L rill: RECORD Mr. Horace Robertson town the first of the week. was m Mr. J H. Harris,, of Vaugh- Mirrl&G an, m town Saturday lFdCI$5& rr.MSHED EVERY FRIDAY li! PUBLISHING COMPANY HOWARD F. JONES, Edi tor. jliss Elizabeth Harris of Polk ' M. C, visiting in the home 0!' 'I'wr uncle, Mr. Austin Harris. Mrs. H. E. Mayfieid, after spending several days with rela tives, returned to her home in Columbia; S. C. She was accom panied by her mother, Mrs. qiearin and brother, Mr. Macon She:u-in- , Mrs. Hettie Dowtin returned Fr'iil::y. after spending a few j,v; with relatives in Warren- aW tow ; Urtie Harrison left Fri r r.anna Elk, N. C, where i l take charge of a school. H. P. Dawson returned v, nfter a visit of several , it:i friends in Monroe. Jwiey Hall, of Rich L.pe.i: .i few days of last ,ith her friand. Mrs. J. L. R0SE41YRICK. I Mr. Paul Howard Rose and ' Miss Emma Nelson Myrick both ! of this place were beautifully j married on0 Wednesday, Sept. i 13th at 2:00 P. M.. in the Metho- ! .u -.ivjjjai uurou, iu.3 enure being beautituUy decorated-for heo22asion.? ; t The ceremony was performed by their pastor, Rev. R. H. Will is. . Th ) b ride w ifr i u J n o - m. -j j , VA X XX C traveling suit of gray, carrying. a bouquet of brides roses and State of North Carolina. IF YOU BELIEVE IN AD VERTISING MIRACLES WE CAN'T TALK BUSINESS. IF YOU DO WANT TO EMPTY- YOUR SHELYES OF OVERSTOCKED GOODS WE CAN HELP. , TO ADVERTISE IS NOT A FAD -y- IT'S COMMON BUSINESS SENSE." jW T , -i -i . ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Rose left on train 38 for New York, Niagra Falls and. other points North. Ecth Walrren County In the Sirverio Court. Aboussleman & Co. zere very popular young people IS A. Hnnpv Somptimps lllpd and have man-' friends, wh ; I. A. Hariey. onarratoiate them upon the hap- j N0TICE EXECUTION SALE, j f l-'J v- f I.. ' '"it ry virtue ,ot an execution di-! f ,!. Clarance Myrick, after siiemiimr a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. My- ;,' turned to his work .in Willwin-ton, Saturday. Mi:- Annie Litchford, of Wake Fores: ;uul Miss Mary Litchford, of Pw.lwlgh, are visiting their jijtor. Mrs. Jim Bobbitt Miss Lizzie Brame, of Rocky YiG Tu, is visiting in the home n i -1, if , f.T TT T,.., 01 j'.i . . w , AVii . v. v . jDicime. wr. Paul -Garrett, of Norfolk, r.j v. '.. few days of last, week with hi.- sister, Mrs. L. Vinson. Mw- Evelyn Betts of Florida, isvijiiing her friend, Miss Sadie Underwood. Miss Bettie Hicks, of Louis burs, is visiting in the home of Mrs. Nora Perkins. Miss Helen House returned to her heme in Thelma, Saturday, after spending several days with friends and relatives. Miss Lissie Squire, of Vaugh- an. spent Thursdayof last week in town with relatives. Friends were glad to have Mr. Charlie Rountree, of Farmville, to wnd Sunday with them. Miss Eunice Hart spent Su cay with friends in Weldon. "w. CliUon Bridgers, of Balti uwiw ww.; in town Saturday with wi fe's and relatives. .ii:s Fannie Reaves Vinson left Saturday for Greensboro, '.vneru she re-enters the Normal. ww Nora Blow left Saturday i" w Greensboro, after spending a t'c-w d:;ys with her sister, Miss Frances Blow. Mr. Howard F. Jones, of War rcnton was a pleasant visitor in town Saturday. Rev. J. E. Draper, of Aureli an Springs, was in town Saturday. Mr. Frank Willey and Eugene Motley spent Sunday in Thelma. Mr. Jesse Carter was in town Saturday on business and pleas ure. tev. Nat Harrison of Brink- le;.ville, preached quite an inter estms sermon in the Methodist Pi'utestar.t church Sunday. Mr. f. R. Walker, Sr went to varre:iton Monday on business Mr. Chas.'"tiouse, of Thelma, v";: in town Saturday on busi- IH:.-W. FEW REASONS WHY IT IS BEST. Noah's Liniment gives relief for all nerve, bone and muscle aches and pains more quickly than any other remedy known Its peculiar penetrating prop erties are. most effective. Noah's Liniment may be used with absolute confidence in its purity for internal and external uses. Contains no alcohol or poisonous drugs. It is triple strength. A pow erful. sp?edy and -sure pain rem edytherefore, most litfective in producing desired results. Noan s Liniment not only con tains the old fashioned ingredi ents, but- also embodies the lat est and most important up-to-date discoveries known and used in medical science. Full purchase price refunded if it fails to do all claimed, and, is recommended for rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, stiff joints and muscle, sore, throat, colds, strains, sprains, cuts, bruises, cramp