UAIVES 11 V.MPTOA, PuhN. A: Pro%. “The Old Xoi\\^ state Forever.” —Gaston vo.i: i SALISliUKY, N. a,im'RSDAY EVEiSING, JULY 20, 18C0. $!liii§^le Copies Five Cenis - ■■ n NUMBER 82 rill', OLD NO in [I STATE. f'rl{|-\\■|•’.l■;^i,^.] Xicu Is llanos o*. Jonn S. Hampton. rui’.uisi!»:RS a PUorioF.ioRS. * LEWIS H/iNES, Edit'.r. '■ UVTI-.S )K -UliSClUl’T!'>N. 4:^ TKIt T|S-|'ASH IN \nv\\ K. Tri-'A V Tin: PO*%TAOE LAW. For the e(ijiv> ’‘iciir‘e of our r;aders, many of ^^lioin arc uniMloriricd to the present po=tii: rales, (-Atraet and prejiare the tolhjwiiig I'ruin tlif e.\i>t iuir '•oir’alatiuns as ]>uijlisiied in the Uni- :etl oi.„ nau: LE'ri'lSi,! ^‘ISTACF,.—PREPAVMKNT. tliey fail they will be diarged with the full clue, and in clear cases removed from o^Iieelvrfl^.g lect. WRITING ON NEWSPAPERS. To irelose or conceal a letter, nr ^ (except bills and receipts lor subsciiptnjU write or print anything, after its pnblicil Court Advertisements. due 'i'lar X 'l aj'tis, t liic .iluiiUi, [WEEKLY] idy piij'Ct. 'Me ■'ix •• *• 1, I) ‘‘lU*. oiMis. I'iCH t me Y(‘;ir. 'l' A-cti:y ''iiiiie--. ' »ii.j i'ear. 00 3.00. 73 c’. -. S 3.0(' 1 .nO i'i.OO 40.00 State of North Carolina, 1>AVIE County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Thomas N. B. Glasscock. Nathan 8. Chaffin and wile Llvira. Ransom P. Booe and wife Umeline. Martini Clutts. .John Glasscock and James Glass- cook, vs. James White, B. II. and i’inkuey tuld- - , . Petition for Partition of Peal Estate. ... , iiiff, marks or Signs, ui)on the cover or wrarn'cr oi I resident ur ^ u .-Pre^.deut or j [^e.vspaper, pamphlet, magazine or otlicr than ^athanlcI8. Bhaffin, one of the petitioners ui this Uiciii jcr.'oi ( .)ngn-:-> iUKt letters on oliiraal busi ; theiiame and address of the persons to whoin it is m-s to tile ehiei,. ul the Executive 1 epartments ] ,;ent,and the date when subscription expires, ol die Guvernmens the liea„s of bureau-^, an.hi luckane to letter posta-.-. cue ! cler.k-, and viuers in\csicd with me Punii-; in- privilege. RATE .S. The rates of 111 ti-i postage i> ♦bree rctits pet half'.ance, Ilirou.ho'at lire Uniled States; and tl.''ee cents for each additional half ooiice or frac- Court Advertisements. IMCercantile Advertisements. NKWFIUM F\ SALISBURY J. W. GjRAY, & CO. Zlailroad Advertisements. A . - . X the -ijii-' i .|C } ]■•' n pe ' jeot.-.i l i, i ,1 '' • ■ • n 1' ij cr iiolie-ica- the e.vpiration of | ! tii>u thereof. The leu cent P.iciiic rate is ahol- Esllt !i ulii li tlie -'di.K North Stite." j 'i't.e rate .f postage lOn ilroji Jett, rs is t wo eent.s aeie,,. A. No )i.inis w ill he sji.iri a i.i j per halt oin.! - or Iriu *:ion Ihen-ol', at all olbces yi.’ii i;. . In order I where i'n-i- .ielivi'ry by carrier is csrahlishcd. -■I . . 0! a.tnJ I Where such free delivery is not eslabli.sLeil, the ai tor lo e \ c I c.’ I- ii'/a eed I he Si- ■I'.ir |•olltril)UluI'■ ADVTJRTISmG RAT3DS. ( Ol- •| il A NSl KN r I..C ,il- li -- ih.lll ul!’ ri.ii'e. 1- ir-'i aisi riio.’i ih-i'ijOen* '• — ■vtiol! I : V.IO - I'or • '■ ! 1 Ml'. 1;.\ 1 i;s .no at a nvi- to • /■,() ■tl.-. J '>■1' 2 .1 ('■ . ; :{ nil . . I dll .3 dl! (■ dl't ial i' l*d ! !(: Ud ‘' ! 1.3 d( I 2 .M' I.S. 3 M'iS. 4 M- IS. 1 .36 6 DD r DO • : Dll DD 12 DD ; .3D ID .3D 13 DD ! CiD ! 2 1 ID 1.3 (M) !■,' DD li; DD 2D DD ! 