.iti.il Evening", u; 1C, .KWW HAXES 4: J. S. 1IAM1T0X'. frKBLISIIKBa & rnOPRlKTOK8. , ho Philadelphia Convention! Th Delegations XXaj-monloai ! 1 .. - - i - tTTER FROM FERNANDO WOOD. I -3 ' Wit tfGov Orrqf South Carolina. CONVENTION OP'. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN SOLDIERS PROPOSED. nteresting Particulars I Proceedings of yesterday. t rutLivtLTBix, Aug. is. iwoVTb ins Ian nigiu ana ima raonueg cauic ivOy Lulen with d,elfgatana' visitors the great Convention. The veception )m.of the. Executive Oorrtinlrteeh.is been ronp-a all' Jay" with delegates, register p their names. The members of. the nmittee have been in session for several urs completing the arrangements for the invention, and consulting with leading nn of the various delegations upon the lurse of proceedii:p to be adopted, I The several State delegations: hold sen ate informal meetings to-day, and it was und tbut nearly all of them are already U. Information was received from those ii armed wisurinjr the attendance of a 11 dictation from every State and Ter- Itory in the Union. Anotlu-r meeting -of the various delega- bus will be held to-night. . :v Ir. the meantime, the chairman of each Icjration meets the hxeeutive Committee onutil atinn. The harmonious feeling hich has hitherto existed, was if possible, .uiifested in a st'll more marked manner -dav. . Hon. Fernando Wood has addressed the allowing letter to Mr. Doolittle : Philadelphia. Aug. 13, 'GC Uon. J It Doolittle r 7 Dear Sir : I am "iirnestly desirous for le eutire success of the movement '.propos- d to be luitiated by the Convention ot morrow. If successful theresults to tue ounttv will be of tue. most salutary char acter, but canrot be successful if it pro- edings shall be disturbed by any cause I am informed that set ions dieagree- hunt is likely to arise in soiiseouenceof an attempt to be made to exclude Onj V dele gates, mrself included, because our politl- Icul record is distasteful to the Radicals and their sympathizers, ( Now, although 1 feel confident that Such Ian outrage would not be peTpctratetl iff my case by the convention, and though I have I nothing to regret or take back as ta my course (J urine the war and I do not nrl- Iniit the right of any one to raise that que tiou in the Couveutiou under the cull yet II am too much devoted to the accomplish ment of the high and patriotic object iu J view to permit my presencethere to be, I made a means of disturbing its delibera- Itions, or an excuse for assault by its ene- Iniies outside. I iierefore I shall not at tend the Convention as a delegate. Very Respect fully, Yourob't. serv't. Fkenando Wood. Alexander H. Stephens, although he may I .t. f J .1 r A. ' v ui iiiecny, win oe in rue i.onveniion. It has been arranged that Senator lien dricks of Indiana, shall be made the tem porary chairman. ' At the meeting of the. chairman of the various delegations this evening the fol- I lowing business was agreed upon : . Each delegatiento report to-morrow one fits number forvice President, one for I Secretary, two for the Committee oa Fi nance, two for the National Union Com mittee, two for the committee "to wait upon the President with a report of the proceed ings of the Convention, one for Committee oa Credentials, one for that upon organiza tion, two upon resolutions and address. Thejctter oj thenonj Fernando Woodj 1nhi tmf mamtiaery-pitmt-Ij circulated this ereniriff . , It' is