Local and Personal Miss Nannie White, of Middle- burg, was in town Thursday with relatives and friends. i ' The many friends of Miss Kate (White Williams are pleased to i see her at home after a pleasant Mr. Henrv Eeerton was in the Chief E. L. Green will have visit to Asheville. city this week. charge of the good roads in this Mr. C. A. Rodwell and three Dr M P Perrv of Macon, was Township after August 1st., .children, of Winston-Salem, were in town Wednesday. j Mr. Matthew Duke and fam- Mrs. Marmaduke Hawkins, of ily, of Marmaduke, were in town Ridgeway, was in town Tuesday, this week in their new Ford. Miss Mamie Mabry, of Roa- j Mr. Herbert Scholz, of Macon, noke, is visiting the Misses Bur-j was a pleasant caller this week roughs. 'at THE RECORD Office. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beards- 'Mrs. E. G. Knight has return- guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Willie White this week. Attention is called to the Ex cursion Trains and Rates adver tised by the reliable Seaboard Air Line in this issue. -The friends of Mrs. Annie Ran ley, of Manson, were in town this ed from Richmond where she .dall are pleased to see her in the week. underwent a successful opera- pity after a visit to relatives and Miss Urtie Harrison arrived to tion for appendicitis. j friends out of town. day on a visit to Mrs. Howard Mr. J. A. Dameron, Jr. and Misses Essie Mitchell and Eliz F. Jones. W. H. Burroughs visited in Wake abeth Ferrell who have been vis- Mr. J. T. Haithcock, of Six Forest and Chapel Hill Sunday, jiting Miss Helen Hayes return- Pound, was in town on business 1 Mr. William ti. Bullock, ot Box ed to Littleton Monday. Tuesday. Mr. Jack Haitcock and fam ily, of Churchill, were recent visitors here. Miss Lucy Bryson, of Rich mond, is visiting her friend, Miss Laura Burwell. Mr. Edward Rodwell, of South Carolina, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Sallie Rodwell. The Laws of 1915 have now arrived and can be secured at the Clerk's office. V JJ J . v ML Tsmpe Dameron, who has been spending severa days at Raleigh has returned. Miss Jennie Morrill, of Snow Hill, is visiting her friend M:iss Jennie Williams this week. boro, visited his wife and little -Miss Velna Green, who has son at Mrs. Carr Moore's Mon- been visiting Mr. E. L. Green day. . - -- - and family, left this week for Miss Mary Davis, of Oklaho ma, is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis this week. Mrs. L. J. Moore and little daughter after a pleasant visit to relatives have returned home. Messrs. Howard and Ollie Pal mer, of Six Pound, were pleasant visitors here since our last week. Morrisville and Wilmington. Mrs. Richard Arrington and two children left Friday for New York after a delightful visit here to Mrs. H. P. Arrington. We were unable to publish ob ituaries of Rev. Mr. Loyd and Mrs. Pierce in this week's issue. They will appear next week. Mr. Alpheus Jones is in Balti- Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Wounds and Piles quicKiy neueo wun Arnica sarve. It prevents infection is antiseptics soothing healing. Try it once. Money Back If It Fails. The Original and Genuine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Heals the Hurt All Druggists and Dealers. 25c. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the wellknown to"sz properties of QUININE and IRGI,. xt acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Wbirl Care. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.00 A Friend in Need Did it ever occur to you that surplus earnings stead!,, saved, could be converted into "a friend in need'4 y By placing odd dollars in a Savings Account here , wdl develop into a substantial sum that vnlll worth in emergency, viuve its Absolute safety is afforded and Savings earn interest at the rate of 4 per cent compounded semiannu A any tame we will gladly discuss the advisability of onet ing a Savings Account in this Institution. BANK OF WARREN Norlina : Warrenton "Where Savings are Safe" We pay 4 per cent on Savings Deposits. Mr. Russell Palmer, of Six more this week with his sister, Pound, was in town Thursday. Miss Lucy, who is there in the His friends here are always glad ! interest of health. We wish for to see him. I her a complete recovery. Mrs. C. R. Miles, after a pieas- j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnes, of ant visit to relatives here, has Henderson, and Mr. G. W. Good returned to her home in New- 'rich, of Petersburg, are visiting -Mr. Ed Peoples, of Durham, is mort News. ' in the home of Mr. E. L. Green. in town this week shaking hands Miss Kearney Williams is vis- 1 The friends of Mr. and Mrs. with his many friends here. Misses Dorothy Webb, of Rich mond, Annie Gregory and Annie Davis, of Stovall, are visiting Miss Henrietta Booth this week. Their many friends are glad to see them here. iting relatives and friends out of . Gaston Foote are pleased to have town this week. We trust she them in Warrenton. They are will have a delightful visit. visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. W. C. Miles and children, ! We are sorry to report Mr. M. after a delightful visit to rela- P. Burwell, Jr., quite sick. We tives here, have returned to their ! trust he will soon be up and G nii A.w .,,,. 