llAAi:s xIATIPTOA, Pub’s. A: Pro’s. The Old iAorth Sf«te Forever.”—to/ow. Sinjflo Copies Five Cents ¥OL i SALISBURY, N. C.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 18GG. NU3IBER 58 IK Old Korth State. [b\liA.] Zicuris Hanes 6l John S. Hampton. I’UniJSJIKirS A PK01*I11ET0RS.. LEWIS HANES, Editor. RAXr.S OV' HUUSi:UU‘T10N. „pl XJKK.TIS-CASJI IN ADVANCE. I?a;ily piii)or, One 3'oar. “ Six -Moiitlirt, ** One .NJonlli, [WEEKLY ] 58. (M) 4.50 1.00 Wee l:ly liaj)cr, Ono 3’ear. - . . § .3.(K( •• " Six inoiillis. - . 1..50 “ “ 'IVn cdjiies One Year, - 2i2.0(> “ “ Twi-nry ciniic.s. One Year, 40.tKl A cross X on llie pajter indicates tlie expiration of lli“ 'Ui'seription. The type on wliicli the “(ti.i) Xonrii .''Tatk,” is printed i' entirely new. Xo jiains will he spared to tnalce it a welcome visitor to every family. In order to do this we have en.;(a,;ed the .services of aide and a'/eoinplished literary eontrihuti)rs. RATES OF ADVERTISING. r: • ^ * y- . y \ « « * • % . X , X • X • • X 4 *y.‘ • X* • *y« • = * k’ * T ^ Cw X • • t • I I « (L y- * C • — • • ic • • C' • X • c: * • “• ^ w* — • “• , * • •• i «• t* I* I ^ ^ ^ ^ * 1 • — • — • • ct . 1 a • • Ci * t '! •! «' 'I *! * I • — • — • • p • ‘ r' * * ri • Ti '* • rc • — • c • • c • z: • • i;' • x* tc” yf w Xdliscellaneous Advertisements. ^ i dc • --» *• * •u ^ • “ « • 5 . c • ‘ • r: • 11 • c • c • c • * c « c * Z.' • V. i;« . 11 • «! . — • — c • r • r • 11 'I'lMi lines of solid ntiiiion tyite, or nhoiit one inch leiiirlliwise d’ the inluuiii, eouslitule a .siitmre. Special .\idiees, in leaded million, will be eoii- tmeted for at the otliee, at not less tliaii double tin* rat( tvl'nrdiimrv advertisetiieiits. i It a'ftcd as rendiiifT matter, with approval of theeditiU's. titty cents jicr line. Advertisements inserti*il irre;znlarly, or at futer- vais, ■»•') pi'f cent, ailditioiial. 'The rates above printed are for standing adver tisements. One or t wo sijuares, changeable at discretion, .btl |»er cent additional. More than two sipiares. ehang*;ib]e at disere- vioii, per siiuaiv of ten lines, for every ehange, twenty-live cents Five s((uares estimated as a (inartcr eolnmn, and ten s(|uares as a half column. Dills for ad vertising. whether by tin* day or year, will he considen'd due and colleetahle on jiresentation. irnfTWViWwiirrn iiiOimt ignr-^ A B00\ TO THE SICK AND The Light of the World. DR. ]^LVGGIErS Pills and Salve. Tlicse Idfe-giving remedies are now, given publicly to tlie world. For over a quarter of a century of pri vate practice the ingredients in these LIFE-aiVING PILLS, ITave been used with the greatest succcs.s. Their rnissioiiers not only to prevent disease, hut to cure.— They .search out the various maladies by which the patient issutfering. andrevigoratestlie failing system. To the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable pills will prove to be A VLJIY FOUNTAIX OF YOUTH. For in every case the}* add new life and vitality, and rcstorethe warningeiiergiestotheir jiristiue state. To the young and middle-aged, they Avill jtrove mo.st in valuable, as a ready, specitic, and sterling medicine. Here is a dream realized, that Ponc-de-Leon sought for tliree hundred years ago. and never found. He hulked for a fouiilaintliat would restore the old to the vigor aud make votith ever AN ETERNAL SPRING ! It was left for this day and hour to realize the dream and show iu one glorious fact, the magic that made it ''"'these famous remedies ('annot stay the (liglit of years, but they can force back and hold aloof, disoasestliat miiilit triumph