and colic, toothache and all nerve, bone and muscle aches and pains, both internal and ex ternal. Sold by all dealers in medicine, 25c, 50c and $1. . Ev ery package has Noah's Ark on it, -our registered trade rrark, for your nrotection. Be sure and get the genuine. Noah Remedy Co., rected to the undersigned 'from U 1 the Superior Court of Warren f county m trie a Dove en mice sc- p tion, I will on Monday the 2nd 1 1 1 day of October, the same being jj i the first Monday or the month, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House Door of said county,, sell to the highest, bidder for cash, Il to satisfy said execution, all the , right, title and interest which I j the said LA. Haney, the defend-' j ant has m the following descnb- ed real estate to wit: ..SB Situated in Hawtree township, j 3 Warren county, N. C. bounded ; as follows: Begin on the St. ! Tammanv road at a stone on- road leading from the Willie Bolton ; to the St. Tammany ro d andi thence along said road west to , n. strlrip. in said Bolton land. ninetv ! sevx3n and one half yards; thence ; 1 ennth 1h(l vnrnQtn n strmo in Kn - it ton's line; thence east 97 1-2 yards to a stone on bt. iam- ,N5 manv's road; thence along said. lis road to beginning, containing JJ' TThic tVip 1V rlnv nf Spntom hpy : 5 i 1911. R. E. DAVIS, Sheriff. VJutMaJ5W Designs COFYR'GHTS &.C. Anyone sending e s'cetob and description may qxilckly ascertain our opiiiiuri free whether an Invention is vrobably patentable. CommunicH' tiona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents pent free. Oldest agency for secu!iifr patents. Patents taken through Munn J Co. receive ipecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific JMricmi. A handsomely illustrated weekly. -Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f 3 a year: four months, fi. Jold by all newsdealers. lilUKN&Co.36,B'Md"ra'-NewYorlr Branch Office. 625 F St- Washington. D. C CHAS. E. FOSTER, T TTTLETON, N. C. - - 'Phone 43. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. ' H. R. Road, Park, Timber, Tow, ; iUv anrl Farm Worknuicklvdone Ar.d ! accurately planned,' mapped and luttfd. b.rvn work srilieitt-a. In 'hi ; 1 Ct- I ANIE ..- Attorney at Law; LITTLETON, N. Prnp.t.ices in all the courts ;i ln ; - State. Money to loan on real estot- ; ,r R , rpj KT., - Platitci-s Bank, Littleto', ; n i d ; i . WW' R '.' ill bf1 ip Wh rrt-nton every t 1. R. GLASGOW, lijj REAL ESTATE, LIT TLETON, N. C. w- w -v ' -w --w T. J. MILES, President. W. E. BOWERS, Vice-President'. Report of the Condition of PLANTERS BANK LITTLETON, N. C. At Close of Business Sept. 1st 1911. "-rm, .m irm I " "'' REASOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured : Furniture and Fixtures Cash on hand and in Banks, T) -wws Lsjlie and Louise 'wwvmmr left Monday for Black- Aj 1 'hey were accompanied by th- friend. JVIss Sallie Kate ''V"U. of Lions, Ga. , who spent Sunday with thern. Hollie Johnston left Tues 'y for Louisburjr, where she en school f. J. h Clifton was in town Monday on business. TUal Capital stock paid in Surplus and Profits, Bills Re-discounted Bills Payable Deposits, LIABILITIES. $ 85,244.19 11,007.37' $ 99,624.77 S , lo,ooo.oo 1,452.31 3,257.73 10.000.00 74,914.73 v j A piflp Given Away Absolutely IN Free S'-5 -- ' v Q r? J kCJLl- a AND mg contest V''V "w w.Vv 'W, . w'.. fv v,; . 4 , , - J ?VW'V'V:l" . ' - v'' -W : ' j . ...... ;r-. - k . .- V"-4. . l- h;-. I ' y,r.; il . ' , - .... . .... . - . -XL .1 ViV Vv-'- ti 1 -'T -.. V-i'Tv -v -W, O - - 'V - .-f p-;"- V :'; w ' ' v w , . ' 5--l5 ;TW2l-J?-:- . ;T") 'W' ' w .-fw i - W w -. --few iXPti-X.K-j -,w .6. ::;; :i.w; w . ;-'-w;wrvV;-i f 1 JJ I -- I . w - . '..v: 'a ' X 1 v -;Wvw- -. w 7 -?- - tf- wW'-;'W WW vwnW-w ..N: .trw?, ..,:rt : -1 felr "'. , ' ; 'W :-W-w;;w 4 Other Valuable Frizes Will 3e nouhced Later. sai. Enter This Sen- Garnpaign and come a Winner. ji The Gote P1 So $ 99,624 77 Total T J Miles, S. T. Thorne, Jr. J, . uoddui, R RavBrownto, E..C. Bobbit, C, G. Moore. R, W S S tey. .W,R. Harvey, W. H. Nicholson M.-J. Grant. THE RECORD and the American Music Company, of Jacksonville, invite you to enter this friend ly race for rich prizes and popularity. We vsant your business. rN m. j: grant, ' : x . ' B. H. BRO 'WNiTHG. A -sistar.t Cashirr. V I Hi 7 US i 1 1 ) lit (ij'J . C I 111 ss , ""' fill ' ' - '' - ' ' i 'I . ' Try for the Splendid FREE' PRIZE. !P I a t 1 !3t Mi it' ! .11 ' '' W il- . ' - . i X

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