s"' 1 i' I i 1! " i S.J. J I) I V OT DUALITY, MTIIHA-Tllt:, A ." t) CIlNllKAI, 1 , r t: I. !. I ; ; KALi:iGll, bATUUDAY, SI PTJCMUK U 2J. ! W Watchman is published every Sat St annum, if paid within six month?, Mena-ntiy to that period. , :'"":ha will become responsible lor six "a bit forward the names of sixsubscri- m tb, sli m A the t . tiain. And thus, in obedience to tho cr word of Gi l if tun'-: m Ihn r., ,,., , i n ii i s rth is subdued i t it do rc J ONE the elements of nature nrp 'subservient to the cnerclions of mind and the genial inibence tof commerce, science, and religion are shed down upon the nations of the' earth. ; ; ; ; .d- ' ,e :Let us now inquire, if gambling" has the re motest tendency to carry into effect tha will ot God, thus plainly indicated in the-constitution of things and the writtenvor'dA : Tbebbasincss of the gambler is to employ himself at the card ta ble, the faro bank, or in some other scheme for the pjirpb.se of winning money. Hi's fntelle'ctual energies are taxed tolha uttermost in so playino his part of the game, as to winfrom his" nntarr ob oist all the money that he can. His intellectual effort tends .to no good. It does not enlarge hi mind; It Tits him for no other employment, than that pt injuring bis", fellow-men. The moral energies of the gambler arc made, worse. The second precept of tho Divine Law commands u ,erem ; and "request ' ja J. neighbour as ourselves. ; Love wor- he-Advertiser, zn(l k,tth VU t0 hl3 r'u-Ll:,r- Does the "Gambler i obey this law b-What Jove has he to his neigh bor, who will win from hnn his.dast cent, and reduce him and his family, if he have one, to a state of degraded poverty? it is such love as "vultures show to doves tigers to lambs." The gambler does nothing in the line of his business to cultivate the earth, enlarge the boundaries' of science, improve the arts, or advance the inter ests of religion. " The tendency of his pursuits is to destroy all improvement, and render the earth a aste-howling wilderness to banish all reli gion from the minds of men, and the knowledge of God from the world. - Let U3 contemplate for a momenUhe scene which, the gambling ta ble presents. Behold the company assembled. Do they begin their work with prayer ? .They dare not invoke the blessing of God-upon their unholy doings. A death-like silence, pervades the assembly whilst the game proceeds, until some sudden turn. of luck draws forth an excla mation of horror or of joy, from theloser or the Winner, accompanied -with an anrfuf oath. When the game is ended, the successful party withdraws to count over in triumph his iil-gottqrr-gains. ; The .unsuccessful party retires " with confusion and remorse, to execrate his folly. , A Multiply such issemblies in the earth, and whafwiil bethe. result?-d Mankind will be divi ded into two classes the winners" and the losers. But from the nature of the casethe losers will form the larger bodyYand thedvinners.thpVmall. er."'' These having enguTphed all. .the property, thf. . lnor will. tM&rc tLc-Vrjcv; t Ttioca lS"-lUe '.filled tO a SEVENTH CO V-GRATIS. A Trill he -received for less than ' j in advance; and no discontinuance uDuUrreira-esarepnid. -vA to discontinue will be expected to ' hat e&ct prior to the cotnmencemeot of AertfisVtaey will be considered as re ;.Hensa:ag twelve raonths. o; : Vvv' e? mications except those of -agents who act .Aure attention, laust be tostioud. ... Ac reaiarlv made - to our. address by: .c IT . - r- - - ' . . . ' " ai'Su"' incompatible with the objects of ."Atlfce inserted on the usual terms, ' . 