Vol. 2, No. 52. RALEIGH. , N. C. SATTJIUUY. -DECEMBER 14. 1889. Frico 2 Cents. . - to . -5 . Dr D. II. BROWDEB. Every afternoon, except Sunday. Subscription price -25 centa per month. Address communications to The Daily Oiix. fj. W. AYER, City Editok. . OUR ADVERTISERS. E. JORDAN. Groceries. W. GOODWIN & CO. Druggists. WILLIAMS & CO. Book and Stationery. jj AuTiTUi-T CLC Tin" V T ".Clr'-ng. . QHOSS & LINEIIAN ClotLlcg. ' )4 T. JGUN-ON, Agi-Groceries, Vieh, &c. T) EUGENE GRISSOM Fhyelclan. jg , DENTON Fancy" Grocer. J? I'. WVATT A SON -Sa-Ulery. EDWARDS & BROrGIlTON - Printers and . Liners. - . ft STEINMrffZ Florvt. JJARDIN & PSSCUD. Grcxxniea, Ac.- . WINE'f IiOBMcrrhai.t Tutlor. J ' it. FEURALL & CO.-Faney Grocers. JAMt:S McKIMilON A CO.-DruKsista. J" M. RliOUGflTON Real Estate Aj;ent. T ! WYATT Onk Citv Laundry. Vf X. WALTIIS-,MercnAiH Tailor. CKIMMON MOSELEY & McG EE -Dry Goods. omtlS A CARTEU I)retM Goods. 'P S, bTEVE'SON-I'luit:bin aud Gas Fitting. . 'piOrJ. 11. UltlGGS A 80NJ Hardware V C. & A. C, STIiONACIl-Heavy and Facy iirocvr'f-s. v fl.'Jt It. S. TUCKER i CO. Dry Good-. Y G. BEI'AltK Dry Good aud Clothim. ynmxG' bium. ciotuicg rOOLLCOlT & SON Dry (;ooiaudClothIii?., ' THE CITY." - . .'-An irtstnlliDent on: the cotton fac torf stock is drie todav. h k..:J'''' - 41 r1 'i nil it m r ill i. ill -,t-v nni un ui au- ized at the Agricultural and Mechanical College on next Wednesday. There will be a meeting for men only at Edenton Street M. E. Church to-morrow evening at 3:30 o'clock con ducted by Evangelist Fife. A game of foot ball played to-day between the "Colonias," Stanly Faisou, captain, and the "Stars," Judsou Jen kins, captain, resulted in a victory for the "Colonias." - ' ? --Evangelist Fife will close his scries' of meetings here at, the BaptistTaber nacle to-morrow night, Rev. Mr. Mor ton, Presbyterian evangelist, will con duct a -series of meetings here next week. Judge J. C. McRae wilt hold the January term of Wake Superior Court, beginning on the Gtb. The criminal docket is tilling up very fast. It is noticeable that there are more indict ments for renioviug crops than ever be fore. i The Charlotte Chron icie notes: "An emigrant train, containing fifty families of negroes,- numbering in all 250 peo pie, passed through the city yesterday for Louisiana and Mississippi. The emigrants were from the eastern part of Ihe State, and were in charge of 'Teg leg" Williams. A telegram to the Wilmington Messenger from Col. John L. Cantwell states that at the Davis memorial meet ing in New Orleans Wednesday night, Gov. Fowle made the speech of the night He was called out twice. Col. Cantwell also mentions that the funeral obsequies on Wednesday lasted from 12 m. till 5 p. m, , The sixth installment of 10 per cent, is due on stock in the Raleigh Cotton Mills It is thought by some of our best business men that this will be a paving investment, and already there is strong talk of making the building twice the present size. The larger the mill the larger the dividends. This is the main reason for increasing the aire, We expect before many years to see this one of tbe largest mill in the South. The property owners of Raleigh should make it so at once. -The Call appreciates the receipt of a copy of the address delivered by Dr. It. II. Lewis, of this city, before the Alumni -Association of the University of Maryland. The subject j is "Higher Medical Education and how to Secure It." - . Last night the Ely Stock Company drew a very good house to see the pre sentation of "The Two Orphans.'' This company has caught the popular sup port, and the applause given it is a sure indication that its audiences here appreciate the company. One of its striking features is its elaborate stage paraphernalia, including costumes, at a matinee this afternoon, and will give a new play to-night. Personals, i Ballard is visiting in the Mrs. V. city. Miss Liara Waters, of Kinston, is visiting Mift-es-Eliza and Nora Primrose. Mr. Th oa. H. Tiliicghast, a well known teacher at the Deaf, Dumb and Blind institution,, is critically ill at his residence, corner of Polk and Blood worth street. Talking on the Street. "You know," observed a gentleman VhiA. morning, "that our board of Alder man have done a great many good things during this year, bat I just want to s iv that I think the presenting of thf. nuiforms to the police forceAvas one of th'mo't i graceful and appropriate thiols they have yet done; Thellaleigh police are a set of the best, most polite, considerata and tfliciant officers you can tind a earth, and one would think that they esteem it .a