3 1M) 2l 1 ■ ID 23 (ll) 22 .3' 1 g-. (Ml 3,3 "D rale i.s one cent. .NEWSPAPER postage. Tl'.e ;o1,mw iiig jv the postage on newpapr-rs, i w Aeii sent uoin lae oliieo of publication, to regu j !.ir ^illl. ■■;ril"-r>: postage on Gaily jiapers to subscribers when ]irej)aid (juarlerlv or yearly in luiv.inee, e.iiie''at tile mailing otLieo or Oliieo -f (h livery, per ouarter, | ! three inoiitii ' :-.x limes per \v. .-k. per I'ptarter, ; 1-01 i'ri-W eeMy. ' - iseuii-Weei-:;, 'deeklv. N. C. R. R. Company. ENG. & Sl'P’TS. OFFICE, CdiiPANV Shops, .TuneTih, IrGG. ( ]ta:\gi: of nin:. On and after June lOtli, 1866, Trains will run as folloies : GOZVJG \VE.*3T. MAIL TRAIN. I.oave Goldsboro', 1- 30 r. M, “ Raieigli, 3 4.3 j “ Hillsboro’..,. 3 28 “ Greensboro’,. dO I “ Salisbiirv, 10 10 ease, having come before me. and made atlidavit tliat Pinkney Caldwell, one of the ]iarties made Defend ant, is a non-resident of the .'State of North Carolina, h't is therefore ordered in accordance with the jirovis- |5ons of the Act of Assembly, that jinblication he imade in the Weekly Gi.i) N'ortu State, for tlie term nf six weeks, notifying the said Pinkney Caldwell of (lie Oliug of this petition—and that, unless he appears it the next term of this Court, to be held at the (oiirt-liouse in the toxvn of .Mock.sville, on the second loiiday in .‘September next, and answer the petition, tje same 'will be taken pi'o confesso, and heard ex prie as to him. ® Witness, Epli. Gaither, Clerk of said Court, at office it Mocksville, the lUtli dav of Jnlv. A. D. ISfifi. KPII. (lAlTilEB, Clerk. July 20—13 [Prs foe SlO] wGw State of Nortli Carolina, j itOXWJLX UOUNTY. I Superior Court of Lair, Spring Term. ' rj., . . . 1 c - i IT.Tlist received and opened at Xo. 2, Mnr- i he Atlautic Imuk ol Aew lork r8. bi- JIL phy's Granite building, a new and Splendid moon Franktbrd. j Stock of Staple and Tt appearing to the satisfaction of t'.ie ('onrt that the j FANCY DRY GOODS, cation be made for six successive w-eks in •‘Tlie Did ! billovs, A hirge and boautilul assoitmeut ol North State.” notifying him to be and ajiiieav before the .fudge of onr Superior Court of Law. at the next Court to belieid forthe Coun'yof Bowan. at the Court House in Salisbury on the PJtli Mond.iy after the 4ili .Monday in August next, then and there to plead orre- I'levv, audshow cause, ifaiiy he has. why Hie plainti'l should not have judgment against him. and the House and Lot levied npmi be sold to satisfy the sime. AVitness. Ubadiali Woodson. Deputy Clerk and ex- officio, acting tlerk of our said Court, at Dtlice. the 12th Monday aftcrtlie last Monday in Eebruarv. A. L>. Ibtib, and inthe!40th vear of our Iiidepeiidein e. UlLVDlAll WOODSON. Deputy and acting ( lerk, .Tune 18.‘66. [PrfeeSlU] uo63 tiw. (• B.3 ctii liO V lU “ .3 •* j Wi-. kly Newsjmpcr-. (oui- en]iy onhA tfiif by I the tu’.ldisin r to u-tuai sub-^criliers wulmi Ae 1 l uuuiy ■w ill-'’'* printed and pabii.-hei!. tree. Arrive at C'liarlotte 12 .‘13 a i;i UHEHiliT AND ACCUilMOB.lTlON. Leave Goldsboro’, 12 GO P M. •• Raleigh, 4 3i) A. M Hillsboro’,. Greensboro’,. .Salisbtirv, ... 1 DO 1>. M, .. 5 HO ‘ Arrive at Charlotte, !J 00 I C'u.Rrter.' I’.i'i e'ni'i:.: Vt AKT!:iU.V PAVM EN TS. pi'.'!.ivi- ClOuiol lie ]iaid for It . . I Oti .)■ I f-11t - A .a ijc mail fal' .1 i'Mig.''' ti r:u •'! r ... A - II iiid ' ■! I ;Ai‘-r! ■ lit- PJ‘ Ua I I it' . Ti-ii ji;It - of -'o i '• li . .'i ! in' 1 1 wpl. ' llOSi' til lour ni'.tiith.'^. I' I i.'lJi i ri* I ij.l 1 illlS- .'.ill ill' om; t oasi A iile a ll No'll ii 1 'I- r.ll I- of Ofiiw. I'/y : I""' .’ , O'.Ill: 1:.I' i‘ililiir.s, 1; Vi '. II' ' d.',-i-tU, T .i;- , ‘jo iier 'I' ■ lo i'll ll 'nbiion. will be ei':i- ii'ii. I'oi b -s tli:iu (ioiible at'.. l•t'’.i.'r•lul•ll'. 