SS7 .,'F OUR TOD DE- r WE PRINT ATTRAC TIVEJOB WORK AT LAMENT A TRIAL ...IT WILL SATISFY MODERATE PRICES. ! U VOL. XXI WARRENTON, N. CX, FRIDAY MAY 7 1915 .O 5 $1.00 A YEAR A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Intersts of Warrenton and Warren County, C A, COPY TLJT YOU. ft TPCf CU A ft jrush 0f large fish Within the Some of them used to be slaves, and James C. Johnston, his son, (iRbAliid 1 0 II i U crescent of the seine other men and nearly, all are the children the latter having no heir, never u ... Uva, mcu wmi tnree-ior grandchildren oi former sla- having was hisheart's FISHERY IN THE WORLD. By COL. FRED A OLDS tinea gigs or grams, which they ves, who stood lovai'.v bv the desire that Chis heir, should be throw at the sturgeons, whicn Capeharts, whose lish mansion James Johnston Petti grew, his attain a great size and which stands on a little bhi'f somewhat namesake, an officer of the regu are wanted for their eggs and back from the beach, overlook- ;lr armv and a member of a DT A PTf IIT A 'DTVnUT1 " tnat n wo ther bureaus. I)Lit'lVuUAKUlINvj pl,800,000 was saved last year. j MAlV !'ie cos makm& powder has 1 llA'-V I been reduced to 2.7 cents a lb. and $150,000 saved on that one i m. Based upon former prices In 1863, Gideon Welles, Fres- for guns, there is saving m thac also for their flesh; both being ing manv ? noble acre of farm Wat family with branches in !ident Lincoln's Secretary of the 0f $208,425.33. J. i mi 1 & '-T JJ i j: XI X . 1800 William in sreat request.There is a desire land and many a mil- of broad North and South Carolina, and Navy, recorded in his diary that : Yet the Secretary of the Nay About the yeai livimrito km them not only for this water, as yellow as gold. To the lVhen the civil war was at hand When the first turret yes- ig stm abused like a pickpocket, Capeiian, fe-;- - - purpose out to prevent tnem negroes- the handsome y u 'ig he begged Pettigrew to; abandon what has become the Neatest shad . fishery-;: in the world, which is "now -'operated by gl'eat grandson of - thes same " & rri, is niptlires- que in the extreme ana in a sec ViJcrtrvhas been made tion wiiej-c '" . fhp nast 250 years, ior very -om breaking the seine. Some- owner of the estate and fishery his military career, not to enter times the excited blacks, alter is always "Marse . Willi-m", as the Confederate army, never to sinking their grains or gigs deep he is devoted to these black peo- take up arms against the United into a sturgeon, will jump' upon pie and they o hjni. - On the States and1 tomTie the care him and have a great struggle beams inside the fish house from of the great estate of Hayes, in the bloody water! which a shelter, supported by Johnston had 4 3,000 slvies and As the seire is drawn in and great beams reaches as far out, j nore than 50,000 acresv;oi land the space within it contracted, i ly to the water's edgehave and was by farthie riclekt man nterest is at the highest Ditch, heen mnrVpH Vi ,- m -11 I ' v w a-wxa v.. vvy. VUlVit I XX LiiVy IJUb ktfUUUt Jimxuv J neartne w -p water is m:e a gigantic wmn for each season for more mong the richestjirt the United islature or couftcil of North Car- pooI thig beinr due t6 the my. than & hundrd years Qf ghad . states but PettiSriv was adam. olina met in lfbO under a wiae rads of fish which dart from , . . f . ' ?.nt itself and declared that he reading tree, which stm stanas the water and, leap in-all direc- Lne iarge5t naui was This ereat. nsnery is at ineitions. so that thev look like ail- 'u-w, . nx aaxms f Albemarle sound, a wide in iV)Q QiVniTo-v. : t-v. oc 220,000. Of sturgeon IlCaU V- " - l niu uuiluglllK i 1 lily KJJC, LO Wretch of yellow water, nowhere deep, and is known as the Avo- nr." nSncI V. J-1 13 V1U"" oxfexxt,, VH I 1 . - . ormss Edenton bay, of the quamc ' crews have rushed to one of the mana x0r tms nsn ana w.roe W-w - 1 IC-(.A-VKX-. old town ot tne latter name, anu buildings to get their "dram of ."