HALVES & JlAIIIPTOi¥, Pub’s. & Pro’s. “The Old Worth State Forever.”—Gaston. Sin§:le Copies Five Cents VOL I. SALISBURY. K. C.. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1866. NUMBER 66 THE OLD NORTH STATE. [TRIWEEKLY.] Xiewis Banes 4b John S. Hampton. PUBLISHERS & PROPRIETORS.! LEWIS HANES, Editor. 5C?- RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ^ TBRnS-CASH IN ADVANCE. Tri-Weekly, One Tear Six Montlia, *• One Month, to.OO 3.00. 76 cts. [WEEELT.] Wee kly paper. One Year, • • - $ 3.00 “ “ Six months, • • 1.60 “ “ Ten copies One Year, • 22.00 “ “ Tweuiy copies, One Year, 40.00 A cross on the paper indicates the expiration of the subscription. The type on which the “Old North SriTE,” is printed is entirely new. No pains will be spared to make it a welcome visitor to every family. In order to do this we have en-'ai'ed the services of able and accomplished literary contributors. ADVERTISING- RATES. TRANSIENT BATES For all periods less than one month One Square, First insertion 11.00 Each-subsequent insertion 50 Contract rates for periods of one to four months. 1 MO. 2 MOS. 3 MOS. 4 MOS. 1 Square, 300 4 50 6 00 8 00 2 SouVs, 4 00 600 8 00 12 00 3 “ 5 00 7 50 10 50 13 00 4 “ 6 00 900 12 00 15 00 i Uolm’n 8 00 12 00 16 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 1 “ 15 00 22 50 28 00 :35 00 Special Contracts will be made with those who desire to adviertise for a longer term than four months. Court Notice.s and .Advertisements will be charged at the usual rates. Ten lines of solid minion type, or about one inch ieng:iiwi.se of the column, constitute a square. Special Notices, in leaded minion, will be con tracted for at the office, at not less than double the rate of ordinary advertisements. Inserted as reading matter, with approval of the editors, fifty cents per line. Advertisements inserted irregularly, or at intcr- * Tali cent, additional. The rates above printed are for standing adv tisements. One or two squares, changeable at discretion, 50 per cent additional. More than two squares, changeable at discre tion, per square of ten lines, for every change, twenti'-five cents. Five .squares estimated as a quarter column, and ten squares as a half column. Bills for ad vertising, whether by the day or year, will be considered cue and collectable on presentatiou. miiscellancons Advertisements. N. C. R. R. Company. ENG. & SDP’TS. OFFICE, Company Shops, JuneTth, 1866. CHANGE OF TIME. Oti and after June, 10th, 1866, Trains will run as follows : aozzra wbst. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Goldsboro’, 12 30 p. M. “ Raleigh, 345 “ “ Hillsboro’, 5 28 “ “ Greensboro’, 7 40 “ “ Salisbury, 1010 ‘ Arrive at Charlotte, 12 35 a tn FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Leave Goldsboro’, 12 00 p. M. “ Raleigh, 4 50 a. m *• Hillsb^oro’, 8 27 “ “ Greensboro’, 1 00 p. M. “ Salisbury 5 30 “ .tirrive at Charlotte, 9 00 “ O O I B a S A ST . MAIL TRAIN. Lfave Charlotte, 11 15 p. M. “ Salisbury, 126 a.m. “ Greensboro’,. 4 10 “ “ Hillsboro’, 6 31 “ “ Raleigh 8 30 “ Arrive at Goldsboro’, 11 20 “ B’REIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Lea^ e Charlotte,. 4 30 A. M. “ Salisbury, 8 55 “ “ Greensboro’, 1 10 p. M. “ Hillsboro’, 5 25 “ “ Raleigh, 9 45 “ Arrive at Goldsboro’, 2 15 a. m. Ma il Train connects at Raleigh with Raleigh & Gaston Trains for the North. At Golds boro’, with Wilmington and W^eldon, and At lantic (k N. C. Trains. Accommodation Train runs daily, (Sundays excepted,) connecting with Wilmington & Weld'ou Trains. Thc're is no Sunday Train going North from Weldon to Portsmouth ; passengers arriving at W eldon on that day can go immediately through via Petersburg and Richmond. , E. WILKES. June, 9, ’66-dtf Eng. d- Supt. Prospec tus. THE PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH l'aroliua Presbyterian will be resumed in Fay etteville, on Wednesday, the 2nd of January next. Confidently relying on the hearty support which we have heretofore received, w’e shall endeavor to render the paper more attractive both in appearance and matter, than it has ever b^n, sparing neither pains nor expense in the accomplishment of this purpose. With the passing away of old things, a new' spirit of activity, energy and enterprise, has been infused into every department of secular thought and business. Why should not the Church, also, partake of the progressive ad vancement? Why should she, of ail the agencies, brought to bear with such tremen- duous force upon the civilization of the pres ent time, be inefficient, laggard and almost hopeless, in the w'orking out of her own des tiny.? To arouse the church to the importance and necessity