VOL L SALISBURY, N. CL. SATURDAY flST-WING, JULY 28, 1866. NUMBER 83 LD NORTH STAT ITRI-W KE K L Y.) ICHCBIPTIOX. 41 AOCB. - MUMwimnuiTuit.-i. ana ahaMav Una anasa, TOUT S.to. BT(r'w BjBBaaBaa, - f ohTw. - n.w Um Taw. . Ik, expiration "OU XoTH 8MB," paiaa win ac mm y Oat ft,, fa on af wt -WIT- BHTISINGr RATES TBinm EATB ill ill ma Ill mm i 6 1 W. 2 WW. 3 MOM. 4. MOM. if pif . 3t 450 ooo e oo JOaja. 4)0 COO 000 K00 a - SO 750 1050 1300 4 St 90S 12 0U 15 00 Cm0m0 000 1200 WOO 20 00 - mm iaoo oe 2500 l - I mm a so goo 3500 aMhlhaai whaaerire 4 irregularly, or at iuter- i, are for ttaadtnp adver- at diM-retion. at dlscre- for every change. eohimn. RillH for (Kl- Oto day ar year, will he eidleetahle on presentation Cotter; any os, rat m butter. aTrLaai SS5Soi aiO be charred Mar aafia af nainarj aUTerUMrmentK. : Iteiraaiaiiati jaiiiirtt Hbaa Oam bmm aaaarea, ebangenble get mrnmmu muting a a aa j .u a . BBBBaaaaJaaaV I bain an nirher. I Gurnlan. not diaa than to mar am 9 - - - a. A-hred te,kthr-rks, toaer Ji AmJ ahe teaikid at hat iokine " raPPerH' ,"1'. PP r a ar nanaia1. MALTJMOMK, r pbatoajaahir n aiiitilaliaaa dMeanat traeai. .. . -najPT.J lh?t. aTW 4 r Aaal aaal Qary atBaid, artd stffl they ata, !!! tLt.: T-", XEW rOatX, Oaha's mmmdk wat hAe a hooper,) aaddnotr 4 oJl to weaXooaate! A3fJ MQST02F Tha aaaa ami jatoi aaai Batter. maat be rated wnhtoteeraaataaje. Ha taaaa-" ... I t aai 1 .at Cheraw. 8oarth Caroiaaa : era. Ibit thia fWet'ted aamfv to wwrafe I r ai U1A Pff K. J Tha law iwawliaaJh. J he prepaid toy 4wr for tucnt in money brtnc ter- tim-f also wnirh paentSBt dressed to Oto I uicuiIkt of Umuovim, m totta new to the chiefs of the Exec of the Goreranena. the hands chief clerks and otaara Qui Oil l0 aririhMjo. I4TI1 The rate, of Utter kikU i hall ounce, thruuabout the I n t.to I. Ml three cents lor each aiUlilioiuil hall ounce tion thereof. The ton cent lacSc rate it at Theme of pnataae aa 0 per half oaaee ar fractiaa where frvti delivery by Where Jwh tree delivery it aat rate is one cent. mnrim The f"llo ine the when sent fniu the uthce ot lar unlisehberv: IVwtajte ou Daily papwi to jaihwTtbwt when prepaid quartecj ar yaarir ia advance, either at the inailirur ftW ar aAoa OaBrerr, per a, aat In, (three III.. nth-.) Sii tiuii jkt week, wt uuartrr. Kor Tri-Wwkiy. J B - Km Semi-Wcrrvij , JO Ttef Weekly. " - Weekly NewKpn tiers (one epr aJr ) waa ine puunsner u arxaai aanaaaarc wm i-oontv where printed aad pnMaawMl, fcee, 9CArm.T rtrnm Qimrterly portape raanot he paid for V three uioiitrm. If a other time than the 1 quarter, the ptMtuge reeeived hy . mnst sTiii in- raii reil in his ter. Minaenheni 1tr ihort liiiaa mil BHMitba, my fear or fire j. terlr piMtaite fortlat jtlaal tenaaf tuuLs iriiiLis. i,ir ! 