-- " k y "f - i for the sake of every association also in sight of the United Sta- grog", by which is meant so stiff ,,lke ny. other fish hauled uPto stand by the old flag. Petti tes shad hatchery, which occu- a drink of corn whiskeyasto floor ?.n lhe f arms and used f ur iertl i grew rose to be a brigadier gen- must and would" resign his com ate army, saying ne saw omy sue sel, the Monitor, was build ing, many naval men and men in the shipping inter est sneered at her as a hunt-" bug and at me as no sailor or judge, until she vindicat ed her power; and worth in .that .; first remarkable c6n .flict. : Then I was abused by par ty men because L- had not made preparations for and built more.. There5 is con stant caprice in regard to the navy. and, is-., virtually charged with murder by-, both. Representative Gardner and former Secretary Meyer, When Admiral Fiske in a fit of pique resigned as Chief of Oper ations, the critics of the Secre tary unanimously insisted that the wreck of the navy was com plete. Secretary Daniels has now made Capt. Benson Chief of Naval Operations under the new 'act, and nobody can be found to deny that Capt- Benson is one 0"f t.Tie oKlest: finr? mr rrmro Secretary Welles's experience ,.ra . ... was not unlike Secretary Ean-ertheless, the campaingn against m m , . m. - . riM li U ff 1 1 V 1 f"Vf Mini I IT! "J VUT VIII wmch "shot" the seme have " " cess ahead of the South. John- come into the beach on either over tnreejnousana ana .many, wHh tears fa hig told iels's. Everything is wrong and Secretar; Daniels proceeds with mc aim uieir naru worKing - r ' , . , , him that the south s aetence was a barren hope, and implored him , the more it succeeds the worse i is lizer, as there wras no demand for them. 14- V. I . U1U ""f1"'" I where his men went further into mat country to use tne nsn just ,he FederariirieS than others of men in gray, pies ine uuiiuiii& mc coucuc an o.ainary man m a jmy. men known a century and a half ago they lend a hand. On the beach as "Buncombe Hall" which was ; hegresses, with flaming turbans, the home of that Edward Bun- skirts tucked ud. and sharn kniv- combe who gave rise to the now es in hand, are ready for busi-las.tney are lor leryllzer ana athe fiercejughting-. familiar phrase "talking now lor ness. Suddenly the drums cease Buncombe". This upper part ( to revolve, for the seine, looking of Albemarle sound forms a wide - like a gigantic sausage, is on the sweep and into it pours the wa- j verge of the sloped planking. In ters of the Cashie, the Roanoke, jto the water dash a score of nen arlPungo rivers. It was up the and with a mighty heave, to vn No other member of President cans eral, and was killed in one of the the best Secretary of the Navy he country has ever known, i he United States under his admin- stration built up the largest and nost efficient navy it has ever 1 ad, a navy that revolutionized narin'e warfare and has never jet received full credit, fpr all its markable achievements in the ivil War or for its vast contri- phrase often heard in that com-;at high water mark of the xxxcixxxvj xo , w lxic Confederacy of corn. Now the sturgeon are ! ' Yearg pa;ged; the ciyil war. sent to market, the eggs taken ' almost pnded : : of the John- from them are packed in special L i; 0,no;nflj rsra with a certain amount qfioil !and nigHfkiitile before Rob Oivi as much virulence as did the cam paign r. gainst Secretary Welles. Not R.ntisfrpr! witVi uccoilinrr irVta ncoln's Cabinet was so habit- Secretary PersonalIy,there seems lally and vanously assailed as to be n well orffanized Droffram ideon Welles,who was probably -xv,- ., . . . 