HAttBS A HAMTTOm, rwwL d tTYt . Tfco tM n : - Wglc Jolea r t,cf VOLT. SALISBURY, N. (rTOXBpGTTT I 1 : -1, isr,(,. NUMBER 67 fill' OLD NORTH STATE. fTRI-WEEKLY.) Lewis Bane 4i John . I'USLWHEBS PBOPRinOU. UEWII EABU. Wr- rr bath or subscription. 43 Tiat-atM m asttabjcb. Tri-Wsekly, Tew . . 88.00 s.uu. Wets. WlKiT One Yer . Six months. Wkly 3.1" t.M Ten copies Om Ter. n .00 Twenty copies. One Year. 0.00 A eniM X on the paper indicate the expiration of tat tabaonpMea. The type on which the "Old Nobtm .Stats. U mted u entirely new. No pain will be pred to jo tin we have engaged the aerricea or able and .naliahed literary contributors. ay riK I INI nJlv KrA'l"l-: TRAXSIKXT RATES For all period, leu than one montbj; c M S(uare. First iiwrtiou 11.00 fariiabeeqnent insertion 60 tualract rate for period of one to few month. 1 MO. 2 MO. 3 MOB. 4 MOB. 3 IX) 4 50 6 00 8 00 4 00 6 00 800 12 00 5 00 7 50 10 50 13 00 6 00 9 00 12 00 15 00 8 00 12 00 16 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 23 00 15 00 22 50 28 00 35 00 Niuare. "1" " ! f I l i. Mini ii SpeeiaK'ontracU will be made with thoae who dewa! ...-"ll.-. MM IIUIILM irilll IIIAH llTlll lUHIIMin Court Notice and Advertisements will J Ten lines of solid minion typo, or .about OM . U 1 . 1 J t . ! . 1 -- . - Special Notice, in leaded miuion, will be con- fatthe office, at not less than double rate of ordinary advertisements. Inserted as rending matter, with approval of AdriTtiseaieuts iuserted irregularly, oral inter- us, - i-riii. ouujuoiiui. The rates above printed ore for standing adver- One or two squares, changeable at discretion. More than two squares, changeable at ditcra- ' t r.nro onra r: re squares estimated as a quarter column. viMJiiuat n uLKua iij I " V nJ Ma y t s s .amr. l' '. an . a .... TiifitrMfi lino unn ii n.'ro t n nn ii-al.,i i n , ,i Prospectus. THE PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH aroiina riesb ytenaa will be resumed in r av- u.. .in.-, uu r cuuesuay, me .uu oi jauuary Confidently relying on the hearty support th in appearance and matter, than it has T ''- ' i uu - I lBfaH MVS V J" ine a-xonaplifihiiaent of thie purpose. With the pafisiug away of old things, a new ni oi activity, energy and enterprise,, has U lllnmsil intrt cvoru rionarf munt at unlap i "wwi j"i ,tii vi iuq inoaicoivc swaa ... ..s. . r , iit ouvuiu ouv vi aa ,uw utUUMUL Ul UKUU Wtwll IUUU UB1UVU- t time, be meffieient, laggard and almost --m a miq nuiiuiiu vu vi uci v a un.m To arouse the church to the importance and sity of work ; of unceasing, restless, ure- enerirv in Ihn ejirviiu hr M alr and ad ; this shall be our first chiefest aim. In " we need assistance. VV e are not alone, fficient for these things. Our brethren most P us m tjvery way ; by contributions from I' Wn .1 .1.. rj tt. ... rn. ...4. Ms mi asitosi . mm mmmy r- r-m 1 uiBjia sjajanvm sac m wiuiuvh wu.-r , ivi benefit of all -K by extending oar circulation .t,r ' " r . -. . :- iiie funi nnn nnruiri in v fir nirr, trtiiinir ell the work to which we have consecrated that We have, and all we hone for oh the . yy. --- I I . Ii Mr ix monuia, w -BaMBs De r 1 J IjljiX. '.'..'V.. . TJi iu i t i 1? IiAtw ilah5l?lO"''"TlEiit CHARLOTTE. N. C. L Practice in tho luiml'iM of D,..,n 8IX rua. Union", frin mli i.. ' . " " uu "asiou : atso in tne n- , . i, nr., n n .J ' a 1 , .i n OfBoe in tli. n.t :u: -t - mi i.i uru or m. .Mai. r i .. . . . LOT JOHN Real Estate for Sale. UT hit i in in, a. -r . .. . MEnrinvft i , k nn r Mrdw 16A daw of J, m,rt m Use "NMJLIi M jAPd rtf f in t t . t: . I T - -vwb Ul rttUWM- laontlH fWift with infers f ' - -t iivoi uir, 10 place on'htpremiar. i naT a RirisaTii ims mi J. B. mcCTRR:xs. tUeellaneons Advertisements. I lk ok DBra.wiATl ItKfceellaneeiu Advertisements, i Mercantile Advertisements. GET THE BEST N. C. R. R. Company. .. A SI P'fS. OFFICE, OoMPAjnr Snors, June 7th, 1816. CHANGE OF TIME. cm cm after June 10M. tott rwn u follows : tout was. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Croldsboro' 12 30 p. m " Raleigh 345 " " HiUBboro' 528 " " Greensboro' 7 40 " " Salisbury, ,..1010 Arrive at Charlotte, 1235 a m FREIGHT ami ACCOMMODATION. Leave Goldaboro',. . Raleiffh .12 00 p. . .VI A. . 8 27 ' . 1 00p. .5 30 . 900 Hilbboro',... " Greensboro',. Salisbury. . . . Arrive at Charlotte. . . OOINO BAST. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte 11 15 p. m - Salisbury 1 26 A. M. " Greensboro' 4 10 " Hilbboro', 6:31 " " Raleigh 8 30 " Arrive at Goldsboro', ;1120 ' FKEIGHT AM) ACCOMMODATION. Leave Charlotte 4 30 A. M. " Salisbury......... 8 55 " " Greensboro' 1 10 p. m. " HUbburo', 5 25 " " Raleigh 9 45 " Arrive at Goldsboro', 2 15 A. M. Mail Train connects at Raleigh with Raleigh ic Gaston Trains for the North. At Golds bnro', with Wilmington and YVeldon, and At lantic & N. C Trains. Accommodation Train runs daily, (Sundays excepted,) connecting with Wilmington & WeMon Trains. There is no Sunday Train going North from Weldon to Portsmouth ; passengers arriving at Weldon on that day can go immediately through via Petersburg and Richmond. E. WILKES. June, 9. Emg. t Supt. 1 ''" ' 1 B. P. WILLI AMS0N & CO., omniiooioii raterckan I. H A L E I 6 H, N. C. SELL on Commission Cotton Yarns, Sheetings; Bacon. Flour, Laid, Dried Fruits, Wlnsfcey, Brandy, and all kinds or country produce. They also keep constantly on band for sale, Flows, Hoes, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Corn Shel ters, and all kinds of Agricultural Implement?, Hardware, Tin are, ana Urucenes oi every de scriDtiun. They respectfully solicit consignments from Farmers and others, in tne western part oi me State, and pledge themselves to give their best attention to all orders and consignments entrust ed to them. """" 7S Beg to refer to McCubbin Foster Co., Salis bury, Tod. K. Caldwell, Pres't , N. C. R. K. Mor ganton, J. A. Bosebro, Statesville. 1 aprill.-eo. noltf FOR RENT. A gciosi Dwelling House in one of the best neighborhoods of the City, for par ticulars apply to L.H. BEARD. Jane 4, '66. d2w no56 THE WEE "OLD NORTH STATE. PUBLISHED EVERY FBIDAT, AT 8AL 1S10BT, . C. 1 ii a kptori, N'TAINS latest Hews, KKVIEW OF TUB miRKETS, ETC, BT.. AND PRINTED Iff THE BEST STYLE. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL BE KEPT POSTED I ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY BY SUBSCRIBING T" WTnTtTliIof" CO All the ONE YEAR, - . . f3 00 MONTHS, - 1 50 HAMPT0 W PBblisaars Proprietor, HAN'rX 8. UAMiTOJJ, march 30 H BICBl WITH SB AMBON A Tf . ByASIRsABL wH narpeeifaBy lofr-rw hi, oldlfrlenda aad patrons of Salrsbnry and tieinity. th'at:tet, arart engsgedinto Rook-btndiag buai nea, in Raieig, V. C. Where he is anxions to re eajp taelr BasssBr parraaap All werk asat to him will be attended to with uiuaaatnue,, aad ratisfacti gnaraasced. He is prepared tn do bindii g in all it braarbaa and la vanoos "dyle. Perann aattag to raaaty Iball' I S with Rook, and ut.oriery of all kiuda, can-1 aapplied by ad- a rarrir Boomien, 1 'iivn iui rai uaMM vavaBBkaaa awa naBBBBl A bill to be entitled An Act to establish Depreciation or Confederal, Currency. WnTSlSaa, By aa ordinance of the Com HUM "An orainanoa declaring what I nance are m lorce. anil for otlier on the 18th day of October. A. 0. dmy r the Uencral Anpaunbly to provide .pi .iii.iii ,u n. , uuietieraie enrrene time of it drat uwue to the and of tat wa forther therein declared that "all executor solvable in money, whether nnder aeal or alter in., depreciation of said cnrreBcy be day of May, 1865, and yet osAllsd. (ad bondaand penal bond payable to the Sta deemed to have been made with the urn tli.it the, erc sulvable in money of the aaid cy." subjert nevertheless to evidence of a different in lent oi tne parties to us contract; therefore MWWHwm.,. UHI.IVIO, r the (ieaeral Assembly at the ;'ldJti,,l'1 e't!lV ! sstas,' That the following scale "Be it enacted b State of North Carol the authority of the sane," That the . 