THE OLD NORTH STATE. BSiscellaneons. Friday fivening, June 8, 1866. LEWIS HANES Ac J. S. HAMPTON. PUBLT.SHERS & PKOPRIETOR.S. Table of Fremium and Discount. Anybody who can work the rule of three, kiion’ing the rate of premium of gold, can find the rate of discount of currency by the following simple proportion: lOOXpremium : premium:: 100: discount. 13elow we give a table of the correspond ing rates of premium and discount from 25 per cent premium to 7G per cent premium. Prem. Lisc'f. |]l| Prem. Disc't. 25 20 00 il 51 33 78 26 20 63 II 52 34 21 21 21 20 II 63 34 64 28 21 87 II 54 35 07 29 22 43 II 55 35 49 30 23 98 11 56 35 90 31 23 66 11 57 36 31 32 24 24 il 58 36 71 33 24 81 li 59 37 10 34 25 37 II 60 37 50 35 25 92 11 61 37 89 36 36 47 II 62 38 27 37 27 00 II 63 38 65 38 27 54 il 64 39 02 29 28 06 II 65 39 39 40 28 57 11 66 39 76 41 29 08 II 07 40 12 42 29 58 11 68 40 48 43 30 07 II 69 40 83 44 30 56 II 70 41 18 45 31 04 II 71 41 52 46 31 51 11 72 41 86 47 31 97 II 73 42 20 48 32 41 11 74 42 53 49 32 88 11 75 42 85 50 33 33 II 76 42 18 THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE. (E.stablished 1855.) A superb Literary Companion and sterling old Home Jour:ial, Published every Saturday, BY WM. B. SMITH Ac COMPANY. 53 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, X. C. Elegantly printed on beautiful white paper, mammoth sheet, with eight large pages. Its corp.s of Contributors includes nearly all the most distinguished authors of the coun try, and with the combined services of .so ma ny Celebrated writers it has achieved a perfect success in presenting an unrivalled array oj talent. Its Romances, Stories, Tales. Novelettes. Sketches, Criticisms, Re views, Poems, Biographies, Witti- j cisms. Travels, Adventures, Ac., Ac., I Are pure, entertaining and instructive in a de- ! gree rarely attained in periodical literature. 1 In accordance with the name of the paper a special department is devoted to The Field, wherein are given articles, hints and sugges tions on tho practical management of the Farm, the Garden, the Orchard and the Kitchen. SUB.SCRIPTIONS : One year, $5.00 Six Months, 2.50 Clubs of Fve One Year, 20.00 Clubs of Tea “ 40.00 And an extra copy to the party getting up a club of ten. No club rates to six months subscribers. WM. B. SMITH & CO., Publishers and Proprietors, 58, Fayetteville St., Raleigh,|X. C. THE SENTlMEIi. Publications. PROS P ECT E S OP THE National Intelligencer OP WASHINGTON, D. C. PglHIS JOURNAL, having bfen t*rlce ea’a-ffed, Ij ene of .htlargest ^aptrs in the c unrry. U i, printed o:. fin* whit' aa.iheavy paper,an : contain*, in laiiteand clear type, more r adii.g rnatter, in the form ot th» lat-gt news, general and sp c al, toge her with editorial, . enort orial and selected n alter of interest and i tportance than any paper published s uth of New York. ’ The Natiosal I.NTE lioe.nceh isdevo ed to News Liter atare, the Interest of Ke g on, and Polit cal affairs It ! iiives, Jjnng the session of Congress, co reel report's or toe e ales and proce-dings of the two H.u-e , as well as the laws and public documents of each srssi- n, and at ail times and every day f'e telegraphic Ces^a'^hes an- n unclngthela'esiin eilig nee from every ;mrter of our own and oth-'r co tot ies. '1 ne paper ha? been so long es tablished.and is so wiatly known as hardly to rtuuire any fo mai ex csition ■ f its {.olitiea! character and prin ciples. A? he etof r-, it > ims lo be as its na-iie >niMrts a National paper, maintaining the just ConUitutiona’ powers 01 the General Government on one h.aod, and the reserved rights of ir e Mates on the other—cot fident that the Unioi can only be maimalned “hi ethe lights of each shall be re-p-cted by both and not t anscended by either. W'lie the Inle'iigeneer advocates what the Editors coul sclentiously believe to be tight and wise in the administra- li n of I uoiio affai s, it always 'trives to give a fair and libera! suiiport to iliose to whose hands is comtniUed that administration; and as they hold an Independent press to be one of die great safeguards of liberty, an-i ih^re- fore claim the r'ght of rillcising the sets ot the Govern- me t 'ithfr ed 'm, they rndi avor to discharge that duty wilt! mudera ion, candor, and respect, bota for tUem- selves and those frcia whom they differ. The method of using tlii.s table by those who can only multiply and subtract may be learned frfun a supposed If B wants to bvy 20 in gold, when the premium is 42, he must multijily 20 by 42 and cut off two figures at the rigli^ for cents, which will give S8.40 which added to 20, makes 28.40 in “currency.” If he S5(5 in “currency,” and wishes to know how imu-li gold ho can get for it when tlio pr'^-miuui is 15, let him look at the table tind lie will find opposite the 45 the discount, 31.01: laultiplyiiig tlii.s num ber by 50 (the amount oi‘his “currency,”) and cutting off four will I’liifl the di.'Conet to iigurc.s on the right, he liiifj the di.'conet to 1)0 817.38 and a' fracthin. Sahhacting this .11111 from $5G, i he will liavc .