0 . i! i.i XT to 111C3te tne navy itself to revolt against the civil authority that conrols it, "or against any civil authority to control it. How mucr of this is party pol itic's and how much of it is armor-plate, fighting . for swollen profits nobody knows, but the auu.rungu xivcxa. n vvo up uic aim vviui a migxity iit;ave, lu c : " - - ana une nignc a niue ueiore xoo - responsible for it Eoanoke river in a corn field that old tune, lustily sung,' roll in the ; to the victory of the v . V- ' ori,nfpHprWh,TUf.-thfii TirTt-!QA.nA 'ax fiaii.if TirlHe Th a rotably, to' Russia. v . ! Ao-Vho w"hif aC Mptitnn. tnn North. ; tJ ; 1 nis is a poor . time to egade whites from .Edenton too North. campaign reflects -Jittfle credit upon the patriotism of the men . This is a poor. time, to -black-' edram,the "Albemarle" which woodengates on the outside flash -F""" axyung; me C0WardIv to be in either armv The United States now has the f."" ova mv ii j'z 4.-L 'it' 1 j xt. I- i.i' errand seicreurs'fti that 'noble sen- t .tt::j.m i . ; ; ; ''ii ' V, 1 V , 1 crvnnH cpiorpnrc in T-iof YirvKlo . , . . . J ' j j , , nr. - i r rom an ii.dltorifll in PnHnv'ct came down the. stream with oniy up with a snap and there be- v.xc --i broke into imyes and actually .greatest ana most -emcienx navy , " l V. : j j .-ix. x xt i x-L. j? xl tion of North Carolina: - In the i "Vx" j xi. i - i :xi , rpr,. iiMew York World. one sxae iuiiy armoreu anu wilxi iween. uiera anci tne xioor oivtne ,. - - - - ; assauiieu.-ine paraiyzea genue- -nctb iu . cvci r.iix.u. j.hc cj- the blacksmiths working upbn itlold xsh house are perhaps 200,-oia Wvn 01 -cientpn, which isman who sat in. his chair, look- propriatiohs. made for it-by the and at the quaint old town -'of 000 fish. The- "spawriers pass now almost like it was in the ing mournfully at the great men Sixty-third Congress were the Plymouth co-operated with the instantly into the, hands of - the rtimP Defore the Revolution, ev- 0f America, who had been .'.the, largest ever made for naval pUr- A BUSY FIRST MONDAY. Monday was a busy day in War Confederate' land f orcesT which ' United States fish commission ery house of any pretensions has j ds. of his father and of him- "poses. - In, his- recent: :Ietter" to rmt on: The Cbmmissioners.the Bad been rushed there from the men, who takvthe: eggsin tray's1': do9?.i:.k-?Iocer- In the cort self, which adorned the walls. President Garfield of Williams j Board of Education, the Town- feat of war in Northern Virgin-'and then haridlethe'milters were after mon- College, Secretary. Daniels show! ship Road Commission, the Co. 'k the, place with its garrison j Then ' tHe sh'ad9are .hustred . into "S 9r a "- 1 "j King Wil- !tey; nd the-.rare liquors in the d that there are now: thirty-six Road1 Supervisfers;' the County if 8,000 federals being captured. ; packing, boxes, where they are ,T vaance.wnen an Ingush , cellar, some a century old. Eden fhe ram 'keening one'side 'always iced, fixed ; for shiumeiit to. themi?Pnlan' and har4 by is the.; ton, fortunately, 'was' like Mt. 'cwardthe federal fleet, the ves-; 'great northern markets hurried reat-estate known as "Hayei" ;: Vernon, the . home of Washing- sole 'A which it sunk or disabled The beacn at the fishery is more ships in commission when he took, office,, with seven- Assessors met.ahd were busy all day, and His Honor, Judge ty-seven vessels, including nine i Rodwell presided over his usual to a waiting steamer belonging :'';wnere tiie 'mansion is one of the ; ton, a place respected by both dreadnoughts and - thirty-eight iriumber of Monday morning dock to the fishery, and taken to'Eden most beautiful and noted m the armies, and never plundered, and submarines, under construction et. . . whole United States. It was tri s-P O 1 Tl J XI and the next day are on the table 11U111C UL omuei-donusLoii, me Qlnno- "hp in mnn n WpI mfp o iih room ,XX1C11U UJ- oKjyn xievves, oi n,aen AiVA CAWAX VAAW .Jil 11WJ . 