of w'ork; of unceasing, restless, tire less energy in the service of her Master and Head ; this shall be our first chiefest aim. In this we need assistance. We are not alone, sufficient fur these things. Our brethren must help us in every way; by contributions from their own stores of thought and study ; by zealous co-operation in a common cause, for the benefit of all; by extending our circulation throughout all our borders, and thus giving us the means and opportunity of performing well the work to which w'e have consecrated all that we have, and all we hope for on the earth. TERMS. Subscription for one year, $4 00 “ “ six months, 2 00 Address B. FULLER. Editor o the N. C Presbyterian. B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., Commission Merchiants, R :4 L E I G M, Ni C. L on Commission Cotton Tarns, Sheetings, Bf'.eon, Flour, Lard, Dried Fruits, Whiskey, Brandy, and all kindsnf country produce. They also keep constantly on hand for sale, Plows, Hoes, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Com Shel- lers,! ind all kinds of Agricultural Implements, ilard .vare, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de script ion. They respectfully solicit consignments from Farmers and others, in the western part of the State, and pledge themselves to give their best attention to all orders and consignments entrast- ed to them. Beg 1 o refer to McCubbin Foster A' Co., Salis bury, Tod. K. Caldwell, Pres’t., N. C. R. R. Mor- gantou, J. A. Rosebro, Statesville. april 1,’66. noltf SC «I.E OF DEFRECI.4TION. The following bill passed during the present ses sion : A bill to be entitled An Act to establish a Scale of Depreciation of Confederate Currency- _ W HERExs, By an ordinance of the Convention, en titled “An ordinance declaring what laws and ordi nances are in force, and for other puiposes,” ratified on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1866, it is made the duty of the General Assembly to provide a scale of depreciation ot the Confederate currency from the time of its first issue to the end of the war; and it is further therein declared that “all executory contracts, solvable in money, whether under seal or not, made after the depreciation of said currency before the 1st day of May, 1866, and yet unfilled, (except official bonds and penal bonds payable to the State,) shall be deemed to have been made with the understanding that they were solvable in money of the said curren cy,” subject nevertheless to evidence of a different in tent of the parties to the contract; therefore, “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same," That the following scale of depreciation be and the same is hereby adopted and established asthe measure of value of one gold dollar in Confederate currency, for each mouth, and the fractional parts of the month of December, 1864, from the 1st day of November 1861, to the 1st day of May, 1866, to wit: “Scale of depreciation of Confederate Cnrrenc}', the gold dollars being the unit and measure of value, from Nov. Ist 1861, to May 1, 1865.” Months. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865 January, February, March, April, May, Jane, July, August, September, October, November, December, — 1120 $300 $2100 $60 0(t — 1 30 3 00 2100 50 00 — 160 4 00 2300 60 00 — 1 60 600 2000 lOOOO — IBO 160 19 00 — ~ 160 6 60 18 00 — — 1 60 9 00 21 00 — — 1 60 1400 23 00 — — 2 00 1400 26 00 — — 2 00 1400 26 00 — $110 2 50 15 30 30 00 — 115 260 SO 00 — — Dec. i to 10th inclu sive. 35 00 “ 10th to 20th, “ 45 00 Ist to 31st, “ 49 00 And whereas, many grave and difficult disputes may arise between executors, administrators, guar dians and trustees, and their legatees distributees, wards and cestuysque trust, in the settlement of their accounts and trusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate currency, State treasury notes and bank notes, incident to and growing out of the late war; and that law suits and expensive litigation maybe obviated, Be it therefore enacted, That in all such cases, the parties are hereby empowered to form n full and per fect statement of the case on both siden which case shall be submitted to the determination of one of the judges of the Superior Courts, chosen by the parties, who is hereby authorized to consider and determine the same, according to eqnity and good conscience: Provided, however. That no part of this section shall be construed to stop or hinder any person from pro ceeding in the usual course of law, if he shall deem the same necessary. A true copy. J. A. ENGELHARD. Clerk of Senate. Miscellaneous Advertisements. PROSPECTUS OF THE BUTHEBFOBB STAB 1 FOR RENT. A good