>38.G2 in gold. The same I rule ap])lies to jdi the rate.. i ISOOK^. .U'?T PCBLT.^IIED. BY .Messrs. IIM/. B. d- CO., FIELD AND FIRE.SIDE Pl Itr.l.SHING HOUSE., 5S Fayetteville .St., Kalciirli. N. C. MO.SSE.S FROM A ROLFANG STONE. .1 Volioiic iff Boons. nv TKNin.l.A—XiAUV r.AYAUD CLARK. Anther Ilf “ lti*minisc»-iicf; nf I'ntm.” “SVooA Notes.” “ 'I’hiiislatioiis of * Marguerite.’ ” *• Lady Tartutfo,” etc., etc. Guo Vol., 32 mo., line cloth, blut?, purple and luowii. Price 81.U0. [From tliC Home Jocrnal. cilitcdliy X. P. Willis.] I “ Evince t!ie iimigiiiation and power of viv- ! id description which mark the true poet. Are j characterised by a graci.'fiil and tiowing versi fication, a pletisiiig jihiy of fancy, a beautiful i .and tender sentiment.” [I'rohi the Norfolk Fir/iiaiVta.] • “In delicacy of tboiight, warmth of fancy, and vivid reprodtictioiis of natural lieauties, .Mrs. (.’lark has shown herself to be worthy a very liigh place among the female poets of America.” XAMELEt^”8—A Novel. BY F.VNNY MURDAUOH 1 OA'NING. [Second Edition.] One Volumts IGiuo. pa[>er .$1.00 One Vol., ll’uao., fiiieflotli, purple and brown. Price .81..")0. d’lie critics have in turn compared the au thor to Hannah More. Mrs. Bihfeicorth, Mrs. Braddon, Georye Klini and Charles Dickens! [From the Cosiiioiuilite.] “ The interest is so admirably kept up that it never Hags from first to last. The style is simj)le, pure and vigorous—free from the af fectations of most female writers.” [From the Home .lournah] ” The plot is natural and develojied with well sustained interest, 'fhe characters of the story are clearly individualised, and their varying fortunes are often illustrated with passagi'sof thrilling interest.” [From the Philadelphia Daily A/7C.] “ It possesses much excellence. The pub Ushers deserve great praise for the manuor in which thev have sent the book from the press.” LEE'S’LAST CAMPAIGN—By Cai't. J. C. G. tJ2mo., paper. Priee 25c. A histori cal h.arnifive of the final and thrilling events of the war in Virginia, commencing with the battles around Petersburg, and following the movements of both armies until Lee’s surren der at Appomatox Court House; containing the olUcial correspondence concerning the surrender aitd the interview between Gen. Lee and Gen. Grant, etc... etc. riiE North Carolina gold cir- CUL.VU—:i2mo.. paper. Price 10c. Ofim- portauce to many—of interest to all. Con tains rate of depreciation of Cpnfederate Cur rency, during the war. compared with Gold; New Usury Law t>f North Carolina ; iFuctua- tious of Greenhacksin New York to Decem ber. 18G5: a list of all the Newspapers pub lished in North Carolina April 1. ISGG. Ac. cr 8eni postpaid, u[h>u receipt of price. MWI. B. SMITH A CO., 58 Fayerteville St.. Raleigh, N. C. Catalogues sent on application. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE FNITEI) S TATES. Only One Dollar! Tn/ it a Year!! SKD DVXULL F or the Farm, Garden, Orchard, Work-Shop. Household and Kitchen. A good, cheap, and valuable Paper for eve ry man, woman and hoy, in city, village and Country. rUBLlSIIED THE I'lRST OF EVERY AICXTII. Each mnnlier contains a full Calendar of M ork lor the Month. Hiut.s, Suggestion.^ . i.d Essays upon everything to be be jierformed in and around the Farm, G..rdeu aud Dwelling. T E i: II .s : One Copy, one Year $1,00 ^IxCopies, “ 5.00 Thirteen Copies, one year, 10,00 PUBLISHED DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY, RALEIGH, N. C., WM. E WM. FELL, Proprietor and State Printer EDITED BY E. PELL A SEATON GALES. THE .SENTINEL is an imlependent newsp.aj)er— a warm supporter of the L’niou ami the Coii.-titution, of .\nJrew Johii.soii. ourniugnannnoiis President aud his policy, and devoted especi;iliy to the recupera tion and prosperity of the fcout’u aud of X'ortli Caro lina. It labors to promote harmony, good feeling and equal rights among all the .Slates, but will rebuke all unfounded e.xpiessions against theloyaltj- and in tegrity of the .Soiitheru ]jeopie. 