- atssanrr- m , , ' esaaaae3acxxsBaBS:a - "a,BI,,?ll. jijf .k.a'!!l'i2i!??!!l ' Hingle i oplc Flic Cents fQL I SALISBtJUY. N, C.. THURSDAY EVKNlNGr, JUNE 28. 1866. NUMBER 70 ?1 THE OLD tfORTlL STATE. ITKl-ULIliLi.J oaTJwJta S. tVtUNUMM 4 rMTBUUVlUi. uwu no. iu. KT-tATES OF SPlSTflPTlOX. IS-CASM ! ADVASCH. jar, Om Tar. HtMMk, m xhi eatsaa Um Year. Tnwi w'n tin Yrir A PWi M a ska paper m Jieau tee rxptrt3 of Tat mn which the "Olb Mjoam ." v oriaaat laeaiawlr n. Xo aaiaa h11 ae mtp1 ! ake it a atooaat Jailor U erery taaaily. la oraar to 4a thai a hare rJ tat serncaa oi afeaa aa aceeapliaBed literary eontriaatnr. ADVERTISING RATES. . TRANSIENT BATES For alt period Urn thaa one Booth One Squara. Firat iaaartiaB II .0 Ceetrart rahMfhr pcrioia of aw to fear aaontU. J If aUTES OF SUKCfUTIOX. XI TVvWmUt, Oh Tur : . v- 3 Vaa k.r mm. Oh Taw. - 0 . - OtSI 4 MOS. 1 Square. 2 Squ'rs. 3 " 4 " tColm'n " 1 " P 00 12 00 1300 13 9008 25 Ml 3500. ... ., . -. . . i . i . i . i in tvprtiaf furs longer taisathaa baraMMRBa Coart Kotieaa and Advertomcnu will be rhaiced aaaha anaatiaaHL Ten line of solid minion trpe. or aUut one inch length irise of in column, conutute a mjnarc 1 MO. 2 M8. 3 M.-. 300 4J0 600 400 600 800 5 00 7 50 10 50 6 00 9 00 12 00 8 00 12 00 16 Oi) 10 00 15 00 20 00 15 00 22 50 200 traoted for at the ofice, at. not teas than double j r-presjntatiri!B to whkh the State w enti Urn ratef oriiary adrertimaats. j fVrf, the Rrpmbiietm sars that the coftspi- InMited as reading matter, w.th approral of cy has yet another feature. It is h-ld the editors, fiffy ceats per Une. j lt if the Soatheru State should send in Advertiseiaeau inserted irregularlr. or at inter- j their electoral votes, the simple refusal of tsJs. ft ptr Trnt siMiti iril , the President of tlie Senate, to opn thp The rate above printed are for standiap adver- j ct rtitieates would sulBce to eff. ct tUnrWrf .n.. trrtnshm. The cnmmen of the RrpuUt- Ooc or two squares ehangaWe at iWtion. 5 cm p.i TW a w..nh 10 be pondered : M per cent additional. I -wecaMot confiuri-ue any att-mpt More thaa two square, ebsnrbl at snssre- rtIle ,Le eltr!'4 voev toy Hon, per square ot tiftn lifles, for evert- ehanav. ';arn mean H-itkont Ike awwf paint nl npprt-twenty-fire cents ' UtnnM. We jtreatly mUtakf the temper Fire squares estimate r a quarter column. "r PP1' U tcould not prnsoke a nm and ten squares as 4 naif column. RilU for ad- j J ' mprtimiAe, ' not Woo vertinng. whether by the uay or year, wttl be j d that sjt tfrminakd. oortnidered due and ooDectabls on pnxentstin " ' POETICAL. "WTiat Ails SSy Lots." ASSWTREO BT HE2SELF. On verdant rat ks my 3fr.rc sat, 'ilid buttercup and daiy And I reclined without my hat, And felt entbrained, but lazy. Bright foilage waved our head above, Aud man v a songster iwittertd ; The streamlet, like our ''course of love," Ran smoothly on and giitterat " 1 Simple, yet e'en sublime our fan1, Ham sandwiches I'd bought her; Cape-sherry, too, my love kid there, ' (She likes & mixed witji water.) Deeply we quaffed our fill of joy, Deeply our wine iu glasses ; The ham wa. good Cnought annoy When time so blithely