A'. HARES & IIAJIPTOIV, rub's, Vrp'n "The Old lYorflv State Forever." GasUm. Kindle Copies Five Cents .VOL. I SALISBURY, IS, C, SATURDAY EVENING. AUG. 18. 186G. NUMBER : 92 1 V-(N- ' THE OLD NORTH STATR fTltl-WKKKLY.J Xawla JXaass A John . Hampton. pCBLltMEBS A PnorftlETOKS, v UM XftWM, Itltot. BATES OP aUBSCRlPTIOJI. TBB3IS CASH IN ATANCB. Trl-Weekly. Om Year W OO 81 Month. ' . .00. . Una Month, 76 eta. Wn kly paper, One Year, iYmt, 81x months,! Tea copies Om ' Twenty copies. On Tear, A cross M oa the psper tad 1.00 1.60 99.00 40.00 q die tea the expiration of thm nhacriMHiB. The true oa which the H Old Noitb Stats," Is misled b eeiirely sew. No pains will be spared to make it a welcome visitor to every family, la order as do this we hare engaged the services of able aad accomplished literary contributors. ADVERTISING HATES. THAK8IIXT ' BATES For an periods lessthaa one month Oas Sueare,Kirst inasrtioB Each subsequent insertion Contract rates for periods of one to four t-OO 60 months. 1 MO. 2 M08. 3 MOB. 4 1IOS. 300 450 600 800 4 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 5 00 7 50 10 50 13 00 6 00 9 00 12 00 15 00 8 00 12 00 16 00 20 00. 10 00 15 00 -JO 00 25 00 15 00 22 50 28 00 35 00 1 Square, 2 Suu'rs. 3 " 4 " J Colm'n i 1 " Special Contracts will be made with those who desire to advertise for a longer term than four months. Court Notices aad Advertisements will be charged etthe asusl rates. . i Tan lions of solid minion type, or about one inea lengtawiae ol tne column, constitute a THE POSTAGE LAW, For th convenience of oar readers, manyoi woorn are uniaiormea as to ice prevent postal rates, we extract and prepare the following front the existing rrgnlatious as published in the Uni ted BUtee Aliult . .. .; ,:. aa-nrae iwtaib. BtraTMKKT. The law requires the Dostaire on ail letters te i i t t . t -. . ue prepaiu ujr stamp lor stampeu envelopes pay. invui iu money ueuig promuiieo. All drop leU ton must also be prepaid. The only letters on which payment Is jjot demanded, are those ad. omascd. to the President, or Yk-e-President or members of Congress, and letters on- official bud ness to the chieu of the Executive Departments of the Govemmens, the heads of , bureaus, and chief clerks, and others Invented with the frank ing privilege;. -a A TBS. The rates of latter DoaUse is three rente net half ounce, throughout the United States j and three cents for each additional half ounce or fran. tion thereof. The ten cent Pacilic rate is abol ished.. ' The rate of Dostem on droo letters is two rmtm per half ounce or traction thereof, at all offices where free delivery br carrier is MtjtMiuhjxl Where such free delivery is not established, the rate is one cent. KKW8PAPKB POSTAGE. i ne lollowing 1 tne Dostaire on nea-snarwrs. uu sum. iroui me omee oi publication, to regu lar subscribers : Postage on Daily papers, to subscribers wnen prepaid quarterly or yearly in advance, either at the mailing office or office f delivery, per quarter, ' (three month,) . .IKcta Six times per week, per quarter, 30 " For Tri-W eekly, 15" Foi Semi-Weeai, jq For Weekly, " j Weekly .Newspapers (one codf onlr ant br the publisher to actual subscriber within the county where printed and published, free. QCABTERLT PATMEKTS. they tail they will be charged with the full postage due, and In clear cases removed from office lor neg leel ' ' . 1 wurrixo on xiwspArns. To Inclose or eouceal a letter, or other thing (exoept bills and reeipUKreubacr(iiion) in, or to write or print anything, aiW Us puI.Utatiou anoq . any newspaner. namuhlet. rnnmurine, or outer printed matter, is ulegal and subjects such printed matter, and tin enure pacaage ot wmcn it is part, to letter poataae. f . Any word or oommunicatioo, whether by print lug, marks or signs, npon the oover or wrapper oi a newspaper, pamphleL magasine or other than the name and address of the persons to whom it is to be sen Land the date when salwcrintion expires. subject the package to letter postage. . Court AdTwrtlMmeBts. State) ef Worth Carolina, : WAT ALU A WUJilV, Court of rim$ and Quarter SruUmt, Term, 1000. r r u . j. W V . IMU,HHI agler, Osc d. XLailroBd AdTertisomenta. N. C. E. II CJompaiiy. ; , BNO. itipm, OFFICB, CoMrAXT Shops, June 7th, 18GC CHANGE OF TI3IE.. On and after June 10A, 18CC, Trains . will run at follows t aoxiaro wtjbt. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Ooldsboro'.. . . . . ........ .12 30 p. m " Raleigh, 345 " " Hillsboro',... I...... 528 " Greensboro', . .T. ; ... 7 40 " " Salisbury,. 1010 Arrive at Charlotte, 1235 a m FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Leave Goldsboro' ..12 00p. u. Raleieh,. " Hillsboro',.... " Greensboro',. " Salisbury,... Arrive at Charlotte,. .T." 4 50 a. .. 827 ' ... 100 p. ... 530 ... 900 ' o(LD. Hag! .,- . TB. . . The heirs at Law ef N L. D. Hsgler la this ease h appearlnf to court that Walter Hsgler, Job retitioa foe Meet ' Beat! the satkftvetios of the Jobs Ussier, Oreea Hasler. H'ery liaslsr, WUliam and Mary Tacker aad las enitirea oi a Oomrt AdTorUaomanta. State of Hortli Carolina, ' ltOWAS COCHTT. Conti of rlea and. -Quarter Sessions, ' " Man Term, A. D. 1866. Elisabeth brbigle Lawrence A. Bring- le, tlohn iJrlngle aua Lvinia Jirlngle, pKTmojr fob Dowbb. X. '", v It appearine to tLe attufitctiou " of the fi .r. T -:..- u! i .1.. j. Usluhia HowsnL am aoa-revidenu 1 , . 6 ' . , . . pf 4 Stale, B is tbsrefore ordered by the eeurt that "'naHnta in inn case, u non-reuuieut oi thu DUtte, it ia tiicrelore, orderea by the Court that publication be made for aix con aecutire weeks iu The Old North State, notifying said defendant of the filing of this petition and that unless she appears at the next term of this Court to be held for the County of Bow an at the Court House in Salisbury, an the 1st Monday ia August tiOVr sansl fnlaaadtl aniWAM At lutnn m 4-1i a hva. auu iivetucj lauDn vii vi vat.. auaa st same will Le heard ex parte and judgment rendered pro confesm as to her. Witness, Obadiau Woodson, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 1st Mon day in May, A. D. 1866, and in the 90th year of our Independence. OBADIAU WOODSON, Clerk. June 1666. prfee10 64 6w adva-Uwment be auds m "The Old North Mate," a Bewfoaner poblished la the tows orHalisbory, N. C for sh weeks te the end tost the said defendants sp- pear st the next term or this court oa the Sd nonoay after tie 4th Monday la rVptember next, aad show eause igalnst the prsyer of the petitioner or It will be tabes kro eonfcasa as to them. Witness Jos U. Todd Clerk of our said Coort at office ia Boone the Snd, Monday after itbs 4ta Monday la Jaae, A. U. IWO, aad ia the Hist year or our Independence. J. B. TODD, Cutsi . Aug. Va. prfcefio v4t tqnare. i Special Xotices, in leaded minion, will be con tracted for at the office, at not leas than double the rate of ordinary advertisements. Inserted as reading matter, with approval of the editors, filly cents per line. ; X&vatlmmnM h-m I iiimUi'l.nr at mine !. SEl nor eonL additional. The rate above printed are for standing adver- One or two squares, changeable at discretion, 10 nr cent additional. More than two squares, changeable at diacre- n. per square oi ten tines, ior every vuaugc, wftnty-five cents. live squares estimated as a quarter column, d ten squares as a half column. Bills for ad. ra-tisinir. whether by the day or rear, will be onsidered due and collectable on presentation. rA thM XX7omen at tha Bonth. The end we propose is the cause of. the South. It has neither party, nor section, nor division. The obligations of the sur- " vlvorf to" theHmeTnvrr--of th-rtyr--af tha war address the South as one family, wherein, though there Le degrees of afflic tion and bsreavement, one-r-without sorrow and enef. . It is ot, however, to