5. 'I: I: 1 i aoiN a IS AST. .MAIL TRALX. I.eave rdiarlotte, 11 13 r. 5:. j .Salisbury, I 26.4.5. “ (Tieensboro’, 4 10 '• • “ lliil.sboro’, (! .‘U “ j I Raleigh t' HO ‘ can pay ip.t tr- ; Arrive at Goldsboro’, 11 20 ‘ ^ ..oim-tiiai 1.^. wr one Uarti r and a tluni, one ! AND ACCOMAIODATTOX. (jii;o't'-r mil! TWO ! )i inis. t\,i'. 'Jiie law only reijuires j T-ea\e ('h.arlotti?, ....4 HO a. t’lat at lea.sf'one ipuirUr’s jiysf'ige .'ball be j>ro- “ Salisbury,... jiaiib and iK'T more oii'.'yuai's jn,stage. Any “ (Ireensboro’ b rui botwi-i n oiH'(ium'i-ra.''(i one year can there- “ Hillsboro’ Ib’-i- in- pri'ji.-e.l at [irepor'amate nuer'.. Suiiscri- j i. JLiloigh bi",'., I, on piiv tbe po.wagi' for a fraethm of a j at Goldsboro','. U r, at ilio , a..,',-rates tor a xvimJe ipuirter, lo in-| t-> , • , • , i-, , • , I bido.t: tliv loll non's itii the m-xt w!,oL guurler, ] rrain connects at Raleigh with Kalmgh m.d !■,. . ing 'i.r liotli at the .'ametiine. I Gaston Trains lor the Noi'Ch. '. ll ! si:bsi.'ript.oi'l begins at aiu ^ Hair t;:'- l oaiiiifuei'nient of an olIi,-ial i whu ie.'ii'e ' T'lrter, Hw ;>o...lagii rccciv'-i! by the Po.-t Master, j .1,^ I mo'’. .'Id' hi- entered in his account for that ptar- I I'.r. .S.ili.schi.nii's lor 'iioit terni.s—( xceediiig three iiioiilll.','.IV four or Ave n.a t-rlv po-I'leH.ho uet’aitl term of their silbserip- I 8 53 “ .... 1 10 ?. 51. 3 23 !> l.-i 2 13 a. m. STATE OF NOETII CAItOLLXA, li.WlDSON COUNTY. Cotrt of anrl Quarter St-isions, May Term, 1SC6. C. F. Lowe, Kx’r., of | Petition to settle Ba liara Miller re:’i, (vs.) Vthe estate of Bar- Jacob Miller and others. | bara Miller. If appearing to tlie Court Michael Miller, Henry Mill r, John I'eez ,r, .41e.\^n!’er Ki-ezor .Sniitli Feezor and others—tlie cliiidren of Barb'ira Fe zor,‘» wife of Leon ard Feezo', .and the personal repres ntatives of J.acob Huffman, uec’d., re'i’e beyond the liiui's of this State. It is therefore r rder d by h > Court that pnhlii ation be made for six weeks in tlie ‘Old North State,” a news- aper putikshediu Sal'sbury, N.C. notifyitig said absent d“fend- au's to a. I>^‘tr at ti.e next Court of Pleas and Qaai-ter Sessions to be held for Hie County of David'on at the Court House, in Le.x'm.gton, on the seco'd Monday in Au gust next—then an 2 there to fl'.ow cause, if any they have why the prayer of the Pen'ticner shall not be gianted— otherwise ir will be tieard ex: arte as lo them. Witness 1. K. Perryman, Clerk of said Court at Office in Lexington, s.cond Monday of May ISOO. 1. K. PEKKYMAN, C. C. C. June 14, not 6w [prfee $t0] State of Xortli Carolina, ROWAX COrXTY Convl of Lquity, Spring 4'onn, 1866. Equity Sale nf tlic richost CDJLD M1!XE ill A'ubtit Carolina. Samuel AVootlrulf aiul Henry H. Heacli to tbc use of Julius R. HrockcluiTn, Tlie Gobi Hill Mining (.'ompany. By virtuo. of a Decree of tlie Court of iVt GoM^t-! Et|uity of Itotyan County, nunlc in the in: state of North Carolina, lloAYAN County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Mag Term, A. J). 1866. Elizabetli Hringle rs. Lawrence A. Hriiig- Icj John Hringle and Lavinia llringle, I’etition roil Dowuii. It appearing to tb3 sati.sfaction of tlie Court that Lavinia Hringle, one of the de fendants in this ease, is a non-resident of tins State, it is therefore, ordered by the Court that jiuldication bo made for six con secutive weeks inThkGi.dNortitState, notifying said defendant of the filing of this petition and that unless she appears at the next term of this Court to he held for the County of Hou'an at the Court House ill SalisViury, on the 1st Monday in August next, ajid pleads, answers or demurs, the same Avill he heard cx xxtrte and judgment reudored jM'o confesso as to her. 