over the aged aud young. Let none hesitate tlien but seize the favorable opixjrtunity that oll’ers. When taken as pre.scrihed— FOR BILLIOUS DISORDERS Xolhing can be more iiroductive of cure than tliesc I’ills. Their alwost magic influence is felt at once, and the usual comcomitants of this most distre.ssing ilisease are removed. These remedies are made from the juirest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the most delicate female, andean be given with good elfect iu described doses to the youngest babe, FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS and all eruptions of the skin, tlie salve is most inval uable. It doe.s not heal externally alone, but pene- tiates with the most searching etl'ects to the very root of the evil! DR. iflAGGIEL’S PII.L.S Invariably cure the follow ing Diseases. Astliina, Bowel Coinplaiiit.s, Cutighs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Co.stiveuess, DysjM'psia, Diarrha'a, J)roo.sy, Debilitv, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints Headache, Indigestion, Influenza, liitlamation, Inwaid weaknt'ss, J..iver Comjilaiut. Lowness of Sjiirits, Ringworm, Riienmatism, Salt Rln'um, Scalds, Skin Diseases, &:c. XOTIFF.—X'one genuine without the eugra ved trade-mark armiiid each jMitor ho.x, signed by J)r. .1. .M .vociKi., 4-3 Fulton .street. Xew York, to counterfeit wliicli is felony. 113= .'■iold'by all respeetablc Dealers in Afedicincs tliroughoul the Fnited States and Canadas—at25cts jier box or jiot. For sale at J. II. Enniss’ Drugstore, Salisbury. X. C. aprd-dJy Scale of PROSPECTUS OP THE a'Etjtherfoiu) star SCAIiE OF DEPRECIATION. Tlie following bill passed during the present ses sion : A bill to be entitled An Act to establish a Depreciation of Confederate Currency. Whereas, By an ordinance of the Convention, en titled “An ordinance declaring what laws and ordi nances are in force, and for other pmqjose.s,” ratified on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1865, it is made the duty of the General Assembly to prov ‘ depreciation of the Confederate currency time of its first issue to the end of tlie further therein declared that “all executory contracts, solvable in money, whether under seal or not, made i i;.^i„' i tnott+n after the depreciation of said currency before the bst! a whole, ami the perpetuity of our institu- day of May, 1865, and yet unfilled, (e.xcept ollicial | tions, as handed down to US by onr noble au- bo’nds and penal bonds payable to the State,) shall be cesty, a Federal Republican Government Miscellaneous Advertisements. The Undersigned propose to publish, in the ‘'f Riitherfordton, a weekly Newspaper vide a .scale cf ^^ called “The Rutherford Star.” rency from the is onr desire to make The Star 5 war? and it visi isitor to all those who feel in the prosperity and welfare of (Air country a wel- an interest deemed to have been made with the understanding that they were solvable in money of the said emren- cy,” subject neverthele.s3 to evidence of a ditierent in tent of tlie parties to the contract; therefore, “Be it enacted by the General As.sembly of the .State of Xortli Carolina, and the authority of the same of depreciation be and the same is hereby adopted and establi.shed astlie measure of value of one gold dollar in Confederate cun’ency, for each mouth, and the fractional parts of the month of December, 1864, from the 1st day of Xovember 1861, to the l.st day of May, 1865, to wit: “Scale of depreciation of Confederate Currency, the gold dollars being the unit and measure of value, fromXov. 