1 . ? v. ' wir iii r -f -i "M Until lore IH 11 J.) ..hall be i. pi.iulinir oi aepreciiition oe ana the same Is hereby adopted ' i uuu, .....u , . . ,.,s.... and eubliabed a the saeaanreof value ofone gold While there is life there is hope, and not dollarin Confederate currency, for each month, and withstanding the great changes wrought by mfThcelv;,WNtrK Sr1 dS !!,' v 8(h,iU t,irur,4?e t1"' r"- May, 1H6S. to wit : ' pie to honesty, industry and economy, we Scale of 'dep.eciation of Confederate Currency, the I shall take special pains to keep them posted id dollars Doing tne nan and ateaaure or valna, m Nov Ut 1S61, to May 1, 1865. .M'iNTUS 1881. 1883. 1883 1864. 3100 3t00 J.100 3000 19 00 18 00 3100 33 00 35 00 36 00 30 00 1863 S50 00 60 00 fiOOO 10000 January, February, March, 1S 180 m 160 - 10 iW 160 160 300 300 8300 300 400 600 160 660 900 1400 1400 1400 16 30 SO 00 May!' Z Jane, . July, Ausnst. September, October, November, - 81 10 250 360 December, 1 18 Dec 1 to 10th inclu sive. 35 00 10th to 30th, " 46 00 1st to 31st, " 4 00 And whereas, many grave and difficult disputes may arise between executors, administrators, guar dian, and trustees, and their legatees distributees, ward and ceatnrsqne trnst, in the settlement of their account, and trusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate currency, State treasury note sod batik notes, incident to and Erowtne out of the lato war; and, that law suits and expensive litigation maybe Be it therefore enacted. That man seen eases, tne parties are lierebv empowered to form a full and per fect statement of the case on both sides which case shall be submitted to the determination of one of the judges of the Superior Courts, chosen by the parties,. wno is nereuy autnonzea 10 conwuer ami wwanai the aame, according to eqnity and 'good conscien: Provided, liowerer. That no part of thfawctton shall tMnnsinMkH tn atjin np hinder nnv neraon from nro. cesdjng in the usual course of lav. if he abnii Jmk . imc same lieccnfimry . A true copy. A. ENCELHARD. t'lerk of Senste. THE s :- ' Saturday Evening Post. NEW UPS, TALENT AM) ENERGY. 8PLKNDID ARBAT Of CONTKIC UTOBS. I". esscarusto aas wnsaraaaaata. Mr. Bella Z. Fpeneer h. vln purchased an Interest In THE 8ATU RllAY KVKMNG POST, and Mr. Kdmund Deacon bating retired from the paper, THE POST piucd Into tft, oiananement of S KEW MRM, who ara determ ined to infuM re:i l ife, Talcot and fne'ey lstn Hi cl- umnj. The onular no.ellirt, KMMMISUN BENNETT, Author of "Prairie Flawer,'' "The Befuee,H "Clara Moreland ," Ac , Be., ha, been ena.ced. at asreat rxuer.te. a, a refniar rmnrutor.,..i win Hi ' l. r. CLLM Vr.Ll niK THE POST. Mr. Ben netl will i.en a contlneed tiara In t' e Brit namker or trie new jrr. it will be called Tn L I IIA.MOM yl THK 10' EST ; A TALE OP THE . BACBWOrDS, This Horj wftt ran throng', from twele to fifteen nam- ten, and be a ttory of the early .ettvment of Kentu ky, im tuoiDg au.en uia, witn tne Indians in that romantic regioo, which iu gaoerall caltd by ih, pionetn of el,, tlizution "th "lark an l Moony rronnd." The Poit 1. edited by Mri. BELLA Z. SPENCfB, who will al'n eogtrlbat, a cont-nue i ftary Id th, coar, of the rear, entitled v . . .' :y ENEVIEVE 0WB Oar eorumnlll he farther tupplled with original eon tributionn by it SPLENDID LIST OP CONTRIBUTORS All th, depart m