2. Johnson,; DAD., " ' :. ' ' Hroilier,' -jA-;;; - ddd "he' Brethren of the Conference, who "tat the meeting," approve of the fol- ras expressive of their decided opini .Jbiectdiscussfu toe , e it puousnea m in Yours with esteem, .. Jajies M. Chiles i5elJ, S. C., - -" . . ' hS30J. .':" y'y :or;- . - ; -mpliance with the -above : request, 1 1 voa tne.essay-aoove mentionea, ana place in;youTColumhs. " , ; 'r " ' W. B. Johnson. C. ll .Sept. 3,- 1839. EDGEFIELD BAPTIST MINIS TERIAL conference. J ?f.d Brsthre , . ; iar.ca wi'.h your request, I present to ;3V, on the following quer3 : ' - - . hmh&rtf a Church of Christ, consist Ms Profession, men a Ticket in a Lot- .: A " : -; ' ' " ' ' r is a scheme formed by a tody of ra ts, iavvhich the maiiy must lose, andj aiii considerable sums of money nd the loss depend upon the turning th, according to the principles of i tie process qf the operation, there fpt the hiiestexercise'ofthe intellect J powers. The gain of the few is at :ae -many, : without the return of the ji'valent. This constitutes 'gambling; gambling is wrong, so is a lottery -rinssion of-this -sutnccl;- LaliaU flistf , ... , - ... . . : , ' . bling in generaVanithen applv the degraded, servile victims of their covetous des- nd down, to the lottery scheme. cf lh3 sui.i st-ed7- What ha the winner Ane to rriin thi; auioum 1 Is there fairness th. ie hoaesty ? ;s there Leaevolence in such a tran saction? .Is there nut covetousaess In the whole concern cjvetousness-which is idolatry, ana which excludes from the kingdom of God ?' It has been supposed ihattherc may be honest aad honorable gamblers. One; supposed to be so by the coir.ciunity iu which he lived, said to a gentleman cf that community: i(Str there can benosuch character ad an honest or honorable gambler. It is a . mistake to suppose that such a character can exists - A ,A , I trust that it is now. detnohstrau") 'evident, r that the-very nature and, tendency5 6f gambling i wrong, and destructive.- That it'violate the con stitution ot; things under -which we are Adaced, and the written" laws of God.'. No form, thtrtfore, which gambling can assume, is risrht, or should he -countenanced. But the lottery scheme has ob- ined tavorin the eyes of good men, protesters of religion, and even Clergymen. - Grave Senatorsj. and wise Legislators have lent their sanction to the lottery system, by legislative enactments'; and the erection and endowment of literary institutions, and places of worship, in honored' the Holy One of Israel, have been promoted by the profits arising from such schemes. - - Lei us examine minutely the principles of those schemes. ..Id the organization of a lottery a' given amount is to be raised. For this purpose a i.umbei of tickets arc sold at a stated price. The avails of these tickets constitute the funds. Usually there are about two blanks to a prize. "Two-thirds of those who purchase the tickets are lowers, whilst one-third only -gain. At -the, time' appointed, the managers have two wheels constructed. To each of tlifse a tox is .attached, which is turned by the 1 wheel. . Into one box is put the tickets- or their num bers, and it. to the other the blanks and the prizes or their numbers. The wheels arelurned. A num ber is drawn from ihe box, containing the tickets or their, numbers, and then from the box containing the blanks and prizes, another ticket or number is drawn - If opposite to the number of the ticket there is drawn a blank, the owner of the ticket is a loser. If a prize, the owner ot the ticket is a gain er. This is the process. "Now if is evident that there can be. no beneficial exercise cf the intellectu al or moral powers on the part of the mangers, the turners of the ivheel, or the purchasers of tt.e tick- lhe vrhole depends upon what Wd call char. It i preset are th nr.i t ;;,r. ! fro::) tl IT; prny i rs of tho church of ar- c ! . ' n it v,x ,' 1 to say tiir.tr. church ctkLr:.- . I..- r.ruinatir-. the Lord's burner, if nc ; i t' !:ii:,i.ter -r took cf the elemento. . lie h the mouth of the people as it were. to the Lord, but it is their "duty to appropriate his language do themselves and uVo it as if it were their own. : , . It is true, it would be highly improper, indeed quite impracticable," for a jiumber'of. people all at once to give audible; "utteraiice to their prayers!, But although they may not outwardly express, them, they ought to adopt the sentiments, and tn. v:ardh to exercise adoration" 'ihruiksgivincV con fession, and desire while they if. ay. nof pray with the voice, it is their'duty to" Jo i: Willi the "li ' ' t . i is ho;, j "r f J Chri t r i t! Teaclior, the you, love yo1 VI, I, ".' i.!fjf