It I m B T "' fc F Btelf (bt"',. B hw SWBBST j f t ij;aflL erf" Sims i- Caples Fire Cent fato. JSS T"-" : . ... i miff ' AE A dAHPTOI. Pub'. & PnV "The " rorrvrr. -..r.n -?T- ' , , lr , , , , ,, mm, , 1 ' V OL. I. SALISBURY, N. C TUESDAY EVENING AUG. 2, 1866. NUMBER 85. THE OLD NORTH STATE. ITRIt WEEKLY. I TH For th PUBLISHERS A PRUP1UETOM. LXtm IIIU, Mil r 19 RATES OF 80B8CBPnO.t. XI nut-cija in AovixcK. Tri-Wakly, Om X Sis Mouth. Om Moat, - s.oo. Weekly wma ) Om Teen, a-M 1.50 OmTw. OM Teat. MW the iaarat1SB of E POSTACtE LAW. couvunieue at oar reader, many ol wlioni an niunforuicil as to the present A eros X l a. it.. .l.i The type oa which tat Oi SToat 9rTB.- is rtaMkeaHnrfy at . Ma pais wlU be .pared to make it icaM TMtar to erery fsaatty. la order to da Ok re h earfeJ the services of able aad I literary coatnbatur. imn Nietint pitl'irilHT IV. 1..- nnlr...4 flu. IKKtimi on .11 l.-ftAra in 1 V tlBWSpap be prepaid by stamp ft stumped envelope pay- meat iu money being prohibited. All drop let- i ten moat alao be prepaid. The only kitteni on which payment U not demanded, are those ml- i diaaainl tn the President, or Vice-President or Btembersof Congress and letters on official busi I aeea to the chiefs of the Executive Department j of the Uovenuncns, the Ih-.hU of buruaus, and chief clerks, and other iu vested with the frank ing privilege. IX f 11 The ratea of latter postage is three cent pet half ounce, throughout the United State ; and three cent for each additional half ounce or frac tion thereof. The teu cent Pacific rate i ADVERTISINGS- RATES TRANSIENT MAIM far aD periods tessthsa one saonth 0 Square. First iasertioa fl-00 Bach subsequent insertion Csarttexrtratosfcrptriaia of e to fcar asantas. 1 mo. 8 if as. 9mm 4 mob. 1 Square, 300 4 50 6 00 8 00 JSqu'rs, 400 600 800 12 00 8 5 00 7 50 10 50 13 00 '" 600 900 1800 15 00 i Colm'n 8 00 1800 16 00 80 00 4 " 1000 1500 8000 8500 1 15 0Q. 28 50 8800 35 00 Special Coatrart will be made rita those who desire to advertise tor a longer term than four month." Court Notices aad Advertisements will be charged at the asaal rates. .... , Tea Knee of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute a The rate of postage on drop letter i two cents per half ounce or fraction thereof, at all offices where free delivery by carrier is established. Where uch free delivery is not established, the rate is one cent. NEWSPAPER rOBTAOR. The following is the postage on newspapers when sent from the office of publication, to negu lax subscribers : Postage est Daily paper to subscribers when prepaid quarterly or yearly in advance, either at the mailing office or office i delivery, per quarter, (three month 0 , 35 eta Six tima per week, per quarter, SO " lorTri-U.ckh. 3 I 15" Pol ieiui-VVurtJi, " . : 10 " For Weekly, " 5" Weekly Newspaper (oae copy only) sent by the publisher to actual subscribers within the they fail they will be charged with the due, and in clear eases lemovea bob tod. wxiTtxo om sws papers. To inc!o or conceal n letter, or other thins; (exccptliills and receipt.-l'nrulMTiiilion; in. wtb writ- or print anvthing, after it publication upon a-spupcr. pamphlet, magazine, or other printed matter, is illegal and ubjctsnch printed matter, ami the entire package of which it is a part, to totter postage. Any ward or communication, whether by print ing, marks or sign, upon the cover or - wrapper oi a newspaper, pamphlet, magazine or other than the name and address of the persons to whom it Is t he sent, and the date when snbscriptionexpires, subject the package to letter postage. Court Advertisements. SDCcial .Vntice. in leaded minion, wfll be akw armcted for at the office, at not leas than double the rate of ordinary advertisements. tttsftea as reading matter, with approval of the editor, fifty cent per line. Advertisements