favor to be allowed to accoinmooate you they comply so wil lingly aud promptly, But talking about Hccomniodating" folks, Tobe Marshal c tlie janitor lays over anybody I i'v n," a vy. Yon ask him to Jinp yon to aid you la anything, or to do any thing around or about the opera hall. He'll glare at yon and talk back and raise half a row, but he will have accom plished what you want done before you get half through the argument with him, unless you talk mighty fast. He'll wear a broad smile the whole blessed time, alternately" caressing you and ''cussing" you out, and will always com ply with any request iu a way that will make yon happy. He's a jolly curiosi ty Tobe is." v "Some folks think it is too soon to com mence with the proposed State Exposi tion for 1891; but I tell you if that allair is to be gotten up the sooner work is begun on it the better." This was the remark of a stirring business man to-day. "Do you suppose," asked a gentle man this morniug, "that there is any probability of the board of aldermen reconsidering their action with refer ence to the market house at their last meeting?" A Winter Aviary. , llaleigh is to have a permanent aviary. Mr. A. Dughi, who has nearly one hun dred and fifty varieties of birds, will, next week; place them in winter quar ters in the Holleman building. The aviary will be open to visitors all the winter through on certain, conditions. A box will be placed at the door in wfiich every visitor will be expected to drop ten cents. There will be no door keeper. The funds arising from this project will go to the support of St. John's Hospital. The aviary will be arranged in eltgant stvle and will &how the birds.to the best advantage. - :; j-- - ; ,' Death of Maj. Peck. Maj. Lewis W. Peck, a well-known citizen, and for many years a merchant of this city, died to-day at Mrs. Morris boarding house on Halifax street. Fu neral services will be held at Edenton Street Methodist Church to-morrow afternoon. The name of the Dismal Swamp canal has been changed to Norfolk and North Carolina canaL THAT CHtOT, The N. C. Road is yelling: to Build a ?75.ooo Structare--Will the R. &G. Joia ln?; Some things grow acd move on with out being seen or making" any fuss. This is the case wittr that new Union depot. Some people, are weary of waiU ing, and because they are, they think the depot is - not corning; but listen. That building committee has just pur chased $5,500 worth of proper y in ad dition to that secure tome time ago, and which wonld haTt'bn RTiHicient - . , U' Lj toikin oa giocud plans far th buildinrf, which will bv a'i is for the work of the architect : v : The railroad compniia are in earnest and their work shovs it. The North Carolina railroad has .officially expressed a desire that a - 75,000, instead of a $50,000 structure be put up, and- has said that if the Raleigh k Gaston road will put np its share for the purpose, that Raleigh shall hire the $75,000 building. This proposition i3 made in a business-like spirit.. Now, what will the R. &. G. do about jl. Mr, Fife and His Work. Editob Daily Call: I have had the t pleasure of hearing Mr.Fife five "'times in the Presbyterian church and three times in the Baptist TaTlernacle. What do you think of him ? f I love him for his manliness, for his moral courage, lor his iatense devotion to God, for his love forouls, as shown by his incessant labors for their salva tion. , ' He is unique, because he is single eyed and unselfish; hi is "ijarless, be canse he knows he is Christ's ambassa dor, and talks and acts as - for eternity. He says he wishes t b9 T-?rr iir.nble, udeaia,ljnU kiird-oavted,-'' and -he certainly is; and if he "grates harsh thunder," it is only because he hates all wickedness as God does, and all tenden cies in that direction; but at the same time, he is as gentle as a woman, and all his hearers see what he says is said in love. There is not a trace of malice in the man. His heart is5' as big as "all out of doors " He is as. brave as John Knox and as humble and as tender as Sum merfield. He is certainly doiug great good in Raleigh, noft only by the con versions and changes in life he has effected, but by his example of candor and plain speaking in regard to sin in all its forms. He is one of the mouthr pieces of God "in the mUst of a wicked and adulterous generation." Wrhen he leaves Raleigh he will carry with bim, the good will and the blessings of thou sands of Christians. W. Wl. Holden.V New Advertisements. We have had unusual success with our holiday goods. We have'reasons to believe that our prices are far1 below other similar