nniver- ah reprded ai Tt" Bojpmanryfcnip! Wotic action. ' , . - .' ' r . ' -TLe ISdo wuig ir, lUtof ihrbhlnaii of delegations who' participated in the meeting this afternoon :' , Maine, W. B. Jrosby; Vermont. B. II. Simmons, II. B. Smalley ; Massathusetts, I). G. Abbott; Connecticut, F, M, Brown New Jeisey, Joseph J. Crowe; Mary bind, (foyT. O. Pratt; New Hampsh re, C. B. Bvrs ; Rhode Island, W. B. Law rence; New York, S. J. Tilden Dela re, J. P. Coriiegys; Virgiuia, T. 8. Ilournoy ; West Virginia, V. Lamb; N. Carolina, Nathaniel Boyden ; South Caro lina, Gov. Orr; Georgia, R. F. Lyon; Al abama, Gov. I'arsoi.s; Louisiana, I. A. Moors ; Mkeissippi, II. F. Symrellj. Ar kansas, Wm. Byers ; Florida, " Tltomaa : Handall Tense, J. .S. Barrien ; Tex as, B. H. Apnrrpoo; Missouri, Bartlet Able; Kentucky, E. Him ; Ohio, W. 8 droesbeck ; Indiana. T. S. Hendricks and CS. Uertduh; IHiBoia,0. "IX. Browaj , A. Ji; nil illlllBul.l, Jl Koiii: Ne- M b Illrk. II. II. JleiUllt JuH. A. II V nil I'ennr; lvniil.1, Gov. Porter ami HMi iior t'owan Distiiet of Colutnlia. Col J a. 11. O'lkirne. ' , ' Messrs, Orr, of South Carol i un, Tursons of Alabama, 1. N. Nourse'of Ixiuisiana, and B owninr of Illinois, are imoiir those ., 4 . - . , .. , . ' couveutToii. '" - ; - " r - It is generally Ulieved that Senator Hendricks of Indiana, will bo temnoranr chairman..'.. r It U understood that the business of tie Convention Will he confined to the enun-' elation of principles 'without reference to ny poiiiicai party now iu existcuee. 1'ulLADCLFBLi, Aug. 14. The trains last night and this morning were heavily laden with delegates and visitors to the grot Convention, and the hotels are over flowing. The reception room of tne Eiec- utive Committee has been thronged with delegates regTsTigtIieTr'naniV?s; 'Every State and .territory u represented. " ' The harmonious fueling of yesterday is -.Ml '. 1J ' sun uiuro uararu io-uay . Fernanda Wood's letter "declining to ap pear as delegate has made him many friends. : . Vullandigham will not go into the Con vention.' lie has written a letter to that effect. '' ' ' '' A meeting of the charmen of delegates aat evenhig the following business was agreed open : Each delegation; to report one of its mcbc,rs for Vice President, one for Secretary, two for the Committee on Finance, two for the National Uuiou Com mittee, two for Committee to wait upon the President with a report of the proceedings of the ommittee, one for Committee on Credentials, one f it Committee upon Or. g.uiixation, mid two upon Resolution! and Address. There .will be no discussion on the resolutions. "..' FirstDays iTocccdiiis. Intense Snthnsiasm South Carolina andXfcXassachusettsSenator 9oo " little to be President. , Philadelphia, Ai gust 14. The Conven tion assembled in the wigwam at 12:30 P. M. Mr. Uaudall opened the ('oiivention, tay mg :; ' ; '" " Gentlomcn I have to amiouiice that the delegates from South - Carolina and Massachusettir will how come ana. iu arm into this Convention. ir , - ' This i announcement ,, was I greeted with great .applause by thd entire audience. 1 UM , juhistnoinentj Jlsj. Gen.: Couch, of MassachuBetts,- aud iov. Orr;. of South Caroling at the head of the delegations, m'chcdTnana Iu arm banners flying aud music playing. IbhoUt after shout, spoi taneous aud general, rent the air, and tears filled the eyes of delegates aud spec- atort. ' . 