nt of the pPr M he fill d. far ai pokelble. wlthORIUIPf AT, MSTTER. Th, old friend, ol THE POST tome rf whom har, ito-d by It durnthe ,iD(hde and itoraii of forty yean will that ,e, that we ar, de ermined to b , OKSIJBPASCEO. BT ANY COMPETITOR ; nd In view of tlir-e Ires And coit'y effort and brilt'ant lD.lucrment.. we trim to hv- their warm exert !..n In nor behalf, and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OF A OENESOL'S PUtlLlC. I , A SEWING JIACfllN- PBK.mUIII. Mr" We will pnrr n f WHEBLBK WILSON'S OtltS-ed SEVVINO MACHINES ths renter price of iwhVhhi Pirty-flr, Do Urt on the lollowln, termi. 1. leeau wprce, one yew , wow ut avuiD, Kut.iwj 1. Thirty es. one year, and Mae! nine, o:ou B, Purty couiej,ot,year, andMaculne, 1W.W J TEBSIS-Canh In Advance One eopy. on, y UBS ro eoplt, on, year, 4.iK B) r ooylei, on, year. IW 8 cord, ly aar and on, to getter np of eloh, 16.00 M cop V, 1 year, ,nd on, to fetter-op r e ub, &A.O0 - faaj papers 1 Bey Pabaer I NT a Ott may M seat to different pn,t-om- Pabertwr, tn Britt,i North America mart remit twenty c nt In addition to the annual uhecripllon, ae have to pre. ay th, U. 8. poa'ag, on their pap r . Bemtttancei ekoald h wiade tn PoM Office Order, when ptndhl,. Ifa.it, to united But, aota-or Draf'i, pay' hk to oj,r or'er, trh eh prafe ahl- to th ootwi. ET Specimen aaawer nf thb POST tent frutii. Addrea HENRY PETER OM A O, Ill jll8il 6C PMWSBilJl, The worst disfSuws knows, to the hunfiat race spring from cavses so small as to al most defy detection. Thei volumes of scien' titic lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prore and cianoraie mese lacxs. Then guard yourselves while you may. The smallest pimple on the skin is a tell tale and indicator of disease. It may fade and die away from the surface of the body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. MsdTgiePs Billious. Dysnepticand Diarrhea Pills cure where all others fail. While for Bums, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts,' and all I .i.n , n. .1 hi . ,.- i. . i. ! 1 inifR F ltn r lflllil lMIIIIr : noHwaeau . -iaata. 1 m.ZwT fC ahrasione of the skin, Maggiel's Salve is infallible. Sold by J. Mattel, 43 Ful ton street, New York, and all Druggists' I HI I'UOSPECTUS OF THE i v a iuuU VJu OiOA 4 derVigned propose to publish, in the rdton, a weekly Newspaper "The Rntherford Star." desire to make The Stat a wel- r to all those who feel an interest tM BfQsperity and welfare oi our cmintrv ta a vheht, and the perpetuity of our iustitu t oe, as handed down to as by our noble an cesty, a Federal Republican Govennneut. Our people have DUt lately emerged from a gig. lit ic eivil war. waged by ami between iu.l,i,u fit ivbtriiiiiu ITnukti mnA tn.ir.. .whwmw w. mw -miw n...vu , desolating to our particular section, than a uv- thing that has ever hapiene.l on this contiii- . fcx , -n , with all beneficial improvements ot the age I so that they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We snail from time to time publish such laws, both State and National, as our people are directly concerned in, and shall likewise use our influence to -establish a sound circula ting enrMhey, so much needed at the present lime. ' We shall be governed by principles and not men, for according to our honest conviction, the present condition of our country is owing to the abandonment of principle's, we mean Ihe abandonment of those fundamental prin i iples upon which the Government of the Uni ted States was reared. We shall favor and encourage the develop ment of all our resources, Agricultural, Min eral Jcc, and likewise such internal improve ments as will most likely be beneficial to the t luntry, and sjrpeclallyvthe extension of the Tilmington, Charlottee and Rutherford liail