goods, as many ladies have told ns so. The large sales of the goods is tbe best evidence that the prices are right' Our handkerchief stock is very large and sales are all that we could ask. Some jobs are offered at about one-half usual prices. To-night we will have on sale some genuine bar gains in shoes. All $1 00 purchases get tickets at Norris & Carter's. Piano for sale or rent, apply to 211 Fayetteville Su ' : Christmas Dress Goods. The Christmas activity that pervades the house is especially noticeable at our dress good 8 counters. We have made ample provision for the gift season in dress goods of moderate price, but most excellent value, and have made as ton-' isliingly low prices oa our entire line of novelty suits, bordered eflects .(cut in suitable dress lengths) combination suitaand French robes, which are the best practical, good sense Christmas gifts. W. H. Si R. a Tucxeb & Co. THE 0AI1QUET In Honor of CoL Polk Ihe Only Farm-, ers Banquet Who Were There A Thrilling Speech Toasts, &c ; The banquet given hj the citizens vl Raleigh at the Yarboro House last night, complimentary to Col. L. L- Polk, President ot the National Farmers and Laborers' Union, eclipsed any evening honorary feature, ever accorded by Ra- leigh to' any man, and was eminently de lightful and instructive in its every fea turethe distinguished guest's speech, the response to the' toasts, and the ViJ! ;tcd bvraany people tit this wai the rlrctbanquet ever given to a j-epresentaiive of a farmers' organizir tion. Therewere morethau one hundred guests present; among whom were CoL L. Jj, Polk, Acting Governor Thos. M. Holt, Rev. Dr. C. T. Bailey, Mr. P. M. Wilson. State Commissioner of Immi gration, Dr. H. B. Battle; Director of rthe 'State Experiment Station, "Messrs it T. Gray, J. C. Harris, L. MHami ton, ? T. Ivey, Wcii H. Bain, Dudley Peed; Dr. J. R. Pearsall, of. the Insane Asylum; Messrs. Jas. "Tsorfleet, of Fort Payne, Ala.;F. M Harper, B. C. Beck 4 with, Josephns Daniels, W. N. Jones, J. J. punn, Hon. D. W. Bain, I'roL J. B. Carlyle, Messrs. V. H. Worth; State Business Agent of the Alliance, J. C. Ellington, J. A." Ask w, E. U. SLiolar, Rev. Dr. Thos. E. Skinner, Messrs. J. D. Boushall, W. G. Up church, .E. C. Beddingfleld, W. W. Wil son. R. Judson Buffaloe Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Messrs. A. J. Dalby, J. N. Hubbard, J. C. S- Lumsden, W L. PoweIl,:H6n. John C. Scarboyo, Capt. It. J; Powell, Messrs. R. el Bedford, s W. T. Hampton, A. C. Green, President "Wake County , Allir :.ce, V A. Jont - j . C. G.jLat l'r- ..iC .... " Goodwin 'HonrS Mr 1 iuiTk M. T. Leach, N. B. Brqugh ton,' Thos. H. Briggs, W. H. Pace. J." F. Bell, S. Otho Wilson, H. H. Powell; George Wi Thompson, Jr,, W. G. Allen, P. A. Car ter, Dr. A. W. Goodwin, Col. J. M. Heck, Messrs. A. D. Jones, John Y. MacRae, J. N. Holding Prof, J. H. Kiuealy, of the Agricultural and Me chanical College, Rev. C. Durham, Messrs. C. B Edwards, J. M. Brough ton, J. W. Denmark, C. A. Guodwin.W. F. Daly, C. J. Betts, Prof. W.- F. Massey, D. P.- Meacham, J. C. L. lla'rris, Chas. D. Upchurch, Collector E. A. White, Messrs. J. A. Thomas, W. J. Peele, Dr. F. J. Haywood, Prof. A. Q. Holloday, President of the Agricultural College, Prof. if. R. Chamberlain and Mr. B. S. Skinner, of the same institution; Messrs, F. H. Busbee, S. F. Telfair, J. D. Allen, H. W. Jackson, Chas. M. Busbee, J. D. R. Allen, Associate Justices A. C. Avery and J.' E. Shepherd, Col. F. A. Olds, Mr. J. S. Hampton, Attorney General Davidson, Capt. Oct. Cake. Prof. D. H. Hill of the Agricultural and Mechanical College Mr. J. C. Birdsong, Mr. Rich ard H. Battle, Mayor A. A. Thompson, Mr. W. b. Primrose, Capt J. J. Ber nard and others. Mr. Joseph us Daniels was Toast Mas ter, and opened the banquet with an address of welcome to CoL L. L. Polk, concluding with a toast to "Our Honor ed Guest" He first called on Col. L L. Polk, the guest of the evening, to respond to the toast "Tbe New Revolution.v Col. Polk said;' ; Mb. Cbaikman : History is ever re peating itself. The march of human progress is htrewn with the wrecks of empires, kingdoms, systems, thrones ,and governments. Many of them went down in violence; and blood. But the declaration in tha sentiment to which I i am called torespotnd-"The New Revolu tion is but the echo of tbe mighty feat which has been put forth by 3.0U0.000 liberty-loving, law-abiding American freemen. Tbe approach of this New Revolution has not been heralded by tbe flare of flambeau, the beat of drum or tbe thunder of cannon. The. thou sands and hundreds of thousands of patriots who are enlisting