& vl \lll»TO\, PiihS. A: ProN. “ The Old^^rth State Forever.”—Gasfow. Siii^l V-^.T a V 'U" 1 i -3 I'HK Did ?(orth State. Zicwis Bancs John S. Hampton. i’l'jjJ.isiiuKs .V rK(M’j;ii:Tou.s. LEWIS HANES, Editor. v:s OK SVrBSClllPTlON. ..CS AOV A-T^CE. * ly i>.iiK-r. Oiif Yt-.ir. •• .'^ix -Moiltll.-:, “ One -Monlh, SH.OO 4..o(l l.(X) [WEEKLY.] Weekly j>ai>or, One Year. - . . § 3.00 “ •• Six IPoiltllH. - . l..')() “ “ Ti’ii' oi.ie^ due Year. • 22.0') I "'etj;;-( ((lie Year. 40.01) A ro'' X on tlic paper illlliei^tl^■^ the expiralioii of the r'lili'i-riiitioii. 1 111- typi-iin u hi'h tlie.“'ii.i) \nnTii St.\?'k.'’ is priiiti-'l i- entirely t iMv. \() pniiis «ill he .sjiared to iiiiikeit a Well oin(; vi>itirt') e\i-iy laniily. In older tn ilo thi-; we have eiiLrayi il the servin-s of able and ai'i'oniiili'hed lii;rury ontiihiili)r.'. "rates of advertising.' X • V. ‘ X * ~ :,» • 7 ♦ — / • j. • /.* tw • • — • • • ^ » • — ' iL Z. ^ i • 1)R. MAGGIEL'S Pills and Salve. T.ife-|?t'rtnir remediw are now, given poblloly orld. For over a tjnarter of a century of pri- actice the inprediciits in the.-e LIFE-GIVIXa PILLS, Have been used with the preatejjt pucccs.^. Their inisi-ioners not only to prevent dii^easc, hnt to cure.— Thev search out the various maladies by which the jiatient issntferin^. andrevigoratesthe failing sy.stem. To the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable ! pills will prove to he : A VKllY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. I For in every case they add new life and vitality, and I re.-^tore the warning energies to their pristine state. To I the young and middle-aged, they will prove most in- j valuahle. as a reaily. sjx-citic, and sterling medicine. I Here is a dream realized, that Ponc-de-I.eon .sought j for three hundred years ago, and never found. He looked fora fountain that would restore the old to the viiTor atnftnake vouth ever A N FTFJiNAL SPUING ! It was left for this day and hour to realize the dream andshow iii one glorious fart, the magic that made it air. TIIKSU FAMOUS IlFJIEmES fatinot stay thetlight ofyeai's. but they cati force back and hold a'locd'. disea-^es'that might triumph over the aged and young. Let iioiu' hesitate then but seize tlie favora’ideoiiiiortiinity that offers. Wlientakenas IJILLIOUS DISOPlJFPiS N'othing can be more jiroductive of cure than these I’ilN. Their alwo.'t magic inlluence is felt at once, and the usual comcomitants of this most di.tressiug j diseasi* are removed. 'J'hese remetlies are made from I the ]iurc't I \ ’KG E K111L E COMPO ENDS. They will not harm the most delicate female, and can j he given with good eil'ect in described doses to the vounge.-t babe. FOP CUTANEOUS PISOPDEPS anil all erui>tions of the skin, the salve is most inval- ' i liable. It does not heal externally alonig but jteiie- ! tnileswiththe most .'earehing elfects to the very root I of the evil! ! B>BS. IBKiiCiJIKf/S VUjIjS SCILE OF DEPRECIATION, The following bill passed during ftie iircsent ses sion: A bill to be entitled An Act to establish a Scale of Depreciation of Confederate Currency. Whereas, By an ordinance of the Convention, en titled “An ordinance declaring what laws and ordi nances are in force, and for other purposes,” ratified on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1865, it is made the duty of the General As.serably to provide a scale of depreciation of the Confederate currency from t! ‘ time of its first isjlue to the end of the^^ar; and it further therein declared that “all execnjpry-contrao solvable In moimy. wbeAM^ under iie«C'pT' not, > nsfi'u'f a, ^ after