THE RECORD VOL. XXI WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY JULY 231915 NO 1 $1.00 A YEAR A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Intersts of Warrenton and Warren County. 5c A COPY SIFTINGS. Population of the United States passed the 100,000,000 mark on April 1, according to the jand the department is starting a estimate of the census bureau. (Campaign for their destruction. several sections of Texas. Stor ed seeds and growing crops are said to have been extensively damaged already by the pests, Circulars letters are being pre pared dealing with the control ling and possibly exterminating the ant and the department urg es persons who are victims of the pests to write at once for advice. A successful demonstration of WARREN COUNTY. Better School Houses,Equipment and Teachers. Warren county, because of the not be a county of great school preponderance of negroes can centers. The population of the different districts in a given area is so mixed in respect to the ra ces that we must of necessity have one or two teacher schools A weekly trade bulletin is now being circulated in Paris by the American government to pro mote "Made in U. S. A.," goods in France. During the last ten years the number of students taking the full four year course in agricul tural colleges has increased from about 2,500 to 12,500, or 500 per cent. Tvnical wheat farms in Aus tralia extend from 600 to 1,000 j n .. ' ATnilt fi'f'fAon -wrr-m on c-o nr 1. acres, ana are usuaiiy worKea, -? " "vv ,w,c ffress This nrosress is along- singIe handed by the farmer and fT"" - 'Ees JlSe , ? :i ..,,"u : ' tl lD OI rS() miles t.n hp nrpspnt at illS rdiuuy, iciuux reiving macnin- i v Wo nem Wot rVmrl nnnsP song of their progress is vibrant upon the morning air. No man liveth to himself, and no com munity can move forward with out a common aim toward a com mon goal. The progress in the school affairs of Warren county makes glad Uie hearts of those interested in the cause of public education and enables me to clasp hand with the bandof superinten Jents in other counties of :i:r grand old North State in the ef- MACON. Mrs. Wheeler, of Castalia, ac companied by her children spent last week with her sister, Mrs. S. W. Neal. Mrs. J. M? Coleman visited rel atives and friends in Louisburg Hast week. Mr. J. M. Coleman went to Norfolk last Friday on business. The Farmer's Union picnic held the canning of peas by means of !ces s0 great that the larger part fort to banish illiteracy build up a steam pressure canner was !of the day wiu be taken up in jthe waste places and brighten OBITURARY. At his home in Vaughan on the 5th day of June, 1915, W. K. Hunter, son of Wm. Knox and Pauline Reeks Hunter, in the full blossom of young man hood passed from life into the Great Beycnd. I He was married on Decem er 1912 to Miss Ruth Burroughs a most faithful and affectionate n Mr. T. E. Powell's grove the !wife 15th inst., was attended by a large crowd of orderly, good-nat- The hand of afflliction was heavy upo,n him, but the pa- recently by Mrs. T. P. Mar shall, United Spates demonstra tion agent of Dallas County, at ! going and coming from school. ithe path of our citizenshiP b tne ured people. The director of the j tience with which he bore his In jspite of this jC&eh this her home, Willowbrook FarmJ handicap to the best results, we ; are maKing rapia ana steady pro i ery being used in every possible direction. One acre contains 160 square this event. Three of her visi tors wrere men. Mrs. Marshall is enthusiastic over the method better, equipment, better teach ers. We are broader; we are eaching up from the soil and un labored all his life. He didn't lamp ot learning. 'hand said thorp wwp thp most sufferings was trulv remarka- HOWARD F. JONES, I good-looking girls present thate- Superintendent, he ever saw at one place. 1 His father and mother, both Educational Edition of The Ral- i SuPt- Howard , F. Jones and dying while he was young, he eigh News and Observer. county demonstration agent, Mr. j 3 reared by his grandparent, immmm, F. B. Newell, made good speeches j Rev. T. B. Reeks, to whom he WHAT BILL DID a ne PiCInc while waiting for was a great comfort in his de rail Tnvn.v ra o oov the Brunswick Stew to cook. j ming years. JL Jf A. A.AI . l M a , V V CI. iTl t I. JL f A AAA V JL . 