'Special attention will be paid to the news and mar ket departments. Full proceedings of the Legi.slaturc and all impor tant State jiap^is aiuoar in the Sei.tinel. Its circulation is b,* '*ved to be equal to any in the SSiie, if not the largest. lu advertising patronage is liirje and growing. The Daily and Wc'kly are now issued—the Semi- Wc-ekly will appe.a" i:i a sliort time. Ti'.rMs: Daily Sentinel, in adtauce. i'or jear, “ “ C:.:o:ith3, Semi-AVeekly, “ pet }-ear, “ ' " C inont/.s, V>"eel.Iy, " ner vec.r, “ " Gmrrth.s, March lo?6-diwt t S3 (10 6 00 6 00 2 60 3 00 1 60 AGEHTo ASTSD IN IS V i: n Y T o \v n j TO SELL Ti: LOWING Valuable S o u t li 0 : li Histories. SOUTHERN HISTORY of the WAR. B Y* E. A. POLLARD Editor Richmond Examinrr. 2 Vols. Svo.,ab.iut70‘J»:'i.Rcseach. $■$ 60 p r Vol. With 20 Spiendiel Steel Portraits. This is th* cn’y coTpiet > anff amhentic ) istorv of the Southern *iJe p-.bljjlieil, extei.dinr as it dors, from the bcir lining of the War to the final surrender of IheConfid- erate an- its. .Mr. Pollnrd’s tTomineat positl-'n in tlie Confederacy enab'e i him t* pr. p ire ; work unequalleil in accuracy ami ini', rest, and whicliis everywhere acknowledged to be the St)tndaril Southern M'siory. It should liud a place in every library. 11 Southern Generals: luejr LiVes and Campaigu.s. B V CAPr.'V. PARKER SNOW, With 17 Splendid Steel Portraits, 1 Vol , ‘•vn.; 600 Pages. #4.00. ContalnineBiogi-Hpliiesof tiiedisPnguished Southern Gen erals, with full and graphic a-cnunls of the. vari us '•ani- t'aik'ii* in wh'ch thev were eng.aged. It is a most im portant and interesting volume, and has been prepared with the utmost care and thoroughness. 111. Life, Services and Campaigns o F Stonewall Jackson: BV A VIRQiSlA.N. 1 Vol. l‘2nio ; !f25 pages; '*1.60. WITH A U T H B S T I 0 PORTR.»ITS OF JA^'ESON, and his Successor Ewell, on Steel This Is the onlv authentic hist ry of this dUtinguisfed I eader which has been written. It has been prerared f'om Official Reports, con’en po-ary nsrrativn and per sonal acquaiutance, and is complete and full. IV. The Raids and Romances O F Morgan and his Men; B y Mrs. 8AT.LY ROCHE:5TER FORD, Witli Steel Portrait (>f Gen., 1 Vol.. 12mo.; 425 'ag'S. $1.75. A coaip'ete hi'tory ot this dating officer, more th llllng and In.eresting than fiction. WOMEN OF THE SOUTH, Distin^nibhf-d in Jjiteralure, 1 Vrl., Sto. ; 611 pagi 8. $8.50. Illustrated with .'splendid Pai trails, on Steed, from Life, of Mme. Octavia Wai ws 1 E Vert, Miss M r a J. McUicsa, Mrs. Krs.A V»RTN -R .tOBNtOS, Mr?. / SNA Cora IDtchik, Miss Al gc.?ta J Ev ss, Mrs. L. Vir.Gisit F.rench, Masio.s Harlasd, •And coiiian n? full biog’a-lii'.ai sketches and specimen e'Tracts fiotu ihe m st Cc ebraUd wri Ings in presu and ver?“, Ilf '•“Women of the 35 Distinguished Li orary South.” .Al' tjTie at> ve wo’ks are l-.aving *>n immense sale and aeon » are doing a, leniiidi.v everywhere. Mary ari msking from $10 to Fif'etn Dni’sr- a day We want ar. aj.cut in ev ry t wn in tt'“ southern State? ReTurned Soldi, rs Lailie.-, Teachtra aud otbeis, will fiad this in'ft pr fitaMe er-p'.oynpent Exi’l'. sive ferr to y’given, and libe-ai induceTtn's eff- ertd t.a jaDvaa«ers. For full ptr Icn a'S. Rddr*-*? C. 3. KiCHARDSOX. I aiLivHEF.. .%a,i pi ')I,..v . N. Y. B. B; OF IDGl OKD. VA. A. ( I N. U . -M. MYERS OF N. U. 3fiIDGP0P;3 & MYEES, AUUT.ONKKRS. General ComnissicR dlL Y’orwarding^ M E K C H A -N T S. DOCK AND SEVENrEE.STR STEliETS, R1CH:?10a\JD, Va april 16, 1866— TEEMS OF eUBSCPIPriON: Dal'y edition, one year “ six m 'iitlis “ three muntbs.... ..$10 00 .. 6 Oi) .. i! 00 Tri-Weekly edit’on, one year |6 00 (i.'oDiain ng all the r, adingmatier of the daily.) : I'ri-Wiitkiy edition, six montiis * |3 O' ! “ “ Ih.' e luon lis 1 60 To any one transmit;iiig ui the name of ten Auhscri ber», accompantea will tae money, we will tend an au- d.tional Copy gratis. S'l^S^ Pus masters are respectfully requested to act at a)ieui.8. Address all comnunlcations to SNOW, C'''LYE t CO., (Successors to Gales Jr fjest, n,) Pu' 1 shers National Inte ligencer, Wa.diington, I). C. M»rch kO 141-1. CIKCULAS ; To THE Public : The urideiaigned lias now ready for the press a vol ume, the result of the lucubiatiou.s of many years, entitled a ‘-.Sliort Treati.seon Chronology in General, and especially on Classical Chronology.” The work is not intended to be a chronological chart, nor yet a collection of dates and synchronistic tables. The author’s aim has been to prepare a “Horu Book” of, Chronology, containing the leading principles, laws and facts of that .science. The FiKST PART treats of measuring time and ad justing its various divisions; the second of ii.ving date.s of historical events and arrang ng them m or der; and tlie tuikd, of misceilautous matters im portant to tlie chronoiogist. Lndek tue First Division are discussed the (lay, the week, the month, tiie year and certain cy cles used in computing the civil calendar and pre paring the Almanac; tlie