n i.vivx & ?i\«rTo.v, VOL 1. SALISBURY, N. C., SATURDAY EVENING, AIAY 26, 1866. Old North State. fl>A[ Xfewis Banes dc John S. Hampton. l’L'I!LI,IIKi:. .V lM{(ll*RIUTOK.‘. LEWIS HANES, Editor. IJ' Il.tTKS OF .SL'Ii.'JCPJPTIO.N. ^ TKIt.nS—CASH IN ADVANCE. ]>ii!y Oii^' Voiir. - . $8.(10 '■ .''i.\ Moiitlis, - . 4,50 “ Oiif .MoiiUi, . . - 1.00 [WEEKLY.] Wcj-kly jiapfr, Orn* Year, - . . ^ 3.00 “ Six iiKiiitljj. - . 1..50 ()iic Vi-ar. . 2-2.00 “ *■ 'l '.v';ii;y liie Vfiir. 40.G) Xhliscellaneous Advertisements. SCALE OF DEPKECIATION. The following bill passed during the present ses sion : A l)illto be entitled .\n-\ct to establish a Scale of Depreciation of Confederate Cuirency. WuEKEAs, By an ordinance of the Convention, en titled “An ordinance declaring what laws and ordi nances are in force, and for other puriio.ses,” r^titied on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1865, it is made the duty of the General Assembly to provide a .scale of depreciation of the Confederate currency from the time of it« first i.ssue to the end of the >4ar; And it is ^ further therein declared tfiat“aUe.xcciitory contracts, ' c ? solvable in money, whether under seal or not, made the prospenty and welfaie of our countrjf to the world. Forever a quarter of a century ol pri- i ah«r tlie depreciation of said ciurcncy before the l.st , ‘I whole, and the perpetuity ot our mstitu- vate itractice the ingredients in these day of May, I860, and 5-et unfilled, (e.xccpt official tioiis, as handed down to US by our noble au- 7 TW fi rVTX(4- J*rLT S! bonds and penal bonds payable to the .State,) .shall be | cestv, a Federal Repuhlican Goveniineiit. J^ir Jj ui ur M jO, deemed to have been made with the understanding, (Vnr rioonle have hut Intel v * Have lieen used with the greatest success. Their ■ that they were solvable in money of the .said ennen-i t . - • missioiiers not only to prevent disease, but to cure.— A BOON TO THE SICK AND The Light of the World. 1)R. iLVGGIEL’S Pills and Salve. These Uife-giving remedies are now, given publicly XS^iscellancous Advertiseincnts. PROSPECTL'.S uF THE RUTHERFORD STAR . The Undersigned propose to publish, in the village of Kiitherfordton, a weekly Newspaper to be called “The Rutherford .Star.” It is our desire to make The Star a wel- iirtsitor to all tlmge who feel an interest nUwel f lBercantil-0 Advertisements AEWFiil3i (\ vi^isiU ! paper indicates tlie expiration of Tliey search nut tlie various maladies by which the jiiitient issutl'ering, andrevigorates the failing system. To tlie aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable pills will prove to Imi A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. For in every case tlie}’ add new life and vitality, and peonle have hut lately emended front a iUMcIUH: hi lllUIK*^ U1 me Mill! eillicil- ^ J *1 J 1 cy," subject iievertlieless to evidence of a diti'erent ixi- ci^ il war, w a^ocl Ixy ana ootweeu tent of the parties to the contract; therefore, j Scitions ot a onco gloriou.s Union, and more A cToss X on till till’ ul!'iTiptioll. 1 111’ty|ii'on u hicli the “ (li.ii Noutii is iiriiili’d i-i ntircly 11 ’ w. No jiain- will be .'iian’d to ,, , •, ,, , ,, , tii.iki’ it ,t well ome viMt.ir til I’l-y family. In order '‘eah/ed, that I'ouc-de-Leoii sought io do Ihi- we have eii^Mgi’d llie si'-rviees'of able and depreciation be and the same is hereby adopted ! and e.stablished asthe measure of value of one gold i While there is life there is hope, and not- , , ... . . I the fractional parts of the month of December, 1864, the young and middle-aged, they will prove most m- j from the 1st day of November 1861, to the 1st day of 1 valuable, as a ready, specific, and sterling medicine. 