in -erted irregularly, or at inter- Tis, 85 per cent, additional. The rates above printed are for standing ad ver- county where printed and published, tree. -yt A RTKKI.V PATH UTS. Quarterly postage cannot be paid for laas than three mouths. If a subscription begins at any other time than the commencement of an official a Barter, the nostaee received lv the Post Master. ' must stll ba entered in his account fbr that quar- Iter. SuLac.ibers lor short torma exceeding three months, gay four or tiro months can pay quax j terly postage fbrt!:e ictual term of their subscrip tions mat is, lor o'io u irrer ana a taira, one quarter aad two third, Ac. The law only requires that at least one quarter' postage shall be pre paid, and "not mora than one year's postage Any term between one quarter and one year can there fore be prepaid at proportionate rates. Subst ri u. Tp.V.fc isss&i mr a traction of a auar- Oneor two squares, olnuigeabU at discretion. 10 percent additional. 1 Offspring of Great (By Senior Fratram.j Haring seen that great men as a gener al thing inherit their greatness from the female parent, I will now produce some in rgardto the offspring of great men, show ing why there are so few great men whose fathers were Oluetrious. First. Many of the brightest stars of the mtellectnal galaxy wire never married S eminent among whom were Voltaire' itt, the poet Montgomery, Lords Liver pool and Clyde, Washington Irving, and nsMT others. r.' T ... ... . . .1 ,A , eccona. many pnimiueui iugu, wuuu married, had no children. Cornetlle, Ila cine, Moliere, Fox, Lords WeUesly, merston, (the last three no legitimate chil dren,) Washington, Madison, Jackson, Polk, and many other intellectual persons had no children. Third. Intellectual person are unfortu nate in regard to male children. Napole ou, Theirs, Guizot, Shakspeare, Milton, Ben Jdhnson, Bacon. Newton, Locke, Reg inalb, lleber, Lorda Nelson, fln Ljnc doch, Beresford. Clive, Brougham, Lyud hunt, Sir C. Napier, WinnVld Seott, had do male cliildtvn. Pope, Fielding. .Sniol lett, Sterne, Steele, Addison, Bolingbroke, Johnson, Goldsmith, H ley, Coopr, John Wilkes, Humboldt, and a host of men emi nent In every branch of science, were either unmarried or had no legitimate male de, It is also kmsmtblv true that very intel lectual men, who have male children, have the misfortune of seeing them die ere their n is expanded. The great luke of iborougn lost his otny son early, fe's w4y ou died belore hi father. age, emwai in l jhaors SJUI sal in this article, but it is honed the reader and thai on " i tic .MotlieW Of OOtOB al, I engravmg- "The Mothen of Noted Men,' That the mother baa a greater over ebaractev-BMonMing than the gnanni. That male ofxspnaur of , - m n are tbuse of msikctnl Third. IntoDeclual ter, at the same rates for a whoW quarter, by in cluding the fraction with the next whole quarter, and paring fbr both at the same time. .. FKI Y rUMM TO PfPLISHKKS. Publishers of Newspapers aad Periodicals may ud to each other from their respective offices ot publication, free of postage one copy of each pub lication, and may also end to each actual sub scriber, inclosed m their publication, bills and receipts for the same, free of postage. They may also state on their respective publications, the date when the subscription expires, to be writen or printed. i T. SHALL p a r KRS. Eeligion. IMu rational and Agricnltum Xew papers of small aiae, issued less frequently than once a week, may be sent in packages to one ad dress at the rate of one cent lor each package not exceeding four ounce in weight, and an addition al charge of one cent j made for each additional four ounce or fraction fbereof, the postage to be paid quarterly or yearly, in advance. HKWS DKALEKS. Xewg dealers nuvy send newspaper and peri od seals to regular 