6enator Doolittle has been n(mina.ted on the Committee of Organization as per manent chairman. Valluiidigliam sent a letter to the Ohio delegation declining to go into the Convention. It' will lie read before that body to-morrow. ..' An informal meeting was held last even ing of the soldiers of both Northern and Southern armies, in which the proposition was made and received with favor to call a con vention of thesoldiers of the two ar mies, at some central point, within a few weeks, when the men who fought bravely against each other may meet in a spirit of conciliation and determine to stand togeth er in maintaining tbe Union and the Con stitution GoV, Ony of South Carolina, spoke at the National Guard's Hall last night. He said that the people of Uie South believed tney had a righrtorCccde. The North j did not agree, and the qnestioq jwas sub mitted to tue arbitrament ot arms, llie Northern interpretation of the'Constitution has been formally and legally established. That decision was pronounced on the field of battle, and the decree is incontroverti ble. 1 he South has surrendered her prin ciples and accepts the Northern interpre tation. We are willing to abide by it for ef Tbe pee j rir Jaree extent, pee nroDertv. 'Ineir ban are eonej tneir credit 'is rone. In many localities' the rreaTfnnd-potBf efTtvitlaw h bs ot Tbns the p.-ople of the South have far more need of a slaMeViMftniihgft'fcttllill. yoa have, and it is mad folly to charge tbatv they will sot tuini tneic.oaius to sup port this government, We claim that this is our government aa well as yours, bnt that we may be equal-w must have rep resentation in Congress,. - It is not just to tax ns and exclude us from representation. Montgomery Blair and others spoke. Thi Catholic CaritCH Tbe second rfeuery Council if tlto Catholic Church in the. United States wjil- tonvenp .at Imhi- roore on the. first Sunday in October'. I be Arrnbisiibp ot Baltimore will preside. Tbe lt;Iun of Newark, in announcing the Council to his clergy, Mys-4he are a large number of iinporuwt practical ques tions arTecting th' discipliuc or tbe Church and its greater efficiency, some of them growing out of the present coodUioa of things, which seed to be determined and eafaaexL ,('.(. I(H;lh!f ; , l.-illl, a !i un.l II. L. i'aliiu r ; ,' lute; Kuacai. (Jen. li. RESTORE iiiE U A I L ....u... or tui: koi 7t:;. To llie People of. VirIr.l-t, Xorth Carolina, South Curnlimi (J,,r pa, AUittmmttf MinnMipi'i, Loiiann, 7m - tec, ,irtaHmi, Mimur, FktriJa, und 'J mm ; , Havlur rece utlr returned frtuu the Hiiith, I I wru aware oi in 'j Wwut of Wk f . ani well aware of llie ir .a iuiHiuvenieiife to I ! Sin .- ' " 1 Q it vitt j renrexiem o to the -m, . . , a which eoiitraetors are required toeoinjily. titers Iteiitfr but few men in the Booth who ran take IU IlarlBir conferred with the nn-ix-r atHliori tlos, (and obtained thtiir approval, I find that this utukjulty eaa 1m obviated and ths mails w tabjishei UNin evury rout at h Houth, auJ at the highest rates adiniaaibU" ft ths roido ..rr.i.... v .. ... u k --n t.- . vi.i ' Uuion man, (late of North Caruliua,) by which I mean oua that is alilte opposed to the here- k!m of the Eitremiau North and South, I can take this oath auJ thua form the eonnertinr link betwen the Southern peoiil aud the Uni ted States Muvwruineiit. This I propuae to do and to establish mails on err rout at Um- South now deatituUuf theiu. aa follows I . Auy porsoO who la dettirous of beeoMiina- a ' . :?tji ... 