'Witness, Gbadiah 'Woodson, Clerk of our said Court, at Ofiico, the 1st day in iMay, 1>. 1866, and in the yOtli 3'ear of our iudejieiideiioo. onAi»i.\ JI AY()( )I)8()X, Clerk. June 16,'66c [prfee-sioj 64 6tY Assessors Office. t' -.-mi'ii's. i a. Ill- I I, 5>i: ;ii 1' I I■ ;i; , li.O 111 a: t-'i, . |.i r .-ij,. I ',1 .'11; i. I • ||li:i i iTi gukiily,''. a. Ii’ i ‘ i mvitaT.Ks To pufllshku.s. boo,*, with'Wilmingtfii ami WelJuu, and At-; aboA'e n-nned cause at this Term, 1 will p I I ■'.ii’.-bi'i'('•: N-.'papers ami piriiKboals may laiuio N: N. I,’. 1 raiii.s.^ ^ j sell at the Court House door in .Salisbury: Ciiitcd State.s Internal HoYcmie. '. ‘v' . n‘ fr ‘’Gi'-r Rum tboir respovnvo o'.lu'cs nt A.-coumHidati'.oi Train runs dad. v. (Sim da vs ; oj;. turd'-nM be 1 8rb d-iv of Ano-nst noxt i . '■ " i l™* '13.3 'll': g;7;"A!".'tmg « w. Nv.h,;iis.,.i, -i: | i;„au„a 6tli District, N. Carolina. .■...,1a. .li . lOi.i, in -...m..! ii; .h.-ir in.UVutior,. h.lli ..,,,1 “is‘rsl™d.n' Train troins Xm-tl, frnn i iji**? of tto Hold Hill, July Clin 1SOC. r‘ I 1. ' 1 • . .1 1 li'.l.H'' ■ 1. -1! .loOi”. .' libi-i. ill it.MHi ill tiu-ir ]mljitcal)ons. bills and 1 Uifhe dame. ti'cMif pustagr-. TLi'V may a'-ii.'..V'v I'll th.-T rv'jiiict;■■.e }>ublic.atio;is, iLe d.rr- w-; :.'•; tl.u .-'.1''.-',;,riptL'ii cxpat.s, to lie wrllen >;■ prinlvd. ■ SM \LL P-VPER.S. l.'i ligiivi'. Filiu'.tllomil and .\griotdt’ Xpw.'^- Ii);i at iii'''T; lut CVVi'V Cii.'l'.-'- c.'i:' nv'. . V L •' :a • m J film 1 V ii it .. 1 '■ ' tr- "11 ' 'i I I'l ii:Ul''i: J'llDMO, U .1 [aRMdNV- •I "t.'l.r. v*‘ ^ ■U r'liet n r 7 i lie rife i.s tlirc.of- •|.|•.|'tv^ and all i‘'>i,u'h('n! in'ian' D; Imr- V dalv vi! in. ll Jo U“V tb. D- iiitim: i,.''r • I : li'Y aimin'T ti;'‘n’?('bi'S. t'li iLi-jdy era ' i 0} ri'-'-a'I xxith O'D-dr.t-v'iti ri .'fK.'vt. ' ■!. f iv a- jiiiS''ibio, j 'init v.''.ii) .1 ceusu- j o,f ..-.ll' V'lti-mpi'ra- pi'ijiiT'.liNm;,;; .';/.i‘. is-aie.l bjss Irc'pifiitiy ilian ; .'p. .1 wi'i'k. iIf-sent in jia('l;;.,g: ,s to one ad j ib'i" . at .iLonv v'^eiit Ibr eai ii n.n-kagenot j j wwi-ediiig ban cmn-csin wiaglg, and an .addition- i : :ii . u.i"g(* (•• ail* eciit is made Ibr i.a l; aJilitiou.d i : li'i;'.' omari'.-J or iravtion tlicvt-nr, ihe iiostagc t.i lie pai i ipiai't'-i'ly ca yi-arly, in adMuice. Fl3V)S I’'!:.'.LK i NI •■'Vs dealer': may send ni-Av> p.'ijiers .and ]>'n" ' .idioal.s to regular sub.'crib. T' at ‘ip. (j-aun-rly ■.•'U s, th, pame manner as p’lbiisl.ers. and may I ilsn u'Cvive liivin trom publi.shors at subscribers ! ' rati,-., in a.''„.s tlm j'o.stage to be [iiejiaiu, 1 cithei: a; tb'i mailing o; deiivc ' Weldon Trains, Tliere is no Sunday Train going Xortb from I , • n i i AYcldon to Portsmouth ; passengers arriving I -^ming A ompany, ni ail reai and p'crsouai at Weldon on tlirough via i’eier E. AVIl.Kl June. o. ’Gii-dtf ling, table estate and interest of the Gold liill Mining Company, in all real and p'crsonal 1 that day can go immediateiy conveyed to Isaac li. 8milh, by 31. ! with the provisions of .Section ’etersburg and Richmond. E. Holmes, and others, by Deed bearing I of June 30, 1861, its amende S.vltsbubt, July 3th, 1866. Xotice is Hereliy Given in accordance lOtli of Act _ . , amended 3I;irc]i H, lEEl'jb. j loite July 9tli, 183'.