passes f Stem Fate t as thus in caJmesTbliss My love and I sat eating, I She paused what sudden blight was UtL-l My heart 'gan wildly beating. Breathless I risked, "Why, why that tear That cheek to brightly" Unsung That classic brow, so w htte d clear, Deep as the sunset blushing. That voice so silvery, soft and low, Now tremulous and broken ; Say, whence Q$a dead o'erwhelmingwoe, Too fearful t$ be spoken 1 Ob, tell me telm- quick (he cause ! deen-drawn sf?ahe ?afd, "Oh law ' r It Tas the mustgrd fid H." i- - It appears fiat two hjiridred and fifty j Crermany. T;nTy a portlba or tnciewtil re returned, ar.d at the present rate of gold I they could not be proStably exchanged. 1 The larger portion of these errufitie arc retained foi ir.vt tascnt, mid are morcjiki- br to remain so ih .u the bond of sny eV gnVen-me: t. Tiny will more probity riac than fill ia public land a-id Genuai.y. hi fart, it i believe tha pe:.di. g tie war, tbe.e will b- a Lr;e d uij-.d fr ear Cot. uncut atnri. al.aad, at enhanced p ice. 1 iLa. t a Aie, im The Wahlnyt JapubUtan, Admin. of yesterday, in it lidding editorial, allr e tbe existence of a treasonable con.-piracy est the part of a certain political taction at the North. It my) It is nothing lee titan t conspiracy H override the Constitution nudt-r the guise of a new construction of the aecood waaa. mpkaf the .firat ate lion of article ll of that laaliaiaiinl, wwiea at ra wear voros : Mtasah neate afcft aftooir t. is awah naaf ner a the ly-culaiure tneteot miiy nireet. a nnmlK-r of elector ennui to the whole u umber of 8enalor and Representative to which the Htale mar be entitled in the Corjrrfan." The new construction is that no 8tate is entitled to appoint any elector which shall not hare Senators and Representative iu C'onrreas at the tiae, Starting out upou thii nuiMuud hypothesis, the conspirators rvsolred that no rvnaators and K preaen U lives from eleven Hutes whose inhiibi tants were enncerned in the recent rebel lion should he admitted to seats in Con gress a::til after 1668 ! This rebellion is the key-note to the ob stinate ie nsal of Congress to ninth o iiiieir righ fnl seats Senators and Kenirsen- , Utic)S whoe loraltT was nerer doubted. and to the otjtnnted oppis'tiou m 'Coi greas to what is known as Tus 1'ke.si DKNT's plan of restoration. Referring to the various presences as I signed by the Radicals for etclnding 8oa- tneni iepeesentat. s, the IlepabliraH d - cbtres Uihat none of these reasons aoi trol ' the qaestien a arnrle hour iur uw?m u m biuik iiwu. - ..... . thai an unrrpwvxnita &iuir runmn mui rlrrfvn of l'rrskkHt and ricr rmmtmi '' i R'-pndiating as an absnrditY the theory : that t: eleclor.'l voice of a Stale depe-twls ; upon its fail and actual representatiou in I inst-rfd of unoti tne nnmber of Secretaries eftte Treasury. The 1 it; -bit IaMnwat waa ciealed by act of roanessanavrcd .-r!eabera IU .Taa loiioariafr , l itoitoc e jttar.e.roai tLecr-atoif or. ti iiepan- uo:iUu-nL.UWr ftj awaR-happointrJ, tn ether With taevejrorb..