hearts crushed by personal sorrows. so much as to the gratitude cherished for no ble deeds by noble men, we appeal With this the southern heart throbs with one impulse, and is. ready to testify its inex tinruishsble sympathy. ... jt shall be our endeavor to rescue from .. the oblivion to which they .are passing th rravea of the ereat host which perished in . the war and sleep undistinguished in our cemetery. " Their memory history will transmit from age to age, propounding "without number illustrious examples from which the noblest of every age may catch t new inspiration. We propose the humb ler tribute,' yet the more touching - to rela tives and frunds, and even to the general heart, that of identifying , with durable monument the ground where sleep the honored dead tempting thither by its be coming habitude the countless throng, who would do homage to such dead. Uur des- urn tion is "Hollywood Mcmotial AssocU tton of Bichmond" pledged to apply 1ha means which may be provided to the per manent protection ana '. adornment of the Saves of the Confederate dead interred in ollywood Cemetery. -Those jcontriBut ing to the Association will be enrolled as members f and contributions may be re mitted to the Treasurer, Mrs. Dr.. 13ARN- KinandletteW iddres "MndIem iniormauoa wui oe lurnutueu a , au tunes by Aft President and by ,'jtnj . imbr cf the Memorial Committee. . ' i MraJVYnu . McFABLAND, TreBtl Mrs. J AMKS K. CASKIK, Mrs. Dr. BARNEY, Mrs. C. MAOBUDEB, Mrs. JAMES LYONS. Mrs. BlDGOOD, Mrs. DABNEY, Mrs. BABKSDALE, Mrs. Dr. CULLEN, Mrs. COWARDIN, .- Mrs. DrT HAXALL. STOP THE THIEF. JOH.X HOPKINS hartag abseoaded Horn ay plaV tatteaki Dst Coaoty. with a large Jraa Grey Aona Jwulgiveaabaral nward for the tons aad saca taforaaatMa as will lead s the apprekenstoKef said Quarterly postaire cannot be naid for Inu than three monthx. If a subscrintion lxinna at mi other time than the oommencement of an official quarter, the postage received by Oje l"ost Master, must still be entered in his account for that quar ter. Subscribers hr short terms exceeding three uhiuiuk, say lour or nvo nxinuu ran imp nnir. terly postage for t m itt uul term of their subHcrip- uviur-uiM in, iw u iu uanor ana a turd, one quarter and two thirds The law only requires uuh w, mmuu, uue quarters posuge snail be pre- naid. atlil twit mnm than nn. .tau . . .. . j , vuv . i m jnnuQ, Ally term between one quarter and one year can there fore be prepaid at proportionate rates. Subscri bers can nay the iMMtHM for a hrmntUm r ... . . . " I - - " m um- ituisuviv miu m'uiK bh uuui me same time. MIVtLfeOCS TO PfPLIHUKBJt Publishers of Newspapers and Periodicals may send to eacbother from their respective offices ot publication, free of postage one copy of each pub lication, and may also send to each actual sub scriber, Inclosed In their publications, bills and receipts for the same, free of postage. They may also state on their respective publications,, the date when the subscription expires, to be writen or pnntea. r . SHALL PAPEBS. Religious; Educational and Agricultural News-. papers oi small size, issued -less frequently than once a weea, may oe sent in packages to one ad dress at tne rate of one cent for each package not exceeding four ounces in weight, and an addition al charge of one cent ia made fotach additional four ounces or fraction thereof, the postage to be jmM quarterly OTTeariyrhr advancer- ibers at the quarterly as publishers, and may iblishers at subscribers HEWS DEALERS. Sews dealers maytsend newspapers and peri oaicats to regular suDscnoers rates, in tne same manner also receive them from publi rates-. In birth cases the postage to be prepaid, eiiner at we mailing or aeuvery pmce. POST AO OV TaAHSIKlTT MATTES BOOKS AKD ci acta a as. Books, not over 4 ounces in weight, to one ad dress, 3 cents ; over 4 ounces, and not over H ounces, 8 cents; over 8 ounces, and not over 19 ounces, Vi cents; over 12 ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 16 cents. 