1st 1861, to May 1, 1865.” Months. .January, February, March, April, May, .Jane, .July, August, September, (Ictober, Xovember, December, Dec. 1861. $110 115 1862, $1 20 1 30 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 200 2 50 250 1863. 1864. 1865 5300 52100 550 00 300 400 600 160 650 900 1400 1400 14 00 16 30 20 00 2100 2300 2000 19 00 18 00 21 00 23 00 25 00 26 00 30 00 60 00 60 00 100 00 1 to 10th inclu sive. “ 10th to 20th, “ 1st to 31st, “ And whereas, many grave ma}* arise between e.xecutors, dians and trustees, and their tJur people have but lately emerged from a gigantic civil war, waged by and between .Section.s of a once gloriotis Union, and more desolating to our particular section, than any- ind it is hereby enacted by thing that has ever happened on this contin- wur^Tioote’1: and it is to he hoped, than ever will again. "While there is life there is hope, and not- nvlthstanding the great changes wrought hy die late civil war, we shall encourage the peo ple to honesty, industry and economy, we ihall take special pains to keep them posted vith all beneficial improvements of the age, that they may once more enjoy bountiful Tores, prosperity and happiness. We shall from time to time publish such aws, both State and National, as our people ire directly concerned in, and shall likewise ise our influence to establish a sound circula- ing currency, so much needed at the present ime. We shall be governed by principles and not :nen, for according to our honest conviction, he present condition of our country is owing 0 the abandonment of principles, we mean he abandonment of those fundamental prin- nples upon which the Government of the Uni ted States was reared. ' AYe shall favor and encourage the develop ment of all our resources. Agricultural, Min eral &c., and likewise such internal improve ments as will most likely be beneficial to the Country, aud especially the extension of the Wilmington, Charlottee and Rutherford Rail Road west. As to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the South, nor the Radicals of the North, but in the Constitution, the Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience to the same. The Star will be published evei^ Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly in ad- vrjice.) payable in currency or produce at narket prices. One copy 12 months, $2.00 “ “ ti “ 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, R. W. LOGAN. April 18th, ’GG. d tf. 35 00 46 00 49 00 and difficult disputes administrators, guar- legatees distributees, w.ards and ce.stuysque trust, in the settlement of their accounts aud trusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate currency, State treasury notes and bank notes, incident to and growing out of the late war; and that law suits aud exjiensive litigation maybe obviated. Be ittlierefore en.acted. That in all such case.s, the parties are hereby empowered to form a full and per fect .«tateiuent of the case on both sides, which case shall be submitted to the determinatiou of one of the judges of the Superior Courts, chosen hy the parties, Avlio is hereby authorized to consider and determine the same, according to eqnity and good conscience; Provided, however, That no part of this section shall be construed to stop or hinder any person from pro ceeding in the usual course of law, if he shall deem the same nece.ssary. A true copy. J. A. ENGELHARD, Clerk of Senate. THE Saturday !^ening Post. NEW LIFE, TALENT AKD ENERGY. SPLENDID ARRAY OP CONTRIBUTORS. UNSURPASSED AND UNSURPASSABLE. Prospec tus. THE PUBIJUATIOX OF THE NORTH ('arnliiia Presbytei-iau will be re.