-ta. aai. if not sarririii, the year ef lieaih ci-?u. in tr. or three case wbere th? dsteof l.rt: ' i-.'h hs et been lejracl. will be found Won4: T-rtrTa. We hrre not seen a fell a sbcl- oie ib: st'd in any book S'irx trn Hano:'- X. T.. Sep. H.im....l7 l't ii. UuicotuCoaa.,reb. S. ia -,':"IIW 1833 S. IVtr K..Xij 31 iaOO......TKit 1815 .iiUat.l'.7Jn 98 l-a. ....... I.61 Ii U. W. f dMW... T,!in. i .-1., 9 ISW..ITI..1 1848 Ubnu P.. ; 1811.; .11100 18t7 .. !ltr..l r! a. i'an h &. t-.l 7. l-'fi BHusa. P.,)t.reh7. lj .T..ni 0 laL-kaav oflN.. SIr?BS lte...v.lT7S IS I. MLan. Ie!.: Xav . S IT 16 i W i aae. P., Mj S, 1883 ..1780 K it Taaev K-t. io.aie-1 lv Uie seni ) Sent.' S3 1833: ....nT7 1984 L Worfbcn.Sil.. Jnfcil 1834.. ....1189 11 1 Caiac. d o. M h 6 1811 lVft WForcaSd. P..ktvt. 13 11 IT 1Z-2 i J HSsMcar. X. V Itatea'Si 183 tT87 Km l Q S Bibb, kit., Jer. 15. 1-W. 1784 R J Rtker .. Jlrch 6. !8Sw 18D1 W M XeredttiL m,9JH 8 tH4J .. . 1 TtVririi.u!nv.J:i!a l50... 1794 1385 J .ir. Kr.. WU.lv! .IM II ConVOa. Mirch6. 1357 1815 ' V FThaaiaa IP-. Ive. 19 I86M rHIO J A Dix. X. Y., Jao. II. 11 17 8 .- p n - 1 1: . va) 5. ! in a $V P Fea.ie -. Jo V I 1ST4 . .1S0B Hi!. I . . e fa. bs' JIay 7. 15 ( native or MaaeJ... i Ittl WV 1 i mil . in? n astuitiriou jKunoitcitn artruex in it the natural result of the Kadicai policy is throw the iSouthern people nrww .-them- . Ives ar.d tLeir own resaurce. for svm- pathy nd for prosp- rtty. The tax on coi tou, fr instaaO, will prompt them to m-ui-nfarure what they grow, iitend of send. lag U lo liuwru. tne i.i ,( :gurs : iat tne fconia smi stro.-ic noweri . l L.a, . We have never doubted that practically iioi di t oiii.ii t,t it lmtiwi? mids to tu.lUi ujinuiiLi. If U hldht alettt. A ikteJt. -fji It Tflias upi.u ivd r-.Tt-r T i.Tr lr uneT"' be as prarprrous sad great as a sect ion, as ;ts wisdom and valour have w.tde tjie United States as a nation. The Kadicai kisLuion, therafore, wh;ch is exprvt'-d U n u.d im! 4wju4V it, 4k-iwiy4hxi. oMoWte'eftect. It may cnmn-1 tb- South ppoe o tarn lU attrirfcn' sxefofivily ;o the d- . h potent of its weaderfal rcnources, arnl f this is the remit, it will he a bjeasing in diegitiav. Ball. E. Transcript. , A couaptuy is le og f r nad in Atlanta nnm. mm Kailroad N. C. EL E. Company. mo. a ii p-ts mrwtru, OoaVAaT Mora, J an 7th. 1408. cn .i: OP TIME. Oh and qfkr W 107, 1866, Trains trill run at foUmct : aoxvt vmi. MAIL TSAIX. Leare Uoldaboro' 12 30 r. M. " RaUwh, 345 Hili-dTr. 88 " Urevnsborb' 7 40 " Salisbury 1010 t Arrive at Charlotte 1235 a m FREIGHT ami Aax)inionATioy. Leare CoUsboro :. . . .12 00 r. M. " Raleigh 4 50 A. M HilUU.ro' 8 " " GreemnSoro',.,. 1 00 P. M. " Salisbury 5 3l " Arrive at Charl4ta,.' 00 " OOXfft B Ant. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte, " Salisbury, 44 (treeusUiro',. . . 44 Hillsboro 44 Raleigh Arrive at UoUUUmV..- ..;.ll 15 r. 1 26 A. 4 10 4 ...6 31 4 ... 830 4 ...1120 4 FKiCIGHT .VXD AOCOaMOn.VTIOX. Iave Charlotte 4 30 A. M. Salisbury J55 44 " Greensb.rO' 1 tOr. Jl. 44 HilUU.ro' ......1.5 25 44 44 Raleigh : 9 45 44 Arrire at Goldsboro', 2 15 a. M- Mail Tnt'u e..iiaeet at Raleigh with RaUieh &0atop Train tar the North. At Golds buro, with Wil;niugtoo and Weldon, and At lantic Ac N. C Trains. AecoBUauaatioa Train runs dui'y. (Sundays eseepled.) eoftBOCwaa; wiih Wiln.ingiou a V-!diH) Trains. Tiiere Li uo i'aodaj Traiu going North from W.