1 ... Circulars, not exceeding three in number, to one address, 2 cents t over three, and not over six 4 cents; over six, and not over nine, 6 cents; over ana not exceeding twelve, o cents. . mscBUASBOtrs. On misceQaneousAmailable matter embracing au pampmeu, occasional puuiications, transien newspapers, hand-bills and posters, book nianu scripts and proof-sheets, whether corrected or not maps and prints, engravings, sheet music, blanks flexible patterns, samples and sample cards, pho tographic paper, letter envelopes, postal envelopes ..w wMniuH Mania n.a, n, nmimMtal photographio representations . it different types, seeds, cuttings, bolbs, root, and scions, the poet aire to be prepaid by stamps, is on one mMskaee to one adoresa not over ounces in weight, X oents ; over 4 ounces, and not over 8 ouneesr 4- cents, ov er 9 ounoes and not ever 13 ounces, 6 cents ; over H ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 8 cents. 1 - " ? HOW TO SB WBArPBD, :: - All mail matter not sent at letter rates of poet age, embracing books, book manuscripts, proof sheets, and other printed matter, and all other mail matter, exoept seeds, must be. so wrapped or enveloped with open sides or ends as to enable the postmaster to eiatrdne ttie ekg witheateder ttrsying tha wrapper otkarwiae .suuh paeksane mast Deraw W4WieiierpoMg . xo pom aisM,wba4hwTilingm with any seeds, roots, eutungs or actons, maps, ensravimrs or other matter not printed, exeent upon ueseparate matter, at the established rates. ITbere nackares of newsnariers or Derkxlical are rtwiived at any Bust office directed Wonc ad dress and the names of the club of subecriberi to which they belong, with the postage for a .quar ter in ad vanoe shall be haodd to- the poetnisvrjter, he shall deliver the same to their, respective own ers. But thu does not apply to weekly newspa pers, which circulate free in the county where printed and published.- ' - ' ' PRE-PA TMCVT OF TEAXSIETT MATTES. AH transient matter most be prepaid by stamps. Bat If it comes to the office of delirerv withoot pre-pajBtent, or short paid, the anpaid postage mast be collected on delivery at double 'the pre paid rate.- " jureat aealect exists m the stnct anarteny pre. -payment of postage oa printed matter sent to reg- tuar satMcnbera. Ao-such paper snouM De oe liTered nnloas it is either pre-paid at tha mailing office, or at lha delivery office, for at least a quar ter. If not so prepaid, postmasters must collect postagfoa each copy as oa transient matter, ff OOZXVO BAST. MAIL TRAIN. leave Uharlotte, II 15 p. m. " Salisbury, 1 26 A. u . Greensboro',... i .;-... 4 10 " ." Hillsboro', 6 31 " Raleigh 8 30 Arrive at Goldbboo,, 1 1 20 " NFUEIGHT AND ACCOM MOD ATI0X. Leave-CWIorte,. ....... ... ....4 30 A. M. " SaWsbnry, .fl.M, - " Greensboro', 1 10 p. m. Hillsboro',.... ,.5 84 :2 x5 a;", Mail Train connects at Raleigh with Raleigh & Gaston Trains for the North. At Golds boro', with Wilmington and Weldon, and At lantic Sc N. C. Trains. Accommodation Train runs daily, (Sundays excepted,) connecting with Wilmington & Weldon Trains. --. . . , There is no Sunday Train going North from1 Weldon to Portsmouth t passengers arriving at Weldon on that day can go immediately through via Petersburg and Richmond. JS. WILKES. : June, 9. CC-dtf Eng. d Spt. I. K. l'ERBYMAN, C. C. C NOTICE to the MERCHANTS NORTO AXDlOlTfl CAROLLW The Seaboard and Roanoke HATTiHOAD North Carolina,: Davidson County. Court of rlcas and Quarter Sessiuils, -" May Term, 1866, John W. Payne Adm'r., De bonnis non vs. Asa Jones, and wife Elizabeth, . and others. Petition to sell land to par debts. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that U. V. 1'avne. U. A. ravne. X r af Martha Pavne, Mary Payne, and Erasmus Payne, defendants in this case, reside be yond the limits of this State. "It is there fore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks iu the "Old North State," a newspaper published in Salis bury, N. C. notifying said absent defend ants to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davidson, at the Court House, in Lexington, on the second Monday in August next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to the petition, or the same will be taken pro-coufesso and beard ex parte, as to them. Witness I.'K. Ferryman, Clerk of said Court at office in Lexington, the second Atuuttav oi aaav, .. a. Mereaatila Advartiaamantav rtKWFiUM IN SALISBURY J. W. GRAY, & CO. TJATK Just received and opened at No, a. Ifur. phy'a tiraiute building, a new and Splendid 8tock of SUple and - - . f FANCY DRY GOODS, itch they will seU for oath or barter, only, lows, A large andbeaotiful assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of tha season. - . . A largo assortment of Gentlemen's, 'Yontha anil Tly.i. fi..J.. State of North Carolina, BOWANCOUNIT Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1866. Equity Sale of the richest GOLDMINE in Nobth Carolina. Siinuel Woodruff and Henry B. Beach to the use of Julius B. Brockelman, ; vs. ' The Gold Hill Mining Company. Bv virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity ot llowan uounty, maae in tne ibove named cause at this Term, I will Sell at the Court House door in Salisbury k SjdnfflayJLlStidav PtjAugnst next, it II o'clock, 'A; M., all we legal and eqiiw Mblo eBtate and interest of. the Gold Hill Mihihe Company, in all real and personal estate conveyed.to Isaac ll. Smith,- by M; L Holmes, and others, by Deed bearing date July 9th, 1855, and registered in Book JO, page 432 or the itegister s umce oi llowan County j and in mat conveyed to the President - and Directors of the Gold Hill Mining Company, by Edward B. Bice by Deed dated September 29th, ,1803, ana State of North Carolina, Davis Cotjnty. Court of rieas and Quarter Sessions. Thomas N. B. tllasbcock, Nathan 8. Chaffin and wife Llvira, Ransom P. Boos and wife Emeliue, Martha C'lutta, John Ulasscock and Jamea Ulan cock, rs. James White, B. U. and Finkney Cald well. Petition fob Pabtitioiv op Rial Estats. Nathaniels. Bhaffln, one of the petitioners in this esse, havinc come before me, and made affidavit that Pinkney Caldwell, one of the partiea made Defend ant, la a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, it ia therefore ordered in accordance with the provis ions of the Act of Assembly, that publication be made In the Weekly Old Nobth Htitb, for the term of six weeks, notifying the said Pinkney Caldwell of the oung or tins petition ana that, nnleas be appears st the next term of this Court, to be held at the court-bouse In the town of Mocksville, on the second Monday In September next, and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro ooafcassr aad -aiaad ex parte aa to him, Witness, Eph. Gaither, Clerk of said Court, at office TTulyflo-W Pn fee 110 a vn rnniii tiv tto ntycftinvarirtpn ircaristered in Book 40, Piie 88 of tne Beg the Raleigh anA Gotten Road, the Wetter lister's Office of llowan County, wherein XortA Coroisfl fiairwMf, and the Charlotte 'the same may be found particularly set Columbia Railroad, the v t ,j fortfl and aescribed. Also, any and all Cheapest, Quickest t tloat Blraet ,??1"1111"" 61 saiuyomtauy, oi ui .u "J Through Freight Line DIS Vvrtaa a. w- r j wfrt sonal estate situated at or near Gold Hill, Ponntv. Terms of sale. Cash, from all places in Xorth" Carolina- and Western ' d tbi tides . retained to await thef furth SouthUrohna to . , . S direction of the Court. PORTSMOUTH ' ' ' LUKE BLAUKMKK, U. M. . . ; . BALTIMORE, r PHILADELPHIA; HEW YORK, ' ' AND BOSTON. To take advantaee of this treat thronch line, be careful toctmsiirn your Freieht to care of Kail- road Agent, Portsmouth, and direct your corre. pendente in New Torkand Philadelphia to dp the same, and from Baltimore be careful to baveyour rreigbt sent Pf -ai'l l.ll ONLY STE1B1ERS - BY WnlCH Take notice, that bv this mnfirnnrean eonsfrn your Freight directly to ite destination, as tU charges and Government duties are paid by tfce Rail Eoad Agent at Portsmouth, and forwarded to be collected at the destination of the Freight. . O. OHIO, Aosirr. 