tlie depreciation of said cuiTency before ihn IstT^ day of May, 1865, and yet unfilled,* (except official jtliscellaneous Advertisements. SALISBURY. g, MONDAY evening, MAY 28, ISGG, Miscellaneous Advertisements. \ BOON TO THE SICK AND The Light of the World. Copies Five Ce«i> NUMIiEKl^ Mercantile Advertisem^ents. PROSPECTUS OF THE RUTHEBFOBD STAK . NEWFIH.M IX SAf.I.Sni KV: J.W.Gray&Co. bonds and iienal bonds payable to the State,) sliall be deemed to have been made witli the understanding that they were solvable in money of the said cunen- • -i , . x . . cy,” subject neverthele.ss to evidence of a different iu- ' civil war, M'ligeu by and between lent of tire parties to the contract; therefore, j b'‘Ctious of a onco glnriuus Union, and nn ire “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ' desnlating to our particular section, tlian any- Ptate of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by | the authority of the same, That the following scale 1 ^ 1 .1 -n of depreciation be and the same is hereby adopted j it is to be ho])ed, than ever will again, and established as the measureof value of one gold I nhile there is life there is hope, andnot- dollar in Confederate cuiTency, for each nionti, and witlhstandiiig the great changes wrought hy ti e late civil war, wo shall encourage thepeu- The Undersigned propose to publish, in the tillage of Rutherfordton, a weekly Newspaper be called “The Rutherford Star.” | IT ATE Just received and opened at No. Q, Mur k our desire to make The Star _ a wel- I phy’s Granite building, a new and Splcmlid visifrir to all those who feel an interest j Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, • tioiis, as handed down to us by our noble an- j which thev will sell for cath or barter, only, as cesty, a Federal Republican Government. | follow.s, Ahuge and beautiful assortiiieut of" 0,1. Iiav. but laid, a a ; the fractioiml parts of tlie nioutli of December, IS64. from the 1st diiy of November 1861, to the 1st day of May, 1865, to wit: “Scale of depreciation of Confederate Currenc;', the Months. 1861. 1862. 1863 1864. 1S65 January, — 81 20 8300 82100 $50 (K)' February, — 1 30 300 2100 50 00 Alarch, — 1 50 4 00 23 00 60 00 April, — 1 50 5 00 2000 10000 •May, — 1 50 150 19 00 — Jane, — 1 50 650 18 00 — .July, — 1 50 900 21 00 — A11,gust, “ 1 50 1400 23 (K) — Scjitember, — 2 00 1400 25 00 — (Ictober, — 2 00 14 00 26 00 — Xoveniber, 8110 2 50 15 30 30 00 — December, 1 15 2.50 20 00 — — Dec. 1 to lOtli inclu sive. 35 00 “ lOth to 2()tli, “ 45 00 1st to 31st, “ 49 00 And wherca.s, many grave and difficult disputes may arise between executors, admiiiistratora. guar dians and trustees, and their legatees distributees, plc to honesty, industry and ecunoiny, wo ke special pains to keep thoin posted .store.s, pro.sperity and ha})pine.ss. We .sliall from time to time publish such lavs, both State and National, as our jieople art: directly coiicerued in, ami shall likewise ust our influence to establish a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the iireseut tim*. tVe shall he governed by principles and not meg, for according to our honest conviction, the present condition of our countrv is owing to 'he abandonment of jirinciples, we mean the abandonment of those fundamental jirin- ci])es upon which the Government of the Uni ted .States was reart'd. A\’e shall favor and encoirragt* the develop ment of all our resources, Agrieultural, Miu- I wards and cesfuystiue trust, in the settlement of their tira (fee., and likewise such internal improve accounts and trusts, arising from tlie depreciation of meits as Avill most likely ho heuelieial to tie Confederate currency. State treasury notes and hank i Country, and esiiccially the extension of tlie notes, incident to and growing out of the late war; i iit--, . “ . 