origin, history, nature, character, and various sub-uivisions of each, espe cially among tlie ancients. U.NDER TUE SECOND DIVISION the methods of as certaining the dates or the time when they occutred; the actual dates of some important eras whose epochs are disputed; the most important epochs amt eras which have been e.nployed at diUerent tunes and by diderent natit ns, including those ■which are still in use; and t!ie actual date.s in the most promiiieiit cents in clatsicil cliroaoiogy. Under tue tuikd and division are consid ered the epochs and eras of less importance; a sketch of the chronology of India and China; the princi ples of the art of innemotecliyny as -applied to date.s, and the ditl'erent.sysu-ais of that art w-hich have been propounded. The author believes that a w-ork succe.-sfully exe- cuted upon, thia plstn, li. may not verj' inuc'i that is new, canuotbutbe u.scful aud profitable not only to the reading public, but also to tJie yoiuh of our cDuntry, in the acquisition of classical and hiatorical learning ; and history will be the study of this age; it must always be the'study of tlioiightful men in times of revolution and great political chan ges. such as our country is at present undergoing. The contributions of Xorth Carolina, and ot the Southern States of the U^nion generally, to -American literature, have heretotore been law. and for the most part, worthless. A few works of fiction and some fugitive poems include our past efforts; and with the excellent Latin (Iramniar, and tlie edition of Ctesar's Couimentarie.s, prepared for the press by Col. Bing ham—works the ve*y of their character wrich have ever fallen under our observation, and -ivhi .h, under more favorable circumstances, will y.:t wii. fir their author that high reputation in Lls'profes-sioa which he merits—our contributions to u.selul litera ture are of the very humblest character. Under such circumstances this book is, with some confidence, pre sented for public patronage. The author proposes to publish by subscription.— The cost of publication will be fifteen liundred dol lars. 01 a.uie. The book contains about two hun dred and fifty 12 mo. pages. It will be brought out ill the best style of one of our American pub lishers, as to tyj)e, paper and binding. The of single copies delivered will be S2.50. I’ereons desiring to sub.scribe can communicate with the undersigned at llaleigh, but subscription lists will be opened at various places of in Raleigh and other towns in the .State. Subscriptions will be required in cash as e.ssential to the succe-ss of the enterprise. Editors who will give this Circular a few insertions and foi-ward a copy of tlieir pajiers containing it to the author, will be furnished with a copy of the book. The volume will be placed in the hand.sof the pub lisher as soon as the author’s success is at all assured, and will be issued to subscribers a fewwe eks there after. E. graham HAYWOOD. Haleigh, X. C., Dec* 18, ’65# 1 dAw-tf. ] XrOTZCE. ALL those indebted to the estate of Col. James L, Woods, dec’d., are requested to come forward and make payment', and all those having claims against* the same, will make presentation of the same within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. D. B. WOOD.S, may 22-dlm Adm’r. orrzczAZi. PENSION AGENCY. The Government having resumed tho ex ecution of the pen.sion laws by establisliing iMnsion Agencies in the Southern States, we call the attention of those intorestfd to •in act of CongVesi authorizing the Secreta ry of the Interior to drop from the pension rolls the names of pensioners in these Stated and to ihe circular of the Commissioner of Pensions, giving the forms and instructions, in accordance with which application mav be made for restoration to the rolls by those who still claim the benefit of the pension laws. ^ The Pension Agency for the State of North Carolina has been established at Ral eigh and any information or assistance faciL iiaimg the claims of pensioners, may ’03 ob* minfd I'rora the agency by application to Dr. J. VN.Fage, Pension Agent, lUleigh. pensions in states UERETOFORE in INSUR- PECITO.N. In the executing of tho pen.-ipi> la'AS in ihe scveia! Si-jtvs hqretqfiir^ in— -arre«‘tion, the Secretary of the In'er.ordi- •cci- that attention tc caiiud lu the foiiow- ing act of Congress. ‘-.kN xVcT Kiuboiizing the Secretary of the Interior to strike from the |)en.s'ion rbiTs the names of such fei-sors as have taken up arms against the government, or who have in any manner encouraged ihe reb'> cis. it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America io Congres.s as-tembled. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby authorized and directed to strike from the pensiun rolls the names of all such persons as have or may hereafter take up arms against the government of the United State.s, or who have in any manner encour? aged toe rebels, or manifested a sympathv with t heir C6 use. “-Aj)pruved, February 4, 1862/’ In accordance with the provi?ion3 of this act, the names of all pensioners who have resided within the insurrectionary Slates during the rebellion, and whose pensions were payable at any one of tlie following places, viz : Richmond and Norfolk Ya.” /ayetteville and Morganton, N. U.^Cbarles-l ton, S. U./ Na-iLville, Knoxville, Jonesboro’ and Jackson, Tenn. 5 Jackson, Miss,; New Orleans, La. ; bavannah, Ga.; Jacksonville, Tallahasse and Pensacola, Fla.; Hunisville, Tuscaloosa and Mobile, Ala., and Little Rock and Port Gibson, Ark.; are hereby dropped from the pension rolls. Persons heretofore receiving pensions at the above named agencies, who still claim the bene*- fits of the pen.?ioQ laws, must make applica^ tion for re?toration to the rolls, with the .^Quisite evidence, in accordance with the forms and instructions published herewith. Joseph H. Barrett, Commiisioner of Pensions. June lO, IS65. Form of application for restoration to the pension rolls by persons whose names liave been dropped under the act of Feb. 4, 1862. State of County of y ss geon’i commission in the army. In no case I THE POSTAGE LAW. will an examination by unappointed civil For the convenience of our readers, many of surgeons be accepted, unless it is salisfacto- "whom are uninformed as to the present postal rily shown by the affidavit of one or more ' ^ ,.k , y , . . . i the existing regulations as published m tue Um- di.Mnterestea and credible witnesses, giving j States Mail the reasons tor such asfefYalion, that at an | letter postage prei'ayment. examination by a commissioned or dulv ap-1 • . , 11 /Y ■' L i The l.Tw requires the postage on all letters to pointed surgeori is impracticable. On such |by stamp fur stamped envelopes-p.ay- jiroof, the certificate of two unappointed civ- ; uieiit in money being prohibited. Ail drop let- il surgeons will be accepted in the same j U'rs must iilso be prepaid. The only letters on manner as heretofore’ Fees paid to unap- ?‘*7”*T*^ those ad- pointed examining surgeons will be paid di^ I luembcrs of C ongress, and letters on othcial busi rectly by Pension Agents, under prescribed [ no^s to the chiefs of the Executive Departments regulations, and not by the pensioner, (to be of the (loverniuens. the heads of bureaus, and afterwards refunded,) as under the act of aud others invested with the frank- j^g.7 ^ ingpnvilege. 2. Declarations.—All declarations of I , , • . ,, ^ . u The rates ot latter postage is three cents per ueclairaaiits residing within twcnty-liie j United States; and miles of any court of record must, wituout j three cents for each additional half ounce or frac- exception, be made before such court, or be- 1 tion tliereot. The ten cent racific rale is abol- fore some officer thereof having custody of . e . , , , T? ■^1 The rate of postage on drop letters Ls two cents its seal, ror the convenience ot ; ppj-ii.^it-ouuee or fraction thereof, at .all office.s residing more twenty-five miles distant I-where free delivery by carrier is established, from any court of record, officers qualified j 'Where such free delivery is not established, tho by lavv to administer oaths may be designa? ' rateisoue eeut. ted by the Commissioner of Pensions, before newspaper po.stage. whom Such declarations shall ba executed. 3. Increased Pensions in Certain Ca ses.—A pension of tweiitV'-five dollars per , Postage cn Daily papers to subscribers month is granted to those having lost both 1 when prepaid qmutorly or yearly in hands, or both eves in the mililarv seivice ! advance, eith»‘r at the mailing office of the United States, in the line of 'doty, and j twenty dollars per month to those who, un- i Six times perwek', per quarter, der the same conditions, shall have lost both D>r Tri-Weekly, “ feet, if such parties were entitled to a lower ! NunMYeeui, rate of pension un.icr llic .irt ot 1862 I ius rrc. kiy -NewmipoTs (ono copy only) oent by higher pen.Hon will Gate omy Irom the 4l.i I the p-.-blisher t . actual subscribers within the of July, 1S6I, in the case of pensioners al- ' county where printed and pnldished, frea. ready enrolled, or of applicants of discuargs j viarterly payments. eJ prior to ihst date. j Qnaucrlv postage cannot bo paid for lees than d rAMMi-vorMi-vT Prverr^va -.vitw ' sultseriptiou begins at ffillV 4. Lo-.lilncement of J en.ioN8 hu.n I official Applicants are Delayed wore than . quarter, the pustage roeoived bv the Post Master, The following is tho po.