1 1865. to wit: ai i’omt,|i,li,.,i liti-rarv ennfrilmtois. RATES OF ADVERTISING. y. y. y. c y. 7* •1 • % for three Inindred years ago. and iii’ver found. He looked fora fountain that would restore the old to the vigor and make voiith over 1 AN FTFFNAL SPIlTNUr f It was left for tills day and hour to realize the dream ' andsliow ill oue glorious fact, the magic that made it i '"''tIIFSK FJ.VOr.S' ffatkuieu ! (’aiiiiot >tay theflightofyears. but they can force back and liold aloof, disea.scstliat might triumph over the aged and young. I.et iiouc liositate then but seize ! the favorable Opportunity that oilers. When taken as JHTLTOUS I)IS01!T)FnS ' Nothing can be inure iirodiirtive ot cure than these ! Fills. Theiralwost magic iiifiiiciii’e is felt at once, : and the ii-mal eonicoiiiitants of this most distressing ! disease are removed. Tlicse remedies are made from ' till’ jiiire't VFO FTAllLE COMPOI ^NDS. ' Tliey will nut liariii tlie most delicate female, and I’aii be given with gooil elfect in descrihed doses to tlie youngest liabe. FOP CUTANEOUS DISOPDEPS and all cruiitions of the skin, the salve is mo.st iuval- iiahlc. It does not lieal externally alone, but jx’ne- tiates with the most seari’liing cllects to the very root of till’ evil! DR. PILLS “Scale of depreciation of Confederate Currency, the gold dollars being tlie unit and measure of value. from Xov, 1st 1861, to May 1 1865.’ 1 Months. 1861. 1862. 1863 1864. 1865 .January, — $1 20 $300 $2100 ?50 0(J February, — 1 30 300 21 00 (K) .March, — 1 50 4 00 23 00 60 00 April, — 1 50 6(HJ 20 00 100 00 ilay, — 1 50 150 19 00 — .Line, — 1 .50 650 18 00 — .July, — 1 50 900 21 00 ...» August, — 1 50 14 (XI 23TK) .... Sciiteiubcr, — 2 INI 1400 25 00 — (Ictober. — 2 00 14(H) 26 00 — X’oveniber, $110 2.50 15 30 30 00 — Decemlier, I 15 250 20 00 — — Dec. 1 to 10th inclu sive. 35 00 “ 10th to 20th, “ 45 (H) 1st to 31st, “ 49 00 . , - . .1 • • .. 'c dollar in Confederate currency, for each month, and w-ith.staiiding the ffreat elmntre.s wrouo-lit bv restore tlie \s arning energies to then pn.stiiie .state, lo , fractional narts of the month of December. 1864. ' tliejate civil war, we shall encourage tlu’peo ple'to hone.sty, industry and economy, we sliall take special ]iains to keep them jio.sti’d with all beneficial improvements of tlie age, _ I so that they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, jiro.sperity and liapi>iness. W* sliall fn im time to time ]mblish such | laws, both .State and Xational, as our peo]de j are directly concerned in, and shall likewi.se i use our intiuence to establish a sound circnla- i ting currency, so much needed at the present time. We shall be governed by principles and not nifn, for according to our honest conviction, tb^ present condition of our country is o^ving tothe abandonment of princijdes, we mean tbe abandonment of those fundamental prin ciples upon which the Government of the Uui- t(d States was reared. We shall favor and encourage the develop- nent of all our resources. Agricultural, Miu- j And whereii.s, many grave and difficult dispute.s I may arise between executors, administrators, guar dians and tni.stees, and their legatees distributees, w ards and cestuy.siiue tni.st. in tlie settlement of their j eal &c., and likewise .such internal