1 u r i ti -i ■ and that law suits and expensive litigation maybe -11111.^10 ,C allottee and Rutherford Rail obviated, ItOidwest. As to Politics we are True Conservatives. Invariably cure the follow- w ^ . .L- . • il. •^1 * :,« • / ♦ iL • 7- • I . * » lA * iZ ■ *- T, ;i I'ui-• I'l’ o.'.il miuio:i lyin', or about one i'ich li'iiai'll: -■ ol llic coluam, coiistitute a Ml'aari'. .-Spn i.il N'o'iri-s. i:i IcaJi-d million, will lie cou- trai lril thr I'liic-c. at not Ic-s than double Die rale ni'iii'dinary aihertiseuieiits. ’.ii>erli''i as I'l-adiieg matter, with approval of the eilitei'-. til'V ei-!'.!' pel' line. \dv •rtii'm"iit' iU'.rleil irregularly, or at luter- Vil'. ■-'•'> ji'-r relit. aililit inllal. 'I'lie r.iti-.' aaove [iriiited are for standing adver- liseiiiial'. ( Hie nr t wo Nijuares, changeable at iliserelioii. .'■,0 p.'r cent .iiliiitimial. tfre ihaii twii >cpiares. ehiUigi'aldi* at discre- {.0:1, p.'l' Mjll.ll'e of tell lilies, loreXelT change, iwi'iily-live ci-iits Fi\.- Mpiares e-tiinated n-- a (juarter columu. iiiul ti'ii .-i|uari-s as ;i liaii' eoliuim. Hills lor ad- \erii bia. wlieiher hy the ihiy or year, will he Ciill'iili lrd line ,ilid eolleet,|1 i!e oil present.itioll. Prospcc tus. Till-: ITHl.HWl'l')X »F THE Xoh’TII t 'ai'ol’ ia I’ri sbvteriaii wall lieresum‘d in l ay- .'itevilie. nil W'l dm-.-.lay. tlie 'jiid of January next. ('iiiiliileutlv r-'lcing mi the hearty support w’.liell we ll.iVe lierel.lfme leeeivi il. We shall iiah i:i ajipe.uaiiee ami ma'ti r. than it has fv. ! 1 .ea. sparing neither ]i;iiiis nor expense ill lili ;ieei.|upli>hmellt of this jilirpn.-e. With ih'' j'.i'siiig aw.IV id old things. ;i new -.o:' .’ I f ;ii''''vii V. eiii-rgy and i iiterprise. has ill ell iiifu'i d iiil-' eVi-ry departmeiit ofsi-eiilar ile-ught a'.il ba'ii!'.'S. Why slimild imt the Ciiureh. a'>ii. partaive uf the prngress.ve ad- vauei-iiii-u' ? AN hv shniilil she, id ail the •igi-aj i'-s. lir.iughr til hear with sueh treui'U- luii'is tiii'i'e up e.i till' e;\ihzat■'>11 nt the pies- i-nt tune, lie 'uedii-ii-nt. laggard ainl alm>»T )ii.iii h-.-s. ill ;!.e wnikiiig "UT "f her nWll des- liay ? Til arnusi- the el'ureli tn the impiirtaiH'e and lit \\nrk;i'f uui'i'a^iug, restless, tire- |l•s^ i-nei'gv ill tin -'e’.'viee (d her Master and ill ad ; t'.i'shall 1 tir-t ehirfest aim. In rtii- We in > 'l a.'>i>tauee. NVe are unt alone, sutlic.' iit fi'i' the.-' thing-, (fur hretlireii must In'lji i,- iu i-vry way: by emitributious frmii iheiri'Wii ^t"r^'.s id tln.i ight and study: hy ./,.aliius eii-iipi'i'atii>'.1 ill a i iimmnu eause. lor tin- lii-in f I I'fall : hy I'Xti udiiig nur eireulatioii ib,-,,nirli.lilt all mu' 1»u'llers, and thus giving us lh>' iimaiis and >pp"rtuuiTy of performing well tie- wiiik i'> whii'h w.- hav*- emiseerated all tha' wi- iiavi-. and all we laipe t'>r nil the ■ arth. rEirvi-;. .ftl (K) •d OH A.l.l:.— !*•- KUl.l.F-U. r ib.,)- .. til.-' N. U Ih'eshvtei'iau. ing Disease.^. .Nsthma, jinWel ( 'nlllplaillts, Cnilghs, Cidiis, Chest Ifisea.ses, C'ostivein ss, J fy.spepsia, J fiairliica, ] froi isy. Debility, Fever ami Ague, Female C>m[)laiuts I leadaelie, 1 iiiligestimi. liitliieiiza, liitlamatinu. liiwaiil weakiie.s.s, J.iver ('1 uiijdaiiit, J.iiwiiess of .'spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt llheum, Scalds, Skill Disease.s, &:c. NOTICE.