-l : 'ii ! I'-.r.- .i -ii'.U , juii.-.-iic.Ts arrivuii; at Wetd-m oe tliat day cn go immediately throincb via iVtt rsbur a.. J Kic.'naoi d. E. WILKKH. June, . V-;-dtf EnJ. d Si j,!. NOTICE to the MERCHANTS axd i k m:n of mm m mm. The Mrnhnird ani RiianoLr RiLLXilw AJD, TQunTtrin T.hmvkTio4!! nTtn-pqHnri """"" -v"-o- AyT) WRiJBrEfSC0'JpiT'IOX8WITil i thn Ra'ri maud (i.iilin .'.Uw. thn H'mtrm I XarA Cateimt BaUfOad, sad tae Ckmmm and C(HMa Bdtirvad, tua Cheapest, Quickest A Most Birect Tkrough Freight Line from ail ilae' iu North Carolina and 'Weitern South fjaroaka fo PORTSMOUTH, 2 Oil FOLK, ... BALTIMORE, , PHIL .4 DELPHIA, &EW YORK, ' AND BOSTON. To ta'ce inhvmtajre of this great through Une, be r&reftu toci.iign your Fnihtht to care of Haii--...i wn.1 i.m..w. 'ii.a a- .. ...... . pomliuits in Xew York and Philadelphia to do the j :m:uc, and t'roai BalUmore be tartiui to nave your f reight sent uy OLD BAY LIXE STEA3IERS W&WH ARE THE ONLY STEAMERS BY WfflCH THlO-GH FRKJGni Ar HA5GEUEMT3 HAVE BEEN Jfflfc" Take notice, that hv thi route rtm can consurii yonr ftaight ..directly to its destination, as all f'uarprt?H win imo ermiiein .uuiex nr. .j.mm oy me ! Kail Komi .t cent at I'.irt-uiautl', and lorwarded to be colleeted.at th.djiiti'r.:itior ai the Freifrbt. !. 0. OB 10, AilKIT. apr i:r6-d3m Pre-tmonth. Va. Office N. C. R. R. Company Cpmpiry Shops, June 12, 1866. rrl ,J . I- . . . r 1ST orvi'iuirniu .niiiva hktiihi (II me Uo-wi 'Company will be held in the town of Juty next -on' will idca3e send ttinrnioxies. nr.64tdm. Secretary. JAUHS W. OSBoKSK. Rt'FL'S BAKKIXOEX, ISKORIV 1 : St BARRING ER. CIl UiLOTTIi. K. C. WILL practice in the counties tdVRowan, '..'arms. Union. I .v Jell, . afeealeugburg. Stanly, Lincoln aud Oastoa ; also in the b preme and federal Court of the Utata. . tar Qffies in tha.Bnok Baihfiesr near One CoWlhupatiiB. I Cojxt uity Aararti-icmtnUi. quity Sales of Land. X UlililAt tF TilK ( Ul KTOF Sftultr ufaRowsXi county, I will otTer f..r aaj the follow iiig Traetl of Laud : 290 Acres, g the homestead of the lata Sarah Hel tbe waiters of 2nd Dutch Creek, adjoin- aland of P. N. Iloilig. Mary Ueilig, htt. This is undoubtedly one of the rabb and hitfhlr improved plauta- the eountr, the buildiuirs are of the I lion. Urea, eomutwdious. well and uew, haviuiTneea erineJ d'lrini; the war ,-vsueh property as this is rarely offer ed for ahA ' " ' . 110 Aeree, Besfaging to the estate of the late Sarah lb-dig, kuoMU as the 1.. tz place, adjoiuklg toe Utisds of .!, .Ii Rendteiuan and others. 