- . : - ' . ' 4 ' ; .. -y:- - . 1 1 ." " " ' ' ij " 'y " " ' ' ' jl ' ' 1 Y XXL - - . ; - ;v ;ASHETljj;Cg S ' - -I JaMiiaBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW . i AG-KIU ULTUKAL PsocixDracs-or the district confes. held at mu Rivr.R. ni:xDr.Rjox county. Oi tmc On. ItTB A IJt or AtSCIT. recommend that the subject be laid on the table indefinite!, and to ask that the committee be discharged. - R. N. PRICE, Chairman. ; r bake a statistical report of the cause in REPORT ON ROOKS AND PERI 0D1CALS.; k luu vyoiuuuiiL'c on juooks ana.jren our proceedings for publication, in the "Asheville News." : ) Resolved That the thanks of this Conference are hereby tendered to the he bounds of the District. This was .. .. . . r - Qesirable in order that we might com pare our present standing with that of ho past. Prom the verbal statements citizens in this vicinity, who have so bf 'the pastors we learn that' Sunday handsomely entertained the delegates at Bchools are on the increase in the num- their homes. ; r of schools and pupils. A large per Resolved, That our thank jare due to Raising -Clover1 Seed. 1 Wvun; like information as to the ! best mrtinar of managing clover to save seed froni it the, best time and mannerfr cutting, curing, storingrand threshing What is an average yield of seed per acre ? A)' hat is the best clover huller ? Will ti "straw" do to mulch strawberriee wit.. Can the few seedrremaihinj: in it It k r trom germinating by stacking aiid ore not fully alive to the "importance of furnishing as a denomination their full share of the facilities necessary for a liberal and thorough education of the rising generation. To say nothing of REPORT OX THE SUPPORT OF our duty in the premises, : in common THE MINISTRY. with other denominations of christians, The Committee to whom was referred labor and means expended educational the support of the ministry, beg leave to enterprises, are Tory remunerative report That they have carefully and That Charch which educates the greatest prayerfully examined the subject, and number ofchildren of the present gene, have to regret exceedingly that our ration, wilT command the labor and in- . Ministers are so m eagerly supported fluence of the grcitest number of vigor- throughout rlie District. With but one 0us, matured and polishcJ minds in the or two exceptions, the claims have not next.' The time has 'passed when any been more than one-third, or one-half church can live acd flourish in this met, and in one-instance not one-fourth, country, without doing its full share in w , w m n aMw &m uui v. u BkV u c ul. & w i v ii i u ir k. f i liirarmn I Wa V W w W A A I hllUUlU W A t A w - ' rflllllWflIl III I I I I I .1 III II I.I V (1 I I I 1 I i I I I l I I I I I A. I . . - "w w' C V, " . . ,. , c n i0 r---v - ness oi ine variecy. iLiimeexp lamuic cause ot tins awtul deiiciency, Wre have no denominational school ,J' lDcre 13 not one Pasoral cliarge on ianu, aim m xuut a.x . - ana an otner tnorougniy gooa ana m- be nebessary for good success. The auu cnucavorcu io sunircst a rcmeuv. within .fh hnnnrfa thn n tfrr r- une uisingt inai is as wen suDDuea as k mhiouuviu, uu.v ..fe ,0rw.v. . -"r' seeu ctod is cue in, Autumn, wnrn mnt mate ana eminenuy wise 10 am m mis w,., oitne neaas nave Decomo brown; v.vih'? best way to cut is. to 1 ta.ke a combined -re mowing machine, put otr the platform,. uiaKc iiie Knives snarp? ana men, with a odicals begIeeJa:reportfasfo In looking over the entire grounds we ar past, are ( from among the pupils, congregation tor ,the use ot the church hurt strawberry plants ? 1- ; are pained to find agreat deficiency, viiich fact alone should encourage us to on their regular day of service. , , Select ;a good crop of clover the, see- both in the reading and circulation of rjnewed efforts. The work abroad, also, j : Tnbmm , ijttoilttU our church publications.