IB VOL. XIV. WARBENTON, N. C, '-FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. NO. 17. I f Statement of T HE GIT IZENS HENDERSON, T. c. MAY 14TH, 190S. RESOURCES I anu Discounts ( h vnirat'ts. 392,986.39 2,500:41 -,vks ami i.'.'.'-v-uw department. 2.445.90 ! on Hand and Cash Items, 21,9fi.l7 puo from Banks, . 144.723.40 Total, $1504,840.25 take pleasure in presenting- to you our recent published statement. The aid in capital, earned. surplus and individual liability of stockholders is $250,000.00 , of which .-erves as "a guarantee fund for the security of its depositors. fhil 1-ank is under Stale supervision, and its examiners make regular in . i iion of the institution, together with the examinations mads regularly by Hoard of Directors. It is also required to make its condition public, thus :.o.vmr around the Bank every possible safeguard. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. - W. A. HUNT, Cashier. FROFESSiOAL tGARDS. CHAS. E. FOSTER, 1.1TTLKTON, N. C. - - ? Phone 43. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. H. U. Road. Park, Timber, Town, Citv ..nd Farm Work quickly done and a,-;:at planned, mapped and j.'attcd. Farm work solicited. 13 r. II- Walters, Surgeon Dentist, - Warrenton, North Carolina. . i.,v.tV opposite court house ia Fleming an: lUiUin. r' in -: No. 59; Rf-'ieuee. No. tm Dr. Rob. S. Booth, Dentist, WarrentoiJ, North Carolina. Ofli?-.- Phone -"9. Residence l'iior.e j.J-4 3a-12m Dr. W. T, Taylor, Surgeon jDezntiet, iViulerrauA services included in the nru-tice of " Dcutistry- Crown and brul work, porcelain inlay, and cast i'iiiu.s acoordiuj? to the methods ol 0.aa. OiSce Thone . 2 . o Turn Residence o. Dr P. J. Macon, Physician & Surgeon, vrroiit:::, Kcrth. Carolina. Calls promptly attended to. Office t-ppoSlt'J CCUi't liOllh. I)R CHARLES ii. PEETE. Consultation by Appointment. Telephone Connection. B. B. WILLIAMS, Attorney - at - Law, 7arrentc3i, N. C. I G. DANIEL, Attorney at Law, LITTLETON, N. C. Practices in all the courts of the Slate. Money to loan on real estate. Reference Bank of Littleton. Will be in Warrenton every nrst .Monday. M. J. Hawkins, T. W. Bickltt, Uidgeway, N. C. Loaisburg, N. C. HAWKINS & BiCKETT. Attorneys at .Law. ii. U, Green. H. A. Botd GREEN & BOYD, Attorneys at Law, Warrsntcn, North Carolina. gs for Hatcnmg At Raleigh, Asheville and Munroe in Competition with the best the country' affords. My Burred Plymouth --Rocks, Yvhite and Golnen Wyandottos, were among tha winners. They oxcei for laying and growing quick, strong broilers as well-as for exhibition. I guarantee a fair hatch. John. H. Fleming, Warren Plains, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1. the Condition LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in, $100,000.00 59, 104.07 Surplus and 1 'routs, 2,324.14 429.57 442,988.47 Cashier'sCh'ks Outstanding Deposits, Total, $004,846.25 If You Want a Nice Bridal or Birthday Present you can get it. from your town Jeweler, who will sell as cheap as up-to-date goods . can be sold for. I carry in stock, solid Gold Watch es, Bracelets, Rings, Broaches. Chains Lockets, Waist Pin Sets, Emblem Kings and Pins: Silverware, and most all kind of Jewelrv. . Fine Repairing Aispecialty. All work Guaranteed. Thos. A. Sliearin, JEWELER, Wakhenton, N. C, Warrenton Raiiroad Co. ; WarivExion, N. C, April 11, 190S. MAIL SCHEDULE. Tiaius will leave Warrenton daily pxcept Sunday at 12:50 P. M., to con nect with S. A. L. bains Nos. 41 and no t v ni..- 1 li. i. VTiute, President. j J. M. Gardner, Secty. & frens. B. P. Tnui.Enn, Supt. & Agent. Seaboard Air Line R'y. Schedule "Effective Apr. 12th. 1938. 'ILtse arrivals ami departures are ouly as information lor the public and me not sriiiiiaLtet d. Traius v-ill pass Vnrreu Plains as follo.vs, subject to cl iirgfl without uotice: So. 32, G:10 A. 2,1., iov Portsmouth Norfolk. No. 38,-1:45 P. M., for Portsmouth Norfolk arriving at Weldon 2:53 P. M., connecting with A- U. L. for Eastern Carolina point., arriving at Poits mouth 5:30 P. M , connecting with Steamship lines for YVashingt-ju,' Baltimore, Cape Charles, New York. Boston and Provi deuce. No. 29.-7:3 A. M h eves Norlina for Oxford and iialeigh, arriving 9:30 . id. No. 41,-1:25 P. M , for local p iuts KuUigh,' Chailotte, Atlanta Birming ham, Memphis aud points South west, connecting at fleuderson for Durhair and connecting at Hamlet with No. 43 for Flon'du points. No. 33,-12:24 A. M., for CLarloite, Wilmington. Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis and points West, connecting with No. 40 at llamlet for Wilmington No. bl for Columbia, f?aanuah, jack onvilie and all points in Florida. Trains will pass Norlina aa follows: North bound. No. 81, 0:05 A. SI., for Kieiimoud. Washington autl New York. No. CG, 2:45 P. M;, for Richmond, Waf hiugton uud NTev York. - No. 3G, 2:00 P. AI., local for Ilich moud. sour a bound. No. 81, 1:00 A. M Wilmicgtou, Charlotte, Atlanta, No. 81, l:0ilA. M., Columbia, Sa vanuah, Jacksonville and Florida points No 43,-3.25 P. M.. for Hamlet, Col umbia. SavRnnah. Jacktouville aud Florida points. No. 29, 7:30 A. 51., Oxford and Ka ieiii. . No. 41, 1:50 P. for looal ponU Chariotte, Atlanta and points West. Jleal station,.for 38 and 41 are Ham let and Norlina, for 32 at BoyKins. V7a , Slat Ilamh-t, il other trains cri) Cufe dining ;ur.R. All through- trams are equipped with Vestibule. li!ghl)aok seat coa.-hts, Pullaiau di awing room sleeping cars. For further information apply to W. S. TERP.ELL, AgU Watren Plains, or wrila to C. H. GTTI3, Tra, Pi:bs. Agt. . Ka'eigh, N. C Administrator's Notice! Notice is hereby given that ' I have nullified as administrator of the estate Sf L lL-Fleming deceased and all oerso'ns having" claims effamst said Seclased are hereby notiOed to .exhibit same to me on or before the l(Hh. d.y rf Ao-il 1909. This April 8, 1908. . of Ap - c J. FLEMING, Admr. THOMAS M. PITMAN, Att'y. Stand Up for Your Town. If you have made up your mind to live in a town, then stand up for it, and if you know positively no good, then silence is golden. Do all you can to help along every man who is engaged in legitimate business. Do not send away for everything nice you want-and still expect the home man to keep a stock to suit the whim of one or two customers. The suc cess of your fellow townsmen will bo your success. No man liveth to himself and no man does busi ness independently of his fellow business men. Take-your home paper. Do not imagine the big dailies fill up all this space. There are many little crevices of a good cheer, social sunshine, personal mention, in the home paper that the big dailies do not print. Then do not abuse your neighbor. The main difference in the number of his faults and your own is that you see through a magnifying glass as a critic. The ill omend, the croaker, can do a town more harm in a minute than two good citizens can repair in a month. The Standard Laconic. The Itenedy That Dossl Dr. Kin's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but fail to perform," says Mrs. E. It. Piersou, of Auburn Centre, Pa." It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I fuel congdeut its continued use foi a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This re nowned cough and :old remedy and throat aud lung healer is sold at C, A. Thomas drug store. 50.5. aud SI. 00. Trial bottle fiea. The American Protective Tariff League is early In the field with a document entitled :'The Vital Issue Before the American Peo ple. " This is a reproduction of the great speech of Hon. - Joseph W. Fordney, M. C, of Michigan, a member of the Ways and Means Qomniittee of Cengress. Ong copy will be forwarded free to any person sending a postal card request asking for document No. 93." Address W. I Wakeman, Secretary, 339 Broadway, New York". De Witt's Witch Haael Salve is good for cuts burns, bruises aud scratches, ft is especially good for piles. Reeora mended and sold by Hunter Drug Co. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Practical education in Agricul ture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, in Cot ton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry. Tuition $45 a year; Board 10 a month. 120 Scholarships. Examinations for admission at County seats on July 9. Address THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1908. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Library contains 48,000 volume. New water works, electric ligbt' central beating system. - New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M C. A. building-, library. 790 STUDETS, 92 IN FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. 7, 1008. Address Francis P. Veneaule, President, CHAPEL, HILL., N. C. fILLTHyC2JH akd'CURE the LIMBICS WITH C3UCH3 so.isf.oo. 'OLDS Trial Bol3 Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. i GUARANTEED SATISFACXOS OB HONEY EEEUNDED. GET BUSY. Don't sit down in silent woe; j Get busy. . Swear you'll g-et another show; 'Get busy; " Luck will stop and smile on you, If you'll stand a knock or two; Don't give up and don't get blue; I Get busy. Start something. Stir something- up; I Get busy; Upset Melancholy's cup; j Get busy; Fortune loves the busy bee, Plum chock-full of energy; Face the rough-house cheerily; Get busy. ' 1 . ' Stagnant waters do not flow; j Get busy; Microbes in the shw blood grow; Get busy; . Microbes of the wretched blues, Where dispair discouraged brews;' Shake the moss roots from yonr shoes; I Get busy. Here's your creed and here's your tip; i Get busy; Practice that stiff upper lip; Get busy; Here's a prophecy for you: Tf you'll only up and DO, , You'll triumphantly go through; j GET BUSY! C. M. Finch, San Srancisco, Cal. SLAUGHTERING SAILORS. The explosion of a boiler tube on the Armored Cruiser Tennes see, witlithe result of killing four men, mortally wounding two, and seriously injuring eight others, has revived talk of the charges tiled in 1900, against the Shelby Tube Company, in which it was alleged that that concerne had furnished defective boiler tubes for our war ships. The Tennes see was one of the ships in which the Shelby Company tubes were placed. Either that Company or somegovernment inspector seems to be guilty; for the tube which has just burst was certainly de fective. Three men were indict ted and tried on these charges last year; but the jury disagreed. It is to be hoped that the cases will now be reopened and a thorough legal investigation had. A """fleet of war" sh'.