'spr lT06-d3m J Portsmouth. Va. . waircaBia, w. c. a. ksbbsos, n. t Drs.. AiTiiteheafl dV ITcnderson, Java aaaaclatad thamselraa la tha and offer their profeeaioDal semeew f citiaens of Salisbory and vicinity. . Offiw Next door to Owen, Snfidd GttStm. April w,4wo. - jy June 14,'66. prfeeJ25 o64tw&wtds" ,JXa the SXidat ofJUfe wearfi Death. - THEREFORE LVSL'RE YOIR LIFE . vrf-: 5. 'in. the1; ITorth Carolina -llutu IISSURANCE COMPANY, ! WHERE THE ' WELL KNOWN CHARACTER of the Manager, Is a euaraatee of the character of the auay, Insure at Hmet A'-vp the monejf at home. thtf Pomflafl V'lnisnfi tHe Wrerof 'atHieatthy per- soDS frohT 14 to tt year, vTtgeeeturmf we amemn-r Insured to the wue ana cniiurea, agaium me rmuus ui au ereditors. - J. K. Bt KKK, . ,.. i-:-..;,,..; ... Agent ia iltobaryv-T State of North Carolina, Bow ax CorKir. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, A. D. 1866. The Atlantic Bank of New York vs. Si meon Frankford. ATTACHMENT. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Btineon Iran mora, isa State, it is, therefore, ordered and i cation be made br aix sncoessive North State," notifying him to be and appear before the Judge ofonr Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be beid for the County of Rowan, at the Coort House in Salisbury en the 13th Monday after the 4th Monday in August next, then and there to plead orre nlevv. and show cause. If any be has. why the plaintiff shonld not have jridgmetft asainst him, and the House and Lot levied upon be sold to sausiy the ssmer- -Witness, Obadiah Woodson, Deputy Clerk aad ex. officio, acting Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 13th Monday alter Uie last Monday in r eoruary, a. v. 1866. and in the 90th rear of our independence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Deputy and acting Clerk. June 18, '66. PrfoellO no6 6w. Ladies Summer "VFravplngs. .''i'i , Ladies' Ifisses, and Childreu's Trimmed Hats, now shapes, . Ladies, ifisses and Children, . Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, I ,. ' . and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons," ' Gloves, Hosiery, aVe are. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description. -Gents, Boys and Childrens Hats, of ' every variety for summer wear, . Crockery and Glassware, - , TTood and willow ware. Also, . , Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye StufTs, of all kinds. They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physl ciarfs, for Druai and Medicines, at the shortest notice. The Drag department will be under tha, charge of a regular Physician. ' X They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may ukV wise be obtained on the same terms. r The above stock of Goods, having been pur-' chased since the lata heavy decline of prices 1st the Northern Cities, will be sold as LOW as they, . rype Dougnt in uus market. ZSZA i vi 1,1 rO uml a Ctiu wauttnRurie i this market. " " J. TT. GHAT, f i "7 T ' L " -,P. R. MARTIN, '.; ;, J.McGTJIRB. iayryy. c April 'ea. , tf-noi. B. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., Commission Merchants, RALEIGH. N. C. OELL on Commission Cotton Tarns. 6heetinBsu npn.resimin.oi.oei OnKMn vlnnr Tjml ; rril SVnlt.' Whik LiUwf8!