in iu ranks are marshaling under no ensign of strife, of hate, of blood, or of carnage. But they align themselves ucder a banner on whose snow-white folds are imprinted in characters of heavenly hue the God . given motto :. "Peace on earth, good will to men;" and the battle ery of thu mighty host from one end of the land ' to tbe other, is: "Equal rights 6 all and special privileges to none. In the rapid development cf err American civilization, detaoralhii: : forces have been evolved which Rcrion ! threaten to paralyze our industries, t impoverish our wealth-producers, i subvert our free institutions and to i . stroy onr republican, form of ov. ;. -ment. To meet these forces and i tjal:z,o or subdue them, is an underlin ing as formidable, as? patriotic and r i .heroic, a1 ,it accomplish ncr.t s!:r.!l t s grar.d and glorious. With tL-t i c , . f.ubmiFsion c! m i'd tlio even tenor of l:i,vsr, kij for the harvest and; hoping for regard of his lanor. How Eiixio: r bat he t in' vain did he lopis tor itsc: i icgl Banking and other raoueyr-d in terests, roan ufacturing in : ! i4 ' ' -rt--me uts, xail roads, echenics.cl ,,. tion, vilLap: townsiand cities, all r -pering and tloarishing; yet, depito ! earnest, "honest, manly and unti ' efforts, he is being gradually drarn i the chilling shdea of helploss i : 1 1 less poverty. . ., ' Most naturally he .- be; an i o " iim ! gate the situation. , And hero are u I of the alarming and apnalliog facts t1 . confronted hi in ? ; , ; -'. 1. That from 1870 to IS50. while f ; of 3 to20 ncres decreased. 11 to r : ; cent., .those of 4000 acres or r. r creased 770 per cent 1 And iu t! ." nection he finds another no Ish ' vingly significant fact ---that "si ir: ; foreign sy ndidates own Cl.l'00,1 of land; , He is startled, fir l.c 1 to that clas , of; conrrvativo t who believe, Ih'at with all the v. : of our couutry, thero in not a m:: lor coy except actnil citizens govt-rntnent. f A- That from 1850 to 1 lied Manufactariu.t, in i : fof products, ten I TO to 1FS0 ?f ' j"!1 ri in ; ,vcr r . 'A .... 451,1,001'-J; wnile in 1L.7, t'M...iy yeara subsequent, HI, 821,000 acres pro duced 2.CC0.457.000 bushels, which sold tnr nnlv Si OA1 OQO nnn Tl.i ; products of 1867 from less than one-half as many acres and half the amount, brought the farmer $79,711,000 more. It is impossible to charge this wholesale destruction of values tooverprotluction". It was a waut of ability to purchase, caused by a shrinking volume of cur rency, and nothing else. In lb67 wa had, S52 per capita of population, and in 1887 we had lean th tn 7 cr capita. He finds in the vault of onr National Treasury on the 1st of Novemter. 1880, SGI 8, 220.01)0. It is not overproduction, but under consumption. There can be no over production in that country where there is the cry of a ftingle child, for bread. Had the 05,000.000 of our people con sumed each day during lat yt-ar more than iiiey um consume, one ounce of meat; it would have taken 1,470,000.000 pound-, &J$,000,000 pounds more than was exported. If they hat consumed four ounces of flour each day, it would base required 148.280,000 bushels of wheal, 28.280,000 bushels more than was txportd. If they had expended 3 cents each day for products in excels of what they did ex pend, they .wonld have Ixfught 8711, 750,000 or nearly S29.000.0o0 more than was exported. Could not our population Uave con sumed four ounces of flour each day per capita more than was consumed, or one A- .t . - ounce ui mesv per u ay, or nave expend ed three cents jer day mors for bread and meat than was exended, without invading the province of, luxurious ex travagance ? Who shall answer the ar gument that our domestic ex porta are the measure of our overproduction? Stand at your street corners, visit tbe haunts and cell of the hundreds of thousands who are wrapped in squalid want and poverty, and they can giva the answer. " 4. Our National debt in was 32,783.000,000. We have paid tdnee that time In principal, in intercut, and ia premium on bonds, f3,578.(KXJ,000, and yet we owed oa the lit day of No vember Iaat. $1.CS3.WX).000. If this debt had been contracted in cotton, it could have been paid in 1667 with 14,183.000 balev but now. after having expended 7i;5C0.000 bale, there still remains a debt, which at presrt prices would require the enorac amount of 23. 850.000 bales to pay it I Individual ox private iodebUdneaa cf 'whatever form or character, has been govemeVl by tbe same conditions as has the pubhc deU, and sibjectgl to the COSCLCDZD OS TOVKTB tJJXJS.

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