81 , Acres, Belonging tothe same estate known as the Itarriuget piaeeiatijuiuiag the laud of U; M. Han. hard' iid rs. The above mentioned lauds are ali in anigh state of cultivation. Persons desirous ay seinv these lands eau do so by calliug on P. X. lleilig, orG. M. Barn- hardt. The sales of all these tracts of land will take place on Satiuyiay the 14th day of July uext, at 11 o'clock, a. in., at the Hom-stel tract. Terms of sac : Twele mouth credit with interest aflcr six mouths, the i.ureliasvrs ivinjt boud with two or more approved sure tnt the cost of sale to be paid by the pur- chaser tf the Iloimend. and credited on his Umd a S4H.U a the sale is confirmed. LUKE BLACKMLR. C. dc M. E. June 4, 1 .... (Pr. fee 15) d2t ww Belongkig to the heirs of Hugh F. Mc Kui'it, akuaud on the v.ters of -hill's creek a.li.uuujg ihe laudt ff Viliiaju A: ...ii. and (.tilers. wii n I improve'neuta. being a de f'rable and valuable ida.tuta.u. The sale will take place ou the premises on Friday tne tit Uy of Ji:iy uext at 11 o'clock, a m. Terms of --ale : six niiiaths credit, the purchaser giv h-g boiui wkh two or more approved sureties, tle cost of sale to be paid by the purchaser aud crnditod oi. his bond a soou as the sale is i.ed. LTJKI PLACKM KE, C. d M E. July 4, iaW. (PrR-efS) 5V-w5w State of North Carolina, ii( A N COt'JiTJC. Coart of Equity, Spring Term, 1866. Equity Sale of the richest GOLI) MINE - ... . xu,ilu '"4-'- 1 ! fhrnucl Woodruff and Henry B. Beach to the use of Julius It. Brockclmm, vs. , -Th-4Jold Hill Mining Company. By virtue of a Deoro., of the Court of Equity of Rowan County, made iu the SVjVe named cause at this Term. I will Ul at the Court Ilriuse door in Salisbury oa Saturday the ISth day of Angus: next, at ll o'clock, A. M., all the legal ar.d cqui- t-t.i.l ... I . .1... fiu u:ii KOI-.- cnuiie auu tuwivn. oi hi, uuiu uiu bluing Company, in all r .1 and persoual estate couv yed to Isaac H. Sm.ih. bv AI Lviloimts, a;id others, by Died bearing due July SUh, 1SJ;, and registered i:i Book 40, page 432 oi the Register' Office oi Bowaii Connty; and in that couveyed to this presickut and Directors tpi tho U;dd H 11 MiiiingboiujMuy, by EdwrLB. Rice, by Deed dated fecp.euibcr . a, I ---. auu r gistfcred hi Book 40, page Of the Reg it.'r'j'Uiiice of Rowan County, wherein tke same way be found partteniurly set i torch and. described. Also, any and all ,ga, J,ti sskl Com euutuble esuite and interest oi L-auv. or or in any real pet- .-oal cstaU' suuated at or near Uold li.il. isj llo wan. County. Terms of sale, Cash, asd the title retained to await the furth er direction of the Court. LUKE BLACKMER, C. M. E. June 14, '66. jpifet$25 no64tw&w td A(kunistrator s Sale. Raring taken out Special Letters of Ad ministration on the eetatd of James Donaher t y. deeeasee, I will have a sale of nis perisha ble itrofiertx at hi lata rai8awia, uu TLESDAl, the 19th DAt of JUNE, at which I will oiler Am- sale aome uperior j ilch Cows, a nice lot of I.:icuo.lut IWI biishels of Corn, some 11 ay and Fodder, on of ' the finest Vegetable Gardens in 4 -wn. a lot of growing corn, and lioueno:j and Kitchen Furniture.if ail kinds- The dwelling house and blacksmith shop mar also be rented at the same time. - .' "! ?a'.e. Sis m..nth CMnlh. bolld anJ two approved sureties will be r beMre any id- the yroyew.Wmoead. U' ed that no one is retTDonsible for its- safe heepihg. jude 4- -wtds reclal Aam4r. I I'lUiter'a f fa rl --- ACKE8, Belonging to the heirs of 1 1 ani. 1 Fisher, ad j.'iT.itg tne land of John L. Kusher. Xliei.aei Sh -p:ag aud others. A very desirable UtUe plaotati'.n with god unprovements. Sale to taste ptaee on t ..