-iiuiit'd in Fay- «*ttt*vilb‘, ou 3Vt*(liH*.'ilay. tin* 2inl of January ll.'Xt . ('iiiilib*ntly rclvhitr on tin* tioany support which w* hav(* ln*ri*tot.ir»* n*c(*iv*(l. wn .shall oiiiloavor to r(*inl«*r tin* paper more attractive both ill appearance ainl matt*r. than it ha.s «*ver been, spariiiii neither ]>aiiis imr expen.si* in tin* aecoiiiiilishment of thi.s purpose. Witli the passiiiLT away of old tilings, a m*w spirit of activity. ♦*nertry and enterprise, has bt*en infused into **V('ry department ot st*(*ular thought and business. M liy should not tin* Chnrelu also, partakt* of tin* progressive ad- vaneenn*nt ! Wliv should of ail tin agencies, brought to bear with sii(*h treint*n- diioiis fon** upon the civilization ot the pres ent time, be inelli*ient, laggard and almost hopeless, in the working out of her own des- liiiy ! 'i’o arouse tin* church to tin* imjtoi-tance and lieccssitv of work ; of unceasing, restless, tire- b*.**s energy in the service ol her Master and Head : this shall be our first cliiefest aim. In tills we need assisUtnec'. A3 e are not alone, mitlieieiit tbr these things, Onr brethren must help us in every umy: by contributions from their own .stort*s of thought and study; by zealous co-o]>eration in a common cause, for tin* lienefit of all ; by extending onr cirenlatiou throughout all our borders, aud thus giving us tin* means and o[ipoitunity of iierforming well the work to which wo have cons»'(*rated all that we have, and all we Impe for on the earth. TERMS. .SuRscriptioii for one year, $4 GO “ “ six months, 2 (K1 Address B- h I LLFR. Editor o the N. U Presbyterian. THE WEEKLY “OLD NORTH STATE.” PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C., BY HANES & HAMPTON, CONTAINS All the Latest News, REVIEW OF THE MARKETS, ETC, ETC., AND PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE. PFR.SONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY 3VI1.L I*’E KEPT POSTED IN ALL THE NEWS OF 'ITIE DAY BY SUBSCRIBING TO THE WEEKLY I n OLD NORTH STATE. TERMS--CASH IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAR, - - - S3 00 Mrs. Bella Z. Spencer h^vine purchased an interest in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, and Mr. Edmund Deacon having retired from the paper, THE POST passed into the management ofa NEW HRM, who are determ ined to infuse Fresh l ife. Talent and Ene-gy info its c*^ !- uran.. The opular novelGq EMMERSON BENNETT, Author of “Praiiie Flower,” “The Refugees,” “Clara Moreland,” Ac.,&c.,hBS been engaged,at aereatexpense, as a regular contributor. *i.d will WRITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE POST. Mr. Bennett will begins continued s'ory in the first number of the new yi ar. It will be called THE PHANTOM OF THE FOREST ; A TALE OP THE backwoods. This story will run through from twelve to fifteen num bers, and be a story of the early settlement pf Kentu ky, including adven ures with the Indians in that romantic region, which was generally call d by the pioneers of civ ilization “the dark and bloody ground.” The Post is ediied by Mrs. BELLA Z. SPENCFB, who will also contribute a continue; story iu the course of the year, entitled GENEVIEVE HOWE _Our columns will be further supplied with original con tributions by a SPLENDID LIST OF CONTRfBUTORS AlUhedepartm-nt-' of the paper will be fill d. as far as possible, with ORIGINAL MATTER. The old friends of THE POST—some of whom have sto"d by it during the sunshine and storms of forty years—will thus see that we are de ermined to be UNSURPA>SED BY ANY COMPETITOR ; and In view of tlie.