims and mines of every min ing district In the west there lies a wealth of romance and history, both pathetic and ludicrous. The Black Hills furnish as many and as good ex amples of the peculiar circumstances under which many claims are named as any locality in the country. One of the best known mines In the southern hills is the Holy Terror. Back in the early days this claim was lo cated by an old miner who had work ed some years without success. The claim was a hard one to work. When the man went home in the evening after locating his claim his wife asked him what he named it. He smiled and told her, "For you, my dear," and hev further Inquiry drew forth the fact that he had called it Holy Terror. An other man once named his claim Gen tle Annie for his wife, while still a third perpetuated the memory of hlu wife, who was a noted clubwoman, by naming his claim Silent Julia. The hills are doited with the name4 of claims recalling romances of bygone days. Many a young, ambitious ma:i came here when the mining boom cf the eighties was at Its height, lurel with hope of a fortune, and all that re mains to tell the tale is the name of Katie W. or Mabel E. or Lulu J. Many a sweetheart or wife in the faraway east was honored in the naming of a claim that its owner hoped would prove a bonanza. Some few made good. Wit ness the Annie Fraction and the Josle, both of which were named for tha eastern wives of their owners. They are in the Bald mountain district and have produced thousands of dollars for the locators. In the Galena district there is a small abandoned claim known as the Widow, with which there goes a story. Years ago a youth named Ilanley ap peared from somewhere with a few thousand and with zeal commenced to sink his money in a hole in the ground in the hope of a vast fortune. Back in the old home a little widow waited in vain for the golden wealth he said was sure to come and the wedding day that would celebrate it. . It took but a short time for the youth's smail savings to dwindle away with his in experience, and, chagrined and dis heartened, he put a bullet through his brain on the site of his blasted hopes. One prospector who worked diligent ly on a claim which was staked by an outsider and had difficulty in even get ting his living expenses secured his re venge by naming his claim Old Per simmon. Men of patriotic turn of mind have chosen names of those famous in his tory, as Washington, Lincoln, etc. Each of the presidents has been re membered, famous generals, all. of the states, seafaring heroes and heroes of the Philippines, as Dewey and Fun ston. Indian names by the score are found, as Hiawatha, MInnekahta and Nanoma. Those of sporting proclivi ties chose race hoses, as Nancy Hanks, Salvator, Maud S.. Red Wilkes. Joe Fatchen. Favorite, authors have been remembered, as Longfellow, Burns and Dickens. One student named his group Miltiades, Mark Anthony, Attiia end Cleopatra. One man of a pessimistic "vein chose What's Left and Some Left. The aver age business man in naming claims will choose a simple name and use a series of numbers, as, for instance, Thomas No. 1, Thomas No. 2, etc. One man favored his wife by calling his claim Bed Headed Woman. Two ad joining claims are known as On Time and Late. An odd case was known in the name of the Hoodlebug claim, which was lo cated by a German and an Irishman and Intended by the former to be called Heidelberg. When the Irishman reach ed town to record the location he had forgotten his partner's selection of a name and said it was something lilce Hoodlebug. which, for convenience, was the name recorded. . The Prodigal Son lived up to its name by bankrupting its locator, who returned to Iowa at the behest of the father who had put up the funds for the venture. Among the names that doubtless conceal stories neve?1 known are Old Whiskers, She Devil. Crack Brain and Crank. Some of the gulches have names that refer to incidents. Two Bit was named because a placer miner de clared his first panful would yield about two bits. Then there are Poor Man's Gulch. Sheeptail. Blacktail, Whitetail. Crooked Arm. Poverty and Prosperity. Deadwood Cor St Louis Republic. A School Coinage. It is not a generally known fact that the Bluecoat school (Christ's hospital) once possessed a coinage of its own. At that time the coin of the realm could not be used at the hospital. Be fore he coirid biiy anything in the "tuck shop" a new boy had to get one of the beadles, who were the school money changers, to change his shillings and pence