9.-1 . . ... ... r " "w wuuna uiw ju uuca. auuuii ih ruuieor rouies KT wnicii lie wulioa.to bewanS eoutractor, (statlu the uiinut fAm tn oonnected, which ofeourae, should bum Some route heretofore established.) I will tlien eoa tracl for such route or routes in uivovrn n units and let the itarties have them at dixcuut of 'it pereeut., on the annual amount for carry- mg the mails on said route r routes; 1 his arrangement will soeur tlw route to the sub contractor sulwtantially the same as if it were his own contract, and frequent v fct a," better price than could be obtained in to usual way where there is so much oinpeitioa.4, Mv nercentaire or mllenre as above, will not be required until the end of the first quarter. The first aiudicaut for ft route or routes. judging by the Mwt-mark on the letter of ap- nlication, will nave toe preference, other thiugs being equal. ' I'ersous when mnkin" apfiiHon should send a guarauty sight 1 by at ) ro guar antors. The iruarai ' v ihoiiKl i tifled to by a postmaster or a j 1 ;a of t of rec-1 ord-t AppKcanta can, u tln-v blank forms, printed by t!ia Governmeut, V; addressing either the uudesigned or the Id Assistant Postmaster Gem-ral. Geo. W..Mc- ClelUn, who will take pleasure In giving all the iuforuiationthat may W desired. As I am recognised as prtneipal in tins mat ter, paymeut must ueeessarily ei'ine" thMUgli me. I can, however give the lai t!es drafts ou the sixth Auditor of the United 8Utes Treasu ry for all the quarter for which the contract may have heeu awarded, aud these can be pre seuted oue ata time as they fnll due, and the. money drawn substautially the same as if the parlies were bona JiJt eoulractors. Iu this case the expenses two aud half per eeut 1 should be paid by or before.the expiration! of the first quarter after the enramencentent tf servicer otherwise payineirt for this quarter will be drawn by the uudrsigiied. expenses deducted, and the residue, with drafts for the remaining quarters. -forSvarded b the parties carrying the mails. If persojs prefer, I will draw and for ward their money at the end of tvery quarter, without extra eharge. twnnld however pre fer that they accept t .e drafts, in order that tfva in., l.avM I hi. inatltr iu their llAnuM. ltf-wonW be source of mncb gratification to me if I be tne mesas of extending mail fa cilities to the Southern people. -Their atten tion therefore reapetfuHy calkd tu.thia. mutter. Aa I am not required to cut dow n. through eomjtetition, k would doubtless lie Ul' their interest to make speedy application, bo fore any modification is made iu the test oath" in order that they may obtain these routes at the highest rates admissible. Persons confiding to .my ears may rely up on fair dealing. All accepted bid! will be en tered upon the Ixioks of the Post Otfice'De (artineut, where they will be open for iuspec tiou. thn. . ' i All letters relative to the foregoing should contain 4 ttiimp.fur answer, and addressed to , UK i A. i i sua. Box 1000, Washiuton. !., C. Referentf.8, by . pertnissiou : Sanson. D. D., L. L. D., President Columbia College; lion.' Clias. Mason, President Na tional Democratic Executive Coinmittee; " . ronx or a ocarakttI r Ths undersigned1, residing at-, State of undertake that if the bid for carry ing the mail on the route No. , if the Hi, be sot given it is not essential be aceept- J U- .L. l....a.. - r .....1 li ht.M.rti11 enter into the requi . 