*, .and registered in Hook I J86-3, tluit I, H. H. Helper. Assessor .Sixth Oig. tO Supt ! 40, page 432 of the Register'.s (Hliee of! District of Xon' NOTICE lo the MERCHANTS tb:t; .\A« r.AK.IIERS OF .MtilTll A.\l) SOlTil f.\R0Ll.\.l A'orth Carolina, u’ill sit at my — Rowan County; and in liiat conveyed to | office, on the corner of Long and Tnniss I li:i 1 u I- ii.'ivc del ;-rmim U '.'I iVsin I'ti.m I'll l’...g ‘lie |■'m•^.•e "t 'Miy POSTAOK OX Tlt.vNSiEVr MYITEU CIRIU'L.VRS. ffice. la.MiKS r.i s , public '.iiheo!'.- liowi-vor much w •' ll TV I; . E 1 '!• lii-licvnig • ii.u ;lii'V n i provided j ie r. 's anv groun'l to pro- y i.iri ll Ei'i'l.'s. not OV''' ■(•S'. A Cl at' ; I' ' ('(‘IiO forth and described. Also, any and all siTUe .Seaboard and Roanolie' : said Company, ci or ni any real or ]iet- . sonal estate situated at or near Gold Hill, I in HoAvaii County. Terms of sale, Cosh, , I Is now in tliorongh operation. d.‘ail.chk,n'h'otv‘w^ Ll iCE HL.VCIOIER, C. 31. E. tbc 1’resident and LUrectors ot tbc Gold ! .Street.', in the City of .Salisbury, on the I Hill 3liuing Company, by Edward H. Rice | Lltli day of July next; at the Court House by Deed dated .Septeiuber 29lli, 18.3.3, and ■ iu 3Iocksvdlo, Davie Couutv, on the ]6tli: registered in Hook 40, page 88 of the Reg j at the Court House iu .Statesville, Iredeli ister’s Office of Rowan (_’ouiity, tvherein ' County, on the IStli; at the Court House the same^ niay be found particularly set i in J'a} lorsville, Alexander County, on the lOtli: at tbc Court House, at Xewton, Ca- .4 .XU ! RAILROAD, • MI-:p‘'Si.'>l n ll llic Avclihi t if tfi pi iip'C f •ii'diiia ond ci tic Scuib, And we woul.l ll ' ti'spcctPtilv 'iigi,;-'.'i 1 ■* I'Ur cotcm[ o- 1 ■ very-V Ic re li. the .'^cutb (and e.-'pe- ci ’.iiv m this .State) f.) icfrain from o.'sai!- i .nuh "sm wciglit. to on i-r 4 ou’iri's, ap.>! not cvirS' cimcim'^ii uct ov.-r 1-' A yn FORMS P.T ITS C'DN'NECTION.S WITH i . n-,- r c --t-i v cum-es. rJ 11 lit': cr D2 ounces, and nt-lovcr . ’ho Uuleig/t aiui /rim.?, the jrru-o r.-' Dime 11,00. [pttec-g_tjj uoOdtuAvvtds !i( nmii I'.', In I CHI'. I N'O't.Wt/ro/.Om ih/iY/'crtb, aud the (JhueU/tie u,-"! t'ircuh.i's. ant exceeding ihi'ce i.n r.nmbev, la j t'olumhia Railroad, the cr three, and unt ov.-r m.x ' Cheapest, Quickest & l^ost Direct over iiv' I at li otli.r—1.1 n> :;ii act t iL'''ther in f-'Uiionx-, at least until 'Uir u.tti'U'.al .litH- 1 « dies arc a.l.iisti'd. 'l la '.cii >\ c x\ I 'I' in-' as r lie c'c ill an 11 ilVieudiv m w'p.nvM rqnar ■Iv a dav has been anv one to 1 pii't—ani’ I nr.c addros. *2 . ent:-: ov Ic-n:.-.: "'i'r' X. mid notovcriunc.oeeuis and nutc.wteiii: a twelve. 5 cents. M iSOF.EL.WEoUS. O'l misee’],ci;'cn>: maihihle matter '.-n’liraeirm s’! pamp’iii"!'. oecnsional pulilieatmns, transieu lie -'caiier,-. ’.lai.d-biils ami jiosters. l)oc-,k ir.ami si r;] ' .' niu proui-'hei'ts. whether corrected or not and jeiiit',ei.gravii:: 'L. et uiusic, blanks tl'.c — liii! we Imp. tilt d.'iy i.- ] Iiivcicmion sli. ’1 he gre ii Imt'ore S-- eon- sciit to do .'0 .tg'iin. 3V'' ar*' all deejdiy i’.i 'll ued in a ; I'mmon caiisi*. .and tliert - t. 1; w c a III Id (t t t'lgethi r iiamioiiiousl v. 1 f we foci it I'.nr diU ' Jo diiVcf, Lr 'u.? do .'o v.'i.ii ' ji.i.J'i-ni'. ,',.,i!pi,-s .tiitl 'anipli' card', pim- , : 'gi aj'ltie t' cper. i tt. ri m 'iej"''. [ o^n.l envelop-.-s j c',' wrara i-r.'