Into "house money," as It was called. This was made of cop per, the coins being octagonal In shape, with their value stamped on them. These curious coins are now very rare, and numismatists possessing any are fortunate. London Captain. get irsrrcdlatc rtllzt trm Or. iiOG3s toc Otefc&iL THE CENSOR IN RUSSIA. Newspaper workers in Russia are now in a worse plight than ever be fore. The conservative Voice of Moscow sa3rs of the recent order: "It establishes a new censorate far more severe than the old. The for mer censorate was administered by a committee of censors and a de partment of the press. The present censorate is administered only by policemen. And naturally the pres ent censorate deals out severer pun ishments than did the old. For merly the censor could only oblit erate an article or seize one edition of a paper. Now he can fine the writer and the editor 3,000 rubles ($1,500). Formerly an editor could ) complain to the department of the j there is no appeal against the po-, liceman s nat. This means that m the days when it was impossible to use the word 'constitution' the lib erty of the press was nevertheless greater tha71. it is now." Cigar Delays a Train. A Montmartre tradesman delay ed railway traffic for twenty min utes at a suburban station recently because the officials would not add a smolcing carriage to the train on which he was about to return to Paris. The occupants of a -nonsmoking compartment objected to the tradesman's cigar, so the trades man, still puffing his cigar, lay down on the line in front of the engine. He announced that he would remain there until he had finished 6moking. Various officials were summoned to argue with him, and finally, when the train had been delayed twenty minutes and the irate passengers demanded that it proceed regardless of the tradesman, the latter was forcibly removed and arrested. Paris Dispatch in London Express. Beauty and Marriage. The examination craze has reach ed heights of imbecility which its most ardent initiators could hardly have dreamed of, but if the maidens of Great Britain have to pass an ex amination before they can become eligible for the . honor of a man's hand we fancy we should range our selves on the side of the angels and oppose the plan with all possible vigor. The plain fact is that the prettiest girls are notoriously the stupidest, and if none but the ugly girls could get married, whatever re sult their ability might have on the nature of the infant, it would not take long before there were no types of British beauty left to lighten the burden of a drab world. London Medical-Press. Woman an Expert on Shades. When Miss R. L. Hoy was being examined as to her fitness for a po sition as telegraph operator, Divi sion Operator Johnson asked the color of a piece of ribbon. "That is cerise," said Miss Hoy. "I just bought a hat of that color, trimmed with a veil of crushed vio let." "What's this?". "That is Alice blue." Johnson recovered slowly, but was game for another effort. "What would you call this?" he asked. "Nile green." "And all these years we thought they were red, blue and green," he signed. Reading (Pa.) Cor. Toledo News-Bee: The Steam Turbine. The steam turbine in its most effective form consists of a long series of rings of moving blades, be tween which are rings of fixed blades,, which serve as guides to de liver the steam with the proper di rection and. velocity against the moving blades. The latter are mounted on a revolving drum, which is put in rapid rotation by the force of the steam. As the steam passes through the turbine it falls in pressure by a long series of steps, each small, so that all of its energy may be utilized. New York Am erican. Musical Sarcasm. Eichtcr. the famous conductor, can be stern at times, and he also knows the value of satire. During the rehearsal of a certain musical festival the distinguished conductor was disturbed by some one in the hall beating time on the floor. Rich ' ter endured it for some time and thcn turning round, requested the offender in his broken English to j desist. "You see," he explained, I j with, a smile, "when I am conduct- i incr T rnnnot always keeD time with o j : your foot." London Standard. ' A Chorister at Eighty-one. At the age of eighty-one James Pollitt is still a chorister at New ton Heath. When eight years of age he became an alto boy at Cul cheth Old school, Newton Heath, snd with the exception of. one year spent at Accrington he has contin ued to attend the church at the Sunday services, the festivals and week