j3 "1' irw" m m i Kheumati getting a grip on Rheumatism is the most distress ing: and discouraging of all troubles. Nine cases out of ten can he cured by using Noah's Liniment. Where there is no swelling or fever a few applications will relieve you. Noah's Liniment penetrates does not evaporate like other remedies. Requires very little rubbing. sm you ? I wt mm ot blast JtfOAH'S LINIMENT Relieved This "I suffered with rheumatism in my right arm ana shoulder, complicated witn a partial pa ralvsis of the nerves. I tried numerous prepara tions with only partial relief, suffering intense pain all the time, loss of appetite, insomnia, and was reduced to a mere skeleton. Fortunately I Man of a Terrible Condition. learned of Noah's Liniment and began its use. Although I could not raise my arm, after using a little more than a large size bottle I feel that red -John P. Daly, Charleston, S. CV I am completely curt Cannot too strongly recommend Noah's Lini ment. and my old self again. $1.00 FREE ! $1 00 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY E will give absolutely free a v cloth bound copy ot "Dressmak ing self taught" with each new sub- a . . ii ii t i r scripnon or renewal xo ine decora ior one year. The subscription price of the Record is $1.00 per year in ad vance. Dressmaking selftaught is one of the leading publications of its kind and is invaluable in any home and it sells for $1.00. Nicely bound in cloth. Don't fail to take advantage of this free offer and send in your subscription now. Nort h Carolianians for Wilson's Cabinet. It is hardly probable that Gov. Wilson will select two members of his cabinet from North Carolina, but that does not alter the fact that the State has two citizens .who would make ideal !fmembers of the officii! family. We refer to JosephusDaniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, whom we nominate for Post master General, and Clarence K. Poe, editor of the Progress ive Farmer, who is the best equipped man in the country for Commissioner of Agricul ture. Wadesboro Messenger. The Index seconds the motion and endorses the above article in full and without recourse. You can size up the matter to suit yourself, but a Sim mons' Club was organized at Durham the other night and they pushed forward two or three young lawyers, but the leaders were John Sprunt Hill, son-in-law of Mr. Watts and a large stockholder in the old American Tobacco Co. ; Joh Pope, who runs a tobacco waren house; Mr. Griswell, who car ries his part of their insurance; T .B. Fuller, who has charge of the Duke Cotton Mills and is a director in one of Duke's banks, Y. E. Smith, who may properly be called Duke's Little Friday, and is superintendent of the Durham Cotton Mfg. Co., owned bv the American Tobacco in fluences and director of one of Duke's banks, and Capt. E. J. Parrish, who represented the old American Tobacco Co. Japan. Fayetteville Index. OINE ITEMS. Farmers are taking advantage of the present fine fall weather and are saving their crops with all their might. The cotton is nearly all picked out which is only about a half a crop. The tobacco farmers are reporting very flattering prices for the weed. The pea crop is almost a complete failure. The Oine Graded School open ed Monday with Misses Lula Pratt and Lula Sykes teachers. Mr. John A. Meeder has pur chased an automobile and is now enjoying the fresh air in the early morn. Mr. S. G. Wilson and family visited the family of Mr. JR. S. Williams Sunday. Mr. John W. Mayfield d family are visiting in the home of his mother. BLUE BELL. Salisbury Post: Chairman Charles A. Webb, of the State Executive Committee of the Democratic party, is advertising Governor Kitchin's appoint ments just as he is doing for Senator Simmons, Locke Craig and other speakers. Papers that have been leaving the impres sion that the Governor is free lancing through this campaign should take notice. J. KAvJTOR Hi AND BUILDER W. N. HAWKINS, Littleton N r u Estimates Furaisfiad on Brick mi tol BjHij, Plifera. ai i lie Setting, teret. u a a & I 1 , Norfolk SAVES LEG OF BOY ' It seemedthat rmy 14 year old boy would have' to lose his leg, on account of an ugly ucler, caused by a bad bruise," wrote D. R Howard, Aquone, N. C, "all remedies and doctors treat ment failed till we tried Buck len's Arnica Salve, and cured him with one box. " Cure burns. I boils, skin erruptions. piles. 25c STATEMENT OF THE OWN- at C. A. THOMAS. ERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, Southern RAILROAD "Route of the Night Express" New Short Line Through Eastern North Carolina Direct Line Between NORFOLK Raleigh Newbern Goldsboro Via Washington, Kinston, Greenville, Farmville, Wilson, to Points North and South i n ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLEEP ING AND PARLOR CARS Fast Schedules : .Best Service Double Daily Express Service CIRCULATION ETC., OF TH E RECORD, PUB LISHED WEEKLY, AT WARRENTON, N. C. REQUIRED B Y ACT OF AUG. 24, 1912.. DRIVE TO TOWN? 1 This farmer tele phoned and stayed at home. And find the market unfavorable for your produce? The farmer This farmer went to market. who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved are worth the cost of service. Under our plan the service costs but a trifle; the farmer owns