Road west. As to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the .South, uor the Radicals of the North, hut in the Constitution, the Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State eFjedival, and a ready and willijjg flfaiteBC to the same. . Trim Stae trill Ha pxiUUW tyrvrj Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly in ad vance,) payable in currency or produce at market prices. - . . , One copy 12 months, $2.00 " i 6 " 1.00 1 J; B. CARPENTER, I R. W. LOGAN. Apri 18th. 66. d tf. YadkinCollege , f.BfHK yTaWatIM KIVEH MNE . , Mi LBS FtlOM LKA1NUTON. N. 0. Thii fnrtttutiou. under its charter a, s College, was evived oa tat loth of January 1866, and supplied, by ; reaok'ion of the Trustees, with a corps of experien d Teachers ; so that now. With iu cheap boarding rrangementa, ft offers to male pupils every educa - onal facility, from the primary department to a fall . dlege course, upon- more favorable terms perhaps, an any academy or ooile Ifl the State. H'Aff A VILLA FEMALE IRJUNARP, 1 quarter, of a mile from Yadkin College, and t -ttrely separate f.-ora it, now offers, in its boarding t ThnAmiBnO m tha ftmiy cf the Bev. 0. W. HbdbI a id In iu scientific and literary departmenU. unusnal cdou, U young ladies Wb desire to acquire a CABe i iri'iilars c:ving partif nlsrs in relation to ni ins itsaiiaaii ma naa mi RriV, G. W. HUAC, A. M.. ob J. M. $EWSO.V, Yadkin Coilcire. ruXezwon, N. C. Sarch 80, taas. 1 -daw Ira THB DAILY EXPRESS. PKTKRShu-RO. TA HAS ENTERED upon iu Rfteemh yetr. in an en-lan-e 1 form, with new type, under anspi e highly flittering. It has a Urge and daily inert;. :. cir cnlatton, and offers to merchants and otlier, dewing to coraainnicate wfth the rnthera pobhc, adnata KeawrpasseAby none. PR VBtTBUO RATR8: . oni wQuase Two ,rU. 5, Q0 One month. IB 88 Two moatba. 10 tan Thie, months, 1 00 iiix months, 24 00 One Year, j 40 W two sqraBBS Tn rnks, t o aweth. fit 6 Two BMwBaa. IS Ot) Three months, IS 00 Six moaths, 00 One Tear. CO 00 firnscRipri.'X rt tTrJi: nrUropy, BcU. One month, 75 cU. Three month,, tl Six BSontha. tA One year, 86. 1 : , rV w s a J C wn 3 & 1 - la rw s b aw m J a at s t. rrt S . Self Ii-. J S It, m? - A - m - ill ; , : 1 S NEWFIKM IN SALISBURY J. W. GRAY, & CO, HAVE J tut received and opejieaAXc. t, Mur pbj ', Orainw luuttUug, t ' ueMVpmmBm Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will sell'for cat h or barter, only, as follows, A Log., and bcaatil'ul asaortuient of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. A large assortment of Gentlemen's, Tooth's and lioy'v C kkIs, Latdies Summer Wrappings. 1 ..ii Ik ' Misses, and Childred's Trimmed Hats, new shapes, 1. ,r!.. s. Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, 'and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Bosierr, Ac, tc. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Childrens Hats, of every variety for summer ' Crockery and Glassware, Wood and willow ware. Also, I Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kindi;. They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shortest notice. The Drug department Will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wise be obtained on the same terms. The above stock ot' Goods, having been pur chased sawn the late heavy decline of prices in the Cithern Otlos, will be sold as LO W as they can possibly be' bought in this market P. It. Maitin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially , to give him a call when visiting this market. J. W. GRAT, P.R.MARTL& J. McGUlRK. Salisbury, N. C. April '66. tf-nol . The Wide World. AS ENTERTAINING, INSTRUCTIVE AND SPICT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Itli the design of the Publishers to ihake the Wide World acceptable