1 1 ' r of enntraot to rerform thfeeoi!fnu:t w..-. i and suffi- Cl yw Vll O A yrw3 L I a.' ' , ... W.U.., VUOT.a cienv sureties. 'Patent- . . ... -Ji f rpax tor cticATi. Theundersiirnej. postmaster at -r State of , certifies under his oath of office that he is acquainted with the above guarantors and knows them to be meg of pro perty aud able to uiaae gooa ineir guaranty ; Dated: - ' .8y-4t CI If it is not convenient for an acting postmaster to fill out the certificate, an old oue will answer. v Hr" Editors throughout the South will give the foregoing two insertions and forward 'bill with a. copy of paper to the nndersignedv Those giving two or nior- ,1 itser- f'w' NEW TAI-C THE SUBSCRIBER W0UJ.D RES pectfully informthe citizens of PAlr 18B U BY arid vicinity, that be bas opened "' TAILQR SllOr r - - in Cowan's BRICK BOW, Jrain Street, opposite Spntgue. Bros' store,, where he will be found at all times, ready to wait oa ajl who may faror him with their patron age, and hopes by strict attention to busW uesS to merit and receive a' liberal share of the -; ': . - : ' .2 PUBLIC PATRONAGE. All work done b the subscriber warrants rd to be put op in the LATEST STILE, andia aCKxi ;.J workmanlike manter and warranted to Ll -f v J. D. WILLIAMS. Ag.y66, .- ) jf . rr.v: -Uu CUBE. ). ,i ' . . ... i. Ywr au.l Air ue Pi n'-Hi i ,n' ('In! '4 HI..1 l vi r., Thevars an in til!!lil ton ie f, .r tlie system in all niiaMnat Ji.ilri ;, and li.iul.l ln kejil iu the tueliriii heist of i'mtv f.iiiuly. i A box of 1II.1.H will be sent res loan suffering Miih the above complaint, and uo limner need l retiiriiej hy tliu iatleut lit. til 4 tie f I tjml bo U tmUuitf imrrdjiy tiia ll-e of UA(UIHI..S PHIU aud t'D tK.l'II.I-S --OT-Thef att'soldbr all I'mifj-iats nt iMr bol. ami a per fect cure is guaruutetnl a ill from one to thtve boxes, u the directious are lmnlieltlv f.JlowMl. Is" Sold by all DnicfflnUauJ Dr. J Mah oir.L, 4:1 Fulton Street, New York, a tfi IN) per box. aud to wlioii; all orders should b aUUresseU. 17 Caution. I have 'noticed with much pain that many Druggists, both at home and abroad, are ottering uiy Billions and Diarrhoia Pills to patients for the euro of Chills and Ke- er. aud Atfoe. iy liiilious ana flarrnoa Pills are lubdliblo for what tit slaiin to be. but nothing more. I)o not tha. bo imposed uiMm. Mr Chills aud tever rtmedies have their same on tbe boxes, and are entirely dif fereut rVom uny .f ttjxother medicines, I hsys leen at coiibi.:.-I exinrnse to nave a label enKravwi aiii M.M...,iMrfl.;t, and it Is hojwd mat tne eounuiuer win narrowly scruuum what heporshaiwa, purMirting to be mine. J.MA0U1KL. M. I., dwlyno24 43 Fulton St.. New York MAKKCr KKFOUTS. SALlfililhY, AUG. 16. 1866 CORBCCTIiPDAILw BlSPRAGUE DHOS. Baeoa, . rpt)ond,. IS to 89 2U to 40 to 1.50 1.60 to l.m 10 to 16 l to 95 2 to l 9Uto 3a 9. IU to 8.75 8 to 19 Corn, par bath, of 66 lb., Men I. bush. 48 ' opwr. wr swuoa, uJlea, tsiiow, " adamantine. Cotton. ' per pound, Yarn, per bunch, t'fr- perdostn. 40ta I3i to 93.UU lo 6(i 14 Oil jm. Uackeral. Aw. 1. " ri ir. mr dm. m iilitainT" Q.' UO lo IS to 6 to 3 to 14 to 6 to " -8 90 06 03 lh S 60 00 H 'in 60 hf'rult, dried, apples pealed w anpm u " reachea, pealed " - ntia!el WiOletv -trpper, per poaad , " turn, " tron, bar, " - . . . , canting, " Xaiuvcut. .- . " Molasic, sorghani. per gal .......... Ww4 India, " Syrup, 5 .......... Onlona, ' jwr boshet, .......... Pork. perprand, .oUtoe, Iriali. par buabel, . " Sweet.' "I Sugar, Brown, iter poand, .......... 