- A very small ij ahd out of our State, is of such char- ; MesSks. Ediioks-I am glad (b :wJ numTipr nf nnr'Knnt- nnrl nrin(r1in1i nr nhter jis tn Stimulate US to the highest Jxrftnr llltnnia rnrrpsnnnrlpTit. T?'J? . l rn ii L :r . " " w- v r..ww-.w tw;' , i , . fjr ;yrr" v Vr j ' growia wi men maKe a nanasome; unir in circulation among our people-within exertions, bunaay ocnooi ceieoraiions urge menecessny oi urainage. tie uoes form seed cropi At the, north, jthis is the bounds of this district. - - - . and conventibns have been more numer- this I believe, generally in his corres- done about the middle or 2Qth ofu June, While, at least one copy of our church ous during the last year than ever be- Pence. S'tlnS nnnpr RlinnM liPin pvp ArpfTin.tm;. fore. The createst and noblest of the . lA. v j t?j sons, laucuae, na me earimes ur-J.iih- enence our little readers at Asheville, Salem, ating report that the major part of the district is .almost entirely destitute of Sabbath School literature. We can find be muzzled which trcadeth out tho refrain from saving more. grain that the Pastor should be a Wc are pleased to learn that the II. man of but oncwork: that ihe Church C. F. College, is increasing the number are supplied with our Sunday should understand that his only work is 0f its pupils and civing satisfaction to iq uo goon ; ana mat tie snouia oe wen its patrons; and heartily recommend it supported in, and for his work. This as worthy of the patronage of our pco deficiency is, in our judgment, traceable pie. Your committee are of the opinion ; to two causes : First, a distrust in the that the arrangement being cone into Preacher, which leads him to mix some with a joint Stock Company, by which but four copies of the Sunday School other calling or pursuit with the glori- this College will, for the present at least, within the limits of the . district out work of saving souls, .which seems, pass out of the possession of the Ilolston 0Uls,ue 01 cne communities anove men- in me minaj ana acts ot the people, to Annual Conference, is the best that . lessen their obligation to contribute to could be made, under existing circum- Ins support. Secondly, to a want of stances, and that the ladies and gentle proper system among us. There are men composing this joint. Stock Com - hundreds, of our people who never give pany deserve the thanks of the church. any thing to this noble cause, while a FRANK RICHARDSON, Ch'n rreat manv others have no svstem or regularity in their contribution. If REPORT ON TEMPERAJJGEL. every member would pay a few cents! Tho Committee "on Temperance beg horhnna oV m.a n. fWv xtV.AW manv instances, reduced to the cost ot Y .-i ..t , rrU eXno Af7mn WimniA 1 UWlr 1UUY ?.a'il IUU UCUCUt. X U n A com Wrrm f A hll h nh rtf r t a - - a w j j. i more largely advocate the necessity ot good hand-raker, keep; the cut crop on this branch of husbandry. We fear the platform until there is a good 'pile, they: have themselvesmany of them when it is thrown oft; At the next not vet fullv seen the benefit. To u inn v,- tnc sariiii? winrows. .When c-uli " a . u... ' nn,1 wf rp Minrrhv millions of hannv r.cc. "'6'" rfrr.r-a piace, so as to make juuvi uuum ouu uuucio, uui we luret i - - aivmcr pxamnles. multinivrnff me exam- I .1 jli. r. :r . exceedingly to have to make the humili- children,! and we feel constrained to join ples this is what we ought to do. We dryV let it starfd in quite small's cock? them in saying Should earning dajs be cold and dark We'neeU not cease oursinging ; That perfect rest naught can molest Where golden harps are ringing Much can be done I in t K I a iv- n tt in m rTn i C5CHOOI wtor as a cnarmmg paper lor oth-erwige be e!mnl0ved. both bv the-hir- -r jt . y . . - . i - j t r v . V V t cannot too much insist upofl this leading frnino?.nvpr whPn nPSSflrV T)mU - principle in farming. on a dry day and thresh Tt out wir People can ditch much more than g00d huller: At the north, thrua they do, and with but a little increase chines are itinerant, and tJ.rh r.,r certain. sum per bushel. When a nw ing machine cannot be had, it niu' jaC eouuse.be cut bv hand: and when a felo the i lui v I y-v n j-b t n 1 wr a v r Ye earnestly rccommenu me ounuay . - - , i I in thia txroTT in mnmnnfc thnr WAIT ! nflt 111 i, 1 1 1 llllj X 1J luuiiiviivu wuuw vivruftv. ' v-v I -.1. . 1 . a i . -1 M r r v I T-r -.wrtfApn I 1; . J t ,1 . . ' iJ . I. I " . ' ' '' tioncd ; and the few books that are found UUI a.1Jf - ett man ana id proprior ; or hu.k ver huller. is not accessible, let in our Sunday Schools are cenerallv of ou? surPrise tilat 80 ICW C0P1CS are iaKen cnanSeu as f le tafae T. 6VU1U V be very ripe jfand if it I has be. weekly, according as God has given him leave to submit the following report : or her means, all the obligations in this The Methodist Church has always respect could be met, without any cm- born its testimony against the sin of In- I i i?i . ii i i. this sfntft nt :ilr:i 1 ts. i tii nnti m not r iv iirnrninrp 1 riiii- i-i iiriMi - v - - .1 . . f .1. I 4 k'.A.ii tmn-n lino n ai nflil I !