10 Uircr aij a uuarter and two thirds 4:c. The law that at leaat one aaartor't paid, ami not more than one term between one quarter hi id oae jaar fore lie prepaid at prtmnrtimiate rutJ hem can pay the nostaxre for a fraction af '"!' ter, at the same rate fair a whale 7- mmm ia ai ' etuuinr tha and paying fur both at the raiviLEcEs to r Pnhhshen of Xewsriaptrs and seau to rtn-h other from puuiH-alion. tree ol petain- one ot.j.y lira tion, and Uiar alao w.nd to ai -n!er. iin losed in their puUicaUou-. reeeipU for the name, free of aortasr. Tte'j i also state on their respectu e jitwaTii ihjkiawi. Hate when Uie sutiscnptam expires- to far or pnniea. SMALL PAPIBto. Religious, Educational and Ajpirataaal yew pupent ormtttil aiae, issued ouee a week, mar be teat ia dress, at the rate of one pent l or ea. h exceeding four ounce in weittiL. aud al charge of one cent U made far ejtt.h four ounces or traction thereof, the J nitty to be paid quarterly or yearly, ia adraaea. raWa'acAXEBfL Xews dealers, may sead ai a laaaj aadaea ralieals to regular (tabscriU-rs at the uuanrrli rates, in the same manner as publishers, andaMBr 8 alaoreeeivethein fi mat f iOHiaaj li. at ricW raiea. in aou catra tae aaataae a' either at the mailing or delivery o roaTAQK os TBAnaitxr MATTsa aaoasi '-'ajttf Books, not over 4 ounce in weaatek, to aow ad- uresg, ,j cento; over 4 ounces, a;id nol aaaf ouneea, "wmi; over s awna. aaal aat arar uiiees. u mil-; ocr iz ounce, aaa aat lr ouaeaa. M aaaaa. Cln ulare, not excaaaaar one address, cents ; orer Uiree. and not mw six 4 cents : over aw. and not over oii'i rra e. rW.-rata-a, um k Mm aJ ' i iri i tr at nn : a 11 1 a 1 a 1 . a" a av- ah. .a av a aW-Uttrte iDto- nnjnanai iw 1 wiwwaMwMHMw OhatoroateaaJ N.ClLi OQ-bBMY. aura. Jem, 7th. 1 v CHJLXGK OF TIME. nae akW Jan 133L ISC, Teaa quo wb: MAIL Tat-VIX. iaamr .130 p. m. . 34ft " . 399 " . T4 JO JO Vi a a ui . i) FKEIUBT AX AtVOdaJRVD ATIOX. Ur G.aattaga. KaOr. 450a. i br .. 1 Si r. Arrrrv at OtO - I MAIL TJLilX. II lip. 1A- Oni.iia.iw IN - 030 - nuaotrr ajco AtioAATh. Lway rteatlita 430 a. I A , AIT mm I Arriv at. I W At r. Welthm. aad At- haafirJtX-C- NOTICE to the MERCHANTS O I IKlt Ks OF mm ia um tmm R ATTtRO AD, IS BOW A XD POKMS KT ITtWXXlVTttWS WITH i CMakhaaaV. Jt'lSA. V rxh. At U ..j,- Koaitv IC W aaaTBBL XifmrM, fy hjif aaa. 4- ii ukhtmcm fjoention. -. - . Stale or North Carolina, Davis Conor. nr. A ri i i t ateOnaO. r.Cterkafi CBart. ataOkc ia MackariHa. 0a Mia day af Jalr A. i. um. KTH. UJttTUB, IVrk. (IteOatM wCw Jary1 -IS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MTOKMV COI STT a anamtv.(n.i law aaaa tAa laaaMulcral nhira. kara MUlrr. hfarartwathr Cbart I' at Wrtert WT-r, Brarr f r x k.