. cai’dp.ij'or Addi or ornamental, I pho’oaTapi'.ic I'eTir. 'cniati‘'ns of ditierent type:', ! culUii- '. ;> .ibs. riH''>, and the r.-ust- 1 l.epm; '.e^i' n a •)■. iritaftl''. tii' ndlv .spirit. make tin .-e rem.trk." net f irtbepor- pof gitining favor V. ith any man nr sci .if men—w e bnve mi're ollices in our I'fc-time than mauv r.'guhtr ofbce-lmn- fil— _ _ -our 'OiK object is to pr-mole peace aod good t.erng ammig o’liii- ru people, a . d .1 .'i u 1 trni ■'vill ever ge‘ an .•j.ourt'iui'v to want no I’ffi. 1 i V St v b'i li.tve Siider- ,'1 ir. .'..iTcnuj’Uor* th in anv oth'. r X.' I hi Il'a ni t ' ■ ’ VI 1 ,1.1, . >1 '• : '.,.11; T' t' iiii'iniii-' ha. at.; m '■. -■ni';. i'I'n one pack.age t*' i one ad.lres.s iml i-r 4 oum i-.s m wei^ziit. *2 ; j f ... -I 4 .•line.-', and net over'S oani'es. 4 ti-nts, ov- I cr H ounces ami nol '.iver L2 ■.'rUimc'. (3 cents ; over ^ •J Cu'-ices, and not uvir bi omices. s cents. j IToW TO V,V. W l; \i»iM n Nil mail .acre, emb he, t>, an m-tii matt I • ■uveloi>'?d. po^tma^ t lie wrapper: m'.J>t be I'lted with letterp.ot ige. No commiini- ' cation, whether in w’-iting e,r m nrint, can be s nt Through Freisiiil Line from nil places in Xorth Carolina and 33'estern South Caro’iiua to POPTSJiorTTr^ A on FOLK. BALTIMOPF. ITJJLA DELPTIIA, NEW YORK. AXD BuSTOY. Nortli Carolina, Davidson County. Court of Pleas and Chuirtcr .Sessions, 3[ay Term, 1866. John 3V. I’ayne Adm’r., Do lionnis non vs. Asa Jones, and wife Elizabetli, ^ and others. Petition to sell land to pay th-bt.s. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that G. C. Payne, H. A. iV.ym , 3[aitha I’ayne; 3[ary I’.ayne, and Era.=mus Puvne., defendants in thi.. L t.'.wba County, on the 21st; at the Court at Concord, (hiharrus G’ouuty, on the 20ili; at the office of^taiit A sor, E. 3Y. Ahrens, Charlotte, 3Iecklen- burg County, on tlie 21sr; at the Court House in 3Ionroe, ruiou (.’ounty, on the 23rd; at the Court Ilou'o in Dullis, Ga,s- ton C'.'unty, on the 2-3ili; at the Court , House iu faiieolutou, Lineolu Countv, I on the :?6th ; at the. Court liouse .at Yad kin ville, Yadkin (.'ounty otuthe 23rd, and at W ilke.'boroh AVilkes County, on the 23th, bt t'weeu the hoiir.s oi 9 A. M., and 4 1’. 3J., f.t the several day.s named above, TO and determine appeals relative to any erronoou.s or excessive vabiations, as-^ j sesr-raents or ennmcration.s by the assessor ; or assistant assostor.s returned iu theaniiu- ■ al list. Xotiee is furth r given tliat no appeal will bo idlowed to any party after he shall j have been linlv , list contairiing tiie assessment has been LADIES DRESS GOODS, emhracing the newest and leading styles of the .season. A large assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youth’t and BoyN Guuds. Ladies Summer Trappings, l.adies' Misses, and Clhidro.i’s Trimmed Hats, now shapes, Ladies, ilisses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, blisses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Tlosiei-y, Ac., &e. C.euts and Boys Shoes of eveiy Description, Cients, Boys and Childrens Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Crockery and Glassware, Y’'uod and xvillow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye SlufTs, ofall kinds. They are prepared to till all orders, of Physi cians, for Dnigs and 3Icdirines, at the shortes t notice. The i)mg di'partinent tvill be under the charge of a regular IMiysician. They also liavo a hraneh of their business at County Line, Davie County, whore all of the above named articles, maj’ like wise be obtained on tlie same terms. 