- i w.. " " I D,rra.sm.n( .p.n ,nc P"' ol 1l,,e, , T J i- 1 ' t !:,7 f rl j.i. naocrs are ably edited, and week after drcn that H is not only a duty but a nr thnr i;isror. vVii snouia dc n m or jicrsi'ii - iu iiuswiu irum uiuiu- i - . i . in Knnniio t mers:or a nana may oe nire ana a rri , n oV..i.i n nrfl small debt turned in : the good farmer ltiis is not as it should be. h e are , ' lL. 9 t u t r , i., knows how to do these things, liather solemnly called upon to feed our chil- do the work i& winter much rather drcn with a pure and holy knowledge, than not at all. Even let there be less and to neglect them is criminal. Com- other work on the farm -less land put plaints of a very sad character come to m' tor a year or two, and d tch the bad , . - - I filing" i-v rif. q T 7 I "no ' - 1 1 u rtnr3i&iniL cvi luuio uniiurr: . i t.i - . . . - n . T less, and sometimes a damage. . it costs the best machines for! threshinfT Nn from necess.ty, to turn as.de from their but'just the Mme to ditch fhese ls bet. 'rl, I . . . ! y . . i,' I. uv u ui vuiiw cum h 111 in f en u. us labor actively, and pcrsevcringly to appropriate wor to support tneir iami- ter soil, and the expense will generally suddIv our people with a sound theology; lrain ap our cnn an inferior character, and not of our own publications. In view of this deplorable state of things we desire to call the attention of our Ministers and people to the impor tance of waking up upon the subject of reacring,ana uXicnstTtrij armiaic-iir- literature of the church. Brethren, let een wet, it will shell all the better,) an-d resort to the more imperfect mode of threshing and passing through the. fanning mill. The threshing should bp done in frosty weather. The average yield per" acre is three to four! bushels ; sometimes five ' bushels are obtained, and in bad seasons practic rn 1 1 v r . i in- ' .- . iii .. ...... fo...v tne seeas irom i frerminatinn". norAvi it lies. Here is an opportunity to remedy be paid back in a year or two.i or three ininrft cfrAwberripq wlion rlio ctrnir iV week, their columns are filled with the most interesting matter relating to the m9 W prosperity ofour beloved Zion, through out the entire connection. Let us be diligent in recommending them to the patronage of our entire membership. J. It. LONG, Chairman. i ' at the, most ; tor such son (mat most use(J aS a much.Albavy Cultivator. - to j 'J, r . " " wealth will at once be developed. In- To -'Make- brought to feci that they arc individually enness or drinking spirituous liquors un interested in this matter; that God re- less in cases of necessity. A true quires them to do something. In order Methodist therefore cannot -Je intemper th'at we more effectually succeed, we ate ; he cannot be a dram drinker or a would recommend the following plan for drunkard. But the church must not our adoption to wit ; merely abstain itself but as the Ileaven- lst. That as soon as the preacher appointed light of the world, it must try reaches his work there be a meeting of to form a correct public opinion; and the Stewards on each work I1I3 claim also save all it can from the meshes of be agreed upon, arid apportioned among this fell destroyer. To do these things the different classes, according to tfceir every legitimate agency should be em strength and ability. " ployed. The Press and the Pulpit, 2d. That the Stewards of each class should all speak the same thing and give call the class together at once, and let no uncertain sound, them select two or more judicious mem- While .we heartily approve all organi bcrs who shall apportion their amount zations -which throw, around men Tem- I . a r t wtj-kt 1lltlft I among the different members, according perance imiuence y w,slulWfc "uVUrtW" New tents and new arbors are rearing asvGod has blessed them with means, the salvation oi men irom uruuitc..u:a tbemseI?es in the. old waste places, and .and that the steward then ascertain from entirely to them. The only complete active prcparationg arc teing made to them individually whether or not they remedy for this as well as all other sin, QncQ moremake ;the forcstg vocal with will pay the amount assigned them. " the uluuu u uimsi. the praises of God. This is a matter of REPORT ON CAMP MEETINGS. The Comaiittee on Camp Meetings submit the following: "We are pleased to know that a new interest is being awakened throughout our District on this subject. Our old Camp Grounds, where our fathers and mothers worshipped, and where many of us were converted, are being rebuilt. lltiolvedm 1. That we recara me ju. E. Church South us one of the most goodj and well calculated to create with efficientof all Temperance orgamza- in u3 thc brichtest hopes for the future. brightest hop Thousands in this our land,- and in other regions of our Zion, began the journey Heavenward from the Camp meeting. 