improve- aeeoiiiits and trusts, arising from the depreciation of ' nehts as will most likely be beneficial to the i (’oiifeilerate e.mencv. State treasury notes and bank (ouufry, and especiallv the extension of the ' iiote.s, incident to and growing out of the late w.ar; 1 j u i c 1 -i ^ if t and that law suits and expensive litigation may be obviated. Be it therefore enacted, That in all such cases, the Vilniington, Charlottee and Rutherford Rail t>f nil kinds. J ■ wt ■ ili ^ IliiJs ate Just received ami opened at No. 2, Mur- ^ phy’s Granite builibng, a new and Splendid Stock ot Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will sell for cath or barter, onlv, as follows, A large and beautiful as.>.ortim‘Ut of' LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest :md leading stvles of the season. A large as.sortmeut of Gentlemen’s, Youth’s and Boy’s Goods, Ladies .Summer AYrappings. Ladies’ Misses, and Childreii’s Trimmed Uats, new shapes. Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Hoop .8kii’t.-;, Ladies, Mbso.s and Childrens, Balmoral Shoos, and Ginters. Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., Ac. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Childrens Hats, of every variety for summer wear. Crockery and Glassware, AVoud and willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuff's, iC -1 vt Lmd west. As to Politics we are True Conservatives, parties are hereby empowered to form a full and per- leUeving neither in the Fire Eaters of tlie teet statement of the case 011 both .sides, which ca.se 1 . « t 1 .■ i 1 . • shall be submitted to the determination of one of the 1 Radicals ot the North, but m TriTra via ■fnllrtTxr judges of the .^uiierior Courts, chosen by the parties, | tie Constitution, the Union, andtheeuforce- XiivciXlctUiy (./UI6 IfllC LUXIUW- who is hereby authorized to consider and determine 1 iient of all Constitutional laws, whether State' the same, ai’cording to eqnity an.l good con.seience: ,r Federal, and a ready and willing obedience rrovideu, however, That no part of this section shall > , ^ ^ ^ be construed to .stop or hinder any person from pro-A* ^ ^ riie .Star will be publi.shed every AVednes- ilay at the following rates, (strictly in ad vance,) payable in currency or produce at itaarkot prices. One copy. 12 months, $2.00 “ “ G “ 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, R. W. LOGAN. April 18th, ’G6. d tf. ing Diseases. .\.’’;tlima. Hitwel Ciimplaints, (’llllgll.S, C'l .Ills, I’lii’.st I)i.s«‘a.ses, C’ostiveiii’.ss, Dyspepsia, Diarrliiea, Di'imiSV. -I ' V * 'I'l’ii lilies i.l suliil leiiiiiiii iiii li li’iiglhu ise Ilf till- 11 .'■ijuare. 'i' nr aliiuil one iiaiii. eiiiistiliite a Debilit V, Ei’ver and Ague, Eeniale Cniiiplaints Ileadui’lie, Iiiiligestinii, Iiiriiieiiza. liitlamatiiin. inwaiil weakness. Liver C’lmiplaiiit. Liiwih’ss uf Spirits, Riiigwiinii. Rlu’umati.sm, Salt Rlii.’iim, .^calds. Skin Disease.s, Ac. NOTICE.—None genuine witlmuttlie eiigra veil trucli’-iiiark around eachpiitor box, signed by Dr. (•ceding in the usual course of law, if he sliall deem the s’ame nece.csary. A true copy. J. A. ENGELTIARD, Clerk of Skinate. THE Saturday i^ening Post. NEW LIFE, TALENT AND ENERGY. SPLENDID ARRAY OP CONTRIBUTOP.S. eXSURPASSED AXD UNSURPASSABLE. Mrs. Delta Z. Spencer having purchased an Interest In THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, and Mr. Edmund Deacon having retired from the paper, THE POST passe'd into the management ofa NEW FIRM, who