1 -a T"-L"c:. au year rouna: sell what you iH iT- "tV? W1U1 surplus prwtacte of sarden THE FAVORITE HOME CANNER Bnilt. bior caca- . . . - acta am. JM&Sii me. Sara fuel and labor. to - r v - ., "zr- uo. oares rnei ana lat MJSKSSSZSSJffSf break". Portable, with 'We the I .118 loUacs-'saved and ith bior satisfa Before purchasing igtarew of METAi SfHNGLES in the Southl THE MILES HARDWARE CO. IWRLIU A. g; home in Wilson. about again. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DONT STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Clean Your Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Not Salivate. Calomel makes you sick: you lose a day's work. Calomel is quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious; feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out, if your bowelt are constipated and your head aches, or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medi cine. You'll know it next morning be cause you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your head ache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and bowels refrular. You will feel like working- You'll be cheer ful; full of '-norm' vigor nr. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Chil Ii n gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vegetable, liver medieir takes the place of dangerous calomel Puy one bottle on my ?r!ur;d. roliab'e guarantee. Ask your druggist about me. The Foe of Hot Weather -ICE BUY it from the Warrenton Ice Plant, the purest and best ice. 300 lb Blocks 1.00 In quantities of 50 or more lbs. at plant 40c per hundred. 500 Pound Coupon Books 2.00 200 Pound Coupon Books 90c 100 Pound Coupon Books 50c Wagon Makes Two Trips Daily The Farmers' Block--a 300 lb. Block, packed in a bag, atMhe factory only $1.15. This bagiiiures against melting. Just give us a trial and be convinced of fhe high quality of our ice. Factory located on Main St. just above Warrenton Railroad Depot. Warrenton Electric Light Co, v Phone 167J I Mrs. W. C. Ellington is real sick at her home in South War renton. We hope she will soon be convalescent. Rev. J. R. Betts, of Macon, will preach here at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Ifo ser vices in the evening". Rev. H. Scholz will preach at Warren Plains Methodist church at 4 p. m. Sunday afternoon. The pas tor is in Northampton County 'assisting in Revival meetings. Miss Julia Dameron has re turned from a week's stay at the State Normal College, Greens j boro, where she was called on Educational work. Miss Saway, a trained nurse of Richmond, is nursing Mr. Charles J. Jones, who we are sorry to say is not as well as usual. We are informed that the ty phoid campaign will start up in the latter part of August or the first of September. The sooner the better. We hear that Warrenton is going to have a big Chautauqua in the Fall. The young men of the town are behind the move ment. Nuf said! Misses Routh and Lenoir Mer cer, after a delightful visit here at the home of Mr. Tasker Polk, have returned to their home in kEdgecombe County. Messrs. Sam L. Scott, Cary Price, and W. M. Day spend Sun day evening and a part of Sunday night amid pleasant surround ings near Wake Forest. Mr. W. E. Sadler had the mis fortune to lose a horse Monday afternoon by lighting. The ani mal was tied on Mr. Egerton's lot, who lives near Macon. Mrs. V. L. Pendleton left Sun day to join Mrs. Geo. W. Hays. They are en route to Buffaloe Lithia Springs as the guests of Mr. B. W. Leigh, of Norfolk, Va. Mr. Sam D. Scott, after sev eral months work in Warrenton Township as an efficient rcfed engineer, where he has given en tire satisfaction, has accepted a position with the Vance County Road Commission. The roads in Warrenton Township are all surveyed, and only the construc tion work has to be finished. Big lot Tin Fruit Cans Just Received. Prices right FOR SALE ASound young horse, fully guaranteed. July-9-tf-c. Rogers and Hunter. A. F. MILLER AND H. G. RUTH Contractor and Builder Norlina and Warrenton. Box 71, Norlina Post Office. HOME MADE BREAD AND ROLLS CAN BE HAD by calling on me at any time. Beaten biscuit a specialty; BETTY JONES. LOST Certificate of Deposit No. 1609 issued to me by the Bank of Warren, Warrenton, N. C. for $140.00 dated Novem ber 22, 1910. This is to notify the public not to negotiate Tor the same. July-2-4t. Mrs. Martha E. Petar. Norlina; N. C. r Come to See Us WHEN AT NORLINA. OR SALE Cheap One gaso line engine, three and one half horse power. In good shape Act quick if you want a bar gain. Warrenton Garage. July 2-3t-c. WANTED FARMS. AM IN NEW YORK FROM the West want to buy good farm with stock in Va. Glad to re ceive offers. Also my sister has private house in Brooklyn, modern improvements will rent for $28 to $25 per month. Will exchange for farm. C. TORNOW 214 Sumpter St., lt-c. Brooklyn, N .Y. The Drug Store where most people trade. Registered graduate nurse located at our store. We have something that all the ladies like, COME AND SEE. Phone us when you want to know the schedule of the trains. It pleases us to please you. NORLINA DRUG CO. T. ARTHUR WALKER, Mgr. "The Service Store". Located in Headlight Printing Office. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out materia, the Iron bilds up the system. 50 entft OXFORD COLLEGE, Oxford, N. C. Correspondence invited with girls purposing to attend College next session. COURSES: ( Preparatory Expression O and Business ( Collegeate Music Home Economics (Dor Art tic Science and Domestic Art; Pedagogy Specialtists of experience in all departments. Catalogue sent on application. F. P. iOBGC - - Subscribe to the Record