75 to 45 to Onto 6 to H to 35 to 65 to 1. 0U 1 .00 to 1.50 6U to 65 , lOtO 13 40 to eu to 15 to 9 9Ulii a 95 to 8f' O.OiltsO.M! 4.25 to 4.60 6.60 to 8. on o U. on 9i to . on 60WI.IH' 1.40 to 1.46 1.30 to . Clari IKNI. " ; ; Crnabed Pulverireil . Salt, eeaiit. . fee Llvertioot, - Table. I' Tobacco, Lent, per poind, ..; jMtnulnclured, Oold, ' Silver, .......... aXiseellaneons AdTertlsementa. Slutc or rh'wrlla t?s-linsr -sy4' ; JtMcufivt Department, ' Ejileioh Augnpt 6tTi,18()fl;' D direction of Ihs ExeSLLEycY', JON ATHAN WOimi. Ortvrrnor of said State, notice is hereby given that I). R Bruton. N. F. Rcid,4 0. M. lieries, John M Shelly, liraxton Craven, 11. W. West, and J. P. Stiinson, of said State, having made applie lion to he created a body' cor porate,.under llic,juunc and Btyle,. of the 1 HOM ASVILLE f EM ALE (JOLLEGE, toi the purpose of female education an the en couragement ot euuciition generally, and having, in all respects, complied with the statute, iir snch case made and provided, have this day been created a body politic and tforporute, under tbe name of the "Thomasviixb Fmale College," ax aforesaid, by letter patent, signed by Hi Exctlk'iicy, the said Jonathan Worth, Governor of said State, and attested by 1 the Great Seal of the State, a copy, ol which has been duly recorded in the office of the Secretary of State : conditioned, that the said corporation shall exist ouly for the term of twenty five years from the date of said Utters patent, and that its-Capital stock shall not exceed the sum of For ty thousand dollars. i r Wil. II. BAGLET, . " 4 Private Sec'y. Ang.7,'66. ' 31 Collector'sOffice, TJ S. Internal Kerenne, eta DISTRICT, NORTH CAIMILINA. SalisbcsV, K. C, Ang. 13, '66. All persons aninHt waoia Asgeaamenta hT been made and wtfoaa Tixea remaia iuiid, will meet me prejHid to pay tbeir Tax at tlx places and on Uie da as follows: ' " , : .. tialiabury, Srd and 4th September, - Concord, 6tb and 6th September, --i-- Monroe, 7th and 8ta Seutembtr, , ... -fl- : ( bartotte. tUtb and Via Heptember, lPllas, 13th ana lh NeptemMT, 4'HtawV I4tn sni lata H..Tilln 17th ind IHIh Si LiJCidklnvitle. IMh and SXltb SepMinber, .) 1 . r I , 4 . n ............ , Statexvtiie. 2'U and SSftidSEpte fttber; j evtn, a Uh and S5tb eptember, Tiv:, -ville, SHth Keiiteatf. V 1 ' IWmoerat and SHataKrilla:..Ameririi, .taania ' 1 .B4end BiUt andcopy efMprr to Col- ti 500 Iter Year I wrwant agent ' everywhere V sell our improved 20 Sewing Meenines. - Three new kind's. Under snd.upper teed, bent on trial, war ranted five years. Above salary or urge oin mission a paid, i ne oay macnines soia in Uuited Sutes for less than 40, which are fully Ucenned by ore. Wheeler d Wilton tf rover ar Halter, ptnger r to., ana itacneiacr. AH other cheap machines are infringement and the fkror'tefrrore liable to mrreU fie and impriMminent. IlNiStrated circulars sen . . . ".a 1 ' a 1 free. Aduress, or eaji on enaw ct ttara at BiddefoH, Matn'eior Chicago, I1L anay 88-dJcw-6w - ' Carriage for ; Sale. 1-TINE CUT CARRIAGE BUILT OX j. the Pbeatoa style, r saltteheap, aj.ply at this office, or to M. A. BRLNGLt. Salisbary, N. Cm June 30, 18CG. w m i; i) Q , .IA m . 