TLJT i ineaualed An Unequaled ADVERTISING Medium ADVERTISING Medium O IL VOL-. XX WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY JULY lO, 1914 NO 15 -1.00 A YEAR A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests oi Warrenton and Warren County. 3C A PY JL GOOD WORDS A pot IT THE RECORD Commends The Record nd Says that He i? n joys Every Issue. U. S. S. Florida, Vera Cruz, Mexico, June 231914. Warrenton Record. Warrenton, N N. C., a-rvT R2ord. of date, May 29 1914. "page one column three, published under heading "New Law Popular" an article vhich every son and daughter of the old North State should read with pride, because of the ad vanced position in legislation, a5 well as in other matters that the Grand Old Commonwealth is taking among the great sister hood of states. In reading this article my very heart and soul was filled with a sense of pride and joy now and feel that the State of my nativity had taken such an advanced step forward in such progressive as well as beneficial legislation. Good and beneficial legislation, and a proper adimnitration and ob servant of the law is one of the mcs'es mtiaff acts by which we may know and judge a com munity, County, State or Na tion, and any act of a legis ative body of a State enacted into a law whereby its constitu ents can, for all times to come, be identified and known, is not cnly an advance! position but one of lasting benefit as well, lit may seem strange to you that I should thus comment on this particular act of legislation, when doubtless th noble Sires oi the Legisative Body of the State have caused a number cf other acts of similar im portance to be written into the Governing laws of the State, but there is a personal reason why this particuar law appeals to me, and for this reason I feel that I want to write you my hearty approval, if you will bear with me a while, I will give you my reason of enthusi asm, in-order that that you may know. In a great many ways this law will proe a lasting benifit to future generations, however 1 will endeavor to show wherein one way it would have been material benefit to .me had it been law durinsr the early Seventys'. " I have for the major portion of my Jife, since maturity about twentv years been in the Naval Service of the Unit ed States and because of my continous service and other ad ditions my pay per month has been increased approximately 500 per cent since having bached the position that I now THE NORTH CAROLINA. College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts This State Industrial College offers strong courses in Agricul ture, Horticulture, Stock rais Dairying, Poultry, Vetinary Medicine; in Civil, Electrical, n2 Mechanical Engeering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cot ton Manufacturing, smd in Agri cultural teaching. Four year purses. Two and one year purses in Agriculture and in machine Sh " "Mill. X J . ?l men, 738 students; 25 build up excellent equipment and oratories for each depart ment. On; July 9th County Sup rjntendents conduct entrance examinations ; at each county at- 'or.catalogue write H3S Clp- West Raleigh, N. C. hold whilejthere was no question about my drawing the addition al pay as well as the base pav each month, until a recent de cison of the Auditor for the Navy Department and confirm ed by theComptroller, hat for a man to draw Jchis additional pay he must establish docu mentry evidence, his right of ci tizenship. "May I add that with some people at'sometimes to establish one's indemnity by documentary proof might prove more embar ressing that the average person would imagine." The most accurate and sure proof of citizenship is a birth Certifi cate, ana that I could nut show. In order for Tie tu establish perfectly regular and legal proof I secured evidence that I at one time was a legal voter in North Carolina, and after a legal voter in my adopted State of Maryland, I did this and established to the proper offici als the legality of my eitizan ship. but of the fifty thousand men in the Naval Service to say nothing of the Vrmy Ma rine Corps and Revenue Cut ter Service there were and ar a goodly number who could proudce neither birth Certifi cates, voters certificates or any documentary proof oi citizen ship, and with a number of men of families it worked a greater hardship, because some were checked for as much as from five hundred to seven hundred and fifty dolars. others even more and some less of course according to length of service etc. etc. for back pav, illegaly drawn, through no crim inal intent of their own. neither was it a neglect or inefficiency on the part of ,any of the dis bu" s'ng Officers of the Service, yet tnese men were checked. However Congress came to their relief up to and including June 3C 1913, but from that time on each man must provide doc mentary evidence-which is per fectly proper that he should of his citizenship if he would avail himself of the benefits of various increases in pay, al though he be a native born citi zen, but if he has neither birth certificate, voters certificates or baptisim&l certificates and in a great number of cases no one to testify of swear to his identity, he is then up against a proposi tion that would ask himelf. from whence did I come? Be it said to the credit of the Catho lic Church they have and do keep a much more complete and systematic record of their own than any other of the Protes tant churches, why I know is be cause ray duty is and has been for several years past in the Pay Office and it has fallen to my lot to write various letters tD establish the citizenship of