Dwelling House in one of the best neighborhoods of the City, for par ticular?! apply to L. H. BEARD. June 4, ’66. d2w no56 THE WEEKLY “OLD NORTH STATE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C., BY JAMES W. OSBORNE. RUFUS BARRINGER, OSBORNE & BARRINGER. ATTOB.UB'S'S AT LAW, CHARLOTTE. N. C. AVILL practice in the counties of Rowan, Cabarrus, Union, Iredell, Mecklengburg, Stanly, Lincoln and Gaston ; also in the Su preme and Federal Courts of the State. Office in the Brick Building near the Court House, up stairs, may 9, !66-tf. Real Estate for Sale. By an order of the County Court of Rowan, Issued at May Term, 1866,1 will sell on Saturday lOth day of June next, the lot cn which the late John Correll lived, known as lot No. 21, in the South Ward of the town of Saliabu- rj- TERMS—6 months credit with interest from date, purchaser making a satisfactory note. Sale to take place on the premises. J. S- MrClTRBINS, May 32 d— Adm'i. HANES k HAHFTON, CONTAINS AH the Latest News, REVIEW OP THE ITIARKETS, ETC., ETC., AND FRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL PE KEPT POSTED I.>I ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY BY SUBSCRIBING TO THE WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE. TERMS -CASH IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAR, - . - $3 00 SIX MONTHS, - - - I 50 HAHE8 k HAMPTON. Publishers A Proprietors. lewis HANES. JOHN S. HAMPTON, march 30— W B DICKS, WITH BRANSON k . FARRAR, would r.,spectfully loform b!a old friends and patrons of Salisbury and vicinity, that be is again engaged in the Book-binding busi ness in Raleigh, N. C., where he is anxious to re ceive their former patronage. All work sent to him will be attended to with promptness, and satisfaction guaranteed. He is prepared to do binding in all its branches and in various styles. Persons wishing to supply themselves with Books and Stationery of all kinds, can be supplied by ad dressing Mes.srH. Branson & Farrar Booksellers, Publisher? and Binders. Raleigh, N- l-dtf r —V , THE Saturday l^ening Post. HEW LIFE, TALENT AXD ENERGY. The Undersigned propose to jjublish, in the village of Rutherfordton, a weekly Newspaper to be called “The Rutherford fttar.’’ It is our desire to make The Star a wel come visitor to all those who feel an interest in the prosperity and welfar e of our country as a whole, and the perpetuity of our institu tions, as handed down to ns by our noble an- cesty, a Federal Republican (government. Our people have but lately emerged from a gigantic civil war, waged by and between Sections of a ones glorious Union, and more desolating to our particular section, than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, and it is to be hoped, than ever will again. While there is life there is hope, and not- •withstanding the great changes wrought by the late civil w'ar, we shall encourage the peo ple to honesty, industry and economy, we shall take special pains to keep them posted with all beneficial improvements of the age, so that they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We shall from time to time publish such laws, both State and National, as our people are directly concerned in, and shall likewise use our influence to establish a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. We shall be governed by principles and not men, for according to our honest conviction, the present condition of our country is owing to the abandonment of principles, we mean the abandonment of those fundamental prin ciples upon which the Government of the Uni ted States was reared. AVe shall favor and encourage the develop ment of all our resources. Agricultural, Min eral Ac., and likewise such internal improve ments as will most likely be beneficial to the Country, and especially the extension of the Wilmington, Charlottee and Rutherford Rail Road west. As to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the South, nor the Radicals of the North, but in the Constitution, the Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and w'illing obedience to the same. The Star will be published every Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly ^in ad vance,) payable in currency or produce at market prices. , One copy 12 montbs; $2.00 “ “ 6 “ I.OO J. B. CARPENTER, R. W. LOGAN. April 18th, ’66. d tf. SPLENDID ABBAT OP CONTSIBUTOR3. VaSDRrxIBIO AHD UXSDRrXSSlBLB. Mr«. Bella Z. Ppencer h^vln« purchased an Interest In THE .SATURDAY EVENING POST, and Mr. Edmund Deacon having retin d from the paper, THE POST p.ssed into the management ora NEW tlKM, who sre determ ined to infuse Kresh I ife, Talent and Kne-gy into its col umns. The opular