^e freso and costly efforts and brilliant inducements, we trust to hsye their warm exertions in our behalf, and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OF A GENEROUS PUBLIC. ■A SEWING MACHIN ' PREMIUM. We will give on- f WHEELEK & WILSON’S Celebraed SEWING MACHINES—the regular price of which is lifty-five Do lars—on the following terms . 1. Twenty copies, one year, and the Machine, $70.00 2. Thirty copies one year, and Machine, S5.00 3. Forty copies, one year, and Machine, 100.00 TERMS—Casli In Advance. One copy, one year, J2 50 Two copies, one year, 4.00 Fmr copies, one year, s OO b copies 1 year ana one to pewr uj, «r ciuv,,le 00 20 copies 1 year, .and one to getter-up of c ub, 35.00 The papers for a Club may te sent to different post-oifi- ces. ^ Subs'-ribers in British North America must remit twenty cents in addition to the annual subseription, as we have to prei .ay the n. S. pos-age on their pap*r . Remittances should be made in Post Office Orders when possible. If nut, in United State notes—or Draf s pay- •ible to our or'er, wh ch a-e pi eferabt-to the notes’ Specimen numbers of I HE POST sent "•ralis Address HENRY PE TER ON fe ro.! 891‘ Walnut St. Philadeqihia. e rs tf V a >t h h O A 81 ti u cc s e u s * ij ■h a a S H •o s (8 *5 s s ^ o pp t: o Pi z: 1 tlj 7' I fip ^ * a a X C V (/j a u M O a bo rt ct A ^ a •= A SIX MONTHS, 1 oO HANES & HAMPTON. Publishers A Proprietors I.KWIS U VXF,.8. I JDHX ll.VMl’TOX. S man h 30- Vir R DICKS. WITH BRAMSOM ** . FARRAR. would respectfully infuru his old fneiuls ami iiatmiis of SalisVmry and vicinity, that he is again engaged in the Book-liinding husi- nes.s in Raleigh. X." ('.. where he is anxious to re eeive their former patronage. All work st*nt to him will be attended to with itromptness. and satisfaetion guaranteed. He is prepared to do binding iii all its branches aud iu various styles. I*ersous wisliing to supply themselves with Books and Stationery of all kinds, ean be supplied by ad- dres-sinir Mes.srs. Branson I’t Farrar Booksellers, Diiblishers and Binders, Raleigh, X. 1-dtf .1 TllOIlOlGll F^LY llEDlfLYE! ‘CrrcstOsks lYoni little Acorns OroWa’ The worst diseases kiiowni to the human race sjiring from cavses so small as to al most defy detection. The volumes of scieii tilic lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elahorate thest* facts. Tlien guard yourselves while yon may. The smallest pimjtle on the skin Is a tell tale and indicator of disease. It may fade and die aAvay from the surfice of the bodv, but it Mull reach the vitals, perhaps, at la.'^t, and death be tlie result and final close, ^laggiel’s Billions, Dyspeptic aud Diarrhea Pills cure avlicre all others fail. "NA'hilefor Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, aud all abrasions of the skin, ^laggiel’s Salve i. infillible. Sold by J. Maggiel, 43 Ful ton street, Xew YVjrk, and all Dnnriri?ts‘ at 25 cents per box, ixqo dly. Y a d ki nColl ege, ■VTEAR the YADKIN RIVER-NINE In miles fko.m iaxington. n. c. Tills Institution, under its charter as a College, was revived on the IDtll of .January IHfjO. anl supplied, by a re.si)lution of the Trustees, witli a corps of exiterieti- eed Teachers ; so that now, with its ciieaji boarding arrangements, it oH'ers to male pupils every educa tional facility, from tlie primary department to a full college course, upon more favorable terms perhaps, than any acailemv or college in the 8tate. beat « A VILLA FEMILE SEMINARY, Three quarters of a mile from Yadkin