—None gciuiiiie without the eiigra ved t; ;ide-iiiin k armiiid each ]>ot or box. signed by Dr. .1. .M .MiiuKi.. t.'j Fulton .street. New York, to counterfeit whieli is felony, LJ" .'-old by all resiK'ctablo Dealers in Aledieincs throughout the Fiiited .rtate.s and Canadaa—at25cts ]K'r box or |(ot. Forsale.it J. II. Einiiss’ Drug.Store, Salisliury. X'. C. ajirJ-dly Be it therefore enacted. That in all such cases, the parties are hereby empowered to form a full ami per- believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the I feet .statement of the case on botli sides, which case ...T,,.+v,o e +1. i i- I shall be submitted to the determination of one of tlie j 7*’* ^ Radicals i.f the North, lint in ' judges of the Siijierior Courts, clioscn by the partie.s. i Constitution, the Lnion, and the entorce- who is hereby autliorized to consider and determine ' meut of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience to the .same. The Star will be published every Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly in ad vance,) payable in currency or produce* at market prices. Ope copy 12 months, $2.00 “ ‘) 6 . 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, R. W. LOGAN. .'Vpril I8th, ’GG. embracing the newest and leading .styles of the .season. A large assortment of Gentlemeu’.s, Y'outh's and Roy’s Goods, Ladies Summer Wrappings, Ladies’ Misses, and CTiildre.i’s Trimmed Hats, new shapes, Ladies, Misses and Childrens. Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Rahnoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Romiets, Rihbous, Gloves, Hosiery. Ac., Ac. Gents and Roys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Roys and Childrens Hats, of every variety for suimner wear, Crockery and Glassware, NYood and willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. They are ])repared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shortest notieo. The Ifi'ug dejiartmi'iit Avill he under the charge of a regular Physieiaii. Thev also have a braiieh of their hu.siiioss at GET THE BEST IXVEXTOUS, MECIIANK'.^. MAXrFACTrKKKS 1866! 1866! 1866! The best pajier in the United States fn Mechanics, Inventors and Machinists, is the Scientific American. li is the largest in size, and has hy far the wi dest circulation of any other paper of its clas.- iu the cminti y. It is published weekly. Kae‘. uumher contains sixteen pimes, withmm^^^ 0U.S ilhi.sTrationa. ^ Phe nmnhers make two volumes. 41G pages each. It rJr- coiitainsa full account of all the ]>riuci]ia’ in ventions and discoveries of the day. .Ai-o. valuahle illustrated articles upmi tools and ma chinery used in workshoj's nianutactories. steam and im-ehanical engineering, wo-h n. ci.>ttiin, chemical, jietroleum. and all uther manufacturing and producing interests. Alsu. Firearms. NVar lupdemeiits. (Inluauce. \A';;r Vessels, Railway. Machinery, Electric, (’’hem- ical and .Mathematical apparatus. Wood ami Lumber Miiehiiiery, Hydraulics, Oil and Wa ter Pimijis. NVater AVlo-els. etc... Househnhl. Iliirticultural and Farm Implements—this l.it- ter department ln-ing very full and of gri-.it value til Farmers and Gardeiiers. Articles eiiihraeiiig every department uf Popular Scieiu-e. which every h"dy can umler- slaiiil and wliich every hmly likes to read. Also, lo-jiunsiif Seieiititie Societies, at home and ahroad : Patent Law Decisions ami Dis- eussiiiiis. Practical Recijies. etc. It also con tains an olHciallist uf all the Patent Claims, a sjieeial feature uf great value to iuveiilots and owners uf I ’ateiits. The Puhlisliers also act as Agents fur }■ >- curing Patents fur m-w iuveiitiuiis. A uew vuliime uf the .Scieiititic Amerii I'uimneueeil January 1. T K11 .M.'''