'subscriber at the quarterly rates, in the same manner a publishers, arid inn V ahw sheeive them from publishers st uliscrilsrs, ratss. in both cases the postage to lie prepaid, either at tile mailing or delivery office. . POST All K OH TBASSItST. MATTES BOOKS Alt B CiaCTLASS. J Books, not over 4 ounces in weight, to one ad dress, S cents ; over 4 ounces, and not over R ounces, A rent ; over H ounces, and not over if ounoas, 12 cents; over 12 ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 16 cents. Cfaeutars, not exceeding three in number, to one address, 8 cent i over three, and not over six 4 cents ; over six, and not over nine, 6 cents ; over 9 and not exceeding twelve, H cents. MlSCELLA.VKt H'S. On miscellaneous mailable matter embracing all pamphlets, occasional publications, transien newspapers, hand-bill and posters, 'book mann script andj)rof sheets, whether corrected or not man and prints, engravings, sheet music, blanks Hexible patterns, sample and sample cards, pho tographic paper, letter en repines, postal envelopes or wrapper, card. p.?' ;!i'a or ornamental, photographic revrasentatioas of different types, soosls. cuttings,, bilbs, ruots, and scions, the post age to be pn-paid by stamps, is on one package to one address not over 4 ounces in weight, Stents ; over 4 onnees, and not over 8 ounces, 4 cents, ov er 9 ounce, and not over rSounce, eeatst over 2 ounces, and not over 16 ounoea, 8 osnta OW TO BS WBAPPKK. All mail matter not sent at letter rates of post IsHjks, book manuscript, m-n sides or ends a toeuable the postmaster to examine the package without de- Bgthe wrapper.: .0.1 her wise such packages berated with letter postage. So eommuni- -4-ais mif ."wus psh, MUHgl ll SSII, BjuTtsmmI attirrartUinMisntn. N. C. R. R.Company. N. SI P'TS. OPFICK, Co mi- xv Shops, June 7th, 1806. CHANGE OF TIME. On and after June 10 A, 1866, Trains trill run as foRotes : OOINO WERT. MAIL TRAIN. Leave OoldsboroS ... . . .It 30 p. u. Raleigh 94a " HUWboro', $d " " Grounsboro 740 " Salisburv...... 10 10 4 Arrive at Chariotto,. .1X35 a m FKEIiiaT AND ACC0MMOUAT1OX. Leave GoJdsbonA, .12 00 p. m. Raleigh,.. 4 SO A. M HaUboro, . 7 " " Greensboro',. . . LOO p. M. " Salisbury 5 96; " Arrive at Charlotte 906 " ooirro east. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charlotte, 11 15 p.'m. " Salisbury 126 a.m. " Greensboro', 4 10 " " Hiusboro,, 6 31 " Raleigh 8 30 Arrive at GoTdsboro', . . . . ; : . . . . .110 " WREIOHT AXD AXMTl0DA,fT0.V. Leave Charlotte, 4 30 a . m- Sahsburyr. . ...6 58 " " Greensboro', , 1 16 p. M. " HHIsboro' ...1 525 " - s 9-4& ........2 15 v. t. Slale of North Carolina, kw Davie Cofstt. Ctmrt of Pleat and Quarter Sessions. Thomas N . B. Glaaseock, Matbas B. Chaffln aad wife LWira. Ransom P. Booe and wife Kmetine, Martha Clotto. Jean lilaawock and James Ulass- cock, vs. Jaaies Whito, B. H. and Piukney laid well. PSTITIOM FOB PABTITIOS OW RSAL RsTATB. KatbaaielS. B ha (flu, one oi the petitioner in this esse, having come before dm, and made affidavit that HukneT t'aldwsll, one of the partie made Hefeod aat. Is a non-resident of the state of North Carolina, it Is therefore ordered In accordance with the provis ion of the Act of Assembly, that publication be made in the Weekly Old North State, for the term f Ms wejrks, notifying the said Pinksey Caldwell of the Oling of this petition and that, unless l e appears at the next torsi of this Court, to be held st the court-house in the town of Mocksrille, on the second Monly in September next, and snswerthe petition. the wine will be taken pro oqnlesso. and heard ex parte as to him. WttneiM. Bph. (isither. Clerk of said Court, at office in Mocksvllle, the 10th day of July, A. D. 1868. El'll. 0A1THER. Clerk. July au15 Pr fee ww Oourt Advertisements. tll STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIDSON C'c i STY Cetart of Slcas s4 Quarter Bcnlor a, Mir UM. '. g- tef, ... I 1 Pstltloa to arttls ! Ba bra Milli-r M, (.) Vths Mat of Sar- ! Jaeoh Milk r saS Uian. bar Miliar. It piriiifio the Court t si Mlohacl Miller, Heary Mill r. Joh Pninr, Al. n ir four SmlUi Pcesor sad - othen-ilittchitdr'a at Barbtr t tor, latw wife of Leon I aril ! and th renmal rtn ntatlrr of Jacob HuSnitn, dre'ei.. re I brrood lets' limit of thlsStott. It Is thereto rrdr S by h Cort that eoblu atlon be mad- for iU weeks la 'he OM North Slat." a news a: er I'Ut'Hefceritn Sal .bury, N.O. nHflnr laid abeent d'fend- anli to a u ar at the eit Court i f Plea ard Qua-ter Setalmn to be heht f.r tke Oaaty o Davidaea al tot Cou't 11 ue. iu Lea initt m, on the eo d Mood y In An gwt next then an t there tn .how coe, If ear they have hy thprer .1 Uie Pe' shall, net be ientsd oihenr's-l- wtll be heard i are a t hem. Witness I. K. IVryman, Clerk f said Court at Office In Leiln on, t.eend Mondav of May ISM. I K. PBBJtrUAN, C 0 C Jur,eM, . n..i w , rfee lfl State of IXorth Carolina, rowan county Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1866. Equity Sale of the richest GOLD MINE in North Caroltjta. S;tmitcl Woodruff and Henry B. Besih to the use of Julius Ii. Brock el in au, ....... . , .. va. TJetJoM Hilt Mining Oompany. By virtue of a Decree of the Court of Kquitvof Rowan County, made in the above named cause at this Term, I will ell at the Court House door in Salisbury on Saturday the 18lh day of Auirust next, at II o'clock, A. M., all the legal and equi table estate and interest of the Gold Hill State of North Carolina, Rowan Couktt. Superior Court e Law, Spring Term. A. D. 1866. The Atlantic Bank of New York vs. Si meon Frankford. ATTACHMENT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Simeon rTankford, ia non-reaideutdYthe state it in. therefore, ordered and adjudpred that publi cation be made for six successive week in "The Old North state," netifylnK hint to be and appear before the Judge of onr Superior Court of Law, at .the next Court to be held fur the Conn'y of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury on the IM Monday after the 4th Monday in August next, then and there to plead or re plevy, and show cause, if any be has, why the plaintiff should not have judgment against him. and the House i am t,,v- (Jood ..lull lit lui'i.i.l IIIUU. I ... a. . Ill l ul i.f .. Ik. IM ' Witness, ytauiahAVoodjsoii. Deputy Clerk and ex- omcio.aering t lerk or our said Court, at tnrice, the ran Monday after the last Monday in February, A. D 1804, and in the Wit h year of our I ndependenee . , OBAOIAH WOODdON, Depnty and acting C'lerk. June 18, "68. fPrfeetlO no656w. NEW FIRM IN SALISBURY J. W.' oRBtT' Ww TX.VVE .Inst received ami opened at Ko. 8, Mur phy's Oranite building, a new and Splendid Slock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS. which they will sell fbr cath or barter, only, as follows, A large and beautiful asimrtnwBt.of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. N A large assortment of Gentlemen's, Youth's Arrive at Goldsboro. Mail Train connects at Raleigh with Kaleigii 6c Gaston Trains fur the North. At GoldV boro', with Wilmington and Weldon, snd At bnitie it N. C Trains Accommodation Train runs daily, (Sou days excepted.) connecting with Wilmington & Wtddou Trains 1 There Weldon to al VA'..l.t..n An tk.f .1..- J.Bn .... 1 ......... 1 1 ..,! a, riuiui "ii , 1 1 1, i un, , rtii k ' ' iiiiiicuisi. ij , . . , . , , j.., throuirh ria Petersburg and KVehmond. l" Hohuea, and otlsers, by Deed bi anng E. WILKES, J i...... o uj: A,f I".,,, A- s. i "' "'". ' ' ' Rw,in County ; and in that conveyed to UA-Finn . iLL ssrnnri ai-rr- i the iVsfdent and Dfrwrtors of the Gold IX U 1 ILL 10 intJ 111 L n L rl A 1 1 1 D I Hill Mining Company, by Edward B. Rice till FtKHl'K ab . , by Deed dated Septembejr 29th, 1853, and urn south r State of North Carolina, Rowan Coctv. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Mau Term, A. D 1866. Elizabeth Bringle vs. Iawrcnce A. Briug le, John Bringle and Lavinta Bringle, PnmTiojr for Dowks. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Lavinia Bringle, one of the de fendants in this case, is a non-resident of this State, it is therefore, ordered by the Court that publication be made for six con secutiye weeks in The Oid North Statz, notifying said defendant of the filing of this petition and that unless she appears at the next term of this Court to be held for the County of Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 1st Monday in August next, and pleads, answers or demurs, the same will oe heard ex parte and judgment rendered pro cotifesso nn to her. Witness, Obadiah Woodson, Clerk of our said Court, at Office the 1st Mon day in May, A. D. 1866, and in the 90th year of our Independence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. June iey v-waoI &d w i is no Sunday Train going North from , Mning Company, In all real and personal on" JoTKV-r I estaonveyo Isaac H. Smitl-TV M. I As. AAOflllCB, aiHl VIIBBES, Oy I 't I'll UOtsxtug date J u 1 y :uli . 1855, and registered in Book 40, page 432 of tbc Register's Office of The Seaboard aad Haaaake Is now in thorongh operation, AND FORMS BY ITC0XNECTiaXSWITJI the llaleiahand (laston Itrmd, the W't,-er j first father. proo othef A'orfA CaroHna Rmlroaa, and the Charlotte and Columbia Railroad, the Cheapest, Quickest fc Most Direct 'fcsstaasrla' Vaalirhf 'aah sssB,a,.yuw Wff shj SBBByaxyjp afcddBMSJ S m . ss from all places in xithCaroliua and Western South Carolina to PORTSMOUTH, , NORFOLK, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. To take advantage of this great through line, be careful to consign your Freisht to care of flml- road Agent, PortanaontJ, and direct your oarres- pomlents in New York and Philadelphia to do the same, and from Baltimore lie careful to have your ftwgatsentvhy'" WHICH.A3t IBI...4 reysteynj in .Book AO, page 88 of the Reg 1 ister s Office ol Jiowan Uouuty, Wherein the same may be founfl particularly set forth and described. - Also, any and all legal and equitable estate .and interest oi akl Oompany, of or in any real Or pet sonal estate situatet at or near Gold Hill, in Rowan County. Terms of sale, Cash, andjhe titles retained fojawajl jflke furtt er dm ction of the Court, t LUKE BL ACKMER, 0. M. E. June H,66. tprfewSi5j ne64tw&w tds IHAOtUH rXEIGHT ABBAH0EMEHTS H 1 IT ni-cv irine ... . ........ jaiiia. : or other -BittUnr in it printed, exceot upon me separate matter, at me e.'taoiisnca rates. CLfBS. TThere packages of newspapers or periodicals ; Take notice, that by this route von ran eensiirn are received at any post office directed to one ad- . voor Freight directly so its ihiiiliaBdJBBB. as all drees and the names of the club of nbsenber to char and dntiss an nsJsl L the which they b.kug, wait the fof Set qaar-, Rail Uoad Ageni at Jananaouth, andTwi-aided ! iri mauiauvi wv uUvU ...v '-.uMaon.!, w VvnvA i. u i lur ur"uiiiitnm hi uifi riTlsTDl. E. (1. GHIO. Aoiorr. Fort miui. Va are not. as a rate, apt to have eWldren, mvw,jnV ni. own- xs .L ir .A. Ul A ,k;, -kil. era. rai in ' "Fl"J " "."!"- rvmm. as -s ( pa,, whirh errs 1 late free in the county drea are almost always fists. printed and pobl.sbad. Fiftk. Thaoe men who inherit an active, j racrar mxnt or tka.vsient matti 1 a -11 B I aL tVa lV - I ' . . Kurcuw v. -"i I an isM Biatt. r must be prepaK hy ssasap. 