-^tage on newspapers, ■when sent from the olSco of publioutiou, to regu lar siibseribers: 35 cts. 30 “ 15 “ 10" On this- -dav of- -, A. D., one j thousand eiglit hundred and , personal- i ly appeared before me, [judge, clerk, or dep- uty clerk] of t!ie court in said Stale and county, the same being a court o ' rec ord, A. B. , aged —^ yeats, a resident of , in the State of , who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he [or she] is the identical A. B. who was a pensioner on the roll of the agency at , aud whoso pension ceriiticates is herewith retuined ; that he [or .^hejhas resided since fir.-t day oi’ January, A. D., 1861, as follows : [her name the place or places at whicli the applicant has resided ;] that during this peri-.d, liis [or her i means of sul sistence iuive been (liore name the employment or other means by which a livelihood has been gained ;) and that he has not borne arras against the government of the United Slates, or [i r she has not] in any manner encouraged the reb els, oi u.anifc.sted a sympathy wirii their cause; and that he (or she) was last paid his (or her) pension on the dav of , A. D , 18—. This application is made for the purpose of securing a restoration of his (or her) name to the pension lolls, and of obtaining a pension certificate, such as he [or she] may be entitled to under exffting- liiwi,, ic/ ference being made to tho evidence Irereto- fore filled in the Pension Office to substan tiate his (or her) original claim. | Also personally appeared and ! , lesidents of (county, city or i town,) persons whom I certify to lie re- ! -spedable and entitled to credit, and who, be- j ing bv me duly sworn, says tliat thev were present and sign his [or her] ivjine [or ^ make his mark] to the foregoing declaras | lion ; and tliey further swear tha' they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of the iippllcant and their acquaintance writh him, [or her] that he [or she] is the idenlis cal person he [or she] represents himself for herself] to be ; and tliey further swear that they have no interest in the prosecution of tbia claim. (Signatures of witne.sses.) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , A. D, 186—; and I hereby certify that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. (Signature of judge or other officer.) , instuctions. If the declarant, or any witness, signs by mark, the officer niu-t certify that the con tents of the paper were known to the affiant before signing. In every case the declaration or affidavit must either be signed by the affiant’s own hand or else by mark (X) Signing by aris other hand, when the p-aity is able to write, or without a mark when the party is unable to w’rite is wholly inadmissible. 'I'lie allegations made in the applicant’s deliberation must be sustained by tlie tes timony of two credible and di-interested witnesses, to be certified as such by ihooffi- cer before whom the lestiraoDv is taken. The applicant must also take and sub scribe tho oath prescribed in the recent am'- ne.-ty proclamation of the President of the United States, filling such an oath with the application for a new pension certificate, in the following terms : “I, , dosolemny swear (or af firm) in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the union of the Stairs thereun der ; that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the eemancipa- tion of slaves : So help me Cod.” If the applicant be an invalid pensioner he must be examined by an army surgeon, or by a surgeon duly appointed by this office, as to the continuance of bis disability. If a widow she must jirove, by two crtdiblp witnesses, her continued widowhood. Jf the girardian of a niiriur ch M, rie«!y ap- jioiuted, he must file evidence of his ap pointment as such. Atfemion is cspcciaHy dirreted to the following particu'ars in which nrevi us leg- is'ation and r)ffii-ia! practice have been mod ified uuder the piuviaions of iLe fore Toioii- act ; 1. Biennial Examinations.—The biens nia! examinations of invalid pensioners, rc- quire-J by the act of March 3, 1859, will hereafter be made by one surgeon only, if he is regularly appointed, or hold a sur- enp- lird, uuo equires son on whoie account the claim is made, the tious—ihat' is, fm- cno jaai’.or and a tlii pension, if alhiwe l, v'iil commence »t the j‘V'ai-tcr ami f.vo third-, arc. Th.o luiv only n date of filing the last iiaper in sniiiiort of .such ! ffua;-i‘ci-'.- postaire .-hall be pro claim. CUiins filed before July 4, i 864,' ['i/; f S mu.-'tbe prosecuted to a final issue Witlmi ' fure 1k‘prepaid at icopurtiomde r.-ites. Subscri- three years from that d.