a number of my fellow men. and as a rule when we can get neith er birth nor voters certificate , if he be a Catholic we can sure ly I cannot recal ever having failed get a baptismal certifi cate. This 1 mention not to find fault with our Protestant Churches, neither am I sounding the praises of the RomanChurch, but simply stating facts. I think the law in question a most worthy one, and it should be the pride as well as the duty of every attending Physician, Midswife or others, as well as the fond mother and father to ee that their offspring is sduly registered and a certificate placed in their possesion which should be treasured as, sacredly as the birth page f the old family- Bible in ye 0ld days gone by. If you will bear withme jst a little linger there is one more subject, on which I would like to speak, and wich I .deem of equally as vital importance and may I add should be considered a necessity. I do" not think that the laws of North Carolina require a - Cergyman, Justice of Peace or! others empowered with 'he! sacred right of performing the marrage ceremony to supply the contracting parties with mar marriage certificate, it slfould be just as much the duty of the one performing the ceremony to issue a certificate.under the seal of the precinct, county or state, properly and duly sianed by each of the contractinglparties. as well as bv the official who performed the ceremony and j properly witnessed by one. two or three persons as the contract- ing parties may wish. This I think of the utmost . import ance, because there are or will come times during the life of a great "many tc have ready to hand, what should be, and is the real legal evidence of lawful matrimony. Again may I ue my own case as an illustration, pardon self as an example in each case, could rtfer to others, yet I prefer my own, bsing. a service man, should I get killed ii" battle or lose my life in any of the manv wavs that are of common occurrence in this life as well as other call ings of today, the Government by law will pay to my w'dow and orphan children certain penionsjwhich are governed by law, but she must first prove to the entire satisfaction of the cold grim law be the au thorities ever so positive of her position as my widow, and ready, willing and anxious to pay her legal btatus as mv widow. I ask how i3 she to do this without a marriage cer tificate ? I can answer thus, ap ply to the court house for a copy of the licenses, as recorded, but, suppose by accident the recordsfare lost or destroyed by floods . or other causes, what status has she? all evidence of her legality detroyed, she is turned out upon the world to battle lifes road alone, even without the allowance that gen erous Govrenment would give to her. as a maintainence since her all had give up his life on the altar of sacrifice for the protection of the Nation at largo and I do not refer to this as oe- ing the only way or means where by a marriage certificate is necessity. Estates are often settled properly because of them, as without them the rightful owners would doubtless lose the case. Quiet a number of the states require a marriage Certi ficate. It was my priviledge and pleasure to asist a lady in a most pitiful condition, through the aid of her marriage certifi cate in the state of Pensylvania to" a most happv and pleasant surrounding, otherwise would havejbeen deprivedfof and boubt ,less would, had it not been .for her certificate, she how is iri Chicago, living happy with her bright eyed children little Flor ence and George, she is happv and continues to write to me and mine and at times remembers us as Mother and Daddy, So many ways that a marriage certificate is of a benefit. Again Mr. Editor the people of the stateas well as those re sponsible and espeiaclly the noble author of the first sub ject upon such splendid and worthv legislation and 1 trust that the day may not be far dis - ant when North Carolina may (claim to her people and the rest of theUnion thatjwhen herZsons j and daughters shall launch OUt; upon that sweet ?nd placid sea "matrimonv they may be fur nished with a lawful certificate showing that they are the legal and lawful owneis of their own! particular crafi of love, .In closing mav I say that the Warrenton Record is my weekly visitor and letter from DOWN HOME, through its pages 1 keep in touch with those that will al ways be dear to me. The Record has served me in China, The Phiiioines, Europe, Afr i c a, Suth America. The Anteles, as well as from the rocky bound coast of Maine to the sun kissed beach nf the gilf as well as on the Pacfic and its always a sour- ce of pleasure to read its news items and even th ads. May it and prosper and always prove to others the welcome happv weekly visit. As it has deen to me, and at the same time live on and on to serve its purpose as worthily in the fu ture as it has in the past. With best wishes 1 am sincerely, J. WALTER CUOK. ARCOLA ITEMS. Mr. Kobert Jones, of Louis burg, was a guest in the horn? of Mrs. Linda Arrngton Saturday axternoon and Sunaay. Mr. and Mrs. M. Conn visited relatives in Nasn i'oanty last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ferney Leanard, of Centervile,' visited Mr. ana Mrs John Gujjtjn a fev days ago. ' ' Miss iiio Cook," oi Annapolis, Md., ana Mr. Andrew CrinKley, oi Kaieigh visited in tne uoie oi Mr. and Mrs. J. Water JJuKe Sunday. Miss Cook vvill re main among us for the wee. Several ir jm here went . to the Chiciren'o Day at Harris Chapel Sunday where they wit ness to rendering of an excellent programme which was greatly gn joyed by a large