-a r atr, htl- tr -f Iron ri'4 rr-r. and Mm aaa tt ttualtan. i k Chart that aahbratWa to Ikrita wrrtota'h. -OU rth Btoa a aawa a rr . C. Hi'jkf Chr f Pic it.' awraj.t State of North Carolina. ROWAN COL XTY Coart of EonitT. Sbrin Term. 166. Eqaitr Sale of the richest GOLD MINE -NORTH t ARttLIVA. (ajraff and If. urv li. Bt aeh to the aaeat Jaliaa fi. Brochelm ui, a. Hie GiM Um Mining Company. art or of a 1 toeree of the (irt of oti Rowan Conntr, avule in the ibove naatod ranee at thia Tenu, I will sell at tW Coart lloux- door ia Salkbuty Saturday the iSth dar of Anpust next, at It c.V!.K:k. A. M.. all the legal and eqni r ible estate aad interest of the roM II ill Mjaaaaj Caatpaay, hi all teal aad person :il -t.iU-con vtl to I isaac 11. Suiiili. bjT M. L. Uohaes, and others, bv iKvd beariut; Atte Jaly !th, 1S55, and repsterpd m Book J t. page t:;s ot uh' Registers twace at i fiowaa County : and in that einvey'd to of i he I odd th IVesident aad Directors Hill Mining Company, by Edward B. Rice ! by Deed dated September 29th, 1853, and : registered in Book 40, page 8Sof the Reg alters (HEee of Bo wan lonnty. wherein the saate atay he fbaad partk-ulariy set terthaad deacribed. Also, any and all legal and eqtutable estate and interest of said Coaxf any, of or ia any real or pet -soaal estate situated at or near Oold RIH, in Rowaa Coaaty! Terns of sale, Cask, aad the title retaiacd to await the farth er direction of the Coart. LUKE BLACKMR'C. M. E. Jbm 14,'G& prfeet25l no6ltw&wtds North Carolina, Coart of lieas aad Qaartor Seaaieaa, May Tern, 1006. John W. Payne Adm r., De boaak nou " rs. Aaa Jones, and wife Elizabeth, and others. Petition to sell Und to pay debts. It aaaaiaiiug to the Kitisfactiou of the Coart tliat G. C. Payne, & A. Payne, Martha PaTae. Marr iayne, and Erasmus Payne, Ji fradants in thia case, reside heJ yoad the limits of this State. It hi there-, by the Coart, that. North ' f liar six weeks n toe a aevsnaner published Sails, bare, N. C aotuyuMj Wakl abseut defend ants twappear at the aext Coart of Pleas and Quarter S-ssions, to be held ftr the af lMvMison. at the I onrt House. a.-aa . a, v aw 1 aaaaad.- Monday at August nesl. then and tbi rv to ajlraa, un .sr will be token as lu them. Waneaa I. K. Perry naa, Clerk of Court af tnci? in Lexington, the I . I eW. I. K. FERRYMAN, C. r. lL-OO- ao64H'el3 YrOjr! we want agrnt everv where to aeU 'nr ukovsJ mi Sewins Mee!.ioe. Three new kmus. r i, "i mnr toed. Seat on trial. War '' ' .. ... 1 1 .loove salary " The iMtfy HHkchiuea sold ;. I'aited States t leas than 4. which are JM other thaati amhiarr are tufrfrmttu ad the arOerar aarrare liaofc to a. tmatrraiea eirewiars m v.alr, s rail a Ohaw lAara hi . ;- - t'hiraao. lit. ea. harte nai tester aw. and state afUavit that . Ptelrair falsa tO. f tti pal ar ai DafaaaV 1 .u.i.r iTkT: iJu4jreaaarrtar(Waf La. at 0a avt Ufl 11 1YO AXaOOl TT if Ti 1 n if 1 1 nri'tly. waat aafcaaaa a i 'at a jej Mw CaaaHaf Oaaaa.at Oaaatt ; bmOt ia tfce Weekly tita Xoara Statb. Jar the tent J!?TL?"