3d. That the Stewards collect one fourth of this amount from each member quarterly, and that the . claim be met Ifirlv. tions. 4th. That we labor to impress upon 2, That as such it is her duty both in thtf minds of our Dconle the obligations Ministry and membership to reclaim . I.. i i i j. .i n i that all arc under to do something to- se aireaay snarcu, auu FrcTCuw u4t Jt Qne of the primitive odes of wa'rds the support of our ministers. she can from contracting intemperate .worghip adopted .by our , fathers, and 5th. That we further urge upon them habits. ,r . which was kept up until our people be- thc great necessity of regularity in their 3 That we request our Ministers to gaQ fo ieW tQ The t contributions ; and in order to this, that spk out boldly againSt this, as against bencfit of Camp Meeting relt from, the they give one-fourth of their contiibu- all other forms of vice. fact thftt 0r people leave their hojnc tions quarterly. " W- M. KERR, Chairman. and for iimQ bcing lay aside their Gth. We would further recommend ' business, and go up to the grounds, free that this report be read by a Steward in COMMITTEE ON HIGH SCHOOLS. from Care in a measure, to serve God, each class in his charge. The Committee appointed by the and to avail themselves of the opportu- J. A. KLAUVN, Chairman. district uonterenco neia at oaiem last njty t0 brine their children under the year to receive proposals for establish- inflaen?c of the Gospel. Many' other ins a High School bee: leave to report. .ertno m;i,t k nMi r.- stedd of a swamphere-.iff a soil soil that pays largely that is durable. And let the work.be done Succotash. Take the privilege to support the Gospel and they will do so gladly. To accomplish this, and many other desirable and excellent thirgs, which wc cannot now mention. wo no nnr. inre.n nepn ennntrn. Liiree hanne onri nf k catcd and brought up thereto the tacili- r,. ;a furt irtoof uof 0ni kq . . u - L rich tillable husks and silki from dozen ears of at once, and sweet corn, and with a sharp knife Cut L. I the kernels from the cob. scrape tfentlv ' thoroughly .; what remains on the cob with the knife. in this consists the success. Generally, blade ; string a quart or more of greefi ties ot acquinnc: knowledge and rot Kour feet is much better, and five leet tho on nut tViPm wJh " hp nrn ;r, n learning to love their duties must; be still more so. We have a cellar and its stew-pan, add half a pint of boiling bilk placed within their reach. " drain on one side of a grapevine, and or water, milk is the best ; covert; descent of the ground and a sink drain dose, and letVthera boil rather centlv for' ri pxnnTii.- iiimi. sniiprinii'iiiii'iii.s in i . t . i i . . i i ' 7 5 ' - : , - on the other, ana mat grapevine is me three-quarters !of an hour: then a.1 - C A -J Tl ...I ti ri rpi'-finnrrpra rT nn nnnr- rnon sxtii . . I J f J A. J- ..ivft. . J v. a v. b. be requested to turnish the preachers tcst-in the neighborhood.. It seems to teacup of butterla tcaspoonful oi.lf. in charge with full reports, of their re- stand everything, and do everything and a saltspoonful of pepper ; stii f. in i speciive schools, conversions v ' j ireaieu to leaves unu vegeiuuiu uuuiau liKeu, and-serve ry &c, and that the pastors ot stations for manure. The rest of the ground is a .-sweet corn make th'e finest succotaj unu circuits ue reque sieu io unug iiiem garuen, equally cueeessiui. x. J. v. up to the next session of the District Conference. . . . ROBT. B. VANCE, Chairman. that The followingtjesolutions were unani mously adopted Resolved, That we recommend to all Country Gentleman. our Preachers and Stewards to procure, T ttt 11 1 1 3 1 . . j, Impure Water. It is ,, well k I-hold that it is on this account we often find unusully good yincs, fruit, Galls. Iii tho first pjace, you dhim gardens &c, in villages or laji-ge towns dispense with the use of a collar. : 1 In the cellars and subterranian conduits following lotion sfipuld be applied d.'Hh Vv carrying off the water. Thus we want to the sore : sulphate of zinc, 1 .dniehirt : depth, and we want a security of drain- acetate of lead, j drachm ; water, 1 pin 1 . age good tne, careuny iaia. r. j.in vvnero 11 is;very aimcun 10 (uspense with the use 01 a couar, some 01 me stuffing muy be removed from it so as-' to ) part, . reau anu circulate, vr. uarianu a para- tha, the watera of manV. streamo an. , , . , 4 ,.rwl P .J - ' - , r .1 nuivu jo tuuo uii&uu iiuui picsouiii RLTUKT UiN iiDUUATlUJN. 