novelist, EMMERSON BENNETT, Author of “Prairie Flower," “The Refugees,” “Clara Moreland,” Ac.,Ac..has been engvged, at a great expense, as a regolar contributor, ai.d will WRITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE POST. Mr. Bennett will begin a continued story in the first number of the new year. It will be called TBE PHANTOM OP THE FO'iEST ; A TALE OF THE BACEWOCDa. This story will run throug'' from twelve to fifteen num bers, and be a story of the early settlement of Kentu ky, including adveo ures with the Indians in that romantic region, which was generally called by the pioneers of civ ilization “the Clark and bloody ground.” The Post is edited by Mrs. BELLA Z. SPENCSB, who will also contribute a continue i story in the course of the year, entitled GENEVIEVE HOWE Our eolumnii will be further supplied with original con- tribulious by SPLICNDID LIST OP OONTRfBUTORS All the depa rtro-nt'- of the paper will he fill'd. ns far as possible, with ORIGINAL Matter. The old friends of THE POST—some of whom have sto'd by it during the sunshine and storms of forty years—will thus see that we are de'ermine d to be UN8CIRPASSED BY ANY COMPETITOR; and in view c f these freso and costiy-efforts and brilliant inducement*, we trust to h’ve their warm exertions in our behalf, and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OF A GENEROUS PUBLIC. A SEWING MACHINE FREMIPM. _ We will give on- • f WHEELER A WILSON’S Ceiebraed SEWING MACHINES—the regular price of which is Fiffy-five Do lar.—on the lollowing terms. 1. Twenty copies, one year, and the Machine, $70.00 2. Thirty copies, one year, and Machine, Sh.OO 8. Forty copies, one year, and Machine, . 100.00 TERMS—Caatai In Advance. One copy, one year, f2 50 Two copies, one year, 4.00 Pfur copies, one year, 8 00 S cr,piea 1 year and one to ge'ter up of cluh, 16.00 20 cop'e', I year, and one to getter-up of c ub, 36.00 The papers for a Club may be sent to different poktv-offi- ces. Subscribers in British North America must remit twenty c-nts in addition to the annual subscrlptiou, as we have to preray the U. S. postage on their pap> r . Remittances should be made in Post Office Orders when possible. If nut, in United State notes—or Draf's, pay able to our or'er. wh'ch a-e profe' abb to the notes. Specimen numbers of THE POST sent gratis. Address HENRY FETER ON A '0., No. 891‘Walnut St. Philadelphia. A THOROUGH Fmv MEDICINE !y ‘Qreat Oaks from little acorns Grow.' The worst diseases known, to the human race spring from cavses so small as to al most defy detection. The volumes of scien • tific lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elaborate these facts. Then guard yourselves while you may. The smallest pimple on the skin is a tell tale and indicator of disease. It may fade and die away from the surface of the body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. Maggiel’s Billious, Dyspeptic and Diarrhea Pills cure where ail others fail. While for Bums, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, Maggiel’s Salve is infallible. Sold by J. Maogiel, 43 Ful ton street, New York, and all Dnigrists' at 25 cents per box, ao2 dJy. Yadkin College, IVrEAR THE YADKIN RIY'ER-NINE iV MILES FROM LEXINGTON. N. C. This Institution, unfier its charter as a College, was revived on the 16th of January 1866, and supplied, by a resolution of the Trustees, with a corps ol experien ced Teachers; so that now, with its cheap boarding arrangements, it offers to male pupils every educa tional facility, from the primary department to a full college course, upon more favorable terms perhaps, than any academy or college in the State. BKAi rAVILliA FEMALE SEMINARY, Three quartei-s of a mile from Yadkin College, and entirely separate from it, now offers, in its boarding arrangements in the family of the Rev. G. W, Hege, and in its scientific and literary departments, unusual attractions to young ladies who desire to acquire a finished education, embracing music, and other fem inine accomplishments. For brief circulars giving particulars in relation to either the College or the Seminary, address the REV. G. W. HEGE, A. M., OK J. M. NEWSON, Yadkin College, via Lexington, N. C. March 30, 1866. 1-dAwlm THE DAILY EXPRESS, FETEESBURG, VA H.