—•$-■{ 11-r year : s I .">0 fur six mui,11, . fur line year. $‘2.). Canada suh- ') cents extra. SflU'l.MKX Cnl'll'S .SKXT VnEE. Address .MUNN .fe C(»., No. -‘17, Park Ruw, New A'ork. I Tell cupli j scriiuioiis the same, acconling to cf|T-ity anil good conscience: Provided, liowever, Tliatno part of ttiissection sliall be construed to stop or hinder any pjrson from pro ceeding in tlie nsnal course of law, if he shall deem the same necessary. A true cop3'. J. A. ENGKLHABD, (Merle of Senate. County Line, Davie County, “The Sunday School Banner.” A NEW ENTERPRISE! The T*iiilersigneil. Tliem.selves Memhers of tlie Sahhath .S(-jiuul. prupo.-e to cojnmeiice iii wlmre all of the above named articles, may like- the citv of Raleigh, oii or about the 1st oi next Mav, THE Saturday l^ening Post, NEW LIFE, TALENT AND ENERGY. SPLENDID ARRAY OP CONTRIBUTORS. CNSORPASSED AND UNSURPASSABLE. d tf THE WEEKLY “OLD NORTH STATE.” PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C., BY II A N 15 S 11 A Itl P T O N CONT.AINS All the Latest News, KEVIEAV OF THE ITIARKETS, ETC., ETC., Mrs. Bella Z. Fpencer having purchased an Interest In THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, and .Mr. Edmund Deacon having retired from the paper, THE POST pe.ssed into tlie management ofa NEW FIRM, who are determ ined to infuse Fresh Life, Talent and Ene-gy into it.s cnl- umns. The i opular noveli.st, EM.MERSON BENNETT, Author of “Prairie Flower,” “The Refugees,” “Clara Moreland," &c.,&c.,tias been engrged,at agreat e.xpense, as a regular eontrihutor. »i.ii will WRITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE POST. Mr. Bennett will begin a centinued story in the first number of the new y- ar. It will be called THE PHANT0.M OF THE F0KE3T ; A TALE OF THE BACKW0CD3. This story will run tlirougi from twelve to fifteen num bers, and be a story of the eariy settlement of Kentu ky, including adven .ices witli the Indians in'that romantic region, wliicli was generally call-d )>>• the pioneers of civ ilization ''the dark andfilooily grounil.” The Post is edited by Mrs. BELLA Z. SPP;NCFB, who will aim contribute a continue 1 story la the course of tlie year, eutitled GENEVIEVE HOWE Our columns will be further supplied with original con tributions by a SPLENDID LIST OF CONTRtBUTORS All the department- of the piper will be fill-ii, as far as possible, with ORIGIN.AL .MAT'l’Ell. The old friends of THE PO.'tT—some of whom have stood by it during the sunshine and storms of forty years—will thus see that we are de ermined to be UN,SUHPASSED BY ANY COMPETITOR; and in view of these fresh and costly efforts and brilliant inilueementi, we trust to hive their warm e.xerlions in our behalf, and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OP A GENEROUS PUBLIC. A SEWING ItlACHIN ' PRE.^IEJII. We will give one f WHEELER & WIL.«^0VS Celebraed SEWING MACHINE^—the regular price of whioh is Fifty-live Do lars—on the 'ollowing terms . 1. Twenty copies, one year, and the Machine, 2. Tliirty cop'es one year, and Machine, S.h.iiil 8. F-^rty copies, one year, and Machine, lOO.UO OQ Cw o o o C3 rO O 02 O Zf2 -i-H o i-e o ■4— o o Z/2 o C-l o ;h vl V. »■ jS >1 u 0) p: ^ X a (9 S N wise 1)0 (il)t:iiuoil im the siuiic terms. The aliove .stock ol‘ Goods, having been pur- , . ^ - ^ ^ . chased siiiei* the late heavy decline of prices in j "IIIL.SI XD.VY SCIItK )L BANN EK.” the Northern Gities, will he sold as LGW a.sthey 1 Ami in the eoiameiieemeiit of this little can possildt he bought iu this market. | work of love, hoiiig hovs, ourselves, may