!!2 i mminttog A arw aaO af ate aaaha, atOQaiji Pi aaM rMakarr CaMfrr!) t M"n,Uv the, aa tfcapr te alaai ana- aaaaaa. fc. aa-, ik- Miaif tat thai, aaaw hi tapian PfT3r- aaaVow eaan, tfaav laaaa, aay 0 paOaaJO" A laaaa aaaaftaanat at attfe aext tem f OJm Coart. la to hekl it the ,MJ?i'gr J,g'glSi ,Wlt I OVeaaOj. mail ii lalW an nf MintwMt. ia "rutml leriM aua he MMk. aaVatj tar Mat. j . ' "" . Thii lij ia fartraVar - ' aaaaafOi aalhina. ' r". t'UJial' WaaOaat, Oaaaa (teak aaiaaL UOtea OaaaaaarWaaaaOaBj MMiiU. 1 WOi Waatty afarthelaKO laaar tePili tawj Jt. Q-. t UaaT ateM,atjpi CWtl aa.htohaa,.iia, d M;k A. , T '. aaa ml aiaiaatatorrilia waii.MaaaahrjhaT, eative Weeks ml Hit ILD XtlKTI SXATaV I ItZ&ttZltZXl? ''" Uotifyiaff aaal. Moatei aTUa. S& 2; trnTaMrm-'aSiL " l"1 P00 tlkit awlti i vSSm aMa-aaa at i " i s rVaXTMAit c c c the aext term of this Coart to he Mi far I i a . . . .a. nro-couhso aud I State of North Carolina, Bow ax CbrxTT. Smpehar Qmtrt 0 Lam, Jrvtf Ten. ,fH A. Jk 180. 11m Atlantic Uaak of New lark ro. Jto- atta'hmkYt. Iia,aadia0ateh U yaaraf iwr laltaiaaiaui. OB A I1 AH WHg l State of North Carolina, Kowjlx CorxTT. Court of Picas am Q Mum Term, A. D. 18fi. Elixabptft Rrtnrfr rs. LwTece A. to, Jo n ltriiifrfe and Laraaia Kiiagii . Ptrrnox for Dowob. It apmarinp to. tito aattofarliaai mt ttef Court thai Lavinia Driagto, uue ol tW dV f'tidant8 iu thin case, ie a aaa ir laV m f thuj State, it i then fw, eaxlrrrd kT the 1 x. onrt tnat tmbiiratton he aaaaeMr a the County of Rowan at the Coart H in SaKsbary, on the 1st MaadaraiAaa next, aad pleada,. W ra ar aWaaan, saaae will be heard pane aaa jadxaa rendered pro aTto her !' remier itness, ntmdiah Wmdaaa. Clerk af oar said Coart, atOaaaarthe 1st day in May, A. D. 10S4V, aaal ia !M)tb year of our ImlciM mkaaan OEADIAH WOOliSON. June It;.V,.. jrafeeOlOl C4 w Fnited States Intmud Revenue. 6th District, N. Carolina. Sausotkt, Jahr 3th, 1W0. Notice is Uerehy Gitea ha aaoMNaaaca, with the provisions of flceteia 13th af Act of June 30, 1864, as war ad i J March 3. 15, that I, H. H. Helper, Awsw Sixth instnet ot .North tJatjaaMfa wfH I sat at ny ottice. 