to all classes of readers. Its columns will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest Writers m Am erica. Also, Amusing and Dangerous Ad ventures, translations, Historical Keinmi sconces, Sketches of all kinds. Poetry., Wit Humor, etc., etc., combining' a vast amount of information -on thousands of subjects that are of interest profit and amusement to the general reader. Editorials and News, tonch ing all the leading and important occurrences of the day, will be found in its columns. Terms of Publication in Advance. $3.00 Per i Annum. Sin ale copies may be had of all newsdeal- am ttri.i. .wnirnn lunta .., cans i it - uvvu vawa , EaV All communications intended for the columns of the Wide World, or containing subscriptions, should he addressed 3.H. BRIGHAM ic FERNALD, Publishers W the Wide World, 28 Sttite Street, Boston, Mass. State of JVorth Carolina, TRKAs L it Y IJEP AKTMENT ; " Raleigh, March 31, 1866 i6.) To Holders of Coupons of North-Carolina Bond. BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM bly of North-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10. ISG6, I am directed to prepare and sell for not less than par bonds of the State running thirty four years, with Coupons bearingsix per cent, interest, payable semi-annually, of thedenom. i nation of $100, 9500, and 91,000, principal and interest untaxable, for the purpose of pay ing coupons now due and to become due in 1866, and bonds due and to foil due in 1866. By authority vested in the Public Treasurer, I designate New York as the place of payment. Parties entitled, desirous of effecting the ex -shsnge authorized in said Act, vill please com municate to tne at once the amount and clear- actor of the securities which they wish to be funded, in order that rmavknow the huiirber teuerinlfBWoii-bT ffir KoHdsr whwh wftt hs iaoiirAlW9to e0fveT sha!Iforms?i1ih',V blab its. the bonds wui be prtfored for tsaue delay. Under advice of Aha AttorBr GeaeraL Ooau pons of bonds issued since, but under acts oassed before Mav 'JOtti. 161, will be funded under the act of March 10th, 1866. provided their identity is established, by being cut from the bonds m my presence. - provision neces sary on account ot' the similarity toother Cou pons, issued since May 20th. 1861 . KEMP P. BATTLE, nol3 dlw, PaWie Treasurer, ... . FOR SALE ! One Ambulance aad Horse and Btegv, On S.;dlle. die. One Chamber Seu ccinsistisg. of Bureau with Glass, Toilet Table. Wash Stand, Chairs. French Bedstead, dec. Two Carpets aad oth er Household furniture, for sale Cheap. Enquire of Capt. CHAS. EMFRY. IKVaXWRa, BUtCMAWlOB, BLUCFACTtTRSBBu IMC I 1IMI 166! The beat paper in the United Mechanic. Inventors and Machinists, is the tScientiflo Amcilcan. J Ii is the lavgeat fat siae. and baa by far the wi dest circulation of any other paper of its class in the country. It is published weekly. Each number contains sixteen pages, with numer ous illustrations. The numbers for a year make two volume. 416 pages each. It also contain, a full account or all the principal in ventions and discoveries of the day. Also, valuable illustrated articles sped t.-.-! sad ma chinery used in workshop manufactories steam and mechanical engineering, woolen, cotton, chemical, petroleum; and all other manufacturing and producing interests. Also, Firearms. War Implements. Ordnance, War Vessels, Railway, Machinery, Electric, Chem ical and Mathematical apparatus. Wood and Lumber Machinery, Hydraulics, Oil and Wa ter Pumps, Water Wheels, etc., Household. Horticultural and Farm Implements thia lat ter department being cry foil and of great value to Farmers and Gardeners, Articles .embracing every department of Popular Science which every body, can under stand and which every body likes to read- Also, Reports of Scientific Societies, at home and abroad ; Pateut Law Decisions and Dis cussions, Practical-Recipes, etc. It also con tains an official list of all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great vaiueSo inventors and owners of Patents. The Publishers also act as Agents for pro curing Patents for new inventions. 