11VWVJ I is a vast low house. like;and home, tor these nsn, ironv"' " UVV4W,"J WA- ow, flat and rather narrow,and ton and loaded into express cars the yellow- water breaks in rip ples upon it. snore for Johnston the greatest re spect was shown by both sides. On this particular night a feder- r authorized. j a large number of citizens The personnel of the navy -has gathered seekine relief from the been increased by 5,824, the to- Dog tax, and all in all, the day al gunboat lay at the wharf at tal now being 4,355 officers and was a busv one , , , shed, with a slonino- front! the fisherv are famous famous united estates navy, and under Edenton a hundred yards from . ! enlisted men. With an, f stout wooden planks, to which for their size and flavor. Mean- the roof of "Hayes" John Paul the scene of the robbery. One iincrease of 12 per cent in the seine is drawn by steam turn ; time the herrings, caught up in Jones was a guest when he got 0f the faithful servants ran to enlisted strength, desertions nvincllasses or drums. Out in tubs, have been tumbled out on ril commission m the newly the town, saw the gunboat and ne water lie two side-wheel ' the cutting boards, where, ac created navy of the United Sta- L0ld the story to an officer of the teamers, with no upper works, cording to the size of the, fish tss Wltn mm bem bamuel John .vessel, who instantly sent a file arm triPir SPY. thft WnTTlP.TI rrP-iOL"" "iAV- L -l-lcijco , anu UllVi ' CXJLwAA. j ' T j JJt with wide platforms, on each f which is piled a mass of seine Met quarters of a mile on each esel. At a signal these boats em out into the sound side by and half a miie from tne nore separate and steam par cel with it, dropping or "sink 2 the seine into the water Jen turn and make a wide cir e for the beach. The seine is : le and a half long and it has 1 ch end a rope. This is car ecl trough shallow water to P of the drums or windlasses athen the strain begins as the "e3t SPino i x i-i- ii , io iciwii in. in ine aays slave r;Urn these drums, and also in ftuning the ti ' 'Ti -m fl p'are them. The roe herrings 11UdUl-w tllt; ueauuiU1 A are saved entire, the others be- belIa Johnston, and Wiley Jones ing beheaded and cleaned, and jthe Patron and devoted friend of both classes go into the building John Paul Jones: the latter hv- and are put in a pickle or brine, ng for love of his patron chang- of men, who double quicked with TOWN ELECTION. The Town election passed off quietly Monday. A larfrpr vot.p than usual was increased 244 per cent, in two , . . . . " , . . x .cast, and we are pleased to say years. have decreased 17 per cent. The number of mines has been the black man to "Hayes". On does has been increased 90 per reaching there they heard the ; cent., and the cost of manufac- in what are known as "stands" ed nis name from Jhn Paul to 'took them a few hundred yards llldLi UUI C4. OllllVy VV1& VV CIO oiai- ched. Warrenton, in this re snppt. has spf. a crnorl pcamnlp to smashing of bottles by the mis- faring torpedoes has been re- 1 c t Democracy, the Pri l 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 x? ! A OAD 1 i 1 T0 " 7 creams in tne cellar ana running ,uuceu irum eatn lo ttlpr! thp mnttpr nnrl all thither dragged out the fellows, ' 45.72 each the total s aving be- !good democratg abided the de. f T t T 1 T 1 T each holding 4.000 fish. ThenIJonn aui ones; ne ana a ncn they go into kits or small barrels' and influential Wiley Jones and and are shipped all over the Unit his brother Allen having ridden ed States -through the country from Hali- During all these operations fax county, along the Roanoke there is the sound of singing. river, to a point near Avoca and The wind seems to blow there .there taking boats for Edenton. all the time, the moss-covered jAs a matter of fact Samuel John roofs of the numerous buildings ston was the ninth earl ot Annan -!' the place and there shot them to death, quite near one i flank of the long line of the then ing $326,700 As against 12sub !cision and cagt voteg in ffie . , , xx I Election m accordance with the were authorized under the Taft ! .,, - . , -r, . WT ....... 