-itc. and tho^e filed ! l"'r^ can jiay t’ac pMstace I'nr a fraction of a quar- .'•ubsequentlv to July 4, 1S64, must be pros- ("i' a whole quai-tcr, by in , 1 . 5; I • ' • I • a i eluuinu the fra.-t-on with the !'o\t w Iiolc ciiar'cr edited to a final issue within five vears trum ' n, -i. ,, ^ , , , , -Ml' I I ami p.i\iiiu lot I'oiii ill tl''. the date of Iiung, or they w:il theicafter 1 e | diiviUd.Es to i-reLtsiiKus. rejected, in the absence of satisfactory evi- rnbli.-^her.s of New.qKipcr-;';iid I’l-ricdicals m.ny donee from the War Deparlnuiil to support ' other iruin lac.r n-.-jn-ctive (dhoes ot I'UiUK aUoit, tree o! po tiiiTe o::e ClI'pv of em li p-ub- ' TV ‘ » T> ' heation. ami may :i!.-o to eae'h aetual sub- 5. Widows 1 en.sIon not FBnf.V.'abLE ' scriber. im!osi-.i in their pnitlieat-on-- b-lls ami imi AFTER Remarriage —J ne leui.-irnage of a veee.pts for the same, fr.-aof p.i-timv.. 'J'hey may al-o -late (di t’.K’ir r'-spi'ctive i)ui lii-atioii.-, the ..iti. £iu'o:-enpt!oii e.\:iii-L‘o. lo be writca dtiiongn I printed. .small rATEKS. widow terdiin des all ch.iiLs to a penrion from the date of such remarr-agp, she msy .again tcoon c a widow. 6. Sp?:ci.vL Examination Pen.sioN-| hfidiginns, Udm .tiiomtl and Ag-;-enltnrnl News- ERs. —Special ox .oHu i- m of pensi.>nL-rs i lo.---, ir ■quoiilly will bo ordered at 'rn’i times as tlie i-iter- ' “J ■ ■ .1 • dress at tue r.’.ie ol one cent l>ir iM'-li package not Cbts OI tlie Govenniiiut may seem to re-| exceeding Ibiii-onnees in weiirbt, aiiJ an addition- quire : and such ex-^niiuHtioms, subject to an | charge of one eimt is nmde i’or each additional appeal to a board of liiree appointed pm-' fi’-^ction thereol, the postage lo bo •ii , 1 1 ill ' paid qiuirterlv or vearlv, in advance, geone, will take piececb.-nce ot ali previous ; ’ xuw.s'nr vi n*s examinations i -Vrin-c ... i . , • : I -News (.ealf-i.-may hcml new p.ipors aud pen 7. Pe.nsioNS TO UnenLI.sted Men, or odieals to regular Sidoeriiiers at‘the qnaiterly TO TIIEIR DepENDENT-S, IN CeRTAIN CasES. T> 1- 1 1 I u I • 1 ' al.-o receive i.iein troin publi>hers at .subsoribrr.-! —Persons disabled by woumls in bntie ■ rates. In both ca.-os the to bo nmi 1 wuile temporarily serving with any rcg.Har- firnor at tn.- ,.r .■.pl.L... P*' !y organizeii military or naval force of ilie |on tran.sient matter—book.s and United .Statc.s, since March 14, 1862, but not • r. . ttrci’lak.s. II I'll I ii • ! , 1 1>ooks, not over 1 ounce.' in wiurii^ to one jtiL regularlv enlisted, and tiie widow’?, depen- i -i .-.-.r a ,,,, ' ojoiipru , ^ -, . . (l^e.-^, .1 cents. o\er 4 ounce... amt not over dent mothers or sisters, or minor children | omiecs.H cents; over 8 oimees, -i d not over J:> under sixteen years of age, of those who, serving in like uiami.-r, have been, or may bo killed, are entitled, on satis.factory proof, to the benefits of the act of July 14, 18G‘2, on tliC conditions therein prescrihed. Proof of service, in cases ari.sing under the ninth section of the act of July 4,1864, must be furnished bv a commissioLed offi- cer under or with whom such unenli-ted person served, showing the nature, period j and circumstances of such service. Proof i ounces, PJ cent.-; over P-i ouiices, aud not u; t r 16 ounces, Iff cent-. Circulars, m.t exeecdinp tlirf e in number, to one addi'es.s, 2 eeiit.s; (iver thre,', a-nd not, u\ er six, 4 eeiit.s ; over .six. ami uo; over d oents; over 9 luid not exceeding! welve, 8 cents. i;i.-ci:llane has. On miscellaneous imiualjle matter embracing all pampiilet.'-, oce.a.-iona! publication--, transient new,'papers, haiid-ljiUs ami iiosters, book mann- seripts ami proo'-sboi-ts, whether eorrecled or not, maps and iti-iiils,eii‘rravinfrs, .-heel music, blanks, flexible iiatieni.-, samples and sample cards, pho J .1 ^ I toffraphic paper, letter enveloDo.s, postal enveloped as to the dnability or death of a person so wfapiier.s, cards, paper ;H'n or oniamental, serving must ba shown in the same manner, : ]»holutn-apbic representations of difleient tvpes, when practicable, or by the affidavits of two ; seed-, eutiiugs, huHi.-'.rooi.s, and .-cions, the post- non-commissioned officers or privates in the i by siamps. is cm one package to • , , one adilres.s not o\IT 4 ounces in weiirlit,2cents’ s-jrae .eryice, wiA evidence that ptoof b). a , 4 ..miees, .ami r.ol „ver,- ouncee, 4 oh commissioned onicer is impracticable. If er 9 ounces and not over 12 ounces, B cents ; over the officer furnishing such evidence is not at - ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 8 ceut.s. ling the time in the service, his certificate must be duly sworn to and his signature authen ticated. 