11 V l 7 I t r ri . iviiss ousie &naw returned last must measure as follows to con tain : Ten acres, 660 feet ; one acre, 208.71 ; half an acre, 147.58 - UIJ lIUIll LJ rods, 4840 square yards, 43,560 uuw derstanding things as we go up- have no schoolin' and neither did square feet. The side of a square ms ne says it is not only a ward Wq understanding his wife. But Bill was built mat deal Z ' 1 h.t health is an essential factor for business and made the g ea saier. i educational pr0greSs and sani- wheels go round, and left a heal- One vessel leaving New York -,tion is made secondarv to nc thy fortune when they put him third acre, 120.50; fourth acre, j ior tne eastern coast of bouth . .pr part of the course of study, under ground. He was always 104.38; eight acre, 73.79. America a few days ago carried It should be first, for without taking chances, paid a hundred Sixteen thousand to eighteen Brazil $25,000 worth of print- sound bodies and ' clear minds for a bull. His neighbors called thousand men will be needed in01 ana aavertising matter, j5,- memory is under grave handi- 'mm crazy, but ne leit a stable Oklahoma tor the gram harvest, i cap reports the commissioner of la- miscellaneous mercnanaiso; rorj bor at Oklahoma City. Wages Montevideo, Uruguay, $6,000 AAA 1 J. 1 frnm 9 in Z npr rlnv uuiLii ui agricultural im tV 11X KJ AX V A. A. A. aaM W V c week from a visit to friends in Raleigh. The Special School committee met the 15th inst. and opened the sealed bits for the bond is sue. The award was made to Powell, Garard and Co., Chicago, their bid oifering a premium. Mr. John Boyd, of River town ship, was on our streets last Fri- I Mr. Josh Walker informs us full of -cows that orokfi thp. r m dav We are building better school- , ' . , . , . . , . , J .. nn Hill hflfl his niftnrp. nnntprf 38, because we believe m . o,, WmV1v ithat he will shortly open a but- snd board. Most of the farmers Plements and $10,000 worth of . a , . o , Wq ...He had newfangled notions of f J nJ TY.olf onl AHA ,,r., -P X" .. oTvnirr o,r TTq 1-C110C "icau Ul UVJ d lllAll- i vv " 11 IT . 1J cellaneous merchandise; for ieve in providing every induce- bought a fool machine to help English sneakmer white men. i , moilf QliriTr liovo int ,t -i Buenos Aires, $20,000 worth of . ,T , , , n him load his hay. The neighbors Before the outbreak of the , ' voted at Macon ten thousand Jol- . , , fe , : automobiles, $11,00 worth of fer . - ' . -M- - X fairly snorted when they saw the present European war practical- . .Z, i lars of bonds for the purpose,. . , ... r. ,i -p...,;4- 1, tihzer, $12,000 worth of agricul- , i bloomm thing; said Bill would " tnvn -k- -i hi n -.lit UTI' I 11 II 1 ii-th ' ' m nTTm -rv r Ij-Zi T T- llTrtVI I T" TITO o tn T ui the dried fruit imported into 4. , coa aaa i high school building. We hasl , ,., , , 0 , .wv of electric material, $20,000 val- . , . , . , worth a ding! Bill didn't say Goteborg, Sweden, came throu , Lr aaa 1 just voted at Norhna twelve1 . . : , ... T ,Wnnnl nr- nthpr iTlt.Prmpdlfl.tP , x ,vVV vai- , 011QQT1j fi v70 iH HnlTMra V xt p iuM uation of shoes and $25,000 val- , , , , . fdarn bout what they said, fer ports. Now Goteborg fruit a- . ' of bonds for the purpose of erect .. . , , . j -i i uauoii ui iiii&ccimijcuus iiiaciiir-- . , .-, ,. , , , , i gents are ordering direct irom mg a building suitable to the p United States. I J' j resent and futures needs of that , T T 1 3 1 3 fVi nilan TT CiU TIT O V rtAHYlilirl Tk J 1 J tTT. "1 vlCX O LVJl. XII uemanas ior one nunureu anu i "i'co uwiwau a. tnrivmg community, we nave slick as grease his hay went in the barn an hour before a thun- came He joined the M. E. Church in childhood, was a good boy, and grew up to be a gooa man, warm hearted, tender and true. He was a sincere Christian. Death was to him the gate of endless joy. He leaves a wife, two sisters, and one brother with many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. he large concourse of people ho gathered to honor his mem ory, and the beautiful floral of ferings placed on his grave show ed in what esteem he was held by his friends and neighbors. "One less at home! gry public. So mote it be. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Prior Rodweil The charmed circle broken s ent the day very pleasantly a ear f ace 1 M et "1 11 war last fcunoay in tne nome or. Mr. i Missed day by day from its ac- ri. iU. Kodweli ot Churchill. Mrs. M. B. Russell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sessoms, who lives near Littleton. Mrs. R. H. Clark, who has been ill with typhoid fever, is well on i , i 4-1 4- the way to recovery, sailm' out that , ' . . ... iviiss Alice .tsritton Koaweii is iviuaiiuo iui viiv ii iiivj. v- ; ini l v nig vuiiuiiuiiiij . 