-i filled with cheap and defective boiler tubes is more of a curse than an asset, tnd if we have such a fleet, the Navy department and the Presi dent are responsible for they had full notice of the rotten boiler tubes and have evidently taicen no measures to replaoo them with sound tubes. Miller. ! PROTECTION DOES NOT PRO TECT. The deluded workmen for the Steel Trust are between the devil and the deep blue sea. They are supposed to be protected by the same tariff that protects the trusts, but as Trust high prices and the Republican policy of pro tection has produced a panic and consequent business depression more than half of the trust work men have foundthemselves unem ployed so far this yoar. If in or der to induce buyers the trust re duces the price of its products, it is pretty sure to reduce wages also, which would be an acknow ledgement that protection does not protect the workingman. lut idle workmen will surely come to believe that the boasted Republi can pi'osperity is a fraud when they do not participate. Miller. This is whut Hon. Jake Mooro, State Warden of Georyia, says of Kodol For Dyspepsia: "K G. DeWitt tf; Co., Chicago, 111.- Dear Sirs I have suf fered more than twenty years from in digestion. About eighteen mouths ago had grown so much worse that I could not" digest a ciust of corn bread aud could uot ret-iu anything ou my stomach. 1 lost 25 lbs; in fact I madt) up my mind that I cynld not live but a short time, when a friend of mine re couanieuded Kodol. I consented to try it to please him aud was better iu one day. I now weigh mora than I ever did iu my life aud am in better health tlntu for many years. Kodol did if. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping thit humanity may be benegtted. Yours very truly, Jaie G- Moore, Atlanta, 4uS. JO, J004." Sold by Hunter Drug Qa. It Can't Be Bsat. The best of all teachers if experience C. M. Harden, of Sjlver Cjty, Ifottu. Carolina, says: "T flcdEleptric Bitters does all that's claimed for jt. For Stomach, Liver and liidney troubles it cau't be beat. I havo triad it and find it a most excellent medicine." jjr. Harden is right it's the best of ail medicine also for weakness, lame back, and all mn down conditions. Bent too for chills and malaria. Sold under euarautee at O. A. f nomas drug store. 50o. of Dreams. How long do dreams last? A German servant is' investigating the matter. A writer in the Lon don'Chronicle says: "The dream comes in the few seconds before the awakening, and has no rela tion to time or space. This is clear enough to the man who has ever been placed under an anes thetic for a short eliminated. As an experiment this writer was placed under a whiff of chloro form by a doctor. Absolute un consciousness, the questions of the universe; up through- layers of consciousness, with always the feeling. 'Now I have solved it' and the 'no' and the 'yes' alter nating through centuries of thought. Aud then the quizzical face of the doctor remembered after a million ye'ars. How long have I been under?' The experi menter struggled up, and saw the doctor with his watch in hand." "Ten seconds,' the. doctor said: And the dreamer had been outside time for a time that has no measure. " Chicago News. Everybody's Fiction. There is splendid refreshment for the hot weather in the July Everybody's. O. Henry leads off with a picturesque tale of the West, "The Last of the Trouba dours," and he is followed by E. J. Rath", who has an indescrib ably funny tale. "Mr. Trimble's Speech," and by Arthur uHi vant Hoffman, who puts his polite and gentlemanly burglar into a new setting the story is called "Patsy Moran and the Trappings of Chivalry." Annie Warner has a pathetic little child-story, "The Surrend ers of Cornwallis," that one can not read without a heart-throb; and Harrison Rhodes contributes a fascinating society yarn, "The Arrival of , Cornelia." There is, too, a dramatic and powerful tale of the North Pole region in Albert White Vorse's sAory, "There Brother's Keepers.' Charles B. Going, Burges Johnson, Thomas S. Jones, Jr., and Sue Fite Ramsey contribute verses; "A Row of Books" is by J. B. Kerfoot, and the "Chestnut Tree" has a wealth of luscious anecdotes. Kpiiudy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts j;ently upon the bowels and thereby duves the cold out of the system ni d thu same time it allays iutii:nni tioo and stops irriutian. Childrau like it. Sold by Hunter Drug (Ja, No Street Railway in Wyoming. "In all our State there is not one mile of street railway nor any paved streets," said Professor Frederick C. Beeler, the State geologist of Wyoming, who was in Kansas City last night. - "There is a population of 16,000 in Cheyenne, but being a very compact town it has not needed street cars. As for pavements, nature provides them. There is a gravel that washes down from the mountains and overspreads the thoroughfares, making an ex cellent roadbed. Over this there forms a fine white dust. It is sometimes annoying, so I am in vestigating Kansas City's system of oiling boulevards." Kansas City Star. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of thi" paper will bepieas ed to learn that thore is at leat one dreaded disease that science lias been abl ? to cure in all its stages, and tint is Catarrh. Hull's Catarvh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ottarru being a constitutional disease, requires a oongtitutioqal treatment. Hall's Ca t'irih Cure is taken internally, acting directly upou'the blood and macoua surfaces of the system, thereby de rtro.tiug the foandation of the disease, ajid giving the. patient strength by building up the constitution and assibt ing nature iu doing its work. The pro p.netors have so much faith in its eura tiye powers that they offer Qqe Hund red liallars. fqr a.qy cso that it fails to cure! - jen.d for list Q taatimouals. Addresa: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toiedo, 0. - Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for contj, patiou. Sine metal-made into Oxide of Zinc- and then combined with white lead, is used to make h. M, PAINT. 8inc is imperishable and makes the paint wear as long as pure nuseeti oil win hold it to a surface. The L. & AI. PAIN r costs only about $1.20 per gallon. - W. A, Miles A Co.. Warrenton, N. C, JU & M. Paiut Agents. Lengths TIPPING. Growing to Be Source of Revenue to Management. The nuisance of - tipping: it used to be called; menace would be a better'word grows both at home and abroad. The London Times says it has spread to parts of the world where not long ago it was unknown. It avers that the free miner in our Western States will accept a tip for show ing one around a placer camp, and evidently expects it. In Egypt and Turkey the word ;tip" is displacing "backsheesh," while in England the size of the tip has been steadily increasing for years. At a good restaurant now you are expected to give up 15 to 20 per cent, of your bill for the tip. "Anything less causes the waiter to cast on you that look which .the boldest flinch from." The London Spectator thinks that statement explains the increase of the tip a kind of Hnoral blackmailing which the average man has not the strength to resist. But the main point is that tip ping is not merely an injustice to the customer, but that excessive tipping and. it is almost all ex cessive now cannot avoid the law of economics by which it de strops itself. That is. as tips in creases in size, wages are put down correspondingly, so that really this continued fleecing of the public benefits at the last only the manager, who in due progress may expect to have all the wages of his establishment paid thus, and more than this, convert tips into a source of revenue. Indeed. It has long been the case where the "pay waiter," the one that collects the money where tipping prevails, pays for his place a premium proportioned to the es tablishment's grade of custom. But it is not merely in the question of meat and drink that the tip obtrudes. It follows everywhere. In English country houses, says the Spectator, where a week-end visilor formerly counted on a pound as satisfying all demands, everybody now must have sovereigns, and five times the old amount hardly gets a guest free the guest of a pri vate house. An aneedoteof the situation is that a week-end guest offered a head gamekeeper two sovereigns, when the man, draw ing himself up, said: "This is a paper house, sir," meaning that nothing less than a five-pound note (the lowest En glish paper denomination) would be accepted. The conclusion or progress of the matter seems to be this: The custom cannot be eradicated. It must be endured Therefore, those that pay are coming to an unwritten un derstanding of a scale of prices for different services. And this undoubtedly is the solution. The gratuity or graf or tip has so long now corrupted good man mers and dull the sense independ ence that it may be accepted as a permanency so much added to everything that you pay for in certain services and situa tions. The next and inevitable thing is a well-recognized rate reaching to every contingency. This is the working