College, and entirely separate from it. now offers, in its boarding arrangements in the family of the Rev. G. W. Heoe, and iu its scientific and literary departments, unusual attractions to young ladies who desire to acquire a finished education, embracing music, and other fem inine accomplishments. For brief circulars giving particulars in relation to either the College or the Seininarv. address the REV, G. W. HEGE, A, M., OR J. M. XEWSOX, Yadkin College, via Lexington. X. C, March 30, 1866. l-dawlm THE DAILY' EXPRESS, EETEBSBURG, VA H-4S EXTEKED upon its fifteenth year, in an en larged form, with new tyqie. umkr aiispi es highly nattering. It has a large and daily increasing cir culation, and offers to men-liants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advanta aes surpassed bv none. ad\'t:rtjsixg rates; ONE SQUARE Two weeks, $5 00 One month. ?6 00 Two month.s, 10 00 Three months, 15 Hi Six months, 24 00 One Year, 40 0»' TWO .SQUARES Two weeks, 510 Of) One month. ?12 f> Two months, 15 (HI Three raonth-s, 18 (hi Six months. .30 00 One Year. 60 00 SUBSCBIPnOX RATJI4; Single copy, 5 cte. One month. 76 cU. Three months, 52, Six months, 53. One year, 56. Addre.sa A. F. CRUTCHFIELD A ('O., mat 29—d*w2\v Petersburg, \ a. Mercantile * Advertisements. NEWFIUM IN SALINBI'UY! J.W.Sray^Co. TJAYE Jastrpceivpfi and opcupil at Xo. 2, Mtir- phv’s Granite* building, a new ;uid Splemlid Stock of Stiiple and FANCY DRY GOODS, which the}’will s(*ll for cath or barter, only, a.s follows, A large and beautiful a.ssortim*iit ot LADIES DRESS GOODS, emhrtaoiug the newest and leading sttdes of the season. A large as.sortmeut of Gentleineu's, Youtlrs and Boy'.s Goods, Ladies Summer "Wrappings, Ladies’ Misses, and Children’s Trimmed Hats, new shapi*s, Ladie?, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoos, and Gaiters, Bonnets, UiblKius, Gloves, no.sicrv, tte., Ac. Gents and Boys Shoes of evt'ry Deseription, Gents, Boys and Childrens Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Croekery and Glassware, Wood aud willow ware. Also, Drugs . Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medieiiies, at the .sliortost notice. The Drug departmeiit will be under the charge of aregular-Physieian. They also have a branch of their husine.ss at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wise be obtained on .tin* same terms. The above stock of Goods, liaving been pur chased since the late heavy decline of prices in the Northern Cities, will he sold as LOW as they can possibly be bought in this market. P. R. MaJtin. invit«*s his old I'rieiids of Davie County especiullv, to give him a call when visiting this market. ,J. W. GPA3', P. P. MARTIN, .1. MuGUIitE. Salislrary, N. C., April 2. ’66. tf-nol. GET THE BEST INVF.NTOR.8. MKCHANICS, JIANUFAUTrRKRS- 1866! 1866! 1866! The best paper in tin* United States for Mechanics. Inventors and Maebiuists. is the Scientific American. Ti is the larirest iu size, and has by far tlio wi dest circulation of any other paper of its class ill the country. It is publn-hed weekly. Each imintier coiilaiiis^ iintiwr- oua Ulostraticois. ’rtn* iiutnlMira for yoar make two volumes. 