1 1 ui v . T-4. V, " 1 Vv I aa xuivt jjulluh itrUUWUl IB twenty-five thousand men to aid note of business optimism at the erected in Afton special tax dis- ?vay . uCaUf .S, f1? rS spending these hot summer days in a pinch and spoiled their new nown hay. Bill's neighbors put in harvesting the wheat crop of monthly luncheon of the Mer- trict a model building after the chant' Association in Npw York v. ing into the office of the employ-, City. His remarks evoked loud have painted the buildings and . . , an71f. T Rowan. . . . I j . ... ... v. HI lClllXV. JJili SA-lllllllCVi. lllO 11111X- ment division ot tne Jjepartment appiduae. kmprovea tne surroundings or down among the shifting sands of. Hamlet with her sister, Mrs. of Labor in Chicago, an aggre- with a machine and turned it with a crank. Smith chops his firewood with an axe, Bill used "The prosperity which we ev- other schools in the county, and gate of one hundred and twenty perienced the last 10 to 20 years" it is not difficult for "him who firi 4-1 rwicmm A -w rm olQT7 V01 T. Cf l n r n i 1 11 1 ! i n -i ci " 4-r -wnnA 4-Ve o.m.0 r Ynr live uiuuamiu men au-auj 6 i saia iur. ocnwaD, is out xne oe- x oi6'w k- gome gasome an(j saws a hun asked. ginning of an era that will bring gress on every hilltop. dred cordg a day with another At the birth of a Japanese baby the United States to a higher j We have recently voted our blame machine. To-day Bill's in weaitny circles a tree is piaiiLiPlane of success, greater pros- sixteenth special tax district ' wife rides in a car and dresses ea that must remain untoucnea intil the marriage of the child. When the nuptial hour arrives the tree is cut down and the wood: is transformed into furniture, which is considered by the young people as the most beautiful of all the ornaments of the house. Thirteen descents were made in the search of the submerged submarine F-4 at Honolulu, and every one broke a former world's record. Five of the descents were made to a depth of 306 feet and eight to 275 feet. The former world's record was 274 feet. After being raised to with Messrs. John and Marvin Drake, of Weldon, gladdened the hearts of their numerous kin- customed place But cleansed and saved and pre pared by grace One more in heaven One more at home That home where separation can not be, That home where pone are missed eternally, ord Jesus grant us all a e with thee. At home in Hea ven. One who loved him. MARMADUKE ITEMS. Rev. Mr. Bailev of thp Warrpn folks and friends by their pres- circuit spent Sunday night in the ence here Sunday. home of Mr John Poweu. Mis- Miss Virginia Rodweil accom- ses Martha Bennett, Ruth Davis, pamed by her friend, Miss Horn- Mabel Robertson and others vis- XT VV 11V JL lUO 111 C. V.Cl-1- U11U VtX VUUJ - . J T. - . ' perity and greater happiness an increase of six since my con- UD m siik. Smith's wife rides 'rme spent tne past week m tne ited at the same place at the than anything we ever dreamed nection with the public schools in a wagon and keeps on skim-1 . OIiectni1' U1 same time. of heretofore. and steps are being taken in!mi'n? milk - , Churchill. q Davig is spending "As an optimist there is no o other live communities to Taylor Co., Ky., Enquirer. I . CM&-Avei dllu Uduue several days with her daughter, 'man greater in the room than vote on the question of local tax- VQIINr T RADII ATE Cdw nint MrS Ba' f GrVG HilL I I feel that while we have frone 'atftm for increasing the public Ht. OUNG GKADUA1E. unday night. Mrs. Martha Johnston and son I 1 teel that while we have gone s , l his is the season of the young Messrs. Albert Pope and Viv- Clide Mr Bud Iles and Miss Mvr thrnntrh two or three vears of a 31 term. , . . . vnue, ivxx. zuu nets dim iviiss myr- o- - - , nopeiui wno oenevcs ne nas learn ,ian &nearm ci unurcnin, were tip miiVa nf Ppfprshnro- wprA rp I depressed period it is but a cycle The question of wisely admin- j ed how to ghoot Armed with I welcome visitors here last Sun. V JlZlfJ.: his sheepskin, he starts forth to conquer. He never thinks,as and that we will go onward and istering the affairs connected upward in business for the Unit- withpublic education in each com 1 Ci . J I A J " ea oxates. i nity is one oi grave responsi- ft rule that a sheepskin is too Much has been learned about bility. It is one which should pliable a lever wlth which to bird migration but much yet re-be removed from the sphere of turn the world from its course.1 i. t i .