the t!uty 'I'- ' -Ajrit cf Chfiit, he ' ". l ii l:s the rpirit of . il . iWr the iiiL'lible ur himself :fBut 1 ay auto mie. blefsftht ni that curse you, oogouu o them, that hate ioUi and pray fof them which c'espiiefully use veq and percecuk you. For if ye lorgive not meA Ihtir trespa.ss, neither will .your Father for-ltc vonr ir.n.. .i otner trespass a nearl. it is not" the act of the bodily members, el where' said respecting fr out inc proper i.eimg ot the : mind, thot con-ti-i I lutes th-- cfi-.fr art cfacceptal A .vo;V ' ' l- ' .:Now, ifjt is the d-ny.a all,' ifriv in thiA manner inAh e -pe r l j r r n a n c e" of n u :. ,i: t rr-ver. what v i;i must ve thirik of th Christians spr. ' .Can an.y thing be mire explicit than these-instructions? , And yet how few Chris tians honor them v ith due oberTancef "Buf ' says one,, this is all very Ahiusible. i nd I ac' knowledge, the precepts cf the Saviour to be iust but p!er; to ma'rk. what he has rMIf th irn : and. if r tAorrive A '"' trespass a-, thec seven iAt : : - ' -r n times turn a cram to f e i and rigtheo 'ft CSS. da' raetice ol ou shalt forgive him' 1 Io not see 1 to that s c:nc con; all, L;t any we can avoid th i "... " ?mi forgiveness ;rt .tto;is, as sucn, do u:t over f ne of our worshipping this servio ms eye uunncr cations 'of the :Divine Wiil, and our enlo us in the constitution of things,;' vritten word. 6nGod.v : The. appetite' oints cut the duty of taking food ; that : duty of taking drink. A So the pos tellectukl facuUies, whose proper food e. indicates the duty .of using them in aformation. The principles and ob are arq the subjects in the investiga ight-application of which, these powj employed. -The result of such" in-; -.nd apjdicatioa tends to the develop-; enejrgy in the most advantageous necessary consequence to the nVtni i "A" i .;' -..A ;A-:-..;. ' ! ss moral powers that render us capa alliedto God ; the existence pf.which 1 2uty bf their improvement in those Ah wlL rTar&e their possessor to un andfprepare him for pure and holy -1 and iereafter. "To fear God'. and -nraitidznefils : This is the whole duty iance with this train of remark, is the i is'tadght.thrpug.hout the-Bible on; - The parables of the pounds and ia connexion with the above, passage .on, sbU saffi:e,as illustrative of this y present' purpose. - . - . ' arable of the-pounds, a man is repre-j wt to gravel into a far country. Be irtsjiecommito to each of his servants! sayirig, "Occupy, till I come." Inr cf the alents, the owner is representi ;-5 receive a kincrdom and to return.1 A otjt : he gives to each of his ser- -irent amount hf talpnts. Oh the re-! -faster, the servants are fesnective-l parts, that what, he stakes up, should go over from ! 'gi'ei; their account The industry IQDer to the loser as an equivaien lor trie virrWi.TK- -.ik-fnl-n ;n;.hJ loss he sustains ? On the contrary, is- it not the , -,'Vt l A ' r intention cfeach.in staking up what is ets. The na'rliea are - aho'Tplher winnprc nr n!'rt!,t.r Io?pm. Thsrs i no h.nf.fiMnl .r.hn f;;.B iuvdi ine conversion ci sir.ners, an or. commodities. The purchasers of 'tickets,- as those who camble with cards or dice, or any other way, stakejup the price of the ticket, not that their amount so staked shall go as an equivalent for some "valuable commodity, but as the moans of getting a large sum, and what they stake up, too. .Thusot) taining, ifj ibey succeed, the , property of othera . without equivalent, and keeping what iheV..secmpl : Suppose there be nine Ahousand persons who purchase as many tickets at $10 a ticket 5 this will make the fum raised 90,000. There is one prize of .23,000, another of 10,000," another of 5,000, this," cast sseinblies ana luth e lor i.i:;ue I. A i--v: here. and there he may see whose cttituJj a;..I man ner betoken that their hearts are in the work; others arc looking attentively at the minister, a3 if gathering instruction irem ins. words while many more exhibit the most listless indifference, or have their attention r. '.traded .by every - trifle that meets their obrervati 3n. ;. ' " .We wonder and lament, that; amid all our ex ertions, religion appears j languid amen 7 cur selves", and makes so liitl: j,. ;r ; ''ircighout the canhpbut may nc: the linguae ftheapji tle furnish us wi'.h a $ol:itioir "We Lave not, because wo a A" not ?A We; talk v.ith compla cency cf the srtal pecuniary eflbtts th it:: re made for the ext: ?;:; on cf the gospel, while .e are apt to overloolo that' which is more efficacious' than the wtA'th cfr kingdoms.' When I speak. of "the t incac y .. 