are determ ined to infuse Fresh Life, Talent and Energy into its col umns. The 'opular novelist, EMMERSON BENNETT, Author of “ Prairie Flower,” “The Refugees,” “Clara Moreland,” Ac.,.tc.,has been engaged, at a great expense, as a regular contributor, ai.il will WRITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE POST. Mr. Bennett will begin a coutinued story in the first number of the new year. It will be called TB E PHANTOM OF THE FOREST ; A TALE OF THE BACKWOODS. Tills story will run through from twelve to fifteen num- ■f? .''IIIT i.il Niilii’c ill li nil’ll iiiinii'ii, will lu- i nii- :r;lr(-d liir .It llli’ Iilliir. ul Iliitli’> I llilll (luultlc l!'!!’ mil’ Ilf I'liiiiiary uilvi-rti'i’mi’iil'. I’i-iTti’ii ii ri’iidiiiLT in.itliT. witli apiirnv.-il of ilii’I’liitiir'. liliy ri’iii ' pi r iiiu’. Vilvi rti'i’iiu’iii-; insi-rti’il irrcirularl v, nr at fiitcr- .1. .'! AiajiKi.. 43 Fultoii street. New York, to couiiteiTeit j bers, and be a story of the early settlement of Kenta- zj-, , which is Icliiuv. | including adventures with the Indians in that romantio I !• .^iilil Lv all resiic.-table Itealers in Medicines i which w.as generally called by tbe pioneers of civ- ' 'L iiited States and CaiiiKhi.s-afJocLs ' 5-'>-oun.l.” * thriiiighiiut till jier biix or imt. For sale at J. H. Kiiiiiss’ Drug Stun’, halislmrv. N. C. api-B-dly v.ils. per I’l’Ui. adililiiiiial. 1 are fur .standing adver- •li.iiigeablc, lit disiretinn. . iliaiigcable at lini’s, fur cverv i dI sore- i as a quarter (’iduinn. (’iiluiiin. Hills liir ail-j dav or year, will be 1 i Till- rales alone prmit IlM’UII’llt.S. /iii’ nr two .squares. ( f.o per cent aililitioiial. .More tlian two -qiiare til'll, per squari’ of ten t\M’iiIy-tivi’ ceiils Fit e si|ii;iri’s I’st iiii.iti’d and ten sqii.iri’s as a lialf vi’i tising. whet her by llu- v"n>iili ri‘il line mill colli’ctalile 011 preseniation. Prospec tus. TIIK ITHl.K’.V rioN (»F TIIK NORTH i’arnlin.i I’ii .'bytorian will bo ro.smiii’d in Fay- .(’ttot illo. nil Wi iliii’.silay, ill!’ 2iid of Jaiinary iii’xr. (’oiitiiloiitiy ri’lying on tin* hi'arty .sii]tport tvbioh wo iiavo lu’roti.f.iro roi-orvod, wo sball oiiib-aviir To roiiilor 1I10 papor nioro attrai-tivo hotli ill aiqio.ir.iiii’o and mattor. than it has •ovor boon, .spariiitr iioithor jiaiiis imr oxpoiiso ill till’ ai’i’iiii|iIishmonT of this pnriioso. With the I'.issiiii; away of old Tilings, a uow S]iirif Ilf activity, oiii-rgy and ontorpriso. lias 1 iiifiiM il into I’Vi-ry dopartiiu^iit ofsoi’iilar (( THE WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE. PUBLISHED EV£EY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C , BY HANES i >> The Post is edited by Mrs. BELLA Z. SPEN'CFR, who will al'o contribute a continuei story in the course 0/ tlie year, eutitled GENEVIEVE HOWE. Our columns will be further supplied with original con- tributious by a SPLENDID LIST OF CONTRTBUTORS All the department-! of the paper will he fill- d, as far as I po.ssible. with ORIGINAL MATTER. The old friends of ' THE PO.ST—some cf whom have sto^d by it during the sunshine and storms of forty years—will thus see that we are de ermineil to be UNSURPASSED BY ANY CO.MPETITOR; and in view of the.se fresh and costly efforts and brilliant Iniiucement.s, we trust to have their warm exertions in our behalf, and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OF A GENEROUS PUBLIC. pi sP ezi C2 o C3 r. Vj s rs » :/* -1 I’lii gilt and hii.-siiii’.