1 A new volume of the Scientific American commenced January 1. TERMS $3 per year ; Si 50 fofsix months. Ten copies for one year. Canada sub scriptions 23 cents extra. SPECIMEN COPIES 8EXT FREE. Address MUNX & CO., No. 37, Park Row, New York. Sunday School Banner." A NEW ENTERPRISE ! The Undersigned, Themselves Members of the Sabbath School, propose to commence in the city of Patviiih, oa o about the 1st of next May, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNER." And in the commencement of this little work of love, being boys, ourselves, may we not appeal to every Snnday School boy, and girl in North Caroling to come Hp promptly to aid the undertaking. In our own State, there are very many Sabbath Schools, and from the best information we have, the scholarship is large and increasing, and it is from them we look for that patronage which is necessary to improve and keep floating, this native stan dard which we propose is not for pecuniary gain that the ' 'Banker," is established ; it has for its aim higher ob jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise, it will be to us in after lite a source of great sat isfaction to know that, in our boyhood dars. we gave a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the preparatory Schatit for places of high trdst and position, in the work of our Heaven- ly.Fathcr. Its name sufficiently indicates the object high is to control its editorial conduct. There is necessity however for the remark that it Will hot be denominational, but alike open to all the Sabbath Schools of this State for con tributions, in which there is no spice offsecta- nanism. The "Banker" will be issued monthly on handsome type; dear white paper and will cuntam fourteen columns reading matter, quar to length. . We trust sufficient encouragement may be offered to justify the undertaking. TI.KMSS 13i AllA.tJt . 1 copy twelve months 30 2 " " " j. ....... 50 $ " " " ....Itsi 10 " " " i 200 20 " " " ...... .4350 An v person sendinc us a club of 20 for three dollars and a half will recei ve one copy gratis. . W. J. EDWARDS, 1 , Z. T. BROUGHTON, nol6dtf Publiahera. The Mew York Times. Enlargement of the Do, Semi-Weeklw and Weekly Times. ' The Largest and Cheapest Paper in the United States. THK NEW YORK TIMES HAS BEEN EX larredtothn mm " Aw Lend! IVaam pajw or sBreo In all ma. Full Qmereteionaf Itippis ; Beperis of the Legidabtre Meetaft mud Puttie Documents ; Report if Courts and Public Meetings ; Eur,pmn Newt in Full; Foreign and Domestic Correspon dence; Xttcs from all parts of the ttorld. Political and Geeal Editorials ; Lit erary NrKVSdeeiicms amd Miscellany. Everrthing possible wfll U dene to make the Times the mot vIoaSle aud intni-a IWI. ' ' . " .. ,yt ii ai - .. coiniuns eacif-or nxtjaMX sbjbbbm The Times will contam reaulariy axaess, fm;japaner in the Caned Stale, iltt price wjl me Side Sad- remain BBianeed. in spite of the fact that iu sire and rentcTH have Been nvTe-.sed o.;e-fceirt The following are thprioee ft the ssvral eda tions, pay.iUI? in all caaexjo di-anc. These arice- sre invariable. Qnb rales are dis i onrJnned. Yts have no UavetfehgAgenu. Ke m:t m inecs or urtk-e Money Ontora if pes w A -l--rc- u. j. K. J KOMI f i , iUa Xizm UbIm, ktv Addreaa A. r. CatUTt llrlnl.l' a jl jjawaAfw rteahBTBrTs. at 21 cent per bo, . no2 dJstJ Saltahutap. May 2P.-IeWi a. 1 rrr . .

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