2 6 bsblshestcMb prloS paid for old SUvss and Gold Baton. '- ' L. M. DAviR m CO. - July 106t. - pcmtwaw-sai - miLLINERY 50" O Mrs. J. C. CARNCROSS. Has removed to Buls buildinir nearly oirpo te the Market, on Maiu Street, where she is uxtantly receiVinir from the Northern Cities, he newest and handsomest styles of fancy nods, for' Ladies and Lieiitleineu. Call aud xamttie her tine assortment. ' Salisbury, May 18, 'Oti. dtfno43 Iir tbe Midst of Idle we are in Death. THEREFORE 1MRE YOLR LIFE North Carolina Mutual . life INSURANCE C03IPAXY, WHI KB TtlB WETX KXOW5 CHARACTER of tbe Managen is a (aaraotaa aLtba character of tbe cmpsny., ... V. t -.-.V Inture at Utnc, Kep the money at home. - Tbhi Company Innnrof ti Uvea of all bealthr per- wim from 14 to ell vears oramaeearina tbe amount insured to the wife and children, against. the oliimaof all tsredium. J. K. VuKKrJ,' Jgent in isaliabar. Or, u As Accidents will happen in tJte best of famuies" ' ZTTSTJUXl' 131 BITS Southern Accident Inguraice COMPANY. ? ,The Pioneer Company of ' thcSouth. Authorized Capital, 1.000.000. InniirfM HL'aVist all accident to tire and limb. Giv- ng the liolil'iriui annual policy for the full moni(t nuredja iaftel ilatli and comnnnatinn at the rate l f5.IS) ir Pfk lorcich 1 OH ifdiiiabled. Not exceeding Tucntu-Six weeks. Short Time Policies (for Travellers,) may be had trom oue kluyJo one year and from $500 to 10.000. s ? . Call nt the Hook .Store before taking a trip and i cure ticket of ' J. k. BURKE, Agent Southern Accident Ins. Co. JnncC 1866. t2in' ' THOM ASVILLE Female College. THE Buildings and lands of "Glenn An Female Seminar." have been purchased, ai the school has been reorganised with a Board of Trustees aud a competent corps of Teach ers, under thejiame aud style of Tliomasville Female College. No. town in the State affords better advan- tuees in every paiticular for acolleireof high irrade. than Thortiasville, situated as it is, on b-Xirth Ca . i Bail Road, in a region of country tiii8uff!i.A I in nealth. ood. morals. and g'Md societ)-, it is iMplaeefor a eollega for Ceutral and Western Nth Carolina, and ft is onr set purpose to make it equal to the iMiialiUa.l'i liifif IwjruiiO ortUer "Bwies both aa to chartered prtvilrtreand bnfldiBgs. BOARDincludinjr all but lishts. tl5. ner month t - t- . JlTION-ta T reMiratorV Psnaninantr (12 5Q per session to f 17.00: t- Musie on Piano, or Guitar 22.50: Oil Painting (20 : Drawing $10; French, Latin and German (5 each. i'"' Incidental expenss (1. The First Session wil) open tha 7th Adj ust, 18tJ. and coutiuue 20 weeks. Payment to .be made in currency one half iu advance, and the balance at the close of the session. For further particulars addreos,' . . itfcV. IrK..IKU IXTX, PresidenU- or Rev. X. F. REI l D. D. Visitor. Thomasvillt, X. C,July 2i;ti(J. - tw3t. Dr. A. M. Nesbitt, Offers his professional serviees tojlte Cili- xen of a!ilHiry aud the surrounding Coau- try. lie eaa- W iound at bis KeaioVnee on Jackson Street, in rear of the Presbyterian sbytertan 9m.. Lnurcn. juiyar.-w. V,' GOLD & biLVXSIL in I.V ADDITION TO OUR LAKu. and carruil if tdcctal &'Uk k ( ,fsii-ifiit: g tiilHilL GOODS, -vb hayb 1V6Z ncmmxypt bCi; Ladies'iGenllemen'sWcar. Fanes' and Mourning Printi Dleachea mud Iiiyirn Mnalins, umghamt, ana Jaelonett, Silk Dasqnef Lace - . Mantlet, and Prints Sim- bcqvea, J,enoit . . . , JJlock Silks, , '. Mood Skirts; Boots. Shoes, Ae... J A LARfll! AND EXCELLENT ASaOBTlfEirT OF ' , i Kt adv-Wnde ' Clothlnff, . . ozLocuxLtBS, sit zzauswasd; t" Wm alao have on band many Goods that ws' w wish to sell off in order, to