-^s Cliurch. also, partake ’Vaiiia-mi’iit Why should .she. of ail thi* .agi'in i's. l-'.iingliT m bc.-ir with such rri’iiion- • liiiiii- I'.irci npoi: the civilizaTioii of the pn-s- •'■nt till.I’, hi- im liii ii-iit. laggard ami aliii'i.-it .h'ipi-li->,'. in till’ w.irUiiig uut of her own des tiny ] 'i’ll arouse the clii;rch to the importanci* and iieci-s.x'ity of wi'i’k ; of imcea>ing. restles.”, tire- li’is I U'1 gy in the M-rvii’i' Master and Head ; this>liall b lirst cliiefest aim. In tlli^ w* need assistaiii’o. M ,! are luit alone. .•'lUlicii’Ut till’ the-;e tilings. (>ur brcrtlua 11 must help us in every way; l.y cmitributious from their iiwii .'tores III tlmnglit and studv: by zealiiu> I’li-iipi’ratioii in a i‘iiiuino[i cause, fir till- bi-mdit of all : by I’xtendiiig uur circnlatioti tliT'nig'liililt all I'Hr borders, and thus giving Us the im ans and "pportniiitv of well the Work to wllich We have all that We have, and all wi- hope earth. TERM.8. .Snh.scripUoii fir one year. •* •* six muiitlis. Address 15. Editor n ti e N. U Why should iiot tlio of till* pi'i igressivi’ ad- H A Itl P T O N , CONTAINS All the Latest News, REVIEW OF THE ITIARKETS. ETC., ETC., AND PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE. i’i:r.-on.8 living in the coun- TllV WILL BE KEI‘T POSITM) IS A I.L THE NEW.S OF 'I'lIE DAY I:Y .sUB8(MHniNG TO THE WEEKLY 4 i OLD NORTH STATE. TFK.IIS -CASR IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAH, .IX ^loN'ITIS. $3 00 1 oO A SEWING JIAiHlN’~PRE.VIIlJlfI. We will give (inn • f WHEELER A WILSON’S Celebraed SEWING M.^CHINE?—the regular price of whifh is Fifty-five Do lar*—on the tollowing terms . 1. Twenty copies, one year, and the Machine, $70.00 2. Thirty cop’es. one year, and Machine, S5.00 8. Forty copies, one year, and Machine, 100.00 TERiTIS—Cash In Advance. One copy, one .vear, |2 ."iO Two copies, one .year, 4.00 F ur copies, one year, 8 00 S copies 1 year and one to ge'ter up of club, 16.00 20 cop!e«. 1 year, and one to getter-up of c ub, 35.00 The capertf for a Club may be sent to dlCTerent poBt^oxn' ce». SubsTibers in British North America must remit twenty c-iits in addition to the annual .'ubscription, as we have to prei ay the U. S. postage on their pap-r . Kem'ttatu’es shoul’i he made in Post Office Orders when possible. If nut, in United State notes—or Drafts, pay able to our or ler, winch a'e prefe.ablr to the notes. SiW” Specimen numbiTs of I'lIE Pn.%T sent '-rails Address HENRY PETER ON A 0., No. oUl‘ tValuui Si. Philade'phia. TtmcnsX ..c w « a (4 u, ct JS M rt u •i-i o fC o Pc r«4 a,* «(—I o CO o c.? o M ■E. -a- in*', ^ 8# cf ftm -4 a *S £ * 13 T 75 M « e. tn mi ^ « a Z bo a Ps a tt A U y. * zn fl ft a •fJ & a .a o e '7D TO Cl A TIIOROLdll FAIIILV liEDlflAE! ‘G-reat Oaks from little acorns Grow.’ HANZS 4 HAMPTON. Publishers & Proprietors I.KiVis •JOHN 8 H.\XF8. . HAMI’TOX. I riio wor.-sf (lisi^a.’5i‘s known to tlio human race .>Jjjring from cavses so small as to al most defy detection. Tlie volumes of scieu tide lore that till the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to iirove and elaborate these facts. 