1 a n 11: u , slvavi aare to be nrecoMMSS. luSl, iK. oaio. cJ Arttverv without . VT . .""T? T: . . . . . ' ! - yw. t best ntwhtvrwhwwri " ,1,,. r-:. anon paa,MMt tingain sqmk? : , vi.t, l on OUiieil at doutue tne pre- : wmmmw wppsy to North Carolina, Davidson County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May 1rm, 1866. John W. Payne Adm 'r., De bonnis non vs. Asa Jones, and wife Elizabeth, nd others. Petition to sell land to pay debts. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that G. C. Payne, B. A: Payney Martha Payne, Mary Payne, and Erasmus Payne,. defendants in this case, reside be yond the limits of this State. It is there fore ordered by tjy 0ourt,lhat publication be made for six weeks in the "Old North State." a newsnaocr published in Salis bury, N. C notifying said absent defcnd apts t" aapaacat 1 ha next Court . of Pleas BndVQuartef Sewons, to be bold tor the Comity of Davidson, at the Court House, irf Lex'ington, on the second Monday in AnBittit ncTrt, then and Miwe to phwdyatv- swer or demur to the petition, or the same parte, as to them. Witness I. K. Perryman, Clerk of said Court at office in Lexington, the second l -Unv A. Ij. 186a. I. K I'KHKVMAN, C. C. C. Jpe 14,'Oa. n64prfee12j FOR RENT $1,500 Assessors Office. United States Internal Revenue, 6th District, N. Carolina. : t SingBtTBT, July 5th, 1866. Notice is Hereby Given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19th of Act of June 30, 1864, as amended March 3, 1865, that I,-II. H. Helper, Assessor Sixth District oi North Carolina, will sit at my office, on the corner of Long and Inniss Streets, in the City of- Salisbury, on the 14th day of July next; at the Court House in Mocks v ill. . Davie County, on the' 16th; at the Court House in Statesville, Iredell County, on the 18th; at the Court House in Taylorsville, Alexander County, on tke 1 Dili: at the Court House, at Newton, Ca tawba County, on the 21st; at the Court Hour at CoAcord, Cabarrus County, on the 20th; at the office of Assistant Asses sor, F. W. Ahrens, Charlotte, Mecklen ,bnrg County, on the 21st; at the Court House in Monroe, Union County, on the 23rd; at the Court House in I allis Gas ton County, on the 25th ; at the Court House in Lincolnton, Lincoln County, on the 26th r at the Court House at Yad- kinville, Yadkin County on the 23rd. and at Wilkeshoro', Wilkes County, on the 25th, between the hours ol 9 A. M., and 4 P. M., of the several days named above, to hear and determine appeals relative to any, erroneous or excessive valuations, as scssmenU or enumerations by the assessor or assistant assesso returned Jn the annu al list! 'Notice is.. further given that no appeal will be allowed to any party after he snail have been duly assessed and the annual list containing the assessment has been transmitted to the Collector of the Dis trict. All appeals to said assessor, as afore said, must be made in writing and specify the particular cause, matter or thing, re soecttog which a decision ht twrrested, and must state the ground or priuciple of ror complaiuded of H. H. HELPER Assessor Sixth District N. V. v iVm L . '-es-r.... Urtw. Ladies Summer Wrappings. Ladies' Visses.and Ohildrau's Trimmed Hats, now shapes, Ladies, Misses and Children, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Chil dreni, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., aVe. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Children Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Crockery and Glassware, Wood and willow warn. Also, Drugs. Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. v . They are prepared to fill all orders, of Phyal cian, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shortest notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They Slso have a branch of their business at County Line. Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may uka. wise be obtained on the same terms. The above .stock of Goods, baring been pur chased since the late heavy decline of prises in the Northern Cities, will be sold as LOT as they vmu ptHOAJrhl i pls I., ACTiet. - 1 P. B. Martin, invites his old friends of Da via County especially, to give him a call when visiting this market J.W.GRAT, P. R. MARTIN, J McGTJIRE. Salisbury, K. C, April 2, tW. tf-nol. SA T H E B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co.. c commission iTierehantsi, RALEIGH, N. ., SELL on Commission Cotton Tarns, Sheetings, M.-icoti. I'liiiir XatA. Dried Fruits. Whiskuv. Brandy, and all kinds of country produce. They also keep constantly on hand for sale. Plows, Hoes, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Com Shel lers. and all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Hardware, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de scription. They respectfully solicit consignments from Farmers and others; in the western part of the State, and pledge themselves to give their best attention to all orders and consignments entrust ed to them, Beg to refer to McCubbin Foster 4 Co., Salis bury, Tod. R. Caldwell, Pres't , N. C. R. R. Mor ganton, J. A. Rosebio, Statesville. aprill.m tWltf BBBSXmBBMBMaxaBlBaBBMMBMi THE WEEKLY "OLD NORTH STATE.' PUBLISHED E VEE Y FBI OA Y, AT 8AX- aijtH BA IfatS H A MPTOW, COaVTAINS A 11 the latest News, bbvibw or Tim ETC., AND PBIHTBS IS THE Id ' STTIiK. PERSONS LIVINO IN THE COCM TRY WILL PE KEPT POSTED IU ALL TUB MOWS OP THE DAY BY bUBSCRIBINO and bv straininc their brain constantly to , pre-pay ukiu. er east hisMt artiritr HtrtvutsT after the naaac I bbbss Be eoueete Of the lather's rrratneee, they briug on , V? , . of for ir- physical disease, ton . wed by ataastion, thus tewmiuatuar wh of those of fife the existence been I tal ex-1 while in tin bod who might or la the ayaaawS d bua pnuW uiaJUa-st ul to ng Bar saber rihets. Xo sack par r should be de- iiliil psr jaM, 4 .M I- H. HI. A HD a.1 i ,j I Hvwrd imWftbsdttwTTre-nsid at the 'ar. aratihedalivery raW. Ar St tar. Al BBS a ;u JklHI Bl.lMl 'ill Sli 1 dBBBaV. wanted tutsiz tmUmrht Address O. T. GAJtEV ! AiYxIn i Hftr au-aI, .. IS last Per la P I we want agent everywheso-to sell onr improved son sui "'" Three new kinds Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. War f' i. 3 Ahnvo salarv or larwe 'McoawniiBiens paid. The eady machine aold in L'uiwd State, for less than 40, which are full -hent-l bf HotrK Ver f ri7rm Vjmrrr' rf Hh, rH' t- Co.. and flm-feMsw. AH other alkaf exfefaiaee ,ae; tnfrinfmnentt aadtlie arifcr or Kcr are Uahlt te. amrst, fine ,ihA imhritm'nt. T11nlntted rfrculars ii, Or dBUt ShwW fe Cfarh at IWddeford. Bluiw. or Chicago, UL a., . LISBURY - ? BOOK STOKE. THESuhsciljors are constantly adding t" tberJtockoftKXKSnow oa hand, all ofthc latest and beet publications to be had. All kinds and grades of SCHOOL BOOKS. Religions, Historical. Hineraphicil. and dBHaBxaariaxBleCNaUl Wf Blank Banks, Note Booh. Writing papTs. Wall paper, Shades, dec. Siarmfnti jf and Fancy Ariieie, Far saki am low is poaaj l le . HL iiKK A HARRISON, Booksellers, dec. la SSAS A ' alABSFIJ BTAVe JB wtw nwnm einia Tstmaa caett ik advasik. ( ) N F. ,.E AH. ' '".'" ' a' ufciFI ussTi dii laBBBWiMtomiaaaai r-istJt booths, - . rw s HANES ft HAVPT0I. rahlUhsrs fropristers. LEWIS HANE8. I ; JOHN" S. HAMPTOS, march I ; '. H JAM KM W. OSBORNE. KTjrUS BABJBtHOM. OSROUiN K & BARRINGER CHARLOTTE. N. C. WILL practice in the; counties of Rowan. Cabarrus. Union, Iredell. Mecklengburg , Stanly, Lincoln and Gaston; also in the Su preme and Federal Courts of the State. IT" Office in the Brick Building near tha Court House, uu stsiirs. mav 9. "it-t. BLANKS (if all kinds ncatlv eremted at tH " - mr I Old rr far W TfapoJeaoa -Xf I, J- li HtfMefrirtl. Pali.lM.ry. N C. Jnly l'2,m .7tJ 6m. NORTH STAT OlFICJE -si " -V. - -..I " .V-.-- -

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