-, a i 1 nettv nolitics: it is one in which tt i.T. . n iu ! j : i mams lo leaxncu, cum tne xui-- r , nuwevei, mat is wen, iui tut. ;nuay xuxil. chaperones will be present. Pro- lcwing is one of the most curious the welfare of growing childhood superb confidence of Youth is j Mr. Henry Haithcock, the ef- ceedg will gQ toward the pur- and interesting of the unsolved should be consulted and not the neCessary at the start, for the op i ficient Six Pound Constable,came ,,i,flW nf Q lihrarv f .r Mnra , i. ! . rtnpstinn nf nnlitiVai nrivonfno-o ... ... I, . . , . cnase oi a mrary Tor .viama- cent eruests of the Messrs. Duke. -ay 1 We cordially invite the public Charles Summerville, the color to attend a cream super at the ed sexton of the Baptist church, home of Mrs M c Davis Wed. after a month's illness, passed nesdav nirht. Julv 28th. A nice into the spirit world last Wed- time is guaranteed and plenty of salvaging of F-4 has had to be suspended for fear that the hulk ttay break in two. A new me thod of lifting is to be tried. 1 n every one of the fifty four gr. mmar schools of Portland, O., there is a parent-teachers' asso ation. Men as well as women are members of these associa tions, and three have business men as presidents. School ex cursions form an important fea- here Monday morning and plac- duke's book lovers. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Quails, Mr. in 24 feet of the surface further is one ot the Dest Known ana ,4diwii x e.vcm-sc position with which the young most abundant birds oi eastern uu Llllts Ui AX1 " man will meet later in lite willied under arrest several bales ot United States. With troops of lar as tne aamimstration oi tne graduany break .down his over-j western hay and incarcerated and Mrs. Robert Harriss all of fledglings catching their winged auiuuis flliauB 111 wm"v s conhdence until the normal j them in his private lockup. Essex made a pop call in this prey as they go, and lodging by concerned, it is and shall con- amount is left with which to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Russell toWn Sunday p m night in tall chimneys, the flocks jtinue to be the chief aim of those , ht the battie for success. The paid a welcome visit Sunday to Miss Jane Clark,of Richmond, ift slowly south joining with entrusted with this grave and japanese have some good advice their brother, Mr. Boyd Russell is visjting her brother here now! other birds, until on the northern delicate duty to so administer for the young graduate. They on the Roanoke. Several of our ladies and their coast of the Gulf of Mexico they tne trust as to umu up tne uiuis- say. Keep your mouth closed; innumerable host, ed places and pour tne on ot neal he who aiways has his mouth become an ! escorts took a joy ride to Hen derson Sunday p. m. en they disappear. Did they ing in he wounds appearing in open ghows that hig mind ig them but to wear the torn part protracted meeting begins here n into the water or nioernate "" w ifink. Think of that at which patcneo is notning to De asnam- August 1st the mud. as was believed of shall expect the loyal support of lookintr: one whose eve ed of. Know what shame is; vo xyim clll 11I1UUX LfclllU ICa- ' 1-1 I ! J T J " HC All. VA XiJ Jlt'i3 VX ill ture of the work Brick yards, old, their obliteration could not those citizens who feel that the is always wanderillR teUs that he who does not know what t t thi writing. number yards and chair factories have ceen more compieLe. m b . nls mma also ls wandering. wnen sname is mitjuui lu uumu am- MIZPAH. are visted by the pupils. A committee of 16 men have spe cial charge of this work, one of whom acompanies the children n every trip. Agricultural department reports indicate that house and field ants are becoming very destructive in loot wt in Msmh a iovful Portant than the question of who SDeakinr to anvbodv look at mals. When in good health, twittering far overhead announ- gets the credlt for that trammS the person to whom you are sa- train yourself to endure physical 1. t to the Culf coast ! The citizens of the county have lutint. A boy should act like labor; when you are ill, how- ese, we add: Do not be asham ces their return to tne u support tQ the eff Qrt & boy . ayoid becoming effimi. ever, obey your physicians in- ed of your father and mother, but their hiding place during made tQ provide the begt nate it ig hot think it structions. Become a man use- even if they are uneducated; re the intervening five months is possibie education with the is cold; when it is cold, think tful to your country; whoever member you helped to put the still the swift's secret. means at hand, and having put it is hot. It is a shame to wear cannot be so is better dead. To callouses on your lather's hands Farm and Ranch. their shoulders to the wheel the torn clothes without mending these admonitions of the japan-and to bend your mother's back.

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