'riu’u guard yourselves while you inav. The smallest pimjile on the skin is a teil- mar. li 30— j indicator of disease. It may fade ; and die away from the surface of the hi id v. Y a d k i nC o 11 e g e, N ear the yadkin river-nine MILES FROM LKXl.NGTON, N. C. This Institution, under its charter as a College, was revived on the 15th of .January 1866, and .supplied, by ’ a .’briolution oftiic Trustoe.s, with a oorjis of experien ced Teachers ; so that now, with its cheap boarding arrangements, il offers to male pupils every educa tional facility, from the primary department to a full college course, upon more favorable terms perhaps, than any acadeniv or college in the State, B»-AT rAVILL.l FEJI.4LE SK.7IINARY, Three qnarters ol a mile from Yadkin College, anJ entirely separate from it. now off'ers, in its boarding iirraiigeiuents intlie family of the Rev. (1. W. Hkge. and ill its .scientific and literary departments. iiiiii.'Ual attractions to young Indies who desire to acquire a finished education, embracing music, and other lem- iuiiie accomplisliments. For brief circulars giving particular' in relation to either tlie College or tlie .^emiiiarv. address the RKV. W. ilKCK. A. M., or. J. M. NKW.'^OX. Yadkin College, via Lexington. X. ('. March 30, 1866. l-di;vliii They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medieines, at the shortest notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a brunch of their bu.siness at County Line, Davie County, where all of the .above named articles, may like wise be obtained on the .same terms. The above stock of Goods, having been pur chased since the late heavy decline of prices in the X'orthern Cities, will be sold as LOW as they can possibly be bought in this market. P. R. MiUtin. invites his old friends of Diuie County especially, to give him a call when tisitiug this market. J. W. GRAY, 1’. R. MARTIN, J. McGUIRE. Salisbury, N. C., April 2, ’66. tf-noL I The Wide World, AN ENTERTAINING, INSTRUCTIVE AND SPICY FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is the design of the Publishers to mak(‘ the Wide World acceptable to all classes of readers. Its coluiims will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also, Amusing and Dangerous Ad ventures, Translations, Hi.storieal Rmiiini- seeiices, Sketches of all kinds. Pnetry, Wit. Humor, etc., etc., cumbiniiig .a vio; am "at of iiifornnitiiiii on Tlmnsanils "f snlji’C’' it;a' are of inti Test pi'oiir and am>i>i-mi*:;T to general reailor. Eilif' rials niid News. lourh ing all the leading ii.nl l.i.purtant l•l.•c'.^^l■••n(•l^s of the day. will la f.i:;n-i in iis enlunn!.-;. Terms uf Puldirati .'.-ivaaiOe. .'3.1.0 j*.-:- Annam. Single copies may he liitd I'f.ill n ers, price .Seven cents. j All commnnica.ii'ns inten’led. f.,rrb.-| columns of the AVide Woi'Id. nr cunraining ' .Subscrijitions, .should hi- address,'.1 J. il. HliiGHAM (X FEUNALi), Publishers of the Wide Workl, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. Sinifle Copies Five Cents ■ NUAIBER 40 GET THE BEST iWKXToR.s, Mi'.ciiAxu s. MAXUIW’. ;'i'i:i;us. 1866! 1865! 3.856! The host pap'-r in tlie U’.iite'l Si.-ites for Meelianies, Inveiit'ii's aini M.uhlnist.'. is the Scientific American. li is the largest in size, and has by far the wi dest circulation of any ’itlier paper of its eln.-^s in the country. It is puldished weekly. Each number containsi sixteen pagfes, with numer ous illustrations.'' The numbers for a year make two vtdnmes. 