- ..Ti-nii Brandy, and all kinds of country produce. ,' XUUJ HN mppy .wninw.iiwj va uouu RV WBIfTj Flows, Hoes, Axes, Shovels,. Spades, Com Shel -lers, and all kinds of Agricultural Implements,' Hardware, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de They respectfully solicit consignments from' Farmers tnA .others, in tha western, part. tha State, and pledge themselves to give their best attention to au on Or, u As Accidents will happen in the best --Of-ttmHiesf;' XXaSUU Z27 tzzs ' - Southern Accident Insurance COMPANY - The Pioneer Company of the South. Authorised Capital, 1.000.000. ftaaares sraiiMt all areidenta to lite and liaib. Giv ing the bolder aa aaanal poliry lor the foil aaaoaal iamind ia ease of death, and eoawrnaatina at the rate fan. 00 per week mreach ll.one if disabled. . Aot exceeding X uenttf-bix weens, a mm Time Policies (for Travellers,) mag he had from one dag to one gear and from $500 to f 10.000. . . r Call at the Book Store before takluc a trip aad aa. rare tirkeU of t. K. BtRkE,. . v AceatRoathera AeCtdeat las. va. Juacn. 19 lw8ia - t .- .- " :: ' - l:l IVew Southern Music Book. nn rnunn TABOR ; " OR, TUB XlehmoaA f ollestioa of aered stasis t . By B. M. McIXTOSII, of Virginia. Essentially Southernin its . main features, Tabor nevertheless contains a choice selection of thcrbest Northern copy-right- Music . Its author, for , four years an officer of the Confed erate army, composed many stirring piece in moments snatched during its marchings and eountet-nmrchingi in Virginia. The dirge used at the funeral or tten. J..' J. Jackson, (Stonewall,) May 17, 1863, was from his pea is included in this collection. Mr. Mcintosh," says the Richmond Whig "is well known throughout the South as an author and teacher of finished excellence, with a musical reputation rarely attained by any man of his acre ia this country. Iu the South he stands at the very head of church music,' no one disputing tbpoeitkra with him." v The nook embraces everything of value of southern or south-western origin, much of which is now for the first time reduced to a written llinn. Its variety ia srreat embracinAT all metres in use, iu every key and every va riety of measure wHh a full elementary de j partmeiit auu fine collection of new anthems. ;KMI closely printed pages, penny suu tasiciut- ly gitU?!l BP .well nriutea uu wraun. Can be obuioed through all booksellers, or wilt ttemaHedhy tli-Wihea kiaay. partaf the Tnited Stntt-s, port free,' on reci-ift of re tail price ' . - Single copies ptr examination and mtnxlue tion, sent to any addn-e. l"tege paid, on re ceipt f one dollar. r -F. J. Ill XTIXr.TON k CO. rnWUhers and lt.kwllfrs. " jnly3ltf ' 4.10 llnnrtne X. V. DrTL M; Nesbilt, orders and consignmehts entrust- ed to them.- U' ; Ber to refer to VcCubbin Foster Co., Balls bury. Tod. K. Caldwell Pres't., N. C. R. B Mor ganton. J.'A. Rosebro; SUtesville. .....,...) apru i,m , noiti THE WEEKLY -V r "OLD I.0KTH BTATLV PTBLISHJD ZTXBT TKI0AT, AT MX- ' ISBTKT, V. C, IT HA RBI A - H A HFTtl r "' CONTAINS ' - ' All the latest News, 'V ' -i"v i - Xy.'-t.r'A-?-:-. BEYIBW OkT THB RTABBIaTTa, ; AND PBIIfTED Il THE BBST 8TTLK. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUNw annar iirt W w w- n n vwa vtownr f ixtl wiuu ez. &iri rvanvu ij ALL THE NEWS OF- TUB -DAY BY SUBSCRIBING TO THBt WEEKLY V OLD NORTH STATE. it. TER.TI9-CABIt Il ABf ARCK. SIX MONTHS, v:.l 50 I.RWIH RANIX, . . JOHN , HAMPTON;: SAVM HAKPTOaT. t4.. autrek 1 - OfTeta liia prnft onal i serrir,' t the x'tti- sens of rtaJUbary u4 the sumieiiMlinr Coon- try, lie eaa b fcmnd at bis itesidence tm Jaeksoa SUeet. in rear of tha Presbyterian Cbareh. July 27,6. 6m. Dissolvd.CopartnersHp ! THE Copartnership heretofore existing aa der the name of Owen, SofieU 6c Co-, if this day dissolved by mutual consent. . , (I. II. Pnydaui and Delavaa Bates will siya iu liiuidariuu. ' ' J.J.OWEX. . C. II. SOFIELD, ' D. BATES, G.IL 6UYDAJL - The undersigucd will conti a ne the busii at the old stand under the firm aaav 8uydam and liate. 14. II. 9vl UAjl, July I), BATES. lw. - J -.