0 , . -will of the Primary. Administration, 26 submarines, T, w . A wna ,p . empty slave cottages, known as costing $16,280,000 have been !ed and ti game Commi3 T.. A , . . . ,. sioners hereto serving the Town, bodies under the drooping bran- of the Wilson Administration, i We congratulate the town on a ches of the great live oaks, drap- In addition .$1,000,000 was ap- ressive Board and with Con ed in gray moss and on the very propnated for aviation purposes. jcerted effort to advance the shore ot one oi tne deep ana lviucn oi tnis increase nas oeen or Trkwn'a Tnap-rial wplfarP. Wft see and the long and pendulous moss jdale, but he preferred to be an black streams which thread that obtained without cost to the coun reag(m , Warrenton should or tillandsia waves in the breeze, ; American gentleman rather than (region. The officer in charge of ,try. Mr. Daniels shows that $1,- nQt coniimie to improve in every and if the wTeather be cool there a Scotch Earl. So there, in sight the men from the gunboat sim- 110,084 has been saved in the are roaring fires on the beach. of Avoca and the wide reach of each was 30 ret lono- tm,tij i k.x. ij""t:u Dy iour men, u timed the stroke tn i"Vip ennrr T Chov.4- - n v 6 oi a negro who walked v thes med ply made a verbal report as to ThP work never stops. It re-'Albemarle sound; of Edenton at quires four hours to shoot and hand, and the further southern haul the seine, so that there are shore, the health of John Paul six of these operations every 24 Jones was drunk by the company Singers hPino- rP. linnve Tn huts. VerV StOUtly jrumig.iwvdi unicci iuuc as vm- , ' x , I, xir xc-u i,oc lawav to New York to becrin a life vears been the manager of -the rd y ""poriant men ount, near me great n&n nwoo, j - x J . ,. .T x. ., v ii nr l . .. i i i ki -c o tjx laiuc. uaiiiii: anu ucvutiuu Kicat couiiC xww - xcxcjr . iai privileges, are tires oi uunus, aim m uov, - . r . . . , 1 named for the home of Sir Wal- purchase of armor-plate alone, what he had done and that was the last of it. A little while later Mr. Jonhston died, and in 1y Albemarle wir.d. which has his will left his property to a n so much American his- tdry m the -ms. King, lor at its nan who had for a number of s the it eine is dmum Uim ;-Vif n-ram r-f Vpar"hmen and jj l ill, XXXCll V7 J U11C Ulgll t vivii uj. ; On ei, x --koxvic ui it, anu uoaLineii anu ncn w uiu CK it 1, x. ucoiguCU LU it i aVs t0 reinfJ-ce it in mouth there Jies Roanoke Island, whpre the first settlement of En glishmen upon this continsnt daring the day. soundly amid all ter Raleigh, in England, wasfor the noise. Since babyhood they c - " , ,7 .? . .1 . ITT TO C TVI O in 1 ll'TlriP' "HlO flliQ on a viaduct over nve miies iongf ic"v ;iasa d -..klv incfrohf of "the man-' Pes" of Sir Walter Raleigh, the sion at Hayes, and betweeir it tfort built by the colonists yet " i x xli . - tu remiorce it in the noise. Since oaoynoou uiey - - - - . ' ivmainincr clear as to outline should be broken by the 'have lived in this atmosphere. Samuel Johnston, who built it, l and the shining waters of state- remaining clear as to oat-ine. WHOLE FAMILY DEPENDENT. Mr. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio, writes: "Our whole family depend on Pine-Tar-Honey." Maybe some one in your family has a severe cold perhaps it is the baby. The original Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is an ever eady household Temedy-'it gives im mediate relief. Pine-Tar-Honey pen etrates the linings of the Throat and Lungs, destroys the Germs, and al lows Nature to act. At your Drug gist, 25c.