\S ENTERED upon its fifteenth year, in an en larged form, with new type, under auspi es highly fiattering. It has a large and daily increasing cir culation, and offers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern pnblic, advanta ges Burpaesed bv none. ADVERTISING RATES: ONE SQUABE Two weeks, $5 00 One month. $6 00 Two months, 10 00 Three months, 15 00 Six months, 24 00 One Year, 40 00 TWO SQUARES Two weeks, 510 00 One month, $12 00 Two montha, 16 00 Three months, 18 00 Six monthfi, 30 00 One Year. 60 00 SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Single copy, 6 cts. One month, 75 cts. Three months, $2, Six months, $.3, One year, $6. Address A. F. CRUTCHFIELD A'CO., mar 29—d4Tr2w Petersbera. Vt. i Mercantile Advertisements. NEW FIRM IN SALISBURY! J. W. GRAY, & CO. rTAVE Just received and opened a4i*No. 2, Mnr- phy’s Granite building, a new and Splendid Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, ich they will sell for cath or barter, only, lows, A large and beantifal assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. A large assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youth’s and Boj ’s Goods, Ladies Summer "Wrappings, Ladies’ Misses, and Children’s Trimmed Hats, new shapes, Ladio.s, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Eibbons, Gloves, Hosiery, ic., «tc. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Childrens Hats, of ___ every variety for summer wear. Crockery and Glassware, Wood and willow ware. Also, 5 Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shortest notice. The Drug department 'will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wise be obtained on the same terms. The above stock of Goods, having been pur chased since the late heavy decline of prices in the Northern Cities, will be sold as LOW as they can possibly be bought in this market. P. R. Martin, invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to give him a call when visiting this market- J. W. GRAY, P. E. MARTIN, J. McGUIRE. Salisbury, N. C., April 2, ’66. tf-nol. The Wide World. AN ENTERTAINING, INSTRUCTIVE AND SPICY FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is the design of the Publishers to make the Wide World acceptable to all classes of readers. Its columns will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also, Amusing and Dangerous Ad ventures, Translations, Historical Remini scences, Sketches of aU kinds. Poetry, Wit, Humor, etc., etc., combining a vast amount of information on thousands of subjects that are of interest profit and amusement to the general reader. Editorials and News, touch ing all the leading and important occurrences of the day, will be found in its columns. Terms of Publication in Advance. $3.(K) Per Annum. Single copies may be had of all newsdeal ers, price Seven cents. All communications intended for the columns of the Wide World, or containing Subscriptions, should he addressed J. H. BRKJHAM & FERNALD, Publishers of the Wide World, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. State ot* ]¥orth Carolina, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, March 31, 1866. To Holders of Coupons of North-Carolhui Bonds. BY ACT OF THE (GENERAL ASSEM- bly of North-CaroHna, ratified Mar. 10,1866, I am directed to prepare and sell for not less than par bonds of the State running thirty- four years, with Coupons hearing six per cent, interest, payable semi-aanually, ofthedenom. ination of $100, $.5(X), and $1,(XK), principal and interest untaxable, for the purpose of pay ing coupons now due and to become due in 1866, and bonds due and to fall due in 1866. By authority vested in the Public Treasurer, I designate New Y'ork as the place of payment. Parties entitled, desirous of effecting the ex change authorized in said Act, will please com municate to me at once the amount and char acter of the securities which they wish to be funded, in order that I may know the number and denomination of the bonds which will be required. After the engraver shall furnish the blanks, the bonds will he prepared for issue with little delay. Under advice of the -\ttorney General, Cou pons of bonds issued since, but under acts passed before May 20th, 1861, will be funded under the act of March 10th, 1866, provided their identity is established, by being cut from the bonds in my presence, a provision neces sary on account of the similarity to other Cou pons, issued since May 20th, 1861. KE.YiP P. BATTLE. nol3 dlw. Public Treasurer. FOR SALE ! One Ambulance and Barness, One Horse and Buggy, One Saddle. One Side Sad dle, One Chamber Set, consisting of Bureau with Glass, Toilet Table, Wash Stand, Chairs, French Bedstead, &c. Two Carpets and oth er Household furniture, for sale Cheap. Enquire of Capt. CHAS. EMERY. ?alish:;ry. May '29. 186.5. .51—dif GET THE BET INVENTORS, MECHANICS, MANUFACTURERS. 1866! 1866! 1866! The best paper in the United States for Mechanics. Inventors and Machinists, is the Scientific American. li is the largest in size, and has by fivr the wi dest circulation of any other paper of its class in the country. It is published weekly. Each number contains sixteen pages, with numer ous illustrations. The numbers for a year make two volumes. 