we P. U. MtUtin. mviteshis ohl friends of Davii* 1 ^ 1 . l- * 1 o 1 i i 1 r 4. , .11,- 1 n 1 . . . ' not api'ciil to everv Sunday School hoy, and (onntv-peeialn ,t(i gi\eh,in a call when vi.sihuir 1 - , Lt ‘i- . ^ rids riark^-t girl m Nortli ( iU'oliua to come up jiroinptly to j aid the umli-rtaking. lii ouroun State, there 1 are very many Sahl.uth Soliools, ami from the i he.sT information avc have, the scludarsliip is i large ami inei'easiiig. ami it is from them Ave look f'lr that (latroiiage which is iieces.sary to i improve ami ket-p Heating, this native sfaii- I iiard which we pro]lose for their benefit. It is not for }ieeiiniary gain that t!i*‘ “B.ANN'r.it.” I is i-stahlished ; it has for its aim higher ol>- jei-Ts. and if we suei-ei-d in our »-uterjiri-e. it will he to US iu after life a source of great -ar. SM’dntrv. J.Vr. GRAY, I’. R. MARTIN, J. McOriRi:. .tnril :J. ‘titi. tf-iiol. -4 lid Wide World. s e o PP •c ti ti xi o 4-> O Ik O M rt s _r ^ ■7 ^ •■i "S C o (A 0) e hfl CS Q* S ti A U e W) dc cl I .\N i.Ni I'.K'i.-vixiN’c, rx.s rufi’Tivi: and Sfirv ' FAMILY NKWSFARKR. j It is tlie design of the l’uhlish»-rs to make I the Wide ^Vorhl acceptable to all classes of ; readers. Its columns will eoiitaiii ()rigimil I Tales from some of the able.-it wi iter.s in .Vm- erica. Also, Amusing and Datigei'ou.s Ad- j veiititi'es, Traiislatioiis, Historical Reiiiiiii- ! .sceuees. Sketches of all kinds. Poetry, AVit. ! Humor, etc., etc., comhiniiig a vast amount I of information on tlniusaiids of sulijeets that I are of interest ]U'ofit Jiinl amusement to the j general reader. Editorials and News, touch ! iug all the leading and important oeeuri'ema-s of the day, will he fouml in its columns. Terms of Puhlicatiuii iu -Advance. tHJ Per Annum. Single copies may he had of all newsdeal ers, ]iriee Seven cent.-. All eommuiiieatiii’is intended for the eolumiis ot the Midi* \\ oi-hl. or containing Suh.seri]>tions. .should he add J. II. HRKlllAM cV FKRXALD, Puhiishers of the Wide World, 28 State Street, Boston. Mass. TI'5R;»IS—Cash in Advance. One copy, one year, 1-2 .tO Two copies, one year, 4.iiiJ F 'ur copies, one year, 8 UO S copies 1 year ami one to ge'ter up of club, 16.00 20 cop'e^, I year, and one to getter-uj) of c ub, .35.01) The l ai-ers for a Club may I e seui to different posi-offi- ces. .\ND PltlNXKD IN 'THE: BEST STYLE I twellll c-’Tits In HilUltlon eo llie &nnu,il siiBserlntiou. -isa-p i ri.-... U-* .1 ^ — S. PFR'^OXS LIVING IN THE COUN- I n ^ • i college'co'ur^e. upknHnh‘,1?' 1 liK. (,^^^ li'M lilt. 1. A/U.X hem-Itaiice.s should he made in Post Office Order* trhen 1 tl.o,. nnv-neo.inniv or nnUnrro it. tbn Ktotn 53@~ Subscribers in BritUb North America must reln't tweiitv - -- ■ - • THY WILL HE KEPT POSTED l.\ ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY BY sUBSi’lillHNG TO THE WEEKLY k i OLD NORTH STATE. TEltJIS—C.ISH I\ ADV.%NCE. ONE YEAH, SIX MoN'lTlS, - - . 1 00 AO HANES & HAMPTON. Publishers & Proprietors Post Office Order* tri-en pn=sil>Je. If not, in United State notes—or DraPs, pay able to our or 'er, wh ch a^e prefn altl- to tlie notef. Specimen numbers of I'HE POST sent gratii Address HENRY PETER OX k « O, No. 8!fl‘ Walnut St. Phi.adeipl,.a. .\ TIIOliOKill FAIIILV l[£l)K'l.\Er ‘Great Oaks from little acorns Grow.’ T The worst diseases known to the liinnau j race spring from eavses so small as to al- ! most defy detection. The volumes of scieu tide lore that till the tables and shelves of I the medical fi';itt*ruity only go to prove aiul j elaborate these, ficts. g | Ya d ki n_Coll eg e, VTEAR THE YADKIN RIVER-NINE IN MILES FROM I.EXINGTON. N. C. Tliis Institution, uniler its charter as a College, tvas revived on the 15tli of January 1866. and suiijilied, by a resolution of the Trustees, witli a coips of experieii- eed Teacliers ; so that now, witli its cheap boarding arrangements, it otters to male pupils every educa- full than any acadeniv or college iu tlie State. ^ RVATrAVILL.Y FEMALE SEMINARY, ■fliree ijuarters ot a mile from A'adkiu College, and entirely separate from it. now offers, in its boarding arrangements in tlie family of tlie Bev. (i. W. Ueue. ami in its scientific and literary departliients.iinusnal attractions to young bidies wlio desire to ai-gnire a I liiiishc'l education, embracing music, and other fem- ! iiiiiie ai-eoniiilishineiits, ^ ! I- nr lirief rircul-ars giving iiarticulars in relation to either the College or tlie .Seiniiiarv. address the i:i-:y. a. \\\ hkgk, a. m., OR J. M. NFWSOX. A’adkiu ('ollege, via Lexington. X. C. Alarcli 30, 1866. 1-diwlm / T.F.WIS .niiix S ILVXF,^. llA.Ml’TiiX, march 3i)— Suh.~c!';j)ii"U b*!' .'Uf year. >ix Ul'lUth^. 'W’' R DICKS, WITH BRANSON k }} , F.IRR.AH, would r-spectfully inform his old friends ami iiatroiis of Salisbury and vicinity, tliat be is aLrain engaged in the Book-binding busi ness in Baleigli. X. where he is anxious to re (-five tlicir loniiei' j'atronage. .Ml wi'nk scut to him will be aileiidcdto with promptness, and satisfaciioi) guaranteed, lie is iirejian-il to do binding iu all its iuanehes and in \arions styles. Persons wishing to supply thennselves with Books and .'-tationery ot all kinds, can be suiiplicd by ad- dre.-s-iiig .Messrs. Brans.m A F.inar. Booksellers, i’ublishcFs aad Biodere, Baleigh, X. C. 1-dtf T .11^® communicate with the Southern public, advanta It lUiiv tiiilc ! ges sui'jiassed bv none. the DAILY' EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA upon its tifteenth year, in an en- ,,,, 11. I with new tyjie. muler auspi e^ highly i hen guuril yoursC‘lv(?s while you mit''* 1 mattering, it lias a large and daily iriereusing cir The smalle.st iiimiile on tlie skin is -i teil- ti Illation, am] offers to iiierchaiits and others desirin'. .. 1 • ^ ^ * ‘ l It J XO COIlimnniUntM tUo e»r1y., talo and mdicatur ot dijfeaso. and (lie away from the surface of tlmbotlv. but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, :ttla.st. Two weeks, and death be the result and final elose. 1 h"o moniks, -Alaggiel’s Billions. Dyspeptic and ] )iiU'rhe:i I Pills cure wliere all others fail. While tef ' Two weeks. Ihirns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all i mouths, abrasions of the skin, Maggicl’s Salve h j infallible. Sold bv J. Maggiel, 43 Ful ton street, New York, and at 25 cents per box. all Druggists' uo2 dly- \DYERTISIXG RATE-S: O.XE .SQUARE 85 Oi) One month. 10 00 Three mouths, 24 (^10 (Inc Year, TWO .snUARE.S 8IU 00 One inoiitli. 1-5 (Kj Three mouths, .30 00 One A’ear. SUBSCRIPrrOX rates : Ij'ing.e copy, 6 cts. fine month, 75 cts. bice imintUs, $2, Six montlis, S3. One vear, 86. . -\ddre.-^s A. F. CRUTCHFIELD A'CO.. mar 29—iiw'2w Petersburg, Va. $6 of) )5 00 4U 00 812 00 IS 00 60 00 Stale of* .\orlli C’arolicia, THEASUHY 1 lEHAHl'M ENT, HALElfoi. -Mareli :J1, istJL ) To Holders of Coupons (f NorfJt-CarolInn Bonds. BY ACT OF THE GEXEH.VL A.^.-sKM- bly of Nfirth-Cai'orma, ratitioil Mar. 10. ISliG. I am ilirecteil to pn-pai'i- ami sell for ina b-ss than par houils of tlie .'“tati* nniiiinir tliirtv- foiir years, with Coupons heui iiig sire jier i-i-nt. iuten-st, ])ayahle seiiii-;uiiiiialiv. of tiiedeiioin. inatiou of .