0 f h u n: 3 n . ? n r v, I Lav? not forgotten their subse quent sanctifiealion, are the woik cf Divine pow er ; but I also remember, that in the kingdom of grace, As in that cf prAiA-.-ce, God usually forwards his -designs by. the instrumentality. "of mean?, the right employment of which 'he has )n 1 u . i..c tcnpiure r-coi ray at! y-Sd it before." Ah ! D I w :. 1 .... 1 1 . v uii'jui an our en mie3,.w h; elude the forcivin -. I CO 1 WC-. raying, f repent Ac;': I - always grant; gcot as they ask it, .0? command me to it f : us see; 'ess1' A- ?cc:.i to inr" tthe course , cerioj them, let tAloo! in ?llte. feavour, bearing m minchthat his example iVsAas jnuch 'binding on us in this. particular, as his injunctions. ;When agonising with the tor- j - - rr .r 1 and 'smaller prizes to the amount. of $C20,OGO inor V this will make s;bu,000 to be drawn by the pur chasers of tickets, and 30,000 will remain for the lottery, makers. INTow these .39,000 are a' clear loss to the lottery ticket purchasers j and as the pro poVtion .'of blanks to a ptize is about two blanks to. a prize, it 19 evident " that out of the nine thousand persons, w ho purchase the tickets, six thousand are. losers. IS ot only do these lose the time spent in the purchase of the ticket, but "they lose the time. spent in their thoughts. and imaginations on their up posed gains. ' AAk Now, ; let us sum up the - vain' imaginings, the; foolish calculations, that are "indulged by these niue thousand persons in reference to their "chan ces for winning the highest prizes, all of which must be .an utter loss to eiccht thousand nine huo-. ? dfed and ninety four of the -nine thousand, since ;ab!ei , ... j . - vjJuLi33Cl UJJ aullii. iij. vnat a is their duty to'improve whai r the whole, without, the s 5 divert them'; that they, who do so im- ! equivalent - to his antagc As, shall be rewarded and that they, ! true spirit of gambling. trovers. - ; Nowj'suppose the Great Master Jesus Christ to cotne and A.cckpn vyiih these his servants. 1 What account will they have to render ? : ,What improvement will tby-have-made f the talents committed to their chtirge ? Neither will have the insulting plea t'o ofTer : "1 knew thee, that thou aTtan hard man, reaping, where thou hast not sown,-,and gathering, where, ihou- hast not strewed ; and I was afraid, and went and: hid thy talent in the earth. L6! there thou hast that is thine.". Slothfulness cannot be alleged, against them. For they have been industriously engaged in employing their talents not for good, but for evil. They cannot 'offer these talents entire, though not improved, that they might receive a better dirsction, but abused polluted ruined. What "must be their doom ! If the slothful ser va'nt has that, which he hath, taken from him, and himself cast out into utter, daikness,-where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth whither; O ! whither, shall the gambler". be driven 1 C If the views just presented of gambling be cor rect, can it be consistent with the profession o( a Christian, that he should give countenance' to it in any form even in the shape of a lottery, the mot plausible form which it cau assume ? Suiely not. ' " Bat let us take another view of gambling. .It 13 "sometimes urcred in favor' of gambling, that it is a tt ansae' ion, like any other amort z -men. proceeding! upori fair and honorable principles" The parties! acrree tu be governed Ly settled rules, and est ab.