416 pages each, It also contains a full account of all the principal in ventions and discoveries of the dav. Also, valuable illustrated artich’s upou toi>ls and ma- cliiiiery used in workshops manufiiotories, steam and meehaiiical engineeriug, wixileu. Cotton, chemical, petroleum, and all other maunfacturiiig and producing interests. Also, Fireiirnis. M'ar Iiiijdenients, Ordnance. War Vessels, Railway. Machinery, Eleetrie, Chem ical and Mathematical apparatus, AVotul and Lumber Machinery, Hydraulics, Oil and M'a- ter Pumps, M’ater Wheels, etc., Household, Elortieiiltnral and Farm Implements—this lat ter department being very full and of great value to Fanners and Gardeners. Articles embracing every department of Pojnilar Seitoice. which every hody can nmler- stand and which every body likes to read. Also. Reports of Scientific Societies, at home and abroad : Patent Law Decisions and Dis cussions, Practical Reei]>es, etc. It also con tains an otlicial list td' all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great value to inventors and owiKU's of Patents. The Publishers also act as Agents for pro curing Patents for new inventions. A new Volume of the .Scientific Amerii'au commenced January 1. TERM.S—$3 per year ; $1 .lOforsix montlis. Ten copies for one year, $2,o. Canada sub scriptions 2i3 cents extra. .SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. Address MCNN A CD., No. 37, Park Row, New Y'ork. “The Sunday School Banner.” A NEW ENTERPRLSE! The Undersigned, Them.selves Membi'rs of the Sabbath .Scljool. propose to commence in the city uf Raleigh, on or about the 1st of next Dlay, “THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNER.” And in the commenciinent of this little work of love, being' bo_)>', ourselves, may w»a not appeal to every Sunday .School and girl ill North Carolina to come up promptly to aid the uiuiertaking. In our own State, there are very many Sabbath •Schools, and from the best information we have, the scholarship is large and increasing, and it is from them we look for that patronage which is necessary to improve and keep Heating, this native stan dard which we propose for their benefit. It is not for pecuniary gain that the “Banner,” is established ; it has for its aim higher ob jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise, it will be to us in after life a source of gre.'it sat isfaction to know that, in our boyhood days, we gave a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the preparatory Schools for places of high trn.st and position, in the work of our Ilc-aven- ly Father. Its name sntlicieiitly indicates the objeet wllich isto conti'iil its editorial conduct. There !s ,TV liou-ovcr for tile remark that it v. iU let i-c ib’>i..iii!n;:.-Min;il, Init ali!:e open to •g! .8aiiiiath S. liooiS i.)t tiii; .Suttc f’.ir eoii- inontlily on •r ami will ng matter, qnar- 1’’''"US, 111 wnn-.i 'll. re is no .spice ofsi.-cla- ‘-I'.ANNr.R” will b.-. issued j haml'o.i.'o-tvp... cecu' wli;’.' i. a'A!- ■ (-outaiii 1' lUrii’iMi t’obinin.- readini j t" li 'jgih. W e Ti'ii.st suiiicienl |.-■.^’'nH■.lg!’nlent may be 'I'-'l lo ju.'tily u;.'li'j';:i.i\ing. TKit.MS i coiiy twelve (> tt * a jierforming consecrateil for on the $4 (Ml 2 (»l) fuller. Ih'eslivtii'iau. ceivi; their Ibriiier patronage. All work sent to him will be attended to with pronipliies.^. and sati.sfaction guaranteed. He i.-s prepared to do binding in all its brandies and in various styles. PiT.-ioiis wishing to siipidy themselves with Books and stationery of all kinds, cai> be supplied by ad- ilres'iiig Mes.si's. Hi'ansoii A Farrar, Booksellers, PuViIisheri- and Bidders, Raleigh. X. C. 1-dtf Pills cui-e where all others fail. While for i Two weeks. Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all T."’® abra.sions.of the skiu, Maggiel’s Salve B infallible. Sold by j. Maggif.l, 43 Ful ton street, New Y'ork,.aud all Druggist.'’ at 25 cents jper box. no2 div. 