of the eco nomic law. One might reflect on the pity of it all, the destruction that it is of manliness, independ ence, good manners, but to what end? It seems to be the way of the world. If those that serve insist on tips the served will in evitably insist on a recognized rate, and so servility will have its mark and stamp in the mar ket. Foi really those that pay eatmot forever live in moral fear and be increasingly bled by those that accept their money as a gift. Indianapolis Ne-w. Was in Poor Health for Years, Ira W. Keltoy, of Mansfield, Pa., (vriteg; ! was in poor health for two years, suffering from 'Sidney and blad der trouble, and spent considerable money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked benefit, but was cures, by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testimony that it may be the canse of restoringJthe health of others." Refuse substitutes. Hunter Diug Co, ' National Debts. " TheBritish Premier announces that Great Britain is now paying off her debt at the rate of nearly $100,000,000 a year, and' that at the end of this year it will be re duced to the sum of twenty years ago, notwithstanding the cost of the Boer war. -It is necessary ff or a nation to make regular pay ments on its debts during times of ordinary prosperity, or to ac cumulate a sinking fund, in order to maintain its credit to the high est point. The sinking fund of the United States, and the pay ments on the public debt after the Civil War, at once raised the value of our securities, and put our national credit on a firm basis. The fact that a nation is paying its debt gives confidence, even to those who want only the interest. A nation that reduces its debt in times of prosperity, can usually borrow without question in time of war or adversity. Our national debt, however, has been so far reduced that our credit is estab lished beyond question, and the United States will never have any trouble in borrowing money. Nevertheless, it is desirable to reduce the national debt with rapidity in good years. Our national income fluctuates great ly, because of the sudden changes in the volume of imports, and we need not worry if we run behind for two or three years at a time. But we ought to show a substan tial reduction of the national debt every ten years. It would be allowable to increase our debt on account of the Panama Canal, or for an extensive improvement of waterways, and forest re serves, and reservoirs to prevent floods. Herald and Presbyter. Bert Barber, 'of Elton, Wis., says: I havo onlv taken lour doses of vour Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more thau auy other medicine uaa ever aone. x am sua tsildn" the Dills as I want a Derfect f- i - a. cure." Mr. Barber refers to DeWitt'a Kiduey and Bladder Pihs. Sold by Huuter Drug Co. Rural Carriers Must Brush Up. Rural Carriers are required to give some attention in the future to their personal appearance, and keep themselves and equipment m harmony with "Uncle Sam." Postmaster General Meyey re cently issued the following order: Postmasters of rural delivery offices will inform all carriers un der their suvervision that they are required to present a neat appearance personally, that the vehicles used must bo suited to the service, kept in good order and presentable, that the animals used by the carriers in serving their route must be fit to work and such as do not cast discredit on the service. Laxity in these matters by the rural carriers will be immediately reported by post masters. Red Springs Citizen, One of the most hopeful signs for many years, and one that is making the Republicans set up and take notice, is that the Dem ocratic party is showing a unity that has been lacking for the past few campaigns. This means trouble for the enemy and they know it. It is a foregone con clusion that Mr. Bryan will be nominated and that such a plat form will be adopted as will meet the approval of the masses of the great common people. This is giving the Republicans great con cern, for in Taft they realize that they have a mere figure-head; one who has pledged himself to carry out Roosevelt's aggressiveness. When thrown on his own respon sibilities he will be unequal to the emergency. It is also a well known fact that it would have been impossible for Taft to have secured the nomination but for the wielding of the Roose velt big stick. All these things have tendency to cause uneasi ness in-the camp of the enemy. South Hill Enterprise. Just Exactly Sight. "I hive used Dr. King's New Lifo Pills for several years, and find them just exaotly right," says Mrs. A. A. Ffchou, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least discom fort. Best remedy ior oonstip ioa, biliousness and malaria. 25j. at 0. A. Thomas drug store. i it ! ! t : ii I !i f 11 1 i, l 1 J li i ii . r i i 'i i i ii is I ' K I ; i t

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