night rehearsals. London Mail. Hakes Kidneys aad Bladder Righic DO YOU READ THE LABELS? The hardships imposed on manu facturers of articles of food by the recently enacted food laws was, the subject of discussion recently in a small circle. Two of the men pres ent wore manufacturers who object ed strenuously to the descriptive la bel. One of the party contended that consumers seldom read the la bels, and in order to demonstrate his contention he had some labels printed and, taking a groceryman into his confidence, sent to consum ers of the "particular" class some strangely marked delicacies. One bottle bore on its face in bold tj'pe: "This catchup is made from turnips and potatoes, but is well colored and properly seasoned." Pickles were marked, "These pickles were color ed with pans green, and olive ou was sent out with this label: "This pure olive oil is really the product of the cotton plant, but we warrant it strictly pure." Over the label on a glass of jelly this label was pasted: "This is make believe delicious ap ple jelly." "It was an expensive experiment," said the man who practiced the deception, "but it proved my assertion. The grocer told me that not ore of the people whom he had served knew what was printed on the labels." New York Tribune. Imprisonment For Debt. In spite of the reform worked very largely through Charles Dick ens' picture in the debtors' prison in "Pickwick Papers," it is said that imprisonment for debt is largely on the increase in England. A parlia mentary return just issued shows that last year 11,986 debtors were imprisoned in England and Wales. In 1905 the number was 11,405, so that there was an increase of over 500 last year, although the number of, complaints was less than in 1905. The house of commons during the recent session passed a resolution that the power of committing to prison for nonpayment of debt ought to be restricted, and the house of lords upon the second read ing of the lord chancellor's county court bill expressed a strong opinion in favor of restriction of this sort of power. A Woman Coal Miner. Margaret Peterman of Peterman's coal mine, near Stoystown, Somer set county, can mine coal and out lift two men. She mined two loads of coal for Joseph Koontz and George Wagner, the condition be ing that they should load the coal in a mine car and run it out of the mine. The second car jumped the track,. and the two men were unable to lift it back on the track. Miss Peterman made a wager with the men that she could lift the car on the track herself. She lifted the car on the track unassisted, and now Mr. Koontz and Mr. Wagner say they will back her against any girl in Somerset or Cambria county in a weight lifting match. Phila delphia Record. A Mansfield Story. A famous American singer, now resident in London, was at one time a member of the late Richard Mans field's company. "One redhot day in New York," she says, "we had been rehearsing all the afternoon until we were nearly melted all except Mansfield, who looked as cool as an ice cream soda. It must have been a greasy looking lot that was summoned to the greenroom at the close of the rehearsal. Mansfield, it seemed, had something to say to us. It was as follows : "'I wish to inform you that I ob ject to perspiration. I must request you hereafter to refrain from per spiring. I absolutely forbid itt That is all.'" When Oklahoma Blushed. Here is the way Champ Clark oi Missouri talks about Oklahoma to her blushing face: "The garden ol the gods;' a marvel of human in dustry, a colossal and enduring monument to the American love ol home; a model, progressive com monwealth, the last to be carved from the magnificent empire which Jefferson bought from Napoleon for a song an empire greater in possi bilities than that' over which the mad Macedonian waved his ever ad vancing banner or over which the Roman eagles flew when the seven hilled city was mistress of the world." Kansas Citv Times. . Making a Choice. " "The people and the corpora tions." said Senator La Follette in Madison the other day, "remind me of a woman and her little boy. There were a very large chicken and a very small duck on the table, and the woman, pausing with the carv ing knife raised, said, 'Johnny, which will you take, chicken ,01 duck?' Duck,' piped Johnnj'. But the mother shook her head. No, Johnny,' she said in a -firm, yet kindly voice, 'you can't have duck, my dear. Take your choice, darling; take your choice, but you can't hav( duek.'" fbr children taft, uc9 Jio eplatik 'I! ;J3 AX P i M ii n I! ii