1 inr a High School bee: leave to report The Committee on Education beg That some timo after that Conference, leave to submit the following: jhey held a meeting in Asheville, and We do not deem it advisable to argue resolved not to recomend any point as a the importance of education in the ab- place for the location of said School, Btract, nor of blending the sanctifying where a. subscription, of at least 3000 influences of Christianity with the dcvel- rtment of intellects of the young, the lich are generally admitted. r-Ki tha oninion that had not been secured, and placed at the disposal of , the Conference Your committee have to report that no auch support of these meetfngs, but we deem it unnecessary. Resolved, that we heartily recommend to our people the propriety of rebuilding 11 " r 5 i i our oiu iamp urounas ana oi maKing new ones in proper places. ; ROBT B. VANCE, Chairman:. proposal has bcenymade to them,, they REPORT ON SABBATH SCHOOLS. xiherefore notjprepared to recommend The Committee on Sunday Schools e Dcnooi.. upon due I regret to state mat surncicnt data was e thought best to not furnished them to enable them to nown make a; hollow opposite; the sore p phlets on the support of the ministry parently free from deletorious irigredi and kindred subjects. ents, will yet cause ; sickness in those Wounds in Horses. One of the bet ' Resolved. That we do 'cordially en- lh habitually use it. Ordinary chemi- washes that we know of for ordinary, dorse the American Bible Society in its cai aLnaW s. weai- any pecinc wounds on norses is to aKe one quarter a. , w i j -j . r cause to which these enects can be ascri- ot a pound otsaltpetre, halt a pint or efforts ;o multiply and spread the Scrip- be(J and the most perfect filtering is in- turpentine,;and put them into a 'bottle ; tuxes in all languages available, from effectual-to remove the sources of the shake up well before using ; apply,, to the river to the ends of the earth ; and difficulty. In many such cases it has the wound three times! a day with " that we do cordially commend to all our been found that the injurious effect is feather. 1 ,1 - v T people, their Agent for this State, the V? ?la in extfe mely minute state LooSB Rowels iNHoRSEs-In 11 iV t m' tit u i r i. of division; so fine, indeed, as to pass ioose bowels in iiorses in nn Kev. I. 1. Wyche, as worthy of their :ijt , u- ' i. cases of chronic diarrhoea we have found - nuuuui. oil y uiujuui uuuujzu uiuuiarv . ; , , , r , confidence and hearty co-operation, and filtering paper, andt6 carry with, it putting powdered charcoal in th feed a that, he be invited to visit our nortion of man4 iniurious organic Rnhstancps. Thft very good remedy, and if the disease de- .ti o. : r-i. -r - wnnw fnt.' fiiTa ;i oAnefii in pends oii a disesUve' function, the li.ver ii z i i iimti ii wm-m 1 i 11 i m r w m-m w m. iiiji m v. ia v a v a. 1.11 ia . m 1 -i 13 ii 1 r and vital interest; r o v f nnnn . i ' : i fin pnt. TiTpfinir.n.f trint' mpnf intr rnmTripnrA nn WpflnAaiav I? i 11 t. Ji I half an Otince twice a dav. -t i w . . p 11 ait?, tYiiicii carries' 'y 1 til 11 ai( nic utuer , ..... " ..r l ;1 ; " :,' J . night, and thai the same one be appoin- i ingredients of the water, leaving it clear Rone Spavin. -Apply a ifister to ted to deliver an Annual Sermon on that and yerypuie; In a river of Holland,. the ingde of the nock,jorfe pnrt'of pow occasion. i. ;which had always been wted, r in- ered caiilhar ; Resolvedi That the thanks of the SbaX"r?m a S"bIe Gft Conference are due,, and are . hereby jbeen tendered to R. M. Stokes, Esq., for his preciptate, and it has been found that 'Kl iV:" ' :,,-rrrr-: : , -i- kindness in offering to publish the:" pro- !f he ; noxious agencies were , 'ntitely re- : ;v ;: WAitTS.Mtx " equal quantity of ceedings of the meeting free of charge; ove a that.the water couloVbe used t , mi m. 1 o . -r', for all culinary purposes withoutincon ;r Resolved. That the Secretaries, John L; ' fMJTs,i ,vU;i.. Boring and L; K.-Haynes be appointed ;some cases be used with even mor3 sat-r Ibase of the wart with a feather once or a committee to prepare an ahstract of isfactory. results, for the same purpose, twice a day ; it will gradually cat . it off. A. 'V I' - : f , .

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