011 the corner of Lorur and lanis Streets, in the City of fisliahaij, on the 14th day of July next; at the Coart Haas in Mocksrille, Davie County, an the 10th; at the Court Hoose hi BtooXiilnV, Irealel County, on the I8U1; at the Caart Haaaa ia Tay lorsyiUe, Aexaaaler Goanty, aat the 19th; al the Coart Honse, at Newton. Ca Uwba Connty, oa the 31st; at tha Cstert Hon e at Uoncord, Caoarras i the 20th; at the office of Assistaat nr, . W. Alliens, Chsrlotte. barg County, on the 21st; at the Gaaart House in Monroe. Uaioa Casnaty, ate tha f23rd; at the Coart House ia Uatfis, Gas ton Comity, oa the 2th ; at the Coart House ia Lmcornton, Latent on the 6th; at the Court lloase at Y; kinyille, Yadkia Oeaaty on the 23rd, aaal ft Wilkes boro', Wifkx t'Warary,' an the 5th. between the hoars of 3 Al M- and 4 P. M., of the several days naaned above. to hear and dctermrne apjK.als any erroneous or exeesswe sessmeuts or enumerations by the al list. ' 5 ' r Notice is farther grrea will be allowed to any have be anty list contaiBii the traiieiuitted to the tncH. ... a tT ' saia, aaani aa the pavaaaaW sjx-etinp which a and must state tb .1.:, 1. j ipumara COOK STORR TfTR Jtnhar. triers are eaastamly theStoekof BtMMkSorar oa lift Ltti-st :ind !t oaWieartonj. to ! kinds aad grade 4 school hooks. ReKvioas. Historical. 1 a.ialaiak Miseellane-.us aorks. KUnk lloiks, X'i ihi.Wranag Wallpaper. Shades. A'e. a StoHamrrw anaf Fmrnn Far aato as tow u. immm. Bl'RKi: A HARRISON. x r 1 - clfcltoTajf tha Ihla- jMXWMa W V0BJaMallL groaJr aaana ! QLD NORTH STATE. heard ex Jl1-V 5'6- I ONE YEAR, - - - ..MM J ALItS DU II i-HfciafBj KW FIRM L UUSBUUY jp. w. 6rat. & ca PATH JtaararacrW aaal an.aadak Mot; Ma ahr' FANCY DRY GOODS. 9 uvUIa), '. -.ii f Drags, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, w ,t0 T W f.TW Pi K. MAKTUf, AMrfHJlBaV .5 CArHS,0a. MM m B. P. WILLIAMSON A Co., K A LE I GH, If. C. CTTl ia risaaaii -'r Cotton Tarns, fThs iffnpr. 4 Co., Tad. at ttekraraBV ftoat, . C. E. H. J-A. k,MB. TMt WEEKLY HANKS n CONTAINS PKKSfJMS LIVING IN THE GOUN TKY WILL FB KEPT POSTED 14 ALL THE NEWS OT THB DAT BT Sl'aWBlBtBW TO THE WKthLI Rcnra babmimob. ' 'S1ltTTOI dklIadWKK' In vni STATE OlertCE att'jrtnaW Truauoad Hate, nwa taaftit. Ladira. Mwhji aad LJilfiiai. UMf Skarto, Laahca, MtoMM) iJ aaal faOin, Baaaete, aaaah.'l!ir' OiaQiaallTlJ rilMlflTHJ riliateill drate. Buf, aad CaBiiiat Hate, af rtvrj Tarajtjr for taaaaacr waar. Aba, ii - a ! raaaaaf aaajaaa tap ate as , I Ttey aim faatri a haaaahaf Panic baaaaaa at Cnuntv l ine navifi Countv. Ca. 0a.aaMa.tofra.haaa 1 ., Ptear, Lara, Drawl naaa, Waanter. j taavato ka hand for aato, I Ptowsv Haaav Axes, Slasrahv StMates, Car ahat ii Haolwawv tto Ware, sad Groceries of every laaateOkBa. ; Tkajr MawrtBaJr sataVil csasbnaaaato fraaa rtewjaatk "OLD HOOT BBITBL ISSOaT M. C . IT ' t . - ii 2i Hi aaaaltli.ViWirO Oat I AJHaWH, . .1 -'sf J! All the Latest Newt, baa. AB-cwi r-i -- 1 1. If 11 l.i. . . . a emtm. ajnara thaOto aawaaa aaai radkaal Ctomto af ato Bcue. !7-taaWv aa hW aVWk BaiUta; aoar tha . fht Htowrw a am. BL4kS 1

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