416 pages each. It also Contains a full account of all the principal in ventions and discoveries of the day. Also, valuable illustrated articles upon tools and ma chinery used in workshops manufactories, steam and mechanical engineering, woolen, cotton, chemical, petroleum, and all other manufacturing and producing interests. Also, Firearms. War Implements, Ordnance-, War Vessels, Railway, Machinery, Electric, Chem ical and Mathematical apparatus. Wood and Lumber Machinery, Hydraulics, Oil and Wa ter Pumps, Water Wheels, etc.. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements—this lat ter department being very full and of great value to Farmers and Gardeners. Articles embracing every department of Popular Science, which every body can under stand and which every body likes to read. Also, Reports of Scientific Societies, at home and abroad; Patent Law Decisions and Dis cussions, Practical Recipes, etc. It also con tains an official list of all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great value to inventors and owners of Patents. The Publishers also act as Agents for pro curing Patents for new inventions. A new volume of the Scientific American, commenced January 1. TERMS—$3 per year ; $150 for six months. Ten copies for one year, $25. Canada sub scriptions 25 cents extra. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. Address MUNN & CO., No. 37, Park Row, New York. ‘The Sunday School Banner." r A NEW ENTERPRISE! The Undersigned, Themselves Members of the Sabbath School, propose to commence in the city of Raleigh, on or about the 1st of next May, “THE SUNDAY SCHO?)L BANNER.” And in the commencement of this little work of love,, l>»utig bpye, oursidvcs, may vo Vot appeal to every SunJlay Scho.'i boy, arid girl in North Carolina to^come up promptly to aid the undertaking. In ourowm State, there are very many Sabbath Schools, and from the best information we have, the scholarship is ( large and increasing, and it is from them we ■ look for that patronage which is necessary to improve and keep floating, this native staa- dard which we propose for their benefit. It is not for pecuniary gain that the “Banner, ’ is established ; it has for its aim higher ob jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise, i. null be to us in after life a source of great sat isfaction to know that, in our boyhood days, we gave a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the preparatory Schools for places of high trust and position, in the work of our Heaven ly Father. Its name sufficiently indicates the object which is to control its editorial conduct. There is necessity however for the remark that it will not be denominational, but alike open to all the Sabbath Schools of this State for con tributions, in which there is no spice of secta rianism. The “B.\nker*’ will be issued monthly on handsome type, clear white paper and will contain fourteen columns reading matter, quar to length. W e trust sufficient encouragement may bo offered to justify the undertaking. TERMS—IN ADVANCE : 1 copy twelve months.. 30 2 “ “ “ 50 5 “ “ “ 100 10 “ “ “ ........ 2(X) 20 “ “ “ 350 Any person sending ns a club of 20 for threo dollars and a half will receive one copy gratis. W. J. EDWARDS, Z. T. BROUGHTON, nol6dtf Publishers. The Aew A'ork Times. Enlargement of the Daily, Seyni-Weekly and Weekly Times. The Largest and Cheapest Paper in the United States. rpHE NEIY YORK TIMES HAS BEEN EN- largod to the size of the London Times. Each number contains eight pages of seven columns each—or fixty-six columns in all—ma king it the largest newspaper in the United Staites. The T imes will contain regularly: Full Congressional Reports; Reports of the Ijegislature ; Metsages and Public Documents; Reports of Courts and Public Meetings ; European News in Fidl ; Foreign and Domestic Correspond deuce ; Netrs from all parts of the world. Politico! and General Editorials ; Lit erary News, Selections and Miscellany. Everything possible will he done to make the Times the most valuable and interc.sting Familv Newc;paper in the United States. Its price •wiil remain unchanged, in spite of the fact that its size and contents have been increased one-fourth The following are the prices of the several edi- tions, payable in all cases in advance. These prices are invariable. Club rates arc dis- continued. TTe have no travelling Agents. Re mit in Cheeks or Post Office Money Orders if pos- riblc. Address H J. RAYMOND (t CO. ijirfi-dlra Times Office, New York / 1