the instrument and the equipment. For information write to our nearest Manager for pamphlet, or address: HOME Tl Farmers Line Department HONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Henderson, N. C CLE NOTE: This statement is to be made in duplicate, both cop ies to be delivered by the pub lisher to the postmaster, who will send one copy to the Third Assistant Postmaster General (Division of Clssifiction), Wash ington, D. C, and retain the other in the files of the Post Office. Editor Howard F. Jones, Warrenton, N. C. Bussiness Manager, T. L. Brodie, Warrenton, N. C. Publisher T. L. Brodie, War renton, N. C. Owners--If a corporation, give names and addresses of stockholders 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock New Era Pub-, Co., Warren ton, N. C. Stock Holders R. Ii. Boyd, 1 Share W. G. Rogers, 1 Share J. Tarwater, 1 Share W. A. Graham, 1 Share H. F. Jones 28 Shares, Mrs. E. R. Brodie, Estate, 4 Shares T. L. Brodie, 36 Shares, all of War renton, N. C, J. R. Paschall, Richmond, Va. 2 shares, J. B. Williams, Inez, N. C, 1 Share Spottswood Burwell, Henderson, N. C, 1 Share. KnownJ bond holders, mort gages, and other security hold ers, holding l.per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages or other securities ; Mrs. E. B. Jones, Guardian, $500 00 Warrenton N. C. Averaere number of copies of each issue of this nublication, sold or distributed, through, the mails or oth irwise, to paid sub scribers during the six m mths preceded the date of this state- me nt. (This information is required from Daily newspapers only.) (Signed) T. L. BRODIE, Pub., and Mgr. 1 Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 28th day of Sept. 1912. B. L. BUGG, W. W. CROXTON, D. Traffic Mgr., Gen. Pass., Agt. Norfolk, Va. Norfolk, Va. V. CONN, Gen. Agt Raleigh, N. C JAS H. GREEN DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH HEATS. I shall keep on hand at all times tue best assort nent of fresh meat to be had. Prompt' and best service rendered. Phone 106 Bulbs, if You Please! Our new tock of French and Holland bulbs are now arriving and to plant early insures fine flowers. Remember we make the finest we Idng bouquets and floral de signs. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed by. J. L. O'QUINN & CO., Phones 149. Raleigh, N. C. FREE TICKE1 TO KNOX VILLE. Your railroad fare will, under reasonable conditions, be paid to Knoxville, Tenn., byDraughon's Practical Business College, if you attend the College. In any of the most successful men in Knoxville and Nashville were formerly North Carolina boys who got their start by at tending Draughon's College. The College gives a written con tract to secure a position under reasonable conditions, or refund tuition. The college will send you a cat alogue, also a card, explaining all about its plan of paying rail road fare. Address DROUGHAN'S B J S I N E S COLLEGE, Nashville, or Knox ville, Tenn SEABOARD AIRLINE SCHEDULE. (For information, only.) The following trains leave Norlina daily, except 29 and 30 bhoony, which does not run Sunday: 29 For Raleigh 8:20 a. m. 35 Arrives from Richmond (local) 12:50 p. m. 66 For Washington 2:10 36 Richmond local 2:20 41 For Raleigh and South 1 :45 38 For Portsmouth 2 :05 93 From Portsmouth 1:50 a. m 81 For Jacksonville 4:05 33 From Washington Atlanta 2:15 32 From Atlanta Washington 4.55 92 For Portsmouth 5 :00 84 For Richmond and Wash. 2:35 43 For Wash. Jacksonville; 4:00 p.m. WARRENTON R. R. SCHEDULE. The trains over the Warrenton R. Warren Plains: Shooflv 38 & 41 Shooflv R. will leave Warrenton for 7:40 a. m. 12:50 p. m. 6:40 p. m. Daily except Sunday. CUT OUT THIS AD. Moles : Warts OLESOFF IUUHmIBIII Us!! H. T. MACON. BEAUT Y HEALTH SCHOLARSHIP Lowest rates in the South. Delightful location. Deep well water. Twenty-two yeais without a sin gle case of dangerous sickness. Clean athletics. A distinguished Bostonian writes :. "Of all the colleges I have visited in six years as International Field Secretary of Christian Endeavor, the spirit of Elon College seems to be the most genuinely Christian." Karl Lehman. Write at once for catalogue and views. President, W. A. HARPER. Box Elon CoUew "NT C. for the removal of MOLES and WARTS without pain and leaving neither scar nor mark is the same remedy that we sold your grandmother, aiia has, since its first appearance upon the market, cjrie! with it the Unanimous Indorsement of Man and Woman. MOLESOFF was the best in pioneer days, is still the best today. Our long experience pio tects you, we guarantee. Letters from personages we all know, together wun much valuable information are contained in an attractiv booklet, which will be sent free upon request. If you have any trouble getting MOLESOFF, send direct to the undersigned. One hundred dollars in gold will be paid to the party nir - picture of themselves before and after using MOLESOrr pictures to be accepted, and used by us, for advertising MOl One million people will see your picture with and without an growth on your person. FLORIDA DISTRIBUTE N G CO.. In Pensacola, Florida. July 19-24-times. Have You Subscriced to the Record? I 1 G4 M. J. Ridgewl H At HE Br. si WAR Office Flei Phones Dr. Warre Office Resid WAR Office Hours- Sum Oi R Chi For Offi Litt Tate Mj Ever' Dl Co