make room for our Pall Stock, and will do so at greatly reduced . prices. .. .;s June 9, 1SCC.. . T 60-dtf " y " -r Just At the Store of YARDS of beautiful new i a few beau- " w tif'd patterns of ratter us of ladies dress goods. t We hare r . most evef - i.. I,.. rir 1 a itKl indaome selectioa ladi; ' -ics? Goodsr , . f - Whff (1oods,tinens, Rib1ons, Laces, Hosi ery, Dress Trimmings, Hats, Bonnets, 6ce., dec. For Gentlemeus wear, we have a large aasoi -!meut of Cassimeres, Linen Goods and Heady Made Clothing. FjII aaaortmpntnfShoML.infaTArvdaseriDtloa. Hardware, Groceries and (Crockery. All o J which we offer at as .reasonable ad- ranees as any house eaa sell them.- - . A. J. Mock & CO. Salisbury, N. C, May 18, C0. , dtf nc43 j Patent medicines. t A BOON TO; THE , ?ICf UND L 3 Light of the World. Pi!!a: and Salvd. K, t:. e Llfe-irtrinir remedies at now, atrta ubllelv tot lie world. For over a quarter of a century of BT I vate practios tbe lugrediente la tbess , , "''" nrf nrVrar-yTi v mm . Hsvs been ned with tbe (rreatest saeocss. Tbsir miwionera not only io prevent diaeaaa, but to cure. 1'her search out tbe varioua maladies br wbicb the patient mi saflering, and rertgoratea tbe failing aystem. i'otbeagedsnd infirm a few doees ot tbess valoaMe pills wiU prove to tie Received 111. A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. - t For in every cane they add new life and vitality, and . restore,the warning energiee to tbeir priatliM atato. To tbe young and middle-aged, tbey wilt prove most in valuable, aa a ready, apecifte; and sterling medietas. . Hera ia a dream realized, that Pone-de-llon soagfc for tbrea hundred yearn ago, and. never found. Ha looked for a fountain that would restors the old to the rijr-f aid make youtb ever y p: AN ETERNAL SPRING I . It - m I 1 for tbis day and hear to feaJix the draarn ana lu,onf glorious ttvat, tos magletaat mads i air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES , and 1" hat uicht triumph over tbo " as bentata then bat acias ' latoaerv.Vy'bea taken as ag0 if. 1 tbaf. prescribes Kotbing ean 4 .. . odaetirs of ears thaa Pilla. Tbeir alwoat mairia ioflneaos is felt at ones, and ths usual eomcomitanta of this moat diatreaainf dieeaae are removed. Tbess remedies art mads from the parent .? Tbey will not harm tbe moat delicate fcmals.aad'eaa be riven with good effect ia described aosss to tba yon n cert babe. JVU VUTANKUUS DISORDERS and all oraptiona of tba skin, tba salra is soat tnval ablet It does 1 aot beat externally alone, bat pan tates with toe moat searching eDecta te us vary root f the evil! DR. IflACGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the follow ;. ing AViseases. Bowel ComplaiaU, fcoogfta Colds. y Chest Diseasaa," v itireneas, ' . ' Dyspepsia, T "r piarrbcBa, Droosy, 5 Debility. Fever and Ague, Female Complaints Headache, . " . ' J , I'' ... ,. Indigestion, ' I Influenza, Inflainatioa, ' ' Inwaid weakness. Liver Complaint, ; . Lowness of Spirits, . - J Ringworm, ,- Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds. Skin Diseases, Jta, - . tl NOTICE Soaa raaaiM -itkoat Ua earrs , , V4 trade-mark aroaa4aarhpotorboa.BXMd by Dr.4 - J . aU rat, Kaltoa street, Aaw 1 act, to osaaaa tarn V Wbicb la hteay. V Soii by alt reapectabV Dealers fa KedMaaa tbroacbaal tba I'aitod titatea and Oaialaa at IS eaa -. r boa as swS. Fnr aak at . II. Ea&iaa' Drag gtera, feFatamy, S- " t i 4 tr n1 , a t t ' . ... y 3 .