- ..i-es on Fri day the ZJti of July next, at . 11 o'clock, a m. Tenn3 of saia : Twelve morst'is credit with iaterast afer ir .1 .. 1 - I 1 ThY 1 in mm desi .head with two or more approved aaretiea. the cans of sale to he paid by the purchaser and credited on his bond aa soou as the sale is eou finned, LUKE BLACKMER C. dc U. E J4US.4.1W. (Pr fee U Court A House and Lot in the Town of slisbi:kv, Belonging to the heir of Catherine Bolin, adjoiuiug the lands of Louisa Louder, A. Hen derson aud other. The saje of this property will take place at the Court House, in Salisbu ry, on Saturday the 7th day of July at ai 11 o'clock, a m. Term of sate : Twelve month osndit. with interest after six months, the purchaser giving bond with two or more approved sureties, me ensu oi ssje to ne imiki by the purehnsnr aud areditMon hiabond a 1 'ZOOm, June 4. H:f;. (Pr fee $5) d2t w5w Between 400 & 500 acres, Belonging to the estate of Jacob Troutmau, iu three tracts, near Gold Hill, adjoiuing the lands of John Powtes, E MauneyTuavid cuip aud other, lvinr in Rowan and Cabarrus comities. These lauds have rich gold mine iiih.u them and are very valuable. 1 will sell them iu separate tract or altogether, to suit purchasers. The sale will take place at the court house in Salisbury, on Saturday the 7th day of Julv next, at II o'clock, a m. Terms of sale : Twelve mouths credit, with interest after six mouths, the purchaser giving bond with two or more approved sureties, the eott of .-ah- to be paid by the purchaser and credit ed on In bond a soon a the sale 1 continu ed. LUKE BLACKVER, C. II. E. June 4, 1866. (Pr foe $7.50) d2t w5w tW In case of my absence at any of the above sales, Moses Brown will be present to cry the sales and purchasers will gire bonds to him. LUKE BLACKMER. CAM E atate of North Carolina, Rowan Cotsty. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, A. D. 1866. The Atlantic Bank of Xcw York vs. Si meon Frankford. ATTACHMEST. It sppesring to the Natirfaction of tbe Coart that the dofroiLat KiajMon Frank lor J. is a non-resident orthe State n is therefore, ordered and adjudged that publi .ition lie inude lor Jix nueceiive wiv ; iu '-The Old Xorth Stale." PatjOJ Hj aim to be and appear before he Jud re of oar Hairior Court of Law. at taa next Ceartto be lieid for the ( oun'j of Kona-i. at theCourt HouaemSaJiabeo oath 12Ji liooday attar the 4th Monday in .limt next then and there to Head orre- plevy, and show cause, if any he hat, why fs ssaWtisT id Lot levk'd upon bemalto tif thea'rae. Witness. Obadiah Woodaou. tJepaty Clerk and ex- officio, actios; Clerk of our id C ourt, at Ofnrw, tbe 13th Moadar anrrtlielaat Monday in r euruary, A. V. 1808, and intheiMtli rear of our Independence. OBAU1A11 Wooiisox. Ilepatr and acting Cierk. June 18, '66. Prfee10 no656ir. State of North Carolina. now x CotTXTr. Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions, Ma;i Term, A. D. 1866. Elizabeth Bi ingle rs. Lawrence 'A. Bring- le, John cringle and La v una mingle, Petition fob Uoweb. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Lourt that Lavicia liniigle, ofis oi the de- K-iidants in this case, is a non-resident1 of this State, it is therefore, ordered hv th Court that publication be made for six con secutive weeks in The ( )Ll .N OKTH STATE, lOtBvmK faid defendant of the -njinc of this petition and tbat unless she appears at rhe next term ot this Court to be held for he Cotuttv of Rowan at the Court House Salisbury. 6n the 1st Mondav in August uext, and pleads, answers or demurs, the same will be. heard ex park and judgment rendered pro eonjcsso as to her. Witness, Obadiah oodson, Clerk of our said Court, at Omce, the 1st Mon day in May, A. D. 1866, and in the 90ih year of our Independence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. June I6,'66. prfeetHoj 64 6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, lU .U.S.'N C l -TV Coar of raa cd Qnurt r Sewraba, II T a,, l ' C. C. . l-rr. Kv'r. of I P.. !l n to If. B. bvt M. I t 'Mv.) Mb t aflar Jaauk M l.lr aad uthara. I karaUllar. It ttm 'h. 0 .rl M'rlorl M't er, Itin'V U ll r, John fMa r, AI x in tt F. ... Sniil- !- and Ui.r. ah ehlMr-a ! Ha b Ft nr,li arlf . f I ...n .id Fetsu , ..id iha cr.onal r,i rea otatir-. of J.co - Ua'oiaa, o'd.. r-l hero, d l He llni'. of U-l'Stat.. att'ervfore rdrr d tor h Court il at f'il. 8tSB t aa td fur da w-eka la -a 'OM ith 8t . " a -ft. a er Ila..ed In Sal bory, .C. no i'i rfttd ahaeai feo.f u io a p a. a- ih- et lour: lli u a' d Q.a t m nna to a- hel l for the Cuun'e otarldoo at tbe mm acta Cua I H aae In Lexlaat n, oa Ui. eao Ma 4 j la - o.i in x-- sben a' thr to .how ea-ee. 'f nv t' ejr hare y tae pr.i . . o( lite P IU' aer ' all not ba ante er I mill Ba 'f ex tr t It t'- ' ll m. WHi LI rratan. etera f tald e- ort at OSice In JltlW B.l faffnlW ' It apppeariniz to the Conrt, that the defend ant l an inhabitant ot another state ; It is ordered, that publication be made in the Old Xorth state, a uewspaper published at Salis bury, foi six weeks, for the said defendant to appear at the uext term of the. Court of Plea and Quarter SetauoBs, to be held ibr the poua ty of Burks, at Morranton, on the 1st Mon day of Jaly want, anal pi a. or lodgment by default will he esteaded, and ethaw proceed ins had nseoruing to law- Witueas. E. Vt . DORSET. Clerk ef said Court at offiee. this 3d day of May. 1866- S. I aViTi T-f '" 1 "i iYWi' '-." l1:')'1 !!''.. 1 ' ...1 . iViin.l ln.Ai..i Is. fi rvtuaw. I T. i.inva saja f vt ihiuai .iitav.umui. I --awldmr. - . ----- JBm.TTitlf Court Adrertiaenuuta. North Carolina, Davidson County. Court of Pirns and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1866. John W. Payne Adss'r., Do bonnis non vs. Am Jones, and wife Elisabeth, and others. Petition to sell land to pay debts. It appearinr to the satisfaction of the a. A. Pmbu. Payne, defendants id yond the limits of thb State. It is there fore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the 'Old North State," a newspaper published in Salis bury, N. C notttyuig said absent defend ants to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Connty of Davidson, at the