- j lisnea laws. . me io;er i.s ..iim u tu.ii nam 1 t . .oh as he knewetore hand toe terms upon winch j wh;c!j is-; j0latry if it excludes" from the favor. of "he. agreed to gamble. . All this wears a plauoibie ; q3j jf L lottery is a species, one Torm of gam asnecl;but let us examine it more minutely. blin.T lliCilj inceed, a member of a ChUreh cf Christ In the arrangements for gambiiog, each- party j caa nDl consistently, with his profession, own a ''stakes up," a3 it is called, the sura for which.it j tictet jQ a lottery., - V r . A ;SA " ., o is this done ? Is it the intention or wish of either i - A; Fcrm the United Secession magazine. . , ON PUBLIC PRAYER. f r" Ao :.; TO THE EDITOR OF THE SECESSION MAGAZINE. Sir Of all the ordinances of Divine appoint- entrusted to us. rf m ontainTn uesired .blessings, is frequently mentioned. ': In apostolic times, when the Gos pel made sruch rapid, progress, we . find, among the means' employed by the early believers, that th-il . ordinance; occupies a' prominent. place. there afe out four high prizes. Eut still it may be urcred, "the -literary institution is benefitted, the meeting 1 ousels built good is dpiie. I3ut vhat saith the Scripture 1 Let us-do -evil, that good "may tome. -..Nayj.verilyGod may in IIis inhaite wisdom bring good out ot evil,1 but His creatures should never do evil,, that good might come.'.'" The owner of. the. ticket mav'say, "I did net make the," lottery I am not a-manager. .1 only buy j The disc;pl-s "covAinwcrl toiik cue accord jn sup plication and prayer." "; It-may be noticed, , too, that many of the injunctions to .this duly, in the New Testament. are addressed to churches," and seem particularly to refer to it in their associated capacity." If, therefore,! we Ayouldaim at great success, ive must, along! with all our efforts, in dividually arid collectively,- 'continue instant in prayer.""" Truly, t'the chi'.dren. of this world are wiser than the children of light.'? The mechani cian, guided by certain j known principles, lays down his plan, prepare's ' his materials, and bv persevering exertion confidently reckons on the attainment of his wishes ;- and the. result reali zes his expectations. The husbandman prepares the. soil, throws 'in ' the seed and anticipates in due time, the reward cf his labour; and he is not disappointed. Biit "Christians, although ful ly assured that the means confided to them are adequate for. procuring i'lhe most important and valuable of. ail-benefits, proceed with doubting hesitation: they sow sparingly and read alsospar- 1 ingly. ;'"' -. . A , ' A : ' Ask, and ve shall REccitE ; seek, and ye tures. 01 the cross, while his Jewish and Gentile . . foes were so fir from rc; nce'or commisera- - ' . .' tion that they'rnockfd with ctiel derisiorTthe ' . - . sufferings they'had inflicted on jiirrr under which: A -' they Saw him expiring, his dlvine. compassiorf: A", and forgiveness led him to exclaim; "Father, for- -. !' -give them!" Cor; ! ly, this Sublime instance , ; ' "'-'" of love exhibited towards his rrfdrtal enemies, by A' U A' whose . horrid;: injustice nnd eruehy. he vvna-at : 7 V lhat; moment enduring n rn ost gainful and igno- , " , ' ' minious death, consisting as fit doesAvithahe -A A whole tenor of his Iifet and, instructions, leaves - 7 -no room to doubt respecting ihs duty ofuniver- -" sal forgivmecs. , When he. wi3 reviled, he re- -viled not again; when he suffered, he threatened i not; but-commiiled himself toihira that judgetrr - A . rigtheously. . . .'-.r- ';.c!l,;,, ''C'-.:.'l A-"'' After mentioning the Siviolr himself stf-.-L!Av'-tling this question by his t xampie, it may Seerff -: . unnecessary to refer to human, instances. But. '' the case of Stephen who wit'hl his dvirr brpfltfr j: prayed the L?rd pnuo o. Cip.lp may in this respect tread n the footsteps of - i! his divine .".Master.-To indulge a" spirit of un-j t forgiveness is poison "to devotion, poison to re ligious comfort. The Christen who retains a.- . . A hard-servant, AObey",them that' have the ruler 4 -o''AA .orer you, and submit yoursel ve's.To r they i wat c h. A A"; -for your souls ris they- that "mli'st give account, -rAv that they may do if with joy a'p'd not with' grief "A;:A Ar; for that .is unprofitable 'for yoti';'r.a'nd yet,- &W t':'"''" many sermons are of little use to the church orl account ol her own neglect. : . " A -' A The true miniiter ofChrisUs called of God ' -and sanctified to the sacred ofFica of the HoiVA- A " .Ghc:-t. To him is committed lhe oversight pf : VA : ' the fi::':.. lie appears Elendilyjbefore the churcli ; I' to present' the claims cf God.U' He is required,-.'