crowd. Re v. A. P. Mustian, the pastor, preach ed an able sermon in the after noon; his text being, "Ihe Holy Jerusalem". Mr. Robert Harris was with friends in Whi takers from Fri day uncil Monday. Messrs. Irvin and Claude Cole man spent the 4th in Richmond. Mr. Willie- Bobbin, of near Littleton, remained here for the week end. Mr. T. S. -Tharrington has purchased himself a nice pair of horses. The 4th passed o'ff quietly here, no picnics or anything of; that kind. Some went to Nor folk and Richmond. . Wg are glad to know that Mrs. Weldon Davis is well again after several days illness. Mrs. Modlin and Miss Moun tain have returned to their homes in Rocky Mount and Win dsor. Miss Mountain made many friends while here who will gladly welcome her visit at any time. The farmers are busy in the crops and the ladies are canning preparing-for the winter, and all are looking forward to the time of vacation which the old farmers will enjoy in a few weeks. INCOGNITO. l Subscribe to Tae Record, only $1 a year. j MANSON ITEMS. Mrs. Armanda Falkener, of Hpndp.rsrm. is vUitinp- rlati'vps , . e-" here this week. Rjv. J. E. H-jlden preached a fine sermon for us last Sunday. Mr. Ry Champion, of Ral eigh, who has been visiting his people here spent last week .in Ne York City and Washington. Mrs. J. Brack spent Monday in Henderson. Mr. Thew Dill, of Richmond, is a pleasant visitor in the heme of his parents Mrind Mrs. J. K. Dill. Miss Marie Fleming is visit ing friends at Middleburg this week. Mrs. Roy Riggan, of Raleigh, with her little son and daughter are pleasant visitors among her people here this week. We are glad to note an im provement in the crop after the fine rain- Saturday. We are glad to see the lumber on the yard for our Church. Mr. Roy Champion and family returned to their home in Ral iegh last Saturday much to the regret of their people. The Womans Christian Tem perance Union will hold their meeting next Sunday afternoon at the school house All are cor dially invited to attend. Someone broke into the smoke house of Mr. Edward Capps S inday night and stole a quan ity of meat. Blood hounds were secured but could not locate the rogue. ALWAYS LEAD TO BETTER HEALTH Serious sicknesses star in dis oders of the stcmach, liver and kdneys. The best corrective and preventives Dr. King's New Life Pills. They Purify the Bilood prevent constipation, keep Liver Kidneys and Bowels in healthy condition. Give you better health by ridding the system of fermenting and gassy foods. Effective and mild. 25c, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All H"rts. NOTICE. Having qualified as Adminir trator of M. B. Alston, deceas ed, late of Warren County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Administra tor, on or before the 4th day of June 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons i ndebted to said Estate wil please make: immed iate payment. This" June 4th 1914, J. L. ALSTON. Adinistrator. Essex. N. C. June 12 6t Broken Machine Parts and Castings Repaired. We are equipped to weld cast ings in iron, brass aid alumi num. Do not buy new parts when the broken ones can be re paired for much less than the cost of new parts and with less loss of time. We crry a omplete stoHk of mill supplies and machinery both new and second hand. TATE MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO., Littcton, N C. Ctiattle Mortgage Blanks For Sale at Recod Office. AFTON ITEMS. We are grateful to say we have at last had a couple of re freshing showers and trust we my have showers until the earth is thorughly saturated with moisture. Master Edwin Jones spent Monday in town. Mrs. Hugh Weldon, of Nor lina spent a few days here last week. We were sorry to learn o: the death of Mrs. Height who died at her daughters' Mrs. David Newman last week. The burial took place in Franklin Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Temple at tended the Children's Day ac Zion last Sunday. Master Frank Hunter, of War renton. is on a visit to his un cle Mr. H. B. Hunter, the guest f Master Edwin Jones.. Mrs. Lina Andrews returned to her home in Norfolk last Thursday after spending a few days at the bee side of her moth er, Mrs. Lucy Barroughs. A couple of young men from here went to Zions last Sundav wonder what the attraction is. The community was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Lucy Burroughs which occured Monday evening following a stroke of paralasis. PANSY. Do you want a file for your valuable papers The Record has a limited number of handsome Leather bound paperwal lets that they are giving away free. Ask about them, and we will tell you how to get one. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in this State. Fall Session be gins September 16th, 1914. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, '. President, Greensboro. N. C. 19ju2m ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTICE. Notice is hereby given to the crditors and others interested in the estate of T. W. Shearin, deceased, that I have this day qualified as adinistratoor with will annexed cum testamento annexo upon the estate of the said T. W. Shearin, deceased. All nersons having claims a- gainst the said estate will pre sent them to me on or before the 26th day of June. A. D.1915, or thia notice will be plead in har of their recovery, as provid ed by law, and all persons in debted to the estate will please come forward and make imedi ate settlement. This the 6 th day of June, A. D. 1914. J.E.Frazier, Admr. C. T. A. ot T. W. Shearin, deceased. ohn H Kerr, Attorney,. 3j6t Subscribe to The Record, on!y pet year.