Court House, in Lexington, on the second Monday in August next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to the petition, or tbe same will be taken pro-confesso and heard ex parte, as to them. Witness I. K. Perry man, Clerk of said Court at office in Lexington, the second Monday of Mav, A. D. 1866. L K. PEER YMAN, C. C. C. June 14,'66. no64prfeetl2 Mercantile Advertisements. . iSEW FIRM IIN SALISBUltY! J. W. GrI.Y & CO. TJATE Just received and opened at No. Mnr- phy'g Granite building, a new and "Splendid Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, iich they will sell for ceth or barter, only, as low, A large and beautiful assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. i A large assortment of Gentlemen's, teeth's and Boy's Goods, Ladies Summer Wrappings. Ladies' Misses, and Childtv u's TriramndRat. .nawjAsMsV.-. , Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Children, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, l ' ... m ' Gloves, Hosiery, 4c., W Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Children Hats, of every variety for summer Crockery and GlasswarS, Wood and willow ware. '. 0 4im ' Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. .. -Tbey are prepared to fill all orders, of Physt clans, for DrCgii and Medicines, at the shortest native. The Drng department will be under the charge of a regular l'hr.-iein. They also bate a brunch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all or tiie sImivc named articles, may uke w ;-e lie obtained ou Uie same term. The above stock of Goods, having been pur. chased oiaeb-thelato heavy decline ofpriee in tte Xortnern Cinhts, will be sold a LOW as they can po.-wibiy be bought in this market P. K. MaJtin. invites his old triends of Davie Co -. a ty , peeialir, to give him a call when visiting this market ' 1 : , J.W.GBAT, P. R. MARTIK, J. McGCIBE. Salisbury, X. C , April 2, '66. tf-nol. B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., C ommission Merchant, RALEIGH, ?i. C. SELL on Commission Cotton ttiirwm. fUiiir. I.onl. Dried Tarn, Sheetings, Fruits, Wataker, ltraudy, and all kinds of country produce. Thev also keep constantly on hand for sale. Plows, Hoe. Axes, Shovels, Spade. Corn Shed lcr. and all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Hardware, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de scription. Thei- resnertfullv snlieit oonsienmenta from Fanners nnd others, in the western part of the State, and pledge themselves to give their best SttentLnn to all order and consignment entrust. . . a. . - - . iLl. J - Be to refer to MeCubbin Foster ds Co., Salir wr. Tod BfisldwarUVPj, C.1L B. Mor I s. w. JONES & WHOLESALE GBOCEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RALEIGH, N. C, Have in Store a large stock of Groceries, which i oifered at the Unreal cash prices Thev leajieetfally solicit order from tne mar ch, ul of Kavth CdMwliaar PULLIAM. JOKES CO. BLANKS (V all Wd neatly extrtd at the NOBrH STAtlt OaTflCE. fWd a. nun raaaar aua a : Kaatna . -i am smanaU nasi liriaiin I A W I llll ITBj) ...-to.'-.'., UT-. ' . r -. " ' - - ' - - c fv.