.A to declare unto the jxcAe their! sins ; to rebuUe,-" " to exhort, to entreat, with all song-suiTeringtand doctrine; and'the church is under obligatiob to ' ' ;. use her .utmost ability to bring'every meiribgr in- " 1 to action. L The fa iihfu,. servant of God iveeps1 J : - ' in secret wbile'be; contemplates the-necessitiea -: of the people of his charge, nru),. with eves lifted ' to heaven, pleads with God to' nrecare his souL . ana the ticket, and quietly wait the issue.'; All this j shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened may be true, but.it there were no purchasers bl j unto you.' If the effectual fervent prayer of one tickets, nere would be-no lotteries made." The t ritrhteous man avails rnuchAni"ht we not" ho-e :h-'men T When we see professed believers standing forth in their I .1... I .... r I 1 - . 1 rt t All.... II..... . ' . I purchasers, iiiereiuie, susi-ui ic jutit-iy. Aue ; lof an incalculable amount ol ar-acces-ones tothc tactot the. lottery, and equal- tej fervent pravcrs cf man v Iv rruutv v. ith tne principals who mate u. essence of gambling is, fTiaf covetous ness, re"- -, 'in- if we are evidently taught, that n tn rpf!,:n wh,t ;s so staked." and to add to iti veato;alI men ability and means toi wAt is set un against it ; so as to become master of i slightest remuneration or' romst ? . In this lies the .S3all.be punished. 3rdianr t0 the vanptr nf talents 'ri ven borne and science. true 'spirit of gambling. Here is found under the; specious form" of agreement, faiine-". and honora ble dealing , the enormous cullt of rambling. Is this hot the very "essence of covctosaess, which ; consists in desiring what is ar.ctaers,. without a; in : h ' .en2agein different pursuits. 'f tlientS in tha'. hipnf.itM'nne nf hwr-i r . l . ,i , ! O- .,-i:!, . lr - - - - w . i. uiutLjiULij i Lf.. inir i:nn v: i i : l t. i.i ;i- u i-.i . aiiu i I i liiu ihjii"'--) - j ------ . . :e." Others engage in the! -Plaining more than .ought to he retained? Will " meitbandize, agriculture,' and the I all the plausible showing cf fatrne?s in gambling, a.Aln the regular aji.istment of does not its true. nature lie in this, that t!.o gam- M",,, - A " . - i . , t ..!-, ,-f,- th.i v 'rf.' -I hi? ;lJJ3.p;rjruits,t&eprincipU ocAsionc Cat most' nrrvR'nl,!,' ' :' - ;;cNifierent regions are exchaA;A. ;Jaries,-and of diArect climss A1- rs ; The impiove-'o er.t of the -;commumca.ted'to tho Lss polish 7s' by; gradual accessions to the rreot r covets a:.. I see the ut'a L r.eighb;r wi lent to gel the r rorcrtv ct nis cor.ci Ar::tiop t just tqui- ment, none is of more importance , than that of. Pnbiic Prayer. One of the most endearing titles of Jehovah is, "the Hearer of Prayer,'' and the place wh:re his people meet to 'worship him, is emphatically style! "the house of prayer.". Yet while the importance of the ordinance will lg readily admitted, much misapprehension prevails regarding the proper manner of attend ing to it. Many seem to suppose that its perform once mav he left whollly to the minister ; and providedAe is rightly employed, it.matters little how the reople are occupied in the moan time. proper position as a separate people followers of their Divine Leader ; vhen in all our wor shipping assemblies they. join together as mem bers of the same body in ardent persevering sup plications, pressing onyardras it ' wen wit Ir ho ly. resolution towards victory, yet trusting not in their own" strength, . bul in.the grace of the Om nipotent ; then may we. with joy f a confidence! look up, lor the days of millemal glory will be drawing. nigh. , ..'-A A .; . ' Hoping that these cursory remarks may I?, in some degree, useful in exciting attention to a sub ject of great importance I am, your most obedi ent servant, A C .