$100, -S.AOO, ami $ 1,000. nriiicipal ami iiiteri'ci mnii.xiif.i.-, r. »f* till* }IIIrf»f».«* I».*i V- ing coupou.s now due uml to l)i-coiiie dm-in I HiG, and honds due ami to fall due in l -Gti. By authority vested in tin- I’lildic Treasurer, 1 designate New York a> tin- iilac.* of jiayineiit. Parties entitled, desirous of efi'i-ctinir the ex change authorized iu said A't, will ]dea.-e(-oni- municaletn meat once tlie anioinit and cliar- acter of the securitit-s which they wish to he fumled. iu Ollier that I may km>w the numher and deiioiiiiiiatiou of tlie homls which will he I'equin-d. After the i-iigraver shall furiiish tlie hlaiiks. the houd.s will he prepared for issue with little delay. Under advice d the Attorm-y fG-m-ra!. Coit- jions of homls issued sine.-, hut ni.il -r acT passed hefore May'JOth. DiJl. will he fumh-d under the act of March 10th. I'o'i. proviib->l tlieir iih-ntily is »->Tal'ii.-lii d. hy lu-ing cut from the houds iu my in'escnc.-. a in'ovi-; >11 sary on aci.'ount oi tin- similarity t'l otin'r (.'i-u- poiis, i.s.sued since May 20il.. l-til. KE.AiP P. ILVfTLE.' mil.'Dllw. Puhlie 'Treu.'oi/cr. JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOU-^LY EXECITrED AT THIS OFFICE. isfactioii t" know that, in otir hovhood il.:-, -;. we gave a helping liainl To Siimlav Scli !-, till- )ii'i-paratory SfluxtO tor jilai-es of ingh trust and ]iositioii. iu the work of our IK-av. .1- ly Father. Its name snilicieiitly indicates the ohj.-ct which isto control its eilitorial comluct. Thi-i-f, is m-i-essity howi-vi-r for the remark that it will Hot lie deiioiiiiiiatioiial, hut alike opi-n to all the Saliliath .'“diools of this State for cou- ti ihiitions, in which there is no S[iice of seeta- riani'Uii. I he ‘•B-WXr.it” will he issued moiitlilv on handsome type, i-h-jir \\ hite paper ami will contain h iiirteeii columns reading matter, quar to ]>-ngth. M e trust .siinicieiit ericouragenii'iit may he offered to justify the undertaking. TUn.MS—IN .MiV.WCK : 1 copy twelve months. .30 2 “ '• “ “ “ 1 (M) ID “ “ “ “ (M) 2D “ “ “ Any person sending ns a chih of-jD fortliri'e dullars and a half will rei-eiveone copy gratis. W. J. KDWARIIS, Z. T. BIRJUGHTDN, uolddtf Pnldishers'. The .\e%v York Tinier. Enlarfjoncnt (f the Dudu, Scini-Wteldy (Old Wffldn Times. ' TJ)(‘ 1 mitJ Clicappst Paper in the Vnited States. EX- I rpilE XKAY YORK' HAS BEEN i larged to tin-^izc of the Lomlon 'iimis. E icii numher coiitaiii- eight im.ges of .-evi-n f-olumn-each—or lir.ty—i\ i-olt'.mn- in all—1 ..i- kingi: tin* larg'-.-t m-w^rlalll-r in the ['nited Sta'ic.-. The Tiiiic-f will contain regularly: Full Con{iresUuifd Bfports; IFporfs of the Lciiisl’turc : Missuijes nud Pubhe P iJiti'Hiiietifs ; pi’itiii'ts of i.ourts und Piddie Mectin{i. ; Furopeun News 01 Full ; Fi n.iyn end LomeBic Corresjjon- (h'uic .' A >’U's f/'Ill'll u!l jiurtsiiJ tlw U''0'ti‘; Jiiif//I ii;td (i'liir il F't'fin’iids ; Ld- Af'U.'s, Stl I'i-'iiiS und JIisccll iny. ]-ivi-rvt!i!iig']i'i--ihh.-will Itc iioiie to tnakc the Times 'tl.c mo-t valnalih- ,aml inti-rc-tg.g .Eamily .X'eW'papci' ill ii.c 1 lulcil .'-tatc-. It.' price m!]! r-'iiiaiii imciiaUigcii. in spite oi the i.n-t that it- -izi- ai 1! la,'.ill lit - 111 i-n incrc..--'l onc-lnurlli. 'i'lii- following tin- the p.iia - o! ila M-\i-ral edi- tio:i-. pavabli- mail ca-i-- in ad'.a;ic>‘. Tin--.- pric. - .ire invarialdc. ' 'liib ra'es arc iiis ci.iitinm-.i. U'l- ha'. e no u'.ivciiing .\gciit-. Ih- laif i'i''lna l: ■ or !’>- ' 'Hho- MoUev ord. rsil P'-.- oble \ililn -. !!. .1. !'\A A atirtl-illiit j urn -- ' iflico. Xew AOrk

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