4IG pages eacTt. It also contains a full account of all tin* principal in ventions and (lis(*overit*s of the day. Also, valuahle illustrated arTi(*les upon tools ami ma- cliinerv used in worksliops inanufacTories, steam and mechanical ongineeriug, woolen, I ciitton, cln*mieal. petroleum, and all otlier ' maniifactiiiing and }>rodiiciiig interests. Al.su, Firearms, War Im]ilt*ments. ()rdnam*4*. War Vessels. Railway. Machinery. Eh*ctric, Chem ical and ,MaTlu*matical apiiaratus. Wood and Lmnher Machinery. ilydraiilit*s. (HI ami Wa ter Rumps. Water Wlieels. etc.. Household, Horti(*ultural and Farm Imjileuients—tliis lat ter di-partmeiit being very full ami of gn*at I value to Farmers ami G;irdem*r.s. } Articles t*iidiracintr every dejiartment of 1 Rojiiilar Science, which every body can nnder- 1 stand and which everv bodv likes to read. Als.i. Reporisof S-ii-ntiiic .'■'oeieth*s. at home .and road : Patent Law 1 )e(*isioiis and Dis cussions. Practical Recipes, etc. It also (*on- taiiis an ollici;tl list of all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great valin* to inveutons ami owm*rs of Patt'iits. Tlie Piihlisliors also act a.s Aiients for jiro- eiiring Patents ti.ir m*w inV(*iitions. A m*w volnim* of the Seieiitilic* American commen(*ed January I. 'I’FR.MS—.s.Tjierycar ; .$1 oD for six months. Ten Copies for one year, $25. Canada srtb- seriptions 25 cents extra. .Sl'KClMKN COi’ir.S .SF.NT KRF.K. Address MUNNA'CO., No. 37, Park Row, New Y'ork. The "Wide World* AN ENTEKTAININC, INSTRUC TIVE AND SPICY FAMII.V NFWSPAPER. It is the do.sigij of the Publishers to make the Wide World acceptalde to all classes of readers. Its ctdiimns will contain Original Tales from some of the aldest writers in Am erica. Also, Amusing and Danirm-oiis Ad ventures, Translations, Historical Remini- scmices, Sketches of all kinds. PotUry, AVit. Humor, etc., etc., conihining a vast amount of information on thousands of siilijeets that are of interest profit and amns(*ment to tlie general reader. Editorials and New.-, toiicli ing all the leading and important occurrences of the day, will he found in its columns. Terms of Publication in Advance. $3.()() Per Annum. Single copies may he had of all newsdeal ers, jjriee Seven cents. All Communications intended for tlie columns of the 33 ide 33 orld, or containing Subscriptions, .should be addressod J. H. BRIGHAM A FFRXALD, Publishers of the 3\'ide 33'orld. 28 i^tate Tsti'eet, iJoston. 31ass. “The Sunday School Banner.” A NE3V ENTERPRISE! Tlie Undersigned, Tliemselves Members of the Sahhath School, propose to commenee in the city of Raleigh, on or about the 1st of next 31ay, “THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNER.” Aud in the commencemi'iit of thi.s little work of love, being boys, ourselves, may i\e not appeal to every Sunday School boy. and girl in North Carolina to come up promptly to aid the undertaking. In ourowii State, there are V(*ry many Sahhath Scliools. ami from the best information we have, the scholarship is large and iuerea-sing, and it is from them we look for that patronage which is neces.sary to improve and keep Hoatiiig, this native stan dard which wt* jiropose for their benefit. It is not for pecuniary gain that tin* “BANXEn,” is estaldished ; it Inm for its aim higher ob jects. and if we succeed in our enterprise, it will be to us in alter lite a source of great sat- isfaetiou to know that, in our boylmod davs, we gave a Iielpiug hand to Sunday Schools, the pre]>aratory Schouls for placi*s of high trust and position, in tin* work of our IL'aveii- ly Fatlier. Its name sufiicieiitly indicates the ohjt-ct which isto control its editorial coiidiiet. 'riiern is necessity howi-ver for the remark that it will not he denominational, hut alik* open to all the Sahliatli .'''cliuols of this State for eon- trihiitioiis, ill which there is no spice of s(*eta- rianism. 1 he “B.INNKR’’ will he issued iiiouthly on handsome type, cle.ir white paper ami will contain fourteen *oliujins raiding matter, i[uar- to length. 