- .o.'A'- J. 11. n d g i ve h i rn w isdom a n d understand i n g , ; 1 hat" e mav faithfully-discharge his i duty: but alasf how often h- is compelled to hctufn'to his closet, ; and 'with bitter 'p angsexclam, . " Wh'o.has be--lieved cur report, and to whomjis: the arm of thef TjO?d revealed?'' "-"";; -'A: .. - ,' - . ' Finally;; We cfose with, the la ixguage' of in spiration: "The night is' fir ent, (he day is at. hand, let us, therefore, cast off the work of da rk-. ness, and fet us - p-it on the Armor oflight.,' r Now t'.o God c.p-.!ience a n.H consolation granf you to be like-minded one toivards another aV cording to Christ Jesus, that jye. may with one " mind and "one mouth glorify God even the fa- tber of ourLord Jesus Chr.ist.V: - " - ; From the Chriitiiu Watchman. u 1 . i x, & . t,M? ?:m- th 1; rrn minor. t icature in g rmoiing c.,-,., ,r , 1 rn -,v. .- ration mignt shnw th lakes it out of the course ct 1 lions of men, which are settl me tit. -For in such t'ransoctio e e caZ'iV. try trail' ac d by mutual ooree- i iust A ourra c r ue-'TTt ce. Us parts are being brough Ae- toa higher rank in the scab cf 'A h-e improvements effected in tl; : ;ptcf our various talents, the uov .:jrogres3Cf tl:cG;:pcl; r.r..: ,vA"-3- and good government raio :j;3 Reads' her borders. ThoTni- '-ijavag'-r " - t n rv- -r". number: v,j-eis nets'.:,-; to 1. CO th ncn, one 10. lily cr c otti is ccruki . j ': e purchr.i ; 0033 the::. But r.o'hi: - -0 !. :. '.. .. At is f--.u-.'.' 1 . i l. I . i. i J 11. c . 1 v. Inch fi.r "r filloey 0; It Co;; tore eft old t. m idea. S ;. ! 1 kind CO '.It : e: g to; .3 ir- - , 1 : c a in ' :..g t . it.rr.o !, tl. t ! . c i t -Ao: cr tvro j dice i I remember to have heard an do juent preach er, formerly of this State, but now cf Michigan, deliver. a practical and earnest discourse cn this subject, of an evening, some seven years ago. The discourse'eontained many striking thoughts and unanswerable arguments, -enforcing the du tv of forgiveness. One sentiment was rartru- 1 . . . . j . . . . 0 te.remcmhreu, mat the very na- larly impressive..- ' teaid the pre icher, "some il worshirvimplies, that all' present may ask why I do not this' evening pre A 0 a trt m 1:. m i.iu aci or assem- j revival sermon.' .tie was 1:1 toe : r f. r this purpose, therefore,- Chris- ! exchange, I believe. '-To A' pi-of.-ss to unite in the devotional ' I knovAncthing better fitt: rtiyer . is u mui::, ci grace in revival man -tno .u ired to empioy for tlifir own ! then related soma cf t 'ir obtaining bit; slags for ! kin ! cf preaching, ur: . ., 1 too : '. - ov 0 in the breasts ,0 A A: stone cf ccr ; THE C 1 1 R I S Tl A N ' S D A AT Il-B E D . ' 'Twas a . beautiful morningj in , the month of may, the vernal breeze Was wafting ihe delicate perfume, of the rose and ill:"' orange Bosver', through the windom of the sie.'.Anan, The sun uau scarce uegun to poor cow is ardent rays,- n eye; vvancenng.over'- T .. pot:. .rc r ; I c 0 :i - r - - r t i j 0 and the invalid's feveris the green plainsbeheld at a distance the labour er slowly loi lowing hisplougu: - All was 'peace and loveliness; the wren," with his' subdued ' melodious voice, was scothingjhe ear ; and fro in topmost branch cf a neighboring tree th- . ird was nou'rin-r ;fnrih hi.;'-.vt. .:. be stream of varied song. - "The clear w histle cf the rotridge was !i-.orrl fmm :q':m 0: ' -" uci i. wou ri n cr Ilir:r roocirm . . . . . 1 v. u a a i 1 1 field ;-tho hen wit!: 0 1 us sc.iCtnude ?o.s or 1 : 0 u e r iveon. u . oy U I L a . . vi eojoyj lor.- 3 ; ur, . gat pen. :red b- nis watcn or quit repc In t'.'o c1 .ar r ' a etc : :" i -. her. j :i ne during the ;.;t;:Ae boo . r ( U 1 1 ti. J t. 1 :'uro r. v c: too sc: . A. Je. tho prayers cfa chord 1 Y O - 1 1 t hoiii-o: prayers :. in t'. tho :r ciiuro -IV A .. ir path, and closed by Ci. - 1 ... i, 0 r 1 1 these, met th: . v. hosi cultur .1 whose' flowers h 'eose grassy tanks u.u:jyes.o vie'.v cf th? he had. so 1 t, .as '' tf a . eoiver),- ; cf 'the ' A. The ; at the win- ; the beautibl y in the distance, ; tted by a white d uke ..cf a steam- "- 00, "Hov,' beau" he hell. yir 0 r ! n v -3' - ; the river ' " " 1 Ce vnrl ' Wku j 'v. vl