'I'HE DAILY EXPRE.SS, ^'ETERSBURG, VA H.\S EXTI3BF.1> iii>on its fifteenth year, in an en larged form, with new ttyK-. under flattering. It ha.s a larire and eolation, and offers to nierdnints aim oniers iiesirui to communicate with the .'southern public, advanta ge.s surpassed bv none. AlJYLRTlSIXG RATE8: OVK .SQUARE So 00 fine month. 10 00 Three months, •24 00 GiieYear, TWO SQr.tKES $10 00 One month, 15 00 Three inoatlis, .30 00 One Year, SI'B.SCRIPTIOX RATH'S ; Single copy, _ bets. One month. weeks, months, x mouths. State of IVortli Carolina, TREAS URY J)E 1 ’AR'J’M ENT, Raleigh, March 31, 18GG. To Holders of Co/qwns of North-CaroUna Bonds. BY .ACT OF THE GENERAL A.S.^F.M- bly of Nurth-C'ariilina, ratified Mar. 10, 18(>(), I am diri'cted to prepare and sell for not less than par bjnds uf the .State running thirtv- four yeans, with Cuupun.s bearing si.x per e(*ii*t. interest, payable semi-aanually, of the deiiom. inaiion of $100, $.)00, and .$1,000, principai and interest unta.xable, for the puqiose of pav ing cuupuns now due and to bcconu.* due in 18GG, and huiid.s due and to fall due in 1860 By authority ve.sted in tin- Public Treasurer, I d.’sign.ate New York a.s the place „f pavment. Paitii’S entitled, desirous of efi’ecting the ex change aiitliorized in said Act, will pleasecom- municate to me at once the aniuunl and char acter ..f the .-.n-urities which they wish to be tiuided. Ill order that I may know the niimher and denomination of the honds which will be I n’(piired. After the engraver shall furnish the ' h.miks. the bonds will be prepared for issue I witli little delay. ^ Pniler advice of the Attorney General, (’.m- . 1 • M Diiee, but umb-r acts I-a^-a bet,re May 20th, J8G], will he fimd.’d UillidXi^fdliirin: “JtiL 18GG, provided - their identity is e.stablisli.’d, bv being cut tri.m tlie bonds 111 my jiresence, a jirovisinn n. e. .s- •Niry on account of the similaritv to other t’oii- pon.s, issued since Mav’jOtli, 1861. KEMP P. BATTLE, Tre'isitrer. $6 06 15 00 40 INI -IN Ail . ANCr, : m-Niths, 30 .50 5 “ “ “ 1 00 10 “ “ “ 0(1(1 “ “ “ 3 50 Any person sending us a club of 20 for threi* dtdlars and a half will receiveone copy gratis. W. J. EDWARDS, Z. T. BROUGHTON, nolGdtf Publishers. The i¥ew York Times. Enlargement of the Baihj, Scmi-Wccldg and Wecldy Times. Si-2 00 18 (Nl Go 00 75 cts. Three iiii.nth.s, S'2, Fix ni'inth.'. $3, linevcar in* Ailire^s^^^^. F. CRUTCHFIF-LO ’ ' Petersburg. Ya. mar ;2y—d*w2w JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDPITOU.SLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. The Largest and Clicapest Paper in the Tnited States. THE NEW YORK TIAIES IIA.S REEX EX- larged to the .^ize of the London limes-. Each number coutains eight pages of seven columns eacli—or fixty-si.v columns in alJ—ma king it the largest newspaper m the L mted The Tiiiics will coutaiii regularly: Full Congressional JRcpgrfs; Bq^orts of the legislature.; 3Ics'sages and luCic Doeumenfs; Jhports oj Couits am Putdie Meetings ; Fumpean ^eirs m Fall ; Foreign and Itonu stie C,oresp"n- denrc ; Nevsfrom all parts 1 the iror'; J’aldirol and Oneral Fdd"rials ; - erarg Neu s, Selections and Misecllang. En-rvtliing pos.il.le will Ik-dmm X-wspa].er m the T nutd . u ^ : reuiaiii uneliaiigeo. in - I one-fourth. Mze and .V g the ,'evend edi- tioii.'. ia\ ’ddi .1 ’ - ('lub rate-, are dis '?'rr'Y'ehavem"rave!li..g.Vtreiits^ Rc- (■ouriiii.c!. t Ulhce ilonev tirders il pos- inini. Check'or i o.t um ^

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