33'e trust -nfii(*i*iJt en(*ouragement may he olh*r»*d to justity the nmiertakino. TERMS—IN .M(VANCE ; 1 copy twelvt* months. State otWortli CaroSiiin, > TREASURY' DKPAR'IhAlEXT, [ Raleigh, .31 arch ;j], 1S6G. ) To Holders of Coupons oj Noiih-Curuliuu Bomls. j BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSE.M- l)ly of North-Caroliiia, ratified Mar. ID. iMiii. I I am directed to prepare ami sell for not less than par bonds of the Stat* running thirty-I four years, with Coupons beat ing six p»*r *i*ut. 1 interest, pnyaJdo semi-a.inually. of th(*demim. ' iuation of $1U0, $5DU, ami .$!.()()(). jnineipal i and interest untaxable. for the jiurpost* oi'pay- j ing coupons now due and to heconn* dm* iu * ISlJG, aud bonds due and to fall dm* in iHiii. i By authority vested in tlie Piildit* 'rreasiir.-r, I | designate New Y'ork as the jilaet* of pMyim*nt. Parties entitled, desinms ofelfeciiiur theex change authorized iu .said A*t, will pleasecdm- : municate to meat once the amount aiid char acter of the securities wliich they wish to be j tuuded, in order that I may know the numlier and denomiiiatioii of the hond-* wliich will be required. Aft(*r the encrravcr shall Uii nish tin- blanks, the bonds will he prcj'ai'ed b r:-.-'.'*; with little delay. ' Under advice cif the Attorney( jem-ral. Cou- j jums of bonds issued sinct*. init umi**r ac:- jjassed before May 2Drh. l^GI, will be funded j under the act of Mareli iDrh. i'lIG. jin-vided ! their identity is establi.-l.ed. liv lieinir '-ut li oin I the bonds in my jireseiici-. a provi.-iou i.eci: sary on account rd the siniilaritv to otln-r (.'oii- i pons, issued since Mav 2Dth, I'-Gi. ' KEM'PlhP.ATTLF, | nolddlw. l’i(l)llr lrrfi.-.jirfir. ' o ID 2D 30 .50 1 DD 2 (Ml 3 5D Any p»*rson sending ns a (-lub of'JD for t!in*e dollar.- ami a halt will rt*ceiv(*om* :opv gratis. 3V. J. i:i)\VARI).8, Z. T. BROUGHTON, miIGdtf Puldisliers. The Xew X'ork Tiiiiet^. E)}hn'[!e)))rnf of ihr Dmhj, Seml-Wccldy and \VcfTJ>/ Tinics. The Laiwl: and (’liea[M‘.st Paper ill tlie riiit(‘d States. TUIi: XlP.V Ynl.'K TiMIi.' IIA.-. rthhX l.iriT.'d Ii I the ,-j/e o! the London '! tints. LN- F.icli IIamber eolmiill- e;ic}l—I king it the la;'ge 'i'he Ttiii's will eolilain reenlar'*' ctiiilaiii- eight ii.ige- of seven r tixTy—ix column- in all—m.i- m w-p,i])Cfin tin* FuiLcd Elates. Eld/ ( Hi.i/ressionid Ri jiurts; B^porfs rf Hu' L'pish it (hr ; d! issiiiieS (lud Pufjlir Diu'Uiiii iif,'i ; J\‘rjiurf-i of Ciiurfs and Puhhr Mcftiiius ; Luroplint Ne/rs In Full ; E'li'i iijn and Doiiusfir Corrrspon- ih nre ; > U' J)'iiiii iii'l jnii'fitot fhr U'oi'hl^ piihlii id and (iiiiii'ul Edifoi'ii'ils- Jnl trari/ Nt u s, Stln timis and JIis:-cUanif. P,PA.\KS Oj (dl hinds ncafli/ executed at the (dd XORITI .SY’ATE riFlTUE. JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDUIToUSIA' EXECUTMD AT TUl-S UFITCE. I Fverythinv pos-ible will be iloiie to make .tlie i ToiKs the most Vidualile ami Mitere-tiiig Family I N'-w-pa’per in tI'.c I'nifcd Stitr.'. Its price will ' remain unchai.irc.l. i:i .'pife of the fact that its -izi* and conten: - have been incren-cd one-fourth. I Tile followuic' arc the prices of the several etli- ! rioiis^. ji.iyablc in all .tsc- in advance, j Tlic-e price- are tin ariabl •. '!ub ratt*s are dis ! ee:itit!ueJ. Wc Lave mi travellimjt Affcnt-. Re mit inCbcck.- (.r j’let J.tfiice ib.n(*v Orders ifp.is- .-ible. Address H. ,L RAYMOND d: (’(#. atc-G-dlii) Times (»ttieo, New York

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