'J'h> al'ovo stock of (Joods, htivinp been piir- ehased since tin' late heavy decline of jiriees in tlie Northern Cities, 'will be sold as LOT as they cun possible la bought in Ibis market. P. R. Ala.itiii. invites bis old friends of Bavio I County esjiecially, to give him a call when visiting ' tills market. J.T. GRAY, P. R. MARTIN, J.McGUlRB. Salisimry, N. C., April *2, ’66. tf-nol. B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co.,” ll A L i: HtW, i\. V. OELL on Commission Cotton A'arns, Sheetings, ^ Bacon, Flour, Lard, Dried Fruits, Thiskey, Brandy, and all kinds of country produce. They also keep constantly on hand for sale, Plows, Uoes, Axes. Shovels, Spades, Corn Slid lers. and all kinds of Agricultural Iniplement.s, Hardware, Tin M'are, and Groceries of every dO' scrijition. They respectfully solicit consigninent.s from Farmers and otliers, in the 'svestern jiart of tho State, pledge themselves to give their best attention to all orders and comsiguments eutnist- od to them. Beg to refer to MeCubbin Foster it Co., Salis bury, Tod. R. Caldwell, Pres’t., N. C. R. K. Mor- gantoii,.!. A. Rosebro, Statesville, april L’66. nol tf a THE WEEKLY OLD NOETH STATE” PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY. N. C., BY HANES & II .1 P T O N , CONTALXS All the Latest News, REVIEW OF THE ilIARKETS, To be c • fL‘ ^ 1 ■(>. i. T • 1 ' COUailUlllg IllC .l^.'^ SSJUUIIL I'l 1.11 fo take adrnnt.'uro of tills grAat tlirongh Im- ' ^ I transmitteJ to the Collector of the iJi.s- card-ai to consign your Frejghttocare of Ka.- *01'-' orJcivi by tlm C oun, tliat in: oiication . road .Vgent. Porisuiouth. and ihrect vonr corre ' bo mmlc for six x\ ook- ' d.l Xortii : with anv secu>, rotil.-:, ciittincs or scio; T O'UCr IL; :..'t pnUliM. inaj.s, e.xcept ^ I 1. i 11 —C '. ‘G lO'O; '.111 i!- a !•; i;;y t \ lO'ii')' if ►»> • 'Orix ('■''-Ciiii' 'I ’I upon the scjiar.J.e matter at the- c-t.i’.'li'hed rate-'. I ia - i * . lit It.s Vi jiig our o'lVti I I Ti-i- ’•e p.-, i. '.i:' 1 OI.’T.s. ■f : '''W't'tP'-‘ pi-nouico area' a’iy p'-istotlic-'direeied ui'we ad ” ' DXT V sTP \ 'irPTi C Il'TTTGP August m’xt. then ami there to j'lem]. -an- It Ll I. ILAAlLii.S J) V v\ li Iu il ^ j-f) fijp |if-.rition, or lb'- .'aim THROUGH FREIGHT ARRANGEMENTS iwiill>e takon" and Iu aid i x ! parte, a.s to them, iL.l T Tv ]jEE2i' MALE. I AVitness I.K. Perrvman, Clerk of .=aid this ronto von can con-ian ^ Court at otlice in Hexingtou. the sCC'jiid All appeals to said, a.? aforo- itig and specify r or tiiingy re- •sion i.s requested, or principle of ][. H. If LEPER A==e.s.sor .Sixth l)i.striet X. C. July .3,'66. tw2w. AND PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE. PER.^ON'S LIVING IN TIIE COUN TRY 3VILT, PE KEPT POSTED ALL TIIE NEWS OF 'ITIE DAY BY SURSCItlHING TO THE WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE. *1’ II B A Dang^prous Accident. A negro about twelve vear.' of age. while taking a mule to wat r at .i I ranch in ' b-' vicinity of this pl.tce, vvnln Im !;■ vn- r.-.i on, ■wu' thrown by llu auiimil aViil ids foot getting fastened iu the gear.s di igg';',; iiie list mi.'O, receiving a numlicr oi s.- vere kh k' ••u the liciid. Dr.«. Long and ! li’-'i S' and th'.i naim-s 'if ihe club of .sul wuii k till y belong with ihi ll rUi.'dv rii'i .'ha.i b.j iianucii ti.' luc r, !.'