8. Com.mencement of Widow’.s Pen sions IN Certain Cases.— When an appli- cant entitled to an invalid pension dies du ring the pendency of his claim leaving a wid now to be wrapped. All mail matter not sent at letter rates of podt age, embracing Ijooks, liook nianu.script.s, proof sheets, and other printed matter, and all other mail iiiatP.T, excejil seeds, iiuisi be .so wrapped or enveloped with open sides or ends as to enable tho postmaster to examine the package without de- stroyiugthe wrapjier; utherwife sueh packages ow or dependent relative onlitled lo-reeeive j a.pension by reason ot his service and death, i with any seeds, roots, cuttings or scion.-;, maps, such pension will commence from the date 1 engravings or other matter not printed, except at which the invalid pension would have ' commenced if admitted wL'l^i the claimant I clebs. was liviag. "Wliere packages of newspapers or periodical.? 9. EvIDENCEL of'MustsR-in.—In ac- areroceivedatanypvstofficcdirectedtoonead- dr(“-;s and the naiiios of thocinbof siib.scribers to which tlu-y belong, with tin* postage for a quar ter in advance s.hall In haiub-d to the po.-tuia,ster, he shall deliver the same to Ihidr respective owl- any case, but there must be positive record but this does not appiy to weekly newspa- - ■ ^ - pers, which circulate Ireo in the coontj’where printed and puldi.-hcd. pre-payment of transient matter. All tran.sient matter must be prepaid by stamps. But it it comes to the office of delivery without pre-payment, or short paid, the unpaid j>o.stage cordance with the eleventh section of the act of July 4, ] 864, evidence of the raus- tersin of the soldier will not be required in any case, but there must be positive record evidence, of service except in .such cases as are embraced within the provisions of the ninth section applies only to enlisted sold iers. Evidence of muster in the case of commissioned officers is still required. lo. Fees on Claim Agents—Claim i nuist be collected on delivery at double the p/e- agents are prohibited, under severe penalty, I , .... from receiving more timn ten dollais in a.l , j.avmcut of po-tag.-on printed matter .-cut to reg- fur their services in prosecuting any pension j idar .-ub.-eribers. So .;r.el) paper .should be de claim, or from receiving any part of such fee | liyered unic.-s it i.s eithi r pre-paid at the mailing in advance, or anv percentage of any i , . ,u ■ . ■. ' ft’’’- H not .-o prenaui, postma-^ters must collect claim, or ot any portion theicor, lor pension ; (., py ii-ai.-joni matter. If or bounty. I they fail they will he cbiirged with the full postago .11. Proof of MauBIagE of Colored due, andmelearcv..''orncg- Soldier’s Widows.— Jn establish the mar- liage of the alleged widow of any colored soldier, evidence of habitual recognition of the marriage relation between fhe partit.s for two years next precerl’iBg ihe soldier’s en listment, must be furnished hy fhe afii lHvit' of at least two cr di’de wi:ne--c- ; provided, however, i?such ; .'riics resided in any hit He in whicli their n.arria_e in ly have been le- j etiilv solemnized, the -j'U.ii evidence sh.-ill i be required, lue widow or cnii.lren. l ow—j ever, claiming the icned .s ol this [.rovision, j niU'i be free persons. j 12. Forms.—The forms heretofore pub- j lii-lred for applications ur.dc-r the act of July . 12, lt62.niay be used, with slight and obvi o»us mortificalioas, by applicants for the .«pe cial benefits of this sujiplanenlary act. Joseph H. Barrett, Commis-ioaer of Pensions, August 1,18C6. lect. writing on NEWSPAPERS. To inclose or conceal a letter, or other thing (except Idlhs and receipts for .-ubscripfion) in, or*to write or print anything, after it.- publication upon any new-p.-ipcr. pamphlet, magazine, or other prir.ti 'i ii!;iT!i*;-, i - illc-gii! and -ubj^-i ts'iich printf d matli i". aud the eiit.ri- package of which it is a part, to b tter i u. lage. Any w'ord o.- cciiiUiumc.ntion, whether by print ing. iiAirk.' or .-igu-. upon il;e cover or wrapper oi a Lew-paper, puiuphltt, magazine cr other ihaa theiiame ar.d addi'- -(.f the pereons to whom itia to be .'Ont.and the date when ^l;l.'Crip^icIl expires, subject the jiackagc to letter po-ti ge. SESTA UR^’T —THE.L’Bis(RIBLK.S ow t.ike {lieusiite in infoiminc the.r old u-toniL-r.', aud the public gentrally, that heir B.IK is now still kept up, 'and THK FINI-Sr LIQLORS that can be procured in the United States is kent bv them. THE KKFBFSHMENT SALOON will b daily .supplied with oy.-ters, .tnd neither pain will Le spared* to make it a first cl a Saloon. ^ hall & bMlDETB. Salis’oury, N". C., Murc’u SO, Iho6. V-d

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