• 'Ua” deliver ;h'''Um'- lh''‘ir rc-s]ii-cti\ e own- i or . P-ut 'I'" ' nut apply I" weekly nc'.vspa- j ’"'T'. which cin' fi-fv in the county where i t viu:-hI ,i;,u pttbiisheil. i I'KU-i'.t I'MIJM' oU Tlt.tN.'SlFNT M.VTTUR. i :\!1 tra:i.'ior.t tmitter ir.nst he prepaid by st.ainps. Take notice, that h yiiir Freight dire^rly t-.i it.s ■lubof .subicriberi t > vharg-'s and G'lvernment durio= are p.dd by the ' postage for a Citiai- ’ I’ail Road Agent at iVrtsmonth. and forwatded o bo C'oliectcd at the destination '.if the FTeight. if. C. GllIO, Age.xt. apr 13'tV,-d:3m Portsmouth, t'.a. dpstiivarion, as all 3Xoudav of 314v, A. D. 1866. I. K.T’ERRV3IAX. G. G. G. June 14,'66. no64; prf ;c812 ] TERnS -CASH IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAR, - - - .S3 00 .SIX 3lDNTiI.8, - - - 1 .50 HANES & HAMPTON. Publishers & Proprietors •TON, \ LI M'l.S J'tlLN : II INKS. . II.i.Ml* march 30— BOOK STORK. P. ui n Ul 1.0111'.'- to 1C udii e ot liditery without pri-paynioi.L or 'b-.rt puid, the niiiWd po.-tage Can pbell were called in ai '1 upon exami- be cjllocted on delivery at doubhr tae pre- i.atiou fouml that lii.= skull liad been bro- ; ,1,,.,+. • , • .v, - f nii-torm nra , . J .11 - Dioat neglect exists m the sfrict quarterly pre- krn in, and 10010406 a tioZ''n 01 moi'i piC- I payment 01 j-osiagi on printed matter sent to reg- •0.=:, whicli "we eaiv. 'J'lie boy is -aid to alar subscribers. "No such imner shordd be rtc- lot.-'in bi.s smicspj i, 'prg’''!v, and in all ! hvered mde.s.sit is either!d at the mailing ,.;'l t . ' ,'7^ 1., ! •office, or at the deli verv olHee, for at least a quar- 1' ‘ '/• " '•'-•• ^ I ter. If not so prepaid, posrraa.sters must collect (rojo'e 6-j p;(3n Per Vear: we want agent everywhere t" sell otir improve'! I SOQ xoi.ving 3Iechini?.s. 4 1 re.-' new kinds.— " > Puder and'iippci-feed. Sent on trial. 3Var- A good Dwelling H' iu one of the ''^‘tite'i live years. Above saiatx or large best neigbborbood.s of Hte Citv, for par-■p.ud. t ihe mJy machmes^ f.,la FOR RRNT. THE .Subse.ily-r.s ai '.mi .'•'ti 'Ck of BOt iK^ con.sT.t’.g'V a l'liug Ul ,v '.li 1 .I’.i'l. all 't th*' T,i ll.- lui'i. -VII Jicukirs apply to Jnrif; 4, L. H. HEARD. d2w 11006 $90 out. A .no ATM I —AGENTS ' in United 8tat.?.' for less than -840. which are ; ' Jtdli, licensed bg Hoicc, Wheeler d’ Wihon . [Gmrn-d'Baker, Sinner d'Co., and Bochelder. ...... ... . ^ All other cheap ma'diines are infringements Wallpaper. J5lumes. Ac. and JwWfei- ol at. tiaUe lo arrest, Stal.cmoj aa l -li Me,, aii'l be.s‘ pti'ii;icat:..'n.= kind- aii'I gra'le.s ■ '! L(.'I1(7»L Hru'KS. Religi'^n.s. HLtorical. Be gniplncal. and Miscellaneous'. Blank Books, Nbit*' Rooks. lUing papers. .LV.MU.S VV. n.saOBXU. IIUFUS B.VBKlXGUlt, (>SP>()U.M: cY P»AURI\(il3ll. ATTOB.M’B'SrS AT LAW, CIIARLOT'IT. X. C. WILL practice in tlm counties of Rowan, Gabarrus. Union, Iredell, 3li cklengLurg, 8tauly, Lincoln and Gaston : also iu the sn- jireme ami Federal Courts of the State. Llr* Office iu till' Brick Pmikling near the C'lUi-f House, upstairs, ! may 9, ’tjO-tf. postagii on Copj. as ua trundent matter, li Biddetord, Me, _ , oiifi {liiprisonment. Illustrated circular:? .-m-u wanted f'vr > /-oUtreb/urrichw. just f,.p„ Address, or call on Shaw A Clark Ad'lress 0. T. G.VRE\. Citv Building at Blddeford. .Maine, or Chicago, 111. may28-dAw5in . mav28dAw6m For sale as hoc as ]>os.'?ible. HURKE A HARRI80X, I’look^eilers, A'c. Salisburv. X.C-, July 12.'o'J. / 6 Gm. lU.AXKS Of (dl kinds neatly executed at the Old XtJlUTI STATE (3FITCE.

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